HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-01-28, Page 7GERMANS LOSE HEAVILY • IN FIGHT Will .11gREROS. I'Intense •Cold in Chicago and the North-west—One Man Found Frozen Stiff in the Windy City, - • Whitaker Wright's Counsel Makes Startling Satement as to the Vindictiveness of the Prosecution, An Italian Found Murdered in the R001118 Of an Italian Secret Society in New York. EFFECT IN THE WEST. rtietb.ermother and three calidre frOM their4 hem:" to eeek refeg and in their ertettellient lea; a av*. yeat-014 bey Thle mtnelle he Woe pilled from tweet:14h teMe tint bete anti tirue far it is bapeesible find other ineMberie of the fee:MY ' LI SIIEL CAPTOR ED Agea InattPreeldent or Tronormo PAUL KRUGER DYING. e Retains Away at The league, NEAR CIIIG le dylpg. lila melitory gone,. 100 fea 0 . The Hague, Tam20.—"Oein Paul" n Tears pregating Woolly on bus whet - Ilona carpete and 'weering report, aro enatteral ro ad18tanC0 of to mliee terOugh What woe foreet, .noW, Clearite if it Ilea been out ben the woeranaltnee axe. Freight care were torn Into tarire, the triteke Wider them being iturled Inueiretie of It trent the tree*, The depot, the hotel, warehoutica gills, 80 lameand several store- housee Were completely deetrOyen. Where they fetood It Is Opposable to find even the pillars on willelt thee() streCtures reeted. Dales of cotton, stared in warehouses, were blown to atenia the fragments of lant, together with tlie debrie 100a- itig In tree% Making It appear as If that oection had beell Vieited by a epowetorrn. Reeve, Iron safes were carried away by tbo atorra, and the doom torn from their hinges'. ;Tokio, Jan. .25.—Ta1eashlum, tile Japanese interpreter for the Rus- sian attache, Was orrested on eat- uraay last on the euspicion of act- ing as a Ivy in tlie Yokosuka, /or - titled Zone, He has 'been taken to Yokohama for trial, it In reported that concluelve evidence has been obtained regarding other suspects. aa,aeSticit treacbery Is a caaltal offense lu japan., • Another Mafia eaurder, New, York, Jon. 25.—Another mYe- terloue Itallort murder has occurred here, The pollee mitered the rooms of aa etalian eacret society in South Droolelyn early to -day and found aeliseati lantana shot tie death. Nothing could be learned as to the caulk) of the murder, as the mem- leers of the ecielety had fled, and ward of the crime reached the po- lice too late to 'make ah' arrests. Ledge 01 Tin Found. Neve York, Jan. 25.-4t special to the Times Siam Salt Lake, Utah, says:' A largo and well-defined ledge carrying a high percentage of tin has been found three neles west of Salmon Clty, Idaho. Despite the snow, enanY prospectors have gone to the scene. The or essays layer cent. tin. 21 per cent. lead, and 445 in gold. The ledge an be clear- ly traced for half a title( Gertnans Lose Heavily, Doran, Jan. Mi.—Light hats been thrown by the Frankfort Zeitung on some of the contributory causes di the Reveres rising in German eouth- west Africa, as the result of state - ata 01 a traveller ‘vlio has just re- aturned :rote :Windhoek and Okalin,nd- 'Jae Tee morcliante and the traders allied with them are charged with purposely Involving 'Cho natives in debt and ehon arbitrarily seizing their cattle without legal protessin paymeat. By thie procees the natives were mulcted of 190 per centprofit. An official despeteli frOnf .W1ndhoek, Gorman Seale- Aft Len, says the Germans have 1, II:Ally in unsuc- cessful attempts Ot rtlisve Okahand- ja„ that five settlened their entire families have been nmederad and that the Hereroe are tereatening Wind- hoek. A German patrol, which en- gaged the natives near Hope farm, loet a reeerve officer, VonBoysen, one non-commissioned officer, and six men killed. - 1 • The garrison, of :Windhoek numbers FORGER MADE BIG HAUL. Cashed Cheque. at the Bank of mmerce. Seropto. Jan. 25. --That a Weyer forger waa; at work in Toronto on Friday last ware 'dertroxistiated on Saturday, whorl it became known that the Canadian Rank of Cornmeeee was awindled out, of nearly $1,100 in cull. The forger is believed to be a yotmg mao who had an excel- lent knowledge of tbe business of the ...II:earls Abattoir Company, Limited, used the information to good advantage. It was after banking hours on Saturday, when one of the Clerks in examining the firm'e cheek book found that one blank cheek ty,ae missing, and reported the fact to the Manager, Mr. „Tames Harris. In- quiries inade at the Bank of Com- merce revealed the presence there of the miseing cheek. It was made out for $1,062.50, and -Was made pay- able tee "W. Hogg." The checK• was eignea by "Jaan.ee Harris." It woe presented on Friday afternoon by a Young man Who had every appear- ance of being eng•aged in the cattle tirade. lie coolly endorsed the check aott waited at the paying 'teller's wicket for the inopoy. The cash wae given to the- etranger in bilis of large denomination, and after counting there he hurried away. He hao not been seen since, and now Pinkerton detectives ve,ho act for the American Bankers' Aesociation, are diligently searching foe lam in the Vetted States. He had a good otart, and it will proba,bly be emu° dans at leaet before to is caught. BRITAIN'S EXPENDITURE. f4iec1a1 Need for Economy for Smite Years to Come. Leindon, Jan. 26.—The Chancellor Of the Exchequer, Mr, Angell Cham- berlain, replying to the toast, "Ilia Majeety'e Ministers," at the ban- quet of the Cat•pentere Company laet tight, said that unless a great chenge .oceurred -Within the twat 1, few' enoriths from the .revenuc re- - turns . there Would be little pros - pee of renliziug the budget anti- nolo:tams,. end teat ne was areal Ito would not eite Utile to propose a. remitelon of taxatioe during this itession. Ilo explained that the So- maliland campaign had preyedto be melt more costly than -had been antielpated, and that the purchase and equipment of the 'two Chillen battleships had been another tinex- peeted financial drain. Ile hoped it Weald Met be necessary to increttee the indebtedneSs of' the State, but said there Would be speelal need for moth:erne, in the national ex- penditure fOr emile yeate tte male. HUNTING FOR LOST SON. I Hotew Goldsmith, or Odesene on Ills Way to Fertheat Wet. • Itantreal, ,)an. Moore; the Ituesian leunigrallte Who were for- warded to -day by the C. P. Bt. to the Northweet wan ea old man name ed Anton Rublimeetth, Wete was In isetirelt of a alleging ewe The ola man Plated that he cable from a village In the Odessa district, lie had been in the jewelry business, and had, during a long litte nettle, einitilderable niorey, IIis son Walt, When 1.110 latter beeatra a young man, *liken into the butilness. It Seems ha fell In love wilthi a. young Milian of the Gentile faith, which 280 men, part of the force being born/nen, with two machine guns. coal Mine Meister. Petteburg, jarn. 25.-4n explosion occurred in the shaft of tlai Har wiele Coal CompanY. A ear Cheewlek, Pete on the West Pennsylvania Rail- way, inbout 8,80 to -day, cutting oft the escape oa at Oast 125 metiers wear were at, work. Three tipple men ware badly burned, and one will pro- ienalY die. At 10 o'clock Superintendent Geo. Sheets said that be could not es- amate the extent of the damage or _ liow the men in the mine fared. A messenger was hurried. to Cheswick and to Springdale for physicians. The shaft is about a mile 'back or Cheswick elation. W h I ta lee r Writ' ht's Trial. Lortdon, Jan. 25:—Oa the resimp. tion to -day of the trita of Whitaker Wright, the compeller promoter, on the charge of fraud, Leave= Wal- ton, la te, addressed the jury for the defence. He complained that ct.epeoseoution had been conduct - ea With vindictiveness. Had Lora itufferin and Lord Leah been alive, counsel continued, Wright could not have been prosecated except in conjunction with them, and the prosecution would not have dared to charge those noblemen wieh falsehood and fraud, as they baa charged Wright, Why had 'not Lora PelhaineClinton and other direct - Ore and auditors been placed by the rade of Wright? They were equally responsible with. the defendant. Couneel latimated that Wright hat. been selected to bear the whole blame because he had fevr agenda Frozen Stiff With Cold. ainicago, Jan. 25.—Plereing cold trade. the whole northweeit suffer to - (lay. The thermometer reached 15 belew ht Obleago. The record bare ts 25 below. 'A new low roint may toucileed. A in.an frozen stiffwas found by redestrians In an. outly- ing ,section. , laa lead apparently' struggled along, until exhausted by tbe cold, he had drooped unconecioue and literally eves frozen to Oath In his tracks in the snow. There were csountlese inetances •of frozen ears and hand. Waffle was greatly tea revered. The bitter cold experienced to -day at 15 below, la the most intense so far thee evinter In Chicago. In the nor -Unseat it Is colder, the minimum In the 'United States being at Wil- laston and Blemarcer, in North Da- kota, Where it is 84 below zero. I displea•sed his parent, who remon- 1 strated. The young man would not give the girl up. The mother be- came ill and died, and after that both the young man and Lie sweet- heart disappeared. That was over a year agP.. The old man made made many enquiries, but (mid learn nothing definite until re- cently, when he had a lettee frotn a compatriot in Vancouver, stating that he believed he had seen the San there. The old man sold out hal business, 'took passage, and ar- rived in the city to -day on waY west. . RAILWAYS BLOCKED* • • Roads in Western Onotrue Completely Tied Up. Vendee, Oat. Deleptetcli. situation in this district is to -night the worst in the Ineniery of the old- est railway men. The varioue branches of the Grand Trunk are badly blocked, and the off:ciale here have abandoeed all attempts at mov. ing dead freight, devoting all their attention to getting passengers anel live stock through. -Only oue train. eace way has passed over the St. Mary'e branch to -day. A train was stalled all day betw.een Petrolea and Wyoming, the paseengers being ta,kea off in ele'gba and conveyed to 'Wyoming. Oa the. London & Von Stahlay Railway, over which the L. R. St D. R. and M. C. E. :run, three passenger trains, "all double-head- ers," nave been stuck in the 'Motive drifts at Glanworth, ten miles from here,eine° morning, with the pros - ret ol remaining there all night. The watet supply of the six engines has run out, An engine froin London and one froin St, Tames, each with a gang of eliovellees, are hard at wore • tryang to release the trains, but the snowdr:fts bank 'two feet deep every hour, rendering the efforts of the shovellers of 1 ttle or no avail. Re- porter here are that tlie M. C. It. !Mee eoventeen trains stalled on their main line between St. Theimare and Fort Erie, walls a Wabash train has been held lip for 24 hours at Moul- ton. With little prolmeet of getting It it. On the C. P. Re passenger tealtut are rutin:lig away beland time. Petrolea. Jan. 21.—To-day bust - neat or all kinds Was practlealla tied ele, no maile and no train. Tele- graplee communicational:We badly In. torrupted. The Petrolea, branca wan CompletelO blocked, mid the local train stalled for Ileum. This eVenifig eilowpfotigharrived from London, and traffic is partly restored. The steam which occurred here last tileht Ware sennOthing terrific, met consid- ered by the oldest reradents as one - of the Worst known here in years. ."--SKILLED BY A CYCLONE. leleastee Overtakes tl o Litttn TOwn of eloutolville, Ala. Toteettiolesa, Ma., San. 213. — Tie ditattaxaus cyclone that swept over Moundville, Ala., a town of 800 in- habitants, fifteen _Miles south of Tusealoom, this mornings resulted in 28 being kaled and mere than 10) Injured, and eve* bwdness store lit' town, with tho exception of a small drug sore, Wrie tong lately deetroy- ed. The e,yclobe struck the town front the southwest, Its path wits a quarter of a mile wide right through tic town. Surgeons were rushed to Meund- vino front Greeneberie and Tilsea- loosa. tly tho force of the storm pnrsons were blowri hundreds 01 feet trout their beds In the bliteknelem of the night, Through terror , An Advatom of Three Celts in In 17 eat. WtilielPeg, Jan. 26.—Tee /anemia of Manitolta and. the North-west Terri- toriee are reaping the benefit of a big advance In wheat during the past inontb. Yesterday morning the grain excliange firms were busy wiring their country representatives to the etrect teat from tide date further notice the pace to be paid for wheat would be nearly 3 mints over tbose at present in force. The Atari) up ward tendency is the filreet reeult of strength in Wheat at Cite:ago, wilere prices are now over 92 cents, tbe bighest figure for the Met two 5eoars. a ()Rowing this advance local prime for wheat in Otero In ter- m'nal elevators has Leen steadily ad - farming, until this morning No. Icor- thorn le quoted at 83%e, No, 2 nor- tbern, Mee, and No. 8 northern 7610 'or spot wheat, and for May dolly- 'ery the quotations, aro 43ec over the above figures, . MINISTER STOLE SERMONS. • strange Story From 'Winnipeg, About a itlethedist Divine. . Winnipeg, Jan. 26.—Rev. ti.IL Barker, a Method* preacher'who lots occupied pulpits here and in Toronto, has elaappeared, after breaking Into the Oongregrotional Church and stealing over, fifty ser - moils, Rev. J. -Be Silcox, pastor of tble Oongregational ehurch, gave out the following story tonight: "Tale pan has left for New York, am told, by a ratty who ea,w his ticket. I know he was going 'to preach, that is why : he, stole the sermons, ate IMt.boing able to write ifis own. While In the church a noiso frigletenea him', and 110 jump- ed through a' very valuable large stained-glass window," Barker was engagea _to a Youna woman there. afe base relatives ot Uxbridge, Ont.' e GEOGRAPHY AS SHE IS WROTE Some Retnarkable Facts About- Came ada In English Telt Book. Leaden, Jan, 26.—The following no - actions are • taken by the Canadian essoclatel Press correspoedent from .3eograp1iy books used in English °heels—. - "Manitobe is treeless." "Halifax has' dlmost all the essen- tials of a successful harbor." ' "Tho chief states at present are auebec, Maine, New Brunswick." "The Victoria Bridge is over 8,000 yard long, and connects Montreal with the mainland." "South Niagara Suspension Bridge hai two storeys." "The Atlantic coast is most useful at 'mascot for several reasons'. It bas splendid communication inland by railWays, but has one groat draw- back in that most of It is frozen up in Winter.' "Ottawa, though .quite a small town, is a suitable place for the capital of the Dominion." RUSSIANS ATTACK JAPANESE. They Submit. Residents of iladita- stook Co' kir rent V folencee London, Jan. 25,—A despatch to the Times from Tokio; says that letters from Tladlyostock state that a party of Russian niartnes came ashore on Jan. 0 and submit- ted the Japanese residents togreat violence. They wireckeet 24, hoitees, outraged w,omen, and wounded old people and children. The riot last- ed Lea hours. The rioters included ()Ulcers, The civil authorities did not restrain them. The Japanese press asks what is to be eapected In the event Of war if such crimes ca,n omit in time or peace. The desp-atch' adds that the rum- ors of Russia's petal° intentions do not affect Japan. The nation is ab- solutely determined to fight for a thoroughly satisfactory settlement, THREW WIFE TO 'SAFETY. But Aged Husband Fell to His Death Under Car. • Toronto, ,Tan. 25.—With just euffl- °loot time to throw, las aged wife out of harmee way, Apolloa Churchill mot almost inete,nt death under the wheels tef a, street car on Saturday , evening. The fatality occurred ofl 'MoCaulotreet near legadtven, about 10 o'clook, Mr. Churchill Woo on his way home acoompenica by lite wife. They iqteriled Out in the (street for . the purpose of boarding an approaching car. Tho car ilid met stop as usual. "Rhea proceeded to (moos the Street, not noticing a car coining In an Me posit° diredtion. Ito shoved ears. Churchill back toe/effete', but was un- able to reared° his Own steps in tem) end Woe klitecked down, hie sknll fractured, JaW1 broke* and fate badly cut and bailee& Ile Wat) car - reed into glop'o drug Store and died In ton athletes'. Deeetesed came to Toronto 80 Years ago from Pouch Cove, Nfld. HO was 71 years of age, BRINE DISAPPEARED. emi••••115•1 A Snow Slide at Bear Creek on the C. P. It. 'Winnipeg, an. IA.—Details have reached here Of a rodent bridge ne. eident nt Dear Creek, in the moun- tains. A short distance east of Poor Creek station the C. P. it, had a fine ettent bridge, even two long spans, resting on stone piers fifty fc.et high. it was known as "Snow- , bank bridge," Ana When the watch., man ram Moog lie found ,no trace whatever of the bridge, which is sup - oozed to be ,soinewhere at the bot- tom of the Mountain, burled 111 the enoWe A tenaporar,y bridge tate ereeted Over the gulell In two days. Police Found Him in an Old Cellar, They Had to Burn the Des- perado Out, .••••40.0101.,..00 Says He Stayed to Help His Brother. - 'Winnipeg. Jan. 24.—Erneet Qaabel the murderer, who Moped from Cal- gary police barrack e a few daye be - 1 110 gate net ter hts OXEseita011 111 Deeendlor, wets count by the Pc•I oe to -day a few meta from 'that oily. etiPP-Sed to bafe bum hidaig in an citi cellar lance las ceeaPe. Oaseel Is riow in the guardhouee. tatting las Lbetay,Canlieb lute not been mere team e get or riaie Mace away from tee owe and dualig perton to tee time Item la the coy. Tee pal en teamed two W001d0 aeie that tie wan lurking, elaut the coot - ern subunit. Taal, woad that he wars Well Ineurined oi alt that was reeling vie autt teat he was to calgarY for tbo purpeee of reecu.ng his brother, Joon Costal, te calm toe •latter wa tronvated for aesisiing 1151 securing ha releaee, Two 'meets ago the police in - ',wined too °Weary popere of the feet, and as it was learned that iateleet ;au's in same way fleet inform xt ve all teat Was bang done, a re- quest was made tinte unthaig be pub- _ 1 seed. Mao 'woe agreed to, and gradual.y Lo meshes of the law, were woven abeut too conemuncd. On TuessaY last Caes,ael stepped at the houee al rime earned aegmore, a few melee front Calgary. He remained taere dunng t..e night, and con.eased teat oe wag eased. He ordered Wiginore eat to leave the house that day, say- ing ets could get out of the coatitrY 21 ee wootel to, but that he did not want to leave without his brother, A oymennicie eearcio The 'pence oeut men in plain clothes to teeveral houses im the district to await developmenta. After the eon- viction of John Cashel en Friday, the authorities decided to take an offenoive position, and thIrtyetwo men were detailed to 'search e,ery !maze in the entire 'district. Thea were detailed into equade of eight. Inepector Duffle, with his party went north, having in hie squad Mr. Cham- berlain, of the Secret Service Depart - talent, of Toronto; Constables Biggs, Potato, Gtark and Rogers . Timer; vearched houses and hay - 'stacks, up to noon, but found noth- ing. They then ,separated into two parties. Ono ender Constable Biggs, 'in examining a house owned by Wm. Pitman, canto upon a den In a bay - stack, about 100 feet from tee house. In the pit were found clothes and other articles resembling what Cashel bad worn. Cashel was not found in the den, and search was made ol the house. , arisa Fusilade. In one corner of the cellar Con. salable Biggs Nand a holeewbere a Man might conceal himself. He ge- cured a Light and held it to the hole. Ile caught eight of a man, and had hardly' done so wheh a random bul- let whizzed by; hie head, followed - quickly by another stet. aims' wan not armed, and made a retreat up- stairs. He seeured EL revolver, and, returning to the cellar door, met Castel comeng up.' Two 'shots were exchanged, °De by Cashel tearing off the inside of the door bebina. which Biggs ba,d taken cover. Biggs re- turned with a shot which tore into Cashel's heel. Casbel fired again are Constable Stark ca.= to the res- cue. Then the murderer dropped back into the Whir,' and the police 'retir- ed from the bulidin•g to await the arrival of. Inspector Dana When be arrived, it was decided to fire the ;building. • . The Building, Fired. The Contents were carefully ra- n:tome and tile torch arplied. When eakhel Siniellet the smoke he gave algae of a rarloy. A reyolver ehot was Leara, and Cashel' called out tbat he wea going to kill himself, but wankel ,some ono to go down into the cellar to get a letter from bes mother. Unshed no effect on the roll= and he was ordered to come up and hold up lila hands. Ceara then cried out he would kill bineself, and said tbe letter front hie mother woule be found in a 'corner 01 the collar. Another shot wee Mari, bat no one moved from above, and. lb* inepeotor again ordered tem out. A minute later Ernest Cashel leaggael, unkempt, bearded and baggy, came oat, put up Ms hands in the alt. and gave binmelf up. Re was ecton afterwards in the cells at Calgary. Ine Was very comniuniea- tivo on the eva.y In, and csaid he could hate escaped frequently, but tleat be would not leave his broth- er, who bad dared so much for him. Cantel Was tliotoughly 41 to eltite on all tho doInge In his caste anew' that. Ito was to be hanged on the 26th, and of the convietion of We. btother. ened 'ma, his steps feeble, ids Imo - shin for outdoor life gene, Ite can- not live remit longer.. His friends are fearing and P1? - pared for the worst, and would not be eurprieed nt any Meniela to hear that the men who was four tierce I reeleleet of the South Mrican lee- ' palate, had gone to join las fallen compnnions awl his dead wife. Tim change In Ills condition began about a wok ago, His friends and physicians, however, fearing the ea . feet that the newel mIgla Lave on certain .enterpresee, kept quiet about It.. Finally lie heoame worse so rap - Idly that the news leaked out., him inopearyul inwoeuvr jloalst. elotreebdodoyir waIntldi night, He Is Ural el life and dace , not care to do anything to combat • the effeete of age and disease. To add to all, the climate, weileli never agreed with, hire, is making things be - Lore, fat' mare Unpleasant than ever be - There ere several matters of int-- . all°1rotan3dWes.liwti ll leavnetrs, wt 01 i I sc 0. 1 ide 0 nwea bn et: tore las death. For ono. thing, the '. unhappy coedit:toe of las country and its people has been a constant thorn in lds stele, lie cannot talk of the outcome of the aoutle hart - can war with amythina but bitter - nen. How Cashel Escaped. Catsbol, Who, is bat 21 years of ago, le a young, Montana desperado, who Murdered a rancher in Alberta inflame Rene Belt undet eecullarly atrocious ch•eumstances, and can. coaled the body. Ife was traced by Mane of tite effects of Boit, 'told brought back to stane trial. Sefl. tomeot death! was proneunced, and aben he diecovered that the Ben- -tome wofile be carried out Ca.shel on December 1011e, made bite sue. tosefei fight tot. liberty. Tee affair ocenrred in the aollee barracks at Calgatv at 0.80 p. Coastablo Piper, 'watt was on gucni,orcleted tire prisoner out of the deli until he should' melte march. On the outelde were Con.. etablee Leslie and Phillips. Cashel Walked Out and isat On a bench Sri front of a winSow facing the etreet. Inter, after the eettveli, ordered Criehel back to the ecu, whereupen the Otleoner euddenly flashed two elatling revolvers In the face 'Of les pearl,: and ordered all three into the Cell he hal jest vatated. He took their revolvers And !caked them in, and thee Walked In his iR*icklcJ fent to the Vatle wiirrn the ltoye were kept, aniecked the shack- les, tine After taunting the tamale, ItioSed his hoed t them by way of alien and lett life barracks. Fifteen minutes later the night entarcl came in to find tee terra atounien Pellet: tit (inehere cell. The revolvere were hur.plied by ale broth. Or. Cashel, through, it 11* enapeeed, tee etinnleanee of it WOInan. • POST CARD THREATS. tilshep Haldwin entormed Woodstock Church Win be Blown Up. 'Woodetock, Ont., Report — Jit a meeting rof the officiate of New at. - Paula, laurel), held ,yesterday, It was decided to o/fer a reward of 0500 for information leading to the conviction of the inetigater,s of a &Grime of poet -cards' that have been - received by tyrominent membere of the churob during the peat month. The poet -cards up to last Sattirday bay° been of a purely slanderous character, but bine that dap a com- mutilcation 'was sent to Bishop Bald- win, in London, in welch the anony- mono writer threatened to blow up New at. Paul's Cburcb with dyna- mite,. and repeat scenes of horror noose thanthose witnessed at the Chicago theetre. On receipt of the letter, the 'bishop telephoned to the rector, Rev. Z. C. ,Farthing, and for- warded the letter, with the reeelt that It was decided to offer the re- ward bo (stated. Mae extraordinary' pereecution of the churcb and Its prominent mem- bens, hao caused a painful stir in . the congregation. Many post -cards Ihave beenreceived by the leading members ountaining the most elan- , deroue etatements, and for months the oolice and private detectives haye been endeavoring to trace them to tbeir coerce. About three mouths ago a poster was eituck on; a Reeve Street blllboard, making elander- oue 'statements about tee rector and hie tetanal. '.E'ito Conservative nomination ite 'to14. Preston, 'mho LIFE gmgig.. resterday offer .E;(iner, N. 5,, Tomo Council is talc. Ing ntepn to ektAblisIt munleipal own; eyrie/3116010T .glis7akooviant eieet tii THE 00111(111601S. Hobert Campbell, of Kingston, who I left his oleic wife Wad 1atu3Y ties titute during the recent eold snap, W0 s yesterday sent to jail for sla MOD I1LS, Vligt COnlierrn, tires yesterday ruminated at Coch- rane, AL P., fer the CoMM0110. Stratheona Liberals nominated litr, 4. Talbet. Thomas Henderson, for thirty year a leading dry goods mereimut at Oswego, N. T., Wed suddenly yes- teriity, aged 71, Ife was boru at Cornwall, 'Out. The Pekin correspondent of (lie Times says the total HtitiOlAn forces in the far east, Including raltwaY pi -Melee aggregate 0.115 offieere and 147.500 wen) with 2,00 guns, Besidents along the Grand River, between Berlin and Blair, report that many dead fish including bleck bees, are imieg cast ashere where openings of tlie ice oticur. Mr. Adam- Carruthers, lecturer, bag been mode an associate professor in Toronto University. Diving a big the at Brooklyn, Y., yesterdny, a fireman dropped from a laider and was Win Heiner fell 25 feet at the To- ron4-0 Railway Co's. .:ower house tester:lay, receiyieg severe injuries, De 'Robert Lambert, aged 76, the otiose eliersiciao In Windsor. Ont., easeel away" Yesterday of a gener- al le eiteking down. naneee of Messrs. Monet and GoeffriOn are mentioned In come°. tion wIth the Speakership of the House dr commons. Fes' Russian transr.orts, oarrs'lng 25,000 tons of eurplies and amenune, 'hoe and many men, are eeeparing to start for the far east. Tee Birkbeck Loan Company, of London, Ont., lave had Capt. 13r0unc- 1:er, tteir Ottawa agent, arrested on a charge of embezang $1.00. It is rerorted that the Braid' free trade party will be reorganized tinier the leadership of the Duke of Devombire aria Lord Roseberve Mordecai McKinley., 28 yeare old, eon of Mr. Duncan McKinley, of Jar- ratt'e Corners, near Orlilla, ended hie life oeaterday by taking arsenic. Jobe Cashel oas convicted vaster, day on the charge of twisting his broither to weave from the police barracits, and will be sentencea on Monday morning. SumiliOnses leave been issued for five more Toroneo election officials, cearging them; with tampering .with tte ballots for Board of Education for Dr. It. B. Orr. Me. George A. Proctor was nem - lea -tee for the Conemone for the Con- eervatives of North Ontario. Mac- kenzie Conservatives- nominated Dr. Petrick, M. P. p. Peanuts are beaming; a luxu-ree: Cotton has been soarine so high in. tee loot four mantles tilt southern peanut farmer have begun the cul- tivation lot cotton. A TOWN DESTROYED. Winnipeg manufactureee yesterday Aalesund, in Norway, Wiped Out by aire. Aaleteu'nd, Norway', Jan. 26.—The .fire weace swept over this town yes- terday destroyed every building in it, with the exception of the hospital. Tho 11,000 inhabetauts of Aaalesund were compelled to camp in the open, The ch. Wren were lamed temporarily in the church of 13orguel. The pan c among ta.e teople was so great after the outoreak of the atones that all attempts at leadership or dem:pane became out of the question. No ex- oes.ses, however, were emanated. Tee eeople f ret endeavored to save some o f their property, but they soon found that they bad quite enough to do to save tee r own 1,ves. Tee destruction of the town was coniplete within a, couple of hours from the tine the fire started. Over twenty, Owen fishing boats and many salieg smacks were sunk in the harbee to save theni from the flames, but three steamers and many other beats were burned. It is now believed tbat ovly three persons lost their lives. Succor has arrived from Mel o, Bergen and atber places, and provi- sions are being distributed. Relief committees have been formal and tare invited publie subscriptions. The lima and amen of Sweden and Norway limo contributed $1,500 to a id ef fund, and all the other mem- bars of Vie royal family have also substerifeed A majority of the inhab- ita,nte of the town lost 'everything they possessed. Thousa,nds of per- sons had to speed twenty-four hours un,teo open fields, where they were without food and exposed to a bit- terly cold wind and a driving rain- storm. I Ca:4V raft" *0 graft, Cate, tee a3 NEWS IN BRIEF 3 It In reported that the royal vielt to Ireland has been fixed for April 25th. Mr. J. Atkins, a Lyoden school teacher, lost an eye through being hooked by u cow. Mr. Joseph W. Oakes of Gaelpe, has beeh appointed License Inspec- tor for South Wellingtoh. Writs have beau Issued fol four Parliamtntary by-eleetioas in Que- bec, to be. Iteld on Feb. 16. eent a deputation to the Legislature to aele that the age for employment of youtieful labor be extended from eight to ten hours. Hall and Muneente large sawmill and wood -working' factory' wan ecitally destroyed by fire at Bay Mills, twelve miles west of the Am- erican "Soo," last night. The National Rale Aesociation of- fers a prize of 100 guineas for the best new automatics rifle suitable for military rurposes, tam tests to be lime° at the next Daley meet. Lord Northeote, appointed Gover- nor-General of Anatralia, In suc- iteosion to Lord Teens/eon, landed at Melbourne, !yest erday, and was sworn in at the Parliament House. Henry Pence, one of tire bes. known wool buyers in Canada, died last niget at the General Hospital Teronto, wheream was taken on Mou- day last, suffering from erysipelas. Clilel Proateet, et the Ottawa Fire Department, hae completed ble re- port for '1903. The total lose by fire for 1903 was $1,211,433, as com- pared with only $135,000 in 1902, and $150,000 in 1901. . nar Joan Andenson. Secretary of the Colontal Premiere? conference In 1897, and a member of the Duke of pork'e rstaff, during his tour of Grea- ter BrItain, has been appointed Gov- ernor ol tbe Malay! S.ates. Another eocleto wedding was celebrated iyeeterday at ka. Peter% Eaton lequare, Loadon, between Lord Herbert, eldeot eon oe Lord and Lady Pembroke, and Mess Beatrice Paget, daugHter of, Lady Paget. PrInce Ain Ed Daouleli, eon -In-law of tlie Shalt, who has hitherto fele, the potation of eilnister of the In torior, has been appointed Grand Viz. ler and Prime.Minister of larsla,. At St. .Loule, joeeph Ralph Burton senior leaited States Senator, from Kansas, was indictee for having ae coted money froin the Matto aral,, & Securities Co., of St. Louis, while he was a United States Senator. lelna, Leopold of Belgium le goine to Berlin next 'Wednesday on the oe Gaston ol Emperor William's birth. day. It le sued the monarch will dis• cuss araisli criticism of Belgian milt lre the Congo. The vaceocy on the Temitkamine. & Northern Ontario Rallera,y Com- mission, causal by the resignatim of Mr. A. E. Ames, the Chairman. has been filled by the appointment of Mr. Robert Saffray, A disastrous hurrienem has blown over the Fla Islands, resulting in q great loss of life and property. Dr. Jamieson, of Jeutileeoe reed t fame was among the tuccessall cane 2 di:I/tees in the CepColony citatione, Mr. Itobert Jaffray has been ap- B poin ted to the Temitittming & Northern 'Ontario' Railway Commie- 1 • 1 A. meseage froni the Czar to the e Russian troops in Manchuria ex- e, preseed hopes -for peace and pros- " peri tee. It is claimed teat the richest ra- dium-bedrhig earth In th nroill hoe . been dieeeeered 115 iniles torth of ` Austin, Texan 1, The portrait of Mr. Goldwin Stitt% c ptesented to Air. J. Rose Robertsen, was on Saturday utivelled in the To - onto thileareity library. Au unknown man, apparently a farmer, about 25 years of age, wan: run over on tito 0 P it Iteat' Len i don rtnd Wiled yesterday. Mr. Alex. Bussell, of Markham, has been appoleted License Inspector for t East 'York. 'Trains all over the Provinee were delayed by the storm yesterday, a Seine roads being etnineeitely tied up. a Mr. George A. ealionieue was yes- terday elected President ot • the 14 Montreal Cern Exchange. be Atoka 1 Mation. Chicago Demotritte are reporte4 1 to ha o (Melded to boom r.4env Noi- 1 on A. Mlles an it Presidential eon- 1 didate. The marriage. took place very metly in New York of Miss G:adye ary Hardy, Only daughter of the ate 1100, A. FiellatelyandatIret Hardy, Toronto, to Mr. Reginald H. E. ta,rr, of New York, formerly of ran tread. . Dr. Font= 13. Tura, of Chicago, ms devised a scieetlfic. appiiance by virich the whele ot the upside of the lumen Otoreach and other of tbe in- ertial organs max be peen oath the ye and °U./reined fee` the presence f disease.Theough the representatiorin 01 Marra General Persona, eontmandleg ho British forces at ItallfaX, N. S., lio war oence hes tient fitty potoile o be used in renovating St. Peul's eneoteta. Wideli hes till recently rem% allowed to go nneared for. Fre Albertus, loos well known as Elbert Hubbard, of East Aurora, r "Phillotine" faine, Wee Married osterday to Alice Moore, of Con- cord, taos, WI10 was named tte co- eopondent, 'when tile former Mrs. lubbard brought putt against him or absolute diveree. Reverts, are being perkl.tentlY pub- Ished In Austria that Archduke Ver - 'need Charles, hephew of Emperor 4,itneis Joseph and brother of the reit* presumptive to the throne, Areli- like Fritre.s Verdiaand,11 sti 1 tle'e:'- nincil to merry Bertha Caliber, aflutter of it Dreamier of mathe. meads ttl: Vienna University, and It s even asserted that the wedding tas been fixed for February 18 at reeden. issionary Telis About the Strange People, 14,41,4".,44,4 His Impressions of Them are Very Favorable. =IN The Golden Rule is Practised Among Them - At Jelin Street Presbyterian Church, Deauville, last Sunda x even - Lt interesting and, Instructive ' aeclress was (Wavered by Dr., lie10, ineltoal nilesionary awning the Peek-. honors, In the CanN adian orthayeet - during the past tliree years. lit open- ing his address lie said be hadspont m soe time enema tile Doulebotare and la awaking of them was speak- ing le. their 'defence, while If epeaking, OC 1tahe,aj, ee would be et neelegainn them. The Doukhenors' position Was Ingh. Tbe Country became against tbe DoulthOboraThapress in. a good maelY instances had misrepresented thein to the peopie. The Doukhobors ,olaintee tbey originally came front thetas/VITO apoetlee They thought the twelve men (disciples) were Douktionora About 4E0 years ago, the Czar, Alea- ander I., of Aussie., called upon them to fight, but they refused. They don't believe In killing' men or oni- male an0 therefore refueed to fight. They are different Irian thfi e ns- stans. In a great many ways theY reserable quakers. The Czar can- ed them espirit wrestlers."' The Douldiobors physically are perfect. They are tau and broad shouldeted, both women and men. The women • erne anise parry heavy burdens mallY mlles..The women and men are had - Workers. The women sometimes grind the wheat. From the hard work tee,- ale growing stronger all the time. They lack mental development. They emet care to have their children etie- acatod. They don't want a doctor. Yarte oi tlie old men of the village told him that the ata ryear they wore here they ' had a Bogdan dee- tor wali them (they brought nialatia, fever over with them) and a nuniber of their people elled. Now they have ao doctor and they are all in ap. parently good health. They are ot, very religioue class of people. They are moducated, Ten per centof them aro fanatics. Whet they need is a Christian education. A number otthe Janadians they come in contact With are not Christians. They seem to judge all Canadia,ne like those peo- ple. Their object wben the 800 start- ed out on their pilgrimage which we bave read so much about was oto preach Chriet to all Canada. 'They aced a Christian education+ Their housete are built of logs arid plaotered Inside with clay'. The woe, men did the plaotering while the men (were away evorktng. Cleanlinese with them le a part- of Gedlinneat Their diet °omelets chiefly of brown. bread and vegetable's. Time.' won% at meat. Tbelo don't believe In kill - Mg an animal, which God' gave life. Religion le everything with them. The ideabas got around that tbese ( are b. lazy Wass of people. That 18 wroing. A number of men were want- ed to go away /tor the winter ,to work In t1e wood — which meatier nard work. There were 85 men in the little village. A. meeting wail called for volunteer's to do the work. refery one of tee men volunteered.: ea go. The elder than 'tool to eeleot aventyi b/ tee merle Tbey darn drink. Criffie is almost an unknown thing to them. During the five yeare alley have been here only one man for crime has been are rested, and then be was found to be amocent. Their inarriage ritee are veor peculiar. They waft buy oh. cense. Tbey believe that God maim them married. They get the consent of tbeir parents. Then they go be - 'ore the door or the 'village and make promises which, to them are very binding. They are not Quake ere, but inech like them, After, a close study It is found they believe In the came Chriet as we do. They hate no churclies. 'They' go from house to house. Tbey have no Bible. They call it the Book of Life. They have great memories. 'The Goideir Rale le practised steals, atnotg them. They believe if they don't love their neigleber, tbey don't leve Jesus. Tbey are not slanderous in any way. They won't cheat or meek evil lot their neighbor. They are an economic people. When they worle they debit work for the money for themeelvea The" work for the peo- plefeireen they get their wages they all put it together for the use of the people. That Is the village. They keep the widows and orphane out of tble public fund ao well. "Peo- ple" eeeme everything to them. IROQUOIS FIRE VERDICT. -- ieventeen Persons Held Responsible -- Facts Established. Chicago, 4.an. 26.—Seven teen per - ons, it is asserted, will be held re - Tenable for the Iroquois theatre Ms - atter by the coroner, and coinpielets igainst them will go to the grand ary. This was tee conclusion reach- ed at the clone of the seselon of the nquost aceterday. The facts established without quee- floe 08 to the conditions in the the - Are show— That the theatre was opened be- fore It was finished and before la watt ont of the hands of the cote. treetore. That the asbestos curtain caught on the "strip" lights, That the curtain was hung on svoodon battens. That there Was but One reel of hose, and that connected with a useless standpipe; no fire blame box, no au-• tome:tic switch for opening veritlItte tors, he fireproof paint used, .no hooks, axes or poles, no autoniatio Witch and no portable fire extlne giiishere beyond tubee containing an extinguishing preparation. That the exite were not =eked. That a &km was looked at the bead of it reparate passage from the gal- lory, and sixty perliOnli died behind It. That the Inner exit doors were op - (Intel] by Iron handles titled only 111 Gerietitty end difficiilt to operate m- ien' understoed. That the fire was eaused by netli- ammo in perinitting 0 drapery to hag betide a lamp radiating e0,000 degrees of heat. That the scenery was eimibustible, and hung with manillo. That an aisle Wee closed and other changesmade! without permiesion from the Building Department and that building Inspectors overlooked the 'matter. Immediate action on the coroner's report Is eXpeeted In the criminal Wart