The Wingham Advance, 1904-02-04, Page 7. g , cOuntry below your met PrIee? • you anefactnbi re lported late satir S _ ,. , Aro tniell artIoles placed 911 the Britiall Market beloW tile nOm fl ra I N tn 'AR orrcE•zottwotto:11:ee:01 Hi;tu:e:0ng07t10 l trent owing to 4 difference in wage% Ileum eta?' -, Ilas yoUr Mort trade eufteree in To Abolish Office of Com.'rocont Yeahat re owing to the tariff eit ' !WreduetIon in the tariff of any , foreign Wintry Woulti enable you to Compote . succeesfully within that mantler-in;Chief, ant' foreign re/entry? country with cenimodities made therein similar you malt - And an Inspector General to faatare? to those spect to nieferolgri conmetitlen in Ule colos? In yenr trade do you suffer frein the operation oit patent laete Or eagle- otretioe 1We of other Wearies? . ,What le your eXperienee In re - be ,Appoint3d, Offices for Sir Geo. Clarke - E and Lord Roberts. NWS FROM ABROAD. •.• •-•••••-•f...4 Lerelon, Feb. 2...-Sweep1ng Quango) Of Hard Times In the Flret City i '. n the British War 011 are an- of Ontario nouneed offieltilLe toteleht• The V The London Dane Mail of Dee. ett last eoverximent • hee issued a blue -book route...ins, an account of the Toronto coataining the report of the War Office ateconstItating Committee, reltiong to protest Against immigration t Amen, It says in part: with an accompanying declaration Several Englishmen told, tales of des. that the Ktag has approved the re- elution. Jelin Ford, ef Birmingham, a Peet, and that le ftegoreence with ite. mechanic,. said that he bad, left a berth le England, which inougla hire £2 10s, recommendations the Government hae decided to appoint an 'Army Coen- oitatveelelakkitiyutsliVe tuttropilvrento Juabalet oil on the lines of the present ;Beard Many nights lie bad slept out, a a. The meeting was held under the aus- pices of the labor unions. President Simpson, of the Trades Congress,* told our correspandeet tbat the unemployed in Toronta numbered about two thou - aid. Mr. Merrich, secretary .of the Employ- ee' Association, said, that there was no demand for unskilled labor owing to rem hands eroivding, into. the eities, Ile had vacancies for certain .elasses of me- chanics. The mintier of emigrants returning to Europe from tbe Meted States has of late assumed considerable proportions, Writes our Hamburg correspondent, The returning emigrents all complain of the great dilliculta of obtaining work in the United States. . • of Admirelty.. The Council will be created by rove patent, and under it the office or Commander 'In Chief will cease to exist. In place of this officer tie inspector general of the army win be appointed, whose chief duitY wjl be to report upon the, efficieney of the forces for home de- fence. Tao report covers all depart- ments of the 'War Office organization. It is the result of three mouths' de- liberations by three members, Vis- count BsIter, represeuting the civil adminietra.tion Col. Sir George Clarke, representing the army. and Admiral Sir Seim leiehei, represent - ling the navy. With regard to the War Office the Commission suggests that the Secretary of State for War -be placed In the sante position es the rivet Lord of the Admiralty, directly re- spectable to the Crown earl to the Parliament. The constitutioe of the FIGHT WITH A' LION.' Terrible Experience Or- it. St. Lintel Army Council aims at decentralise - U013,, the Individual members of • Man. , . the Cou.noll being entrusted with ett. Louis, Feb. 2. -Penned In a (efferent branches, such as arum_ stool cage, leafttleng for hip life 'with ment, eimply, finance, etc. 0 lion end armed only evith a trident; In this connection the report re- KeePee Steve Lawrence, of the Olive .marke significantly i ' "New measures Street Zoo was saved from death demand new men: we therefore at to -day by the killing of the beast tache special Importance to the ap- kY Patrolman Etling, who heard the pointuaent oe military members not eluelirlsoned mates cries. Cabear, the hitherto closely connected with pion, reached the zoo five weeks age existing methods, and .who therefore from Hamburg. He vrao a fine spooi,. are not likely to be embarrassed be men, standing about throdand a half the traditions of a, system which is -feet hige, with a monater head and to be radically changed. flee mane. His a -eight was about The commission considers the'600 pounds and his age estimated abolition of the poet of Commander- Oat 0 Yale* In -Chief to be imperative, end it urges, When awrence entered the cage ite animal the divorce of the administrative Sshowed fight, When peod- from the executive department. tled with the iron forkbo would strike The Inspector -General is to be apt et paid° and growl savagely.. Finally inted for five yearee He will -report !he sprang at the trainer, who drop- poped to the floor of the cage. Regain - upon actual fact; without express- ing bpinlons on policies. ling his feet, Lawrence backed into The report is most practical and a corner and endeavored to Oold businesslike. It says it Is "necessare Caesar at bay with his trident. .&t - to make a complets breach with the tenclants with red-hot, .iron bars sought to drive the Ilea Back, but Past and endeavor to re -constitute the War Mee with a single eye to to no purpose. The, lion struck with his forepaws arc the trainer, who de - the effective training and prepare- .himseas beat he could tvith tion of the military forces for wer," fereded lf his foxk. Patrolmen. Etling wee pase- and again it says "the object should inic the building and entered. Map- le/ to secure foe the British Enipire ager Haller told het that there was with the least possible derangement no hope of getting Lawrence from of the existing machinery the 16i the corner without killing the lion, manse advantages whith a general Etling fired one shot, whielf entered staff conferred upen Gernmey." Admiralty with the loeflielency ot $1,50e. • . ; . , Contrasting the efficiency of the the heart. The Ilan' wale valued. at the Wax °face, the report compeller; that the tatter "lia,si no thinking de- partment." SHAH'S MEDICINE. -All the morteng newspapers give The beasts soon appeared, and 4e, they new the woodman was travel - tag alone, tliey grow bolder awl dr- , C160 elOser, Andrews had only his axe to Protout lilMeelf, and his position grew mere perilous overy moment. Occasionally be would stop and throw a Meek at the wolves, but Me had not the °Mot of driving . them oft. Andrewit thouglit bis lease of Itfe was short, as the brutes - trotted along circling around bine and 1/repartee; to maim a. final dab for him at au opportune momentrie was just debating. whether it woeiti be wise or not to meke a standing fight ol it, when be heard the die - teat mune of sleigh bells, In a, few moments a teamster drove in off a Vide read and picked Andrews upend took him ito camp.. • SLEW COMRAD4 FOI GAIN. Boer Sentenced to Death lov intuitable Orline. Soliannesburg ,Feb. 2... -The trial Of Ithilippus Wertz, the Door charged With the. murder of another Doer named Steplia4us Van Nteldrit, in the Northern 'Prone/veal, veleta (marching for a, vest levasure of diareende and gold, alleged to have been buried dur- lug tile war, bas coded with eer- flint of guilty. prisoner was sen- tenced to'cleath. Smartt WAS alleged to have 'harbor, 'et) reeetitment against Van Niekirk, who married tho formers sweetheart while eivartz was a prisoner Of War in Ceylon, j .1. ' Ullie purled treasure Is etated to have been atscovered by Swartz, and a. man named Pretorlue lying bealde the remains of A man In the fever - stricken bushveld. During the fight- ing Preterites disappeared from his conunteneo, a,ue Swartz was captured tine gent to Oeylen, He displayed no outward resent- ment ou finding, alter les rehire to South Africa, that ble betrothed waa Airs. Vaal Niekirk, and in elay, 100e, the two men, accompanied by tbree cabers, went north to find the lios,rd ;of trea,sure. The party eamped on the 011fants River, a rev miles from the place where the gold and diamonds were said to Ite buried, and one day! ttwarts and Van Nielcirk, both, armed with guns, went Out to get wood. Half an hour later two shots•were heard. Fin - oily. Swartz returned alone, and said. be hart' fired two shots at a buck which he told Van Neikirk to foleew up.. Tee la.tter .wee never seen again 'alive, and shortly tifteitiva.rds Swar.s disa.ppeared, but rejoined the party .1.0 a few days -and said be had lost MIs way. The expedition returned to Leetedoeit without the treasure, thouge Swartz was unaceounta,bly well suppeed tvith money. Eventuany tee ixxle of Van Niekirk wets found wIth. two bullet wounds, Medical eeperts gave evidence that eine bad penetrated the base of the skull, blowing away the missing check bone, and tha.t the other bad pene- trated the ebeet. Grave suspicion fell on .the accused when a note tound pinned to a tree, and purporting to be from Van Nie - kirk, was assertea by the latter's widow to be In Swartz's;handwriting, aheeralintoravreriabgye.c4OtIn7isoif with letters written. to her by the letter before 11.0. tho utmoot prominence to the re; - Some ' or the ltisks of Being an pert ' and ite retommentiatione, 'the Oelentai littler, subject ousting the Busso-Japanese Vienna, Feb. 2. -An *incident which Air , disputefrom the leading place. quite recently; happened to theShah 7.7) . The "Times recommends the selec- of Pensia caused great consterna- tion • for the most importent ' post tion in the Imperial- Palace, and or permanent Secretary of Slr George /night Imre been attended with yore, ' Clarke, providing an adequate in- grave. rosette,: . . decemett be Offered him be abandon The lehah took name medlcIne pre - his present position as Governor of scribed len ble Fenian ;physician, and Victoria,. No one bee made a Wooer not by leeEuropean medical aeten- study' of the problem of Imperial de- dent, Sir Hugh Adcock. Immedlateld'i dence. He le an surtatority, on naval afeerwarde Wee int/J.)84) was seized and military etre:tea, and les re- with all 'the oympitomis or polsoning. Cent Australian experiences will Str liugh admmk wee eammoned help him to keep colonial , aspecte beadle, and called upon to teeth tbe closely before his eyes. , ntedicine, Which had similar effect "The Premier - having ne Moltkee eiett lam. says the Times, "we recommeind 'for The Pheeicien to the French Legit - the 'poet of first. nallitary member of tied wars now sent 'for, and be diag- the year Offiee, Lord Roberts, a. gen- notsed an over -strong dose of Lit- eral (If profound insight, who turne'sd elm., . , the tide of the Boer War, or the' _e' Duke ot Conneught, wile le undoubt. The mailing enquiry allowed that ethe prescription wee correct, so edly popular and succesSful." that either the French chemist meet • have made a mistake in preparing it, or aloe the medicine :wee changed SAVING WESTMINSTER ABBEY on the way to the palace. Prof. Church Checks Deeny in Stone- work of the Chapter House, CURE FOR TUBERCULOSIS. London Feb., '2. - The clooayed The Shah le out of all danger. sitonewor4k of the chapter litglau Of Serum lejeeted ler tbe First Time in Westminster A.bbey has been treat- Canada. ed with complete Success by Prof. Cherele The ehir teen th cen airy Work of the chapter house was nutinly executed in an inferior kind of sandstone, Which was rather porous and fragile. It was found' that the decay was duo to the fall. tire of partioles of stone to adhere, the mischief in many placee going to the depth of twee or mere inches. Tide altits dee to the effect of the salphurie e,cld in the 'London tit. inosphere. Prof. Church found that repeat- ed spraying with baryia witter re - Constituted the stone, end rericated sprayings and painting hardened it higlieet degree. It will be injected from the back and not merely iet Lite , for a, period of ton days. Then the surface. No appreein.ble consolidat- patients Will haven rest of ten days, Ing effect Ives produced ori the "rayed and then, if neceiseary, the treat- stir/ace until It had been ment will be continued for an addie at least four time% While the deep.' er parte were found to have been tienal ten already hardened. The stone 'thus ' recent:fleeted le little euticeptible to WOLVES AT LUMBER CAMP. the London atmospbere, Severe Weather Iles Made Them Mere Montreal, Peb. 2, -For the first tituo in Camera, and probably in Am- erica, 'serum has beeri 'injected into a. patient in a public hospital 40 a cure for tuberculosis. At eleVen oelock tilts mornino the, eetune the discovery of Dr. Marmorek, of Paris, WAS injected by Dr. L. Je Leinieux, of thie city, the patients being at the Notre Da,me Hospital, one af- flicted with tuberculoole of the lungs, and the; other with tubercel- eels of the knee. Tho administration of the serum this morning wae Successful irt the THE TRADE ENQUIRY.' •••,....••••••••• WOULD NOT TESTIFY. _ Murclertr Cashel Appears in Court and llieruses to Give Evidence. ly good as a ttold er. ord lei o en - Calgary, Feb. 1.- Ernest Cashel turned to his room an hour later en •tv Y was'brought out of the barracks this ha went to the portmanteau mild Many or the bodies found were with -,tel' was about his equal, but the mau on whom the Boers Atwell victie on life sentence. who hey° , usually granted to well behaved con. fere entirely from. the ordinary one afternoon, and was requested to give took out the wallet, which, to ids out clothing, and it la believed tha evidence in the case against Thomas amazement, fell open as he lifted the victim; had gone ineane from their confidence was Gen. Buller. thirst, and had wandered about n Of all the British Generals, he was served a certain number of years. Emery, who et Jaaving bis prelimin- it. the only one who treated the Boer The Daily lean this morning says p,ry trial on the charge or assisting The wallet had been cut op.en,ancl a nude condirtion in **arch. of water. . - women and prisoners with. any cen- that M. Maybrick Is hOW In piv.. Ernest ir tweet to elude the pollee. Mr. examination revealed the Tao t that Some ot the victims are supposed + e Sones, wee is eating for the defence, $12,000 of the *1,8,000 wax gene. hare drunk w.ater from "Dead Man'' sideration. I am glad that Colonel Patrick erra.piosoone. aaarnheattl:te will nfooltloawpipnegarcoono- dltione attach' to her release trout called Cashel. He explained that he The £6,000 in a separate eavelope well," which is located almost n the ., was Imprisoned for life for high the public seep) or write a book of PParently been centre of the desert. The water from tench, who assisted the Boers, and need net give evidence, but that two in the wallet had a men were being tried for assisting% overlooked. Experts. who have since this well, while temporarily allevi- treason, was pardoned. He was a her experiences, arid shalt In , mc. wee and If ho had any kindness err examined theowallet said that it teens thirst, te sure death to those 1 persoluil friend of mine and me • tenodleiae; endeavor attract public attention fairness he might make a statement. wieteent ettreelYlege etreeetltngtse altar who driink it. ( point, and said that no questions fur- ' it had done before. This time Sal- . a good officer." • 1 Washington, Jan. 8L-Itegarding Ile declined. Mr. Jones urged the . STORY OF A MODERN .30:NAH • the ease of Mrs. Maybrick, American; ,ther than this trensaction would be . i enter . the 110SpItal ati soda as the ' Tipitti [IF IIIRTY TRAMPS PERISH .. . , . , 1 ,. , , , , • droito:::ro finieeci In the mariner Doe* le Mere pealtive than that of Any . Verrilree te. Pe. Bill. the ilogro'a 4131 ' UR other Inman bell, Anttlheroorwttilleatatattat - cesery ear the ecientlfie evout, Ae. nliriP Iiiiinninif • .. umf CROSSINO THE . SERI prontzruitepotiodiotpoureetlainithaetrifit ia,..,004- , Fe ri IR nallitilitlinibA eerie the intone() beat of the tropicsa Makin; this neeessary. All of Them Died of Thirst, Some of Them Drank Water From the " Dead Man's Well." Duke of Newcastle's Solicitor Robbed of $60,000 in the Hotel Metropole, London. The United States Flag Insulted in a Heinous Mannei at Cienfuegos. St. Petersburg, Feb. LesVateue ru- knife and probably by a left-hendee Viceroy Aloxieff died, of poisen, The robbery is believedtee be of an move in circulation bore to -day. that • Person. expert and daring gang who nava brought Out a. Pend -eternal note as have been preparing their plant followo: Telegrapheo inquiry made ae for months?. Ur. lifarshall mispecti. he was shadowed to the hotel; 11 Port Arthur shows the reports cir- eulateel liere thee Admiral aleeieff has more than ope reason for bit euspleions. In the corridor of tie thee of the effects of 'mitten era un- hotel on the niglit of les 'arrive, true. Tee admiral has been unwell ; well dressed man brushed agents but he again held Ids °este:n:47i, re- lams BaYing "G°°(1 evening!" an Jo Jo Dead Coming out of his room he met Oa same roan on tee stairs, Bad the man gone strelght on 11 captions yesterday.," New leek. Feb. clespaech to Would have come to Mr. Marsbale the World from Vienna, says Jo Jo, room, but h.e turned seside and wen the deg -faced man, Is dead, from int() an empty recess.' There wa. pneumonia, at &Lioness, maeeeoera, another significant Incident, le - So Jo was bore In lenience and bad fore Mr. Marehall left his room ie beet' exhibited in ali ,perts of the the teeming the 'deer wa9 °Pone tvorld, t by some one and quickly taut again. A. Shertookeeletrees Problem, insult to 13. 4. Flag, the Herald front London says : Scot- the Sun, from elaaa,na, says: e New York, Feb, 1.-A despatch tc New York, Pb. 1.-A. deepatob to land Yard appears to have at last pravete report from Clenfuego states that the American flag a mane to the conclusion that in seek- the Consulate there bee been coy - mg an explenation of the mysterious ered with manure. The outrage i encl sensetional disappearance of gi2,000 ($00,000) In i30.4h of England supposed to have been due to an ad• verse report an the political eau; . notes froni the Hotel Metropole, the tutu there made by Minister Squire Londan detective bureau is confront- and based on information furnishet. ed by a problem worthy of the best by Coneul Baehr. efforts of anerlock Homes'. The, notes were missed on Friday morning last, Land of Zion. and for two whole days the idea. was Chicago, Feb. 1. -John Alexande encouraged that their owner, elle Dowle, Planned three aears ago Lk George Marshall, eolieltor for the have tbe land of Zion free from deb Duke or Neweastle, bad stored them to -day. Inetead It Is declared 030, away for safe keeping and, then for- 000 hi payments were not met. Mos got w;here lie had hidden them. The of the options due previously hay; lost money was to have been used been extended, . and the overseer'. In the purcease of property for the •lieuternante declare they will re• Duke. Mr. Marshall came. to London tate all the land beld in this way - with Mates to the value of £111.000 said to be one-tbird of tile total By freventIng pigmentation Pr,. sh TIM be levee the child or pegre pe.rs e Fro After Serving cants, which Is generally born turning dark under the sun's MY% Over Fourteen Years. will become even whiter than that of the,Caucasitin race. Ile is . ing (the Idea ot ,Feson, the Norwegian, wbo foundaby putttng a chanieleert under violet light rays, that the Woman Convicted of Poison- ntgluont or throwing oft of color Is the ordinary white rays. For this ing Her Husband. reason red light will be employed in not of sueh marked extent as under • makieg the °ever/went, beemisetheY pigmentation. • have eubduing effeet arid prevent"' Now Recuperating in Home Near London. VILJOEN IN BUFFALO. HO Tells Abotit the great Wa,r In the TrAnsvaal. Buffalo, 70. Ciea. PVI qT• elljoen, former leader of the Boer ;emelt in tile Transvaal Republla el.a.LiOnntallesiQgliitYt-itoeeniniglistr7p4.Y0'etcn,Nee'lwl. regartling leer releaese and her de. eerie, and later to litaslaugton, D. oen's mission to ties courary is in ram uro Iron} pies' on was carried out lie interest of the African Doer %.Viaa.ar tEihriebvirtaDetinacCateeoImt aistaintehelIeant: zsirtiveptreirrotk eloystleerciouma4ounatetr. .le scenes in the late English -Boer very early bear, and her convict gar. war, also to give illustrations of mutts exclatngeti for tees.) of ev. .110 Boer method of fighting and to erv-aay width had been illiterate the manner of living, tirought by bee mother, the To a reporter he said, "The eon- Barium/ 4e lloquee. who 'visited aeons in Boer land are in a de- ameba*. on. eaturday. After aerate() coneition new,. The nee- bteilkeest Mrs,. MaYbrick littee good - vest are not satisfied with tee Brit- bye to the Liovernor. thanking Ides sh rule. They are doing nothing for the loudness be had shown her, ileflefit the There, and air It pre- arid ale the clock 'was etriking the eille now, it is neither too bad to quarter to seven, aeeatapitaiea by London, Feb. Maybriek talti been released After aerving four- teen and a tat( year' lineelsonaiene Blie left the Aylesbury Female gee- vict Prison at saauarter to seven oaleck last Monda,y taorniti`g. and Piece thee has been reguperating a eelvete institution pear Lopeon. Teo atmeist seereey was observed lie. nor too god to live, so you an see what is given to the goer% Me last war was an unjust one. elle Deere ware badly treated by Axe British. In all there were ebout A life was in the concentration .,000 killed, Due the greatest 100.8 er, ,fra. Maybrask took the train to ',moon, where the two women Went :amp, where 22,0-00 women and to a private home, some little dis. . women sufferea all sorts of prIva- Waren fen beore the Britiali, t eller treatment was creel and tile arraogements had been made for Mos alaybrick'a reeeetioil• aece from the metropolis. where ice. The Boers were indignant over I At tem institatien 'the will remain he manner in which their 'families for a short eeriod for recuperation were treated, and they believed the , for a retort eeriod for recuperation British acted as they did to reach : (Lea patty for the completioo of eer- ie?, hearts of the mon fighting 1 tain formalities, which will glee her igainst them freeilonv of movement not usually at. eauth Africa. The °Suet now. Coedit:ions are bad in place 10 in a do- ' leMeftl-letacive..ersona °11 ordinary tick.. moralized shape, and the nativeoe During Per last few months at al) dissatisfied. There are still , Ayiesbuly Mrs. Maybrick bad been .bout 200 officers west are prison- engagel in a work she greatly ape ($00,000), in his wallet. He stayed at acreage of 6,500. Mortgages repre- ers in the hands ef the English. emulated. This was the com,posing tee Hotel Metropole, v4id left ids Beet one half of the peroba,se piece Some are in prisods, and others are an printing on a email hand press wallet With the hotel - cashier, re- ,Zilan City ts having no difficulay in _ 'ailed to other countriee. They are of °Melee earls and little circulars marking that it contained a. large ' meeting the interest payments or scattered all over the globe. Oom for use in the prison and relating sum or money. Next morning he re- arranging for delayiing pendently. Paul Kruger Is la southern France to prison discipline. Prior to ibis she ceived the millet from the cashier, Perished Prom Thirst. • ind the pity of the Boers is his be- was employed for many months fa and 'carried it to his room. He reneov- muse or his. old ago. The natives tbe mem' atom looldng after the food Pelt Lake, Feb.1.-The bodies of _ .? ed some papers from it, saw teat the - . _ .eit deeply the loss of his wife, wile, arraugements and cleaning the uten- between 20 end 30 men wno per. _ note& were all right, looked the veal- lied shortly after his exile. ells used at meals. This eost is a. Islied from Ulna, while ettemptin, _ let up and put it in les leartmanteau. "The wartare carried on by the particularly light and coveted one, to; cross the, desert, between le -acme Mr. Mantel! closed the portmanteau • English was not as brilliant as one and wee given as a reward for and Idoe Vegas, Nevada, have been without locking la and went down- would suppose from the reports gooe conduct. It wan a ;welcome found within a few week% accord - stairs. tbout the well -drilled forces of the change from the laundry work ?dr. Marshall on going out closed leg to advices received from , the lat- army. The Doers did good work, peon which he had been previously the door, which faste.ned itself with ter place. The men, it Is aellevede- and it was their love for the women eugaged. a spring lock. During his absence a were moister trampler, who attempt- and children timt made them tight Lloyd's Weekly sayer the license on chambermaid found the door to tlte ed to make the long journey on foot with more thah ordinary intensity alich 31ra. Maybrick was releasel mime ajar. Whim Mr. efarshall re- - without suffent supplies of foed • of- feeling. •Lord Roberts tva,s fair- . bee been especially granted and dif. - ono ot the prison matrons she en- tere1 a mosed carriage drawn •eis at the prison gate. Wee cerriage was driven to 141er/- bury Station, where, with her Moth - asked ben. Cashel tiould, not see the mon .had no oar to stay the mon- tnetantiv went down out of sieht maw --- a - - , Lord Goschen Arraigns Chamberlain's ent in the matter. Pie last Fiscal Poiicy. . Information the State 'Department saki : "I decline to say anything ing myself, and will saytnoth- . , Ilernestale, Pa., Feb. 1.-filhe death rad none or the crew over saw it or Mate Salmon again. Lae regarding the eaae, and this is croncern ing one:way or the other.' Emery et •kunen B. Salmon, aged tee, .for . wa,s committed fot,.trial. more than fifty years an engineer in James; B. Fannon returned to dressing an anti -protection meet- Mae/brick, eeobably woula be relemsed Landon, Feb. 1. -Lord Goelien, ad- rote SOMO IllOntlie age, was that Mrs. the employ of the Erie B,allroad. and Honesdale after the Arabellass cruise the Bret mews of that sea tragedy, wanted the next act in the protcc- . e the whaling crews that sixty years lese victim were perpetuated by the eter, where opponent could meet and uncertain cruises, recalls (Mame Feb. 2.-Iteperts front the State Department officials aay there ster's.jalvs, end they closed upon him A COBDEN' CLUB MANIFESTO. h'a,s been no recent communibation point, and wasof opinion that he had (lobbied by a Vi bale, Jumped Out., but like some mighty trap. The whale • between thenv an the EligliAt Soy- bean called to give the men away. Ile Was Eaten tip Again. HEAVY CHEESE 1101:DINGS. or was elided, a. year or so later, with lielleved to be the last suiviver vng at Halifax last night, said h.e Into In the coming summer. and it and the memory of its luck- tion drama perrornied at Westrain- ago put out from 'Sag Harbor on their Factory Olen Rave Quantity ot Labe 'nag LAMAS' ULTIMATUM. Season'e Make in Store. setting up of the inscribed grave- - the story of a.timeworn and weather- t• opponent, The Reurn tof Lords was prepared to do its duty if the mat- to Retire. British Expeditien to Thibet 'Warned Toronto, Feb. 2. -.-Dealers confess stained marble slab that stands at /stone at the tenantless' grave, James Slneer ouon quit the gee and becameln ter was not properly brought be- eng that the chais eese situation so far the head of 6. grave in Glen Da yberry ' e fore the Rouse of Commons. He was OhIndia, urabl, British Feb. L --. New It teepee:I to Onta,rio is isom.ewhat Cemetery, at this place, welt this in- , Railroad. At the dYork and Ei MIs ea t•iI lie was the amused by the ars the Tariff Cora- Co:. Younghusband, commanding the embatarssing. . A. . large export- scription upon it : " n oonvereetion with a reorter In Memory of oldest engineer in the world in eon- mission gave itselt. A Royal Cmethel Commis- Bexcla eeion to athibet, has re. ec ep. ; , Inst niget stated that there was JONATHAN H. SaleitfON, tinuous service on one railroad. sion was needed. He hoped England calved a reesonal visit from; the would never adept the valence of Deeon-Lame, one of the five great over 8800,000 worth! of cheese Stored Second Mate of the Ship Arabella, • • whet Was killed by a, whale in factories in the Oounty of Ox- . German fiscal legislation. Ma Lamas of Thlbet, who delivered an ford alone. Tels state of affairs Was off tile South,west Coaist of South Chamberlain's denial of Imperial in- ultimatum, warning Iran to return to s.tincts in hie opponents was an Onotong4 and r.romi.sing that there by no' 030002 confined to that' • America(' , 1 .- Deo. 8. 1817, • :Inuit from a man who had given ,. would ecrious trouble if Its did Oeuaty. •i Death Stopped Wedding in scant attention to our mighty In- i not do so. Teo gentlentan in question stated , Aged 210 years. , , A SAD END. that ettriv in the season the factory The gra.ve 'has no occupant, and Bellevue Hospital. din Empire. He bad to learn what New York, Feb. 1. -There would have been a deathbed marriage in Bellevue Hospital if the prospect- ive bridegroom had not ranted in the 'middle of the ceremony. Oxygen was administered in an effort to revive him but he eats so weak that it had no effect. Then the prospective bride's sister, who was Present, protested against the mar- riage ceremony being carried any further, and tier wishes were granted. d tits er never had one, That there was any men la •ueeu emind for their holdings, but ha.d occasion for a graVa or for a head - neglected to close. Now the best of- stone such as that which bears tide faring was 9 cents.; inscription was not known urall more Present conditions are largely dee than a year after the date cal the - to the splendid- pasturage of laet headstone. when James B. &Limon, a sumnier. Which greatly increased the brother of Jonathan Salmon, return - wake of cheese, coupled with heave ed to Tionesdele vvith the story -ea ethiements England from foreign his brother's fate. Mills story Is now countries. recalled by old residents Of Hoinesdu.le Chaisibeteattes Commission 'fishes lumber dames in the northern part Initial Stop. of Ontario and qttebee'ShOlt that the London, reb. 1.).--,,Iosepit Chamber- wolvos (tad other wild denizens of the lain's Tariff COMMISsien yesterday woods ars about in groat numbers :nailed to all manufteatuers appear- this wintor. The deep -snow and cold Ingle trade directories In the 'United weather lute° media the famished Kingdom an enquire form with re- beasts more daring Until usual, and, gard to the trade conditions dot tleprtved of their monies suaten- Rioted by foreigri tariffs. The replies ante, they have ventured into the are dIsIgned to form tho basis of vicinity of tile They have twee ferther ermidry, on which the com- gone Whitler and Moan attacked and Wester; intends( to forniulate a tar- threatened the levee of the ehoppers. iff bill Willett it will submit to tbe The Men lineally, am -Matter of pre - country. eautien nod for o.ornpaniolorhip, travel The form contains 11 questions. la small bands to and front their The questions follow- work. itVitat tluti pretiertion of your out- 'One evening recently, however, one put for the home markett et' the Dumber, Andrews, What Is the proportion of your out- working in the TKIppeWa liNtrIet,was pot for toreign inerkots? detelhed, tind had to travel !tient • Whet is the, proportion- of your out. from the seene of Ida work to the aer followee t MODUS VIVENDI WITH CANADA front Sag Harbor on Aug. 5, 1a47. The Whaling ship Arabella. sailed 011 0110 of lier (truism. eon:ether, Sal - Germany .Seggesved but. Lord Lans. mon, tele), with. his brotber a'amett, downe Dropped the Subject. had left Honesdale to become whet - ere mime years before, was hen SE cond Berlin, . Feb. 0. 'Correcting an 'mate. bus brother being• one or tbe English. report that Oermany int0 Maw. Teo A.rabelia. fell in with a. recently expressed a desire for a school of sperm wealos off the south - new -commercial treaty, the London west coast of South America, on Dee. correspondent. of the National ern. 5 following. The boats or tbo Arne tung• says that the suggestion came bells. .nad killed three out of tile from Great leritein. Germany direet- wheel, when, on Deo. 5, the Moat ed her attention to tariff agitation, eommanded by Second Mate Bannon the eorrespondent says, and subse. sterted in piirsult of a. fourth, ant:fitly Lord Lansdowne, the tint. The boat got close enough to the ish Foreign Seeretary, pointed out Whale for the harpooner to laurieli i n uccessfully at It bet that the agitation concerned the future, WhereupOn Germany deniand-dtefore the crew could pull stymy tie) . ,,. .. . wounded monster struck the boat tie - eifindsor, Ont., Feb. 1. - tesides Ihnitetion ot tilde fiscal independ- Conducting His Booth. and Upward blow with It e fluke. The having .a shortage of tole to con- etee. Canadians would expect 0 pre - Toronto, Ont., Feb. 1. -Sam Thomp. el that the matter begin with a amens vivendl vnitit Canada, 'boat woe lifted out of the water tend with, eitigens .of Windsor are ferenee not only for their food hn- Greet, Deltain thereupon apparent. eeveral feet. so high, in fact, tba.t facing a potato Saltine. There teves portetione, but from the inanUfac= son, the D. It. 0, who, with J. J. Dur. ly dropped the matter. It turned. completely over. in the ti, scarcity 'of potatoes last fall and tures imported to England, remit- mat, his poll tieric, charged with eon. Largo reinforcements of infantry was the wit te man's burden there, . and cavalry haVe already reached but to a eertagn extent they had the alabotan cheap, and more are still to learn that in the colonies. ! coming Sir Edward Grey, M. ite has aa ar- front Massa and Shigatse, the western cap4tal. It le expectel tielo in the Independent Review, in that an attack will be made on the which lie saye Chamberlaiu must British Camp at Tuna when the Tha either give am his Weal of free trade • means are sufficiently reinforced. within the Empire, or part com- i In the meantime the British are pany with his colonial supporters. pushing the work of road -making Chamberlain's clamp to hold together through a gorge north of Ling. the tottering edifice of the Empire ratabang, which is said to be more was teat England should tax her food for the benefit of the tolonlee, difficult to traverse and higher than tbo Khyber Pass. Tee inilitery tele - they . to remain free to impose pro - 'rho young man died not many tective duties 00 Driiish manufac- tures, ; graret is keeping pace with the roe:I-makers. All Otis work is being hours later. He eves 'Robert Cater, tatting done in the face of Arctic weather. of Charleston. S. C. The girl who Mr. Austen ICI ci, berlain, was willing to marrry him was las at Xing's.Nor onlimsald the chief rea- entries out- Ing a proper representative from the The British expelition is still wait. CmchaVestectsinisecilsts 5vAinlanaisCeattler.aorl otiouttippthant In I d ore rity for colOnitt unier coramand of Colonel 1 girtledgEtwasWthat foreign DalaisLama at Massa. A flying student here. bueiness me m some s u , _ . _ their capital. MoDoneiu, is ready to tenet torten -1'd . The Celtdein Club hail leaned a at ant' moment ehould neeeasit3r, • pamphlet of 100 pages in reply to . arise. COAL AND POTATOES. Mr. Chamberla303. It atteeks the whew) of colonial preferencee ot ground that there ie no offer POLL CLERK DURANCE Windsor-Peole in Need of Both ttrito%n •tho eolonfee, and no likelilloal of a rednetion of eolonial tariffs/. Comtnodities. The colonies could not ligreu to a. Fraudulently Charged With Mr. Tito Mee dropped ham it latO the dealers secured a supply' front Ing in the dumping of her bounty- spiraey in fraudulently conductingtheit 'Act appear in the pollee Court to -day, the Anemia whale, still retaining his run eltort and cannot fill orders. eeheme might be of advantage to . The Weather at present Is too eold New Zealaod, but 'very little to Captured by Patrol or Mounted Le. Oar in his hands. THIBETAN SPIES the water. Irate Salmon foil near eastern places, but now, they have fed Iron in Ilea of Germany's. The broth at the last munaipal eleeten, did 1.is eounsel eleadlim filet be was too ill The whale ruehed epee him, its to move tubers by train. cense. South Africa, and Anetralhe and nue neldng ler an ti-djourrintent. In vice; 'entry but Allowed to Go. tremendous jaws wide open, anct en- fiptently people who are not sup- would cause conditions stainer to • oi the fact that Judge Ferguson lute tee -0------ e gutted ixith Salmon and hie oar plied will have to go without un- thoae 'Which seVered the North Am - Qantas, Gauthang. Fear, '11 Cant Ottley, of the g8rti Pletieers, at the ,Within them. it was the oar that til the Weather moderates. erPoll. e.:.1°111'llet'ller, ex -editor of the day ghn'en judginent refusing to iwoomit head of• a patrol of mounted Infant. saved Saireou from Instatit Aeath. , - the M gistiate front trying Thompson l'Ye has captured two suppesed MI- :kir It stuek out on ea.ele Bide of the ' Chroeicle, Stye the day is not far on the first charge agairist him, the batan 11.1" lee 11 mile° eentillveet at 1.Witaleel jewe no far beek toward the , COLOR OF NEGRO BABIES. distant evlice Camillo, Will march to ;Magistrate iletermined to go on, and Tuna. The striaoners, who were al/.. hinges of the jaw, that when they ..._ music under the American fltig, Ile took up the eliarge against Duranee,the parently trying to get back to the saya the risk of war between Great poll clerk. Prank Layley, John Alat- crone together upon it the on,e kept lindiena Physician to PreVent Them Britain and the United Statee over ander, Wm. Armory and others were Tibibetat camp, were deteined two .the hugo InOuth from closing stiff!. each a trifling matter as the Alas- . teen tilled to testify that they had not ilaye end then released, Itiently to erush the Imperilled Turning Mack After Birth. • Itifty-five idegreee of trent titters ;whaler, mid beton) the whale could ,, 'Sleuth rend. Dal reb• I.-Dec(111,3o ka houtelneY Weillti then be re- voted, as the books -showed for mi- ter tbe telegteple from Ito Mouth into the see. i ono or tlie best anewn physicians and hollers, boxing that right only in, the been tegistered at Tuna, iho bead teltange that situation. BnImen Sprang ! of the tesperiment of De ,T, W. IIIII. nideed, SaUthang. IS the ctcriiper- Hy this Unto ituothor boat. Width surgeons of Indiana, In itrying to pre- MONTREAL PLECTIONS. Av6rd whieli they lived. W. I). Me ery theadquartere of the fore, has Wag !elate Salmon's, bretherA :fames, 1 vont infauts born of negro parents Pherson is defending Thiranee. been officially named Gatttatt. :came up, alid the mate eneceiNied in from 415414 (%4t dark In color soon after t . on rea , Qua, Feb. 1. -This is 'civic Plattsburg, It Y. ---Last night *eel • (reaching I and was lifted into It, ', birth, the attention of the seletitifie the furious, , world, tt in oxpenindo will now be tie_ election day in Moritreel, end voting is eine of the coldest nights of the winter Tare Itaute, Inct-Ileports front the Dat ids eseape from going on for linear tola twelve itider-2 in northere New York. it was' l't helovr Rel River bottoms tell of inany people whale Wag Of but short dttratIon, , oil ,on South' Bend during' the nexe few ate, there being three eandidates for te•claY lit this eity; 10 belote at Bind iniprisoned in the lamer ?dome of their The lavitithein attiteked the setond 7 months. All naTengements haVe 'been 'homes by the ileees. They have been boat as It had the nest tont burled tomploted for Dr. ITill'u exPetilllent Meyer. For the Mayor's -chair, itld. La- Smith's. lee below at Daatemortt; 18 he. Put for Whined matketef ' 0=D, knA,nrsd Innen tunote g V4/1 UM ( ti . TO waither it high In the Ida emptying tiro crew on the color scheme of the beaten Pelee is the inver10, end received the low at Ausable Forks; 20 below et - 'What branehea of ymtr.home trade Wait failing. SO lie batitened 'hie Stops end their hevsee are so situated that it O ' Onto the sea, raeo. support of neetietlly all the eity- riews- Upper Chataugey Lake; 20 below tie bays weltered trout competition? but lit lied not Proceedod far wheboat eannet be rowed threligli the inov. i &tato Salmon Again fell elciete to Art eeptlettillt 'InOther hastonsent- papers. l'Ave.tiiirtis of the aldermen 6aranite take; 27 below at Illoosilug. Are toy artigiett :Anwar -to those he heard 116holvis �t several wolven, s. Ing leo to rescue them, the Whala, ad It engstred litio as od to ad as the patient and Will wtre re-eloted by neelaniation. dales and kg below at Lake rutioa. „ .