The Wingham Advance, 1904-02-04, Page 5Thursday, February 4, 1904 TRH 4WIYGRAM ADVANCE, Mammoth Stock Taking Sale at Crowder's. Startinig Friday Morning we will gi t e every purchaser a Cash Discount of 25 cts. on the Dollar OFF MEN'S, YOUTUS' AND BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS, PRA .TAOKETS, REEFERS, ODD PANTS, ODD VESTS, RTO.; ETC 25e on the Dollar off all Men's end Boys' Wool and Fleece Lined Underwear and Wool Top Shirts . 25c on the Dollar off all Boots and Shoes 25c on the Dollar off all Gloves and Mitts Our stock is bran new, no old goods to choose from. Every article ie marked in plain figures— nothing marked up, nothing marked down, but straight -forward business. This is the end of our second year's busi- ness in Wingham. We want to make February the crowning month of the year, and by giving this Bw O tau DIBcOVNT we do not fear any competition. Look up your wants and come with the crowd to Tie R. ? xo Crowder CO. 2 Coon Coats at . Bargain ; 2 Fut• Collars and 4 Caps at a Bargain E ROYAL GROCERY ✓•.• Vim/\CNMM/NP,.I,/L Toilet Sets. To start the New year with we have just open- ed up a crate of Toilet Seth, Printed in choice colors, with large roll top basin. Ten pieces to each set. A Snap for quick buyers,°per set Water Sets. Also a Package of eighteen Water Sets, consist- ing of Six Glasses, Pitcher and Tray.. The colors are ---White anfl Gold, Blue, Green and Ruby, prices from $1.25 to ..$1.75 Jardeniers. We have secured a few more of thoac pretty Jardeniers in. old Blue and Gold, each 50 cts. to .$L50 $2.24 at Uriffin's 4 MASSEY - HARRIS AGIONCY Have you a Cutter? If not, call and examine otlr stock before buy- ing elsewhere. If you will be needing anything in the line of Farming Implements or Machinery for the coming sea- son, place your order early and get the best. Massey -Harris goods are leaders everywhere. Agent for the Kemp Manure Dht.tributor. We also handle the Wm. Gray & Son's Buggies and Cutters— universally acknowledged to be the best and most durable to be had. , ALF. GLOVER AGENT -sm WING HAM NOTICE Prices of saw logs are much higher this season than last season. The Canada Furniture Manufacturers are prepared to pay the highest price for all kinds of Hardwood loge, as well as Basswood, delivered at the Button & Ferment Chair Factory, Wingham. Farmers should got the logs in early while roads are good, and get the highest price. Canada Furniture Mfrs. WINGHAM Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ts the only sat% reltablQ regulator on whim. woman can depend. "in the ,Holm and time of need," Prepared in two degrees o! Strength. N0. 1 and No. 2. No. Le -For ordinary cased id by far the best dollar, Medicine known. TTo. 2, -For special cases• -10 degree.' lltronger--three dollars per boa _Ladies --male your druggist for Cook'n t0otton ]moot Compound Take no other as ill. pins, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 aro'Mid and recommended by all druggists In the DO- eninten of Canada Mailed to any address alaeoeiyt ufWriaoe� a1o,1_four 2 -cent postage Aw+ce Cotarenr, 'Windsor), Mitt`. No.1 and No. 2 aro sold In 'Wingham by A, 1.. Hamilton It. A. Douglars. O. A. Campbell and W. McKibbon. druggists. l6adies, Favorite, f !SO YOARt3s EXpEmENCI ATENTS tome PAM* brsIONs 061IVElioH'tit &o. n one sanding a *ketch and oeserlptlon veer is'a a fI aaoar�urtpin our poptiinniou. free wbsuher an Rivet Handbook on set tree. Cild dent tree. set fGn r t �' PAIVIES OTOS hMOnmelte swim notnL, Without' S.tt Uinta Ball. r°te,a'ari"ifotn m.11. i0 . i ayai Oitii%11 II1 n ".'moi, Lit Title W. A. C URRIE Wingham's Auctioneer. Sales attended in any part of Huron county. Orders lest at the ADvANOa Office will re• ceive prompt attention. 90 per cent. of Pat Cattle exhibited at Provinclni Winter Fair, 1903, wire tea with Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic. Man SIRS-, We have been feeding your Stock Food to cattle for some time, and find it to be an ex- cellent tonic. We have also fed it to horses and pigs, and aro quite sure itis the best stock food we have ever tried. Our prize winning cattle at the Provincial Winter Nair, 1003, were fed Worthington's Stock Tonle. LESLIE & PICAREN Breeder Shorthorn Cattle, Acton, Ont. Dt to Sms— I find your Stook ]'ood is a very excellent Tonin for cattle, giving them a good appetite and keeping their digestive organsin a healthy working condition. The *steer "Seattle" ex- hibited at %Fluter Mair, weighed at birth S01bs. at 35 months 2000 lbs., making a gain of 55 lbs. per month. It pays to toed Worthington's Stook Food. ANDREW ItIOIIARDSON,- Breeder Shorthorn Cattle Peepebun, Ont. Dean Sine—We have used your Stock food for both cattle and hags and find it gives gond satisfaotion. Several of ouroattlo have shown a gain of over 1001be. por month whilofeeding it. .TAB. WILSON & SONS, Breeders of Shorthorn Cattle and Yorkshire Hog,,, Fergus, Ont. Note the Price: 10 lb. bot, 200 feeds, no; 50 lb. sack, $2. For Sale By J, Bowman Windham 1 W. Messer, Morale na Ear's,Luo now I N. Qerry, Brussels Henderson ft Henderson, Whiieohurch Somebody Said "De no well dressed as yOtl afford," and its good advice. -• ore or tote m cloth est ed et ii t Brit money—more according to quality of fabric -- more or less RCM ding to length of wear—more or lest according to the thorou hneas of the mister, work. This inside part is the life of the garment. It keepe it insha e, and ie one of the features which determine its Appearance and neatness. Have you ever tried us for Men's garments? It would be worth your whsle. ---Since the beginning of the last epi- demic of influenza, in 1880, there Have been 83,861 deaths from pneumonia. in Chicago and 29,980 from consumption-- an excess of 11.4 per cent, of pneumonia mortality. —Eastern Asia is ono .of the richest mineral fuel regions in the world. The area of all the paying coal layers in Europa comprises only 22,700 square miles, au area equal to that in one of the Russian provincia—the Kazan province. —During the recent prize firing by the Channel fleet at Gibraltar IL M. S. Ma- jestic, flying the flag of 'Vice -Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, made an as, touishing record with her four 12-iuoh guns. She made 17 hits opt of 28 for 87 rounds. Stratford Jan, 28.—About 7 o'clock thins morning fire was discovered in the building 000upied by the Barn,dale Trading Company as a bakery and general store. The nearest hydrants were frozen. The loss on the, contants will be total. --Daniel B. Odette, one of Windsor's best known citizens and politicians, who is just recovering from a complica- tion of diseases, is preparing to oelcbrate in royal style the anniversary of his birthday. Although almost 47 years of age, Mr, Odette has had but ten birthdays, he having been born Feb. 29, 1856. The year of 1900, not being a leap year. Mr. Odette has had to wait eight years to celebrate the anniversary of his birth. —At a sale of horses at the Dexter Pavilion, Chicago, last week, Prince Katon, a bay stallion, sired by Red Heart out of Aurora Highwood, was sold to R. Weston of New York for 33,750, and Hattie B. and Lady Bess, a team of bay mares sired by Fairlawn, went to L. W. Cushman of Boston for 32,000. Norwood, the stallion sired by ' for from Toronto, The college authori- Nutwood out of Nora Wilkes, was sold to M. E. McOaffey of Stilesville, Ind., for 31,750. • —Eimer Lick of South Ontario shipp- ed direct to rho Old Country last season the crop of a largo orchard. For the apples shipped up to October 22nd the average returns for Nos. 1 and 2 figured out at about 31.84 per barrel on the tree, A considerable proportion of the apples were shipped in boxes, and the boxes were strengthened by wrappingF one strand of fence wire around the middle, twisting with pincers, and fastening the broken ends down with a staple. —On Monday afternoon, Edward, son of Mr. David Taylor, 12th line of Garafraxa, had occasion to enter the boar's pen, when the brute turned viciously on him. Knocking him down, it apparently heeded not the knocks of boards and prpds of forks, and chewed the calf of ono of the young man's legs in a bad shape. One of the beast's tusks also entered the flesh near the hip and lacerated it for six or eight inches. By a vigorous attaok with forks the beast was driven off, and the young man •re- covered. —J. H. Hale, of Georgia, has express- ed the opinion that the San jose scale, has been a disguised blessing to Georgia peach growers. The growers have been forced to resort to treatment in fighting scalp which has bad a general- ly beneficial effect on the orchards, Mr. Hale uses lime and sulphur in spraying for scale -20 lbs. of lime and 15 lbs of sulphur to 60 gallons of water, and boiled for an hour. He had this season sprayed 41,000 peach trees with this mixture at au average cost of loss than two cents per tree. London, Qnt., Jail. 25. ---.Mrs. Mary - A. Ball, an 014 woman, was found fro•' zen to death at her home, 499 Elizabeth street, yesterday afternoon. f he lead d evidently been overcome by cold and was no longer able to build up the fire which had died out. —Welkerville has lost four large men- ufaotuaing oonosrns within the lest month, the lastest to move is Gardner Bros, basket factory. The firm will looate at Brace Mines in New Ontario, where it has purchased a large timber traot from which it will out timber for its factory, —Thos. Millen, who lived with his mother and sister on the 18th ponces- Rion, Reaeh, went out one evening to feed his hogs. His prolonged absence alarmed his relatives at the house, and his nephow went out in search of him, and was borritled to see the animals devouring Millen's body, The greater part of the face, right thumb, and several other parts of the body were gone. -Henry Ford, on 'Tannery 12, with hie remodeled automobile, fitted with $ new 70 -horsepower motor, beat all exist- ing records for the anile by a wide mar- gin in a speed trial over a epeoially-pre- pared course on the ice of Lake St. Clair. A track several utiles in length was prepared by scraping the snow off the ice and sprinkling it with cinders, Tho maohine swerved and bumped about considerably, but made the re- markable time of a mile in 89 2-8 seconds, or 90 mile an hour. Guelph, Jan. 28.—A. student of the 0. A. College named Miller has de- veloped what is suspected to be a case of smallpox, of the mild type known as varioloid, and has been removed to St, Roch'e Isolation Hospital in Guelph Township. Tne spots first appeared on his face yesterday morning, and during the morning he was seen by a physician and once isolated. Last evening A con- sultation of physicians was held, and this morning an expert was telegraphed can Robt. Maxwell --Though this part of the continent is still held iu the vice of frost, (be mouth's record for destruction by floods in the south-west includes the loss of millions of dollars worth of property. Buildings have been swept away in many places. Others have been damag- ed. Boats have been crushed and sunk in several rivers. Machinery has been injnred and business stopped. Rail- road tracks have suffered great damage. Scores of bridges of various sizes have been parried away. It seems probable that the damage by high water in Cleveland and Lorain alone may exceed a million dollars. --The Wiarton Beet' Sugar Paotory is closed and the plant is in hands of the Union Bank and Bank of Commerce, which had advanced largo sums to carry on the business. The closing of the factory has been a bad financial blow to many of Wiartou'e citizens, their losses aggregating something like 3105,000, J. John and l), Euethor, two prominent Wiarton men loss 310,000 and $12,000' respeotively. A cor- respondent .from Wiartou writes—Not one man of the number has tried to shirk their responeibtllty in the matter. lldr. J. Steell who was hold for 34,000 came all the way from Chicago to settle his. J. 0. Simeon who puts up $0,000 is here from Toronto to settle the claim against him and every other man whose name appears on the bonds is just As aaxtOUS to nettle their amount. Their honorable action* inthe matter which is some oasee is flnanolal ruin is one of the praiseworthy sights that has every been witnessed hero and ono that the town of Wiarton may well feel proud of, though the ill effect.' Of the monetary loss will be 'far reaohln. g ties scout the idea of the casebeing smallpox and claim that there is noth- ing worse than chicken pox. . THE COUNTY COUNCIL. But five members of Huron County Council reached Goderich on Tuesday, when the opening hour' arrived—name- ly, Messrs. Connolly, Durnin, Lockhart, Patterson and Young, and this not being a quorum, adjournment took plane till the same hour on Wednes- day. On Wednesday all were present ex- cept Messrs. Ferguson, snowbound at Wingham, and Hicks, at Exeter. Clerk Lane asked for nominations for ' tho wardeuship, and James Bowman—was nominated by Messrs. Connolly and Spackman, and unanimously elected. County Judge Holt swore in the new Warden, who took his seat with a few words of hearty thanks for the honor done him. Messrs. Lockhart, Miller, McLean, Cantelon and MoNaughton were ap- pointed a striking committee to report on the standing committees for the year. Letters were read from the clerk of Perth County, proposing joint action for the establishmeht of a consumptive hospital; from the Women's Instituto of South Huron for a grant from the Hospital for Sick Children asking for aid; and from the Children's Aid Socie- ty of Huron for a grant towards their work, and all were referred to Execu- tive committee. Tenders were received for wood supply to jail; two for additions to House of Refuge, and ono for printing. The resignation of Mrs. French as matron of the house of Refuge was read and sent to H. of R. committee. Sherrlff Reynolds asked that certain repairs be made at the jail. Applications for the position of Audi- tor were read from H. W. Hall, Geo. Woods, Thos. E. Bays, F. Morley, and J. 0. Morrison, and from J. M. Field for a position on the Board of County Examiners, were read and left on the table. Butat the evening session the names of Messrs. Cameron, of Brussels, and Moffat, of Soaforth, were added as applicants, and all were referred to the Education committee. Moved by Spaokman, seconded by Mr. Connolly, that Messrs. Lockhart and Lane be auditors of Criminal Jus- tice accounts. carried. Motions for the following grants were sent b the Finance Committee; $20 to the agricuitural and horticultural Societies of the county; 325 to each Teachers' lustitute; $15 to each Public Library; $26 to each Farmers' Institute; $10 for flowers to be planted around the Court House, and a motiou by Messrs. Gunn and McLean, that $60 be 'granted tho Tnokersmith Branch Agricultural Society, The report of the Striking Comtrtittee was rend and adopted as follows i ExaotTiVii AND SPBOIAbt-•- Connolly, Gann, Miller, Spaokinan, Flicks, 3INANOlt ANb EDuoAIiO0AL:- - Lockhart, Durnin, Mct'aughton. Mc. Lean, herr. ROAD Asp BRIDGE AND CO., PIiOPEI1TY: Cantelon, Patterson, Lamont, 'Yottngg, Forguson. t41VALIZAI'ION Whole Donnoft. ou.ulfifihE. WAIt nNNs 0 Oantolon, MoLetil, ltl'eXeughton, Miller. HovSE or REFUGE:-- Chuhu, Spackman. Lamont. The Clerk was inetrneted to order a copy Of the Ontario Statute* and the of ildtlnicipttil World for eta member the Council, and to add the ruler of order and proceedings t0 the Jetliners initiates when printed. The Oottlloil adjourned oil Thursday moo set sowp'eb. 6th to *Mini rte bum, Possibly Your Wife. Doeeu"t look so young and pretty es she used to, if her cheeks are hollow and pale, if she is tired and nervous she needs T1 errozone, which hi Ilotbd for restoring the bloom of health to sickly girls and women. Complexion quickly becomes rosy, rpirite rise, and strength increatie% daily. Health and vigor will soon return to your wife or daughter if Perrozone is used. Its the IWO best topic Med., and oats Silo. at all ers Doctors first prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago. They use it - today more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon It for cods, cougbs, bronchitis, consumption. They will tell you how it heals inflamed lungs. "I had s ver bad mash foe three_ years. Thea I tried Ayer' Chary PeaMrat. Mays, lungs "cseas hededendtorems.coy rew awa>tss, tame VTOL, side watrs, 7a, 255., No., 51,55,` J.O. AT* oa., An dM.w tL for he..n: Ipw.a. Old Coughs i ane A er's p111 at bedtime insures natural action neat morning. A BAD CASE. Tho following letter, addressed to the Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association, Toronto, from tho Rectory, Norwood, Ont., and signed by Boy. J. McKee McLennan, a well-known, Angli- can minister of the province, needs no comment of ours. It roads : "1 desire to secure the admission into the Free Hospital for Consumptives at Graven - burst of a young woman, a member of nay parish. The caro is a very sad one, and if help can at once be given, a pro- mising life can bo saved. Three years ago the mother died of consumption. (ince that time it has been my painful duty to bury two of the sons with the same disease. Now Annie, aged about seventeen, and a boy of fourteen are all that remain of the family. The poor girl has boon in Muskoka, boarding at a private house, waiting to be admitted. She returned home last week, and within twenty-fourDhours of her return her father dropped doad in his buggy while driving into Norwood, The case is surely ono that mast appeal to the sym- pathies of everyone, and yet, Ileac, only ono of the many that are constantly coming under your notice." (Note.--Roadors—and may their num- ber be many—who desire to assist in this worthy work may send their gifts to Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Kt., Vice -President, National Sanitarium Association, To- ronto, or Mr. W. 3. Cage, Chairman of tho Executive Committee, Toronto.] A Bloated Stomach. Distension and pains from indigestion are cured quickly by Nerviliue. When you get au attaok of 'stomach trouble take a stiff dose of Nerviline, which is perfectly harmless but marvellously quick in effecting a lasting cure. "1 was once taken i11 with stomach trouble writes Ed. Rodwell of Rochester." I was in great pain and distress but half a teaspoonful of Nerviline fixed mo up in a few minutes. I can recommend Nerviline for sick headache and oramps and consider it an invaluable household remedy. Try it yourself. Price 26c. dlli' � Mee of the *818 MONEY TO LOAN --At 4l per cent. on improved farms. Easy terms of re- payment ; expenses light. Apply A. Dulmage, Real Estate and Loan Agent, Kent Block, DR. OVENS Or LONDON SURGEON, OCULIST, SPECIALIST. Diseases Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Vieth' Wingham monthly, QLAssss FITTED PROPERLY. NASAL 0ATARRII and Dairxxss treated. Wingham aloe at Campbell's Drug Store. London office -225 Queen's ave.; hours 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dates of visits—Mondays— Feb. 1, Feb. 20, Mar. 28, May 2. May 30, Juno 27, July 25, Sept, 5, Oct, 3, Oct. 31, Nov. 28, C. HAMILTON AUCTIONEER BLYTII — ONT. 30 years experience. T have conducted over 3000successful Auction Sales the County of Huron and as a rule get better prices and sell to better mon. Orders loft at AnvAxos °Luso, Wingham, will receive prompt atten- tion. Terms reasonable. satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone or telegraph at my expense. ROBT. I -I. GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. ' Sales arranged for at the office of the WINGUAir AAvANcir, SUCCESS gi °du tis nt --Two Courses— Commercial and Shorthand.• Send for College journal. C. A. FLEMING A. L. MCINTYIRE President Seer. List INSURANCE FIRE T,'twest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT (SLATE GLASS ire ,a. .,.Wt, -r., ;:r > f ;‘:1 nit ;f.'" 21 *. • PROMPTLY SECURED write for our interesting hooka "invent. or's Ftelp and Flow you oro etvindled. , send et a rough sketch or model of your hi - veinier: ortmprovement and wcwill tell: ou, tree our opinion as to whether it is probably, ateutable. ejected applicattonshave often , been success.fully prosecuted by no. We conduct fully equipped c4iccs in Montreal, aid Washington ; this qualifies us to prompt-, ly die'ppaateh work arul quickly aeeire Patestts; ae bread es the inventiob. Itlighcitt referenoer furaithed. Pateits procured thretigh Marie* It Us - riot receive opeelat hake without chargee la d,. b , over toe newspaper* distributerouY ut; the n,rninim, seeelalt Patent aosleets of itseufse- tosersAitti 'ftl.isineetlr. MARION & MARION Patstrt III:xprrts *ha Bolltllltors. -1 1 ISARD'S 20 Per Cent. Discount Sale. Here's the Chance of the Winter. We want this February Discount Sale to be the largest and most successful in the history of this store, You Save 20 cts. For every dollars worth of the following lines of goods you purchase, we will hand back 20 cults, or iii other words—you get one dollar value for 80c. • 20 Per Cent. Off Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, Boots & Shoes, Press Goods, Ladies' Underwear, Children's Underwear, Fur Coats, Ladies' Jackets, Top Skirts, Fur Ruffs, Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Men's Pants, -Men's Reefers; Men's and Boy's Suits, Fur Caps. TERMS :—Cash or Trade. All goods marked in plain figures. Buy now and save looney. .1 i n .., , H. E. I card & Co. Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce REXALLHOUSEHOLD- DYES These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath — they are the latest and most improved Dye in the world. Try a package. All colors at W. Messer's store, Bluevale, and C. B. MoClolland's store, Belgravo, Out. THE ADVANCE OFFICE for tasty and down -to -date Job Printing. Prices right, .+++++++++*.l++.b+ +t'+ ++++++++++ 60 uays . .�a1ea i.LJI ry.i. iii 5,000 WORTH OF WATCIiES,. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES AND SILVERWARE to be sold at COST for SPOT CASH. Frons Februar414 y let until April 1st, we will positively sell at COST. This is the chance of the year to get a good Watch, or anything in the lino of Jewelry, cheaper than you ever heard of be- fore. All our goods are reliable, and of the best makes,, and we warrant them. No old goods taken in exchange on new goods. 414 W. OE PATTERSON The Great Watch Doctor Stone dock . Opp. Queen's Hotel 4+ 4+ s�► 4+ 4 4+ 4 4+ 4+ 4 4 t+ 4 4+ 4 %;447-r44444+++4414':7477/4 +44+4444-444+4444..,._ . .., .. _.._. s