HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-12-09, Page 6The Oedema report8. of tl 'Gutted States: dhow that in the lest 10 year 00,000,000of teem have been imported into that vountry. • is King Edward is tit arbitrate a die- pute between the lanited States end Chili. All appear Oa have anifitlence in Great Britain's laminator King. The old theory that misfortunee, twills, do vot eome iigly, Mai support in the second aailway horror warring steer Vancenver within a few days. _ • -- The new telephone book of New York eity eontathe the names of 250,000 su1. scribers and 350 men are now eugaged th distributing it. One edition of the book comprises over 30 • caticads. Aeeording to the .report of the Nee York Health Department, 2,11111,329 pounds of meat, and 18,620,590 paunds of fruit, fish and other -foods, were con- demned ancl destroyed in the year 19013. Alabonm, by a. neejority of about 15,- 000, hos defeated a pooleibition am•end- matt to the coustitutien of the State, This does not, of couree, affeet the valid- ity of prohibition in. 1 heel option Mena The general manager of the Union Pa- cific Railway asserts that negligence of employeees leads to 80 per cent, of all vailroad accidents. ito insists that the vailways must be free to weed out the eareless and hoesponsiblo • The American does not take kindly to military life. AdeteGen. -Ainsworth re- ports that desertion is a constantly in- creasing problem. Desertions from the regular armylast year numbered 4,993, or 4.07 per cent., nearly one eoldier out of every twenty. The percentage was but 4.59 in the preceding year. Judge Monson, of Toronto, haa decided . that a diger is a drug, This jadgment wae rendered in the'erese of an appeal by a druggist from conviction made by AM- &trate Paingsford. Of worse no such decision can be allowed to remain un- challenged. But to the mane min it furnishes one more illustration of bow lawyers and courts can render -the law of n.o effect, Judge Morson's ruling that a cigar is a drug may, if upheld, have peculiar re- sults. The sale of drugs by hotels, bar- ber shops and tobaceo stores is not con- templated by theepharmacy Act. What a revolutioa-what a surprise to those who war on the Sunday observance laws -'would be wrought were the sale eof cigars to be restricted to the drug stores! - 9 Hamid is in a fix. He has Sie,DOOMO deposited in the Imperial Bank of Germany, but neither he nor, the Torkish Government can touch it. The money was deposited under a com- pact that no part of it is to be paid out except by Abdul's order authenticated by epeelal seal rulopted wb.eai the deposit was xnade. Abdul avers that the seal has been lost. The matter will probably have to go to the courts for decision. One bishop who has spoken on the Lloyd -George budget gives it his hearty support. That is the Bishop of Here- ford. He told the Lords that it was a social welfare budget and was based on sound finance. He warned the peers that the answer to an appeal to the ballot would be so decided and unmis- takable as to prevent any attempt of a privileged class upon the rights of the people in the future. • • If Kaiser Wilhelm wishes to win Bra Cale confidence, he knows how to go about it. Great Britain was willing to suppert a scheme for the general res. toiction of armaments, but at The Hague Germany did not become enthus- iastic; over it. But perhaps recent events have had an enlightening effect on the Kaiser. Be eould win the blessings of his own people and stop a criminally wasteful competition in national arm- aments if he would declare himself. But will he? 44 4 A noted Kansas City gambler died the other dey, leaving a will in which he directed that efforts be made to undo the evil which he had done in his life- time: "It is my desire as far as possi- ble," the will reade, "to tepay every per- son, man, woman or child, any argon which I may have won from him by gambling daring my lifetime, atul I die tect my exemetor to make efforte to learn their mutes and reimburse them to the full amonet with interest from the day the money was won!' The no. knowledgment, that his trade was evil is eormilete, if tardy. • • •• Great Britain's drink bill is decreaa- trig, The Wend Revenue Co/imitation- er's report for the year ending Matrell last shows a decrease of revenue from 'Menges of 41,250,000; from beer duty, 4600,000; .and front spirit duty 42.10,- 000. It is estimated that 32,751,73$ bar. teas were retained for consumption in the Unita Kingdom, which, on an esti- mated population of 44,530,990, would give 4, consumption per lima of 20.47 MMus. Blit Siftee 1890 the figures have been getting mailer yearly. Th that ener 30,518,150 were retained for eon. gumption in the thiited Kingaom, whin would give riet mainiftted toesumption per head of 132.ail gallons. It in further ratimated that the population line in. emoted by about 500,000 Oil an avernece yearly. The net teeeipts of spirit duty enneunted to 417,450,300, a &manse of AS249,427 tempered with the met reeeipte Of the preeeding per. Sweet Noble "Well, since coming, any plans have changed a trifle. I still intend to Iteve the Barrison money, but, in addition, I intend to wed. the beaulsome man with whose pictured face 1 fell in love at first sight -he who le expected here this Chriebrues Eve-ey, within the hour. If he falls in love with me, all will be well; if he does not, let him beware; be WW1 never live to wed and give this Bardeen wealth, on width have set my heart, to aeotber-I swear it1" Her reverie Wee ent short by the sound of Airs, Barrieon's bell ringing very itn- patiently, and she turned abruptly from the mirror and glided Otto the adjoining apartmeut. "My dear Flerlee, why are you not at the wiudow to watch and warn rne Of my nephew's approach?" she exeleimed, fretfully and bertably, adding: run so nervous -so anxious about him." "I am sorry to have caused you one impatient moment, my dear Mrs. Barre - son," said Miss Austin, in her low, smooth, musical voice as she took up Iter position at the window. "You shall know when a see 'lila coming from afar off -it is by no means dark yet." Five, teu, twenty minutes -half an hour passed, aud the hour hand of the ebony elock on the mantel travelled aroma to another hour, yet 'still the handsome laggard came not. The woman on, the eouch, propped up by half a dozen pillows, could illy con- tvol her impatience; the girl standing by the window, as immovable as a mar- ble statue, Was wrapped in her own thoughts. The darknese was now lm. penetrable, She did not turn around; better to stare out there into the dark- ness than be forced to talk. Leaving them thus, dear reader, you and I will go forward a little and dis- cover what had become of the object of their solicitude. We will not have to travel far, for on the outskirts of the hamlet we can readily discern two horsemen making their way through the huge snowdrifts. As the first glance, even in the waning light, We eau see that the foremost rider is Clifford Carlisle, the original of the portrait on Mrs. Bar- risends easel, and that the other is his colored valet. As he advances nearer we can study him more closely. Handsome, beyond all doubt, Clifford Carlisle is, but there is much of the satanic beauty in the dark, • finely chiseled features; the piercing block eyes looking out from -under the straight brows, and the raven black clus- ter e of hair, tossed back from the broad forehead. Xis chin was perfect -artists before now had said so; so was the curl of the jetty, silky moustache -but they did not add that without it the entire expression of his faultlessly handsome face would be so changed as to shock his admirers. His mouth in repose were • just the expression that the artists were wont to paint upon the countenance of Satan himself, betraying- recklessness, craft, a fiery temper, and all the devil- ishness that such sneering eurl of the lip eould convey. But of his temper we are soon to be - Come aware, for even as we take In every detail of his perfect fact and fault- less dress, a fierce impreeation bursts_ from his lips. The black horse he is riding rears eud- denly, terrified beyond all control at the dark trunk of a huge fallen oak, half buried in .the snow, end in less time than it takes to tell it had wheeled suddenly about, throwing his rider in a huge drift, and was rearing and plunging madly about in another and higher stow - bank scarcely a rod ahead. With the fury of a veritable dem* Clifford. Carlisle !scrambled to his feet, andthe volley of curses, loud and ring- ing, that fell from his lips was horrible to hear, In an instant he had snatched something from his breast pocket; there was a report simultaneously with a flash of lurid fire, and when the smoke cleared away Sambo saw the horse that his mas- ter had so lately ridden lying still and lifeless in the huge drift, Black Heron would never respond to his call again. "That is the fate of everythIngehuman or animal, that opposes rue," said the master, coolly replacing his weapon to his breast pocket, adding in the next breath: "Get down; I'll ride tbe mare; you ean trudge along behind," "Yes; merge," mumhlea the valet, scrambling with alacrity from the sad- dle, knee deep into the snow, "but rim got to tell you that -that—" "That -What?" thundered Clifford Carlisle, advancing threateningly a step towatd the frightened, terrified fellow, "That the mare has done cast a shoe, Bah," faltered Sambo. "Curse your infernal black neck, why didn't you tell that before, and I Would have put off Black Heron's punishment until we had finished our journey?" "Pee Was badly it -feared lest you might get raglan an' give her the lash, sah, an' -an' she isn't used to thitt, Mateo Car- lisle; she aM no gentle an' lamb -like -- jest like ft docile little kitten, an' I loves Ladybird so." "Confound it!" mit in Carlisle harshly, without heeding the other's ineoherent words, "of course there is no black- smith's place abodt-there never is one handy it a dilemma of this kind." "I think there am, salt!" deelared Seet- he, hastily, "Pee she! I haw one jes' as we turned into this road." "Lead the way and I'll follow, riding Ladybird," commanded Carlisle and, raging at every step over his ill ILek in coming on horseback instead of waiting for the stage, he at last found himself standing before the closed door of the bliteksmith's shop. "Itello, there!" he celled out loudly and sharply. "This way, smithy -make haste, I sty!" In answer to his salt the wide door swung open, and, instead of the gritty horseshoer whorn he -expected to see, he sew, standing in the full red glare of the forge, a young girt, And the picture, as he saw her stand - Mg thus, never left hire in oll the long years of hie after life. A lithe, gender figures, ettaiglit ae au arrow, in a bright crimson dreee, whose eolor Was heightened to a hoid mass of /lame by the fire of the forge -the settle red light fell opon the fetoe-a rarely lovely one, brown from the Wind and sun, with great red cheeks and a corot mouth, and It wealth of rip- pling hair like a. shower of yellow gold blowing about her fate m it fell in a shining mites to Inas simple woist. "X -.I ---bog your Imnfon," :oda Clifford epringleg from his eaddle and hawing low before this extraordinary vigion of girlish lovelinehe, wondering meantsviiite who she was. "Could emu tell Mie if the blacksmith is About?" • "Ire i$ not," reepoediel the yeting lit a clear, Wed WACO. "(Atandtpll, woe not feeling well, and I tweed hien to :go home hemmer this is 'Clitiettettes Ette-saissuring him DO 'one would be le bond Of hie Servietn, end promieing to day Manna and wetelt the forge meth the fire got low enough to leave the shop in .safety." "Ilow very unfortuuato that ha amulet been gone," murmured; Goirliele, nekli»g: "My horse has loetat, shoe. gave given a fifty -dollar hal if the coedit have had another one-eny king of 4 one tacked on, that; I might gee on to the end of ma journey. Without it she will refuse to go 11, seep, That is ono of her car -one of her odd rtricke." "Would you really give that much to have your horse shod?" eried the girl, breethlessly, eyeing latrie with gloats wide-open, allatieg eyes. "Yes," Ile answered, "the finishing of my journey quickly, as well as my horse, is worth ten tineee that mon to nue" thenking elle intended to go ond fetela the -emithy. "Then I will shoe the hove°, for you - that is, if the arainnti is not vieknts and don't hick." aYoul" exclaimed Clifford Carlisle, wondering if he had heated aright, or if hie ears hod not played leen _some Wok. "Wavy not 7" responded the gelei, :promptly. "My father was a biotic - email evhen he was alive, and My grand- father vim A blacksmith before him, and is one yet. Ay, the best horseshoer, they say, in all Washington. I have often ehod any little Shetland. pony, BeAS, Bring in your home, ear. I should not vobenteer to dee the workaunloe I WAS competent to acomplish la and ,do It well, And. -and -to tell you the trutb, sir, I would love deafly to earn -bleat. meek money to help pay off the .nvoet. gage on the old home,' • Clifford CatlieleSs astonishment soon gave place to simmemeat, and he order- ed &mire to lead Ladybird at onee into the shop. CHAPTER II. Down went the bellows into the rich, heel heart 4-lf the glmving coals; up went the crimson sleeves to the elbow, display- ing the most perfeot pair of arms that Clifford. Carlisle hod ever beheld - he fairly caught his breath with, intense odwimation. • As soon as Ladybird found herself feting ea blacksmith's forge she held ele her front off foot with almost human intelligence, though she seemed almost as amused as her master hod been to Delsold pettieoats lit such a plate. Norine advaneed and patted the emb- ed, silky neck, murmuring; "Ladybird - think bleat is what they called you - you shell be as good as new in very short order," Then, paying little heed to the other two oeeupants of the ehop, she bent to her task without further comment. With etch stroke of the hammer froin that perfect arm, that swung up and. down with the precision of a pendulum, the sparks flew about in a shower of gold, and in lees time almost than it takes to dnetribe the uncommon scene, the best turned shoe bleat Ladybird had ever worn was fastened to her dainty foot by those supple tittle brown, hands. "Now, Me," said the girl, .gravely, "I think you will be able to resume your journey in safety." "I eaten always keep that shoe as a souvenir of this place,. this hour, and you. What is your name?" he asked, abruptly, as he boucle& her a miff bank tote of the denomination promised, add. Mg: "You are a veritable little Ama- zon." "Norinne Gordon," replied the glee, with childleh directness. "You cannot be mooe than sixteen," he cOmmented. "I aan seventeen," she answered, pock- eting the bill with an enthusiasm thet amused him vastly, "Do you live here?" he inquired, shill Iiingening, the impulse strong within him to learn more of her, "Yes," elhe returned; "a mile down the rood over whieh you came." "And you call that near?" he exclaim- ed. "Great heave-nl" you will petish in the snow and the, dorm in tettempting to reach there. I had for rather lose my horse than to have detained you here mita after dark." Nominate laughed such a hearty, rol- licking la -ugh that the very rafters above their heads shook with her merriment. "Spare saourself any uneasiness about me, sir," elle cried. "I am used to the blizzards and the deep snow we have sere. I have any snowshoes here, and I know how to use them to gat home. Be- sides'," elm added, her sweet, red, laugh- ing mouth growing instantly serious 'at was nem' intendea that I should die in the snowdrifts; when I was a tiny bole my mother lost her young life in them and I was miraculously spared; they foundnee closely damped in her coed, aeod teens. My father, too, lost his \orig- in a wild snowstorm !hi. erossing the mountain one nights and they buried him in the same grave that Was dug for my young mother scarcely a fort- night before.' . •"I --beg ten thousand pardons for reealling to your mind such sad memo- riee," feerroured O1 ford Calidiele, rais- ing his het, b.umbly. "Will you try to forgive me?" "There is nothing to Memo you for, sir," equalled Norine, adding, softly: "I ahvays think of my brave young father and in. sweet, haplessyoung mother when I see the told white snowdrifts." • "You tell me your parents are •dead, and yon speak of your grandfother-do ---do you live with him?" Noma nodded her curly golden head. "Yes with my grandpa and titer "old grandma," she replied. "Do you not finel life very dull and lonely," he asked, "spent in the society. of such old people? -you,- who seem so fond of life, brightness and gaiety?" !I am never jowly with them, because I love them so moth," she replied. "Leaa Ladybird out of the shop," tome metaled Carlisle, turning inmetiently to his Valet, who was standing gazing on the lovely little Attazon with wide open eyes and Mouth, as if it were quite Inn possible, boot yet, to give eredence to what h e had just witnessed: Ladybird being shod by a young girl, and eertaiely the sweetest, daintiest, most claiming girl his grtee had ever rested upon. After Samba had obeyed his command, Clifford Carliele still lingered. "I shall be itt this viettlity for th fort. night," he murhutrea; "may I hope to see y(111. again? Please be kind and say yes," What was there in that low, thrilling voice, in the &some of those dark, bril. lama mesmeric veto that stirred slightly the unetwokenea heart ira little Norine's breast! She flushed as atop 0, crimson as the drene 1511,6 Wore) and her hige blue, childish eyes fell before his edger, burtt. ing glatnea "I always octane here to the shop to Wait for grandpa and Occonlemay hthtt home," she stareniered. then J shall gee yeti again, lit. the Notine. I Wee Angry enough at Leely. hied, When X tonna she htnl must a, slime Now X think there vim 4 fate in it. Oth. erwise I might hove emelt to the mapClicst 10 f of 114143v and left. it SVIth011t, toeing ti, vivid blutilt•suffiteed the love. ly,, girlish Mee. She was *Matted, be- wildered, conitteed; no one had ever spleen to like that before, She did. not know how to answer hino "Au invoir, but not good -by, Norine," he whemered, taking advent ge of her rhildisluiese to addrese her thus famil. lady; "farewell uutil we meet again, which shall be soon, if 1 ceo have my way about it," And. with these words Ito turned and walked quickly out the dingy glop, the darkness without hastily swallowing him. Norine stood quite still on the same spot on whielt he had left her, gazing vacantly into the glowing ,coals, owls gazing thus the moments flitted b,e un- heeded. Site did tot notice that the coals, oue by olio, were turning to o dud, mho gray, 404 that the old shop was growing bitterly eolU, inal-that the wind was rasing aud blowing with demoniac) fierceness outside, and the drifts were piling themselves higli against the door which the handsome stranger had. cloeed so hurriedly after him The girl eniglit have stood there for long hours thus-unconselous of the flight of time -Jost in a strange, sweet doydream-had not her thoughts been rudely broken inth by se band falling on her stealthier. With a little cry, Norine darted back, "Is it you, Joint" elm extent:I-tea; 'how long have you been here? I -I -did not see you some in at the deer," "Nor did I oorue in by the door," an. swared the tall, stalwart, broad -shoul- dered young man who stood before her. "I came in by the window, 1 wonder that you did not hear me when I opened: it; or feel the cold air. The snow has completely blocked the door since -since -that stranger left. It's easier to take you out through the window than to 'shovel the tons of snow away from the door. But, to onswer your question, I have only been in the shop here about two minutes, but 1 was standing outside of the window 411 the time that stranger was ht here. Who le he, Norine?" he asked, abruptly, "How in the world should I know?" retorted the girl, petelantly, "What was he talking to you about so earnestly after he paid his bill?" he asked, watehing Nome's face uneasily, for there was an expression on it that he had, nevem seen there before, "The weather," laughed the girl, jocu- larly. "1 do not like him," said Joe Brain- ard, slowly and thoughtfully. "He is the grandest gentleman I have ever seen, and as liberal as LI prince," said Norine, enthusiastically: "look at thebill he geve Inc for shoeing his pony," and she held up before his startled vision the fifty -dollar bank note. The young man fairly gasped for breath -gulped down a. strange, choking sensation that rose up suddenly irt bis throat, and cried, hoarsely: "You should never have taken that for shoeing las horse!" he cried. "You knotv it was uot worth it, and he will think he owns you, body and soul, for your ac- beerting it." A sudden rush of tetra's came swiftly to the girl's eyes, "Oh, Joe! -Joel" she sobbed, "you - you 333£1k0 me`feel as though I were a thief -taking -what was not mine. He offered that much, tassel, I thought it no harm toe take It." "If you will put it in the fire, I-1 will make that much money up to you by New Year's. I've got the job of the village post office at last, and you shall have the first nueney I take in from the place. A bill that he has carried seems like a viper lying in your hands. He is such a wicked man," ' "Why do you sety that when you do not even know him?" flashed out Norine angrily, her sweet young voice growing strangely head and. cold. "Beceuse I saw him shoot down in cold, blood the mate to the horse he brought in here, and the curses that fell from his lips hoorified me, man thaugh I am," Norine turned white' to the lips, but she made him no anowee. "Come," he said, "your grandporeats sent me to look for you when you did not come home as soon as they thought you should. They will be wor- rying every moment. Come, Noriue." Without another word Norine put on her cloak and hood, allowing big, strong, faithful Joe, who was aIvenys about when danger menaced her, to lift her through the little narrow window. "It is the wildest night eve have ever had, Norine," he cried anxiously. "I will beat down a path and you must follow close in ray footsteps. Alt, but it is in- tensely cold, and growing colder. She was always so frolicsome, so mer- ry, but tonight gay little Norine was strangely quiet, "aVas that a eigh from her lips," he asked himself, stopping short and turn- ing around anxiously. Then, forgetting the rigid discipline he bad laid out for himself to follow, he cried solicitously: Are you weary, and very cold, Norine, darling ?" There was no answer, and with a startled cry he turned and groped his steps backward through the snowdrifts and the rialdnighe darkness. Yee, she had e, ak down, unconselous, overeome by the exertion and the bit- ter cold. With a cry that welled up from the very depths of his heart, he caught her up in his strong orms and. strained her to his breast, faltering hoarsely: "a will save you, my little love whom I have never yet told the story that has been growing ineiny heart this Many' A year. Ay, 1 will save you tonight or perish with you." And ha did just what ' her hapless yetnig mother hadstione long years be- fore --tore off his coat and wrapped it about her -then turned, facing the teeth of the gale with the precious bur- den Which was dearer to him than life itself strained close to lite throbbing breast. Step by step, foot by. foot, through the great drifts reaeltieg high above his Iteod, he made hie way with dogged per- severance. The bitter gale Beenied to pierce him to the very heart, tuvn the blood in his veins to lee, and hang millstones about ,his feet, "God paid nie the strength to get flbtic Marine home," ha muttered, rais- ing his haggard fttee to the darkened skies above; "but," he added, with bit- ter fieteenese, "I would rather she ebettila .die here told DOW in any Arms theta that-thett handsome stranger einteild ever mese her path again, for - Idennieeft pity mei-they evere faseinoted with eitelt other at first sight, / reeta it itt the feted of both as 1 Wateliedtherie in agony through the dingy shop who Sudaenly through the darlowee he sosv a glimmering light ,ulierule tnid lie beetel the old etnithy',s voice cattiest Ile gave beck' one strumming shouts then bie herdic !strength and enrage /seemed suchletly to leave hitt, ond he fell fortrerd, Mee dew -ward, dill elettp- Ing lds burden, in litter meeeetiesittile. (To be emadartiedd 110 Suffered From A Heavy Coldt Pleuritic Pains in Side—Con, stant Coughing. " NERYILINE CURED QUICKLY" "Anyone thatheixa thvough all that I suffered last winter will appreciate the value el it remedy that euree like Nerve. JIne enred nue" These ore the opening words of the ;solemn deelaratiou of la V. Von Hayden,. Gm well-known violin - lets of aliddleeon, "My work kept Inc out late at night, and playing itt sold &ate, platen brought 011 a severe sold that ;settled on my chest. 1 had it heads raoleen'oueh and severe pains darted • - through 1111, sides toul settled In my Faroe:Mere. 1 ivied f ferent iniments, but noun brohe up my cold till I mad Nerviline. 1 rub. bell a on my neck, attest and shoulders, morning and night, ima all the pain diseppeartd. Realizing that such a heavy creel Irld run down iny hastem, I took Ferrozone at tamale, and wao eompletely built up one etrengtheued. Since. nein Neeveline I have no more or pleurisy, ned en- joy perfeet heath," - It's because Nominee eontaine the west mut most healing esoeueee and tatedicheal principles, bemuse it het the Power of sinking through the pone; to the leernel of the pain -these are the reasons why it brealee up.eolels,. cures Melba -go, stiffness, neurolgre, Retake, end rheumatism'. Refuse any sobefitute your dealer may suggest -insist on Nets -Mee only. Large 25e, bottles, five for $1,00. Sold. everywhere, or The (74- tarilazone Co,, KingstOn, Ont • . - Oat's Peculiar Sense, A.ecording to it note in the Scientific Americans la Fritz has discovered that the damestie eat possesses t peculiar or- gan of sense, consisting of a few tang and stiff bristlen or feelers, which spring front a region of the skin richly furnithed with nerves in the vicinity of the wrist joint of the foreleg. These or- gans,. caller "carpal vibrissa," hod previ. ously been found in numerous animate, an:hiding ehdents, edentate carnivore, the lower quadrumenctoond liyrax. They are found chiefly in animals whieh hola their food with their forepaws, or which craw) and climb. Thus they are want- ing. in the tinplate, with the exception of Hyrax, and also in the apes and mon- keys, which possess, in their fingers and palms, notch more delicate tactile aud prehensile organs, It is remarkable that they are also wanting in the dog, in which animal Feltz las soiaght them in vain. NERVILINE CURES CHEST COLDS. ...........••••••••*•••••••••••11.!•10 Do you trap or huy Furst I am eanada'o largest dealer.1_pay highest prices. Your shipments solicited. I pay mail and ox. press charges; remit promptly. Also largest dealer in Beefhides, Sheepskins, etc. Quotations and shipping tags sent tree. JOHN HALLAM, TORONTO It Pays to Go to Scheel. The table prepared by the Massachu: setts State Board of Education shows the weekly eaoniegs of children who left school at 14 until the end of their twen- ty -Bah year. Those who left sobbed at 14 began at $4 a week and at the end of the twenty-fifth year were receiving $12.76 it week. Those from the high school began at $10 a week and at ie5 were receiving $31 a week. The total earnings of the ele- mentary schoolboy ill the twelve years were $5,722.50, while those of the high schoolboy in the eight years Were *le 371.50O-Educationa1 Review. Minard's Liniment Co, Limited: • Gentlemen,-Litst winter I received great benefit from the r:se of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT itt. it, severe attack of La Grippe, and I have frequently proved it te be very effective in cases of Do &notation. Yours, W. A. IMTCHINSO'N. BEHIND THE SCREEN. " (Harper's Weekly.) A negro preacher in it Georgia town •weei edified on one occasion by the re- cital of a dream had by a member of his church. "I was anireamin' all this time," said. the narrator, "dat I was in Ole Satan's dominions.. I tell you, pahscm, dat was shore it beta dream!" "Was dere any white men dere?" ask- ed the dusky divine. "Shore der was -plenty of 'em," the other hastened to assuee the minister. "What was dey a-doin'?" "Ebery.ote of em," was the answer., "was P. -halal& a cullud pusson between him an' de fire!" • • • Minard's Liniment Cures Garet in et • cowt. 4 • e - The Usual 'Way. Thtee WOulett had started to cross the An ea them and quielelt watildteO sottrestert, v cried "toot!" One hurriech erne tarried, one beat ftAnd so poor auto had no plate to scoot, -Cleveland* Plain -Dealer. Red, We'''.---"4"Atc., SI, envy , Wittory leyee. Relieved I3y Mttritte Eye Remedy. Tty lAtiritie Vol' Your Rye Troublea YOU Murine, It Soothes. 5fic At Your DrUgglets. 'Write VOr Bye Books. P'ree, Alurine Nye 'Remedy CO., Toronto. Constant. Mother -Is it possible, Harry, that you have eaten all that eake without giving a thought to your sister? Ilatry-Oh, no! I thought of her °V- ery seeoncl.h1 Was afraid all the time that she woula some before 1 hied eaten It up. -Life. EXTREMES IN VENUS' One Half in Sup, the Oliker in chilling shade,: To have the time hendepliere exposed everlastiugly to suulight while the oth. ie in perpetuity turned alttab tttusb eallSe it state Of things of which we can form but faint cooception from 11,11at ws know on earth. Baked for aeons withoub 1eteula and still baking, the suowarcl face must, if unshielded, be it Topitet sue - passing our. powers adequately to pov- bay. And unehOetlea it must be, as eve ishall presently see. Reversely, the other enlist be A hyperborean expanse to which our polar vemons are temperate abodes. Per upon ooe whole henriephere of Venus the sun never shame, never so muck as peeps above the star.stucided horizon. Night eternal reigns over half of her globe! The thought would appall the most intrepid of 0531' arctic explorers, and prevent at least everybody front go- ing to the pole; or rather what here re- places it, "through the dark continent." . . It exemplifies the eventual effects of a force in astronomical methanits, the importance of -which is only begin- ning to be, appreciated: tidal friction, It has brought Venus as it worla to the deathly pass we have contemplated to- gether, Starting merely as it Make up- on taer rotation, it has ended by des- troying all those physical condition which enable our own world to be what it is. Night and day, summer end win- ter, heat and cold, are vital vicissitudes unknown now upon our eider orb. There nothing changes -while the centuries pass. Au eternity of deralily deathless- ness is Venus' statuesque lot. --Dr. Per- cival Lowell, in The Popular Science Monthly, IF YOUR BABY IS SICK GIVE BABY'S OWN TABLETS The little ills of babyhood and (had - hood slionld be treated promptly, oe thez may prove serious. An oecosional,elosr of Baby's Own Tablets will regulate -the stomach and bowels and keep your little ones well. Or they will promptly restore health If siekneee mimes unexpectedly. Mrs. Lenora M. Thompson, Oil Springs, Ont., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets fer erre little girls as occasion required, and have found them always of the greatest help. No mother, in iny opinion, should be without the Tablet." Sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents it; box from The Dr. Williams! Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. he • The Test. It is easy enough to be pleasant When life goes 011 like a song, But the man worth while is the man who can smile 'eVlaen the telephone rings and he ans- wers it and says "Hello!" and the operator says 'What number?" and he says, "The bell rang," and she says, "No, it didn't." -New York Evening Mail. • _ • BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum- mers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instrutions. Send to money, but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances; are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine dif- ficultiessby day or night. When the Skyscraper is Plumb. The skyscraper mechanic tells how they see it everything is all built and balanced to the fraction of a hair, and this is not done entirely by high mathe- matics, as some professors might sup- pose. As it building goes up, one way of telling if everything is solid and straight Is to hang a big plumb bob, weighing a hundred or so pounds, on it steel piano wire, fastened to the top and dead cen- tre of the building, a spot found by crossing lines from the corners of the building. Of course, the least give in the foundation or fault in the steel would show at once by the hanging plumb bob getting off centre. -New York Press. Kidrseawor Vereocarsag ?— If they are you are in danger. When through weakness or disease the kid- neys fail to filter the impurities from the blood, treiuble bowies at once. Back- ache, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gravel, Dia- betes, Gall Stones and the deadly Bright's Disease are 801116 of the results of neglected kidneys. Dr, Morse's In- dian Root Pills contain a most effective diuretic Which strengthens and stimu- lates the kidneys so that they do their work thoroughly and well. Try /Z1 r. MIctoreatek's Ina ism rit Ma -et Mit 1 es ••• A Good Business. • There was man in our town And he was wondrous slick; He didn't strive to Wit renew Or try to get rich quick. Instead, he sold the recipes For fain° and wealth to got And now he lives in gilded ease And's never known to fret. -Binghamton Age -Herald. M InarcPs Liniment Cures bistemper, VELVET CREAM. One pint cream, whipped dill, add one tund onehalf tablespoonfels of gelatin, Soak the gelatin in a little liot water until dissolved, One teaspoonful of vanilla, sugar to toste, one-half manful of chopped pecans, oneekalf slice of candled pineapple eat up, one-half cupful eamlied cherries chopped. Stir all together and mold, • 441 Minaret's Liniment Cures biphtheria. The manly Matt. "After you've been two 'weeks in the house With Otte of those terrible handy men OM ask their wives to be sure and 'Wipe between the tines- of the forks, and Old know just how much raising bread ought to have, and how to hang out a wash so each piece will get the best sum it real joy to get bath to the ordin. try kirta of it man, Yee, 'tis sol" Mrs. Gregg finished, with entteli emphasis. "X went a tttan who 81lOrtia have cense about the things be's utettnt to have Oense about, but Viten et mutes to keep- ing holm, X like him real helpless, the. Way the Lora plasma to have littil" His Timely Question. Ilrideht, ' !aid Pet, who WO Well versea lit the strays ni asennem "Whitt it oonetn Christmete, whet would ye loike Ls talc* &ova to the tholes ekehanger Hatper'e Dozer. ISSUE NO. 49. 1909 meets you half.way—does ail your 'work la half the time and at halt the eost of Other soaps. Sunlight Soap—absoluteiy pure—sayes clothes from hie Jury—hands from roughness-. life from drudgery, 4 .0. lb a tlibuhau .1.=.1••••••••IOMIIIM•011.10/10.10.1. Expelled From Church. Conference was held at Sweet Home Church No. 1. on the 9th inst., and the only business of interest tran- sacted was to exclude Brother R. I. Batten from the church, It will be remembered that the Holy Junipers, who took possession Of the church about a year ago, never could get ginger enough into Brother Batten to melee hint 'Jump ,Tim Crow." I will write some more next weelt-R. I. Batetn, -From the Whiteville News -Re- porter. weeper Soap Is delightfully refreshipg for bath or toilet. For washing underclothing it Se unequalled. Cleanses and purifies, Honesty in Adveetising, Antony tliedsteps of progress to be re- corded an our young national career are the increased honesty and diminished dishonesty of commercial advertising. The pleasing improvement in "dry goods' advertising has Teethed the re- markable degree of at least one mer- chant setting forth the relative advan- tages and disadvantage sof two articles offered to the public. This Brutus of business says, concerning one kind of raincoat, that it is "not absolutely wat- er -tight," though "proof against any .ordinary shower," The other kind, he tells you, 'as water -tight," but, since the body's heat and moisture do not escape, this accumulation or secretion "dampens the inside of the coat, be- sides making the wearer uncomfortably hot." Is it not rather a new thing for o trader to pay money to it newspaper for telling the public the defects of things lie wants to sell? -Collier's Week ly. • 1 • Glass Water Pipes. Class water pipes eovered with rtsphalt have been in use for a long time in imme parts of Germany with sueeees. They give thorough protection whist the en- trance of gases and adds. Thbmirox ONTARIO 15 GROWING F48'4buy geburben /0th viltile they aro low. Dundee; lore 21x 100 for $'7Z and teewarde. Tenne-r; down and L pr Week, Write, for booklet A. -Burke s Co., 204 King Street east. SliEEP FOR SALE. Oneerenenhelanooseseonesneeehheasweenee Dorset Horn. Sheep " AND PoUed Apgus Cattle Breeding BIM+ And Ewe Lambs for Safe Als0 Two YourIK DOH* Write for Pricee rOP5.1ter FaT3211 OttkV il to , Qat, PEA.Cla KISSES. Have ready twelve flue, ripe peachee, Pared and, halved, Bail one pint ef smear and a.elf a pint of water tenth the situp is brittle; try it by dropping it. little in, cold water. It should break with a snap when tested. Dip the halved peaches, ono after another, into the sirup and set away On an oiled di811 to harden. While tidey are hardening whip the whites of four eggs ;stiff, mix lightly it five table- spoonfuls of blanched and finely ehop. ped almonds. Drop itt large spoonfule an a pan of boiling water and enok for it Minute Or two, then lift out carefialtY with it shimmer .and place on is large plate until time to serve. PIII emelt of the peach halves with the mixture, rounding the tops slightly, suet serve cold. Delicious. *45 Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Origin of Aviation. A. London bus driver has settled the origin of aviation. As he drove over Waterloo bridge a guest of wiud wItip- ped off a passenger's hat and carried it in ft graceful flight over the parapet. "It's over, all eight," said the bus driver, "and that's just 'ow that there aviating business was invented, A Ger- man bloke' ad 'is' at blown awf like that and got the idea." . I/ ure quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat awl - 25 cents, He Knew About It. General Leonard Wood, at a dinner in Newport, praised it souffle°, "Good cooking is it boon to maws kind," the General said. "Wo should none of us feel above it, none of use men or women. I am rather in sympathy witla the bitterness of Scroggs. "Mrs, Scroggs, after it very unsatis- factory dinner, said, shrilly; "'When you married lauseyoung man, you didn't marry a cook!' " 'Well,' saki Scroggs, and his tone was very bitter -'well, you needn't Tub it in.' "-Washington Star. •••••••••11.1n.N., Thia FlNEt AIR RIFLE, tickeled Ideal barrel, peep sights, polished walnut etc.*, shooting BB shot or darts with sufticient force to kill birds, squirrels, etc. Boys, this is the best Air Rifle made, and we give it to you PRES for selling 8 boxeo, only, of Dv. hlaturin's Famous Vegetable Pills, at 25o. a. box. These Pills are the best remedy known in all newt of weak and impure blood, inditestion, etoreach troubles, constipation, nervous diseases, rheurna- thaw:boa. end your name and address plainly written, and we will send you 8 boxes of °erring and 8 Pitney Pies to give away, as a premium, with each box sold. When you have Hold tho 8 boxes, send us the money $2.00 amid we will, immediately, send you this handsome Air Rine. We do net ask any Money before the Pills are sold atid watako back what you cannot sell. Address—THE OH. MAIM MEHICHIE CO, Dept. 57. Taranto, Ont. THE BEST WOODEN PML Can't Help But Lose Its I -loops arid Fall to Pieces. You Want Some. thing Better Don't You? Then Ask for Pails and Tubs Made of EDDY'S 1913 E Each On a 4(did• Hardened' Lasting Mass Eddy's Matches Without a Hoop or Seam Just as Good as 411111•001•11M. - • .• N.0*`•h°,1,-*:, 616.1 LAMM aseataaassataaapheddheeoh Thi. isetefiN;I'lltimlar bledV afatTtir Wg;giallbitriPy°1A'Itili2i)iiie, cpirocnoptr,<A,14: Eg Prolitithh: VOZhajii:tnedeiticti:Eyroeu!nitagnYlillhatier=1,4:1a Tglef:air1 V only 8 boxes of Dr. ligatUrin ti Famoue Vegetable Pills, at 25e. a box. A grand r emody and cure for weak and impure conditions of the blood, hull- gestion, stomach troubled, constipation, nervous disorders, diseases of the liver and kidneys„ tn rheuatism, and Female troubles. A mild laxative, Grand eonio and Lite Builder. They are, easy to sell as each customer buying it box of pills, from yon, receives, at the same time, it nice fancy Piti, 'which we send you with the Pills. Do not miss the chance of your life, Don't send any money -Only your name and address, at one°, and we will promptly sendi you by mail, postpaid, tho 8 boxes of Pills and the Pins. When sold, remit to us thu $2,00 andl we will send you this handsome Violia *to. just as repreeented. Write to -day. Address: THE DR MA TURIN MEDICINE CO., Dept. 156. TORONTO, oNr 4the v.v.: • Gold Finished Watch Decorated Tea Set This elegantwatch,ladlea or gents' size, stem wind and set, fancy engraved gold finished eases. is a num beauty. We Will send you this Watch GUARANTEED PLR TWBNTY lEAJtS, ABSOLUTELY PonlyElialf.00youwWorlitittscolfl high grade collar Mit- tens at 10c. per mod (4 buttons on each card). These buttons are very fast senors. write to -day and wenn' send you 5 pack- age; eel' them and return the motley and win thIS LITTLE BEADTIt WATell. And you den also Win this LOVELY TEA re6Botre rmiledEr. without having to sell any COBALT GOLD PEN CO., Dutton Dept 19. Toronto, Ont. HANDSOME WATCH FREE. A Geste or Ladies Sella Gold Watelt Omits Use) $23 to $301 Do hot throw y4dr 100nlY14w4Y4 If you dea sire to tecure Watch 'whit% to keep time and lad well will be equal to any Solid Gold liWaattlikhaBgrenedo nate artIltn0abmoreer gilttyd,dorie;11:.1114111114rlaititt emotes Vegelebla Pills, at 266. box. They aro the greatest remedy on earth for thh cure of poor - And itilpttr6 blood, indigestion, bead.whes, toneti- patton, Mavens troubles, liver, bladder and kid- ney dionses, Ned all female vreaknesses; they are the Greet Bleed Purifier and invigorator, it Grand Tti hoot:14mo fitikrteesda oichlemtel loyd ttoro. es,Willit.411w.rtaihrtietwlitti 11 kit et it -hewocet teanonent_dt oqn,le liwfeatietvli 6DeneciiO3,tomuletivbeit.loBbortoxdelz Yovot5itr bottled! rA.,:vityovuonhajautt:Tnall.drototo ME aoldr.; tlhverifr;on et yt the ?AM day tne money is %welted. We are Oleg Otago beautiful Watches to advertise out itemedlee. We is it grand opportueity to ite. tuts it valttableWatelt withOnt hay/eat* spend it tern. And oUr Watch is it MOM Wind ontl atom Set And not the Auto back wind artittle seenhan tottrisemadiderrueetret brifte.bdittAfbttlitt "Itt lefEnlis 1C8r1M‘tb CO., *fetch neut. 20 utodo, woo*** •