HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-12-23, Page 5r
For Christmas Gifts
Only eight more days in which to do .,your
Christmas shopping. Do it now. One of the
most popular articles for a Christmas gift to a
gentleman is a Necktie., We have positively the
largest assortment ever shown here and you will
have no difficulty in making a choice.
NECKTIES. ---Four-in-hands, Bat Wings,
Strings, Bows, Tecks, Hook=on's, Ascots,
Puffs, Etc.
NECKSCARFS.---Padded Style, Handker-
chief Style, Motor Style, Muffler
yle, Etc.
We have made special mention of Neckwear, but
we have numerous other lines in stock equally
as suitable, such. as Shirts, Collars, Handkerchiefs,
Gloves, Ilosiery;tiSuspenders, Garters, Arm Bands,
Sweaters, Coat Sweaters, House Jackets, Slippers,
Umbrellas, Suit Cases, hats, Fur Caps, Fur
Collars, Etc.
See the Assorment Before Our Stock Is Broken
McGee ec Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
The Sense of Security
against to -morrow
sha uld be ample incen-
tive to save to -day.
ry B O
The Great
Watch Doctor
WE have the largest stock of the swellest
goods, suitable for Christmas Gifts, ever
shown in Wingham. These beautiful goods will
be sold at prices that cannot be equalled else-
where -prices that will delight you and suit your
pocket -book. Call in before you buy or send
away for goods, and see if we haven't just the
very article you want. You can get the very
newest and best goods by doing your Christmas
buying hdre, and save money into the bargain.
I W G Patterson 1
1 . 11
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Huron County Council.
The following aro the reports of
committees which were presented at
the December session of the Huron.
County Council :-
that the jail was in good order with
seven prisoners - two for insanity,
three vagrants, one for indecent as-
sault, and one female, Recommended
that tenders be asked by the Clerk for
15 cords of wood ; that the CIerk and
Chairman of Property committee pur-
chase one dozen suits of underwear
and one dozen outside shirts for the
prisoners ; that the question of a coal
shed bo dealt with at the January ses-
sion ; that shelving be added to the
law library; that new linoleum be
purchased for Mr. McDonald's office ;
that the Register's office was in its
usual clean, neat and tidy condition.
EDUCATION. -Recommended that all
fifth book classes be placed the same
as continuation classes, and that all
.grants not paid, be paid at once ; that
in regard to Mr. T. E. Durnin's com-
plaint against Inspector Torn, no ac-
tion be taken.
EXECUTIVE. -Re order of Judge
Doyle respecting the three Jones chil-
dren in Goderich township, we recom-
mend the county assume and pay for
their maintenance. Regarding the
attendance of the caretaker at each
session of the Council, we recommend
no action. Re order of Judge Holt re-
garding Robt. M. McLeod, a destitute
child, we recommend that the county
pay for him. Re motion of Messrs.
Geiger and Gallow for grant of $100 to
Miss Haines of Hensall, we recom
mend that it be granted, it being an
exceptional case. We recommend
that the men in camp during 1009 be
paid 25 cents per day, a total of $570.
The committee recommended that
statements of Nest Huron Farmers'
Institute, $19.88, and East Huron,
$103,20, be filed. Re tenders for coal,
recommended that the tender of F. B.
Holmes at $0.70 be accepted. Re re-
peal of by-law No. 3 of 1892, that it be
repealed and tbat.security of treasurer
remain as it is for the present.
SPECIAL -Recommended that this
Council co-operate with the Good
Roads Association in obtaining in-
creased grants ; that a by-law be pass-
ed to incorporate Centralia as a police
ROUSE Or REFUGE -Reported that
in its visits it hacl found everything in
good condition, and that the number
of inmates were 90, and well cared
for ; recommended that the wall and
the floor of the main building be
painted ; that the taxes of Mrs. Scebles
and Miss Wastfhalls, of Egmondville,
be paid by the county treasurer.
Reported that they had visited
Holmesville bridge, found the con-
crete complete, and the filling the ap-
proaches nearly so. They recommend-
ed the removal of the old wooden
work as soon as possible, 'so that there
be no obstruction in the river during
freshets. On all 'notions regarding
windbreaks on county bridges, recom-
mend no action be taken at present,
but in future be built on all new brid-
ges of steel. Regarding motion of
Medd and McEwan, encouraging good
roads, we recommend no action. Re
Hiram Hill's account as inspector of
Holrnesville bridge, we recommend
that he be paid $2 per day, as per
motion of Council of 1907. .
House: OF REFUGE -Number of acres,
47 ; value, $2,520; acres cultivated,
40; receipts --county, $0,430.82; from
products, $1,008.93; from other sour-
ces, $703,00.. Maintenance, $8,4.31,27 ,
net cost to county per year, $4,355.31.
Inmates -Males 00, females, 28 ; num-
ber on free list 78, on pay list 10 ; num-
ber of beds, 120 ; number of deaths
for year, 13. Building brick, two
story with finished basement ; excel-
lent out -buildings, and satisfactory in
every respect in its internal arrange-
ments and equipments. There is no
better conducted House of Refuge in
Ontario than this.
For Forty-two Years.
It is 42 years this month since W.
H. Bowlby, K. C., was appointed
county crown attorney of Waterloo
county. He is the oldest crown at-
torney in the province, with the ex-
ception of H. W. Paterson, K. C„ of
Already Stung.
The Bruce Times says :-"It is
rumored that Gzif Jones, the great
bee man, is about to go into the honey
business next year greater than ever
and will make Walkerton the head-
quarters of a great bee industry.
Don't bring them in, Grif ; the people
of this town have already been stung
good and plenty without having to
fall back on bees."
Lonely Vigil Paid.
Regina, Deo. 13. --The lonely vigil
of Chas. Farr, who waited on the
steps•of the Dominion land office from
Thursday night last until Saturday
morning to secure a coveted home-
stead which was then thrown open
for 'settlement, netted him a plum
worth about $4,000, It was a most
desirable quarter section, and the
competition for It Wag very keen. On
Friday night, when the weather was
bitterly cold, a chair and blankets,
with s, coal oil stove, were provided
for Farr by friends, and he manfully
stuck to his poet with his hand oh the
door knob.
Whence the Wonderful Bread -
Life in Five Roses
DO YOU know, Madam, that billowing from the Lake of the
Woods clear to the snow -peaked Rockies are the finest wheatlands
that ever threw back golden kisses to a smiling sun?
Our selection of a birthplace was indeed most judicious,
We cannot too fervently congratulate ourselves over being born
Canadians, can we?
All the infinite resources of
dent Nature Nature have concentrated to
produce In our own Northwest aper
feet food berry.
It is the cream of this Manitoba
wheat crop, not the skim milk, that
maketh FIVE ROSES quality.
And Manitoba wheat, owing to
climate and soil is the prime cereal
of the world.
* * * *
Just listen to the explanation of Sir
James Grant, a real C.M.G.:
" The intense winter frost penetrates
"deep into the ground. In the spring
" when the soil is ploughed, harrowed
" and planted, the lower depths are not
"greatly disturbed; but in the warm
"summer months this cold storage
" chamber of nature imparts gentle
" moisture to the roots o; the grain,
" keeping it cool during the intense heat:'
Therein lies the goodness of the only
wheat fit for FIVE ROSES.
- * ,. * *
If you, Mistress Housewife,
with your own white hands,
were to pick the very cream
of this fine wheat, wouldn't
it mean perf:r.tflour?
Yet, you couldn't be more fastidious
than our expert buyers.
Just as you wouldn't let Mrs. Brown
do your shopping, we watch our
own wheat buying and selecting.
Wherever the fairest crops are har-
vested are one of the 75 FIVE
ROSES elevators, sifting the perfect
Years of practical knowledge and
experience stand behind each buyer,
who is well-paid to know where the -
rare grains grow.
We have the money and the skill
to control the very best. Ce.f.ainly
your interests are well looked after.
so- * * *
Believe us, Madam, FIVE ROSES
contains only the plump, wholesome,
well-filled berries of the spring
wheat ; the mellow sun -ripened,
transparent berries. All this
and more is yours if you will but say
" FIVE ROSES " to your
FIVE ROSES bread -life,
healthfulness, purity,
strength, economy.
Read the label, Madam, and
be flour -happy at last.
Beautiful Christmas Present
A Fifie Gospel Text
Calendar For 1910
The Calendar contains thirteen large sheets
beautifully printed in throe colors. Each sheet
contains a design of an open Bible with a Bible
text for each day of the month, and a calendar
in large figures for the month at the lower end
of the sheet.
Price 25c. Sent to any Address Postage Paid.
Special prices in lots of ono dozen or more.
Agents are making money selling them. Big
reduction to agents. Send for terms at once.
We havo an excellent assortment of Scripture
Wall Motto Cards at
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40 and 50c. each
We will mail any of these or a number to
any address at the above prices postage paid.
We want an honest man or boy in each town
and city to act as agent for us. We pay a
liberal commission. .Agents make good wages
selling these goods. Send for agents prices to
23 Queen St. North, Berlin, Ont.
The ADVANCE is North
Huron's leading news-
paper. Are you a sub-
scriber ? If not, why ?
Only $1 per year.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass
and Weather Insurance, coupled
with a Real Estate and Money
Loaning business.
Office over Malcolm's Grooery
Jas. Walker & Son
Furniture Dealers
and Undertakers
We aro specially qualified Under-
takers and Embalmers, and those
entrusting their work to us may rely
on it being well done. ,Night calls
received at residence.
Utlice Phone 106 House Phone 125
0A4N !Ns®•sHw *Ns•N•e•
oal Goal
We are sole agents for
the celebrated Scranton Coal,
which has no equal.
Also the best grades of
Smithing, Cannel and Do-
mestic Coal and Wood of
all kinds, always on hand.
Reeidence Phone, No. 55
Office No. 84
Mill " No. 44
We carry a full stook of
Lnmber (dressed or undres-
sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Barrels, etc.
Highest Price Paid for all
kinds of Logs.
o611 841N4+aa •dM►:b4fNl*****434NlANe8ia19
Red Ticket Sale
There has been great special sales for the
past year in all lines. But now when the goods
are needed, all sales have ceased. NOW WE
The first sale for two years. The only
clear-cut Furnitute Sale ever put on in Wing -
ham. We have gone through our large and well
assorted stock and have reduced prices in all
our lines. Everything has red tickets. A chance
of a life -time to buy Christmas presents.
What about a Sideboard, Buffett, Parlor Suite,
Bed Room Suite, Tables, Chairs, Fancy Rockers,
the best selection ever shown in town, Come in
and look at the RED TAG.
Couches, worth $10.00, selling for, , , , .$7.60
Rockers, worth $4.00, selling for $2.75
Dressers and Stands, worth $22 00, selling for., .$18 00
Buffett, worth $43 00, selling for $86,00
All we ask is for you to prove our sale by
looking at values. All goods marked in plain
Goods delivered free of charge.
A pleasure to show you through.
Furniture and Undertaking
The Council met In the Olerk's office
Biuevale, on December 15th ; the
Reeve in the chair ; the minutes of
last meeting were read and adopted
on motion of Messrs, Kelly and
A cornmunication was read re as-
sessment of Wingham Electric Light.
Moved by Messrs, Rutherford and Mc-
Michael that Messrs. Kelly and
Wheeler be appointed a committee to
attend the Council meeting in Wing -
ham to -night and make a settlement
if possible as we do not wish td incur
law es penses if it can be avoided. -cd.
The report of the Local Board of
Health was read which shows that
only one case of infectious or con-
tagious disease had been reported for
the current year in the municipality.
McMicheal-Wheeler.--That the re-
port of Local Board of Health be
adopted -carried.
Felly -Wheeler. -That the motion
of meeting re Union School section on
north boundary be rescinded and no
action taken in the matter until fur-
ther enquiry be made as to the signa-
tures to the petition presented at last
meeting -carried.
The Treasurer laid the annual state-
ment of the Reeve and Treasurer be-
fore the Council which shows a bal-
ance of cash on hand of $1433.
Kelly -Wheeler. -That the state-
ment be adopted and that the Clerk
get 100 copies printed for distribution
to ratepayers -carried.
Thos. Bolt addressed the Council,
asking damages for damage to horse
and buggy from accident on Oth con.
line near Gemmill's bridge, caused by
horse being frightened by an open
telephone post hole on side of road ;
laid over.
The following accounts were passed
and cheques issued :-Telephone Co.,
75c, messages,; Local Board of Health
-Jas. Elliott $4, Chris. Jobb $4, Wm.
H. Cruikshank $4, Adam Oleghorn $4,
Dr, Agnew $7, D. H. Moffatt $4, John
Burgess $0 ; W. M. Robinson, Treas.,
$4.03, coal from Wroxeter ; 0, A.
Jones, Tp. engineer, $23 85, Turner
drain ; J. A. McLean, $o`, lumber,
Jobb's bridge ; Hugh McKinnon, $64,
gravelling ; Robt. Dickson, $0, in-
specting gravelling ; Ben. Ringler,
$12,80, gravelling and gravel ; F. Gut-
teridge, $07,39, cement tile ; John
Weir, $15, drain ; Jas. J. Scott, $2,
outlet for drain; Wm. Elliott, $2.90,
tile ; Peter Hastings, $4, repairs Jobb's
bridge ; John Hall, $3, statute labor;
Jas. Hooper, $8, statute labor ; Thos.
Wheeler, 84c, gravel ; David H. Mof-
fatt, $05, road Com, fees, also $3, mak-
ing statement ; Road Com. fees -John
Rutherford, Robt, McMicheal, Alex.
Kelly and Arthur Wheeler each $50 ;
John Burgess -$75 balance salary, $15
postage, $12 rent of office, $3 Turner
drain ; Peter McLaren -$50 balance
salary, $7 postage, $7 making state-
ment ; Paul Powell -$25 bal. salary,
$5 postage.
Meeting adjourned Sine Die.
John Burgess, Clerk.
By -Law No. 15, 1909,
Of The Corporation Of The
Township of Turnberry.
A By-law to prohibit the sale of
Liquor in the Township of Turnberry.
The Municipal Council of the Town-
ship of Turnberry hereby enacts as
follows :-
1st -That the sale by retail of
spirituous, fermented or other manu-
factured liquors, is and shall be pro-
hibited in every tavern, inn, or other
place of public entertainment in the
said municipality, and the sale thereof
except by wholesale, is and shall be
prohibited in every shop or place in
the said municipality other than a
house of public entertainment.
2nd -That the vote of the electors of
the said' Township of Turnberry will
be taken on the By-law by the Dep-
uty -returning o ffi cera hereinafter
named on the Third day of January,
one thousand nine hundred and ten,
commencing at nine o'clock in the
morning and continuing till five
o'clock in the afternoon, at the under-
mentioned places, that is to say :-
Polling Division No. 1. in the School
house, Wingham Town Plot; William
S. King, Deputy -returning officer.
Polling Division No. 2, in the Town-
ship Clerk's office, Bluevale; John W.
King, Deputy -returning officer.
Polling Division No. 3, in School
house, Section No. 9 ; Herbert Hen-
nings, Deputy -returning officer.
Polling Division No. 4, in School
house, Section No. 3 ; Robert S. Muir,
Deputy -returning officer.
3rd -That on the 27th day of Decem-
ber, A. D. 1909, the Reeve of the said
Township shall attend at the Clerk's
officer Bluevale, in the said Township,
at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to ap-
point persons to attend at the various
polling places aforesaid, and at the
final summing up of the votes by the
Clerk on behalf of the persons inter-
ested in and desirous of promoting or
opposing til:. passing of this By-law
4th -That the Clerk of the said
Township of Turnberry shall attend
at the said Clerk's office, Bluevale, at
the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon
on the 4th day of January, A. D. 1010,
to sum tip the votes given for and
against this By-law.
5th --This By-law shall come into
operation and bo of full force and
effect c,n and after the 1st day of May
next after the final passing thereof.
Dated at the Township Clerk's office,
Bluovale, in the Township of Turn -
berry, this 22nd day of November, A.
D. 1000.
TAKE NOTICE that the above is a
true copy of a proposed By.law whleh
has been taken into consideration by
the Municipal Council of the Town-
ship of Turnberry, and which will be
finally passed by the said Council in
the event of the assent of the Electors
being obtained thereto after one
month from the publication thereof
in the Wingham Times and Advance
newspapers, the date of which publi-
cation was the Oth day of December,
A. D. 100, and at the hour, day and
place therein fixed for taking the
vote's of the Electors. the polls will be
JOHN IiURG1vSS, °mum
Headquarters for
Useful Christmas 'Presents
We buy in large quantities and get the lowest
prices and we sell at the smallest margin of profit,
making it to your advantage to buy your Christmas
Presents here. Come out in the evenings --store •
open .every night until ten o'clock -we will be
pleased to show you through our stock. Just a
few hints of Useful Presents
Fancy Belts, Silk Collars, Silk Handkerchiefs,
Hand Bags, Finger Purses, Fancy Combs, Silk
Waists, Kid Gloves, Ice Wool Scarfs, Tray
Cloths, Laundry Bags, Fur Ruffs, Muffs, Fur -
Lined Coats, Silk Umbrellas.
Kid Gloves, Mufflers, Silk Ties, Cuff Buttons,
Fancy Shirts, Braces, Silk Handkerchiefs, Fur
Caps, Slippers, Fur Coats, Fur Mitts, Umbrellas,
Leather Belts,
Grocery Specials
New Raisins, New Currants, Orange, Lemon and Citron
Peels, Shelled Walnuts and Almonds, Fancy Cakes,
Fresh Figs and Dates, Candies of all kinds. Bargains
in Oranges and Lemons.
H. E. Isard
that fit you well, look well, and wear well, are
the best in the end. They coat no more than the
other kind if you go to the right place for them.
We have a fine stock of SUITINGS, in Tweeds,
Worsteds and Cheviots, and we make them up in
the latest styles, and use tho best trimmings.
The Cold Weather
is near, and an Overcoat is a necessity. Oome in
and see our Meltons, Cheviots, Beavers, Friezes,
&o. Yon look dressy in one of our make.
Excellent Values
may be had from us in Fur Ceps, Fur Collars
and Neck Scarfs. The prices are au attraction.
Tho balance of our Gents' Furnishings must go -
Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, &o.
Robt. Maxwellt
Tailor For Men Who Caro
Having moved into a larger store (opposite Brunswick
Hotel) we have a larger stock than ever for you to
choose from. Call in and see our large new stock be-
fore purchasing elsewhere.
Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing
a Specialty.
R. KNOB - Jeweler & Stationer
One Door North of Ding's Opp, Brunswick Hotel