HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-12-30, Page 80 for the town• be Reey$, N. arettettess ort - sloe, McCrack •sre will be a ionors, Only re are in the ebt. McGee. en the fol-, Thos. H. 0.00 .,000.00 ,,hronghout 4d States. ess Transacted ,=Current and De- pwards. fisted, and t lowest • R. Vansbone, Solicitor nager Cedar Poles Wanted. ol. C. Offers will'be received by the under- signed up to Decernber 80th for green cedar poles as follows t-40 thirty foot, 10 thirty-five foot., 5 forty foot, Poles to be sound acid straight and not less thansix inches top and to be delivered in Wingham during January. Con- tract will be awarded for all or any part of poles needed. Taos. GREGORY, Mayor. Teacher Wanted. For School Section No. li,. East Wa- waanosh, 'Huron Co.; second-class pro- fessional preferred; commencing Jan- uary 3. Apply,. stating salary and ex- perience, to J. W. BONE, Marnoch, Ont. 1 i i Winter Term I OPENS January 3rd Students may enter any day of the school year. Individual instruction. Our graduates get the best positions. Mail Coarses. We train more young people than any other management in Canada. Affiliated with Commer- cial Rducators' Associa- tion of Canada. 1 1 1 Write for Particulars GHAM WIN BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO, SPOTTON, Pluttarrai:. Whiter Terrn Poo Jan. 3rd CENTRAL BT(ATFORIes ONVT. The best praeticat training school. Of flnktrlo. We or1"er Rdvantageo not of- fered elsewhere in Canada. Our teach - eras ere experienecdi, ewe es thorough and practical, and we Resist grtuluates e and to good lsoeltion . 'Tho dem at pre. erre greatly exceeds the supply. We prepare teaehere for Airiness College work. Write for onr free catalogue. b, A. McLACIII.AN Principal w.J •t t, Robt. Jhamney, Campbell, will be 8, at the Muni - vote on local s ere re- tt, T. K. Powell. • Kelley, Arthur therford, Wm. Max- ey, J ao. bIcBurney, Jamestown.. McDonald rite his Christmas ey with Wingham friends. Mr. Robt. : 'Hoover and family of Grey, spent. Christmas at Mr. Wm. Moses. - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith visited Mr. John Pollock of Listowel, last Friday, Mr. Joh L. King left on Monday of this week on a visit to friends . in, Napanee, Your correspondent wishes the Editor and Advance stair a Happy New Year. Mr. ar Mrs. Geo. Eckmier and Miss Ferne visited over Sunday with Ethel friends. t, e. Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald and Miss Nelda visited Br ssels. friends on Christmas night. Mr. Albert McKelvey is home front the West, after being away three• years. He is looking well. Mrs. M. Gibson, Mrs, B. King, Wei. and Alma King, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Pollock, spent Christmas at Mr. Job King's. We are pleased to see Alex. F. Mac- Donald, formerly merchant of this place, home again. He has been away nearly two years, and is engaged in.. the mercantile business in Powassin, Sask. On. Wednesday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burke had a social time, it being the 23rd anniver- sary of their wedding. A.' pleasant time was spent, and the guests wished their host and hostess many more happy years of wedded life, Mr. And Mrs, Albert Willis and children, and Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson of Saskatchewan, are visit- ing friends in this part. They met with an accident on their way down ; the cars they were in went off, the track and rolled down the bank; Mrs. Willis had her back hurt. They had a narrow escape. The Christmas tree held in the Hall here in the evening of the 23rd, was a decided success. The program com- mittee deserves credit for the program provided. All performed their parte well. The children weris delighted with the gifts they received. Mr. Thos. Strachan was chairman, a Mr. Ward Caldbecl' was Santa 01 The only thing that marred the .,.• ing's pleasure, was the fact that eliroo old Superintendent, Mr. Jas. Strechan; was very low, which cast a sadness over the gathering, as he is much es- teemed in this Sunday School, where be has taken an active part for forty years, ' WHAT BEAUTIFUL HAIR How often do we hear that exclama- tion of a certain woman's hair or a certain man's hair. A prominent scientist and hair spe- cialist emphatically states, and has proven that any man -or woman can have luxuriant, lustrous hair, by using a famous prescription called Parisian Sage. Parisian Sago is now. made and sold in Canada. J. Walton McKibben, the druggist, is the agent in Wingham, and the readers of the Advance can buy from him for only 50 cents a large bottle. Mr. MCKibbon knows that Parisian Sage will beautify the hair, cure dan- druff and stop falling hair, and for that reason he sells it under a guaran• tee to cure or money back. If you cannot obtain Parisian Sage where you Hee, you can get a bottle for 50 cents.' from Giroux Mfg, Co., Fort Erie, Ont., express charges pre- paid, TkIER.i. IS BUT ONE Every fernier should 'snow that the price offered by the dealete for dcilP, hogs, ete,, is a fa;r one. ll:,w +uu he a fax know -st is,. t take n tv thta if h&duc busineae papert • i%'oat atortor ,sr law- yer or businces mac would be without his business paper? '?'here is blit one farmers' business and market paper, that is The Weekly Sun. Start 1910 right by suissribibg. eB,Cor. Misses 13ella and Mabe trnorollher... speAt Chris .mss: •.lit: :.. . K elle and Mrs Ii. Cloiley of 'file `cdGon are guests at J. T. Ooultes' and other relatives. Rev. A. E. Jones, wife and (laughter. were guests at W. 0, Proctors on' Cbristnias.. 'Mr, and Mrs, W. A, Bryant of,F3u1- lett had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Nes, Wray. , Garner Proctor of Palmerston was a Christmas v aitor at C. Robertson's and other vela,L.ves, rXiss Bella Sprbathasreturned after spending ttirsYk umtbs at Toronto and other eastern pc, ts. Mr. Et aiher of near Moose - 3e,' ' to • ,ng his holidays among frien s at Belgrave. B.oward and Annie Wightman of Outlook, Sask., are visiting friends in Belgrave and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Harry hopper attend- ed the. funeral of a re.lative, Aire, Mead, near St. A.atgt -tint•. la'- week. M. W. Platt. of Regina, Sask,, and his sister,. Mise Ida Platt of Brussels, were visiting at Mr. Daley's and other friends last week, Dr. Perdue and wife of Clifford, Mr. and Mee. David of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Matters of Bluevale were Christ- mas guests at 0. McCrae's. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. W. Cook of Bast Wawanosh 'saes the scene of a .pretty wedding at o'clock on Wednesday -afternoon, the 22nd, when their eldest daughter, Lila Eliza- beth, was united in marriage to Geo. Harvey Black of Bloomfield, Man. The home was prettily decorated with an evergreen arch, The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. E. Cook of Belgrave. The bride and groom en- tered the parlor unattended, to the strains of the wedding march played by Prof. Cook of Goderich, the imme- diate friettde and . relatives of the young couple being present. After a few days' visit among friends, Mr. and Mrs. Black will leave for their home at Bloomfield. May their life be a happy and prosperous one is the wish of their many friends. 'Bluevale. Mies Nellie Burgess of Toronto is home for the Obristmas holidays. Miss Alice Duff of Barrie Public School is spending the holidays at her home here, Miss Ida Cleghorn is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr.. and. Mr's. Adam Cleghorn. • Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Burgess and chil- dren are spending the Christmas holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess. Mr, Wm. Elliott of Manitoba Col- lege, "Winnipeg, is spending his holi- days at the parental home in Turn - Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burgess of Lis- towel -are spending the holidays with their parents in Bluevale and Turn - berry. This evening (Thursday) a local option meeting will be held in the Methodist church, to be addressed by Rev. Dr. Rutledge and Mr. F. Buchan- an of Wingham, The directors of the Binevale cream- ery, at their meeting on Friday last, after making enquiries and getting all information possibl:.e have decided in rarest of their patrons to make their creamery for the in- eq3 so emestson as usual. n•tuo::`1nt to their two sons returning to the West, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hig- gins entertained about thirty young people on Monday evening. A very pleasant time. was spent. WIth the exception of Frank, all of Mr. Higgins family were home for Christmas, The annual S. S. entertainment and Christmas t'ee of the Presbyterian Church was held in the 0, O. le. hall on Dec. .25th, and was a decided suc- cess in every way. Mr. R. N. Duff gave an interesting and instructive patriotic address on "The flag of our country.” This was followed by sev- eral Christmas carols by the children, interspersed with readings, dialogue and tableau, (Jeremiah Pike and hie Susanna) fairly brought down the house, also the debating society io which the cause of Woman Suffrage was ably defended by Miss folly Smithers. Special mention must also be made of "The Three maids of Dee", who had to, be recalled and were loud- lyapplauded. "The (Gypsies Warning" made a weird and charming picture and the singing by Mies Eva, Duff wits greatly enjoyed by all. This pert of the programa closed by singing the National Anthem. The crowning de- light to the wee folks way when Santa appeared and unloaded the gaily. de.oarated tree, after which all wended their various ways homeward, well pleased with the evening's entertain- ment. EVA M. WHEATON, l„ REAb1b1't AND EN1'ERTATNER Honor Graduate of Ontario radios' College et Whitby. Concert engagements accepted. For terms, address Pute River, Ont., care of 'loco.. Morley, . Madden, ORAN CANDI The • . FIGS Tea Store DATES PRUNES NUTS Wroxeter. We wish the Editor of the Advance a Happy New Year. , Cassie Harris of Toronto spent .the Christmas holidays with her mother. Will. Sanderson. of Toronto was home during the Christmas. • holi- days. Bessie G. Lovell. of Newmarket is visiting friends, We are pleased to hear of her success, F. and Mrs Davey spent two or three days of the Christmas season with their friends at Gpand Valley. T. 'Hemphill, sr., of Hensel', is in town renewing acquaintances. He appears to be enjoying good health. Lulu Rutherford, who is teaching near- Sarnia, is visiting her parents. She is another of our successful young people.. J. S. -McTavish is suffering very severely from a sore hand, which was injured some weeks ago. We trust be will soon be well again. Rev. 1VIr, Symonds of Forest is visit- ing his parents. He occupied the pul- pit of the Methodist Church on Sun- day un- dapevening. He Ptea hed verya - cetably. Revs. L. Perrin and J. Radford of Belmore exchanged pulpits last Sun- day, Good thoughtful sermons were preached by Mr. Radford. There is a passibility of losing Mr, Radford from this part of the country. He is under call to Chippewa, Should he go we shall lose- an earnest minister and a citizen of sterling worth. The Presbyterian Sabbath ScitooI entertainment on Wednesdey night of last week, was a decided success There was a Targe attendance of par-., ents and friends of the children. The choruses, drills, pantominee,' etc„ were very much., appreciated and showed splendid. preparation. AlI why had a part in preparing the young ' people deserve great credit, The proceeds amounted to $33, The • Municipal Nomination was held in the Council Chamber on Mon- day evening. There was a splendid attendance. A very harmonions feel- ing prevailed. Short and interesting speeches ere delivered by those no- minated. A. Munro and 0. Reis were nominated for Reeve ; for Councillors -W. S, Mc1Gereher (withdrawn), J. Douglas, E. N. Lewis, G. Davidson, A. Moffatt, A. McLean, N. A. Ruther- ford, B. Carr. St. Helens. Oatmeal exchanged for Oats. FRANK R. Idir%t SoN, Wingham. Mr. John Clark spent Christmas under the parental roof. A very successful Christmas tree was held on Christmas eve. Miss Mime Rutherford is spending her Christmas holidays at home. Miss Adelaide Durnin of Guelph spent Christmas with her mother. Mr, Will. McGregor is spending a few days with friends around. St. Helens. Miss Verna and Flora McDonald are spending their holidays with friends around St. Helens.. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Woods spent Sunday with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. '1', L. Jobb of Wingham. St. Helens school report for Decem- ber t—Jobn Webb, Nina Woods, Ethel McPherson, Edna Woods. 4th --Clarence McDonald, Margaret Mill- er, Maud McQuillin, Bert. Miller, Jas. fitnith, Se* 3rd---Hatzel Anderson, Winnie Woods, Fannie Anderson, Roy i\I:Quillin, Ernest Gaunt, Clara Woods. Sr. 3rd-MtKenzie Webb, Ewart McPherson, Earl Cranston, Gordon McPherson, Cecil Hyde, Wil- fred McQuillin, Roy Smith, Beattie Smith, Andrew Gaunt, Jas. Aitcheson, Stewart McGuire, Sr, 2nd -Della Cranston, Ethel Anderson. Gladys (Hyde. Sr. 2nd ---Mary 1%IeQuillin, Gladys Webb, John Glenne Carlyle McDonald, 'Willie Forster, Herbert rileQnillin, Majeska Gaunt. fir. Pt. 2nal--Wilson Woods, ''Wires Woods, Lorne Mode, Eddie 1►ZcQaxillin, Alex. I'urviy, \ ictnria Nixon. Jr. Pt. 2nd Willie :r IL . let- Evan McQuillin. Jnseph Foi .ter, Madeline Gaunt. Jr. Pi. 1st- Tineanee Ander- son, Stanley `.''reals', lemma it!a:Quillin, Lizzie Parsee, Jean 14irQnillin. Num- ber on roll 11. Average attendance 46,•• -Letitia E. Dinning teacher. a t - y n- ee Wa- s 'Truly, T. J. MCGlE.. inns or EAS',e 1vAxos;i. les and Gentlemen t Having gain accepted the nomination . for township Councillor for 1010, I take this opportunity of soliciting your votes and influence for re-election. Wishing one and all a happy and prosperous • New Year. I am, your obedient servant. PETER W. SOOTk. Belmore. Jno,•Dustow is home from the Weer on a' visit. ., Rev's. Radford and Perrin, Wroxe- ter, exchanged pulpits last Sabbath. Thomas Kirby of Detroit is spend- ing the holidays here with bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Marshall of Wroxeter spent Christmas at his father's. Mrs. Carmichael and child are visit- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bremner, The following is the report of Bel - more school for the month of Decem- ber. The report is based on examin- ation, attendance and general pro- ficiency.. Names are iti order of. merit ;-5th-,Josephine Weiler, Arch. Lowry. Sr. 4th -Annie McGrogan, Georgina Kirby, George Rutherford, John Gallagher, Rebt, Law, Lillian Irwin, Jas. Lawrence, Jemima Mar- shall. Jr. 4th -Gladys Kirby, Marga- ret Marshall, 111ayzeila Maitre, Geo. Thomson, Kathleen .McGrogan, Al- bert Marshall, Alicia Radford, Frank JSIeGue, Norrtin Reddon, Nettie Weil- er. 3rd -Rose Weiler, Annie Baker, John Lawrence, Mary CVilite, ".Gee. Marshall. Sr. 2nd -Catharine Law- rence, Beatrice McGue, Gertrude Mil- ler, Hazel McGue, Lena Schiestel, Blanche Irwin, Grace Redden, Fres manuel Marshall, Mary Taylor. Jr. 2nd -Geo. Tund, Nicholas Willie„Har- ry Miller, Alex. Kirby, Hazel Baker, Robt. Willie. Pt, 2nd -Cora Baker. Sr. lst-•Margaret . Radford,• :David Marshall, Leonard Willie. Jr. 1st- Priscilla Shoemaker, Edna Rasewell, Irwin Edwards, Mathew Schiestel, Edward McGrogan, Adeline Edwards, ;atharine McGue, ' Alberta, Baker, Albert. Taylor. • M. Aylesworth, teacher, • H•owicic Boundary. Miss M, Gray is on the sick list at present. Mr. Wesley Finley spent Christmas with his friends here. Mr. Geo. Doubledeo is busy these days drawing brick for his new house. Mr. J. Gowdy and family entertain- ed a number of their friends on Christ- mas Day. Misses J. and E, Galloway of Toron- to, spent Ohristmas .at their home on the 15th con. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Underwood enter- tained a number of their friends on Christmas Day. Miss M. Oathers of Gerrie spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gathers. Quite a number from these parts attended the S. S. entertainment held in Gorrie on Christmas night. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitch and family spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wylie, sr., of Turnberry. Mr, and Mrs. Sohn Wray and family of Turnberry, spent Tuesday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. D. Halliday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Harris and family spent Christmas Day at the home of the former's father, near Newbridge. The Christmas tree and entertain- ment held in Salem church on Thurs- day night last, was a decided success. A large crowd was present, and all who took part did well. The proceeds amounted to upwards of $23.00. West Wawanosh. orri. tees, $10 to r, G, Davis, Oth line, spent. Christ as with friends at Whitecburch, Roy Brandon who. bas spent the past year at Frobisher, Man„ is home. Mr. lames Robb of Maidstone, Sask.. formerly of Morris, is visiting friends in this locality. Mrs. James Sperling of Niagara Falls, is spending the Ohristnea's week with her brother, Mr. T. Bernard, Mr.,Everett Walker, who lies been teaching in Toronto, is spending the holiday season with his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Walker, Oth line. Mapledale. Mr, John Miller and family spent Christmas with Mrs. Thos. Mirehouse. Mr. Sandy Kennedy of Guelph, spent Christmas with friends ire the Dale.. • Mr, John Kennedy and fl" tlily'spent Chri„ turas • with Mr. anti' Mrs. N. McOorvie. • The following is the report for S. S. ofor the No. 14, W. Wawanosh month. of December. The pupils were exam- ined in Composition, Arithmetic, Spelling and Grammar. Total 400. Those absent from one or more examn. are marked is ; 5th --- Alice Clow 308. 4th -Annie Laidlaw 342, Herbert Laidlaw 310, Willie O'Oal- latghan. 283, Jno. Purdon 240, Ethel Clow 100, Roy McGee 108" Archie Patterson 18'. Sr. 8rd---Lylle, Etner son 830, Meda Chow 31.7, Edna Thomson 2t13, Jean Chtbb 181", Jas. Patterson 25'. Jr. 3rd -Maggie Laid- law 3111, Nellie O'Callaghan 270, Rich- ard 'Thomson 210, Leola Naylor 203'. Se. 2nd-•-lereddio Newman 291. E r- gest 1or r5n iJiJoseph O'Callag- han 1(11*. .Tr. 2nd -Cora Clutb. Pt. Ilea -Gordon McGee, Jean b ggle- stnne. I't. lot_.. Annie Morrison, elas- Pie Pardon, Nathaniel Thomson. Al - din 1.'urdon, Florence Pardon, Ada • Clubb.-M, Jean Bone, teacher. Rev. Mr. McEacheen steed M. 1•?:, D. Henderson visited friends in the Dale one evening last week, • Mr. Joseph Mirehouse of Duedurn, Sask., is home on a visit to his mother, Mrs. Thos. Mirehouse, Mr, John McKenzie and family of Sleepy Hollow, and Mr. Thos. Cant, and family, spent Christmas with Mrs, Thos. Mirebouse. . Mrs.. Collins of St. Catherines visited friends and attended the wedding of Mr. Jas. McInnis and Miss Lissie Kennedy, last . week. WANTlED Girls wanted for newest, brightest, cleanest and most up-to-date blouse and whitewear factory in Canada.. Workconsists of sewing Ladies' waists. Girls experienced on power sewing machines preferred but be- ginners will be taught. Comfort- able quarters, steady work, good wages. THE STAR wiiiTCWEAR MFG. CO. Berlin u Ontario. NOTICE. The animal meeting of the Ttu•n- berry Agricultural Society will be held in the Council chamber, Wing- ham, on Thursday. January 2011, 1010, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the . election of officers and directors and other busi- ness. All interested are requested to attend. W. J. Ceratiain' I3, B. FLLiOTT President Secretary BIaST LACE IN CANADA for superior Business or , Shorthand .Education is the progressive ELLIOTT ij TORONTO, ONT. Graduates of this College readily ob- tain' graduates s ttso fully Rye time tthe supply. Winter terse opens Janncry Srd. Now cataleguo nee. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL, Car, Yong& and Alexander Sts. FLOWERS, FRUIT AND SUNSHINE, Now is the time to visit Cali- fornia, Mexico, Florida, and the Sunny South. Round trip tottriet tickets on sale to all principal Winter Resorts. New Year's. Consult Grand Trunk Agents for low rates pertaining to above. Secure tickets and farther Information from W. RENIE?, Town Agent, or J. I. McDonald Uiebrlob Pitesenger Agent, Toronto. 1 HAPPY PtEW YEARS Pe Wish the ;P o l . off': • ani.... -vicinity ',apt ', an Prosperous . New gest. AGENTS ` 13 sHoe STORE • FOit, froom yiDIES Also "Victoria" Shoes for Ladies, "Albert" & "Astoria" Shoes HANNA & CO. Ei h€st Prices Paid. For: flutter and Eggs Phone 70. g rszmmiliam•sort .noingsmiltiosam,000,,memeassem We Wish You All A HaPPY And Prosperous I Xew Year We wish to thank our many friends for their liberal pat. ronage during the year 19091 and solicit a continuance sof the same ... ... ... , ... ... • 1 1 Fowl, Potat.es and Produce Wanted* anna ee o: