HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-12-16, Page 5rNECKWI3
For Christmas Gifts
Only eight more days ill wh ch to do your
Christmas shopping. Do it now. One of the
most popular articles for a Christmas gift to a
gentleman is a Necktie. We have positively the
largest assortment ever shown here and you will
have no difficulty in making a choice.
NECKTIES.—Four.in.hands, Bat Wings,
Strings, Bows, Tecks, tiook.on's, Ascots,
Puffs, Etc.
NECKSCARFS.—PPadded Style, klandker.
chief Style, Motor Style, Muffler
Style, Etc.
We have made special mention of Neckwear, but
we have numerous other lines in stock equally
as suitable, such as Shirts, Collars, Handkerchiefs,
Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, Garters, Arm Bands,
Sweaters, Coat Sweaters, House Jackets, Slippers,
Umbrellas, Suit Cases, Ilats, Fur Caps,.. Fur
Collars, Etc.
See the Assorment Before Our Stock Is Broken
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
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The Opening and Maintaining of a
Savings Bank Account is a duty that
everyone owes, both to themselves
and to those dependent on them.
Your Savings Account Solicited.
sry„r `hfi y.�:.ii5 .s'`.,
Gs PV}
The Great
Watch DQCtor
have the largest 'stock of the swellest
goods, suitable for Christmas Gifts, ever
shown in Wingham. These beautiful goods will
be sold at prices that cannot be equalled else-
where ---prices that will delight you and cult your
pocket -book. Call in before you buy or send
away for goods, and see if we haven't just the
very article you want. You can get the very
newest and best goods by doing your Christmas
buying here, and save money into the bargain.
1 W. GI Patterson I
3/4,411.11110 01111111111111111111 OftSIM 0111111111111110
Young Boy Loses Fingers,
A sad and painful accident occured
at the home of Air. ,Tae, Olark, near
Grand Valley, by which his little son,
Elgin, lost the lingers an the left
hand, Doting a moment's absence of
his father flout a straw cutter driven
by a windinill, the little fellow ventur-
ed to lift the covering of the gearing
and by some means became entangled.
All the fingers were taken off up to
the palm, except a very small part of
the index finger.
Foreign Representatives.
Mr. Lewis, M. P. for Huron, last
week brought up the question of for-
eign representatives at Ottawa. Some
nations have Consul -general there
now, but these have no official status,
and all questions between the coun-
tries represented by them and Canada
have to he dealt with via London.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier said correspon-
dence is now going on between Otta-
wa and London looking to the placing
of these representatives on a footing
equivalent to that of ani bassadhh'.
Long Distance Wireless Message.
Wireless communication direct over
land between the gulf of Mexico and
the great lakes of the North was estab-
lished recently, when a message was
fleshed from the Port Arthur (Tex,)
wireless station, carrying the compli-
ments of the Houston Post to the Re-
cord Herald in Chicago. The weather
conditions were ideal. This is probab-
ly the longest an overland wireless
message has yet been carried. Bri-
tain's Antarctic expedition now in
course cd preparation will carry a
wireless telegraphic equipment suf-
ficient to enable message to be sent to
New Zealand from the ship, and from
stations establishing at bases of sup-
plies on land or ice.
To Prevent Pollution Of 'Lakes.
A. bill has been introduced in the
Senate which is intended to prevent
the deposit of any sewage, offal, or
refuse animal of vegetable matter of
any kind whatsoever, into any river,
stream or other water, any part of
which is navigable or which flows in-
to any navigable water.” It is under-
stood that like action will be taken by
neighboring states. At present at
Niagara Falls, New York, they have a
chute through which all the garbage
of the city is dumped into the Niagara
River. Dead horses, cats and dogs
and all kinds of corruptive matters
are dumped down this chute. If laws
such as proarosed are passed on both
sides of the line the pouring of any
sewage into any of the great lakes or
rivers will be prohibited.
No paper in Canada gives better re-
ports of the Dominion Parliament
than the Toronto News. Its editorial
comment is always fair and its car-
toons by McConnell are apt and enter-
t•xinipg. Tho Toronto News daily and
Advance once a week can be procured
.by sending $2.35 to the Wingham
Don't Let That Bad Sore Spoil
Your Christmas.
m-Buk will prevent it. Ulcers,
old wounds, cold sores or eczema cause
great pain, as well as being very un-
sightly, and at this festive season are
particularly unpleasant !
Zam-Buk is compounded specially to
remove such disfigurements. Purely
herbal in its composition Zarn-Buk
contains those wonderful healing es-
sences , which nature has prescribed
for man's
use. It stops the smart of
a cut, the ache of a burn, and the
scalding burning agony of the more
serious skin diseases.
If your child suffers, try it, If yon
are the victim, don't waste time. De-
pend upon it the thousands of people
who daily use Z:rm-Buk in this coun-
try wouldn't do so unless it was teal
good!' Fifty cents per box, all drug-
gists and stores or Zam-Buk Co„ To-
ronto, for price.
Goes To Leper Island.
Among many interesting appoint-
ments announced at the commission-
ing of Salvation Army cadets at Clap-
ton, England, last week, the most in-
teresting, probably was that of Cadet
Annie Beckley, who was promoted to
the rank of captain, and given march-
ing orders for the leper settlement in
Java. Captain Beckley is wise
enough to take a level-headed view of
her appointment. It is one of the
most self-sacrificing brandies of Salva-
tion service. Nevertheless, says the
captain, "I am going for life, if the
Army will let me stay so long, and, at
any rate, it will be for years. I am
not afraid of getting the disease, for I
am going on God's service. I have
counted the cost, and I quite under-
stand what the risks are. I have to
die, and if needs be I may as well die
out amongst those stricken souls."
She Volunteered to go some years
Walton McKibbon, the druggist,
does not guarantee Parisian Sage to
grow hair on every bald head, but if
there is any life left in the toots of
your hair, Parisian Sage will stimu-
late the hair bulbs and cause your
hair to grow again. Here is one case.
"I am now using the second bottle of
your Parisian Sage, and can notice a
new crop of hair appearing. I am
glad to say it is a danker color than
my hair was before I became bald."
Harry Reid, 10 Manhattan St,, Roches-
ter, N. Y.
Don't wait till you're bald before us-
ing Parisian Sage, use it now, Hill
the dandruff germ and prevent bald-
ness. Walton McRibbon, the drug-
gist, sella Parisian Sage at 50c a large
bottle, t
0 1 and he guarantees , a anises it to cute
dandruff, stop falling hair, and cure
all diseases Of the scalp, or money
bank, Parisian Sage is a delightfully
invigorating hair dressing ; it makes
the hair soft, fluffy and beat1itiful,
That the best body-building
and strengthening tonic for
Delicate Children
"My 9 -year old daughteir was
weak, pale, and had no appetite. 1
gave her Vinol, and she began to
thrive at once. She gained rapidly
in weight, color and strength." --
Mrs. W. H. GILMORE, D urand, Mich.
"My two children, who were puny
and ailing, rapidly gained flesh and
strength when 1 began to give them
Vinol. 1 proved that Vinol is a splen-
did tonic for delicate children." ---
Mra. C. ,ALLEN, New Bedford, Maes.
Vinol builds up healthy flesh and makes thin little limbs round
and plump. Children love to take it.
We return people's money without 'question ii Vinol
floes not accomplish all we claim for it. Try it, please.
ii. V � .`�t'�➢ivl 1zelemUi lffS dli1�( ilf�'u�a�n�t 'k Tzl aghalan.
Why Green Flour When You
Can Get Five Roses
Age is a wonderful improver—in certain things. and flour is one of these.
Practically all cheap flours are " green " flours.
Lip till five or six months after milling, good flour will go on im-
ptoving steadily in quality and dryness, developing many admirable
traits which it would not otherwise possess. ---For instance, clearer
color, smoother «feel," increased absorption, and so on,
it is in obedience to this same principle that good wine gets better,
,and a mere " fiddle " develops into a valuable violin.
But itmust be good in the beginning.
At the end of a century or more, a
cigar box would hardly become a
When a flour is improperly milled or
milled from cheap, off -grade wheat,
it has lost its keeptngqualities before
It ever had them,
It can only get worse with age.
Your dough cannot rise—shows
poor graining in the loaf with a
crumbling crumb and sickly crust.
Your best pastry efforts are rewarded
with corresponding pastry evils.
e e
When your friends are seated round
the table, comes the discovery, the
very embarrassing crestfallen
FIVE ROSES, Madam, is milled
right from perfect mateMais in a
sanitary plant cleaner than your own
kitchen, if that be possible.
It is packed right and stored
awhile in our own store-
houses, until expert exami- +,i
tiers declare it aged to proper dry-
ness, without a trace of acidity.
Marvels of cleanliness and care are
these storehouses of ours. To visit
them would gladden the heart of the
most finicky housekeeper. *Twould
astonish you, Madam, really.
* * * 8
FIVE ROSES is never " green;"
never weak, nor " dead," nor acid.
FIVE ROSES is drier, and being
drier absorbs more water, producing
more of those light, toothsome,
flaky loaves and rolls which tickle
the knowing palate and fill a vacant
place most pleasantly.
Those extra loaves pay more than
the difference in first cost.
Since you want a flour fully matured
and seasoned, that cannot spoil or
sour on your hands or mitbehavein
any way, that does not acquire the
"worm habit*" but improves with age.
If you want this flour,
Madam, you will insist on
FIVE ROSES from your
4444•41444•444414444.4114.41.4 ' $., *4N41•M4411M•N••
Goal Goal
We are sole agents for
the celebrated Scranton Coal,
which has no equal.
Also the best grades of
Smithing, Cannel and Do-
mestic Coal and Wood of
all kinds, always on hand.
Residence Phone, No. 55
Office " No. 64
Mill " No. 44
We carry a full stock of
Lumber (dressed or undres-
sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Barrels, etc.
Highest Price Paid for all
kinds of Logs.
Red Ticket Sale
There has been great special sales for the
past year in all lines. But now when the goods
are needed, all sales have ceased. NOW WE
The first sale for two years. The only
clear-cut Furniture Sale ever put on in Wing -
ham. We have gone through our large and well
assorted stock and have reduced prices in all
our lines. Everything has red tickets. A chance
of a life -time to buy Christmas presents.
What about a Sideboard, Buffett, Parlor Suite,
Bed Room Suite, Tables, Chairs, . Fancy Rockers,
the best selection ever shown in town. Conte in
and look at the RED TAG.
Couches, worth $10.00, selling for. .$7.50
Rockers, worth $400, selling for $2.75
Dressers and Stands, worth $22 00, selling for, , ,$18 00
Buffett, worth $43.00, selling for $36 00
All we ask is for you to prove our sale by
looking at values. All goods marked in plain
Goods delivered free of charge.
A pleasure to show you through.
Furniture and Undertaking
General Sheridan And Drink,.
general Sheridan ---"Fighting Phil,"
as he was called in the days of the
Civil War—stood talking with an old
army comrade in Washington one
day, when Sheridan's four children
drove away in a cart. The fond fath.
er looked after them with a tender
glance and then said to his friend :—
"I often think that pitfalls are in
waiting for my small brave soldiers all
through life, I wish I could always
help them over."
"Phil, if you could save your little
son from the most to be feared of all
temptations which will beset him,
what would it be?"
General Sheridan leaned his head
against the doorway and said soberly,
"It would be the curse of strong
drink. Boys are not saints, We are
all self willed, strong willed, may be
full of courage and thrift, and just and
kindness and charity, but woe to the
man who becomes a slave to liquor.
Oh, I would rather see my little son
die to -day than to see him carried in
to his mother drunk."
The are thousands of parents who
have the same feeling about their boys
as this brilliant commander. Help to
save the boys.
All kinds of superstitions gather
round Friday. For instance, some
people will tell you it is unlucky to be
married on that day, or to begin a
task of importance, Now, as a matter
of fact, records show a great many
lucky happenings on Friday. Here
are a few :—
Great men like Washington, Bis-
marck, Gladstone, Beaconsfield, Fahr-
enheit and Spurgeon were born on
that day.
On Friday Henry VIII gave the ex-
plorer Cabot his commission which led
to the discovery of North America;
while America itself was discovered
by Columbus on an "unlucky" day,
And the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth
Rock on a Friday.
Again, we have the first newspaper
advertisement and the first newspaper
printed by steam power (The London
Times) appearing on Friday. On the
same day of the week the stamp act
was repealed by England.
So perhaps it is just as well to admit
that it is a good day, as Chas, Dickens
did, with whom it was a favorite.
Dominion Parliament.
In the Commons last week, Hon.
Geo, G. Foster brought up the ques-
tion of United States war vessels on
the lakes, He said there appeared to
be ten of these vesels with 30,,officers,
560 men, and over 60 guns. Besides
this he said there were 1,843 naval
reserve men at lake ports. This force
could, Mr. Foster said, in the event of
trouble, tie up Canada's lake trade in
2k hours.
By -Law No. 15, 1909,
Of The Corporation Of The
Township of Turnberry.
A By-law to prohibit the sale of
Liquor in the Township of Turnberry,
The Municipal Council of the Town-
ship of Turnberry hereby enacts as
follows :--
1st—That the sale by retail of
spirituous, fermented or other manu-
factured liquors, is and shall be pro-
hibited in every tavern, inn, or other
place of public entertainment in the
said municipality, and the sale thereof
except by wholesale, is and shall' be
prohibited in every shop or place in
the said municipality other than a
house of public entertainment.
god—That the vote of the electors of
the said Township of Turnberry will
be' taken on the By-law by the Dep-
uty -returning officers hereinafter
named on the Third day of January,
ono thousand nine hundred and ten,
commencing at nine o'clock in the
morning and continuing till five
o'clock in the afternoon, at the under-
mentioned places, that is to say :--
Polling Division No. 1, in the School
house, WIngham Town Plot; \'Villiam
S. King, Deputy -returning officer.
Polling Division No. 2, in the Town-
ship Clerk's office, Biuevale; John W,
King, Deputy -returning officer,
Polling Division No. 3, in School
house, Section No. 0 ; Herbert Hen-
nings, Deputy -returning officer.
Polling Division No. 4, in School
house, Section No. 3 ; Robert S. Muir,
Deputy -returning officer.
3rd—That on the 27t1i day of Decem-
ber, A. D. 1000, the Reeve of the said
Township shall attend at the Clerk's
office, Binevale, in the said Township,
at tear o'clock in the forenoon, to ap-
point persons to attend at the various
polling places aforesaid, and at the
final summing up of the votes by the
Clerk on behalf of the persons inter-
ested in and desirous of promoting or
opposing the passing of this By-law
4th—That the Clerk of the said
Township of Turnberry shall attend
at the said Clerk's office, Bluevale, at
the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon
on the dth day of January, A, D. 1010,
to 'sum up the votes given for and
against this By-law.
5th—This By-law shall tonne into
operation and bo of full force and
effect on and after the 1st day of May
next after the final passing thereof.
Dated at the Township Clerk's office,
Bluevalo, in the Township of Turn-
herrv, this 22nd day of November, A,
D. 1000,
TAKE NOTICE that the above is a
true copy of a proposed By-law which
has been taken into consideration by
the Municipal Council of tho Town-
ship of Turnberry, and which will be
finally passed by the said Cotttte11 in
tho event of the assent of the Electors
being obtained thereto atter ane
month frotn the publication thereof
in the Wingham Times and Advance
newspapers, the date of which pnhli-
cation was tho 0th day of Deeember,
A. D, 1000, and at the hour, day and
place therein 1$ted for taking the
votes of the Electors, the polls will be
fOIIN I3tiR( ESS, O ttntt.
Headquarters for
Useful Christmas Presents
We buy in large quantities and get the lowest
prices and we sell at the smallest margin of profit,
making it to your advantageto buy your Christmas
Presents here. Colne out in the evenings—store
open every night untilten o'clock—we will be
pleased to show you through our stock, Just a
few hints of Useful Presents
Fancy Belts, Silk Collars, Silk Handkerchiefs,
Hand Bags, Finger Purses, Fancy Combs, Silk
Waists, Kid Gloves, Ice Wool Scarfs, Tray
Cloths, Laundry Bags, Fur Ruffs, Muffs, Fur
Lined Coats, Silk Umbrellas.
Kid Gloves, Mufflers, Silk Ties, Cuff Buttons,
Fancy Shirts, Braces, Silk Handkerchiefs, Fur
Caps, Slippers, Fur Coats, Fur Mitts, Umbrellas,
Leather Belts.
Grocery Specials
New Raisins, New Currants, Orange, Lemon and Citron
Peels, Shelled Walnuts and Almonds, Fancy Cakes,
Fresh Figs and Dates, Candies of all kinds. Bargains
in Oranges and Lemons.
H. E. Isard
that fit you well, look well, and wear well, are
the beet in the end. They coat no more than the
other kind if you go to the right place for them.
We have a fine stook of SUITINGS, in Tweeds,
Worsteds and Cheviots, and we make them up in
the latest styles, and use the best trimmings.
The Cold Weather
is near, and an' Overcoat is a necessity. Come in
and see our Meltons, Cheviots, Beavers, Friezes,
&c, You look dressy in one of our make.
Excellent Values
may be had from us in Fur Caps, Fur Collars
and Neck Scarfs. The prices are an attraction.
The balance of our Gents' Farnishings must go—
Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, &o.
Robt. Maxwell
Tailor For lien Who Care
trio-►tscoessaselOwaV'A ‘6*4Utpa0
Having moved into a larger store (opposite Brunswick
Rotel) we have a larger stock than ever for you to
choose front Call in and see our large new stock be-
fore purchasing elsewhere.
Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing
a Specialty.
Jeweler &Stationer
Ono Door istorth of King's
Opp, lruaswlok Motel