HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-01-28, Page 6- *Tr.* ••••a• .‘0,0111.#11.111Pesalmsertess.-•4•••,••• ••••••
Violet's Lover
Then, after talking eagerlY of Ills
boundlese wealth, the beauty of
hie estate, tee number of his
harems Frames, Ilaye exclaimed:
"And to think that be sbauld
come to see us r
Violet remembered ber err:Pelee;
oho kaew, that Sir Owen
would probably call about
Ode o'clock. Noon peter noun
P116 put on her garden hat,. and, with
Out saying a word, went out lute
the wones, where no one could see
her and no servant Could be sent
after lier. ,Slie sat there thinking-
thinkiag of how Felix loved her, anti
how sweet it was to be loved -tell-
ing herself that Abe would not ex -
Change his love for the world..
Why did he dislike Sir Owen so
much? Wily war he so anxious for
her 'to be away during the baronet's
visit ? She bad never loved Felix
better than site did thet morning as
elle at thinking of bim '• her heart .
Warmed to him -les great love had
touched her at Wet. She would not
go back home until after two; the
baronet could not prolong his visit
beyond an hour, she thought.
As she entered the house elie saw
her mother watching eagerly for her
at the dining-romn window. She went
to. lier at once. The moment she
opened the door she heard the bar-
onet's voloe.
"Good morning, Miss Hayti. I was
Just Baying teat, after my long ride
over, I would not go away without
seeing .you, if I had to stop here
until, midnight."
She looked up at him, In simple
"I thought that it was my father
you wanted to see, Sir Owen."
Be laughed; he was somewhat
disconcerted at her answer.
"Did ,you not see that th'at Was
any excuse for coining to see you?"
he said.
Violet tureed away,. while Fran-
cis Ilaye and his wile looked at
each other. The baronet sat down
again; nor did he leave until long
after three. Ile talked of all kintls
of things which he thought would
Interest Francis Haye. • His last
• avord was listened to with intense
admiration by those children of
. Mammon..Then, after promising to
send grapes and choice fruit -a! -
.ter offering all kinds of favors -he
, pent away. 'Violet was compelled
!. to go th.
o the garden gate wit
him. He asked her, and Mrs. Have
answered for her.
"What a very good-natured,
friendly neighbor !" said Francis
Ilaye, as he, with: his wife, watch-
ed the baronet mount his horse,
His wife turned to him with a
face that quivered with: agitation.
"Re le worth Jort yl thousand a year
-forty; tbousami It You are a wise
man you will not oay one word,
Francis Haye-not one word; IS In the afternoon went over to , The
you do, you will spoil it all." , Limes. He took with him a. little boa -
So -svnen Violet returned, ball quet of roses; they were the first
Weeding the debate ohe felt sure choice ones, that he had seen, and he
meet 'follow, there was no reference knew that Violet loved. roses. He
made to tbe baronet or ,bis visit, save found her at home, and ne was re -
that, in general ternae, her latber caved wetb civility, though not wieh
expressed eireself inucb gratified. warmth, by her parents, Violet was
flthe only pereeptible difference was Pieased with tM roses. She praised
that, the girl's parents treated her them,-ehe buried eer face inatizem,
with even greater deference and af_ and Felix wisised with all hie heart
feetion than before. that he were one of them.
Tha.t night -it was a lovely niglit While he eat there a box came from
In May -Violet, sitting with her par- the Hall. Francis Haye was excited
enta, heard a signal that she knew
aboat it. It must be opened, at onee
Well -he could notemettgine what it con-
tained. Felix offered to bele, and Ins
Teere was is quick beating el her
or las live that ebe dhi wiett elm had
never veleta:oily done before -she
eneeffeed hine of her own free will;
she laid her band on the elutitere
ing hair, and chow ble face down to
hers, She 'aimed lier Meet lips to
"You need not fear, Felix," she
whiePered. "I lee° you -no oue but
sem I"
"That Was 'worth walking 0. Unit -
tired rtunes fere' he seed. "If you
are so kind to, me, Violet, I an
afraid that I shall run over every
night. I ;would walk all day and
wale all night for the chance of
hearing suelf words."
The dew was falling, and the
fragrance of the lilao floated
round them.
"I must not 'stay, Felix," She
"No; I will not ask you. My
darling, say only once more tome
the words' I love to hear -say, 'Fe-
lix, I belong to' you,' Say it, Vio-
let r lie added, with sudden pas-
"Felix, I belong to you," she
whispered, and be was content. -
Be touched tile lilac flowers with
les hand.
"Darling," he said,. "1 shall love
every lilac that blooms beoaese it
ivill remind um of this night and
of you. See, there are dewseropsOn
your hair 1 You must not stay,
sweet; you may go We Violet. You
will repeat my name before you sleeP
to -night, and when you wake you
will say,, `Felix -I love Felix, and
will be true to hem' .
"Yes," slie answered.
He touched the little goideul chain
that she wore around tier neck.
"I wish I were thatechala. I Wien
I were this golden rim of hair that
lies on your fa,ce. T wish—oh: Violet,
I am mad with wieleag-mad with
longing! But I love you, so dearly."
In. another minute he was gone.
Tato noon, was shining, the' dew lay
upon the lilies, and Violet stood
alone, her heart ,beating as it had
never beaten before.
"Altaiall it is to better to . be
loved than to be rich," she thought
-"It is better to have love than rich-
es. I-1 wieh th'at 1 bare always been
kinder to Felix; but r did not tidier
-I did not understand." •
She stood for some minutes while
the western wind cooled the hot
flush Oa her face,, and she became
calmer as she watched tbe, pale light
of the moon.
"There is nothing iike love," she
repeated, "and tbere never yet was
any love like his for me."
If the girlie father and .mother sus-
pected anything they made no sign,
they said no word, and Violet was
et happened three days later that
Felix, linding he had a leisure eder
heart, a thrill ran through her 'eine
-Felix was outside.
'How the leaves tap the window"
said Ilea Hoye. "It is growing late;
we well have tbe f3butters closed."
;Violet hastened away, ostensibly to
see that her metber'n wishes were
obeyed, but le reality to see if Felix
were otitside.
Bow /orely the night weal The
world lay calm and emiling under
*he light of the moon ; the soft breeze
brought the seent of pink hatetborn
' to the, hedges, of the clover in the
meadotte, of the violet in tbe words.
Violets went quickly out, and there,
i by; the great lilac bushes, steed Felix.
r She had no time to remonstrate, for
, be bad clasped her in his arms as
, though nothing but death could part
,' them.
l "Did / frighten you, sweet? I
hope not -1 have but five minutes
to spere."
' "Will you not COMO into the
, house, Felix ?" she asked.
I "No. I have but five minutes, and
1I want to spend them svitie you.
1 ought not to have run ever, but
iI could not help it-/ could not
rest. I (want to know if you saw
'that man to -day, and what he
t said to you. Yes, I know," he eon-
' Untied, "that I am jealous. Never
I mind that, sweet. Jealousy Is a eon-
; ennling fire. X esnuld tot rest, I
'could not sleep. I have tasted no
'eood -my very, life has seemed to
l be teaming me. I felt that I must
run over -that I must hold you in
my arms, lass your lips, hear ;von
• say /that you love me, or the fire
Would • destroy me."
' Once more his great love mas-
tered ber-once more the enieirty
b linVe ErierlItv.i the notion. Ho never
vs faintly suersected it, until it
passion in him seemed to make ber ("ven '-- - — ilie higlevoad Where . the carriage _Las se
strong and noble by example. Wee too late. But as lie stood
there --ad it WAS only natural. - .!., retied. There Were many curioue eyes Ilow Shall 1 ledutate My Boy?
"Tell me about it, sweet," he setlit
--- ---* ' there came to hint for a ono- watchleg them. Lady Rolfe and the president Charles .P. ThWing, of
Looking into lila bandsome face, fair Lavinia leaked on. in angry in--.
ment a paesionate longing for :. dignation.
ble lovelit eyes, she could not say
, wealth. /I' he weld only melte such "What doers that girl Western Iteeerve Cnivorelty, writing
ntany words which woeld hurt line
"There is little to tell you, Felix." to unpack!
presents att those he bad just helped '
; eneouraging Sir Owen ?" said the
mean bY • fere seine serleible rend itrteresting ad -
i in the eurrent Harper's 'Weekly, of-
fs)* replied. "I went out soon alter viee to paren.te concerning the educe. -
"Violet," he said, half sadly, "1 am ' Mettler, 'Surety one )(oar ought tion Of boys. ne would insist, Met,
twelve; r did not return until after aerate my rossif Seem very poor and to 'be enouelt for her. Felix Lone- on tho advantage of the school 0,9
two. Then he was etill here. no went dale Must be blind."
, tritlitlf.P, tlY the side of all Sir Oweree
away aeon afterwerd." 1 inagnifieence. My darling, if I wield ' "Perhene be can not help tim. opposed to private tutoring. "I would
educate my boy with boys, although
"'Did he talk much to you, Violet?" coin my heart's blood into gold and . self, mamma," rettirned the /Milos not elitirelY by boys, Poye, do, how-
• elsio • he talked to my .father," she welsh • it upon you I would do ao. nnPldeal, daughter, and in that she every educate boys; but a boy whe
azielve'red. 1 was right.
Be dem' iter nearer to hint ; liev poor roses!"
l' Slio laughed a low, rippling laugh 1 When rellx had helped Violet into 1 ateditUrsittlinnegalialmloarieelf itsontlbsi•°;nteomberariel Iiiinp
q.le hoe not taken one thought, that ertentided very sweetly to Iiim. ' i the earriege, ha bent over her to in humanity." leeither does he be -
ono *weed, one look, one iltnile from f enose hetteti*ul flowera will stead arrange her dress. neve in education abroad -"I should
lye glad to have him get all that
Is best from the private *school in
I.uttinatro or Geneva, but not for one
instant Would ihreire hie ideate form-
er of longing is burning my,' heart if yot like." ( after. that the diSappOliltirient WAS ed by tin) French master, or ble meth -
away. 'Will the lonwei-for thee A pagetonate, emeraes was Fellk not 'quite go hard to bear. lie had ode by the German. A primary note in
• it watt a grove or oak treats-4We tv
Oki spreeding oake, that bed seen TT e vomtance Sceptics'
puto;v generations of men and. wo-
ewe moo and go. Grem green wee COWL Catarrh and Catarrhal
stretcheil out on either Aide -11111e • Headache Relieved In 10
with trawl; little handete eestling Mintiteli and Cured by Pr.
°wit. wooded 91°Pe8; iLIwe aid" Agnew'sCatarrhal Powder
world -oilman were dotted around, •
and the tee church stood up.royally • Here's one of a thousand melt testi-
• er). the hillside. The wane were monies. llev..A. D. Buckley, of Buffalo,
graY, and covered with ivy; the old says: "4 wiall all to know what a bless -
windows were of stained glass; ivy lug Dr. Agnew% Catarrhal Powder is in
tovered the square towers; the old a ease of Catarrh. I was troubled with
porch with its stone, seat was a mar- this disease for years, but the first time
vel of architecture; the Path that I used tide remedy it gave me most de -
led to it mat) bordered by lime- lightful I now regard myself
tree; leek where one woniti One entirely cured."
saw nothing but ripplee of foliage Dr. Agnew'a Pills are delightful.
•anti a gold -green light. . • 22
Suuday Litford 41, clay that , 40 deses xo cents.
, •••••••11.1•4
would have °harmed A Poet. 1310 He Got the Neck for lite WIC
very gspirit or peace and rest seem-
ed to brood over the earth, while Stray Stories.
the mired cliluto of the Sabbath usi'n ed' the landlady, as she set the tele
eseis "Will yoe carve. Mr. Cleaver ?" ailt-
s°Lnd'e.,,,4 tnr°,,ug,11 tile' T,,,nernnie 0,at key on the imerding-house table.
FeliX ha-nilge,41;ta71.s tvetitilkheclu broeminilmw"letili tie"uNsQlx,'tielardnekrf9.uldt lu'erP..ligedactIciell• frfacaeit4"
Violet front church; wheni they were a stone-eutter,"
children they ran down the Idles
in very gledoese of heart, but now o,
they welked oecietely, Felix almoo where Dootore Do Agree l-Physi-
forgetting the beauty of -z the -• sett dem; no longer
world around him, as he lookee Into consider it catering to
the beautiful fano of the young girl equAckery" la recommending. In pro.ctice so,
nteritOrlous a remedy !Or Indigestion, Dys.
Qb yr La es . Jejlme,trylltdglegi; laufarElt9lyttleon 0 4. -w-e .
0 .s.conee emelt and Nervousness as South Americen
Kerlin°. They realise that it el 0, atop ill a.JI"
ranee la medical science ana a sure and eer-
ie' her heart to eisregard them be-'
from on isiOels, Yet really* trying With
MASI) it was Sunday. will mire you. -00.
inallOnt cure for diseases of the stomach. It
It mould hardly have seemed like
Sunday to Fi.ilia: If elate prieliege lied HOW to A.void Having Chilblains.
been withdrawn. Ro went, as usual,
the old gimteile was looking Its 'fairest to me every whiter to be treated
"N early all the WOMOR who come
on the first eteiday in ;title, when
and tbe etudight on the oak trees ,r:31* altiligains," said a ohirpodist,
iv,all evonderfal to lade. There VAS attribute the trouble -to misfit
Violet, lier beautiful fasta *lining, he beets. As a matter of fact boote
tin:eight, like the face of .an angel; lave little to do with chilblains, It
there WAS Evelyn', looking like a fair, mitadiedeenonetaltallogne olthtlaite
meek saint. Great wee lite surpiese to 111)101 eddePardd°t11.°en
laetO Sir Owen Chevenix Awe. It was Wanleiq make from hot to cold rooms
the first time that lie basil made his or from indoors; tethe sereet with
eePene'ence at church, and tbe eon- has free or 'tee minute to stay in a,
their thin kid shoo. A woman who
grega,tion was Pat a little exerted room will stand over the heater or
about it. Dr. Hunter, on seeing him
to the fame of his effective Preach- is to keep her feet warm: Wheal she
get nearer the fire. Her first thought
thee°, fcrneey fenciee that it wee due
ing. Lady Ro".fe -suspected that the elecev and Lc,
goes out she ma,y: walk directly into
charming Lavinia, had hired him ....it she would step
there, but the vicleres wife, shrewd in the vestibule
Mer. Bunter, sighed and smiled. et mtnurte or two to put On her
'It is the cli, old otery," she said gloves (Veto .ehat with some Ile-
quaintance,- as . moot men- do, she
to beneelf ; and then she reproached
_herself for the thought and applied probably would. not have chilblains.
herself to the Psalms. - ' It takes only a minute or so to
prepare the feet in this way for -the
Felix did not think much °hold the change in temperature without
matter. - He .was not ashanoxl to plunging directly from one extreme
bow. his handsonte head, . and join to the other. Men in business tell
with all his heart in the beaatiful women this, but they don't ' listen
w,oeds of the service• but when .it to oce, .
Wes all over he easiened to meet _, -. es
gave a careless nod to Felix, but -._ .-......-
YRAet. She was standing with lier •
mother, and, to htsleurprise, Sir Owen The harder you cough, the_worse
Chevenix was talldag to them. He , the cough gets,
4 J •
COn 'Untied talking. • , sg a fa ii 9
a ... 4
"I beg thee you will let me time /mark s
you home, Mrs. Deere," he was say-
ing. "To tell you the truth, I or- Consumption
- . .
d•ered my carriage on purpose -I did ,
drive round by Queen's Ash."
Ir°11114' Clare
Indeed. It Is a. lovely The Lung
and if you will permit it, we will i _ Tante
Ele did not look at Violet as he
spoke. Ile knewt that Whatever her
mother die she must do. Felix had
taken her band. lie did not care if
till the world heard what be bad to
slay. .
"You will not break through the
old custom of w,alkIng home. with me, - Observa.tions.
Violet, or, rather, of allowing me to ,. Opinione are good things to' pre.
walk hanterwitb you ?" dark.,
She looked from one to the other The 'teener we are the more do
with real distress in her face. Sir we object to the peacock's traits.
QM% did not even glance at her ; he Some people wpuld be IMPrOVed
knew that his cease was sate in Mrs. If they had the 'holiday. heart. all
naye's bamee. . the year round.,
"Violet," oaid Felix, "you. cannot
hesitate e's And the girl *toed -looking The worse one looks the "more one
at him erbile her mother mid: hates mirrors.
"nearly, I do not know,. er.he.t an- How, comfol•table it is to be rich
twee -tie give you, Sir Owen. I do not enoegli to 'bra.g aboutyour pov-
knew what ..pseele tvill -easy." '
"Why, what dogs that matter, Aire. A refined woman 'seems to think
--. e barbaric -modes empbasize her re-
Haye ?" . .
'Well, you ace, Sir Owen, Lilford is finement„
a ,sma,11 claw., ;and 'everybody' knowe Amillorities leave es bewildered as
hin ' " • to 'that we ore, contending between
what we think, what we read and
what we eat,
• Is guaranteed to cure.. If it
doesn't benefit you, the druggist
will give you your money back.
Priam S. C. Wares ,St Co. /302
Mc. 50c.$1 Le.Rox7.11.Y., Toronto,Can,
offer was eagerly accepted. The • ... .
firet thing they taw- was a maghifi--. "My dear lady, what can It Matter
if all tbe world knows of this ?. 1
eent bouquet-sucli a. bouquet as had '
never been even in Lilford-the eon- shall be very mend of ,the honor, I
servatorice mutt have been robbed assure you. Lafty7Rof1e would not re -
to. provide it. There were camellias, quire oo much etriesing." - •
red and white, gardenias, stephamo- ' The lest words, vulger as Was the
tis, white heath, haliotrOpe, lemon.. epirli which dictated them, quite de -
scented verbena -the rarest. and • terminee Mrs. Ilaye. Evidently, if ahe
loveliest flowers that grew. Cid not go with him, he would drive • •
A littler white card was at Lady Ito:fe and „her da,ughter. She.
the slide of it -a card which simpered a: little.
bore • the eackneyed quotation, "Since you are so kind, we will ac-
" 'Sweets to the sweet; For Miss °eat your offer." she said. "It will
Haye, With Sir. Owen Chevenixer certainly be veky pleasrant. I always
compliments." I . • tell. Mr. Raze that the one thing X
Violet gave a little cry of,,delight want t.,0 make me_PerfeotlY -haPPY is
a. carnage: vow, violet." •
when she saw it. Mrs. Hay° took I
"Violet will allow me to escort*
It up In her hands( and, turning it '
round, said in a most impressive her, Mrs. Ilaye," suggested Felix, 1
I "Oh, no," replied Mrs, Haye, "Vice
voice e .
let must come with me I I cannot
ends is worth five guineas at '
least." • . i go htone and leave Violet with You.*
Another time, Felix, eou shall be ber
Then they uncovered several bunch- escort. .SIr Owen has been kind
es of superb grapes, some fine peach- enough' to order his carriage for us ;
es and apricots -delicacies such as It would he really impolite to refuse.
previouely Violet had only • heard We will say good -morning to you
mentioned -also a. dozen bottles of note." And she watched bite while
choice Madeira, for Mr. nage. he shook hands, feet with her and
'It is very kind of him," said Fran-
then with. 'Violet.
cis Haye-"wonderfully kind. I have '
never met with any one so geaeroae,.., IIis handsome young face had
And Felix, who was far above all grtiwn white- even to the Ups; but
what could he do ? Ile was a gen-
'globe:. jealousy joined in tbe praise
tieman ; he could not make a
of the ba.ronet. But when Violet
"scene"; he 'Wald not take the girl
stood at the garden gate alone with
him he said, half irtaelly ; - . from her mother's aide against her
will; he had no tarries° with roan
'What does it all mean, Violet?
r cam not understand it." steeds, and toa.chinen and footmen in
Livery. What could be do? Only one Thousands of nen report equally good or su•
00Foinreatopalbili8oitolit esa0nbnreatfiveo,.rsoN' wrong,
thing. If Violet was to go in the trIfireigeuelitittiniigiiiir tle, At 0 Ilg ' qatrixelf.olli
carriage, he himself Would put her . your druggist for Kendall's farmyln euarti, Moo
It had not yet occurred that any man into it. The baronet's bend should ',A. Treat -Ike on the liorse," the book free, or
- could deliberately try to take his be-
trothed svile trot* bine ne would not touch even his darling's 'tress.'
, address 9 •
SO he walired by her side down the: OR. A 1, KENDALL CO., ENOSOURO FALLS, VT.
aVenue of limes arid they rett.Ilied 6.4.- • . ' • "
Life, las Omar isayre May boa span-
• gle of existence. It's too bad the
bright has worn off in se ,many
The Old Reliable Remedy
for •Spaying. Ringbories, Splints,
Curbs and ail forms ef Lameness. The
use of a single bottle may double the selling
Frit:sof your horse.
Dear Stray-. Galistoe, NAL...lune Ill, 0902.
have been uslogybur Kendalls Sparks Cure ror some
time. Imo from twelve to thteen bottles a week and find
It an excelent remedy for Eipavills. Sweeney, Galls
attd all Onta and Swellings. have tyro hundred
head of horses hr my care,
enclosa a stamp tor your "TreatI:e on the Dome
and hls Diseases:"
Yawn very truly, W. LAIRD.
ble, hail he, sWeet 2 Oh, my; darling, if in IllAmMa's favorite old china bowl," i "Darling, you wOuld sooner have
I could take y,ou whem your beauty oho said. "Look -where one or your Walked home With me, Would you
rieuld gladden no eve but my own! , ewes Is" -pointing to the bodice of , not?"
It ixieme to me, Violet, thrtt this fey- ' her dreAS; they shall ehange plateg 1 "Yes, 1 Iveulcl," she replied • and
Weer Come ,t Lonotale's only response, and as he one eatisfaction; be turned away
"Yee, it Velil come? elle re/31feet; lied walked 110Me filet idglit he felt that without a word or a bow to Sir
tido tilt@ Rita did not add her usual En• was the itappleet man in the Owen.
remark -"X hate not quite promised, World.. •I "This is pleriegente' said Mrs.
yeti knew." ellAPTEll XIII. • Hoye, ne the Carriage rolled sWi(t-
She Was;
sorry for Wm. Site could There woo no p'ACIe in Eng- ly along the high-re:el, "Violet, of
not quite understand MR reelinge, land prr•ttier than the old all the luxuries of life, give me a
but she had some dim percePtien of ' parish elmrelt et telford. It carriage."
what be muttered. of the tor ;Jiro a , was ttn terti Norman eelfiee,' The luxury and grandeur were
Ida 10Vie and JeelotisSO or %lit 'treat- I with quaint mitten; towers emu rc certainly very plenewrit, while the
roes et 016 love. Ego row puree pain harnionious peal of belle. The eintrell Ii0Velty tieligItetrithft0leum)t. .
I& Iin da !nen and the trenlidirig of stood on rising ground, and behind „.
ttiobeiel o
Not • • , „ ..
iseikritritetibte, Ilandeeme. Perfert. Only 00 *ones per running feet.
Otippiled by vie or }oast dealer.
PAO'S vnitic names co. r...ionitird, • •
to, St, violet
liheeliarecter should be the Amerlean,
He le, as a human boy, to
be trained up for 'Service in thin
greet, interesting, new life of our
New (World."
Mineral Unit:lent Cures Garget la Cows.
What ire Wanled.
Odom° Post.
"A tali brkle la the best looking,
don't 3•08 think 9••
"Well," replied the titled English-
man, who had caught on to wilt -
tie Amerioan !door, Poo far ret 1 ant
personally rencerried 1 Certainly an;
net leaking for One Who ix short."
"'Music always movite 111P " re-
inerked litr.,Staylate. "'Then: do let
me play for e exelaimed Men
Pert I. for it teas aaal slalght.
Prenelt Women Being Instriteted in
Matters of Maternity.
Preach, and the Parisians in
partioular, are beeomIng alive to the
urgent necessity of arresting the de.
Struction of infant life. A. hundred
anti fifty ehouerrend of the infauts ot
the age of 'twelve menthe or ezeler d e
every year In Prance -a high propor-
tion In a population of about V43.020,-
000. Phc, tatisticians, including the
(*tete or the medical profeselon,
that the lives Of at least 100,000 of
these intents can be saved. Myriads
et babies (Po beottuae their mothers
-belonging principally to the WOrit.
ing Classes -do 110t knOW.1lOW to lake
memo( tbem, or because povertY Pee -
Yenta them from takitag sufficient
rest befOrd aw1. after birth. Al a
remedy for tide last evil the Senate
hag Just given its aielzorroVel to a Pro -
Weal prohibiting the employment or
laboring women during tile two
weeks preeeding and thee four weeks
following the. birth. The prefect of
tbe Seine has just inaugurated In
every one or the :10 arrondissements
of Paris a permarmeCeystem et con-
ferences; in maternity for 1:he instrue-
tion of *Omen or tbe • working;
cia,esee, or of a,ne ot1uer 113 neeti of
enlightenment. Therm conferences are
to be beld at the headquarters et
every municipal division' of tbe Cap-
ital. They will be presided over by the
local Hayore and by the leading sci-
entific men of Paris. .
Slinard's Liniment •Cures, Colds, etc, • -
now Cupie Figures Thue.
Be -Good heavens, dear I The clack
just struek 1, and I promised yeur
mother I'd go at 12. -
Site (comfortably) -Good I We've
got 11 hours yet, . • .
Messrs 0. 0. 11,:ehtarcle & CO..
Gentes-I bleve need yoer IfINARD'S
LINIeEENT in my family and ' also
mly eitegies for years and consider
11 lee besi medicine obtainable.
. .41,1WD ISOCHIA.V,
Profrietor p.oxtoa Pond Hotel and
Livery Stables,
I Roxten pond, Jely, 4, 1901*
ISSUE .NO. 5, 1904
AIM Winslows koething Syrup whQUK
always be used for Children -Agreeing. It
teethe tea child, softens theemus, ewes win d
redo mitt Is the best rat:peer for Dierrhcs*.
EximNSE • 1- Riff LANDS
$50000 Rowed will be paid by
ts Lever Brothers
Limited, Torwito, to any person who
can prove that this soap contain%
any form of edulteration.whatsoever,
• or contains any injurious chemicals,
Agit for fix. °Mean Mir, az;
• . . „
What the Raiser Can Do, .
-He wort talk fluently in lan-
the diseoery of the Roentgen Bays
gtIttgen• bltg written 4, Play and
ceneuatee Its reiteersal. No • elan
lives a busier life than he, •but • On
he• :telegraphed. for Prof.• Roentgen
tend talked with him for hours. He
. 1ms written a public prayer and con-
ducted a °heir. Re can cook his own
dineer, can pla'y- chose, pe.int pic-
tures, or draw caricatures. Be hes
learned eneineering, and studied
1 electricity. Thpegh Ile can only
' nee sine arm he can eliogre; game fee
, hours at ease rate of two a minute:
I HO 111411 over a headrest titles, and
is an admiral in three of the big-
gest navis. in 25 years ltehas 'shot
28,000 heed at game. Be ehangeseds
dress a dozen times a day, has a
dozen valet% and his wardrobe is
worth 2100,000.
Levees Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap
Powder is a boon to any home. It
bats anti cleans at the same time.
In Iota of 10 to 100 dellnl for sale in the
heart of the Niagara .Frult Belt, near
tieresby. Steam and electric roads pass
LdoProperty. ennvenienees el the day.
ina very reasonable, Apply
P. O. box u8, Wilton& Ont.
„reat17, increased by Judicious In.
.44 Specialty St0.7ks.'s,'
I°0uneye41421,eaolir b•Ppolit9reulaettlitillinwilwileithien!-134:"
23 poliiart.e St. Torbirto, out*
all-the•year-around ureney-ntalcer, t is at
' .. ...,---..-7,..... -,...-.......
.`" A.... ...,..• r *.tiiii, ,,,,,,-11.1
Money:Make rmii:ife ?titei
profitable business, na eiceptionany good
brings In the dollars. Ilan and full par.
tgaiv°r, i° 7° 1 itignia: ihztext
co., Hamilton) Ont. • ,
a i p . Ell ! it ! 11( a y
Cros.sing the Bar.
correePandenteOf Naos and Quer-
jos, says the singing of "Crossing
the Bare at ;LordsTennyeon'e fun-
eral eetstleaftesitiele Of eieging the
worde at burials not confined to
Westminster Abbey; and not , long
after .the Laureate's; death 'a. wish
• that the"hymn" ?head be ,ehant-
est at his own obsequies. The wish
was carried out, and an account of
the proceedings, with TennySores .
rxtanzas, duly appeared in the Wear -
paper; but the, effect was. niarred
by the printing or the lines at fel-
• lows:
hope to meet my Pilate lece. to
, face,
• (Whew I sleall cress the bar. '
Jatk lomat More. Appropriate.
Toronto Telegram.
It might be hard for Canadians to
keep warm these days if they mead
not let their blood boa with Judie-
na,tion the injustice of Kiellng's
referenoe totheir beloved country a.s
"Our Lady of the Snows." ,
• • au..
Bard to Satisfy. • •
Tielsts •
• Fleet Farbier-Blessed fir I Slink the
agricultural department is any good
at all. s
Second Fa.rmer-What's the trou-
• First Farmer -Well, I wrote to .'em
to -find out Ito% -high wheat was
going • up to, and I couldn't -get no
eatisfaetion, a:e all. • •• ,
• •
-Any one conteraelating a trip to
eel/Wage. any-eoint in the West, elaes•
ifornia or the Pacific Coast, are of-
ferer', exceptional inducements and
advantages by the Grand Trunk
Railway System, Through Pullnian
tourist , /sleeping ears leave Bos-
t:Oa Mondays And Wednesdays, at 11.
ta.„ running through to ehicago
svithoul.change. arriving there "at
855 p.rtn. the following evening. Lows.
eta rates, with' morainal chaste f or
sleeping ear. Illustrated descriptive
matter and Tull information on art-
plioation to Mhos.. Wyene. „Traveling
Passenger Agent, 200 Washington.
street. Boston: •
rA.: brunette may Wear a brilliant
black with a Retie sheet, Mit it
must 'be garnished and trimmed for
the very lean.- An intermeeture of
welte with dark Violet, crimson, lilac
or blue adds additional charms to .a
Weide a,nd a ruddy line. Blue, pale
yellow:, azure. Mao and _black trim-
med wilt! ;piles are all colora from
welch the !Kende need not .ohrink.
Gray, drab, fawn or atone -colors'
ohe must oembine with pink, blue or
erlmson, if she would refine her com-
plexien; The color in beeddrees
and drapery ishould harmonize. We,
muet study our compfoxion, tend also
Our size.
Ataxia's contained in the clever
paper were; "The pale must.wear
reds and pink?, while the other wears
blue." "leer year's we shuddered at
combining blue and green, y.et in nne
tura it wee very • often seen. The
blue of a. flower and the green.
leaves bone perfectly together, So
row you often 'see a green hat with
blue, florwera or feethers." "The odd
marking.e and charming colors on the
wings of the blitterfLY have taught
drenanakere the eambinatiOna of
WW1'S on ,widell to rely." .•
The form in Which this essay was
delivered did riot prevent it from a
diecrimine.ting boarIng and a ,Iner-'
Wiese discussion. For ada hour or
mere the air seemed to be full of
ribbone, flouneee and Iloveers. No
tote was taken, but Yellen the awoke
of battlo Wia* over Ws. Colby' e Post;
tion seemed in the main to be sus-
STATIC Or Chizo, flirt or Totassioqoa.
PRANK 3. CIII/NKY netkee Oath that helm the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Censer *
Co., doing busluees in she City of ,Toledo,,
County and State atoms le, MI ttuitCaid flrta
will pay the mini of CND DUNI/RED DOL.
LARS for oftch and eyery cm* of CATAnntt
that camilt be cured by the loge Of RAM's
MANIC 1. crioNtir,
Sworn to before me and Subscribed In my
prestince,thisethday of December, A..D.,1880.
A. W. OttlAtiON,
'Notary Public.
• Haile Catarrb Sextets taken internally nut
Acta directiyon theblood it tol m egoism outfates
of the system. Sena for testimonials, free.
1..1. eitENLY & 00., Toledo, 0,
Sold b., all drugeloireleer.
Take sheer; Family Pile for Conotteation,
CLAP ON A PLASTER and It will be all right
is a eoinmon exgreesion amino true One IRA
happens to be • the D. L. Menthol
ter, for no other remedy reedy is so sure and e
tive againstmuscularpains, rhemnatism,-ete.
• •
A Very Busy Missourian. •
•' Osceola OW Democrat.
We are liaple to be vow busy fol -
the next few days as we are pre-_
paring our second annual teesture,
writing a book of essays, clearing
thirty acres of -bottom land and
breaking a span of three-yeareolde
mules, besides doing our. chores.
I Iterefore, we trust our kind readers
will not expect very 'much. from. us
till the rush Is refer, '
Millard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
What They Missed.
Belleville Intelligencer.
The Deering Harvester Company,
• In ite Canadian branch, which is
situated at Ilakalltoit, ile.PaYin,g Out
$8,000 a month in wages. We always
1 told -the Chairman ef Industries tbal
, he should have put on his Tam 0'
• Shanter and hustled to get that con-
cern is Belleville. A. company with a
monthly, pay evil .of S80.000 is Jusb
what we need in our business.
Your snorter
baolt If'
Gin Pills do
not cure.
fllyst,',1Sseter, who sailed • from Ply -
month with father and brother' '15th.
1871. Brother Freak inquires, Write 84
CodrIngton street, Exeter, land.
• lteggle's Conolusion.
Smart Set.
. "Oh, ,mamma," eliented little Reg-
• ele, as he ran tellies mother in great.
glee, "what do ycia tbible?..I WOO
just overthere where tftee're put-
' tine up the otrous, a.nd they're fel-
ling 'the ring all full of breakfast
heed," .
•*LI ke Tee rips th e
eat 10 not within -the corieentton'iirman to
measure ltlY Meat sufferings from heart.
dittease. For years I eidurcd iihnost con:. ••
Stant mieog grad tearing pi.tins about lily',
heart, and Many it time Would; bast
coined death., Dr, Agnew's Cure for the
Upart has worked a veritable intracle."-,•
R hos. HitIts, 1 ertb, Ont, -50. ••
. .A. Ppeterenoe. x
• Buffa.19,Commerelal.
Mrw Iippiaelt=AIU 1 Airs: Subbubs, 1-
er-belleve my social, dutleit of late.. ,
• -have prevented mo. from calling,
upon you' eteI sIupulfl.Bowever, 1 wile:.
.surely. return your visit semeelayee.-•
• Mrs. Subbeba-That doesn't Matter
numb, bah./ Wash yon would return,.
the' grnserteg you borrowed ' from OS'
time toetene. , •
Trunk and Lehigh Valley Tonto ofthO:B. l'ac‘ k '
In Going to New Xork
Be sure that Your tiekets read via Grand
Diamond Express." This Is Os direct and
'best route from all Canadian points. By this
• route, baggage is now checked in bond and
'from Canadian pottts. The Lehigh Valley
• has three stations ln New York, up town near
'all first -clue hotels, and down town neared
European: steamehip itocke, saving passen-
gers for Rurope a long and expensive trans- .
fer„ Secure your tidccts of Grand Trunk
agente. Robert 5, Lewis, CanadianPassenger •
Agent, 'Zoog° street, Toronto,. Cent,
•• When TertWas
. This is from Besant's Survey of es
London : "Tea in the seventeenth'', .
century einaa offered as a. curious •
foreign driek ; it was prepared with
and -drank with some trepida-
tion. Ladies often took brandy Mere
tereeard as a corrective. A' learned'
eileysieleas; Dr, ,Liseees wiroteetliat
'tete eindecietree Merd-perniittede.34:-
nGuoind'bselp. r.porvidmetainnekgral'ergekonlyniginitulligo!.
lifo as a kind of sileet plague.
The_fortfelivoer fdee'stgAgidhvyoucturt4mtcryapile_five
tach Pill Contams'
all the medicinal qualities of one And one-half
ounces of the best Holland Gip. As a positive
cure for all kinds of Kidney teciiifele.
'stanceunrivalled. It is not necessary to wait for days
for beneficial results, you knew at once that Gin Pills
are helping you. Sold by all Druggists at so cts. per.box,
6 boxes for $2.50 or direct from
THE BOLE MUG CO.. Wielmipteo, mere
Accounted for.
ChiCako Tr51 v re. , •
eahl errs. Tiploion," to her
.youngest, "you shock roe vrith your
rude behavior. You are a perfect
tomboy. Whe can't you, be like your
little fiaymate, Leila Green.? She Is
gentle, Oft -voiced, well.belfaveil and
always lad vflke."
said May, "bat Ego's her moth-
• Far Prom Slight.
• Buffalo Commercial.
"You avoid have berit the Adieu -
'pee' anewer elio made when 1 • asked,
her if ,sbo knew you." - said . Miss
"She doerin't .knotv me 'Very "well."
replied Mies Plumptonewife was sea.
artive about lier weiglit. .
"Yes, but the -idea or ceiling you
• olight acquaintance."
k I lb I I. 1 01 •I I• 1 i 1 Ile,
Prom any first•clatIS dealer.
. . .
Maud Muller T.Ip-tcoelate.
Maud Muller On ti, whiter' c1nY
Went out to clear alio snow emote!
:Sim Worked till near the noon -time
hour .
And then began to lose her power,
For hunger came and
-II 11.1.0 Went
To give her appetite con.tent
She'd cleared the reah up the door, „
Tho sitletyttik and all else Tor eiture 1
Maud Muller !trier dinner thought
She'delm the work that oho 'had
She titoOd anuterld, "With lipe npn,rt,
_ Like 'monument of Greelan art I"
The drifting snow bad fined again
The paths aim had made Ho Wain 1
A ;Popular Tree Wot'th $ 1,500.
„ .
The great value of tember, says the
Now York Sun, is ellown In the eon
Of n tree reeently Out near WayneS,
ville, N. te Thie ;dent ef the Alio-
geeny Metintains Wn8 a curly poplar*
ea large that twelve hoteca were re -
mitred to Jettil away the butt,- cut,
whielt Senn twelve foot long. The
. lomat Ilitili wee 81 feet. rrom the
ground, ThIN single tree ednialned
1.5,000 feet sr firsi-ehtes lumber,
meet of useful as veneerieg, and
ito valim Wag PLUM. The s:ngle tree
mug wortle meta tiutil 'the entire
mount:de farm upon Willett It stood.
4§4111.10$10:** pin scitser igsvarrathes •
Toronto eter.
John D'Inkenson, M. 1'., SOnth
WentWottli "There le no doubt
:stout it that the beet plane to Hee
• the OttelinA Cd;theg:Sittlittre Intim
aloft. Tho tnembere do not got ball'
tut: 117,1 tto view nit the newspaper
ntit lorMit
Chleage Tribes&
"Yes, VII giver you a meal tif Victual*
11 yowl!. shovel off tieere abtrwaStor."
Wonel yon not reefer, medal*, to
here mo strove] off the shoW,71' *
tba4PrOvaiglitt; barecown lpfl,Sor .434. ritamteirloot:tda, ,..erg2nitgirfailierVare ityjiz*lect °rand reruieer, 114*
Iffinebori. Year.• 'torpid'.
4..,...e.,.....0,,,laelle 0. •$204,016.00
18,0101 evellt110.74
•20,91T ,
ei, 1000. SiON,O20.00
• 1111,014,.....,,, ewe. 10,01.................. 2s8,146;o4
• 28,010 k ererr..10 gm, $$$$$ .............. 3414,012 .0
• ' 21;1000• a * .1.419011 4.000}011.0
lipitholai Inducements to .1011N NOW.