The Wingham Advance, 1904-02-04, Page 131ST YEAR, NO. 23►
The Wingham Advance.
Capital (paid up) $3,000,000
Reserve (a d g= Rt:a' • $3,474,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Can-
ada, the United States and Europe.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and
upwards, and added to principal 30th June
and 314 December each year.
D. T. HEPEURIh, Manager
R, Vanetone, Solicitor
20 Per Cent, Oft.—Ieard Sr Co.
Break It Up.—W. McKibben.
Valentine Day.—Cooper & Co.
For One Week.—Alex. Ritchie.
Reduced Prices.—Hanna & Co.
60 Days' Sale. ---W. G. Patterson.
Mammoth Sale.—R. H. Crowder Co.
Transcontinental Service. -0. P. R.
Headquarters For Chairs.—Ball Bros,
'i sal gfenns
Wear Cereer'a Shoes and Rubbers.
Hugh Taylor of Toronto was in town
last week.
A. Bennett of Lucknow was in town
last Thursday.
W. J. Chapman of Acton was in
town this week.
Slaughter Sale of Overcoats and
French Flannels (25r)—Geo. E. King.
Miss W. Alba Chisholm is spending
a few days with Toronto friends.
Mrs, Birchall, mother of S. Birchall,
his been very ill, but is recovering.
Joon Agnew, Jun., was home last
Week from the Western University.
Mr. Sperling reports plenty of salt
on hand now at the Wingham Salt
if this is an open winter a great
many people would like to find the
man that opened it.
Oysters served -10 etc, 15 cts.,20 cts,
and 25 cies at W. J. Scott's,
Miss H. Wright of Kincardine in
spending a few days in town, the guest
of the Misses Fleeter.
Mrs. Farcluhareod fell in her kitch-
en, on Wednesday of last week, and
broke one of her wrists,
Misses Hattie Ward and Lizzie Fteu-
ty spent a few days this week with
friends around Belgreve.
Oranges for marmalade, also bettor
Oranges 15e a doe. at L. G. Kruse',
Star Restaurant.
Mr. Lambert, Jr., of the Mt, Forest
Representative, and his friend Mr.
McLeod, gave the Advance a call on
4rtificttl teeth and uppers for boots
and shoes are among the new uses to
which paper is belpg put. A substan-
tial business firm in Boston is consid-
ering a proposition to take up the
mannfacturing paper hats.
This Teeswater branch of the C. P.
R. is reported to he suffering more
from the tremendous depth of snow
than any other branch, The company
deserve credit for keeping the road so
well open, when other lines are block-
ed and the trains so very irregular.
Always have on hand fresh and
smoked fish, also celery and lettuce at
L. G. Kruse', Star Restaurant.
Windsor is not only cant of Coal,
but is threatened with a potato
Mr. Alex. Taylor of Hartney and
Mfrs. Chas, Miller of Deloreine, Man.,.
are guests at W, J, Currie's, East Wa-
Andrew Stein has sold the Si of lot
28, con. 9, East Wawanosh, 100 acres,
to Geo, B. Naylor of same township;
price, $3,300.
Thomas E. Walker hits disposed of
his farm in Culross to Richard Cronin,
possession April 1st. Mr, Walker is
Purchasing another and larger farm
near Teeswater.
Mrs. Fred. Fleron and little daugh-
ter of Thesealon, who have been visit-
ing her father, Mr. Thos. Netterfield,
returned to her home last Thursday;
Mrs. Fleron while here was cured of
rheumatism in the arm and shoulder
by Dr. Kennedy's Static electrical
In another column, W. G. Patterson
offers reduced prices on his jewelery
stock. He has a fine selection of
watches, cht:tne, etc., to choose from,
and invites our readers to call. He
will make the visit interesting and
profitable from the purchaser's stand-
point. Give him a call ; see advt.
Mrs. F. Hogg has been ill during
the past two weeks, but is now on the
mend. Mrs. Jas, Walker is still
suffering much pain from inflamatory
rheumatism. Mr. Mallagh is still con.
fined to his bed with illness. C. J.
Reading is suffering from a severe at- !,
tack of In grippe. Several members
of D. M. Gordon's family have been
afflicted with la grippe. Miss Emma
Mulvey has also been ill for some
time. There may be other citieens
"under the weather" of whoa we
have not heard. Wo wieho ll a speedy
restoration to health,
Two rinks of Winghain Curlers went
to Toronto on Tuesday, viz : Messrs.
Vannorman, Knechtel, Jeffrey, Ham-
mond, Griffin. Dingley, Bete and Al-
derson. Io the contest for the Gover-
nor -General's prize, Wingham won
from Richmond •Hill.
Mrs. John Territf of town received
word this week of the death her sis-
ter, Mrs. Angeline Griffith Funston, of
Toronto, who died on Sunday last.
On account of her own illness Mrs.
Terriff was unable to attend the fune-
ral, but Mr. Terrill attended. Mrs.
Funeton was formerly a resident of
Wroxeter, Mrs. Terrill' has been ill
for several months, and the death of
her sisterts *severe triol.
These faitassistants of the edi-
tor must not be blamed if their bud-
gets fail to appear. The demoralized
mail service on account of storms is
responsible, very often delaying the
arrival of the items until the day after
we have gone to press.• This week,
just as our forms were closed. two
budgets from Morrie, siso Gorrie, Sa-
lene, Jamestown items and an account
of the Hall -Renwick marriage reached
us; we must hold them oyer.
J. R. Johnston of Whitechurch Is
one of the pioneer* of this section of
country. In a short time he will have
been fifty years in this yicinity, and
by tells the Advance that this is the
worst winter he has seen since he t r
came "to the Wilt" nearly fifty years F His visit to Wingham Was much en- The centennial of the Upper Cana -
Form 1— Ii'ixam eeping *objects— o ed, and the congregation will be da Bible Societywill be held in March.
ago, Geography, Book-keeping, Arithmetic. ] Y
1'ATRtoTI0 SODIAI,.--The Weattuin- Total 300. E. Davidson $75, P. Mc- pleased to have him visit them again. Sunday, March Oth, hag been set apart
ser Guild of the Wingham Presby-
1e A Wilson`3511 Everisales tt 'Glenn 227, C. 0. P. C. A.dains as Universal Bible Sunday, and on
terian Ohurch Intend bolding a Petri- 0, Borden 227, F. Vannorman 221, O. that day pastors of every denomina-
Uourt Maitland No. 25, C, O, F, all parts of the world,will
tion, � and In
. °son 4 R.
ere ,
an Tv.
o the Manners rob f
otic Social in the lecturem,'spent a ver pleasant evening in their
church on Thursday eve"g., Feb, 4th, OrTtikahank X113, P. Davidson 210, C.Y 11 preach special sermons, f n the morn-
which a 'splendid ro ram will be Hele 107, Dlaq f,atttnnt 107', R, King Court room on Friday evening last.. ing service, on tho Bible ; and the
program J. T, Wilson 1. Fry
70 Armour 178, pro. W. G. Strong, district organizer, evening service will be devoted to the
given and y refreshments served. 5c,All J. Macon 172, M. Fry 170 (1 , M. Beem• was resent, and as usual was & wel•
are cordially invited. Admission 18c, er 100, �R. Howson 147. H.Campbell p interests of the British and Foreign
147, M. Eliseo* 144 (1), F. Howson 140 conte visitor, and two initiations en- Bible Society; seeking to Inform the
The gentleman mentioned in cote, (1), M. Turner 135 (1).E. Johnston 134 livened the evening. After the bent- people of the great work in Bible cu -
l1; b. McGitliiray 33 (1 F, Patter- nese was concluded, about sixty of the culation which hat been accomplished
nectlon with the position of Superin- *on 181 l), P. Kerr law, D[, Mason
tendent of Farmers' Institutes, to fill pee (1), svi, Knechtel 125 1), E, moo. inetnberu sat down to refreshments through the efiort4 of this Society
b y the promotion rove 117 1 , G. Tees 74 2), P. Kelly including orators, served in the during the past century, It le estim-
the vacancy caused y p grove ( )
44 Inthis art of thepro.
Fletnttr 51 2 �. GowdyCourt room, Kt e tat (Elting- the past century
of Mr. Oreelman to the Agricultural 69 {'2), E. a (),p c1 th (4 1 p tt y
College is Mr. T. H. Race editor of the (2). Lotve 44 (2), grant, all had a part, anr� no fertile'. more than 800,000.® copies of the
Miteliell Record, who ha* for some tntrance class—Examined in the proof of their ap ti•eefetion ails wee- Scriptyres haytl been pot into etrcrllat
time taken en active interest in these following subjects --Arithmetic, Geog= Bary, than the zest with Which they tion by till publishing houses and
raphy, History and Spelling. Maxi» disc red urn+ be long, sparrd to lobar in various de•
matters. mum marks 55(1. Baby Jones 418,E h$ a their duties tot (he table, Bible Societies 'put together I consider- 9, , isms of the Church militant, and when
alsh 41Cs, D. iihrivszelr 410, J3. Gan- After the refreshments were disposed ably more than half of the nrunber life's abtivities aro ended, vocpeive rho abun-
FoR SALiC.-=Toe G room c welting nett 40X. L. Nicholls 40.1, A. Barber of, Court Deputy Greer presided and leaving been issued by the British and in'ttite Ch rolbio Trixt ptiautolsv iehale in
i3 lot o old St $45 03) 3$• P
oil sopth aide, 1541 cash. Immediate
t);, Oloxittstpn, blq.
Continuation Class. Examinations
for Jan nary. Subjects ---Euclid, Alge-
bra, Composition and Grammar.
Maximum 400. The small figure after
number of marks Indicates the number
of examinations missed
Form III --M, Ferguson 2293, A. Park
203, J. Garrick 293. A. Rintoul 283, L.
Ansley 254, E, Currie 249, A. Wilson
255 (1), U. Wilson 214 (1), E. Render
son `210, 51. Ross 182 (1), W. Iabister
164 (1), "0. Gundy 157 (1), M. Gordon
147 (2), "I. Davis 140 (1), 51. Troy 91 (2),
V. Davidson 70 (3). O. Ferguson 72 (2),
G. 0ruikshank 50 (3). Those 'narked
with " do not take Grammar. and in the evening,—lsaialt ft210the—
Form 11-13. Higgins 265, W. Link- '-Therefore my people shall know my blocked worst inthe recentplstorm, being
ister 261. J. Perste 250, E. Ferguson frame." Both sermons were practical, for couple of days. The
207, W. Jobb `200, J. Hutton 183(1), A.
appropriate and forceful, and were
snow in Teeswater is now ten feet
Posliff 180, L Nay 170 (i), G. Elliottdeep on the leveleeend a gang of men
170, Holmes Iii$ (1), O. Gregory 153, listened to with much interest and was sent from Toronto Friday night
M. mart 143, C. Currie 120 (2), L, Deyell profit. On Monday evening, Dr. to remove it from the railroad yards.
1$ (1), O. Cruikshank 117 (1), M,
(t) 111 (tj H Green 1p (2) M
During the year 1903, there were
reglatered in Winghain 44 births, 29
deaths and 28 marriages.
Mr. Jag. Bowman of Morris was
elected Warden of Huron county het
week. He will make an excellent
The Dennie Bros., dairymen, have
purchased the old tannery property,
near the Button & Peasant factory,
and will" use it for dairy purposes.
They are industrious young men and
deserve to succeed.
Mr. Henry Dennis of Wingham was
united in marriage to M155 Beulah
Pearl Snell of Westfield, on January
27th. Rev. A. McLean of Blyth per-
formed the marriage ceremony. We
wish the young people much success
in the voyage of life.
Oysters served --10 Cls., 15 cta., 20 eta.
and 25 Cts. at W. J. Scott's,
A quiet wedding took place today,
at the residence of the bride's mother,
Pleasant Valley, when Mr. M. Pearen
was united to Miss Emma, daughter
of Mrs. Wm. Rush. Rev. J. A. Mc-
Lean tied the nuptial knot. The
friends of the contracting parties hope
for them.many years of married life.
Collector Robertson made almost a
complete clean-up of the tax -roll of
1003. A few small amounts remain,
but the most of them are uncollectahle
and will be returned against the lands.
It is creditable to our citizens as well
as to the Collector, that so large a tax -
roll is collectable without recourse to
costs in a single instance so far at we
Mt. Forest and Wingham played a
schedule game on the rink hero on
Monday evening. the former winning
by one shot. This shot is disputed; it
seeing that the goal was won by our
boys, but the shot passed right through
the net and was not allowed by the
Mt. Forest umpire. On Tuesday even-
ing Mt. Forest played in Lucknow.
Two of Wingham players, Alva Flem-
ing and Ivan Johnston. played with
them; score, 5-5. The five goals won
by Mt. Forest were taken by the two
Winghain players, Fleming scoring
four and Johnston one.
Stock Takes.
Stock -taking bas been completed for
the transfer of the business of A.
Young and Son, to the purchaser.
Councillor Thos. Armstrong, who will
have possession as soon as the transfer
ie completed. Mr. Young's faithful
assistant, . Mr. Stewart. will remain
with the new proprietor. Mr. Young
will be one of the managers of a Build
ing and Construction Co. of Toronto.
and expects to enter on bis duties
at an early date, thot;gh we are pleas-
ed to hear he does pot intend remov-
ing from Winghens for a ti; ne at least,
The Advance wishes hint success in
the new line of business, and also
hopeg that the new proprietor of the
hardware busine.s will find his invest-
ment a profitable one,
You can get a nice oyster stew for
130 a dish ; we make ice cream to order
at L. G. Kruse', Star Restaurant.
Last Sunday was the anniversary of
Winghain Baptist Ohurch, and the
congregation was delighted to have as
preacher for the occasion, Rev. Dr.
Thomas, lately pastor of Jarvis street
church, Toronto. In the morning Dr,
Thomas chose for his text,—Paalin 25;
11—"For Thy name's sake, A Lord,
pardon mine iniquity for 1t is great."
Any deserving poor families in
Wingham cap receive bread ticket.
and orders for flour free by calling at
ths office of Barrister R.13olines,
Good Horses.
Messrs. Ford tic Duff have now a
consignment of horses awaiting ship-
ment to Manitoba. Two especially
fine teams are among them. One is a
heavy draught team purchased from
M, Verson of Outroea for a big price.
They are wanted for the Experiment-
al farm, Brandon. Another Is a fine
team of geldings, lighter in weights
but pretty as a picture, These are in-
tended for the Fire Hall, Brandon,
and brought a fancy figure also. The
shipment of horses to the west
leaves considerable ready cash in
Ontario farmers' hands, and this: Mr, Geo, Cline.
2—Overture .. "At the Concert in the
Park." Band.
3—Ballet Oharacterisque... , "Carnival
Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar Club.
4—Cornet Solo.... "Killarney."
J. W. Duncan.
5—Descriptive... "Dance of the Skele-
tons." Band.
Miss Brock.
7—Waltz.... "In the city of sighs and
tears." Band.
Accompanist—Miss Houghton.
Admission 10 cents. Seats reserved
for ladies and their escorts until 8
4, 1904. $1.00 PER YEAR IN AUYANOE
Band Concert.
The Band will be pleased to welcome
the citizens to the second concert of
the series, now being held for the pur-
chase of uniforms, The date is fixed
for Friday, February 6th, and the fol-
lowing is the program ;--
1—March...."The Three Links."
2—Song....(Scotch) By request..,,.,.
Mr, Geo. Cline.
3—Serenade and Waltz ,"To Thee"
4—Recitation ....Selected
Miss Brock.
5—Song.... "Drum Major's Song."
Pearl Duncan,
6—Characteristic March "Pokey Pete."
1—Song (Irish)
section of country gets its share.
County Meeting.
The annual meeting of the L. 0, L.
of North Huron was held in Wingham
on Tuesday. Notwithstanding the
unfavorable weather and irregular
trains, a goodly number of the breth-
ren were present. County Master
W. J. Greer presided. Much of the
time was taken up with reports and
routine work. The County Master's
address was appropriate, comprehen-
sive and instructive, It was decided
to have it printed in the minutes and
in the Sentinel. A unanimous resolu-
tion passed deciding to celebrate July
12th in Wingham. The officers elect
are:—County Master, M. Mains; D. 0.
M., R. Leishman ; Chaplain, Rev. W.
Lowe ; Rec.-Sec., J. J. McMannus ;
Fin. -Sec., Alex. Leishman ; Treas.,
Jas. Colley ; D. of 0., N, Johnston ;
Lect're., J. Broadway, R. Leishman,
Asked A Grant.
Mr. Thos. Bell for Wingham, Reeve
Iabister for Morrie, and Reeve Mc-
Callum for East Wawanoslh, attended
the County Council last week, and
advocated a special grant for the road
south of Wingham, that is always
overflowed with water in the spring,
and impassable for two or three
weeks. It was thought that if Morris,
Wawanosh and Wingham each
gave a grant, and this wit' supple-
mented by an equal amount from the
county, the road could he put ;in good
condition, so as to enable farmers to
have ae'i;ess to town during the spring
freshets. The County Council did not
seem inclined to make a grant, fearing
that other portions of the county
would make application for grants.
The necessity of this particular case is
generally admitted, and when each
municipality was willing to assist in
the work, our County representatives
Might have given
ment at least.
Fon SALE.—The 7 room dwelling
and 4 acre lot with fine outbuildings
and orchard, situated at 110 Shuter St.
E., for $1500.00 cash. Possession on
May let, 1004. Address—Mrs. 1%. E.
Forster. Charleston, Mo.
For Teeswater Branch.
The Toronto News of Saturday
says—One of the C. P. it's big rotary
snow plough arrived in Toronto this
morning from Montreal, and will be
placed on the Teeswater branch. This
plough is one of the largest made,
and will throw snow for a distance of
150 feet from the track. It is worked
on an entirely different method from
the ordinary plough, its front being
of the shape of a funnel which pene-
trates its way into a bank of snow no
matter what height, and the snow is
projected out at the top by revolving
wheels in the interior of the plough.
Tho plough, which is the only one of
its kind on the 0. P. R. lines in On-
tario, •will be held in readiness for
another snowstorm. The officials say
that they do not intend to take any
chancel' of a block on the Teeswater
branch, which was the one to suffer
some encourage -
wars Thonsas delivered a most interesting
re i lecture on—"Off days in a busy lite," moth Anniversary.
You can get Weston's, of Toronto,
high-class Biscuits, such as Macaroons,
Vanilla Wafers, Lady Finger, whole
wheat and other lines at.L. G. Kruse',
McKelvie'a old stand.
Two Presentations.
Thursday evening last was spent
very pleasantly by a goodly number
at the Methodist church. Owing to
irregularity of trains, Rev. R. Hobbs
was unable to reach Wingham on that
day, hence the lecture announced may
be given at some future date. How-
ever, an interesting program was pre-
sented. Rev. Dr. Gundy gave a read-
ing entitled "Absalom," with good
effect. Miss Brock gave an excellent
recitation in her usual good style. A
solo by Frank Hill, a duett by Mrs.
Kaiser and Mr. Skilling, and several
selections by the choir, made the musi-
cal part of the paogram very accepta-
ble. Then came the presentation of
the Pipe Organ to the Trustees. When
the church was being built the Trus-
tees could not see their way clear to
assume any further liability, Bence a
committee of five of the Trusteea was
appointed, and they personally as-
sumed the responsibility of purchasing
the organ. So faithfully did they per-
forin their duty that the organ, free of
debt, has been formally presented to
the Board. In making the presenta-
tion, Mr. J. Kerr, chairman of the
committee, in a neat speech. outlined
the work of the committee and thank-
ed all who had assisted in anyway,and
then handed over the key of the organ
to Mr. Fessant. Treasurer of the
Board, who, on behalf of the Board
and congregation, thanked the com-
mittee for their earnest and faithful
work. Mr. Green, Treasurer of the
committee, then burned the three
notes given some two years ago for
the organ. The Audience showed their
pleasure of the happy conclueion of
the committee's work by sincere ap-
plause. The next item on the program
was also very interesting, and that
was the recognition on the part of the
Board of the faithful services rendered
by Mr. W. I3. Green, as Inspector of
the building during the erection of the
church. This took the form of a pre-
sentation of a Solid Gold Watch, with
elegant chain and charm. On the in-
side of the case is stained the photo of
the church, and on the dome is en-
graved the name of the recipient and
the reason for tho presentation, while
in the locket is a portrait of Bev. R.
Hobbs, the pastor during the erection
of the church, The accompanying ad-
dress was read by one of the Trustees,
Mr, Il'essant, Another Trustee, handing
Mr, Green the elegant recognition of
bis services.
To W. If. (ental v.
Dear Brother:—Tho Trustee Board and con-
grog..tion of Wingham Methodist Church
regard the present as a fitting time to recog-
nize the faithful and efficient services which
you rendered as Inspector of the bnildbtg
operations during the eroction of this church.
We realize --that while the contractors were
faithful and conscioutious in the performance
yourability and officio 0
v e to n
hoar work, t
yet n operations.
idont of the building
as 8u ortntet g
wo ono in no small tlegrco, the perfeot Con.
structton of this church, and for this you have
had the sincere appreciation of tae Truetoo
hoard and congregation.
It rias the underetandia g when you acroprod
rho task, that you stumht' be rotnunorated for
declitime render any a000nnt to thenwee positively
time bpeet or work performed. and also refuse
to accept 'from the Trustee Board any recog-
nition in cash for your serviceswo ask yon_to
accept tide OoT.n :VATCtt and Crl.\uc. e
trust that whenever you open it to stark the
eight of thee. you n;ay, by the Dilate of our
beautiful chnr lb Bothe within, Or the portrait
ee the paetgr at 9 • time, bo reminded of
happy nssocratious, and also of the eucceasfel
cop;pietInn of an enterprise, which trout its
inception was orownctl by the Divine blessing
with abundant Success.
We trust that yourself and estimable family
Council met on Monday evening,
Feb, 1st.; members all present.
Minutes of last meeting read and
On motion of Coun's 1), Bell and G.
H, Makin. $5 was granted 10 the
Sick Children's Hospital and the same
amount to the Free Consumptive Sani-
The following accounts were consld-
ercd by Finance Committee:—
Dominion Express Co. (Rolls)?.. $ 40
Thos. Jobb, repairs
J, B. Ferguson, 28 Cern. deeds...
" regist'ing B,M,D,
T. Hall, printing and advtg.
John Gerniss, wood
A. Sanderson, snow plowing....
R. McGuire, wood.(charity)
Wm. Moore, repairing dram
Hook and Ladder Co., services
Alex. Vanalstine, work, streets
V, Vannorman, salary
W. Robertson, salary, collector
13 00
20 00
20 95
27 0000
1 0000
3 50
1 25
42 00
R. Rankin, belt ringing 5 67
W. Mallagh, salary 36 00
TIie above accounts were recommen-
ded for payment.—W. 3, Greer, ()hack-
man Finance Committee.
On motion of Coutes T. Bell and
Holmes, the report of Finance Com-
mittee was adopted and the issue of
cheques therefor authorized.
Coen. T. Bell reported on his inter-
view of the County Council regarding
assistance for repair of the road south
of Wingham; he could not speak' en-
couragingly of the prospects of receiv-
ing a grant, but the matter was still
undecided until the Council completed
their work on 16th inst.
The Auditors °Report was presented
and referred to the Finance committee
on motion of Coun's Greer and Arm-
Accounts were read from A. E.
Smith and J. A. Morton for auditor's
salary, $15 each, and from the latter
35 for extra type written copy. On
motion of Holmes and T. Bell, these
accounts were passed for payment.
By-law 511-1904, for appointment of
officers, was introduced and read ; the
blanks were oiled as follows :--
guson, salary $700; of this 3550 is
chargeable to the town, and $150 to
the Electric Light.
. CONSTABLE,—Uonstable Vannorman
pointed out that his salary was lower
than any other, and had not been rais-
ed as others had ; he had served the
Council faithfully for eight yeare. He
did not, however, ask an increase, but
requested to he furnished with winter
and summer uniforms. Coen. Millikin
then moved, seconded by D. Bell--=
That V. Vannorman be Chief Conste-
ble for 1004, salary and duties to be the
same as last year, the Council to fur-
nish two uniforms, not to exceed in
cost $20 each—carried. The blank in
by-law was then filled accordingly.
FENOE•VIEwERs—Thos. Deans,. Jas,
Angus, Was Moore.
BOARD OF HEALTH—Thos. Gregory,
member for two years.
Coin's D. Bell and Greer moved that
Rev. W. Lowe be appointed to the
Library Board for three years, and
that the motion appointing W. Mc -
Ribbon be rescinded—carried.
On motion of Coun's Holmes and
Armstrong, 3400 was placed to the
credit of the School Board.
The Mayor brought up the matter of
the Montgomery family, and read a
letter from Goderich regarding costs
incurred with the children. There is
difficulty finding a place for Mrs. M.
The Mayor called the attention of
the Street committee to the condition
of the sidewalks.
Council then adjourned.
and acre n on 1.e p "+ a 397, A, Rintot i 8(ii, J. tluithee* 1, proceeded with the Toast list Which Foreign Bible Society alone, while, Heaven." ash. Alio vac nt lot'adjolning abo +, eckett , , ohne 36$, 1>d. Welsh t3lgned on behalf of the Trustee iloarti and
B , H., oy-d f, Ii, Tones d' , A. hteh decl the fallowing 1•-•Qur Hl hlf, before the beginning of the loth Congregation.
slim 822, p. Longman 120, J. Srnale followed by singing of the National centur , probably the number of Tees. lien. A. E. Lloyd,
Y y" win, reseed. Jno. herr,
III. M • k 3 IL Dia end 2511 11-AnthemC.)t r pair Dominion re -copies - d i thed of the eW.e . Greer.Jn
eemeir •'2$7. A'. 13ownlau ' 1, Ii" Gray spondee to by R.ev, W. Lotwe. 3.- A, apostles did not exceed 5,000,000. If Mr. Green briefly expressers Inc Appre-
oseessipa. Address—Mrs. A. iti,. For:
CAPITAL PAID I7F.. , ... , $ 2,000,000,00
Rxe nv12 FUND 1,700,000.00
Tomer, Ammo.. , 421,059,506.54
lion, Wm. Gibsoa President
Geo. Roaob John Prcotor A. B.14.
John $, Mendel, Geo. Rutherford
J. Turnbull, Vfoe-Pres, and General Manager
11. S. Steven, Asst, gen.: M'utager
13, M. Watson, Inspector.
Deposits of 31 and upwards received, Int-
erest allowed and Computed on 30th November
and 31st May�• each year, and added to principal
Special Deposit also reoeived at current.
rates of interest.
Dickinson & Holmes, Solicitors
The Leamington Post says—"Dr.
S. M. Kennedy, of Leamington, Ont.,
son of Rev. 3. Kennedy, of London
has been selected to give a clinic at
the forthcoming convention of the
Ontario Dental Society, which will be
held in Toronto on Feb. 8, 0 and,. 10,
1004. The selection of Dr. Kennedy
for such an honor ie an indication of
the high position to which he has
attained in his profession, and will in
future lead to greater honors." He is
a brother of Dr. Kennedy of Wing -
WANED. -01d iron, mixed rage,
a, wool-pickings,pall kinds of
feather and hids. ihest cash price
paid. — II. Brown, Centre street,
Up the
will do it
every time.
For breaking up and curing
a cold of any kind, they are
unequalled. 25c per Box.
Lower Wingham.
Mr. Wm, Netterfield is now confined
to his home, and suffers a great deal
of pain.
Win, Thom and faintly of Gremlin,
North Dakota, are visiting Mrs.
Thorn's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wnt.
Netter field.
WANTED.—•A snow -plow, to make
daily rounds. An excellent opening
for an industrious person, of a benevo•
Ient turn of mind,
l oil 3q0. tl , , 1 rssue Since aye r Lower Winghain residents are pleas -
"he error p of s goat of ices ing the and M. ed to ;tear that Dr. Chisholm will be
a 10e an. *UA • 4g4 °Leaporr 2 2, M.
T. etterson 230. B, Cline, A. Dulenaite 1 Our Order, to the past century is looted for anything, elation of the beautiful gift, bttt more in the field for political honors. Lo or
ps4ilKsty clear f' d l�c hi i , town will do its duipp
e It of op'u trains! Will Wlhvte 25q, Ii, .1 Oat) , i~f, Park 240, which viae attached the Warne of it is for the unprecedented lane of this especially of the kindly -worded ltd. y, when the oppor-
tunity offer*.
Our oldest inhabitant fall* to re-
member a more severe winter, at
least. Onto so contianons, valthont a
the t;sl rl y lit 1 g r (3rgautaer W. G. Strong; Court
seriously affect the eartlingti of the W. ti 2.0 F. 'urler �1,3I1. Il, I3avid- IIoly mole, &hi the leader In this dress and his pleasure at the success
The head official* de' IN l l;l, 13avi eon J, at aIV F. Maitland, responded to by the officers work, so conspicuously a Christian that has attended the building of the
past month.lii3, l stile 10 . A 17i, L. 1 i 1 i
dare that they are not tltioklnpl of Constable 100, A. Shiefer 149, B. Snail Of the Court; t, Our visiting brethren, work,
has been the British and For. church. After singing "Blest be the
expense. Tratnmasters, roadmasters 120, P. Duncan 105, M. Fergusnu 02, J. coupled With tits )tames of Messrs sign Bible Society, tib that hinds," the audience rctsretl to
and section nren are Instructed to get Hanna 86, li. Conks 70, A. Walker 4;i, Taylor, Bennett and ()rr; The Pro- the leeture room. where the ladies - break. The snore' hate IS two or three
x11 the hes theycan. Alt ths thought The attendance has been very frteg,t• Cessions, replied to by Dr. Agnew, L. Apples 5c, ..itll kinds trade Dried served refreshments, thus concluding feet alcove the roofs of the houses (that
'ba, to keep the lines open and get the lac
many ht vie misseeedn x +i tleaiddint�%nr• tc, or, pe pekes V'ox, glop N 5, • a Very pleasant a rening's ent.rta;tt- is whore it has riot beau shovelled
Brabtl s►nd W. iVttiker, Those preeellt etc. No,1 r�t
teacher. ra • . t a v e1111 j0 fabh throe. eft . Cls . E. Lug. .. tktetl . ...... .. off.)
Agent for Lowney's Chocolates
Next Door to Post Office.
Reduced I Prices
In Footwear.
Everything in the Foot-
wear line at greatly reduced
prices, and below we give
some special prices, which
are genuine Bargains.
Children's and Misses' Rubbere,
per pair - $ .15
Men's Overshoes, per pair 1.00
Men's Good Rubbers, per pair.50
Women's Good Rubbers, pair.25
Hanna & Co's.
ta'Next door to Post Ofnco
Canadian Order Woodmen of
The World
Hold their regular meetings every 2nd snd
4th Friday each month. in Oddfellowe'
Hall A11 visitors welcome.
It. MAXWELL, C, C. R. li, CROWDETt, clerk
This is the weather to
use a good Rubber hot
water Bottle ; we have
full line and can satisfy
any person. Also have a
good stork of Atomizers ' ,.
on hand.
A. L. Hamilton
W I N G H .A.+I