HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-12-02, Page 7T1.14: BRITISH CAMPAIGN. telieve That Lord LallSiOW110'S Motio 'Wilt Carry., Enth 'Sides. Think They Will Win the tooting Elections, Lord Morley' to Speak The Dutioa to be Collected. New Yorks Nov. 2K -A cabte +vetch to. the Sum from London eaye: With:al oratory hos rieen to a )11gber plaue till* Week than has beim leached. iet this. eountry since the height tsi the home rule (midis. The wenches in the House of Lords intve been both stately and statesmanlike. The gravity and far-reaching, com- plexity of the ettuation luivo brought out the traditional. MreneM talene ot Lettish politied leaden!, whites many had began to think had perielied with Ileaeoltsfield, John Bright, Wil- liam Gladstone aed Lord Salisbury, •No doubt any longer remaies that Lord Lansdowne's ameadment refusing to approve the laulget until it has been submitted to the people. will miss on Tuesday by an averwhelmieg majority. The national campaign is already in 011 swing, a condition which in it - vett is on unusual feature In this coutitry, where Governments usually go to the country on only g forteightee notice. But this time the cauvass will Met for folly seveti weeks, as. the elem Goa will probably take place in tee third week in .laintary. ?Sir. L N. Ford, in a despatch to the ihu ms, may' sr "The otos t diverse opinione are held respecting the eon- eceitemees of the aetion of the Lords in bringing on the Vrisiti. One of the best informed men in Perlinnieut tells tilkt, at hem! Ca bine t, which wile falling to. pieces, has been re- united; that the petty is running over s wiik fighting spirit, and that, with the new eonstitutional question to discuss, Nittory is certain by a majority "of be- tween 100 and 200 over the Unionists anl Nationaliets. One of the principal tnssanizers on the Conservative side in - forme me that the debate in. the Lords 1104 euormously improved the chances uf the Opposition; that the massee tetnnot be interested in an alistraft ques- tion relatieg to the rights of the two Houses, and that Air. Balfour will obtain a majority of 40 to 50 over all feetions on the simple ime of chang- ims the fiscal system, supplying the un- employed with work and reducing the direct burdens of the taxpayers. "Equally conflicting are the views of time:bents respeeting the fate of the House of Lords. Radicals tell me that tlet Lords will be deprived of the pow - or ot suspensive veto on finance and gots:nil ana either will be mformedP by. the hostile' popular Gltanthee or abolished attogether-a course whieli the more advanced members of the•c a billet are already said to favor .Well-informed Conser- vatives, on the 'other hand, assert that the Lords "niave the people behind them„ and that their onnsual action will be condoned, because they are delivering, the nation front ruinous eonditions of finance. These prophets admit that Mr. Balfour's first work, if he returns to power, will be the recon- stitution of the House of Lords on the lines of Lord Rosebery's report, but they affirm that the high standard of this week's debate has deeply impressed the canary, and that conditions have enanged since 1832, when the 'whitened House was cone.picuous for ineptittide. Their argument is that the Lords are now relatively .stronger and the Com- mons Weaker than they wore then, since one House bee been improved by fresh blood and the other has been degraded and vulgarized by contact with democ- racy." LABOR MEN.. latorview Presidmt Taft as to Eis Anuttal Mestage, LORD MORLEY WILL SPEAK. London, Woo. 28.-Viscomot Morley, Secretary of State for India, will re- open the discussion when the House of Lords eon:Voiles On Monday, and he will be followed by Lord Curzou formerly Viceroy of India, providing 'the latter has recovered from his illness. Then the financiers will have their say, Lord Rothsehild speaking on behalf of the Unionists and Lord Swaything for the Libeeals. Earl Cawdor and the Earl of Crewe will make the principal speeches ou Tuesday. ' • It is certain that Premier.Asquith the day after the Lords have divided on the question svill give notice of it motion al - firming the uneontrollea right o.f the House of Commons in reepeet to flea* vial matters. Tbem is a possibility that Mr. Balfour Seal reply to this with an amendment proposing that a change in the By -stein of taxation of such import- ance .should be referred to the people. The Prentier's motion, ot coarse, will prevail, and then it will be up to the Governutent to decide whether the Douse shall he prorogued or merely ad- journed. The decision of the Government in the matter will be of the greatest im- portance so far as the finances of the country arc emmerned, as the only ato tbority now existing for the collection oT the ineome tax, the duty on tea and the increased duties on spirits and to- bacco rests on the eesolutioue passed int- medietely after the introduction of the budget. If Parliament is prorogued these resolutions come to ell end and the collection of taxes will have to stop. If adjournment only is determined mon, the resolUtions will continue in fortes and taxes can be eolleeted up to the time of diesolution. The campaign throughout the country will be begen in earnest ah soon as the clambers have been adjourned. Great meetings of both parties have. already been arranged at ell the big centres, end thoustteds of speekers aed eitnititSe- ere are moneyed to start the work which will be continued, exeept during the Christmas; bolitlays, until the last vote has been polled. . ••,..•••••,, IMPS DROWNED JUST LIKE RATS Gooapets a114 011108 Make Rec4- commendations to .Him, Wasnington, Nov. legreelteeot-silenda- tions for improVieg the toudition of the laboring men in his annual message to leumarcss were urged upon Presideut left to -day by a delegation cot labor leadere. headed by Samuel Cleavers, presideut of the American Federation of Labor; john Wend eleeltreet. dents, JAMS O'Counell, third vice-prosi- dent) aud Frank Mornsoe, secretary of the federatioe„ accompanied. Gomp- ers to the White House. President Cowers oulneitted ,.to the president a nuniber of Matto's. upon which it Wee hOped he Would itet favor- ably. The foremost of whieli coneerned the iseuttnee of injanetions by federal judges, particularly as they apply to personal liberty, anti their use in the settlement of disputee between employ- ers and employees. The exemption of labor organizations from certain provi, stets of the Sherman anti-trust act will be also discussed. The Preeident has practieelly decided that his ineseage to Congress will make uo detailed. recommendations regarding the Sherman Act, His decision, which is a decided change fromhis intentions of a few weeks ago, is largely based upon the fact that there are peuding in the Supreme Court and on their Way to• the highest tribual a number of important eases involving the interpretation of that net, He feels, it is said, that sped - fie reconunemlations from him at this time might be construed as an. attempt to influence the court. Amendment to the eight-hour law so• as to extend its provisioes to controe- tors and sub -contractors for Covernment work was also discussed at the confer- enee. Washington, Nov. 28. -Walter Wells man, whose preparations for a con- quest of the Worth Polo in an airship recently were abandoned, issues to- night a statement in which he analy- sis the narrative of the two clahnants of polar discovery, deelarine that of Peary "precise, worksnanlikO, consist- ent, credible in every particular," and denouncing that of Dr. Cook as "self- wavident and oven deliberate impos- ture." "Cook's story is suspicious both in what it does tell and what it does not tell," Mr. Wellman &clams. "He is generally vague and indefinite, but,. like most inen of his class, altogether too precise at the wrong place, No- where does his story ring true." Washington, Nov. 28, -On behalf of Samuel Gompers, John. Mitchell and Frank Morrison, • the labor load- ers, a petition wag filed in the Su- premo Court of the United States to- day for certiorari respiring the Court of A.ppeals of the District of Colum- .bia to certify to tho nation's highest tribunal for its revision and deter- mination the appeal taken by them in the famous Bootee Stove and Range Company Of St. Louis. Tho petition says: "Tim questions in- volved in this case aro of great public importance, affecting the views and con- duct of many millions of people, includ- ing two million who are by representa- tion made defendants• in the principal afction." The constitutional right of these people "of saying by word of mouth or printed publication to each other or to others that thoy do not propose to deal with the plaintiff or purchase its products" is advanced, and the ' argument is made that several court's had sustained this contention. President Gompers and Secretary Morrison saw President Taft to -day for the first time* since they were sentenced for 'contempt. Their call had nothing to do with the criminal proceedings, however, but was for the purpose of presenting to the Presi- dent A. H. Gill and I. R. Clynes, two labor members of the British House of Parliament, who were fraternal dele- gates to the recent conventon of the American Federation of Laboi'' at Toyota - to, and James O'Connell, Vice-Presideat of the American Federation. GOT MEDAL „ Kingston Man. Honored For Rescu- ing From Drowning. Tilegaon. Ont., Nov. ell morn- ing, at the Royal Nlilitaly College, lion, NVio. 'ratty, NI. P., presettted W. F. shin. inidge, on employe,. at the College, nith a litmus! medal of the Illumine Society, for eonspientrue billvety d;splayttl by him on two oeette'oris, in les. ;ming people front 'drowning. In the ear - her pelt of the ermine' he esetied BISHOP DUMOULIN Denounces All Kinds of GaMbling, Also Bridge. Between 20 and 30 We Theif la RaiiWay Wyatt. Great Hood Undermined Railway fititige hi B. Ca -.see; WANTS DIVORCE Bread Wagon Driver Touched Live Wire and Died. Vancouver, 11. LS, Nov, e8. ---Speeding through a howling sturin in the &till: - nese, while the neople of Valle iuvel and New Wee t as ter siumbeled the long Sueday inotnin root, gellg' ofe japaneee traek laborere who had turned out to repair the ravagels Great Northern Railway had suffered during the worst niglit'e weather in years went headlong to death, the oridge ueer Salvo -ton collapsing. un, der the. weight of the heavy wink Livia, At least twenty aad perhape r ty n f o r tuna te • J apenese a re re- ported dead, mid others more ur less eeriously injured are in the hoepitai aere aud at Westminster. The train left Vancouver in ths inorning at 5.30 and reached Sappos ton at 0.15% Tee, train. easees by a bridge over Use Burnett River, and a .itetry faxid had submerged the triads on both sides. The tram was in tin' swirilies waters almuet before those on board. were ;more the bridge had been reached. Locomotive 450 with Engin. cer Bea t ligor at the throttle end Fireman Kent in the eels, nasseti oxer eafety, but the first ear, verrymg the heavy road-makteg apparat crashed. 1110141 int() tee torrent', draggipg the engiue trum one elite a lid the ear loaded with the inee 011 OtliPr into thO 'MGM Alany of thoee on lsoard were- eu- tangled in the wreckage tied Were drowned witho it • it cleinee fur then dem Others woe tilted outrie,ht. Three white men, the eugiueer, the fire. man and Cenductor Ellis, escaped, the two former with slight injuvikti. A white man named Davis was injured and is now in the ValleollVer Iloepital. Three bodies recovered cm tide side of the river have been brought to l'aneouver, five Nut ed lave bsen teken eu the Aletnorial Hospital, while 111,. rte inainS of the other dead aad others o. Ole injured have Iseult taken to West• it -duster. The Burnett River carried some poor, battered bodies out to the. Fraser. Within ten minutes. of the time the newS reached. 'Vancouver ' rel c f brain, with Dr. Monroe on board, wit,: On the way to the scene, and ecery- thing available was done to sumer the living and recover the dead. _LS wreeking train was brought .from Ever- ett, Washington. The (treat Northern line between this eitY and Westminster is out of commiesion to -day. Paseengers arriving from Seattle were traneferred to the electric .cars awl passengers tot Seattle tomight were conveyed in the sante way. The a -ad -dent followed the worst rain storm since 1,834 Front 7 o'el-oek Saturday the rain - poured heavily, incl much damage was 'done in the elgy environe. Volldwing a washout the intergn ban electrie railwass only one tine of rails is Use. By a washout on N'inth avenue a house was carried from its foundetions. The Ce P. R. report washouts and mud elides at peinte be- tween the coast and the mountains. Charlet; E. Pearce, a driver .for bread delivery waison, while stepping 'eto the premises in the rear of Glos- sae Lodge, a boarding-house on the earner of Georgia end Burrerd street,: en Saturday night, tone:lied a nee wire and Wait instantly killed. A telephone wire that had snapped during the day touched a high-power wire, convetting into an instrument ef death, lt druek the metal breadbaeket deceamed serried, electrocuting him instantly. He was 30 yenre old, and leaves a widow -and two children. Toronto, Nov, 29.---A convention for the deepening of spirituel life cot -mem - ed in the city this morning, under the Auspices of the Amglican Churches. The first of the eervices was held br St. jams Cathedral, with Bishop DuMoulin, of Hainiltoe, as the preacher, During the course of his sermon the bishop con- demned race teack gambling and stork gambling. 1Te was particularly severe in his arraignment of men and women of position who attend. the raeo track and of society women who spend most of their One playing bridge, OFFER TO TORONTO. Construct and Operate Subway and Radial Railway, ' Torohto, Woo, 20. -In a letter received by Mayor Oliver this morning Watson, Smoke, Chisholin i1s Smith, a local legal firm representing a eompeny, make an offer to tonstruct, maintain, aod oper- ate a subway and redial railway lints for term of years not to exeeed the life of the Toronto Railway Company's franchise. The clients are business men here of undoubted respoosibility. --- A SUDDEN CALL Drops Dead While Talking Marriage . to tlis t iancte. Montreal, pow., Nov. 29.-Aletx Keit a young railway contritetcps died muldenis en Saterday night while diecussing tin -date of his maninge with his affianeed Miss 'Stone, of this city. Mr, Keit was about -33 years old, a son of isene .Keit a well-known contraetor, aml but a few days ago returned home lifter eminent ing a oared cif bia oNVII 011 the 'anti dian Northern iit the Queliee distriet. was at Miss Stom.04 home taking some boy who bed from f 0 telaqui to;reelimente utter a these, When he [ride's whet e he b deely exelaimeil, "'My God, my heart 1 In A uguet he rceetiel two men wits 1.1 1,-beretiog," and a moment later fell cleat cape Ze TOM a beet, in the mem of Ms intended bride, i 1 .•-•• HOT FOR HUBBY. Bullet in Leg of Husband Alleged From Pistol of Wife. EvlOyn The* te Seek Anaulment of Mattiag HaSn4. Seen the Color of Hartyie Mon4 Shico .1000. New. York, Nov. 20.---sievoisling ;we, sey,qe Thaw, wile paid a visit to her husband, Harry N., Thaw, at the Nfatteall'all Matte Hospital for the Crime Ida] inenne on Thursday, she haii ed her devoted wife eareer definitely and foite eis and presently will ...start a suit for an annulment. of their Marriage. "t went to see Thaw on Thauksgiv- hips" site said yesterdtty. at her hornet No. 31 \Wet. Thirty-third etreet,."at request, after Ile had mitten thtett ot four pathetic notes. Thasv was waiting for Me ie the general reception town, and We ShOOk hands. ellien he mid: "'You'll Imo to give up your hat and 'neve to at eheaper pee, My trnsteee are going to send a sheriff for the final- " yeti mean to tell me,' 1 asked, 'that you're not even goieg to leave me that juelt?' "-Ilia's right,' he answered, "Phere'll be it truck backed. up in a any ur two. Pie a bankrupt and my truetees want the fureiture fo the benefit of my cred- itor.' o "'Look here,' 1. replied, 'what Mutt of tut giveretre you,anyway? Most of that furniture 1 bought myself and the part you gave me isn't worth the price of cerrying it doneistairs.' "ror the next fifteen minutes we were conveesatienal goats, leaping front crag to trag swithont getting to anything' de- finite. Theo 1 put it right up to him thet I Was supposed to get $70 a week and that 1 hadn't seen the color of any of his money since last June. 1 wanted to know how aboutethat. " Itere, Thaw,' 1 said, Tye been pretty decent to you all the way through, but this is getting monotonous_ I beg to remind yon that I rented my Mitt alion (wive for you, and now alt- parently you're prepared to set your trusteee after eie mitt give me the worst of it. All rignk if that's your last word, Pin going, and 1 take pleasure ding you good day.' And then 1 went. "I think that the time has come for Me to °nage a lawt.er and institute a Atilt fm- an annulment of my marriage. bave no income, and 1 nom hi debt up to my earK and 1 faney 1 shall have to move away from liere soon. They took my piano the other day. 1 hadn't the money to pay the instalments." • •-••••-•-+' 444-4-6-4-•-•-•+++-4-4-•-•-* •!••••• Music at the Polls Biemingliam, Alas, Nov. 20. - Bands of music were placed. at each a the four voting plaees In Birmingham to-tlay to drown out the prayers and singing and pleadings of the w -omen and children who gathered early to influence votes for the consti, tutional amendment for pro- hibition. When the women be - gait _singing and praying the bands struck up. Business in Birmingham is practically sus- pended to -day. Police guard the polls, nroekville, Ont., Nov..23.---Domestle troubles between the proprietor of the Windsor Hotel and his wife led to an attempt upon the life of Ilerbert C. Baker to -day, hie wife, it is alleged having directed three revolver shots. lilm. ova of which lodged In his thigh, directly beim the hip. Barker, it is said, after visiting Toronto foe the Ottawa-fleanilton football match, went to Monteral, whence he returned a few days ago suffering from the effeete of a debauch. Lee; night it is stated that he handled Mrs. Barker rougbiy. To -day, when he attempted to leave tho hotel against the wishae of hie wife. she Is reported to bave threatened his life if he made a move. Ile ignored the warn- ing and the woman, it is said, opened fire mon him et ebnee range as he was going downetaIrs. The bullet took effect In the log. Bethel' ran through a rear door into the yard. Ao he dieappeared across the yard leaeing to a side street, two more shots were fired with no effect, Darker immediately left town, going to Ogcleneburg. N. Y., Where he is thought 1.0 have lied hls injury dressed, the extent of OW. le not knowni here. So far no arrests ham been imule, • * eee WAS ARRESTED While Walking With His Wife in Ont„ Nov. 20.- -Jobn a well known young man of this city, who ims bemt working recently at Po- waeson, war North Bay, and rammed. to the city on Friday; was arrested here while in 'Company With his wife on the street on a warrant tbatging him With the theft of a coesiderable eura, of motley and .clothing from a felloW cent- panioe there. An officer came down and took him back to -day. He is 28 years of age. TWO DROWNED. jkomm•••••••••1., • Brother aud Sister Lose Their Lives Near Gravenhurst. •46-•• WAR MONSTERS British Lay Keets of the Orion and the Lion Wat4hiP The Lian Will bethe Most Vormid- able Criiiser Afloat, tolidoit, Roy: iteei plates of two monster warships, tint Orldn, tho improved Dreadnought battleship, and the Lion, the cruiser battleship, were laid to -day at Portsmouth and Devon- port, respoctively. The bulk of the material for both vessels is reedy and all arrangements have been made ter their completion, within two years. The construction of the Lion will mark a notable stage in the evolution of the cruising. battleehip. She will haVe 70S000 hoaepower while her im- mediate liredeeesson- had 45,000. She will diepleele 21,00 tons and het. length will be 700 feet, constituting lier the longest man-of-war ,ever down, What .is knOwn as her "run. Of .thielt" indieates all inten- tion to equip the duistir battleship with ten 12-rdeli gone, tbus plaeing her as regards armament ori art equity with the latest battleships. She will have probatly a nominal speed of 27 knots anlhour. Gravenhurets (Mrs Nov, 29. -The first -drowaing accident of the season occurred Fraeklin's Bay, Sparrow Lake, on Sat• urday night, about 7 o'clock, when Mary tlia, aged 15 years, and. her brothel, Daniel (Sill, 13, lost their lives. The twu were %tiling with a number of othets on the lake, when Me ice gave way, letting. thent and. twkf ether youttg people, Alik, Mary Jones and Cyril Gib, into the ley water. Cyril Gal managed to get out end aesist Miss Jones, and -also hie sister, on to the ice, but the latter again tiroke through before she gat to ehore. Sir Hugh. Gill, the father, is a highly re. epected resident and. farmer of Spar- row's Lake, nod the double fafrtality was a great shock to the whole heighborlt;om The bodies were recovered a few hems after the eceident. The funeral will take place to -morrow front St. Paul's Chureli. tiraVenhUrSt. 1 ORR • REMAI4DED. Niagara Falls, Ont., Nov. 29.---Itobert Edsvard Lowrey's hired Man, who was placed muter arrest last evening, charged with assaulting Losvry, appear- ed before Magistrate Fraser this twit- ing, The crown asked for remand of eight days, pending. the math of Mr. Lowrey's Nellie!, witieh Wes granted. acmes Hamill" a C. r. v.. firemen. im in the 'Vancouver Genetal noapitai with several bones in his face hap, fractured, MINERS DEFEATED At Glace Bay, Say Deputy Minister of Labor. HURT IN FIGHT. Edward Lowery May Die as Result of Injuries. One of His Hired Men Arrested on Suspicion. Nitomra Falls, Nov, a -Edward Lowrey, aged 30, President of the Quecitelon QuorrY cotopeuy. ano ono of the liellYSL Melt lu the Niagara Peninsula, Iles et tho PoIllt of death, Hobert Orr, Ills hired matt, le eloarged wile wisttulting hint with italcut to do grievous bodily harm, Orr Was arreetee le -night 11 loopector et Proviacial Police W. 11. Attains and Ontario Officer McNamara. Ile will be arroluged before Magistrate Fraser to -mor- row. Since November 18 Mr. Lowrey has been unconscious. lle ho.a Veen tumble to speak a word which would •Urrow any light on tho affair. Yeeterday, as a lost resort, the Ser- ious operation of treplitulug was Performed by 1)r, Bingbam, of Toronto, assisted by 'Meters Kellam, of this city, McCoy, of St. Oatilarities,-and Duggau, oc DaY104. The sku I wet treplititea, stud the loci:don dis- closed grave degetteeation of the brain, calm- ed by the fermation. Of a. bided clet. His con- raencioolueri; us and little hope of his, John McGee and Robert Ort', it appears that From the statements of the two hired men, Meelco and Lowrey quarrelled tho ;noble on the moratug of the eighteenth, McGee refused to do zome work, and hot words were exchanged between moister add man. There ,,was a fight, during which the men wrestled and bath fell on tho conerete floor of the barn, with Lowrey's head near the home' feet. Tne man arrested, Itobeet Orr, states he Wfle et:outing, during the quarrel, nem" the struggling men, busking corn, and be did not take part in the fight or strike Lowrey. Seeirg a piteliforlt nearby, which, he says, ono of the fighting men bad threatened to tme, he tuned to put it out of the way, and on turning round again Ile StLNY the horse kick Lowrey. McGee also etatee that the horse kicked the injured man. From the statement of McGee, the pollee are satisfied that he could not have struck the blow whleh may tause Lowrey's death, end he was relea.sed after a very lengthy examivation to -day. Orr's statentent does not heap the hall work of probability, Tho doctors say tbe wound on Lowrey% head could not have resulted from the kielt of a horse. They .affirm. that the blOw was struck by a hard, blunt instrunieut, Ottowa, Nov. 2.8.-F. A. Aclaud, Deputy Mulder of Labor, who investigated tho ton- ditious in NoVa Scotia relative to the strikes et the cool mines brought about by the nutted mac woreaea os America. save: " "That the strike at eimce Bay appears to bo practically broiten, but military force is likely to be retained ear wino time to come. "At Inverness the striko is still more de- finitely broken, and military protectien still considered deeirable. There is a con- siderable number of men 011 tho netted Vine Workels' relief lists, "At %wing Hill no attempt is made to work the mine, and operations are appar- ently at a ....Let.a.and_stAll foindeifinite period, with the proense of worst results to the in- duetry end connnunity cementer." TAKE HIS SEAT. i!k••••••IM...M1, Mr. Wilcox's Majority in Nerth Essex Was Eighty -Four. Ottawa, 'Nov. 29. ---The Clerk of the Crown in Chancery has received from the returning officer in North ItISSeX the official deelaration the election of Mr. Oliver Wilcox by a majority of 81. Mr, 1Vileox Iney now take his seat in the Commons. TORONTO CONVICT 3uspected of Robbery at Palls Put Up Desperate Fight. Nettm in Thief 1 000QQQQQ0C000000 ,C47.400 George liViltellire of Lausiug, aged 14 years. who neeisloieally sit'a ilittiself, died as the result of Itle injitries, Edward 'aides" Samboutile, Who elite (petted Sir iloith tenth,' tts chief eartoon- bit for ettneit lit 111014 dangefously AyIntee Ttiwti Caudell has decided to rebuild Me *Ater and liglit plant, dre stroyed 14. the explosion twine IVIeRd ego. • ills,t'S•ertie'.oill•Idt,i°11gtitteo 11‘17)dmedeill'egi4lostitt'lltitttriticl.sd IcilTil.;') ers in Nese York State having ',Lowe of by the Coen of Appeals, all saloonkeep- business wttltin two Ittinttred feet at an; elittreit must More .otiteide the eefarete.. The Crown may -order tile thitilyecie of the spinal Mum. of the late Jlire, Alme- letelactu, of Cxbridge, alleged to hove been poisoned lit, iter littelancl. . with dynamite, bee been aqui-tilted by t el1111,17te di vitol. geciS481.1etitlt111111141bilit°,1'14.11'evilalititttlst; Judge Dowilu, of Chatham, whele an its The (heath moored. ott Satulay even. Mg at his hoinci 081 Spadinte eremite. To - smite, of Mr. Walter Diekey, a super - animated offidal of his Majesty's ens= toms. Deceased was in his seiteuty- eighth year. A nexpedition to explore Croekett's Land, the territory discovered by Com- mander Peary in his dash for the Pole, will start next 'Italy, according to Prof. Donald B. SteMillan, who wee. one of the Peary party, The Waterous Engine • Works Com- pany has purchased the Seagrove Fire Apparatus Works at Walkertille, and 'will remove them to Brantford, where they will be merged scith the local worek, which will be extended, ‘ Detroit, Nov. 23. --The polico ye:-terdny ar- rested a men giving the namo of James Wil - 1011. alias Samuel Spencer, ethotu they sus- peetee of being implicated in the 014,000 from the express office nt Niagara Falls, Ont., tome thee ago. To -day, however, they leare- ed that Spencer at the tirao the robbery was committed was serving a term the Oen- tral Prison, Toronto. William Dobson, caeli- ter of the expree.s company, who was struck eevecless by one of the, men, arrived to-daY to identify the prisoner, if possible, but failed 1011(1°wa°s. Spencer's deeperate attempt to re- siet arreet which aroused euspielon. A weraan informed the police that a man who acted and talked suspiciously NOS in the .habit of visiting ber house. Detectives Wileon and 131ack went there and awaited Spencer's arrival. As soon as the •muscular young man appeared Wilson tried to snap liandeuffs on him, bat before titer eould hind Min Spencer teted to mei a revolver. wasp') got the gun fro») his pocket and drepped It eta the floor. Then both officers went nt Spet,cer, and IlteY a hard etrugglo got control j,h)iflii.dele`enetro eiadyt t1111.101ut 88poe.neer effered them p,peeeer had ;113 in bills. A roll of'money tens found above each lame In his under- wear, and there avne more in ble bolt. The MEN AliRIFT. Washington, Nov. 20.--Sinee the au- notmeement that nine men of the gun - lung Marietta at Porto Limon, Costa Rice. were adrift in a gig end 0- whale- boat belonging to that Yew), the Navy Department has remitted no further in- telligence eoneernieg them. They have been missing sinee Fridey night. The Godelieli evaporater feetory was totally destroyed by fire on Satitrday afternoon, The factory was owned by D. F. Ilantlink and wae in full opera- tion at, the time the fire broke out. It is said the gasoline exploded. alieltored halloon sent up Of f ady hook on Saturday at a coutilmatioa or the army's first test of aerial wariare passed unecathed through a fire feorn a eepecially designed for the purpose. bsilitgo.ts in all Were fired, but none While unloadine, a 22 -calibre revolver in his room on 'Sunday night, Arthur Spencer, aged 2e, living. at 133 York street, Toronto, was shot in the head by the aceidental discharge of the weapon. He is now in St, Mielmel's Hospital in a rather serious eondition: It is expected that the first issue of Mr. Henri PottrailSa'S new Nationalist daily paper will eoon appear tinder the caption of "Le Nationaliste." Mr. Bour- assa will be chief editor, and will be as- sisted by Messrs. Armand Lavergne, Oli- ver Asselin end jules Fournier. James Carrell, of Yarker, was fined .$25 and exists, at Ningston, having giv- ,en liquor to a twelste-yeer‘old. boy, The lad was found lying or tho. road, thd rig in which lie came so the city hav- iug broken down, and the farmer cam on to make ropairs. The *youngster was helplessly intoxieeted. Thomas Truss, Mr over thirty years tradgS instructor .tte. the inetitution for the Blind, at Brautford, died on Satur- day. A couple of years ago he attained prominence in charges against Principal G"ardiner's management of the institu- tioti, which charges were later proven groundless at the investigation. The new naval programme to be sub- mitted to the Frenek Chamber of _Depu- ties in January proposes two _Dread- noughts to be laid down at Brest and L'Orient during 1910, two more in 1911, and two in 1012. The disposition of the tuerets of these .i-esseis will differ from the American and British navies. The St. Thomas Street Railway Com- missioners and a committee of the City Council have agreed to ask the ratepay- ers to vote $25,000 to improve the road and equipment and make extensions to the city's railway. There will be $15,000 spent on cars, $5,000 spent on ears, 55,- 000 on roadbed and $5,000 on extensions. Garrett Ingram, aged eight, and his brothor Elwood, aged six, sons of Mrs. Richard Ingram, yeeferday afternoon were playing on the ice at West Lake, Wellington, when they broke through. Elwood. was drowned. His brother was rescued, though in such an exhausted eordition that hiserecovery is despaired The Unmet of the Tratts-Andeau Rens way Was niereed to -day, mad the envie was' made the occasion of 0 great cele- bration at Santiago. The tutted is five Miles long and the highest in the world. The Chalean section woe .opened March 15. 1908, and the work of plot ehig tifiete, Wan einWeeein with tio tieleet ag nt when the Game 'Warden's dog wilted the birde end came to a "plat; fuming' his WO on the box. Phil Allen, Jen., former Irice-Pres$, dent of the Vint Notional Bank et ,oral Point, Wiee, appeared. Woo. Judge Sanbern in the "United State* Distriet Court, ,pleaded guilty to ion; out of twenty-six counts la the Whit, ment aphid him, and was sont4inced to yeartl, At Yazomanie, withi a womall'e serealns foiled a yontitful *bandit's at- tempts to rob the bank Otero on Friday, thing° lionbon, 18 years old, who lino helln working there as laborer, enter. tgi tile hauls selten tile Resistant eashier, AtisS swat alone, When. he pointed a yistol tit her she sereanied and her hies brought help. After several weeks of searching the Brookville neliee on Vriday effected the arrest of George novel. suspected of cemmitting a series of 'lnirglariee sat Summer cottages along the *or trout. The prisoner for years pest halt been liv- ing- the life of a hermit in the woods surrounding Brickville, stealing feed. aud clothing, In a dispnte at Memphie on Friday over a street ear transfer, Conductor J, 11. Lowry shot and killee. two negtmee. The ear IfitS crowded with passengers when Lowry drew a revolver and shot at it negro with whom he was disputing. His aim was bad, and the bellet struck a negro wouian, killing her instantly. Ilia second shot killed the negto man. captive is said lo Wive boested that, Ito es-, the Alidee :Nleantains line nrogree,ed an. taloa front prison, "did a job" with a nal idly. in Canada which netted $1,400 neleee, and David riesplasky, found guilty of 01101 - Art Wee -in -council has been passed Providing -for a fine not exceeding $20 in the ease of anyone foiled guilty of spitting any passenger ear, railway platform or other premises the Government railways, and a similar penalty for suMking in any passenger statiou, ear, etc., other than •in places or compartments designed for that purpose. 'The Milwaukee Sentinel quotes Aid. E. T, a delegate to the couven. tiou of the American. Federatiou of La- bor, recently. held in Toronto, as saying that there were four VOWS as many people arrested for drunkenness in that te an 1 11 Milwaukee on Saturday nielito and Sunday, 110 twi tits tainting that the bars are Sul/I/Peed to be eloeed sneh timee, in that city. Vmmer Common Pleas Court udges Robert M. Campbell end Henry Me- Crtsy hove been disbarred front the prac- tice, of law in Ohio. A special tribunal composed of the Common Pleas Judges. of five neighboling counties found that the estate of the late Mary le Freer was wasted in litigation and exorbitant attorneype fees whilein the courts pre- sided over by judges Canipbell aud Me - Croy. Nine, men are missing from the United States gunboat Marietta, which is of f Port Limon, Costa Rica. The gunboat Marietta yesterday sent out a request by wireless that ships keep a lookout for a gig manned by- a crew of four, and a whaleboat, with five men aboard, whie'h were -carried out to sea in the heavy weather on Friday night. A menet body, found in the river un- der the Waterloo otreet bridge, Strat- ford, on Saturday, proved to be that of Alex. Conolly, of 571 Mornington street, who had been missing since Thursday night. Late thet night ho was seen go- ing in the direction .of the river in an intoxicated c,ondition, and it is suppos- ed fell over the bridge, which is process of reconstruction. Dr. Brenclennum and, Hugo Premise, the two' most daring members of the Aero Club, of Berlin, have' been killed through the collapse of their • balloon "Kellner." Their bodies were found to- day 'near Fiume, Austria-Hungary, Near by Was their balloon--sa large rent in the 'envelope telling the story of their death. Steinheig who recently was aequitted in Paris of the charge of mur- dering ber husband; arrived in London on Saturday, travelling, mitter the name of Madame Dumoat. The woman evad- ed the eeporters and proceeded to a ho- tel. Traced to this place, She declined to see anybody, end the man:leer of the hotel, upon learning her idefittty, re- quested her to leave. She took a train, it 'le believed,. for Liverpool. cononitted a robbery in Detroit by which he Aot e000, Spencer's hair is eut ehort and Ills underwear is thought to be of prison plane. *4* JAP LAND. Aliens May be Allowed to Buy Land in Japan. NORTH MIDDLESEX. vraig, opt.. Not% 29. Niniiina- titre; for ilus vvovieeittl by-eleetion the meth tiding, of 'efiddieeex took pinee to -day lore, Mr. W. Doyle, farmer elid drover. of ;McGillivray, being the 'Commie:Wee not»inco, and Mr. Wm. 'Mitchell, grain merchant, of Parithill, being nominated for the Liberals, ••••••••••••*••• sail FranelsCO, Nov. 25.-A revisiou of Die Imperial lows of Japan, which will extend to Miens the privilege of Ownlug property ln fee simple for 'agricultural and other pur- Poees will bo ate emasideration of the next trente teat is .toustunntated in Japan With an- other nation, according to M. Zemke, pro- prietor of the Japanese Tintea Of Tokio, the close friend of the late Marquis Ito and ono nf the big figures of tbe present Guy life Of the island empire. 4 • sr LEUBSDORF DEAD St. Catharines, Ont., Nov. 29.--B. Is, Leubsdorf, formerly a prominent man - Wachner in this city, Red one of the (Meet Meeems and also connected with the T, 0. 0. F, and A. O. Lt. W., in the eountry. died last night in the :Masonic Home for the Erittedlese at London, Mr. tenbtalorf was native of Germany, and is said to have come from en aristo- cratic family in that country, - '- AUSTRIAN CONSULATE. New York, Nov. 29.- Increasing immi- gration the prairie provinees of Can- ada has resulted in 0 decision lty the Auetrian Governmeut to 44401)114 a eon- -.Witte in Winnipeg for the Provinees of esegitelee, seseseeeeswee, ,elesele and British Columbia. ...•••••.• 4.4 +- CHIEFS SUBMIT. Melilla. Romeo. Nov.e 29. -The chiefs of the important Moroectut tribes of leabyles, nett Beni Side] toslay mule formal tnanniseion to Gen. Marina with much veremony, The 01114.14 melt offered to raise a netive form tend join the Spanish troops against suelt Mors al Weee hOetile, inally aSsaniting several little girls on Nitre street, Montreal, was sentenced to fifteen years in 81. Viecent de Paul Peuitentiary, Mr. ;notice Trenhohne was very reeve in passieg senteeee, and maid Raepinsky should be executed for the offence, but lie took his 05 years of nge into eoneideration and gave hint fifteen years. On Friday IL Otis Blaisdell, of New York, who Amide neW world's record. for 15 minutes' copying on. a typewriter, made a new record at St. Joseph for an hour by writing 0,181 words, or an aver- age of 103 a iniunte. The previous re- cord was =de September 10th NeW York by 'Miss Rose L. Fritz, 95 words. The Sword was made before the Mis- souri Valley Commercial Teachevs' Con- vention. Rev. Father Anestine SWAT, at. as- sistaet pastor at St. Patrick's Church eed senior priest of the community of the Itedemptotist Fathers in Toronto, died at their .eonvent, 141 McCaul street, on Saturday, aged 04 years. Heart fail- ure was the cause of dentit. Wm. McKay., the 15 -year-old Jackson- ville, Fla., boy, who, with Earl Bullock, robbed the State Bank at Eudora, near Lawrence, Kan., on November 110, was 011 Haialtrility paroled by the javenile court. Braltmk eonneittett suicide rather tban,eurremler to a poetic at the time of tbe robbery. Sylvester Dettita, a workmen in the Sliehigan Central yards,. 'Windsor, was etritek by a yard tughie on Saturday, and hurled twenty feet, landtng in a ditch. Iht leas picked op for dead, but revived at the hospital and mey possi- bly teeoVeV. Several ribs were smaelted, his faee and head severely eut; anti he Watt also interually injnred. ettempt to ship Nil nartridgee In a burial ,easted• from Miehigan to Milweit- Lee. ie violation of the game laws, WAS srustrated by a keenitaseil hunting dog tan4ing, Sataday. Dimly Game \Vendee hatritest! it was at tee -railway etetion et llatwoed when a los 4,44444 Three Handled Strikers Ericted ot Lam tioss. 4 44....44410 Ost in the Roin.-.1toliais Toke Places of Strikers. Ludlow, Mess., Nev. 29. -The mods last' night and early to -day added to the misery of 300 persons evicted from tenements owned by the Ludlow *Manu- facturing Association because of a Strike in the company's mills. With. their household effects piled in the street, the owners foetid refuge in the 110110e5 of friends, hut there was no shelter for the geode and lest night's rain caused great damage, The WOek of eviction Was suspended to -day, bat it was announced that on Wednesday the ocenpants of tikteen oth- er houses owned by the company would be ordered to leave. On Saturday tsvelve houses srero emptied. Practically all the tenants were Polanders, Fifty Italian etrikesbreakers wero tak- en to the mills to -day under etrong polite guard, NEW' SPIRIT. Paris Newspaper Tenders Advice to the Vatican, Paris, Nov. 29.e -The Temps considers the discussion of the church question in the Chamber of Deputies yesterday by Premier Briand, who spoke in reply to a speech of Abbe Gayraud, of great importance, since it again emphasizee how, in spite of the wishes of a major- ity of the Freud' bishops,. clergy and the_great body of Catholics, the Church of Rome has refused to reeo,gnize the separation ittw, and contrims to repulse all efforts at conciliation whielt nave been proposed by Parliament, and even goes BO far as to make war on the ynt>lie schools, A new mpirit, the paper deciaree, must rule the Vatietot before a settlement is possible. Tide i.3 evidenced by the refusal of the Vatican to aid in the sttleinent of the church question in France, whereas it stops at nothing to ensure peace ma conciliate the. Clovernments of other cOuntries. .The Temps points out that under the broad justice . of Leo XIII. the situation would be treated with .liber- ality and -common Settee, and con- cludes with tbe n.ssertion that religiotte peace will come When the church re- etriets its energies to relieion. and the French clergy follow tible dictates Isf conscience snetead of intransigeant orders from Rome. E»gaged without a word, Arthur R. Tremanie was married on Friday, with- out a word to Estella 1. E. Tucker, an- other deaf mute, of Derroit, by Rev. H. Sidney Bullock, pastor of Beulah Bap- tist Church, Detroit, befor& many other friends who use the sign language. The clergyman held a card printed. with the marriage promise before the couple, and they subscribed it with an extra flourish and the words "1 aville A despach from Dawson, Gm says: Last night one of the girls in die tele - 'Acme exchange limo worked rather late and Wad afraid to go tiOine alone. The malinger, 11. (I. Gilchriet, of Detroit, Alien., suggested that the negro porter limee with ber as a guard. The seri refesed end told the Other girls to-dly, aml they all struck work. indignant citi sonsicaptured Gilchrist and whipped him until the blood flowed. Be was forced to sign an abjest apology to the girl, v. 01 Nought iti ehipment. HELP RAILWAYS. Prompt Handling of Freight Would Avert Car Famine. An article on the subject of ear sup- ply, which appears in this month's issue of Industrial Canada, has caused. e good deal of discussion. A railway freight official said yes- terday that a careful reading of the. article would show that the Can. adian :Manufacturers' A.ssociatioa had not only made no attack upon the railroads but that it was joinino heart- • ily in the movement to avert °loss to the butiness world, always occasioned by want of car, and conveyed to its members a warning of the inapendiug danger unless shippers and receiver* joined with the railroads in. keeping freight cars on the move. The railroads say that them is really no car shortage at present, and its would seem that the public could aid greatly in preventing one if ears were detained only such length of time as is necessary to load and unload freight.-Mantreal Ga- zette, Nov. 3, 1009. 4 • le David Hamilton, a teamster, was ac- cidentally killed. while ta work in Wilson Spurr's camp north of Maynooth, Ham- ilton was engaged in driving a team, and wits standing at ft skidway, when an.other team drove im to unload. The Mid of one of the logs strode a taanarac stub and broke about twenty feet off the top of it. Hamilton's eoreponions called to him to run, but thinking that, it was his team which was in delver be sprang for the lines and ran directly under the :falling tree whielt killea hini instahtly. The worst wreck in the history of the Mice Albert load occurred on Satur- dey morning, when a O. N. 1t. freight train jumped the track at poiht wa 7 between Donley and Dendarn, and twitIve ears piled up 011 top' of the loco. motive, which Wee -turned broadside on the traits. The fireman was buried inn dor the wreckage and killed, bnt all the other members of the crew escaped, with the .exception of the brakeman, who wits slightly iejured in jumpleg. An English provilicial paper amountee that a novel aml startling fashion iu wo• men's jewelry has arrived in London .froin Paris. This eonsists in the wearing of a light anklet of plaited gold wirS. just ebove the loft ankle, In eeme eases these ankle brecelets are very ornate; jewele etteit turquoiee, coral or mother of pesie wee worked in, mint eop. per witlt tourier beetle is leveler, but io all eases the ornament ie light end Theee queer decorations (met amything .from .01 up to .led. WHITE SLAVER To be Deported by Immigration. Authorities. Wirmipeg, Nov. 20.-A white slaver and One of tho most active leaders of that most terrible organization, has lust been conveyed east under arrest in the person of Max Vander Goethe. Ho has been engaged in his nefarioue occupation for many years, and hos apparently brought innocent girls from Europe to all parts of tho Amer- ican continent. He wa.s arrested ii0V- oral days ago in Victoria by Officers Fiddler and Rose ef the Department of Immigration of the Dominion Gov- ernment, and* was brought to Winni- peg on Tuesday. Ile was confined here itt cell in the basement of tho immigration building, from which he was taken last night to board a train for Montreal. The sum of 5105 was found in his poesesSion, and this sum will bo used to pay the cost of his transpOrtation from Victoria to Eur- ope. His photograph will be sent to all parts of the eountry, so that he can be shut out if lie should at any time attempt to enter again. 4 WAR FOOTING. S. Transports Preparing to Sod For Nicaragua. Salt 'Pr:and:SW, Xor. Secret orders from Washington were veceived at the army quartermaster's depart- ment hero yesterday immediately to prepare the army transports Logan, 13ufford and Crook. The Logan. was scheduled to sail Dec. 0th for Man- ila. The Crook has been at anchOr in the stream for tnore than a. year and force of men was put to work et mace elettning and painting. Tito orders are considered significant in bf the situation in Nicaragua and the orders received by the gun- boat Princeton at the Bremerton Navy Yard to hurry to Cotinto, the Pact - fie port of Nicaragua. .MtN Pticiet THE PACE. Isaac Battier, a well -kennel mid high. ly respeeted thresher, residieg three miles south of Plattseilles met death while returning front New Hamburg on Saturday night with. his traction engine, 'While crossing the smoden bridge -on the Wilitiont and Blenheim town line, it gave way, preeipitating Mr. tattkr and his tiOtt NVilliam With the Singlet to the river below, a dietanee of about I, foot, William fortueattly fell freo of the engine, but the father svae piloted tetelitts. staple% armed with a death tete to the 'bottom. Sie Pere), Fitzpatrick Tells of Otters acterittle Oanadien Traits. toodon, Nov. '28. -Sir Percy Fitzpat- rick, interviewed prior to his departure for South Africa. said: "Canada is riot only a Wontler01 touutry, hut the has Woriderful populetien, full of energy. tottvege mut hope. In Catteda, Men fOrce the pace with perfect ecinfidenee hi the eoutitry itself, And perfect enitfideltm that his neighbor will also 'play up.' So there it% ft go-oltead eommunity, all working together. Nobody eliS down tmetettt to wait for a year or eo order 0 see whether his neighbor is going to Make it fertuttel'