HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-02-04, Page 6Mr Owen did nothing • tie alarm
her. Ile talked to errs. Hayes
while 'his Merely looked at
Violet. Ile wee wonderfully
solicitous that alre fahouiti
be comfortable, and there
was but one drawbitelc to Violeta
*name, the tertner7•.Of the; pain OD
her lover's face.
" How I wish Felix bed a car-
riage !" she said to herself. " Bet
that will never Ifee
She enjoyed her fatiter'e surprise
when the horses stopped, at The
Limes, ewe wetiulered wbat
mother meant when' she said:
"If I had ehance or keeping Each
carriage as that, X should efer
lightly throw it ewayer.,
It woe a bright 11,1,Y in 'Time. the
lilies anti roses were all in flower,
the laburnums were in the full per-
feetion of their golden ,giorer, an
again the sen of noonday found:Mx
()wen et The Limes. He had discos--
eed Violet In the garden, drew:aisle
Idly among the roses. It was a pie-
turesque, old-fashioned garden, with
queint-looking ewes under tee trees
and a pretty arbor of trellis work
tn the background., Sir Owen pro-
fessed himself so cearmed vate It
that he would not go lleto the Ileum,
and Mr. and Afro. HaY0 went out to
meet lam there.
.After the first greeting& were over
turaed to Violet. ,
"Mies Ilaye," he said, "I have come
on purpose to see you. Do you re-
member our conversation about a
fete in tbe pare? "You said teat
you thouget it would be very plea,-
wile er into er elt That Death LEAP YEAR PROPOSALS.
guves, but Oho ceula siot Alit/119,w.
hbenefactor. When bee
Ev -
earrsee the bellelresa it.wity the buss w d
band end wife looted at melt other. otil Ile Welcome?
"It i. jute aii Ieald, Pritaicia; but,
newt, not one w•Ord. 1 One earelese Wire+ Margaret $niirh often ow Until
word may moil it all." Dr. Agit:sere Ottre far the Heart
ttutl neither or them breathed a geeTe her new hope and (lured tier
sound to 'Violet of what they but neartanti nerstes.
rectal. "1 Vas tor two yeare :tweet sufferer from
CIIAPTER heart troubie aud vervouenese. A.t tines r
4tre• aaec declared that it wt e AtIleetttiteoloa. wenl
wrtunate 111 tiv,0 clays before wait Joy. I riquinttrnote4 Agnew'e
ertu cure wrought by it. one dose eve
tile fete; it eleurea the ale it treat- pre ler Vie Heart by readies of some won.
Nes ened the grass, it Weibel tail duet Merchant/10 miuutee. A.fteruslegiourItot-
: taat e iue w to e uuu o -elergeret Smith, Iiresscis, Out.
Owen. as Ile 100lieti tOfleethiely at uweet, so- fresh, itet1 ear that it wits - Pr. AS111,w'a MU,. all Aosea lee. laa
them. "Well, lie may come it will a pleitaltro let breathe. The air wee
from the trees: Anti ticker,. • and tlea can truly say I never tett better In ,
- • -
save trouble. When lei sees all odorous with the scent or llowere About the Size or 1111u,
that ho will See, he will be taught alai et green. lersiee.
a lesson." elr'Oiveu iti p erei to time; els . Amery Smart See
Violet was more pleased and LOU- etunetweetie appoint e. caeriege, 5v ltil "Pa, whet Is a model ma,n. ?,
'tented when Ile smliee. alto ad net ' the et tgoilieent roans', siroVo ap 'to ica 1119ee1 wale my ese, is generally
lotow Why etre felt so greatly rea The:times .Noteleg coal have- Ma, a very' email sample copy, or fee.
novel. co e.lei iii s aludneas-she steel Se atesus simile* of et, peal matt; and is uaualie
Then ear Owen rose to: take his tive to F,rencte Wye. eekled lef.ailet. nutdo of' petty."
reeve ; be Was going to London that _ mete ae iserateittial to eloet. eaten,
evening, he staid, and it would be = f It) felt hov sleata,,,t IL woe: Fh's atSar ie
WvItStry- OP ittOteallialr/NDATIOST
some daye before he evould see deep eattsfetetnal on her tether's, .
them again. a,sitee, sVielet to go t, o•; greet p ri ber ,tatera. it joalus II, 0,, mow.00 3.904,
with tem • to the garden gate; and we young tine h tielle s. melon Oval
ss Dr D..T. ieentialt eo.. enosaturg emus, 'Vt. :
again, when Mils Ilaye aaw the - aliseeteel ite tetiele diteellete• eetileeri esta• ameasmaesaasess maa me inunedireteiy a
peculiar expresaloti on her bus- , it le ratline bright net happy? Pare- *copy of yreetTreatiee on tho norseand ins
band's race, she nadspered : `, over, ?See hel ies.emetlane in tete heed • Diseaser. I wish to make a study ot „,the
'Not one Word, Francis Hare- which' gladdened' her heart. eels _.,„ ,,, , e
t INg horse. We are user.. at my home of Lan-
e., dzueci epaym erne, which is 4 moat valuable
not one :tread, oa yea will spoil it • ebe woe ,atertieg, willies SieseaYee: meeitinal remetir :for tile horse, aud hi
all"; and he obediently. held his stood. hat in 'hetet weitingerar ler,' ALWA:etil WOliaRe -0e ne0041/sieNDA-
peace. ' • •'''a narlosetiger"eallie ewith .4 note Irma MN. Tomer very truly, William tityriglet
They saw a loole of perplexity on Fellx-oaly a few eitort linee hate,
Violet's beautiful face all that se :ray wetter], ' bie eitraele 'went . .
day, and she bail lest ber anima- etralot to her• e ' A $ .014 1 sta ke.
tem. as fell Into' long fits of 'My Darling Violet, -I demi st, few en elle of afaegosea finely eees
nauslug; site Wee unillie herself ; words to grit yin tie eon are ttart," out eemeterles, 'a rich citizen, ;who
but no word from lather or moth's ing, ana to wiebtype fl. wry slailletrit, gee straortoust as' - a reeptie, had
er helped her in her dirfloulte, or liaePY visit. Yon will eot forget me, create:1 . a massive mausoleum , °a
over, what he termee "las aerie:Arai
solved her doalate. . aweet ? Yoe; wileoey to youriselt
Felix had been quite Pleased and oeer again that •eore. aee pledgee plea" Otte day he' met a 'worthy'
about his Invitetion ; ere smile to me. I tenet you hilillieltlY. XPII' elder Of 'the kirk coneng &MO from
1 kizo :the vielnity- er the isilleoaleg nineo
ed awl thoeght to himself 'eve. ute, and 'I ara content.
tow 'foolish he had been. Yout sweet hands, and leave my oreutteenre, stt he ,Intid to hien:
:What could lbe more natural than heart in thane
that Sir Owen gliould, admire his Bow he loved her I in' that gran' erection o' ihifie 1" •
%eel, Dauvle ye've been up Ben-
beantitn1 Violet? ele could net belp it aga.in and egain., ' latawsee loved ' 'Teed, lilv' ,1, sine
See rePeeted
. e
he told bimetalf that he had been her 1 ' The little note, please). ber. .aes-
rte strong' place that, len:t it t
unieresonable jealous, •that hetet-was She drove away, WetlisSir ()Wee svhIse .
_, rot teke a man a' We time toe
a proof or it. If Bir ;Ogee had meter- Peeing all kinds ot complanente„to - nese oot a' tycreetit th,e day o" Prig -
tabled ens/false, diehanora'hie notion her; but lir loverei lace Ir'as Pe' -ment,:" • , •
or supplanting hire in Violeta! af- for her eyes, and ble -words were . eefoot;e,eve inoet, sale .iitavid, "ye
rection, here was a, proof that he in her heart. They 'dreye thrOligh call • gie eerseif little rash abet
had changed ble mind. Another and the elegnificent pare weat "Itelterde risire gin that -"day •"contes. Theyel
sante, over° generoue 1,defe still came to of ettaerea deer, tesapeit the t.IPe.11 tale tee bottom. oot iet ;tee let ye
'Violet looked Up with animation.• hani-autniely, that Sir Owen had not , "a.
grounds, to the grand:entranee, an . •Ies''sleeta."4.1Pere.:,Morne,nee.. i '- •
"Yee I remember,' she repliede knowe at /live .thiet 'Violet was en -
'II had forgotten it." gaged, and hence had admired her; ..
: then Violet leeked itp, lit Woedens,.. s--7- -- -- . • .
The' Aaternoon - sun fell eel upon .. ... • ....
generate: Felix., "and that Je erla/ 1 'Yoecrwle .the Venetiee . balpoides, , pi ' • '
. . .
"X have craze to pay that 11 It but that, now t bat lie cad knole It; he the eraed old building, sapating- teal: • -,.. .... e . .,
Keit lot' Nlother . , .
Pleases you I will give orders for had alleged bee ideita. ' e' towers end:turret:4, the. sleep oriel
everything' to be prepared for it. '"Scenetine has told " tnought ! o e
[Whet do you cay ?" • easure•.for the -Children,
. bringing tett the pletureame out -
She looked at ham with a corions i
expression on ler • face, while her Thia., nobleeteerted /nen eosea slot lines of the noble edifice.. • Titer's
father. and mother glanced at each Imagine a eellowenten bolding. oua one wee a •flight of broad 'marble steps. .
heed' teith• a. simile, while lie clutched anti -then the great :doer opened ieto
"What do I say ?" she echoed. "I a. dagger In the other. He was sorry an entrance hall, the ,first, glimpse .,
other. ,
for. having ,,,ttriatjudged him, and of welch bewildered "Violee .,She
have nothing to say, elr Owen, but thought to himself that on the clay •lessely knew that snob "treat:eras we.
that I have no doubt it will be ad the fete he wouldeeeek out :Sir leted-that teach splendor 'could be; e
xerlr Pleasente • Owen and shake hands wit!) him. So, unconsciouely sirecrushed her Rear's°
Sit Owen' look -ea disconcerted. Af- to :Violet's great relief, there 'ryas little 'note in her heed:teals she be-
tter a pause he added: eo elouri en las: face when
"But you do not understand. If he toile her that he would be pleased held the treaeuree on the wlls.
I give the fete at all it will be tei to attend the „fete. •• ' She passed theougb lees :broad '
.your honor and to pleaseJeut he looked very tho'n
chtfui 'corridor% where white marble sta-
tues gleamed from among iferamids
of choice flow,erss site.gazed on glor-
ious pictures and picturesque foun-
tains; and all the tinteeetie Owen by
her side whit:Axed gay pretty,
compliments. They CaMe to the' .
Everything in it shall be as you when Violet told him of the invite.
wish -you shall cboose your oWn tion. ,.., . , •
amusements -indeed, you shall be " I do not want to go," ehe s;a1d-
the queen of it. Now, what do YOu "/ do not like Lady ,Rolfe.; besides,
say 4:" •• a' I do not see the use of making friends
Mre. Mee rrOwned at ber datign- with all these eapeople-at can-
ter. , • . 'dratteng-roftm at atet-a large, lofty
texcireeltee ,
You muse realle show some little ,, You really do not care to go room
Interest in it, Violet." she said, -Violet ?" -he u.alell.
there, • o
rnate, ana with an eitinted
bright witheloWere pee
'since Sir Owen ii so good a4 to cone"No, not to the hall. I shall en -
suit you."joy the fete, but I shall not enjoy
" 'Oonetet'-that' is just the right the visit:pi . ,
Word, Mrs. Hoye -thank you. That Felix drew near tober. '..-- -
reminds me," he added, with a smile, " Violet," he whispered, "yeti will
"Lady Rolfe told me to consult her not think me realeus or disagree -
when I found meeelf in any. daft- Able ?"
enIty." , "No," she replied. :
vioiet looked up with an air of "want you to 'do something for
great relief. me, I am puzzled. Sometimes I think
"I wish eon would," she said. "She Sir Owen must know that We are
knows far more abont such matters .engaged.sourethhes 1 tancylardoes
thee Itio." I 7 i a! ,, i 1, -le i A not ; yet he must Icnow."
"Rut you see, n; '9 your opinion 1 " 1 should imagine that be does.
Want, not hers," said Sir Owen. "I know -every one round here knows;
thought of tles -a fete in tbe park, he would bo sure to hear it spoken
and, to wind up with a. grand ball In Of." • i .
the house. We could have Pearson's "Moat probably. But, Violet, let us
Quadrille eland trout Louden ; and / Make tura of . its -telt earn yotresele
The New Century Washer'
affords. the ,
thieiren an
A f f ec ti v e
- help, and at
the s a e
' One ;delight
Ball Bear -
g a and
strong spiral
pviorriel springs r e-
duca to a
minimum all
4111141041/ • the 'work u-
Vieserail . • sually neces-
sary. rive
• • to six min- -
ptes does a tubful. • ,
If your hai-dware dealet does not '
carry them writ us for boobet.
The Dowswell Manfg. Co. Ltd.
statues. 'In the midst or all the wag- ' • • 'MA:MILTON, Ont., !. •
111110,2nel) etcoi Leidy Itelfe, with a - .
cm. • " Trull]; and Lehigi,:faitey route of the "Black
, that altt VI' so gracious and T110 Ronnttlii Oisasicleaecl gocal roads be:Ai:reg.+ far
Al'oncT and
Still. She weleorneaethein with court- equipment, eeeetor Latimer thinks eas-terso-stattonstintlear2rork, 'View:sue:1,r trans: Nia.) Courier, a. party was In
as secondeclany her ,aaughter cultural ettepart Ment, exal :perhaps EuropersE Ion,
Bridget and St. Postrick-lViost Scotelt
Matt to I./o.
le irlish Yerilion as to bow 1,1110
-Custom orlginatee cantle:nets ttselt
because of Ito roomer. et. Patrick, ea.
rorlieg to the etorY, WAS °nee walk.
big OP the shoree Of Legtei Neagh
When lie mot Si. Drhigot in tears.
Kee etated that a atutiny lutd broken
out in tbo nunaory over weleh fele
e•resided, lase• ladles claiming thee
Ogle or "pepping tbe cturation." St.
Pet.riels Raid ise Would ,coneolve theta
tee right ()Nary Seventh year, whim
Driaget tat ow her auto erounil lite
neck and exelaimee, 'earvab, Pattlek,
Jewel! 11diturn't go :Welt to the girls •
lel' I 1 Mak it one
Veal' in four." Tho saint replied,
"Squeetst me Met way agate, darline,
awl ell give ye Leap Year, the
longest tee lot." Teeteuren. ebe
impul.sive Deleget proposed, to St.
Patrick. who, of coma, coula not
ntitere so be mot tie) difrienity as
best, he oeuld N,11.11 eisses and. idik
gown. .Dat &bent thIs Acte
reased by the Scottleb parliament In
1228 `like maltien • atoll hae )(bete -
tie to weak ye man else likes. Olf
be refuses to tak Mr to be Itis wyf
leo Ahab Pier the SUM of one bundled
r (index" ,RONor eceitaus tiller but per -
bark this law.. hest been. rescinded.
This liberty of eroposal bine often
'taken aavautage of by iere ladies •
bbffirr.. now. Then for eight yeare.
.tarey have rem deorived of their ura- •
trireettlal esivIlege, beeltelors will
bettee look out or be prePared to
pay forfeit. ,
Beware of '• Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the :tease cd
emelland completely derange tiat whole eas-
tern when entering et through the mucous
eneteces. aucli articles ebould eever be used
except on prescriptions item reputable *yea
clans, as tue damn° they will 40 ie ten told
to the good you eau poesibly derive irom
tbem. Bates Catarrh Cure, manufactured -
by P. T. Cheney, & Co., Toledo, 0, contains
no mereury, and is tat -en acting
directly upon -the Limed anamucone aurtaces
O t the arstem. In buying Eiall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you got the genuine. It ietaken
Interaatie and made In Toledo, Ohlo,
Oneney,& Cm. Testimontale free, •
- Sold by Druggists. -Price, Secaerhottle.
Telco flaila l'autily Pitts for constipetion.
, • .
-se, , • • 7 • . tee -
The' dorieer Answer. •
efle Phoxe-r wee :seine to' ask to
try thls trice.
ewers: of your pee by: three, sue,
'tract . twenty -ono from ..the to
'end :What's • the einetver
Mere leatite-Yoto should. -be labia to
'auese the answer at once. -
Mr. Phoxy-Yes t *What is it ?
Nutesearcine of' your.busIndee.
' • Oontitineal Ugiki '
• e
, In' Germeny thee melte eoitdetsed
e,gge !, supe.rflubus tarteete Is
Meted 'and sugar is adde4: Mae eon-
deneed eggs ewe put Up for the mar-
ket in hermetical y sea - e '0.
ornationhd box betntainleg about 111 -
ten verge. fehtssa,rtlela finds a good
Inaseep, in ,Setrear Africa, but during
the present .egg fastitne tbey_telebt be
• lesperetri ifito 'eountra wite
more palees profits' -• ': rt'l ••
A little Sunlight Soap will 4:lean
Cut glass and .other articles until
they shine and sparkle. Sunlight
Soap will wash other things than
A. Distinction.
Tbe Countess of Shaftesbury, Sir
Thornas Lipton's guest at 'lee yachts
racee, Is a dome:Want of ,a noted
English clergyman. Lerlyahaftesbury •
tele an luteresting 14 'tory of this cler-
gyman to it WOITUIP reporter one af-
ternoon in New York
tray great unele," ehe Auld, • 'Iind
two paeullarities.. One was an uuteate.
ernable temper ;Otte otluir clariretkle
.ra,teetena-tive bablt of mind, mani-
lasted by a trick be bed or liegaining
everything- he saie with the \verde :
'Hero tbere is a distinction.'
"At a, dinner party one evening, my
grAtruncle overheard Ms liost telling
a beautiful young lady of his tacit.
Qtifortflattel:.4." a I ITIYelti:onfletr°sitiklui alike° Nairodulf'd
ftrollSO the y'eutie lady by making my
great-ancle say, 'Here r make a (Ifs-
tiontiOna a/I the evening.'
"Of court* at third my great-urcitee
blood 'bo led, Ws naturally violent
temPer was redoubled.. Ire got ready
"Tee latter, 166 80011 as the eoup
cisme ortawinked et the young girl.
Tben ne Bead to my disenguisliecl
relative: -
" 'You are a. clergyman. Tell inc 11
it ie. lawful to baptize with eoup.'
"My great-uncle smilee grimly,
'Here; he mad, make a distinction.'
At that everybody roared. lee pauend
till thee' were quiet. Then he Went
r throe; 3tebstnwnto'e etIbIll st[P5 1 lig81°:litek;SY: (141
'Yougenera:,.0:01c. ;.b3 e It it in laWful to bap
'ewe With gaup. I anfilver, in soup In
"Then my greet -uncle winked at the
_Peetty 'young girl, and she smiled et
lem With. approbetion. Tbat niglit he
., •
Or. Agnew's , efinernertt Corse
JileedIng and Mood Pllea,
Comfort In One applIcetion. 'it enyee' all skin
diseases in young •and old.- A remedy be.
yond eecppase, and it never fails. 35 rent,.
for hiehost,
eves feesterlao moree • • ,
:Mile on or face, evalting to tecelsee - - : ' '"In Gettig -re aisiv Yeke •
How to 'Beads. . to sure th t your •tiakets read via Grand
•PhiladelPhia . Diattioad'Express. Thisn,n nil tle the; tliree tilt •
That was. remarkablehonlzl * in itself ; bu.t
so amiable was more remarkable mourn Waxman iseinte".. The Lehigh -Valley
neeessary part of their l'e
ly,. kindly word', and alI elteesard otemr belong' PleitietV to the Agri- all firat•elias=sii agotawnat,Nivitil=1:,,
Wanted the Opeorteeity.
yoe think of me when I'm
gone 1",asked,the lovelorn youth, who
seemed unaele to tear -.himself. from
her p e :Mee.
"Sum," answered the 10,1r 'one,: as
she straeglea a yawn. That is, if you
ever 'give me ti:e opportunity."
„Me lever's Dry Seep (a penidee)* to
wash 'woolens !aid flannels,e-you'll like
- 1 • .
, stitch" ot Vito Thine.
The atelier* night, aye.elthe 'Con -
j. Drop' tailor shop discussing the
d :Pensive trans- ge4entPanaViessere else day, wiliest the
ISSUE N O. ti 1904.
in tote et 3.0 to 100 tarot tor sale In the
heart, of the Niagara rata ilea, uear •
Grimsby. Meant null rieetrle rottee Pea/
thiii property. All eeneOuletteee of the day.
Amine very temente, ie. y
J. eAltrIINTelt.
le 0. Rex oe Winona, Out,
can be greatly Increased by judicious la,
vestInent Itt
Specialty Stcr: ks."
you ean learn of Noinetlihur which Mea00
money for you by corresponding with
28 Colborne St, Toronto, Ont.
We ‘vrIll
oney. a erzvtrkirgilig
.-utata and
proilttatio business, trn exeoptlonally geed
tihitho yearecround moneyenaker, t it at
brings in the clollars. Plau an.1 full par-
titiAltraen1111; 10 Conts 1u stamp, RUtWg
• standardSupply
Co., tfunalton, Out.
(.30 X JOItel THOMAS, OV aT. lialtsaa
moutb with hither and brother Ju
Seieter, who ,salle4 feloio Ply.
1971. Brother Prank Inquires. 1 rite 81
Codrington street. Exeter, Onglaml.
LOire HIP 647
weas sena shortie be.
Buffalo News. e,
The general opinion as that. nlewst;
el • . '
color or bias wail ttao eciltorialpage
• reserved for such dlecusslott ar tho
news as shall make its meaning
cloak* and ehable the reader to
fornt sand opinions about its .
elir wkv.I her to 0.1,t1 it Lim, and she laid likely , to get Ms, .13111 for film agents,. nobert B.i.evaii,Canitaiaukassenger ,talloring and the minim or
Lavinia, Slr Owen, elle said, the3r do, 'Would be more feerrNoc.:1, PA11". of Greed Truett
°Sajtintvc17essalri:allu'llIferitsrue(Ito., estaa
atho sni;gjaeert_.,
for a. tine. endertakenethe duties Of througb Congress' if lie Could eme. Agent, Tonge Str.cet, Tor98to,
• Albin . Ma. Drepa Was timed for one
se • a . ituaele that body to take the Xibm-
Then alio 'sent them_ to, their var.- a,n• Viewlea'a , 's • .., • • • '" aseallit tit Ceenteelet ' •"•-. Minute, tied -theenutnleer ,seleeles
lone leoitis, sraefore Violet', Wel .bsen •
. . - . • ,: *three 'there was a Tich ;Mali-- a he tatted to be severity,
1•sian embrotte entered. who, an- - • • a • ••••• e t . yer,ys etch. -reetae.Fee. teentee .,ao !Phis makes 4s2(Xletn bouree8,800:.per
many minute% in hers, a. pretty, Pare • '
no niced iiereelf re Lady Itcaaas meics. " • - - • - something -handsome, for a 'strife- gay,. EaelaktOOta pee year. 'Vile 'tall-
. ,
gling institution cia learning. 'or bass followled his trade for thirty
Klaney expeeirrientetTeerieeno time
tov experimenting' when you've, cliocovered
tha you are victim. of some one form or
another of kidney disease. Lay hold of the
treatment that thousands hare pinned their
faith to and has Mired qiiickly. and perMa-
nently. Amu -lean lildney Curt stands
'pi's -eminent in the world of medicine as the
kidney aufferer'a truest friend. -02
• ' . deep of Two,• Horrors.'
N. Y. Press. .
• •
You' cart leaver tell front tile look
of herror on woman's•face whotle
ei be bee just received a telegrami
wallet she bes not opened or thought
tertesaw a eneliee in the closet. ,
;Menthol Plaster slightly warmed and up.
4411cd to thaback WIll.draw out pain better
than any tether method of treatment. Tts
action Is almolit instantaneous.
, .
AU III the Family, .
Eel -Wilt you be ink wife? • •
She-Oerealner not.
:1-1e-leleit wet yeti grant me rine
She -Whist is IVY
flapper. What do yon think o ; b ft ht BeaHe-motact to lee. 4a. er
thought of e..ending to Gunter tor the sweet. Ha will be quite sure tostalk „ a know MINA(RD'a LINIMENT will • lee oalied the •dereetors together year.% and, 0,nrkng that t time Das
ene 7 continue%
roug 4, MEI, 3 g be of. atone JeatIN, )30:11TILLIElt. "Gentlemen, I puriloin. glVing Yeet
ff it?" to you and it will be so eas just • the
ht that, de you had tett end said te them: . made over- GAsso,00n istitehee.
cure Diphtheria.' • ..
,Her lbeautiful face paled a little a few little words, and then al lute
ad then ;lashed. 1' ,; I Euspense will be ended -indeed, ',I
4t1 think it would be most de- have not felt at all anxious about 11.'m h"elf eleffient 0
sensation of shame that RIM had
eerviee t o. you." Afe• it'a a 'eurrrednoteroh‘uVpAill.ag& " '
elt, Since I receiVed this invitation. eam,,,,et • f know': MINARIYS LINIMEwr win • "Tette! they .said, alter they.. had,
inetitution a51000,000." • •
110 m
c'ave war atreTNINcorAm... 1;reicionebereedirafproowittibtlehetrror siturgprIse, It
'Thouge Mayo is an invalid,' Nviot:stiloteoheralidtboehso polite art tlo - '°•• wl'eueX
to what ,abs), shouie do with one. She • • tO 'raise
lightful," she 'replied.
still he 'Would like to see evere- • tended doin 1%1 rm acceptee the proffered helpeand the a woo,. rANNgiqp. orde,r to- eeeere Your*Mindfl-
' tbe $10;000,000 that willebe need --
thing going on," continued Sir g. es" tittle Parleram Aimee 133/ Pee t11 dy• " tl dealt 041; • ' •". '
yourself would come to the Ball
itelg-ed other by' hi if d •' 1 i
And he meant what he eald • hel lavter7fitadlitnge'111.en'ciaiYar:nr licteriaShion- elor„.,:ay efe .
nice , an in s 0 reuse on. ear
edaPple A. SNOW. You edit liot teed to rale Owen. "Perhaps he, Mrs. Haye, and sla."0 nasY anout it, V ole
• $10.060,000," he related, "thb" donae
"Then the motley will bit „Invested
on the day before the fete and able evening (trees befere and she 1,
ti -will, be unconfidentiaj.
no eness eart 1
f "
stay until the day after. what meatiness was. I looked. in real wonder at tile niariVel-
"I should like it very much'," de- There was a. great surpriiie in ,I cue whiteness of ber fait 'neck 'and
dared Mr. Efaye. "I have not had store to VI lot I I arms, and at her rounded ,sthouldere,
can not imagine anything th'at I -Wait thl 6 . t Ilefirlque eatieht 11 0 h 'I Wad POring relining exPeneee?" 0,127
, e ng very nice, but immethang . atowed off her graceful figure. The s . in ' erecting •• new, buildings
• '`''S - "il • '
g 1 coryp ea n thecmle
am that she must bave °I sculpture, while the whit en
. • arren ere.'
Nor have I," saki his wife. "I„had
ehould like better.” , faltered.
beedimareal ertete, ere presunie,
and we slierteebe 'allowed to nee thee
• ben mother about her dress, and min.". thee. were perfect' as a mastzryieee
each a treat for years."
objections. repels, HaY0 "wee hard to mane, e
„. look of a prleeees. In her hair Abatee
the bet. tears rolling down his flush- "Not at r,e.sPOia
"You w,11,1 consent ?" he neurmurea,
'Brut you must grant me one lay -
_e on _swell points. - I placed, a. beantiful White carnelian and he used in any way y011 please,. and
Main. 'The gift will be ill Cash, to
ed Sir Owen-- "you culliolt"irrmurtantd .svan.aaugtlotters. were dte..1 another lay, 0. white' etat., I ell cheek's., "Though you bee only
ha carcumstenees when a lar To Aimee it wee a lahole.Of love to fend and trusting loVe comee
°sal gentlemen, le you have spent
le ell one 'there 1011 be
must promise to open tb.e ball with e "" b done under te
tl bodies of her drew. enrelPhete I lore you With the when It
aniather $5;000,000 at you,
or " contInu
'very nice" weruld he costly. antl train; or. bill° velvet gee% • her the •arme and hissed her. ded tee rich
After 'that Violet could raise 110 p
going to Maims& 10 you to-niglItst
Mat Cough. •
y. A
which ordinary remedies have not reached,
will quickly yield to
' It cores thoseheavy, deep-seated cougiss-takes away
_the soreness -heals the throat --strengthens the lungs.
Ione the less effective because it is pleasant to take.
'Just try one bottle and see how quickly you get rid
of that cough. Atyour druggists. 25c. bottle.
Irt*Nt.tiot Ela..4 '.11116.
Again 'the ' girl's beautiful face ho.±
the carrier/4 dart to their d • t With those:hitting 'inkier); hair ana "Yes," she wiaspered, Placing iter the firEA SIM '
London wee brought bis dress aliss,airlye. She , did wonders, inset • n erne°. n a el, me. WISOIY
he threetore consulted together in ,
A London pbyeeian, at the risk of
The Trip.
aushed and paled ; but her mother twofer Mee Ilaye-there was no nes- when "Violet was ready to go Alarm
- oor . , ;
‘1.1„ionde head upon Ms shoulekt 1 giving away the secrete of his pro -
e ae eternity. For many years I have — - • '
quietly sent for
. - comae, ol thirteen visite to m victim
leaked Impatiently at her. „„ take, as to the address -and witb ataire, site store] be.fore the great /lake Inee I etin, eours through all wo,,,blesPiieiretItellta4 then fesslon, writes to a paper that in the
"Why do you hesitate, Violet 7 eome curiosity they hastened to, mirror in wond,er. Wee that ox iii
any lady In the country might be --It Is direated In a leAly,s handS, longed for Felix to sce ber. There
, itely radiant girl herself ? She spurned the love of man, bat Ozzie 0.e'rtlieLatuarriestbnevaidnenttV•
has ariarned My pride, bas svarMed . --""ss - '''' ' •• was insane...a af thatErip ha
* p
of °salt* value 'Ilh•e first was to
equld do but two things
she said. "It Is an honor of which open et;
proud." said Violet. "Want can it be, was no pleasure without him. no eV heart, and meet penes now 1 nauseate Linimeut Curs eloida, etc, . open a window , and the econd was
"You consent, then ?" pursued Mamma ?" he would admire her I• •• ' soothes my, troubled breast„ I could _ to pull Off three ot the eix blankets
redeI 17. ve Waived
hale, klaed Jong " dlefmania, under which tite patient 'min awel-
" New Fad for Collectors tering. m:30 moral IS tha,t sick people
I need fresh, eir even more thee well
1rOwen We shall see, ntsr dear,'" replied :What a neversto-be fergotteneven. nett Teruel it X
"Yes, I am willing," she replied. Mra. Hayo. Ing it Woe I Her greatest difricuity, all ob4eettorts.
anstetrille dreading ail that Pelix 'When It was opened both ladies wail itt kceeing !meal( from, ex- enough."
Itvould 'say about it) yet half des , were speechless stritn surprise, It con- pressing her wonder. She went dcioen
lighted with' the idea. • 'tabled three eamplete costumes; one . to the drawing room and:foetal two --------- • ' ' a '• ' -•
"And X have your sanation for all for a garden party, a most charming or three other ladesewitil Lady -Rolfe. 7. • jaa youeateli cold easily?
that I do. DI there anything you erfrablnation, or elue and 'White, with See had an insearreveneehlutalesa that
rah to suggest. en tire way, of im- a taateful Parisian bonnet, glover, they Were ail talking -Mafia-11er ail . • DoesSlie cold hate on ? Try.
"Olefmanie," je a toitipaalttively
people co.
moaern /one of ,theocellecting craZe. •I, •
It consists of an irreies ambitien
to 'gather together keys of all torte,
adzes, arid shapea, One elet•lin• to the se
More than half frightened. ARM heart beat te. think cif the money • 8nt Lady' Detre introdueed her, nue' !, habit, a woman, opeialyrconteeemeee re-.
provementd 7' dices, and everything to matcb-tt she entered, for they otopped.eua- •
I think not,' she replied, .drees that Mrs. Ilaye deolared made • deftly tine looked 'et ears mire:masa sill
"wi..,t do you say to Taos- It must have coat; then an evening they Were re etartled by Dee meet' purtuit Of" her hobby,
during Which tittle alto bed expend -
crony to having travelled over lete- .
ter Cc) . • •
• flay weeke" he asked. " Then dregs of white silk, with a train of ariking beauty that they • were nsumption- entirelY
call to GarirWood On the 'Monday. 'lastly, 0. full aml most exquleite moist followed lter iftiO tOOM. , Cure Tres Leng
on Imre quite a res
given be quite e pleasset little party, trInuned with saver fringe and Hever ber 1 . r compriene the kej •nr the Nurbm-
X tan drive over here. and. take you blue velvetand blue velvet trimming% more titan, civil to ber air Owen al- speetablo fortune. Mee eolleetion
vit,dyi gate, kittkr, two ati,yor; vtd• _costume for' the ball, of white eilk, now his eees brightened. as he saw
Tonle • beeg iron virgin; orte eta& to "have
It dates the post litubtarn kind belonged. tie' Cleopetrit's Jewel ease
errese/ agreed Violet, still sonic- Mrs. Ifitye was amazed when she eontitry sollelter, tolade such beauty! .deesast Mare you, year Money
wareour street elle ; the else thet
• I may rely. upon you?" , (payee, "For a girl Mre thee to inarre a of eoughts and cows. if it eit huge iron 2seclin,eit rrom Ise
Tower .of Len on, iteckedettp in
avhat nereette; then, looking up at
eller eulte eruddertle: "Why do eou
istyt stbre by: Mt .apinion and tent -
Mit 9" she naked. "1 do not -know
tory:thing dr.:thew matters.. X rio
bet tuideretand why you consult me."
Sir Owen laughed a lotel, hearty
laugh that waseguiele to the ears
or Freecia Hay.° and his wife.
"I ba,Ve n. reason," he replied, "and
a, very Amami; one; I Will opeak to
i.itlt gboet Itltr n"
She could not imagine to what lie had sent there, "I understand sir OWen,"
raw lt, With it svere white satin as 'here in a 'Place like Lorom, elms Will be refutided.
glevea and it Matections lictinikere -for e'avtng her f.r0m smell n, "fate" • • •
2 8. C.V1 8'1665 243 rtigtdaig. atitl"Setkrat4fonrcinesOnitatItttetagarant81
shoes, a ran, White retailers nusunteil ply matinees," lie fetid to bitnialfe art
lit sever, a sliver bouquet -holder, . "She will :tbarik net in after ;veal% iitec6.$1 Lator.14.Y:ITLotogto«ah, many ()there teettalle curious and In*
Tim Ditiserenee Between Them,
• Washington Stai'.
"Jalinny is a very imaginative
ea'al the fond inother, "but
is mere r,ractical. When Willie du-
ce:lea that he wants anything be seta
out to get it."
' "I basal netasia thee difference," hn-
swered the tin -feeling baohelor.
"Johnny ange 'I want to be an se -
hut 'Willie smokier eigarettes tied
skates en tide lee." s •
or elem., ala ram1a Wm a vow im es .
1 1 1,11, go 111
Preto any firat-chms dealer.
chief of dainty lace, Violet _Peeked at Then he went up to her, mill 1 ""EttIrtiteethie""° .
the treaturea In wonder. ' ffeareely left tier all the evonine. it t" Why Indeed/
ma ?” she asked, .1 de not like tO , for hint to takeher dotril tO dinner;
taken th v • A. Moreton! undertaker die la ti
with a &mile. The entail tede had 84411"a.
" 'Who can have rent these, main, was: against the leave of 'etiquette . Iffittatdal iiitialent Garde Diphtherial Vabyqi'red Wris the Oeht.
TotentoSticr. _
east seen any- bat Lady Iloilo accepted hie apology p y
them et* beautiful 7•
nehy•Walk Aboat in Misery When .
' /I I beiteved fairleise said tire explainer! the Ineetiveri or hoe polley Can etury Yon Deeently tor ale?
traye, "/ flould think that a fairy to LAI/Wins
"If MIS' One oPporets Met he Will loge Minard'a tiniment Cures tenet in COWe.
alludeil end leta.ellata listened in In ber own mind she felt quite saes
OWeit ell'osetel ber bet
„ that the donor was Mr ()Were but his reasoe over elle girl, ?lake
of she wetted not day se Violet had finF Oblitizele In the way of Ms felinism, etliereet Wouldn't work,
suspicion -not even -the faintest, She, leen and he will Satoh tire Of her. Ile
ll'atenef. tarter thought or 'Sir Owen. cannot marry for elle engag. Chicago Tribune.
"/ thotIght Of sending InvitatiOns
to theta' people," be Raid. "If there "It muse be it, hely who lute melt • ell to laellx,Lonedale." , /lit; letacletelion't you ItnewOont.
are any among them yon do lot like Own)," said Violet, "No ono, wool ao continual) , my, you ettould not let your left band
ettrike them ota ; if there are any% levee understood What was wanted.-
al.smnitt, should eou think - that It . - • - - • ' ' ersave what your right hand doeft i
tree Ifithe . Torniee-Yeneu, but you've Just got
eon wish to ask, arid tben."
She read the long list of intmes, wau Lady Rolfe ?" Tctwn ana Calm try. JO tako liellt bands when you want
to ele a tin east to a doge: tali.
iiftiffe ; ihs added 'Live ineetleablose of Ilaye. "We win con yottr rather," lutir that Mims Ten earek hes 1 ' Ivrinard'n Liniment Curet Dist:rapet
and then prodneed her little pencil- "I am rattly platted," rePlled Mr& pate -Whitt beantetil raVen-bleek
EVelye Lester And Felix Lonadale. lerancie gaye eAme to the reeeue. Virginia -Yee; Matelieg the trove'
"TWA is bier lover," tlaraght Sir Violet wearied hereof in trying to. feet around her eyeit doesn't it 7
It a the fame, tleat has steed Om fact of thite-xtends_ the keaviest stirsen-itwor
NW -4h. ilat'd taw 'World are'. Order through OW Xnal went Or direet fiord us,
THE PACE wpm FENOtE 00, 1.1,411110, irrarkerrito, eat. letestratteaste, at,J.N.11. vrtitidaegv.
0,1 •
Set Mar A.4111111, Ing.
Pat was a baellini lover, rine Teddy
Woe eta', but Yint too BOY. 'likely,"
Pitt began, timidly, "Illd yo • leer
titInk at marryln"?.' "Mire, Dow, tie
eftletet raVier entered my
thoughts," demurely riVied Biddy,
..1:128 tor* Ot am," eakr Pat, turn-
ing away. .'Won minute, Pat! caned
Bablyetottly, aVeive set me a-think.s.
tatettetery ellephetett. •
Maier rewell Cotton,, of tile NOrtha
lenheriand resillare, who bits Suet re.
turned to Inglrin
for Oeveral menthe throtigit Artien,
1.41.1 11. rentarlfahle Story alma ft.
comae:et In Which the only nonns
(IVO MOM Of anpliftlItS.
lee cemetery, he naye, iff at Ilify
, reot of a eliniti or triOnetallift in,
' Uganda, ate eleteifints 'have eel
(Witty come titere for a long time Ile
Neon it I f tety Vet that death erns 04%,
••144..nobing ttom. Xn no other way,
the Major points out, can we n,ecount
for tlo feet that hundrrAiet of nkolre
trine Of ottliiiantlf ere to be fotInti
tietre. The natives know well that the
1.-mily Animals aro in-ttio habit of
selonting this quiet nrert at their last
renting Oat*, atel whenever they
wa»t ivoty they nee confident that
they ton got It ify tionrehina the
I There ear 7,072,feett 1i4ws end
Motu in area lerlailti. Of than*
only 1,101,993 nre pinata tiferellitlft
halleelt al MOMS titan 41100 peel**
radon Trenarlet.
Carrie-Martlia Is goleg to lin
inarr:oll to Vred, 1 euppose yolk know?
She &startle tbet be le '(bit beet maW
that ever ewes
Matte -And yet elm told me lee
'other doe Ives 11143 Wrest Of rel her
lateria •I r
• ottr:e-I know, kat 11000. 0( tee
reatere neitialle proposed, eOu Nee, •
Tli<i Tittle tor
"So e Itere,'Etigate" Attie the greraeir
mothe', "-done you think eon liail
better nessnomire little le • e`
(No, ino'ther, replied 'the groone
"it letet time vette
"It "Stet time ;vete?" t
"No ; We'Ve 611111 ginit 001110 Of '
011.1,1114a,In Oulu t three mottlea
153 bloke and '10 Orbiltninte,"
• 41,1,......r.,..1*.tki.ovoye•itrifFeWoW
4#110.16,101,01111t 0
The Canadian .trder of- (boon -Frioilds
Still,_.Figing About .
. The 0:4r bo,i just easel toed:lite prosperous yrealn Ina the beet be Re
hisitorr. .
Tot tti therms', opmelea nnellealleni 8,41(ta
Tetra inereusia in aurpleit Vunds el Menem)
Toteletrmhsahip iet,000
Tow Motile Peelle *1130.001..eit
iltaasistr" viontm. 'writ,-
ty. P. urnliwaril, (frallil !Teetotaler, Ifittnilion, (infant).
W CAMPDHlib, Grand ()ioniser. iftintilam, (mottle