The Wingham Advance, 1904-02-11, Page 3. - . •
'Patter eeveral dare' rain. We Ifad
another ohiortunlier for erlae. On
thee Measion brelhor Orville did
•a• -
TOO UTILE BLOOD ' gellitle, but hese a merged decor..
, alert, Dialect and a, peeilliar Ceder
iaeveer dome the regal:40,0e verb-
limb:etre iligitie to accutitont lion:twit is elle Catiee Or Mot 01 the tilleerY ItiTglitMige6tilliebylvolletetiele g'stwudIalo413'1ws The GOOd Eater Cent be Seat ,
The rule La as firmay setaleishedeive
- Mt)41:litgglue'iltsly:t'gil elluting;111:felcirgillitlieY1w11:11.3°4331 it'eft'll'e toi the. value 'of Dr, William& 01t4110'11 1)9P00 betsFeed. and 0, 370101i;
112009utucitnedtlitteklo• iltgelztalin.rigeemlfoitt'eatyt 1)100d and MOMS Will Not IbY 'the artist, full size, vu
weth black lines to 'iodinate the
coims, „„.,_ ,,7The Eiiiitcl Metter,
Feetneing on the aboYe fitibojeett 11.1e, the olertylnan'e betel; broadelot44
Ree'eeeele. w • ite neelerd. The we g
to the now method of operating the he Everyday Lifeeelepproye the , Interesting. 41lie rArteon .ie dritiv.n
legally entitled to de, ete-be It deal,
CANADIAN BUTTER. gray snit, has been ittiomese 'en get
thew admonition from the Weak "I
09,11not bear evil thee deasio,'"
the elleee bas to gaffes tinter
tbo lateral centre) abio. Exist. Pm.) a recent neeeticilt ou 43 44 of similar clothee * trameaeting
leads. Two largo ebeets of heave* fct 4t ddiee .
with i 1.,),,mon, r. . 4 . 4 4 liar buteneee by theee who Moen. are
eldieItey ale:nevoid he star 0 ou Anioleg the many thousande whet I ' . (ef the Dairy Division, Ottawa. ge,ve -
4 Pink Pills fee a bleod end nerve temio srli)=n gcfre(4 "er everY Ilne of it ritn.:•: g vietAstittt Yliket 1 tapx"12° 1.31rilfge‘it°'316ethoge"eanacerVa, Isaaywne=
) Ale 'trio enlitelnettlelli of five Years - leg of the forward Vertu°, up (le ellen ebe other, 'rine eaueeci ate etee
of careful stutem aSal eirdiortmee Ong demi. At that ties the lateral fkluie' 44144 tO• veer to the lett. Ite Wal.- ja %pm isfemy afieloop, Norptifirao,10, With a stylus, transferring tho pie. quality 4ef the butter eXperted from dreee iebie000pher, on a eorrect pro.
Wilbur' and Orville Wright. teed" lihriain and the eteering 10 1.114.14 ea a moment to 9e0 tabether it woeiti Ont., welo 11 1'.".L bave meel Dr, tare hi tblaek dna eveitte to the
littie eeetion enclosed in tee Proper queetIons for butter menu- i aye 'to eye in regard for eaeh °teem
oenietructed a inaelltne, which, en liar torsion or the main slur acee, rutin, areeee...
num- " fact:Imre to teak Would bet flow (eteeet awl fort he beeinesee ea Allege. As one
December elth lest, easily) elewanore equivideet to pregenting the wings 43 vire ",e'4,0'.;;;!`e,r4U;e7e,lev,7'0...v..e such iereat benefit rreen them that' Every
elstio.c....11,..41eas.u...itlexevacteiriy kit ne::,,eitdheeri Jtwiorirtyid1.111140.1101ewtaordt;11,ieroet Ilebtelsatil:rcusriciexelteilienniuluistobseuirtell(13,1,11.16100:mustm.:
and tIlleiger, lie resentelles ;that t ail •tbe
than three (melee in th.e face of a, ot one end to the wind at a greater ever,* tut, onuieuttimattreer iieutottelettleciete,lerlitfletihn3t,rtatie? who Pa an entbuedrist.' bealcies 41,
W.1.1141 Mewing twentyeona tulles I an ftnifyi than tjle °theta/. ' " roso mica 9.0t60 than betere, and 1
houreThe allele was direigeble at ell ',EOM as a Hite, led bile to think that [.os by be had ,Lifeleextfee3arn'lls auirs,feeareuti, friVautareeerailat ing no larger than tho thui01.1 nail. bow. 309Y theY be reinedied ? In it,1110. 1911196ed Ang1041$44.4911 entneos ta
times. ' : .• A - scarcely Ivielle about the house. Iliad Ono or tepee worklug (trawings Is wear to the Pest quo/Aeon I w0414 1011411441 ore the 1116t4et
....' ,•..:. •:"Iirltit these plans we:protieetied, in Woo, a hiletalce. the first auelleseral fieerae ' Am sermiera• ee eeseere to Katy gavot, "A momeirt Of.therteabt Wail raanired no Color In MY Mee, My /1Pet and handea to a second young woman, e'lty that our very Meet butter fee repeatedly' ehangleg eletliete.
inentiine *which has' ever been con- North Carolina, a little vettlentent 0•121404:0 blinself he lied made the gems were blooelese, i lost gil aiehl- 4411.0 Cuts it up en ite uumbered lets 11114•06 excellent eatisfaction, end it will ainslyze the matter In hie ewe,
obruetedt 'Cad' the eYes or tb°eue. looryted on the ate%) of laud that right motion and anotber te increeeie tion, mirrored fronoleaeo,ches anti (Dz. , with a pair or seissore with three is doubtfill If there le any bettor, rate eamejeleg leetene having net lentil
tire ' ekleteittlic I' World 'have PIO eeparateeeeiberMarle Sonnet from the the moteemelet. tilleanwhile lie bad ziraps, and fen toway in weight until bladee, ilea weer one fitting hate the butter en the maXitet. -To treenble draesed dor dineer earlier in tile
'termed elithe eXPerinteeting groululti ,etigietie ocean Owing to the he- eegleeted the front ender, etyl evideh I avelghed only nienty-foue poneds, groove made by tile other twee is that tho quality le irreguearelaekee craning. but Put aside hieebiltek tom.
at moiy:. Tiawk,' 14. v. .eartookated ,10. - poseibility, of obtaining imitable ma- tile tore. and af•t balance was main- I doctored a grelle deal, butt it did elite away the, broad black line and uniformity, or tu other words It le foe a elande' maroon. tereoldng Jaekete
„endity: among tile saliCk dlinee of ene terial lor a two huedred 1t 1.11 feet tabled, free intiolene turned up' in not seem to elo ane any gotid I lima learee a space for the leade. T110 unreliable. A (baler may get 0130 let it 621•110 0410theesla vesrol d'tihremteulbet. art*
Atlantic comet . . ,. ,` F...„ ,, L, metalline, we were-cenmelled to Make front more dee mere till it asseinled a thee advised to: try Dr. Williams Pink eecond eleeet, with ite traced 40. In exeenent condition, and et -choice all thla has
, What tbeal have Mitiv: 115' Ow au it only one henared arid eixteefiee meet dangeinue attituele. We Who zone aria before e had taken there eign 18 net out, but le zastoi light- quality, but the next ogee he buys le etle, lEngland's.- terrible ilauga MOO,'
. . refidere feet, %bleb, eemOrd re to le le• ou the greeted. /noticed this in ten cl.ayp ' felt bettee and MY pee.. ler to the back or a large etheet 01 not up to hie exPectationeeee that lem. !It Imo not been haedled se, far
heereless to turn. a
airship supportee ley1 n, gas bag end
, driven byi a motor, but a ecientific' outliers tablee. Auld be faupeortel advenee pe ene aviator, who was plo could see a change la ale. X con- Plate •gliten which Manes on a glass whee be te. Offered Ica,00,dipl 'Atter '""lt AriMid PO
fresh plume of their troubles bolero
adaptaelon eel the PrheelPiee in at at at angle, of. three degrees Di a 1:119nOUgh11y1 alalOrbed .111' 1116 effOrts tinuee using the pies for some weeke eneel In a window. TIM light stream:1i agate he ie inelleed to give a
a distracted public. It be a clreame
-soaring eagle'e filght, ()nig that wbgt. ol about twenty -ono mllee Per te restore the lateral balance, but and am now 111 the very best health. through 'the glees, eheWing the linee prico equal only to the value or the
etance thet elrould give great aid
with a horizoatae re:SY/stance aud the chine wan 001111710tetip the wind blew . howling of the *Ind. It was only ad away and e have gained fourteen en beiraecki, 1 .1:1 eaninttr,acaerd_
two motor dreren. ecrew, lane. one boar, On the very dee,' that our uta- our ohoutte were drowne(1 br tlie Eyery depressing symptom has vase- on ttiremegaraseicte eivvilitichb. obtotorttrorlodoet. sInnIr rwereisetiwt1;, :Levied!
big which it deserves. Tbe butter !If,' "16
and tomforrtato tbe dry: gooae beet -
orator weal a perpendlealler veSist- tram twenty -live, to thirtY re:lesl, per when the nmelitee eagle te a retop pounds in weight. I think there le ter '1%14011 the Taper is eemoved. The mere clothes everybedy
up toore eartean etandard wlil be
that L9 of known quality and that "iieee Wad lirftlid, even the vera poor,
No need to put tariff barrier*
anee, make. the machineee flighit hour, and we took it out .for a erial and ablated backward tbat be realizz' no medicine eau equal Dr. William& lent pert ot. the purely mechanical
can al the greater will a nation become.
oncupthipig, ouipassieg that' of the man, kite. . ed hip true elteatene, nem' the beiglit pink .efits and I etrongly recommend work is attaching with wax the wp,as be, depended on to come
waving bird, for the macialle. can. "We retool that while it was Kele- of neerest ;flirty feet tile machine' them to all weak and ailing girls." cut aetd numbered 'sections of the de-
moro in demand than one which may -
against foreign imports lit tile In..
I: 'navigate the air in anyr demotion, ported with 0,. man on it in a Viiye sailed dlagoralabe baekward 7;111 it aose Jackson's experience should. Align to their corresponding pleees on
average he gond, bat wince le. tree telewt et fuller eneeeemout for the
wed the pearleg bird be ()entitled to mile wind the angle was nearer ...,0i atruek tlie peanut. Tbe unlecky aer- bring hope to an the wenk, ailing _tho glass. This is like puttIng to -
(meetly of Inferior gra,
_ de ii NvorkIngman Imre. Jest everybody, .
eurrefetisolf air Unit oppose hie winge degree$ 'Mall three, so. we turned 'Oncna had Una) 0111Y ler one hasty girle and Womea. What leeese pills gother te very ;large diseeeted utop .
aterung men of Dayton, Oleo, have or left least to be wit:allied by a peen- right leeelf but that, lt wilum Riau ana have derielee Or Yellowilell paper beneath, Canada, /said in Part: "Very fecalonal platforre. It bringe them
lur available rashion. our attention to measuring the glance, behind him and the next in- have done for ber they wilt do for of tlike world,
Qaftseelu)realideto qau4etetritPor' attirvearyilultitvutPeleritalY: and' get others often ; then vragee
boy late or Emits, diange titan] often
elaving knOwn of them and their lirt, and drift of the machine tueieleder stand loud denateelf the centre en a ()theist. Beery dose adds tone and allee Masa of etatich the wintloy2
*"." aft it Is landed on tt t id and emPlooment will boom and the
earlier work with the Intimater' or Various leads, The ,results op a d mom of metering wreckage, leow vigor to the blood and nerves, brings Are built, la made In a factory ot ter e e, em'plre is eaved.-Leolden Dor. N. Y.
school felloniship auel neighborla were most astonishing, It appear •lie eacaped eneery bY more than I a glow of health to sallow okeeka Long Island, arid comes to tive studio and that hang eie deal:ere are uot en-
friendelep, new haloes ealawee their that the total horizontal pult el lie know, but he was unable to:show' a a sparkle to tile eves ond rub Y red- In great emote, several times thick-
couragete to trade in It. I want to . ,
got or Old times, it ile more than, a ,o1 Dit pounds 'wen only 8.5 pounds, eine, bee done so meth •tci bring COM- variety or aurface and coloring. romgphia,sizlitir IreproLtaTfea:fglifirs
• A
ra C Pr Oruipe naulirberS. nage to paled 1 pg. No other medie er than window glue, and In every
pleasure tot tell, nom that tiny haVe• 'Which was at-Sre than had previously , anteing the Tail,
triumphed where . so ren.A.r.. inanY: been extinutted for the reeletanee was now thee we fixed on a, Ant and betath to 'weak girie D,nd Here is one sbeet in halr-a-dozen
ticular butter out of which be etude' p 1 en alwaes neee care,.
cle less t,lian . Canute s final ere. - Tualedemi:j(%)4n, Loapplie fnalazogiatweil wee be yours. eye not accept any pink glees, stirred swiftly, Speead and the beat ebnnee of mairiex 0, pro, ful attentiou--but they do not need
ttrboVolght4eronliXt=1 bes rigtg3; tae it
' 0 t1 ther • b (I It fi, eared relio9 ali hour Ohe day, we worked colored substitute; the genuine pills teetered. Another near at hand is rale
.. . a . fit strong drugs. When any allteent
comes they should not be druggeO
Interest nee inv.chme While etiatoitieg a weight t
later endeaveene wilth the
414 tho coneumer. The merchant la in- •
women.11 yen are Wan% glve the arale a oims Or tale richest
orthens have latati, of the PreratorY •el *the head frame:1g Alone, ri0 per single. movable filx square feet tea. purple. The col -
1.1 rt "al eb n fair trial and /nee heal hanaetrength oe lens been eoured into the melten ell (1 to handle and Push thot par,
Little 1 ildr
alwa) a lava a u , to e w a a . ,
Wright, of the ecemervative divesion deficient In II 'Ong poWeite This deli- in a tbirt eseveu n ilea an hour wind.
and money we suppoeed, might be elue We lia.d egeeluded Itime we needed at name' Pink illIS for Pale People" ery combination or eolor, every line ' CAUSE OP DBTERIODATION.-Now
,are nativete ore the cita of eheir pre- pante 1 on the wrapper around every and tone cossible to the painter, is let ea see if we can deiereaee the Into insen&eallity with the so-caited
of the United Brethren March,
to one or more of ' the following leaat an eighteen Mile an hour wind medicines, nor hibatild
-- crepe residence, Orville, tile apunger, eauwes: I. That the depth of. the eon gading. In thla wind we found orcaleted in the glass. Bath artist-ar- Muse or 'ace() defects wiech compel "6°611110g"
they ne given strong,nauseous, grip-
ii.1 ilearilel thirtY. and Wilbur si4ele'vr curvature of one eurfaces was in- the horse .power consumed to be one box. Seld by medicine dealers every-
where, or by mail at tO cents a box tisaii has a tablo heaped with broken uelto accept from one to two cents n,
pound leak. in price than some of 'bur ing leurgatieee, The very best med.
_ Pulficiene, being only one in .22, In- exiel a. halt, and, in the twenty-five or Mx bottles for ,e2.50 be writing glass and a few elmedo cutting tools.
• elaininge• wive gm under rProtess'es' stead of elle in 12e2. That the cloth mile wind t ea At lent en tl a
e The pr. gill am se Mealsene -Co p Block- Working with •the artist's eitrtoen' competaors receive. I bereve it can Mine en the world for such troubles
vane ceder. Their total iseientiric
an bour,-166. pounds was. sustained " ' - • ' ( a . on tto wail beside ilea she removes be sta;ted in a eery few worde. It is as colic, sour stomach. indigestion,
(William Wertluner, In the old Con- aped in our wings 1#8,0 net ' Stiffi- Ville at, 4 •
trai Mgt) atibecol, be Twatton,
°nutty atretight. 3. Met tbe Oaten- per bona/. power.' at a 'hi,gber ;speed .1-a• sectloe of tale gummed taper, and
enough at the creamer:ea is exposed sillePle fevers and teetaing troublete
cOnstiliation, eiarrlioa, worinseso:de,
e, because the butter Is not kept eold
STAINING 'GLASS reeking u.p a piece of glass ell'e pasees is B b ' 0 T bl ts If ur iit-
• It ware in aea6 that Professor 'that tables might. then/selves be in 1.25.per• horse power, and •we fote,nd ••
to Oen; in shipping to .
a y s wo a e • 3:0
• Lengleele attempte at. aerial navie error. We deekled to nartuage Our tiott at - betweeer eighteen and ' ' , . , ip quickly before tan clear glass, let-
ting tale light shine throng n roe. an s no a ways r zen
r 0 tieetones euffer from any of these
took up the mateer actevelee. Their faces could be varied at. will and its a, or below varied enarplee . to the Ole IP roceas. looking for, the color indicated In
h. Soon
age ohambere of the steeenere, the bloom of heelth. Give the little
ttelition a e e fo the neat ear so that e properly ween it areives there and troubles give them the Tablets and
ge141:001 attracted tlietr to., , . a Ian. r ,.. 3, . ,,,,,,,,s,,,
ty-five mileo the ratio of peed • _
-ee .- - • - The Modern Method Much Beverley ebe finds the exact color she is
to the eubjeet, aped in I.898 t110.Y1 the depth of' curvature of its sur- - and power was about equal, but . before beteg Planed in the cold etor- see how. quickly theY war briing back
. lbe cartoon, and the Mt of paper
Mr, de A lepowlton ' traveling in- ones an oceasionardose of the Tab-
apare tante for many months 'was .eaveriagn Air-Preerel ' ' "educte time was event in meaeur- Modern stained glass differs wide- is attneliod to the seat. The cut-
e:pent in the obteerva,tion of the _ eaortor. made Zumereno; tests lets and you Will keep them wee.
"We then turned out attention to lag tate whale eabowe ule alid the ly from the old glass, not in pre!-
, ting tool is al:Piled and Ur° eee- cluring '-chel"past seasen of the tem- Mrs. Rod Hanna, Elgin, Ont., has
ragbag of berelee, ketesaote., tend par- gliding from the top 'of Kill Dalai flighte Of oue neighbor bird4 liktbent. case of construction, although in
elision; tnia line cif Strudel was tbeir hill, a sand 7'dene about two hun- We heel Manly mots of moan birds figure piecee much larger • laeees of tion 09 11110:1 witle the glass instead peraeure of the creameries proved the tyuth, Qt. these state.
of the paper pattern. Section by sec. and as delivered to the refrigerator meats and says e "I find Babes Own
experimental eftlidal with laeoleue dred feet Mgt). Although landings
. Lathe vicinity, including bald eagles, glass are employed at preelent..or
, .... tient the raper hi built up in this care, reports that tlie lovvest tem- Tablets the best remedy for indi. r and electricity motors. were made While moving at sinew) hawks, buzzard and ostpreya Max- ma.terially, hi methods of painting manner, the tatleon copying ' in perature be -found WAS'83 degrees on gestima and teethengetresubrest." The
a att loot, whom eatisfied that (11051 of Mora than twenty miles per hour, imee enaoh•ine stupriorted to one horse ' and firing, but en the varletY' et clasp the prevail:1g made by the ae- ta,i, ea_
'Asians, one lot being from the Tablets costs twenty -flee cents 4
Raid Owner which, could, produce (18'neltboreenaohine nor operator suf- power twenty-eight patinae, -Lang- glass now, used. In old .wIndows the list
West atiefford creamery and the box, and May be 'had from erugglets
Ouch .power per pound 0! Weight • a.4dfered injury. The control or the Ma - lerei :' 4.806 machine thirtyame glase is of uniform: thickness, per- The work is .done under the sueer- attar from the Compttin Model Feral or rby mail from the Dr.' Williams'
- doot or palace as.coteid tae .patural ebine PrOaed °eon better than We pounde-ouee-carried 185 poliecla feetiy smooth, and 113110W] tee Him -
e The 11 gbest temperature Meelleine CoBrockvilleOnt
. art, - , , . , . .
mgamigatioy0 Df the airi •they1 *turned . had expected, reepOnding quickly to "Chanute'e best degree of 'gliding pleat or /tat totes of blue. reel?. one a• vision of a woman traleed in successful designer in geecreamery.
se. wp,14 64 degrees, mid the average of
'their attentien eto tIle eoctstruOticii :the slighteet motielle, Sefe, the. for- deecent• was 'Seven. and a, linif to auapia eta, a good deal o
f this
. Nearly al, the artlsens have/ received f Ityolotts 77 W7 nearly 49 degrees. Is
of a winged /noel -One which- ehoulde .ivard rudder'. With these glides our eleven degrees. We a,ttained live to lass Is still made especiO117 'If
afford enough restista,nce to the air
to support it own weight; aod that
Of one matt4 I • " •
If terville Weight led •hi the motor
construction. ;Wilbur Wright was
eorernost to the 'Neloeleing out of„the
. Soaring or gliding theory,. aiic14,sci
Ott ogrery of their 'progress! shall be
tor the Moat part told Intim Words
kelt the older brether : • ; •t
Dtilloultleil Overcome. ' •
experlin,ents ,1 or • the ;year 1900 seven degrees.. u it be dextral to flY - Engle/ed. In this country . new :eft
of picture -making in gins a osei, bye her from other dee
under her, and some of them were
art -
closed. horizontal!! througle the air by a has been ,.,
f tl edicatIon
it any wonder Oat our butler lacks T BE E I A .
uniformity? ur. M. B. Loegeway,
— 1
"When it come to building• our denco.wouice-be front five" to seven de- ' -
. . . Painting with thew/ands of „pieces sinternotnag. renegue;
fOil•eacrovitige Tasesellifiensidelled tents, as they were oseeed lu railway
a Montreal, examined ,100. care and con •
w. ea is reliegerator car inspeetor• at Nateires ' Way • oe Demaridin,• R lit
for Muscles. ,
• . evolved a process of building'
--miteinne for MI we decided to grees. . of molly -hued' oleos with all the • _ yezds. Ile reports the tenmerature of , Yawning is not at all times au in -
make it like the previoin. n14011106 "We Were noW , •approaelling the - - • - ' • . n Wow Is expected and criticized like
tones and. sh.adings of the palette
' in etheory, but orp increased the size . point .or inteauctioneof power into . a oainting, and little faulta are titer- butter as varying from 40 up to! Ea ,, dleation of,a feeling of laziness, says
a d brush It is nothing more than reelect. ComOrleted it: .goee to the and in a few castes As high' as. 130.0n the Chicago Chronicle. 'More fome1.65. square •Teat to. BOR-equare • •eur Menlene, end. In the earlitat per- ell- •
an application of . t 0
h, -' t net
' frequent -
feet. The cervature of the, surfaces • tion -of..1003 made Many Interesting glazing department where the leads the whele the refraerator cars pre-' ly 1.1 is an evidence that certain
maohlue Mree completed ' on, July 27 sten:30mi or a Motor w,hicit we placed... all wen
Lanip ehatles are built up in the to anY extent. In fact, in. testing reentre rest' aledteasi'mell 'star that
•-notialnOreasal to ceie• lie twelve, The experimenteeoulniinateng • In the eon- of mealle. -So varied ate sot _ a f are it in, Making .a solid stracture. vented: the temperature item • rieleg mindere hale bean oeerstrallied and
Ma are the results in the hands o i
•a'alie difficulties whical.vre., faced 'and tried in a wend .b °eying. tide.- ' ' iiiil a - e• .. I .' . . .gease. le now •utiliged 'not only . in I je,,, eon
eame way. 'Tbey appear first as flat sante boxe,e it w r . • , •
was ound that the but a yawn Is nature a demand for rest.
- • skilled . craftsmen that the mosaic
teen milee per neur.• An. attempt to tin rear to retain the centre of grav-, eed drawings, sometimes in ter woe colder tet the. outside thn.n Some .people 'think• them only yawn to be classeal, in • three. groups : Yin& s but for lam shades' elec. • ----
• 1. aalose Whin rkiat e te the conetrue. glide Was made, but the machine ity in Its proper positioa according to 1 1 _, ew .
d tl • tr) • " 4netes, i colors. • sometimes black and wldte. it leas at tile centre of the package,. becatne-they are sleepy. But 'this is.
• ...Pon of alie eustaining wings. 2: Those. went a. short distance and turned our- previous designs. 'A screw fa:n '•
orol,iers,• fil.n . . e nr6 . tam, ar
r'fineti al- i TM most exeert Colorists among the , sheering that tbe temperature was not 44. You Yawn because you are
• trelatIngeteethe-gefierzaaineandeappilo' latOi•••thae!:grollild•eoneithout. itelury: peopeller wafegeared' on a. line to the. otained g ass,. form rlyhcoe lid , artioanit are able to• cempose a col- ' even being low,ered: Tale refrigerator. 'tired.. You may be- eleepy " also, but
. cation of ;tee power required to drive The operator took a :position -fur- rear, atid a second one placed under- Moat altogether toe 0 11118 e8 ..'a _ I or eobeme from a simele evawing. A • ear lame(' is capable of being Ini- thee is not the real mond 'of your
the machine through the air and 3. tlier in the - recta to eat back the nentbatee motor toserve to lift the cathedrals, IS dnoT4(billacie t0lier)ttsTo. I great many of the most °gorgeously . proved, iint it Is better now, than yawning. Toe are sleepy because you
. • • allineeeevebieb teattie te theelikiancing•' centre Of- geleVity arid.etlie mablene maeline,oater the first - propeller was - ,ai
tify homes, an is ming ape t .. colored Wades are tbus comeosed,the i what the creameries pr•ovide for are tiredoand yo.0 yawn because you
and steering, of theornaanine after it ended 200 3,ards easily. • meant taa drive it... • .
The Machine of 1901. ahanioal Merely:1, the b'eet angle of inci-
most numberless purposee de
arteenns receiving onIV general in- themselves. TO prove that it is nos- are tired. (Whenever you feel like
, d .ted Ta ttlxra. etiiionoereteivtitale*Itdh: itovrorvivtihnigehdrarwed- ,, leolbwleerfoternic preearamteig:,sItroeedinoaninlytaqi.utotae sy tat pw,pnr el nu tg 3, itjusbtecayauween.y.oupon't try to
Is aotettely in alight.- "after a long series of success- flee metor was cUr OW11 gasolene . coratiVe art.
think it is .
. .i, eantjenitrago da.:1800 ,- ,:ctc.:‘., i'lleahlne .ftil egielee -and aoperenaata • we re_ tyoe, and an.ything new, that wart in- The, branch of art to wIlicie %O in
Taittie Hawk anatook tulleo furnished the motive keeps the record mn,de at the Sherbrooke impolite to yawn .• Put your hand
aregniag:8,0Ai•Ponatincleitieenititatiid• troclueed had already been suggested men seem especlaily a ale ., a?
Up „experiments 111 our labolettoro several busy at one evibione - New crea.mery lapin- July 20 to 2S, when over your mouth if you want to, but
aethermograph placed in the refriger- lot the ya,wo come. And if you are
its power to lift. itself from tile by our. previous. experiments: Laxly in •wateh fa are., employed en t le
ground and to.egaintede a• speed of to•aeeeetain the amount- of pressure In Dee...ember we began to look for- Tiffany studies, is athe designing York ,Eeening Post. ,
ator showed a temperature varying where ' you can stretch at the same
Iron' teirt,y to aortyleilefaper hour, oil curved Beeline% With a view to 4.77eard eoe the, day °atrial. Tao wea- and making . Of window% lamp
propitious, but on shades,. etc.,. ne Intricate. composi- Better than potato parings for from 82 to 36 degrees. time that you yawn just stretch and
' eaut game treagiael..le.....ain .accideettai.. approximating ...•the.... motor power `'s 'Ira& "t cleaning glass carafes ie a potato' cut Now I 'Mink I have said enough to yawa. Tbis la natures way of
fee° flon.t owing to the Inability of neceseary,• et was ealeulateceel,he3 'Dhursday the wind was .blowing tions 'of ilea and varicd coloring...
about twenty,one,,ni'les anhoitr, 'lie] 'They 'do not, on the •Other hence in small dice. Half fill the carafe, Peer elbow whir our butter is Irregular in stretching and relaxing tbe muscles.
leroperly. ; •• e , eo .; • ae"ealoatotal horizontal resistance of I took rey.placerin, the. raw -Leine for - acbleVe as good resnits .ate the men in• a, litile water, and elialte in a cir•• quality, and why sonic of it detera ' . . _ •
tee opera,tors to balance•anc steer', ea' aospeed of al, miles per, hour
a 1:rial.frennetherbig.hill. , . lir Making' the same stenclowe and miler motion very briskly. If the car- orates raeldly after reac.hing the Help the Overworked nlifeeatherto.-upt
-••••,. .. ,,'"
"Herr 'Otto Latenthal amnia to hay7e,- Our, machine, when bearing • ;the elettret, • the lilting Proneller was shadwine° the design, .1s fortnal,, are 10 stained With -something beside other: gide. After butter Is racked: le
'Pee 'limn tha-firsteman wee. really:toile-, oPertiter, amounted to., .10; penuche tho gr:at engine which
0 „
star, od, and, fealing the wind, -the or symmetrical, or where the mot- wa.ter, it may be neoes:sary (he use boxes, the lengtb of time it will.
, arebendecr, *halt balancing Ives thea which is equivaleot to two: an('your system hard presoed, overtaxed,groao,
TIT:leonine nese east y and gra,cefully to Ivo is a. repeated one In other an acid, but we never advise /Ise keep depends almost wholly on Ilia,
• ilrot instealt.or the laere ie import:thee' : onethird horse perwer. It mustonot ins under its load heeause disease has eloaved
he height of Omit 'sixty feet, and Amnia, the women lack mechanical of dangerous or agents. temterature at 'which it is beld. The -
, age of butter is not properly calee_ it? Dr. AgneW's Cure for the Heart to
eif the preblems. Be belle ,e, leale .ef , be thought`that we believed a•mat-
911Th , 117eiga,t and need griteity ae et -tit eineeitinee We knew, that on. of the firet flying. machine ;galled into - ' • toted according to tare temperate -re
at eval:Iticolidaittehonen whichbsittoIrved, mtabaen natures lubricator andeleaneer, and daily
fullest, surest and roost speedy remedy that
demanstrams to heathufferers that it is the
- wetly/ of eize gettable to sueteie his or of sun horse, pow•er would drive when the rear prep lier tegan to hum
and tee.lifting propeller to tame. down .
motor:ea, Very: . eileap expeamentel six horse powier,, weighing '4),,bout the wind and tra.versed easily a, (Ilse 'd medical science knows -07.
• "Herr leillenthaleveas followed by egnivede•Of tourers,: chic oeleee 1 tee t
Butter, vabiell would turn out well.,
mottle'. one hundredapona a would be,. re_ .tance of tepee m les down the dunes.
e TA a I, "Our experiments are not yet come , after eseve.rn,1 neentles' storage at 10 Merely Tentative
-err. Blotter a, young Euglise,„ engin- and the , same pow;er praotlea-
plated, but we feel cenfielent of dente • •
degrees or unaer; eight become quite
'ear, lead ba4Mr. Chanute. Preadent of -
tbe Sec ety of Western-leuginders A; •
er4ig to tl‘e 11 in no great stretch ,
. • Auguet of 1002 'we repaired e ti 1
o me a oomph. e Practical flying
-few Omelet lioVe limit Machinate, but again lee lattyealtiovic.„ There , were metabine for everyday. use "
Chicago Tribune.
Ante and rancid In a, few weeks., at. .
40 to 50. Butter mee be held at "Katie." said Archie, tato Yeti think
aturee for a, eeeok or so witheut r
ehowitig much deterioration, never- "I do not," she %promptly- an -
der the direction ore the three raen names of hills -Hill Devil, Woo and HIINDRED MILE TRAIN, tbeless, the fermentations which eroe swered.
'Mentioned. trot two gave their. Little Hill. Ottr 5.90t2 'pattern, Which
tho ereanisrV at thase teiriper. you love me wall encnigh• to 'Marra
nearly ail Abbe. ha of real :Value Is - three sand ' dee de on oer expert -
due to :tie experiments.etatinotetl un-' mental greet:n(1e ' %wittily of - the * .
1 ' • e , leas practically 'the .ciemlbation. of
duce bad .ratvore, ettnoldity. ete„ "In that ca,se,"; rejoined Archie,
Is in Si ht and- AVM Cut Thin on • have been doing their work and With. equal.promptness, "I shall not
ask you to No ;Young woman ought
"My oien antivte interest "ln • 0;ero- all our experiments, was theaSienie g , ,
elentaal, .probleina elates. backeto the double-decked-potter/1 IVA 'had eised, Long RIMS.
death of LI enthal, re 189e. The brief and itewas. used In our last sineass- Wer note With pleasure that our
notice+ of his detetir whoa). appeared ,rui !trial with a iniotor a few weeks spape-riecouriag . friends at Zonsen
In the telegraphic.' haws • a;t the- thaw ago... . ,. . . . ,
aroueed a Lasso% intereet which had !"There were 32 surfaces; 82' 'feet have not satiated their huger
()elated Beide eeildhoOde and Ind Me 'from tip to tip, made ot straight for pace, and touceett the record the.
to take doWn from tile shelyes et ;eV greinect eprue for Traine, and cloth, other any for AO lesS than 14.0 miles
fOliDes 1 Drery it' book an ',Animal airproofed, for .,eovering, with. a per lama says: the Street ItailwaY
;Maple:011"m; by, .lerofessor . Marey, spread of 205 'Enter° feet, n. front journal. 'Obey seem to be oVercoming
leh 1 had already -read aoreral rudder With. a spread Of 15 square air pressure,ratiler colmortabey up to
Amain W, y .thoplablein had retteina feet _ tee 'present, and we linae heard Path -
tunas. Tt :Seemed to us tha,t the main feet, and A vertical tail 12
ad no lung unselved"evas that no one kletare, at, that tittle" faxed, but since Ing about the motors failing or the
had been able te Maintiair'any ode- rale -tied be size and made mobile. preSSUre -ailing in the front end of
• qtia,te•prootieti. ' "- e , ' - ' The total Weiglet, to which. the mot- the one, Perh,aps the gentle- •
* '""' or and gear enuet n0191 be added men WOO liguied Oe tile neetOre butt-
. .Letoone lei on Lilienthal. eyes then •I16% pounds, ter Ing but tient caelloe4 8..) ni.les per .
Dee. 31, 1902 -To Net.
North American Life
112 -118 King Street West, Toronto,
For the Year Ended 3Is1 December, 1903
$1,773,785 33'
alortoning the life of the butter. y •
neon fermentations may be checked to marry a man. unless Abe is sure
when the butter be placed in cold elle hives Male" . •
,storagu at Montreal or on the , ' ' - -
Steamer, onfy to start up again witbi• . THREE SEPARATE ACHES. -Backache Tteari-
renewed vigor when the butter is ache, Sidenehe Veld rapidly to the potent
°nosed in high temperatures on influence of "The D & L" Menthol Platers.
An tiervoul ache or pain will disappear
the other eide7 under this powerlul antirbentnatie plater.
- Let evevy &ciente' y owner gi,e this •
mattee dee earnest attention during
the coming season. If he finis that
wale proper nuenagement the tem-
perature 'of his refrigerator cannot
- be kept down to 86, 38 degrees, or
icAver. the insulation should be int -
Ledger Assets eerovel until it Mtn be." .,
O "We Vguredothet Lilienthal...bad an( ‘elliet ate°. (bee leaded the nelgat of hour 'tee leal miles per hour will noW — - RECEIPTS.
yearaidnie Silent anly-flagatmea. 'theQ -operatttir; from 150 toe 160 be ceinvieeed that higher speeds are Deo, 8e, 1.003e -To Cash for Premiums.
flvo In thel'air. ,xet 'Lilienthal, with tbis 'Pounds. . botn possible and riraceleable. One . -To Cash on Investments
brar eaot ce wee remarkahlY tole- P.011 the second day the nutch:ne hundred and tarty mans per hour is a
itteesful 'ID meeting the ilhetwatiens was teiken tathe big 11111 arid regular decidedly het pace but it W 1 more
, P • •
. and ecid:oe of Wind gusts. It seemed gltqing ivea eceunitnced. ale/ wind was 'than llitely'be hen'ten before we go 01
feageble to. practise by the hour in- ' roreiewl, at brisk. In ono flight the to prees. lt MB takee n, goqd many Dee 81 19113--Ily payment for Dee
stead ofaileisecond tar building a itMe 4'941141 atellek the machine ream 'the Vara to evolve the tivoaninute trot- -- • ' any all other paymon
enine wh c 1 ivou su
04 a eed of tegliteen miles an hour and ill a decidedly a'arneng rear on. OW:, in" trip tecete, and alai so it heel been
1 11
1 1 lel be stained tt,t .left and began liftina the' left wing ting, 110314.3,but.tinf year we have him
" id t ti t I tile wit heleetrle rat roat ng,
thee finding a Leather. where winds,,Ing p tee el, u e new nine
thisveleetty Were trinimon. ohangee fiad been 'Made In Once rhea recoreire began to bre&k
these •conditions IlOpe attached inechanisma. ororothig tile red- thee rattle' blew, up, and left only
the weithine to keep ft from floatieg I tiers, so that tbe Inorelitente Were small leagmente. One hundred and
• outdone by a cotisiderable Margin.
baek Wet hr Mr, wine, would. giVe us the, exactly reversed, it wan necessary to f'="131 miles per hour, eVen if net
Deo 31, 1003 -By Morteartea.ote
-ay Stocks. Bonds. and Debentures (market -mine 43,170,017.47)
-.13y Real Estate, intending company's building
-Ily Loans on (to.
-By Loans ou Stocks trieseig all on call) 4
$1,132,616 01
218,716 78
$6,155,149 04
th Claims, Profits, do
le003,80i 00
at48,345 83
371.396 $2
34069 63
413,310 31
12081 22
023,217 80
353,728 13
$ 778,038 20
T5,370,210 75
-By Cath irt Banke and on and
Memo restate if.ere bed eilachitte th ban. morneht liefore eat:needing to-
etal means that the huudred-milean-.
5,810,210 75
k tl • re er datstin t
d,riven forward by a motor in a Ca el. fee a, ee r., ip A t ee .
Initiated Lilienthal teblee or air pew- Ing higher one higher. I, therefore
"'We found, according to e the • no- 1. - 'Ild'Ear.-while- the lea witig was rte. 0 thaa It has ever beeil before. That
lbonr train Is mach nearer to reality _
Mire 1111 curved turfaces, that Ure., lecided to bring the maelflrie to tho - °Peed Is quite Terteible eabenevee it is
Would need a maebine spreaetlefratereleeground as au Id ee . lb' biit 1I elentaneeil, and it is, moreover. Oho
bitntired equate feet, tied thitt erhithel met teonfunitne !ergot'
toe change •that, : high enough to meet the requiremen to
'of the sort We Wialied Were eonnnon biterbeen niatio in the front rudder or letimanity forSeine little thee to
i - t Oar lan V,' 11 t le ta ti it reared up have often remarked, In its applien•-
. Doc, 31,
along tile Atlantic closet. 'When tile ; find instinctively inenee it the wrong • eomet Its real impoetance Ites, ail we
Winds were low Wt18 p
glide trom ,oan g. I 11 •
W1. A nos s v
"After moll otudy l'encluded' 'pollee the heavene. Pat after of them Would lie material. Cutting
that tang Of,eize vrere an impediment. mut it eetetied tO perceive 1 he fol. "down the running tine to Platbesh or
Ilaokonseek may Adel, the 'Tyr/lapilli%
• Mee It Seeinad reasehable that if ly Of encl.). an undertaking, anti tereta.
_ -11y Dreatituild outetanding, eta dose cost of collection; 208,037 11
" -14, Interest 014 Rents, dtto and accrued --..
40,652 89
. 0,623,800 78
1002 -To Guarentee Fund ... $ 60.000 00
.-Te AssuranCe anti Annuity ReserveFund 4,074,197 00
--To Death Lidasea Awaiting Proofs, Contingent Expenses,
ete. 41,387 02
thed 11114 ' ea thee b be I: en a Med attetupt tion to long Ines on Whieh the en.Ving -------$3,075,501 02
the body of the Operabereefeilie be Luelcro.iewed yip taT it.oAtioe to II, thsati . Of the cammuter for another gefteren
placal horlitorttally only ono le/nitre I eto '
'04 with the Trott' peintitig 0.0. • Oe tire. hut Li is not commerciallY 11i1'foot instead •or five would be etirpoe. aura 0' ' portant. It, Is e,utting tile time, on
ed lo the Wiled. Pilelier, Lillerialtel Making a landing,. ' long rune thee comets-re:hieing the
, time to Washington to less than
and Chaim:Jo 11,2(2 11'-4'I1 uptlieht. ' i aw-
'Zen, the method of cohere:4 t1112t1112- thee thwe i lied vecovered lity•. , three hones, eonverfleg the trip to
'.' byt. Lillenthei, waleh eletileted in It and reeereetl the t udder to its (macaw into a more night's run, it le
at the Emile time noli• announced that the expetlineete
' Whining the body, did not mem ntilck 11-111081 tqtoritP
or effeetive eneligh, 'BO after long
climbing ittArarti toward the front. , havo been corolueted largely with the
study eve 00111alved.a• sysfem eon. so tut tO7'bring my 'weight 1.0 hear idea of the early application of the
'Sifting of two large oarraoes on ,:tilikWan tO0 high. tin- system to the railroad connecting .
on the pert that
011antete dOuble-deeked Olen and a doe Ulla lierold treatment the Ina- Devlin *with IInenblug elistant by rail
.. enteller. istirfeese placed- directly in eldfie earned (lost mewed anti Own el.76 milt* rrom ('11(211 (1.111(1', find thee
Vent at rt stain dallatien In snob, a began to gothler headway again. 1.11 ,rtn early ceneerillott or' that Doe is
, positioO that the stettlen Of the wind tiro tile • the ground wee reaeliee it ,,by no meanie improbable. Moineliteet
et e it would oenitterbalsoos• he WAX unflbr Tull centre', but no 1,310 ?tile liandred-neirettio.lient la looki
eel: of the travelat the *entre wing touched first It, orrung -around onearee thaeolt did a few 2110111118ego,
le toteree on tite 1,13 neer . , •• In landing and einrae to rent With: the ...said our ispyglasit is still trttined in
Drivi a eirt . , et, 'en 4 iori leiel eater; blowing in friars tate 'rear. ' the dire -Aide or,Goinuttny.
veleettey tl seek lite 'More Ar4.ort 1•90 unlit ual ehoelt Miami.
tal Castle - and no damage at all remitted..Noll-Itou say it in a perfect dream
tor *OW ttrittl .N,6 of this we Error the 1 cit a bat? lielle-Vee Jetta (16
to wingo� down Oirge Ilth &bent to try It on lame night 2"Woo
411(019 011:•tban the Cen't141 4.4 •
NET SURPLUS 560,230 76
audited and found eorreet-t41/1: letilierjggiating Actitary.
Ins*Naitionthir or Provident policies' were lattedathis bretteit laving been diseciritie8e84:54.2:8090
Being the beet yen, n General Drench in the hatore of the Company.
*Ihanrance In ?Owe at end o11903 Met/ ;
301114 b. Dialing.
nog. SIR W. R. le.C..
JAMAS TH01111t1IN,
eledIcal Dleecter.
HON, eneeleet011. GOWAN. ee
K, G,M.G.. tltlertY
J. K. 08)301tellt, Lea ,
L. V. SMITH Nee e D
D. Mcongg.
MAMACINO DingeTtitt,
VA) toot coutatnieg the, proetedinge of die ,Alineat %toeing. hied on JAM 2411
sbowing marked proofs or the motioned progress (old onlid agelthin Of the Comeana *will be
slim to pelloy.beklarl . trantallets exteemoorir of the ettrieilve inVeAnlent WADS et the
ann01,117 end eopy ot A abate Devoe-, shoeing int mutssenei fitiancielpositlen, be
tarnithid eopleettion to the DOme or any et Van( enormity's agencies.
Dressing for Pinner and NatiOnp,1
The contention at elm- man Who
makes the frequent °imaging of
moues a, religionesia obsertea mood
Is oomethinglike this: Neither fash-
ion, in the aceepted Oense of the
Weed, nor perteonal teenita has Ono.
thing ito, do with It. The great mas-
ter of Trinity Codlege, Cambridge,
Die Thoingeen,tivris blamed by an en.
vices one, for "devoting wluet time
lie could spare from the neglect of
his duties to the adornment of las
penlon." !MS WaS putting the case
*against cloturing the merest: terme.
The !master of Trinityl was probably
tt Saner mall than hie 'crabbed critic,
The Justification or his proceedings
tay itt, their wholeaome effect on his
physical aml nervous system. Like
the geeerality 1;1 Ilia kind, he bad
to 'keep that taestem 111 hand. The
Mere breake In les day! ceoupted fn
the proceres of ellanging--the half
hoer or leas token to dress for, aeries of eonjugal infidelity) into
dinner -the extpotnent or the eye- trecte for tile th1111.9. The •;prettst
tem declare.; are all to ills good. Ile, eoldier" is irremislible, a.ppareetly,
pats ony. of les dues business con- 'when he 10 just ornamental, lint
cents aside 1tjt hie day's husintse tot ;when he Preriettesto fighte for his
clothes. In fresh attire he 'has 0 routrer and let in -danger or Com-
- fresh -Outlook. ba a torile 10 Ine skin lug 110frie with a itg or alt arm nhort,
he Timis nothing better than to get or of not cerning home Itt all, then,
out or one, fiat of underwear Into seeiningly, Aladame bodier finds the -
another. It points to phemeinemell elvilien toyer In the hand at home
that 'sometimes entelee the onlook- Worth el the warted husband en
the Veldt, That, at lenat, le liareet
er juatifeing aystem.
There lle4 the rtile that every beak- one reeds between the Bet of rig-
er tbe .lionden mteek eltChang'd 11e0.9 that canine/Ate the &vette ate.
inured; Wear a ailk hat, Itud that tv- .eeediltees In wiileh tlurefecent Wier,
ere: leirrletee ptact[0In Ilt the hare bee* prominentioi mentioned.
neeirbe mast appear in black ooat There ief keit abother little point
and twitiortooat. The litre broker *he' about these statistics, *Inch
betel* ,the exchange in Other head- pelle artatrtkm. It is one •w• -WV
tor *111 rind lt a wreek in a very' 1 need!" not be enlarged upon, fee It le
row eteeonde, and tbe Tioiere at 11121 tt134, that lie 911 11140199 welch attres
1301: gettn no to •addrsisn the tint% 'the hueberide were the peal
-11101,0 /r1 a white Walteleoat Or a fteir
When. it Hurt. •
Toronto Globe.
Doubtless the greatest punishment
that has been meted out to Prince
AtIneorbald Stuart de Modena lathe
atiareiroua he:tempt of the authorities
. to lbsintiate that las real naine loan
• ..
The Best 5 Cent MagaZine on the
tomir-Track News for Peoritary, Od
sale at all 118 ,231 stands.
lteturned South Art lean Warriors, in
Divorce Court.
Divorre etatistica ore net tile
moat raintesIng or Agreeable study in
which one cen indulge, bete flke
most etatistles, there is generally,
move in them than meetre the eye.
!Ant i9 there trerthilig tbend plain
cober figures to be read in, 1110 ninn.
ber or divorcee hove artieu
nom the recent war In ,!!)olittli Arriett?
f$arelyi there are %Quite itpon *vol.
umee upon volumes of stories here.
. 113 contained iota Morale enough to
make the moet lurid' of these Ids-
" •
--I4444._. -..aL tier