HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-01-28, Page 3Tho Duclieem consadered. ,giate recoverettrafrom bee rant, len: or thine I knOW wheal yOu mean. Uri' Vale and Odlet, 4 Where Biddy is, he le never tar '^1 110 Welts must wafter °clime," • Apart from that, be thaws no sign the pleyeecian Auld; "ebe lute been y 0 Man; lie wonld net are ltft hie eyes tattle C0 try Your grace. Let her , to ley R»ndyea teleep rOlund tbe ohmic and feed, 011 ' Tbe not till,YeLord Henry wae gene. sweet ulna and new-lald m -- ega. Let witliout r 11 '1 of being a lover Soule plain gentle. initloing too pa 1 ersietenti ke r 4 A"AAfwwtSwooyvWvIA1WANSAAVVWWWVVW~PSNV* , halgings. Mectewhile % Wilt find, A pleysilelent; lluisele the ,assemielel Mono/ they, found elle coach, tt plain and modest eeutpage. (fee tels time M. Bliley was tonreng to, Me laid her hi the mace ta her motherer arnm, arid, lile head Unoevered, watelled the ceacb tittle k!!. A little later 0 phyleician earrleee treferlftiVeRfeoefer4WWW044eAteeetWieteAteeeeeteiereeeesveeeeeeobleeeN . .ftlerezifillrhArtdlegiftplitX ttle" It 'reale soleetiting ot a etir tat the Nene witen the Decline Orli'reuet NvIali known te be there 3eith her tWie little daughter:1 or her becond Marriage., The dooliefee had aston- ished the worle within ten menthe of the ,dulteei by hicelltling pialp,Itenorable gentleineel, one Wm. Attelitellextg,„ wate bed Peitber title nor e061a1(, nor birth, nor 'good leek's, Per anything else exeept hie •Iteortli. Considering that elle- wee, leCeOrding to the judgment . of Iter contemporaries, 'elm Weariest anti most expensive woman within the ;three, kingdoms, and had borne -110 lles0 tintn nineteen ebildren to the • delta ,It may ba imaglued that box' marriage was' lietle lose than seandale wore two little girls born. , of the scoop(' marriage, a.ncl It may Obeeimagined they fo'und -themselves; nin a very different position from -the lords ana. ladies,. their half -bre - 'Mete ane sisters They. were beau- tiful little creaturee, and from the beginning they were the pets Axle .pleythings or the °times. • When, in eciertie of time, ull ehe ,duke's children were Nettled in one Way or another, the clueliess retired With lmr Atiehtericilly ti.nd her little Melo to 8. (Mali hoime within a hedge of sevteet brier, a preeent to, her teem her sen the duke, and busied herselr there weth the train - leg of the twos who learned from her heusewIfely virtues and elle ac- compliehmenta proper to; ladies, while their father Impartedthm to etnore solidlearning'. It eves a fragrant, Wholesome, lamest coantry life that the dueliess had there with her Auchterlony and ber Ogle. And the ' children grove up fresh as milkmaids, witlt. couiltry dew upon their eear- let ',ape ..na grey eyes,' veitli wildly curling little heade or. dark imir, with. oountry roses ln taeir, cheeks. end the walk of Flora's 'self, with voicee sweet as the blaciltbird's otyn. It was whispered amopg the Much - s' frauds that she was verydot airbus of making good matches, for her girl; She hael an 'odd senae Of havin e wrought them some injustice. since their brothers -and els- ,' tens Were persons of great coileal-' „ oration, and. they only of any con- eleleration so long 88. she livea, Beforeethe lIttIe adiee wore eon- erally seen it WAS rumored ebou.t thatt Mr larummel had peeped at thorn ona hhm had declared tegoca dessee in minia,ture; and Mr., Bruno ariel's judgment was enough ler the ,..,The 'tee° little ladies were 'named • Bride and Lydia, and ware*ktiown as tiro. Biddy and, Mrs, Lyildy. 'They were so atike tha.t 'they were hardly , to be ,distinguished apart by those who dia not know them very well. 'Bet once yen knew, them You She, a differenee. Mrs. Biddy; the elder by fifteen months, hid te spirit and fire in her eyo lied her glance which Mrs. Lyddy heel not. fehe was also the taller by nag a bead, although that gave Lei no great lietglit. Mra Lyddy was the graver, the inorteretiring of the two oand it may bemeld at this poiet that Mrs. Lpady, gratified the laleheres•and *satisfied her own heart , by .weddIng tvitlan the year Lord Ar- e &riga eaulet -notaftry, 'gentleman, de- voted to 1118 tenants and las beeves 1111(11111(1his'country life, wao never went to towneand wait him and their chit- : ere dneled- elite Of •panterhe )ettoe told team city. . . "My poor Biatly !" the Ductless. said to Lady Lbufea on ,13free- eeeddy'S wedding dayo'"Xf but my'Bindy weee • • well eettled as my Lyddy X should Ahalre nothing left to wish for but " their babiest I ebouttago baok to my . bermitage and'inlay. my peeler tura- tare with the new eastern work, wliLlo Auchterlony finished his trans- .1a,tion °lathe (*elegies." eleteer Lord Moore' is' bewitelieee" • said Lady Louleae lea w,hisper. "Ole ,my elea,r sister, what a. triumph that wouldli be So ancleoxpe, o vertgems, such talent They atter Mr, Pitt will ,axot kest till he has hien. leetbeettin. - letry." "It *would be an odd thing if that . 'match were to come to pees," the 'Dnoheris:eald, aliee in a, whisper. eHis, Matter' deteets Me. They say she will: . • b03"0..111111 olitierY meney,And that she • destinee bile for the plate looking . greathelreas whoai she is never eeee without I Weeder Winer Biddyealit- ale faccwI1 tell aga'net-the guineeila Teat day br Mrs. leydily'e wedding everyone wan .a. witness to Lord Henry's infatuation. Ile hung over Bicideet • be had 'no eeree fee ' any • but her, and it was. evident to all. that Mit 'Biddy lead ho oyes for any but him. Teo thing was as good as dettled, eVeryaile declared.- Mr, Drina.; met brought relate a tale to London that Mr. A.neeeter laid the Earl or resi a thousand guineas on Mrs. . Biddy's marriage to Lord 'Henry Wittan three menet& ' Meanwhile, what was the old Buell- eseeeer Mull tieing ? Was see so men- • pled with! tierVethodist friends 'in her •Scottieb castle that she had not • beard of her younger son's infatutee tion ? All her heart •and bcipos -were' • in Lord Henry since las brother, the •'dukes, lied! tea.reled a Fretteilayeronali ..of the 'PlaYlionee.a ' ett wish it evere done,".the Ducheos of iltrenett.. eau/idea to her Sister-in- law, the sentimental 'and susceptible faady Louisa. 'Tillit hi done 1 con- feeIn1 anegidraid orthee ole wereale• fiVe Wore never friends, and even ele. ;Wesley Will not bare brought her to 1;hti point cif forgaririg Me. I . shall amaze. you, Vaitsa,,- with my confes- sion.; but I think less Of the 'bride- groonl's foraine and Ids titre than of my ,Biddeets heart. If BiddY'e Ileatrt to he broken, I coal() not forgive Myself that / had over • hire the petieefirt shades or Manua - :40P" • 1 S oX weeder why he de ay to epealt?" Lady Totes& Paid, mueingly, "Xt 10 *lint X feat that he Will nest apoak till lie has 1110 Mother's bleat. ing, sho will not bless his marriage With elind Of mine, far lose my' -Biddy, Who 113 not the eleld of 0. Duketert, but Only the °laid et much love. X ren terribly afraid, Lenisa." ; There wan silence in the room for A), few mitertee. Then Lader Louisa, iWno tete ettelly diet:Meted, •askeil 4.1 with lively in,tereet- ; attlee woe the gallant that IM himself behind the third, pillar of the aisle, and from time to time fient Melting glandes, towaede our Biddy'? no, too, 'W119 a lever 1017 411 the woeld, to see." • The 'Duchene- frowned imptatiently. ,ifotr ;dieted know'? They tire all , In love with Blade. 1 tinee not int tier Walk to the waters, and liereebrale • ts Mobbed If she but movelebritelown• the etreet. X conteee1 wish their ad. nakratitin Were quieter-Idon't dare to ' have imy girl a rareteehow," "Theee was a young gentleman lei chocolate eult with lace rufflee, very temple, Wearing hes own brown curie, plain In the face, but riot un- distiegulehed. Not to be looked at In the 4461310 dny With lord ilenry, but interesting, X thought," Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce .Gum eis CurCoughs GRA.103 SYRTTP doer tbd else thing, 9,134 doesit well. ,103 no "cure-all," but a MIX ler all throat and Ling troubles. CRAY'S SYRUP Olt sPRTJell CUM stops the irritatingackle --takes away 04 setanelle---400020 and beitia the threat -4134 COUGIIS to etay ;three. None the lose eireetivet because it ie pleasant to take. %ate, bottle. alowe visitand un forget tho corde end tbe (lance the Ouches% the proudest woman in and theeevere." - • the tbree eingdora8, hllcd tears( alone alley, 'were en Ade way to Arden wiee tbe ,gyeepeteiging Laity Louisa. PIA00 eleXt inorning before the Welle "Lt is as I teared." she said, 'Ilin Wag astir. The aleang gentleinedi who filtal arfeetione 110,Ve Mit hint back had eeedered them sueh eervieeei was , to nee lile raothera bleesieg. It will turned away: from tbe door when t be withheld, and ray girl's heart will he prevented hiereeir ne early as be broke." miglit be to Inquire for elm Iliday. But Lady Louise. would not believe He look toe much on hImeelf for I thet the lore idyll Mast end 00 nadlY. a plain gentleman," tbe duchess said elle WA nrItvaya eptimistio-a ghat- to. Lady Voittea. "Did zoo eee ilow be tow, teneer creature, and her heart hold har I?" -had been cauglit by Lord Henry aS "As8 lover , lee appeared, at the wedding in, a eSlacei lie is no hover for my, girl, Petiole colored brocade, with elk 'Us as well that we go se eeeeellye, stockings alltiLsOes witit ecarlet heals At first Mee. BkiLy showed like a to tuna, Ixis betinieoine, fresh-of/Dared white ease among the woods lend face ond blaok eyes dazzling by con- vales of Arden, and made attempts Crest Wrtil his pewdered head, at gayety .tbat were sorrier to thew beautiful could be faithlese to love, content to be lean. At first it W.oul not believe that aoything [that lovhr th ed eala if elm bad been ee 'however, the days passeci and grew• as though the sprieg of her young to weeks, and Lore Being did not re- I Me, had been broken, but little by turn, gie tap thee lengthened and it little' she corn° to herself. With a became evident that she Was not g0- shamed surJwiso si founil hcrself ing to return, a geed twiny ouriotte laughing one deer with the old gay - eye watched the duchess and Mi. et,y. She found herself delighted With Leidy. From theducheete tespeet real- the '0'13gs of the birder and the spring icei *Wen no e'tsl'aitioii ixo Ny45 freshness of the woods. Spring peouder than ever, if tbat were pOsi-.. brongirt an air to Arden, and, hold- Bible.xng Teydtly's preeloue son In her Arnie In Mrs. Biddy the curious eyes IahV wheel he was a month old, Mrs. Biddy only an enhanced beauty. Iier CO.0L waS zoom -nous of a °Menge witbin won brig:leer tha,n of old, her eYes hereon'_ more sparkliag. She learned to laugh "Why," sive said, "It is worth and • and talk like a faationable lady, and kindness, ' ernth and honesty, that .satd vertty 'things, whieh Were care , are worth loving. What is a hand- rlea erom one to another, like wore some face when tlie heart le poor the moot killing:41es and graeee, and ' and inconeietent?" dazzleo wherever She went. It anY. "I have Dem waiting for you to one missed the equilt lltLle milk- slay as mulch, Baxley," oiled her Fes- ineaci in tee nee lady, he Would have ter, ',before epalthig, to you of a been hard to elease.. true heart that loves you " Uleey had. need for alltheir courage, "There NvaS OucIi. a coe at the . for eine day tee noes came to tee Wells,". (mid Mrs, Biddy, dreamily. Wells that Lord Henry had married "he event everywhere evIth me, and .the heirese, M:ss Angel Penn. slno 1 dreamt that I lay upon his Tihe deoheas was dietraetee and d d heart. 1 do not know hie name or net know how to tell Mee Biddy, and Ids station. But I mew him even when yet was terrlfted eat: anytme Should bit hut,hersek. "Your father is lonely at Hermit - the other filled my eyes and heart the moot. I thelnOt I could have loved Wm." . age, ohe said, olenchiug her hands Someone came leto the room while inside too muff t 11 the nalle bit In the she spoke. and, looking up, Mrs. . fleeb, 'Leaps go hotae to him, Biddy." peet,ony saw him who was 1/1 her '.,Or, a geepond a loolt came into Mrs. thoughte at the moment Biddy'8 little false, a4 Inolt of dead- tiredness-tbe deadetiredness of one xt;ist. 33111dtdiyYptheRe 103altied,oirnmae,trgwemeueitzt who looks on vest ; then it passed so voice, quickly that the duehess could not be Then Lady Arden took up her eine it bad ever peen there. sleeping baby' and carried him back "La l't she said. "I have made to hie nurse. Having left him she enough engagements to keep me a want and knoelted at her mother's month." . , • door. The duchaes was writing to "I tun tired of tee Waite," said -the Mr, AueaterlooY. pronating that soon duebees, "and Lyddy longe to show, us they would return home_ ter house and her dairy, her garden . "I must show Beclely in St, James," and bees, her oraffigery and rose -gar. sem wrote; "she is lovelier than den, and ail bee thousand deliglits, ever, and the 'queen has written Then Mrs. Biddy turned and took. me a letter. Would X stay away died. ed at her mother, and all nor roses gfriorineriyou only for eny duty to our He Is 'Married," she said, in a Lady Arden came in and stood be - (eying voice. Have I not known it eide her, flushed and happy. ail the time r' "You remember the gentleman at Yet, when -the first transports of the Wells to whom you believed SO her grief •wiere over,' she would not unn2annerly ?" ehe said. "It was not hoar of returning to Hermitage, lace you, my dearest mother." flier z Of going to her sister., t. "Ile held Richly in .hier arms--" "Shall they say he has brolcen my "Ile halite her theee now. She eeems heart ?" eh°. asked, "even though he i I tvli niteleglilliabreoci,Etoeattalp y tIteno erte.n. genii: has broken it r' onerA And then sire . disengaged IterSelf teaaittoetelg,ahremaosrequolertboasksArclamend's opiwen., frolo her mother's compassiona,to tgres. And lee evould be married for arms and went ane looked at her - himself, not for his titles and es - nett pa the Masa ' • .. ,5441., 11,1at a riggye le she said. px ta,tes. So he went to the 'Wells as plain country gentienaan." Oce1 X shall have to i•ouge to -night." a . "He is a greater inateh than Lord "You are not going to the aeseno, Henry," said the duchess, with sol - '"1 caff going, anti you are going. Dogive up 51. jamas' and go back to Don't you see that Vile must show your poor, noble-liear ted, patient ourselves, clearest of mothers ? shall dance, I sha?t. laugh, I shall 1 ' I ittIrtexitaI EatiL:1.!n. see the, tepee blow at be gezost of tbe • gay. Yon alone 'ivilndileet ogfeeplielelya,-,alC.tiAtb.'aerine Tynan. And aanet Mull vvill know that your Biddy is heart- broken." That nightelfra Bald:" was lovelier CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. . than ever. She eras the belle of the ...___ assenably and drew tat the beaux Freezing, and Starving Cattte-Sulrer about her to feast on her beauty lug and P31111 on Texas Ranches, end delight' in her voltage Nv,hile the other beauties sat and whispered to Mr. E IC. Whitebead, of D en V el', eacle otherebehind their . lane, superietenclent of the Colorado State "Site hare grea,t spirit," said' Lady • . Doord of Child and Animal Proteca Loul a., . •• • . - eos, • Per only She know the dead -tired „,„ is berolealee said the du'cle tilion,einhtliohnis pope:: read at the best ., . .. i meeting of the American Plumate , oe The Annual 'Star - little girl who, was put to bed every .aa------ ' night 'when tire rouge- was Washed vatIon of Cattle on the Western on a.nd all the watching eyes) were Plaine," gives the fbIlowleg touching gone. description of their sufferings : One night, Mts. Biddy was playingeThere •Is no 80 C1 stain en the, at =bre ie the ea,rd-roonis-she had pretended to assume the eves clvilizatioit of thio nation than this, of the fine ladies gthe better to Imagine in December .e 'single ant - play her part -when she looked up mal already ,gaunt frone cold, hunger and saw across the light of the four and thieve; and of the tbree, the wax candles lier faithless lover thirst is most terrible. Imagine Itreking at her; By his side was a this wretched creature wandering lady in yellave brocade, with a pow. about on an Manitoba" plain covered dered aged and patcbek on her with snow, With nothing to eat ex - Cheeks. .'. There eopte diamonds hi eept here and there, buried under the her hat of browe ' velvet, and her mow, a sparse tuft of scanty inoee- stomacher of the same precious liko dead grans ;, eating snow, for days itchtee wag 'dazzling to look upon, and weeke:beeittise there is nothing She Was handsome enough -they had to drink ; by day wandering and beenless than pet wao had called pawing In tile snow, by night ly- her pleite-exeept for the • line of ing down in it, swept by pitiless( Itaie 'on her upper `lip, welch some- Weide and ice storms, always shiver - what marred her. i ing with old, always gnawed with .. Vie" 'a. second Mrs. Biddy ' looked hunger, always parched with thirst, at her old lover, who was yet her edWays 00ex-citing for something to lover. If, hisaimpassionect and '2111e. eat where there is nothing, always erablo face spoke truly, 'all her etarng tvItli clumb, hopeless eyes, Voted seemed to sway about her. blinded, ewellen and 'festering from The candies moved up and dow,n. the ender glare on the snow,. Imag- There Wm a roar Of Many voices, lee that, and imagine yourself en - 'timely lall to *Ma side, like a Ilttla by twenty-four; multiply that by the 'iri. Mrs. Diddyee ears, Then she sud 'during caul hoer of it ; multiply that crushed poppy 111 her scarlet sacque. slowi.MOving eights and dftys from _ .Thero VAS a 001.01110tiOn about her, • December to April, if life lasts so Tim bride and bridegroom had ear long; then multiply that by forty API:leered, Lady Lottlita, - Who lied million, arid you have the etatisties been watehing Mrs. teddy from it of the brute atiffereng, In thia one . eette,e by the wall, ran Up wringing way for end year and ovary year in her 'bands. A. footisb, chattering, this unspeakable trade. Take all helpless ,enenwel surged around the the brute euffering in the City of mime tables', Neer York ter a 'aear fuel it would eleddeoly Into the eorainotion step. Poi brt.set that of the teeth) on some eyederemeon,e. By tide time Lady angle ranches In the West In One "LottliSit had, trOwn aged to him tat- nay, it to like the figures waren. teridanee wherever Mrs. Beide neglit mere gee ee*meeteegiese, leeetteee - be. rehe had nOticed hem teem ber -net, ,, WO eannOt grasp theta. The natal 1.°0 10the 01144w .°' or the 4°°iIv'04 and heartomelet take in what it aeober eedt elleeene figure in a pearl. litaann. Its saddens one for a lite. gray ratt. it was the young gentle- time to see the ghastly corpses of men obe had observed In the cinirell ; eturved cettle on the platen, end the tile day Of Me.4. Lyddy'e ittarrlafr,e. i With cominand hewple ;44111 mere ghastly living onee. Poor, air ale ce e e the brood to one eltie end re/teem Ilesilleee edialles. :Witch it 8(01118 the teal:y.013103g lite cermet let g0 the Tainting girl. tebeeping evith tbe fg.. uteimet gerntleneea lie lifted her in ol,,,,tbsetir drill beains so ?Ridden with i they hardly •know tiler - 10 arinia, heeding her little heae *full" li seemed; lee breast tur ti, feeder me. ...Sailer a Illp i.)1,4e Voty .11411: On their tea), (aloft bele eel. meepee Tie. ee„ I oodles bleat elite, nee coioriese with coglitted lInitly Lohtleta wire ettele up !amine, a nfeltereig ,•ttbeitt. With stale to 1111)1 vvevanag. . 1 mg env!) nail neatest; %neve, grow,. "I alive a math at hand," he teed, . ing eVer weaker, nntil they etumble "AIM fettle wants freer air, and to be end fall iii little hearts of hide and tree of thee -crowd. Come whit me." bootee. 301101 even the coyetee, the • 11Y this 'LIMO the finehees intd heerd seaseelgere of the P13,1•11% 4011'1°3 4114 and came naming no, very pale, IMO Will net tottele petteeemetal. Welke Lady Loniette Whose I "Oa One Angle panell in 11Wfallt 'lad eyes evere fluttering end her 1 felted Whiter, 'eve hundred theuteend del- henerletig AM teoligh hygeteriee were tare' WOO Of cattier alga On Many met Tar Wt. . teethes hall were lost; en some, 11,14.0 teach lie ortiltingt ;teen* artier," three-quarters; on tamest all, many; be tette. "You ehael be drivel teeter White all the red went devela el) the 1 Very verge of death, awl aliffered all ttee rate without Its relief. "The oweers of theme anlinale are 'Our beet citizens,' foremost le poli. ties, saolety, business mid religion, warmly' elad, eating three equate reeale a daY1 and sleeping in com- fortable bedsr paid tor by the nutter. nga of these helpless 'Waste. (Willa eratele put .out whore their owners knirew, they are dying lingein rg hs; deathut enough of whom will enirvive to Inake a profit. nese respectable gentlemen bitterly re - omit tine attempt to interfere with their business, oven by the enforce - meet of law. De some States they ttave ;succeeded it preventing theen. actment of lame for the protection or dumb nxiltnals, On the avowed ground that it vvpuld be bad for their Dub -teas" THIS CLIMATE Is eriel enough roe anybody with 1 vvitit the help of Alert's Lung lialsarn, taken. 11088 IfftIlleillittirtel!VAI:Ttatgfiggite3f. 84°21 eeelela. • An Illustration. lEinffalo Commercial. °Do you eat sometimes have squire' yearnings which you long to convey in words, but cannot ?" leaked tee sentitnentn,1 girl, I "Yes, indeed,' replied the you:•g Man. eI waSonee drench:14'Y anxious teesiend home for money, and 1 didn't liege the price of a telegram," , Fossil Rilts.-The demand is proof of their worth, Pr. Agnew's Liver Pills are heating out many fossil formulas at a rpm -- ter a box. They're better medicine, easier doses, and 10 cents a vial. A thousand nib ments may miss from a disordered liver. 1Ceep, the liver right and you% not have klick Ileadaebe, Biliousness, Nausea, Coast!. nation and Sallo‘v QUEER WALL PAPERS. One Girl's Hoene Decorated With Written Proposals of Marriage. Among unique wall .decorationix the - the young heiress to a million who bite covered the walls of her boudole with the offers of marriage she lias 'receivett since her debut certainly :take e the lead. But the desire to es- cape the bacaneyee and eommonplace sometimes degenerates into the gro- testlue, as these examples . of wall- papers which are not to be bought In tile usual emporiums of house de- coration will show.. Among the Chinese theta is a craze roe goetage stamp oipartuients, hat the immensity of patience required before tbe four "Walla are preperlY covereil In tbe minute ecluaree rendere It unlikely ati 0 modern Ainerlean Minion. A Berlin beauty,. bowel/ea . bas an idea akin to it, having her boudoir papered entirely In colored pictorial postcards, collected from every part of the world, and repre- igniting both ia,ndscapee and flge tireiref every eort and abed. °RAIN OROWINO, The improyementof Grain al Other Seeds. COmulieeloneral Branalla ,Goo1 woe); lues been della alOng varioue 'Mee by the Doolialon De.. pertinent of Agrioulture, and by WM 0 of the Pruvinelat Depertmento Or Agriculture - in Canada, With view to encourage the Use or high - clogs; seed of the beet earletiell, but there hi yet room l'or a caximielerable Inereaee la the average yield el gem- nion field crepe by tile 1160 or better seed grata. The Objeet of fOreeing aegoela" tiOnd Of eee(1 grewere may not be pertectly eleor to ail, The Idea inae' be new In Caniala, but there exit a#. realittlene of twee growere 1IL other countriee, euch as the Illinois lieed ,Corn (lowers' Aesociatioa tlutt are are deeig goae wo3k, T1e benelits derivee Dom ageemlet.one of breede.s oi live Kock oat pretty well under - A more tharming originality is that of the troveller who, wimp he axially settled down, had his room arranged as it a Cabin on Ware a gaellt, with portlarea life buoys and everything he funild think of to create the Illuelon of havIng still the great wine sea tearing past on O- ther side of elm. The' singer Mario, who became the Prince of Canada, and who married • the great Grist, and it room covered with rowspaper clippings containing enthusiastic notices of nia wife. The tang of Carnet:oda bas hidden the wolls Of his palace with por- traits of las Wire& The longest part of tar, work was the pitotogra,plier's. Eight tbousallia women made up the royal harem, and to sttek the eboto- graplis on the wall VMS a. compara- tively simple procesa to satisfyleg the 8,000 Mines upon, so nice a. point as their owa likenesses, alma Nilssoe, thagreat singer, liati papered one room 1,11 lier house at Madrid with the sone she has sung most secceserally. A New York den., Vat has also larder' las walls- le mem- °etas of his life work. But as he could Lardly concent the walls with im- bedded teeth extracted from las pa- tients, lie lies replaced them by play - Ing cards -Ono for each tooth drawn. Ile has already pelted 0.000 cards-. • "In memoriam." , An Bee:Minna% on the other hand, ' has contrived a unique wall paper with travelling tickets -railway, steamer and street scar. In order to keep the first two he had always to pay an extra sum, arid eyen then many struggles ensued before he was at last allowed to Issue triumphant- ly with Ids fragment of mural decor- ation. In the centre of the room are the tickets of the collector's honey- moon trip. Portmos as an offset to the girl mentitmed in elm beginning, a morose Freaelt 'eccentrin papered his walls with the deep • bordered 'invitation cards received to the funerals' of frieede and acquaintances. -Chicago Tribune. foe e7 4 ..ee roe, j / lit /SI• Young women may avoid much sick- ness and pain, says Miss Alma Pratt, if they will only have faith in the use of Lydia E Pinkhatnts Vegetable Compound. — "Drum Mn. PiNt/fAlf : —I feel it my duty to tell all young women. how much Lydia E. pfiughanes wonderful Vegetable Compound has done for me. I was completely run down, 'unable to attend school, and. did. not earo for any kind of soeiety, but now I feel like a new person, and have gained seven pounds of flesh in three months. ",1 recommend, it to all young women, wbo suffer from female weak- ness: —MISS ALNA. Pala; Holly, Mich. • tartEE MEDICAL Ar•vion TO ItOlING Gams." „.P.An young girls at this period of life are earnestly hrvited to Write Ittreerinleham for advice; she has guided in a motherly way hundreds of young tvonler3; ber advice is freely and cheerfully given, and her address is Lynne Mass. aadgitig from the letters she is receiving from so many young, girls Mrs. Pinkhara believes that our girls aro often pushed altogether too Dear the limit of their endurance nowadays in our public schools and seminaries. Nothing is allot -Ma to interfere -With stuclies, the girl must be pushed to the front raid graduated with honor; often phyalcal collapse fellows, and it takes yeare to recover the lost vitality, -often it is ueetee recovered. ' Young Chicago Girl Saved from Despair. • "Dun Mug. Pfellettailt; —I wish to thank you for the help and ben- efit X have reteived through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and Liver rills. When I was about seventeen years old I suddenly seemed to lose my usual good health and, vitality, Father said I studied too hard) but the doctor thought different and prescribed tonics, which X took by the quart without relief. Reading ono day in the paper of Mrs. Pinkham's great cures, and finding the seMptcens described an- swered mine, I decided I would give Lydia E. rinkhaires 'Vegetable COMpOilled a trial. I did, not say a 'word to the doctor; I bought it myself) and took it according to directions regularly for two months, anti X found that I gradually improved; and that all pains left me, and I was my old self Mee more. --- ...ateLtn E. SteretAM. 17 1.1. 22d. Si., Chicago 111.0' Wia E. rinkhana's Vegetable Compound 111 the One Sure rent.= edy to be relied upon at this important period in a young girl's lite; 'With it she tan go through 'with courage and safety the work she must accomplish, and fortify her physical well being so that her future life may be insured against sieknessand suffering. 50 oorortititiTisismo itrrtt fotthsith Dmattes_tlis etIgIng 16iitors and itlgohi tre. of wet. twtonalSUI.Ithirnt will toe* their tibd014L4 Vitiklata 100604 tkhr 1410$ MIS/ j • . The adectniageo te be derivea from orgenized efforts on the part 01 seed gloWers• are net dissimilar L o 111.004 whieb breeders of neve- erealive eteek obtain through their aesocuttiolis, and the general op- eratierte of an organization of Rea growers are temilar to time •er tire stoek ageociations. Aesoalations of breeders of pare - bred stook fix a stamdare 'which 111115. be attained before auiniale will be recognized as pere-bred, in fixing ttairdarde 0 (mahatma for pedigreed 1.0 iiup atvielemeontinett.rpeleyeeolvolglinelized,unciTetru3- ectine principles that are appligi 111 the improvement of vieriedee 01 farm crow. fieralay is the lever by 11111011 ImprovemeetN are made, and on winch areedere of other 1)10n10 or anibutle depend to fix desirable characterfeties; but the law tbet like begets ilea, must be taken 111 Its 'exceed sense, because it would hiot be pooeible to make ini- poayemeet if It were net for the tentlenca towarde latriatton. Hertel- ILY land, the emiOeney tow,a,rde varia- tion eau es turned to account. in the improvement of pittnte equally as well as In tee improvement of ani- mals, but unfortunately fa [tL1I1hei• make any attempt to systematically trieSe pciumplee to tlie• Imerove. meet et efitete. Derough heredity and variation improved varieties of field Crops tentkto revert to the wild types Event lattice they evolved ; but when Che se Improved sorts are provided %vete the.3 envi.rotouent best Eillited to theta growth, and a eolith:meet selec- tion of -tee poet desirable specimens practised, this natural tendeney to - THE GRIP AGAIN, This Dangerous Epidemic has Made Another Appearance. et....,••••••••• • Suggeation etri to Mow Le; UuaI . etgeinst the Trouble and it Pernt.! 01000 Alter Ofrrets. 'Every winter InflUenZa, or. as it ts 'mere generally known, the grip Illakea its apeearauce in Caxistele. Every fele ,yeare it epreade and al- io:new alarming preportioeie er'rom Mt appearanees this Is one of the 7e0rt3 in which it will seize epee ft great number of victInle, for every clay new; comes( are reported, As( ID scarlet and typholil fever, the .after effects or grip are often, . wOran tben the ellecase iteeir. The 'sufterer IR left' Witte a nebiletated eystein, short tit breath upon the slightest exertion, ento.leot tO head' aelte and heart palpitation, affeet- , ed by every ehange le the weatimr, and iu a ploalcal conditiou to , late tile aatock „of more serious elleeases, sUeli as pneumonia and conSlimptioll. • A timely suggestion, tes. to bow, , to enable the system to resist tlie I limonite . of tlie grip and 11;e after , effeetFe Is given by Mrs, Emma Dee-, IVett, St. :galena Que., Naito says: "1 had an attack of the grip, whielx , left 'Inc 'a sufferer from headache. .pains in the atoraloh and general eveakuess. I used aeveral raedicinee, but found nothing to help pee until 'I 'began to tete Dr. 'Williams' Pink 1 Dills. When I began to take these pine I was very, much ruo down and very tv,eak, but they soon tie - gen Ice help ore, alid after using themea few weeks K WAS not wily; sae Well as over, but gained An flesh, las well. I can 'hardly toll you how 4 pleased I am with Dr. Williams" Pink _Pills, for I was feeling Teri ixopeleee when I began their use.," These pills cure by making neve, rich, red blood, thus strengthening every part of the' body and enabling it to throw off Woe -axes. You' cast 4alwayS avoid Imitations by seeing • that the full name, "Dr. Williatesr Pink Pills for Pale. People," IS print- ed • on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all ;medicine dealere or sent post paid at eef) cents' a box or six for $2.po be' Writing to The Dr. Williams' Medieleue Co., Brook- ville, Ont.' • ' I 1 , wales reversion is overcome. Toorigh it is highly important that the gariety of green be well elated to tire Meanly,' where it is to be gnewn, too much faith bas been tan- ned tothe names of varieties without due attention to the quality of the seed itself. It is not always reoog- nized that there may be ae much Cafe ference between two strains of eeea of 'deepen:le variety of grain as there is between two distinct °varieties. So raloas capacity of the seed to give a large gield of grain of good imitaty is concerned. It is thereiore import- ant to use seed of the best variety that bee had kindly treatment and continued selectee for several year, In tee productioa of -good paying crops the cost or the seed IS small,' but the influence of the seed is great. Pluninneae ande.treedom froni Jaipur- itielielsenot sufficient area that Seed grain is capable of giving it geed crop. Breeders of poultry do not pay much teetotal -oat° eke size of eggs for incubations; they want, first or all, to know something about the good qualittes that the germ in the egg has inherited from the pareets, and not, onty from -the parents, but froze tee ;majority of the an- cestors. It Is equally important that seed be taken from a crop in which the individual plants havo. had an opportunity to attain a maximuni vigor and yield per plant, and it is just as Important to have definite infordiation , about the crops; and how( tbe work of selection was careled on tot' several preced- ing years, as, It is 'to have a know- ledge of the anceetors of breeding animals, In consideration of these principles which underlie improve- ment in common grain crops, and in view of the limited Supply and growing demand for high-class seed grain, an effort le being made by the Departinent of .Agriculture at Catawa to tome an association that win operate for ;the mutual benefit of seen produaerst and seed consume era, Aceording to the provisional rules of the association, seed grain that Is pure, true to • Variety, and that had the benefit of it system of 'careful growing and continued se- lection for three coneeettiv'e yeara, Is recognized as anprovecl seed, The operations of members are closely inspected, and records are kept of the amount and pedigree of the seed they produce It is pr0. posed to issue, a catalogue Tor gen- eral distribution each year, in Which names and addresses of -mem., beets Wilt be given, together with the kiwis and varieties of seed pro- ' ducal by them, the pedigree of the seed, the amount of seed for sale, and the .price per bushel. It is aleo proposed to supply members with certificate forms, having printed ' thereon the rules with which mane bers ,are required to comply in the produotion of seed. Purchasers of pedigreed seed stay obtain one of 'these eertificates with seed bought from a member; the signatute of the member would be a guarantee that the seed supplied had beea produced in actordenee with the mica The purehaser would then have en opportuttity to verify the pedigree of the seed by lievaig it registered. , F. A, Clemmens, Publieation Clerk. THE DISCOVERY OF RADIUM. , Experiments With Eectpierel 'Rays, Which Gave Radium to World. The "inveatigations whicla resented in the detection of Becquerel raj,* began soon after the diecovern of the X-rayia and were intinateelg orennected with it. In the early detyisi of licemtgen rays, there were many 1 facts which suggested that Otos- , • phoreseence had eometlang to do :with the e reduction of these reale, ; It ,occurreil to several France, .phy- elciets tnat X-rays eaglet be pro- .' predueed pnosphoreiseent sub. Stanceg were exposed to .sanlight in - «led of to the electrical action, et, a, Crookes tube. Prof. Henri Becquer- el, of Itbe Unteettaity of Paris., un- dertook experiments to test this ,suppresition as .earla as ispe, oniy) a few mantas after X-rays had been; descoyered, Among tbe substances ueed tn these experireente, •vv-,a.s one containing the metal uranium. Thiel woe placed upon, a photographic plate, which tied firs1 been wrap- ped in black paper in order to pro- tect it from the "light*:-. After the elate, had atood inbright aunligtal for several hours, it was ?aria:meal front its paper covering, anti devei- ,o,ped. A alight trace of photogeaplac aetlon was found at those parts of the plate ,directly beneath the uraedum, just as Becquerel had ex- peeted. It ware cle,ar that rays ot sonic kind were being produced tha,t, were capable. Of passing through black paper. Since the Xereeye were the only one then known to possess tate power, it 'seemed as though the problem of aroduclog Xerage bye eon. eight wee ;solved. ; Them came the fortemate accident, After omega' plates had been pre. pared for exposure to sunlight, ts atone came up and the experimente had to be postponed for ,several days. Wben the work woe resumed, the plates had been tyling in the 'dark room ao long that they might easily lia,ve deteriorated ht 'some way, so Ulla it aeemed hardlyate to use , them. Bat, Ineteed of &nape? threw, • Ing the plates A:war. Becquerel for- : tunatelrY developed theta, tbinking that some action might possibly have taken plee to the dark. The result was that he obtained better plc.. tures than before. The exposure to sonligat, which lia,d been regarded tes essential to the success of the former experiments, hoe really bad nothing- et all to do evath the mat- ter. The eesential thing was the presenee of Oranium ; and the photo.. graphic effects were not due to X- raya, but to Becquerel. rays. There were many tong and &Moult oitegs ice take before even our present in.• complete knowledge of the object could be reached; but lathe fortenate accident was the beginning of the long series of • experiments which have already; led tp the dlegoverg�f the new element radium, and which bid fair to revolgtionize eeme oe the' most fundamental COneeptionis ot , phyelce and cheinietry.-1 rota "The • NOW ZIOMiela ItA,41111M" by &tote' Merritt in the emanate Century. 1 CLOTHES OP PREMIERS. The “Shocking Dad Hat" Worn by Gladstone. The late Load SallOniry Ethared with ler. Glacletoile a disregard for clothee, and several times his at- tire was referred to with regret by sartorlei Writers. SO tong as his • coat hung rattly welt from the shout - dere to deceased Premier eared lit - 'tie, net he never went the length ol j,tr. thadelone, whose elethes were erten 80 shabby that only an ,eml- Mutt Devoe would wear them. Lora Salletairee eats were enormoim af- fairs, quite equalling Mr. Med*. • f4t,0110'0 IA site and more respeetable, Mcleod, says the Londoil Men and Women, Mr. Gladstone's headgear ,Wita generally in the "shocking bad • hat" category. While In !attendance mi tee re:preemie; Mr. illatistone dress- • rd fairly well, but outside the 'loner he (111111 little attention to his gar- ments. The succeseors In offlee of the great neperted are, ou the • other hand, careful dressere, capece lay Lord Tlosebery, who designed a cellar for lentecif with the turn- over peaks roneeled for greater rem - fort and durability. Mr. Balfour's op - ;maritime le nnually very Smart on rOnial otleatiOns, although he gem - !hely deem not endeavor to attain 'the we/I-groomed condition ig Ur. Cininaborlin. 1, .11,EST1ESS AND CliOSS. Airlien infants or young chileren are restlees and erase or peevish It la a vety certain sign that they ate tot well. 'rim mother may not know just .wliat the trouble to, bOt elle Mtn depend UpOn it the troitble rexiete. Mao the little one Paby's Owt Tablete, flee Dow preiriptly it will be ehan,ged ieto a, barely, emit- ing, good natured tittle. The little ono will 4:lee13 annuity mid naturally enti the avatar Will also obtaia het much needed reel:. Here le the proof glee.» by atee. ,Iohn 1. namsay, Pint 11111, P. 1.1. 1. ,Who %SAYS; "110 WA4 rags, reetiess, and did not elopes well, but after giving him Patty's 0Wr3 Tablets, he became bet- ter natured, ieleepit well and le grow- ing finely. The Tabletn have been ,gtesit !Waite* to both lie,by rual , nreself." I The Table -to are a trowel and ere.- tain cure for ouch troubles geetion, sour stomach, eolle, consti- teatime dlarrlioeft, elmple fevers and other miner ailments. They alwaes do good and Cannot rosistbly harm 'the most delleate child. on can get tho Tabletm teem ftriy trictlicine deal - or, or they wilt be sent by' mall at 25 center a bee by writing to rite 1)r. Villitra $6,d101114% CO.t, Ont . .