HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-01-28, Page 5Thursday, January 28, 1904 THE MEN'S STORE NEWS. i Bi Cash Discount Sale AT CRoWDER's. 25c 0:ll tie DoIar 01 All Boys', Youths' and Men's Overcoats, Pea Jackets, Ulsters, Reefers,Corduroy Suits, Etc. New Shirts. and Sox. New Collars and Ties. The R. H. Crowder Co. • THE ROYAL GROCERY Toilet Sets. To start the New year with we have just open- ed up a crate of Toilet Sets, Printed in choice colors, with large roll top basin. Ten pieces{ to each set. A Snap for quick buyers, per set $2.24 Water Sets. Also a Package of eighteen Water Sets, consist- ing of Six Glasses, Pitcher and Tray. The colors are -White and Gold, Blue, Green and Ruby, prices from $1.25 to ..$1.75 Jardeniers. We have secured a few more of those pretty Jardeniers in old Blue and Gold, each 50 cts. to•••• .$1.50 at Griffin's t a4fliliiLltl+td4.4'•*flifitietcitteetalittrritfleieE!iee*gitgifliE:E:FEEE% PEDLARS' PRICES 4! la DEPARTMENTAL STORE PRICES isqt COMPETITORS' PRICES .. `° .. .. M airy !t! C, are all discounted by HALSEY PARK THE WINGHAM JEWELER When you buy Watches, Jewelry or Spectacles from pedlars, you get cheated, and it serves you right. When you buy these goods from department- al Mom, you lose money. When yon buy from me you get what you pay for at the very best possible prices. We guarantee to save you from 5 to 25 per cent. on the advertised prices of any departmental store, and if we have not the goods you want, we will be pleased to procure them for yon. Halsey Park !1! Jeweler and Optician, Wingham liyeeight Tested and Satisfaction Guaranteed. HAMILTON AUCTIONEER MATH -- ONT. 30 years experience. T have conducted over 3000 successful Auction Sates in the County of Huron, and as a rule get better prices and sell to better men. Orders left at ADVANCE Ofi'lae, Wingham, will receive prompt atten- tion. Terme reasonable. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone or telegraph at my expanse. W. At CTRRIE Winghatrt's Auctioneer. Isles attended in any part of Bicron county. Orders left at the AD'VANOIS Office will re - COW) prompt attention, LIFE INSURANCE FIRE Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS THE ADVANCE QIC; for tasty end down.to•dat. Dols Printing. Prices right. ROBT. H. CARNISS BLUEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at tho office of the WINGIIAI{ ADVANCE, DR. OVENS Loanox Supp oN, O,puLIs'r, Sj.'I{CIALIFT. DIseases gye, gar, Tinge and Throat. pits Wiggharn monthly. ql:issra F'IrTgo pits NASAL uATAr qT and TlsuyxEas treated, \Vinghan once at Campbells Drug Store. London nines -•223 queen's ave.; hours 11 a,m, to Mp.m. Dates of visits -Mondays - Feb 1, 1 b.'M, Mar. 28, May 2, May 30. June T. July 23, Sept, b, Oct, 8, Got. 31, Nov, 28. 'Wood's Phoetplltodince, TM Gnat English Remaly, is an old, well esicab- lished and reliable preparation. Has been prsecribod and used over SO years. All drug, gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as being nl the o y medicine of its kind that cures and gives universal eatWaotion. It prompt) and pernsaeently cum anforms of Z1'srveus Sial* nen, £tntss,lons, . permdtorrhaa, impotstsclii ✓ ed an effects ot*humor ezoees.s; lb* exceeaivs Smoot Teemed°. Opium or Stimuutatn,ts, Mental ▪ tyt n, mpti of which nlR+tr ly Infirmity, 12• Om ix wilt Burs. ailed fere yet oers u ref .WG� price. for Iroe p mphl.0 . A,tisit'NIM e Weed uo atyn Vtlantleogo Oaf', Oaai►4 Before stad After. w e P nap ne r so' dwiwgha a X.13ovVr'.. }lltC a �1: les THE WINORMA ADVANCE, ---Mr. W, 1I. Gilrie. of Arthur, who was kinked with a horse recently, died on Saturday and was buried on. Mon- day, -The Japanese Government is look- ing for cavalry horses in Alberta, S, Okumura, their emissary, is in thing country, -The Transvaal Government has placed au order for 10,000 head of cattle with Texas brooders for the purpose of restocking tho African farms. -Four million seven hundred thou- saud tons of coal, au increase of three hundred and fifty thousand tons over the preceding year, was shipped from Nova Scotia during 190. -Thursday last daily papers reported intense cold at New Liskeard, Temic- naming district. It is said to have gone 50 degree. below zero, and the mercury then became frozen. -Toronto cattle market report for 1003 shows an increase over the receipts for the previous year. There arrived 12,866 carloads; number of cattle, 187,- 768; number of hogs 176,470 (not in- cluding those that go direct to packing houses); number of sheep, 171,745. -The Canadian Elevator Company, of Winnipeg, is to build at Port Arthur one of the largest grain elevators in the world in tiine to receive this year's crop. The work-honsa, which will be the first to be erected, will have a capacity of 1;250,000 bushels, and this will be supplemented by immense storage ware- houses of tile or concrete. -A Connecticut ''small . farmer," whose domain amounts to only thirty-, three acme of land, has shown that the small dairy, when w.11 managed, pays very well. Last year, from nine cows, be sold milk and cream to the value of $1,369.61 besides the milk used by two families. In addition, he sold pork to the value of $182.66, and $65 of hay. Mount Forest, Jan. 21. -While Dan Dineen of Arthur Township was bring- ing in a drove of cattle yesterday to Mount. Forest the cattle bolted when crossing the C. P. R. track at Bri,;ht'e Crossing and six of them were killed. A boy driving them with a horse and cutter was saved by jumping, • lent the horse was killed and the cutter smashed. -A young man by the name of Mc- Intyre, who lives above Arthur, has been working for some of the farmers in the Dracon vicinity. One day he was overpowered, stripped of his boots, soxs, and mitts, and left iu a bad condition. M. 0. Ireland, in whose barn he was found, after seeing that he was warmly olad, direoted"him on the road towards his home. -The electric railroads of the United States last year carried a number of passengers equal to three times the population of the world. The cars ran eleven times the distance between the earth and sun. The capital iuvegted is twice as much as the United States bonded debt, and the gross earnings are a quarter of a billion dollars. Taxes .were paid amounting to $13,000,000. -Edgar Silcox, of Shedden, has, says the Ridgetown Dominion, 36 Jersey cows from' which he, last year sold 4690.31 worth of cream and $1,836.68 worth of butter, or a total of $2,526.99, thus making an average of a little over $70 per cow. A fair allowance for the skim milk and buttermilk would bring the average up to a little over $80. The cows had no grain while on grass and there are nine two-year-old heifers in tho lot.. -On the farm of Mr. Jas. Greenwood, 9th line of Luther, is a strange freak of the bovine type, being a grade Hereford calf, about three months old, which has a body that would do credit to a calf considerably older, but which. has logs so short that it does not stand as high a9 the average three day's old calf. Tho Iegs are stout, sturdy fellows, well formed, but not over, or very little over, a foot in length, making it a very odd specimen, -Messrs. Richardson and Keys, cattle shippers of Shelburne, had an unusual experience with a shipment of hogs last week. Soma acids of some kind had boon carried in the car, and these affect- ed the feet of some of the animals so that the whole load tried to crowd up in one end of the car. The result was that several of the animals were crush- ed to death, and when Toronto was reached the shippers found themselves to be out some 465 worth of hogs. -Mr. Wilson, who lives near Fenelo}l Fall., recently found one of hie beet cows staggering aboat the barnyard iu a somewhat hilarious condition, and it. elined to have every oow in the yard take a "horn." A veterinary was call- ed in, who, an investigation, decided that the animal was on a "corn jag.'i She had been given a liberal supply of dry oorn in the morning which fer- mented in the atomaob, producing al. cohol and settingup all the symptoms of intoxtcation. Is Your Breath Bad ? Bad breath is dna of the early synpp• tome of catarrh whioli should be cheek - ea at oboe and now i not allowed to ran into oonsumption, The aureat cure is fra- grant healing Oatarrhozone which cures catarrh by removing its cause. No case is too chronio, even the most stub• born yield in a short time to the bal- samic vapor of Oatarrhozoue• It makes cures that last, for once cured by Oa- tarrhozone you may cured. Catarrho- zone is pleasant, convenient and safe to use, reliov.e ihstautl and is gnaranteed to onto every type of oaterrh, bronohitia and asthma. Uee only Oatarrhoaonb oosnpl.t. outfit 41,00; Merapl. Mae 25o. .-The construction of the main canal irrigation purpo.es in Alberta will call for the excavation of irrigation system in that district will, it isexpected, make useful agriculture and grazing 8,000,K0 0 acres of land, now comparatively useless because of the period of extreme drought to which the area is subject. Ottawa, Jan, 21. -Writs were issued to -day for federal bye -elections in Queen's West, St. John city, Bruce East, and Lambton East, Nominations will be held on Tuesday, February 9, and polling one week later, The first two were held by Liberals and the others by Oppositiouists. Hon. Donald Farquhar, son, deceased, eat for West Queen's, and Hon, A. G, Blair for St. John, Mr. Cargill, deceased, was member for East Bruce, and Mr. Simmons, deceased, for East Lambton, It is altogether pro- bable that the other four bye.elections, all of which are in the Province of Quebec, will be brought off on the same dates, 'These vacancies aro all Liberal -St. James' Division of Montreal, Hoa- helaga, St. Hyacinthe, and Mont- magny. Delicate Boys and Girls. Are altogether too numerous. Our schools are full of them. Chances are your own childrou are weaklings. It's a shame so many children grow up with out health when they could be made strong by Ferrozoue, the best tonic growing boys and girls can take. For- rozone invigorates the whole body, helps digestion, makes the blood pure and rich. It supplies more nourishment than children can get in any other way and soon establishes a reserve of force and energy. Give your children Ferro - zone and watch them grow strong. Pride 50c per box. GROWTH OF WINNIPEG. The Winnipeg Telegram has issued a valuable souvenir of Winnipeg. It. is a special number devoted to the growth of that city du%ing 1903. Besides containing interesting infor- mation regarding the wonderful growth of Winnipeg during 1903 it publishes pictures of some of the largest buildings that were erected. Statistics are arranged in an interest- ing way to tell the story of Winnipeg's growth. This story goes bank to- the year 1874 when Fort Garry was incor- porated as the city of Winnipeg with a population of a little over 3,000 and a total assessment of something over $2,000,000. In 1900 th3 assessment bad reached $21,316,000 and three years later it had increased by more than 50 per cent. The buckle of the wheat belt, as Win- nipeg is called, from her commanding position, now occupies the unique posi- tion of being the greatest wheat mart in the British Empire. At Chicago last year 37,940,053 bushels were handled; at Duluth -Superior, 42,406,923 bushels, and at Winnipeg 51,833,000 bushels. It devotes considerable space to the in- crease in railway facilities, and calls attention to the fact that with sufficient facilities there aro enough elevators in Western Canada to handle a wheat Drop of over 100,000,000 bushels. The Telegram points out, that a very few years ago a resideuce costing $5,000 was a luxury that only a very few could enjoy, while during the last year the average cost of the twelve hundred odd that were built is very near this figure, and in some cases the cost ran up to $50,000. The same is true of ware- houses; only a few years ago there was not a largo warehouse in the city and to -day Winnipeg can boast of having the beat warehouses of any city of simi- lar size on the continent of America. At present both the Canadian Pacific and the Canadian Northern Railways are making extensive improvements and additions to their terminal facilities at Winnipeg. The former is eroctiug car shops which, all told, will give employ- ment to nearly 10,000 men and will be second to none in Canada; and when the now yards aro completed they will be the largest railway yards in all the world; they will contain 92 miles of track and will be capable of handling an immense amount of traffic. Tho Canadian Northern has also planned groat things for Winnipeg, and has al- ready begun work on a large scale. With Crick in the Back. Yon are up against a whole lot of trouble unless yon have a strong remedy like Nerviline to settle pain and dislodge atiffners from the muscles and joints. Just rub Nerviline on the painful spot - not much rubbing because Nerviline has more power than ordinary remedies. You won't suffer long after Neviline is applied for it relieves almost instantly. Mr, P. Adams of Oakland says, "If I had not used Nerviline I guess niy back would be stiff yet, A few applications of Nerviline took all the soreness and stiffness away. I can recommend Nor- viline for any kind of muscular pain, also for rheumatism. Price 25o. Farm For Sale. A farm of 53 acres in East Wawa - nosh, near Fordyce, is offered for sale ; about 8i miles from Winglmtn. Splen- did orchard, good water, spring in milk -house, good bank barn and frame house. The river' rens through the corner of the farm ; 5 acres of good hardwood hush. Will either sell, or exchange for 100 acres, Apply at office of TIIiI WINGIIAM ADVANCE NOTICE l Prices sawlegs h higher ices of ar l e niu e i this season than last season. The Canada Fttrnitare Manufacturers are prepared to pay the highest price for all kinds of hardwood logs, as well as Basswood, delivered rtt. the Button & Fersatlt Chair rectory. Wingham. Veneers should get the logs in early while toasts are good, and get tho highest price. Canada Furniture M"fru. +INGBANt 7.„••••44...stiseteessigemosie 11 11 1111 ers For coughs, colds, bronchitis, 1 asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, take - _ Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Cherry Pectoral - Always keep a bottle of it in the. house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. lyfSd stbetocinefaio e s, Ayer's ihsmmediin _ In the wend, I know, for all throat and lung :17:durbui e.'•Ya4..J. A. Now,aose, walthanl,eSOC., $1.00.rJ. 0. AYRAe4 .rotas. for Lowell. Nae., The Lan gS .ally action of the bowels Is mew ary. Aid nature with Ayer's Pills. MASSE'=HARRIS AGENOY Have you a Cutter ? If not, call and examine our stock before buy- ing elsewhere. If you will he needing anything in the line of Farnlidg Implements or Machinery for the coming sea- son, place your order early and get the best. Massey -Harris goods are leaders everywhere. Agent for the Kemp Manure Distributor. We also handle the Wm. Gray & Son's Buggies and Ontters- universally acknowledged to be the best and most durable to be had. ALF. GLOVER } iitGENT 8.20 WINGHAM REX .LL lIOLD- DYES These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath - they aro the latest and most improved Dye in the world. Try a package. All colors at W. Messer's store, Bluevale, and C. B. MoClelland's store, Belgrave, Ont. SUCCESS atten,;ds the' J raduntea o1 On Jan. 4, 1904, Winter Term Begins. -Two Courses - Commercial and Shorthand. Send for College journal. C.A. FLEMING A. L. MclNTYRE President Sews. S The Courses of Study in the CENTRAL Ne��%'`%GUC'/ STRATFORD. ONT. Aro up to the highest standard of ex- cellence and that is one reason why this popular school is now enjoying a record - breaking" attendance. You want the boat training and we give it, therefore enter at once. Ciroulara free. W. J. Elliott, Principal. 90 per cent. of Fat Cattle exhibited at Provincial Winter Fair, 1903, were fed with Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic. DEAIi S11ts- Wc have been feeding your Stock Food to cattle for some time, and find it to be an ex- collcnt tonic. We have also fed it to horses and pigs, and are quite sure it is tho best stock food wo have ever tried, Our prize winning cattle at the Provincial Winter Fair, 1703, were fed Worthington's Stock Tonle. LESLIE & PJOAREN Breeder Shorthorn Cattle, Acton, Ont. DEAR SIRa- I find your Stock Food is a very excellent Tonle for cattle, giving them a good appetite and keeping their digeillve orgaus in a healthy working condition. Tho steer "Scottie," ex- hibited at 1V inter Fair, weighed at birth 801bs. at 35 months 2000 lbs., making a gain of 55 lbs. per month. It pays to feed Worthington's Stock Food. ANDREW RICHARDSON, Breeder Shorthorn Cattle, Peopabun, Ont. DRAM SIRS -We have used our Stock Food for both cattle and hogs and find it gives good satisfaction. Several of ourcattie have shown a gain of over 1001bc, per month while feeding it. JAS. WILSON & SONS, Breeders of Shorthorn Cattle and Yorkshire Bogs. Fergus, Ont. Neto the .Price 10 lb. box, 200 feces, 50c; 50 ib. sack, $2. For Sale By. J. Bowman, Wingham I W. Messer, Bluevalo k Agar Earls,Lueknow N. Gerry Brussols Henderson & Henderson, Whitechurch Somebody Said "13o lis well dressed as you can Afford," and its good advice, But clothes cost tuuney-more or less according to quality of fsbric- tnoro or lege accoi ding to length of wear ---more or less according to the thoroughness of the unseen work. This intide xitt is the life of the geetnext. Xt keeps it in shape, and is one of the features which determine its appestrance and neatness, ll.tve you ever tried us for men's garniutits? It would be worth your while. Robt. Maxwell IIIA in Tailor ISARD'S January Stock Taking Sale Now Going On. Fifteen Thousand Dollars' worth of New Goods to choose from. The Stock must be reduced by $3000.00 during this month. SWEATERS. -Boys' heavy Swea- ters to clear, reg. price 50 cts. -Sale Price 350 MEN'S PANTS, - 2 dozen Men's strong Pants to clear, good value at- $1.25 -Sale Price $1.00 OVERCOATS FOR MEN. -Fine make of Men's Overcoats, nicely lined, dark cloth, velvet collars, good value at $7.50 -Sale . $6.00 BOYS' SUITS. -15 Boys' 2 -piece Suits in navy blue or brown cloth, lined through, good value at $2 -January Sale Price$1.661 MEN'S UNDERWEAR. -5 dozen Men's wool fleece Shirts and Drawers, reg. price 50 cents - Stock -taking Price 40c FLANNELETTE. - Extra heavy, new pattern Flannelettes, good value at 10c -January Price 13c RUBBERS. - Women's Rubbers, fine quality, new toe, reg. price 50c and 60c -January Price 40c DRESS GOODS. -65 yards black Venetian Suiting. 56 in, wide, reg. $1.25-Jan'y. Price $1.00 CARPETS. -3 pieces heavy Union Carpet, yard wide, new pat- terns, splendid value at 50c -Sale price 40c WRAPPER CLOTH. -220 yds, double width cloth for wrappers, fast colors, reg. value 15c -Jan- uary price . 10c WOOL HOSE. -10 doz. heavy all Wool Ribbed Hose for girls or boys wear, reg. value 35c -Jan- uary price 25c ROBES. -Large size, black or grey vioat Robes, regular Price $10.00 -Stock-taking price $8.00 FLANNELETTES. -10 pes. stripe Flannelettes, good quality and colors -to clear at 4c PRINTS. -Your choice of any 12i cent quality Prints for,. . LOc CORSETS, Extra fine quality Corsets, good make, steel filled, good value at 75c -Sale Price50c MILL ENDS, --300 yards ends of Cotton from 2 to 10 yards -Jan- uary Price 6c WAISTINGS, - French flannel Waist Patterns, choice new goode, reg, value 75c -Sale 50c LADIES' WAISTS. - A special line Percale cloth, fast colors, new patterns, good value at $1.25 -Stock -taking Yrice $1,00 LADIES' GOWNS. -- New Flan- nelette Night Gowns to clear, reg. value 41.00 -Sale Price. 75c DRESS GOODS. -3 pieces heavy Saitmgs, all wool. 54 in. wide, reg. price $1 -Sale Price 65c LADIES' HOSE. -5 doz. Ladies' Black wool Hose, fast color, reg. 35c -Stock -taking Price `?.5c DRESS PLAIDS. -5 pieces fancy Dress Plaids, nice colors and patterns -to clear at 6c TOP SKIRTS. -Ladies' Fine Blk or gray tailor-made Skirts, good value at $3.50 -Sale Price 42.76 CURTAINS. -A special line of Lace Curtains. S yds. long, nice patterns, good value at $2.00 - January Price $1.50 FUR RUFFS. -6 only Ruffs to clear, nice full size and shape, price $5 -Stock -taking price. ,$3.75 WHITE QUILTS. -Large size heavy cloth quilts, generally sold at $1.25 -Sale price $1,00 LADIES' JACKETS. -Black or dark grey Jackets, new style, lined, reg. value $10.00 -Sale price $8.00 A great number of other lines of goods at Cut Prices. Come and see what you can save buying New Goods at this great stock -taking Sale. H. E. ISARD & CO. .K++++ *a! +tittk++ + *>t? 1.-e fit? ?* ?+ +4 4 4 4 r 4 4 4 44. 4 4 4 4 m. b• 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 '1 Anyone Can See the advantage to be gained by purchasing a Stove or Range made at home. No vexatious delays waiting for repairs, etc. ii HURON" Stoves and Ranges are guaranteed to be absolutely the best made ; and to bake, boil, roast or broil, better than any other. MADE BY ' The Western Foundry Co., limited WINGHAM ONT. Wingham, Ont., March 4th, 1903, The Western Foundry Co., Limited, Winghatn, Out, Sirs: -1 find your Range. which I purchased through vont' dealer, to be A GREAT PIIEL SAVER and an excellent linker; it is in every way right up to the minute. My wife says what is home without it "Crown Huron" Range? Wishing you every success in your good viork, I Tim, Yours respectfully, JAMES WALKER. SOLD BY 4 .4 4 d 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 .4 ,4 4 A. Young „(Sc Son J. Bugg & Son WINGHAM 4+ 444+44+4444+4444+ 44+4444+