HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-12-02, Page 4Jack Frost
Is jtlst giving no a hint that we should be prepared for
copier weather, for it's surely coming. We've the goods
that insure you solid comfort LI day or night --Ladies'
Fur Coats, Cloth Coats, Wool Wraps of every description,
Mitts, Gloves, Mufllere, Toques, Scarfs, &c. All styles in
Ladies' Muffs, Stoles, Fur Gauntlets, Etc. Also Men's
£suits, Overcoats, Caps, Rubbers, Overshoes, Sox, &o.
Splendid All -wool Blankets—pure, clean and white --
best make in Canada, Also all sizes in white and grey
Flannelette I3lankets -- the price and quality will please.
The largest and most varied assortment of Flannelette --
all patterns and shades, at right prices.
FRESH GROCERIES. --New Raisins, New Currants, New
Peels, New Fruits of all kinds. Teas and Coffees
that are unequalled for strength and flavor.
Highest Prices Paid for Butter and Egge, Dried Apples—present
price 'le, but if any further advance, wo will bo at top,
King's For Bargains I We Want Your Trade
Iwk. I N G' S
The greatest of all holiday seasons. The time
when everyone rejoices. We want Everybody to
come and inspect Our Stock of Christmas Goods
before making your selections.
FURS — What more acceptable than something in
this line. Our stock is all new, and we have .a
choice selection of Ruffs, Muffs, Stoles, Caperines,
Fur -lined Coats, Fur Coats, &c
See our Special Lady's Fur;lined Jacket at $50.00
Seo our Special Gents' Coon Coat at $50.00
DRESS GOODS -- In all the newest shades, and in
plain and fancy weaves
WAISTINGS — In fancy Cashmeres, Delaines, Flan-
nels, Sicilians, &c., &o
GOLF COATS — A fine selection in all the popular
styles, colors, &c
FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS — The largest selection
you have in the different patterns, at prices to suit
everyone. See • our Special OOExcelda," 3 for 25 cts.
Fancy Frillings, Belts, Beltings, Fancy Collars, Laces, In-
sertions, Ribbons, Sachets, &c—Loads of them.
10 doz. Ladies' Vests, white or natural, regular 35e—for 20c
10 doz. Table Napkins, 22x24, regular $2.00—for.......... ..... $1.25
5 doz. Men's Heavy Lined Mitts regular 50e—for 35c
We want a car of Dried Apples by Dec. Ist—lc
WANTED.—Large quantities of Beans, Feathers,
Onions, Potatoes, &c.
Roll Bunter 24c. Fresh Eggs 30e.
(food Goods I
014 Parliamentarians,
One of the most interesting studies;
at the beginning of every Parlicctnent
is to discover who the oldest members
are, for the number of those who were
returned to Parliament in 1860 wheo
Sir Wilfrid Laurier came to power ie
now very rapidly diminishing, The
following is the list of the thirty who
Conservatives—.Mayor Thomas Beat-
tie, London ; R. L. Borden, Tialifax ;
Andrew Broder, Dundas ; Hon, Geo,
E. Foster, North Toronto ; Hon John
G. Haggett, South Lanark ; David
Henderson, Balton ; Colonel Samuel
Hughes, Victoria and iTaliburton ; F.
D. Monk, Jacques Cartier ; Wm, B,
Northrup, East Hastings ; F. B. Osler,
West Toronto; Dr. John D. Reid,
Grenville; Dr. W. J, Roche, Mar-
quette ; Dr. T. S. Sproule, Rast Grey ;
Geo. Taylor, Leeds ; Uriah ]Nilson,
Lennox and Addington ; W. F. Mac-
lean, South York ; 10,
Liberals—Sir Fred'k Borden, Icing's ;
Hon. L. P. Brodeur, Rouville; Jas. P.
Brown, Chateauguay ; Jos. A, 0. Ethi-
er, Two Mountains ; Hon, W. S, Field-
ing, Shelburne and Queen's ; Hon.
Sydney A. Fisher, Brorne ; Sir Wil-
frid Laurier, Quebec East ; Hon. Ro-
ciolpe Lemieux, Gaspe ; D. B. Meigs,
Missisquoi ; Hon. Frank Oliver, Ed-
monton ; Hon. Wm. Paterson, Brant ;
Hon, Clifford Sifton, Brandon ; 0. E.
Talbot, Bellechasse; John Tolmie,
North Bruce ; 14.
The father of the house is the Hon,
Mr.. Haggart wits was born in 1836
and is thus 78 years of age. He has
been in public life since 1867 when he
became mayor of Perth. He was
elected to Parliament in 1872 and has
held his seat without defeat ever since.
He was appointed Postmaster -General
by Sir John A, Macdonald in 1888.
Cheap Prices
that flt you well, look well, and wear well, are
the best in the end, They cost no more than the
other kind if you go to the right place for them.
We have a fine stock of SUITINGS, in Tweeds,
W6reteds and Cheviots, and we make them up in
the latest styles, and use the best trimmings.
The Cold Weather
ie near, and an Overcoat is a necessity, Come in
and see our Meltons, Cheviots, Beavers, Friezes,
&o. You look dressy in ono of our make,
Excellent Values
May be had from 'ns in Fur Caps, Fur Collars
and Neck Scarfs. the prices are an attraction.
The balance of ottr Gents' Farnishinga moat go—
Hate, Cape, Shirts, Collars, TieB, &o,
Robt. Maxwell
Tailor Pae In Who Care
Canada Should Get Hold Of
Enforcing The Law.
Me. James Bryan, Dornielon Gov
er•n:nent inepector of fruit, laid two
charges recently against two Kincar-
dine apple shippers for packing fruit
below the standard. Where have been
more convietious this year than here-
tofore. The government has made up
its mind to stamp out fraudulent
marking of apples and keep up the
A 'Serious Charge.
Mrs, Wilson of Brantford has laid Ji
charge, made in a signed statement,
against the John IT. Stratford hospital
of that city, She went to the institu-
tion to see her husband about four
days after he bad been taken there
with paralysis, Qn examining him
she says site found a handful of mag-
gots on his neck. The nurse partly
admits the story, but there is doubt as
to where the vermin carne from. The
hospital authorities think they were
in the man's flannel shirt, which had
been in a drawer all summer at his
home, and was put on hien jest before
removal to the hospital. The affair is
under investigation,
Capt. Bernier, of Arctic fame, spoke
recently before the Canadian Club of
Montreal, saying, amongst other
things, that the whole of the northern
archipelago has been annexed by hien
as the result of his trip, 4 territory of
not less than 500,000 eguare miles in
extent. He had left a slab on Mont-
ville Island announcing the formal
taking possession of the whole of this
He spoke of the tremendous value
of the fisheries in the north, saying if
Newfoundland came into the Canadi-
an federation, as she ought to do,
Canada would be able to control the
fish market of the world. What Can-
ada ought also to have was the Green-
land coast, now belonging to Den-
mark, which would secure the full
control of the northern fishing
grounds. He thought if the matter
was put before the British govern-
ment by Canada it might be easily ob-
tained by means of negotiations by
which Denmark would be offered
other land in the Pacific in exchange.
He also spoke of the value of Arctic
explorations as a means of forestall-
ing the weather, For instance he was
able to foretell a line open fall in Can-
ada this year, because he left the ice
300 miles further north than usual.
Mr. McBride's Victory.
The Annual Meeting of the Biuevale
(Ibeese and Butter Co., Limited, will
be held in the Foresters' Hall, Blue -
vale, on Friday, December 3rd, at 1.30
o'clock p. m., for the eleotiou of Direc-
tors and the transaction of any other
besiness that may be brought before
the meeting, By order..
JOHN BURGESS, Secretary.
Nor. ---Ladies are invited to attend.
A. lecture on "The separation and care
of cream," and other dairy interests,
will .be delivered by an instructor
from Agricultural College, Guelph,
Brantford Doctors In Arms.
At a recent meeting of the Brant
ford City Council, in discussion on
hospital affairs, Ald. Ward made the
statement tiara doctor bad spoken to
hint of unnecessary butchery at the
hospital with no other consideration
than that of profit. The remarks of
the alderman have'aroused the Medi-
cal Association to action, and in a let --
ter to the press, Ald. Ward was
charged with malicious slander and
was challenged to make good the
name of his medical informant, The
doctors may take legal action in the
matter. It was pointed out that over
30 per cent. of the operations at the
hospital are performed free. .
Honest John.
Mr. John Tolmie, M. P. for North
Bruce; has secured harbor grants for
all the harbors in his riding --Port El-
gin, Southampton, Lions Head and
Wiarton. Kincardine is consoled
with a public building grant this time,
but Mr. Tolmie has something hand-
some up his sleeves for his home town
next year. When asked why all these
grants are going to Grit ridings. Mr.
Tolmie just smiles and looks wise.
He does not want to tell until near
the next election, But the truth is
that Mr. Tolmie is fixing up his har-
bors for the new Canadian Navy.
He intends to build a dry dock at Kin-
(Toronto News).
Mr. McBride has won an over-
whelming victory in British Columbia.
There is no doubt the Ottawa Govern-
ment was greatly interested in the
contest. It was eager to retrieve its
defeat in British Columbia a year ago,
and probably it was only under Fed-
eral persuasion that some of the Lib-
eral candidates were induced to enter
the contest. While defeated, they
will get consolation in the form of
high Federal appointments. The elec-
tion greatly enhances Mr. McBride's
personal prestige and indicates that
British Columbia is decisively opposed
to the Liberal party both at Ottawa
and at Victoria. As British Columbia
has gone, so will go the whole West
in the early future. When the crash
finally comes at Ottawa it will be as
complete as that which we have just
witnessed in the Pacific Province and
as was witnessed in Ontario five years
Meeting Of The Huron County
Tho Council of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will meet in the
Council Chamber, in the Town of
Goder•iclr, on Tuesday, the 7th day of
December, at 3 o'clock p. in. All ac-
counts for settlement must be placed
with the Clerk on or before the above
W, LANE, Craslac.
Dated Nov. 24 tit, 1000.
His Sight Restored.
R. B. Atkins of Fort William, aged
fifty-five, formerly of Owen Sound,
has been afflicted for years with cata-
ract in the right eye, which finally be-
came totally blind. Oculists refused
to operate for fear ~of affecting the
other eye, On Sunday, Mr. Atkins,
who is a blacksmith, was shaving,
preparatory to going to church, when
the electric fight bulb swung against
the eye ; when the shock was over Mr.
Atkins found that he could see. It
appears that the skin burst in the
centre and was drawn back to the
corner of the eye. Mr. Atkins went
thankfully to church and since has
gone about his duties.
The annual commencement enter-
tainment of the Collegiate will be
given in the town hall on Dec. Oth.
Walter Gordon Craig, Toronto's fav-
orite drantatic monologist, has been
secured for the evening and a treat is
in store for the friends of the= Col-
While Mr. Will. Carter, engineer
for the Jackson Mfg. Co., was the
other day aseleting in removing the
fence in front of the former 'Unisons
Bank building he found a jack plane
under the capping of ono of the posts.
It had evidently been placed there and
forgotten when the fence was being
built about a teoro of years ago and
Was .just about as good as the day it
was covered up.
A number of Citizens disgusted with
the state of the principal streets have
requested It1r.W. G. Smyth to again
offer his services as a member of the
council, remembering that It was
while he was Chairman of the corm
nsIttee that Victoria street was n1a-
eadatnized and made a credit to the
town, It has kept in splendid state,
in just snail condition as all the high�
ways leading into town should be #n.
Protecting Sheep From Dogs.
Persons who have used bells on
sheep have claimed much of merit for
them. A good-sized bell for each 25
or 30 sheep in the flock, attached by a
good strap around the sheep's neck
will often protect the flock from dogs.
One of the greatest hindrances to suc-
cess in sheep -breeding is the wander-
ing cur, and any remedy that will pro-
vide against depredations of worth-
less dogs is an advantage to sheep -
breeders. A Maine correspondent of
Rural Life says—There is nothing bet-
ter to protect sheep from dogs than an
old fashioned goat. Those animals
have no fear of a dog and will bunt
the life out of one in five minutes.
Dogs fear them and if they once try
conclusions never want the second ex-
perience. Let every farmer add one
goat to his flock and we shall hear no
more about sheep -killing by dogs.
"PSYCHINE" has restored thousands
of people to buoyant health and strength
whose condition had been regarded as hope-
less. It is a tank and flesh -builder, con-
taining remarkable properties as a blvd
PPurifiel and germicide. It will"Pstrengthen
and..heal the weak lungs, force out the
, phlegm, and drive away lg.—Cough. no
matter of how long standing.
"PSYCHINE" tones up the whole
system and drives out disease, heals the
decayed tissue and restores lost energy. Its
use daily will prevent and ward off that
most subtle disease consumption.
Write for a Free Sample.
Vet Sale by alt Druggists & Dealers, 50c. & $1
1 poi bottle.
LlMrr D,
Jas.Waiker St Son
Furniture Dealers.
did Undertakers
We aro specially qualified tinder.
takers and Iltabaltners, and those
entrusting their :Mork to us nay rely
Mt it being Well det1e Night Calla
received at rosidenes.
Ofil a Peoria 106 Mass Photo 126
� . BELL'S
We keep all the latest music
as well as musical instruments,
consisting of Mouth -Organs, Con-
certinas, Accordeons, Mandolins,
Guitars, Violins, Talking Ma-
chines, Organs and Pianos. Par-
ties desirous of making a Christ-
mas or New Year gift, will find
one of these instruments very
Remember, there is no risk in
buying here. If the machine or
instrument is not all we claim for
it, or not satisfactory to you in
every respect, you may return it
to us, and wo will refund your
Every instrument and machine
strictly high grade and artistic
throughout, and will satisfy the
most exacting musician, besides
being an object of beauty and
Two large ware rooms and an
immense stock to choose from, at
the very lowest prices.
Opp. Skating Rink.-
Has the reputation of being the best
practical training school 'in Canada.
Thorough ceprees have produced re -
suits. Business men say our graduates
are the best and they apply to us for
office help. • Our graduates succeed as
none other. Three departments—C6iin-
niercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy.
Enter at once. Write now for our free
for superior Business or
Shorthand Education is the
Graduates of this College readily ob-
tain choice positions. Tho demand for
our graduates is fully five times the
supply. Winter term opens January 3rd.
Now catalogue rree. ..
Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste. ,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass
and Weather Insurance, coupled
with a Beal Estate and Money
Loaning business.
Office over Malcoltn's Grocery
t'VT1VG11L 1 --- ONTAttIO
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle or clogs to feed for mar.
ket can have it on reasonable terms,
Money transmitted and payable at
par at any flank in the Dominion.
1tAT%::3.$5,00 and under, 0 eta.
$10 to $30, to Cts, $30 to Sao, 15 0t8.
Same rates charged on principal
banking points ID tho U. S.
Agents Ladies'
Home journal
Kerr & Bird
Agents for the
Ladies' Home
"Cream of the West" .Flour.
You're sure to have first-class Bread
if you use first-class Flour. We guar-
antee " Cream of the West."
We Carry a Full Line of the Choicest
Fruits, Peels, Nuts, &c.
The very best New Valencia Raisins, .clean fruit --3 lbs for .. 25c
Seeded Raisins, extra large, new fruit, semething better than you usually get,
1 lb packages each. ,,,10c 'to 15c
Seedless Raisins, (Sultanas) clean fruit -3 lbs for........ ......25o
Extra select Re -cleaned Currants 21 to 3 lbs for 25c
Shelled Walnuts and Almonds, very best quality. Large quantity just arrived.
Enough for all who come.
PEELS.—The best quality Drained Peels—Lemon, Orange and Citron, and the
price is no higher than you pay for inferior goods.
New Dates. --Best quality, in bulk and in packages.
New Figs.—Vgry best quality, large pressed table fruit.
New Table Raisins.—Clusters, fine large fruit -20c a lb.
Mincemeat.—Best , quality, -10c lb or 10c package.
Icing Sugar.—White or Pink.
Cocoanut.... Extracts . Jelly Powder.... Gelatine.... Sweetened aucl Unsweet-
ened Chocolate .... Pure Spices .... Pure Cream Tartar . - , . Pure Baking Powder.
Stoves and
There is all the difference in
the world in Stoves and Ranges
—some are good, others inferior ;
some are a delight, others hard
to manage. Have a talk with us
over the matter before purchasing
—we can help you to choose_ —we
sell the good kind, that work well
and give good satisfaction.
Tinsmithing in all
its branches.
Plumbing receives special
LAMPS — at all prices.
Stone Block Wingham
!'�w IS TBE
New Raisins
New Currants
New Dates New Figs
New Prunes New Peels
Shelled Nuts
And everything ready
for the Xmas baking.
Call and see our fruit
before buying,
Come And Gil Your Share Of Bargains
Men's Winter Suits
These are
all new goods, in latest styles and
guaranteed good fit.
Reg,$11.00, for s8 00 Reg. $15 00, for...$12,50
Reg.' $12.50, for.. -..$9.00 Reg. $10.00, for....$.7.50
Reg, $10.00, for....g8.00 Reg, 0.00, for, ... $600
BOY'S SUITS.—Boy's Suite, odd eizes, from $1.75 up. (Snaps).
Men's Overcoats
13laok Beaver Overcoats, all sizes, reg. $12.50—for $.9 00
Stripe Overcoats, good weight, with College Dollars, reg. $18 00—for ,$18,00
Odd Overcoats from $1,00 upwards -
M n s Pants, reg. $2.25—for $t.95
Men's Calfskin and Dogskin Coats, to clear at $20.00
Ladies' Wear
Odd Muffs and Caps at a great sacrifice
Wrapporettes, all colors, reg. 15c --for l0a
Broken sizes in D. & A. Corsets, straight fronts (new) reg. 75o and
$1.00—for 500
All our Broadcloths and wove Venetians to be cleared out before
• Xmas. These goods are 51: to 56 inches wide, 7 yds. in each
piece. No two alike in Blue, Green, Brown, Grey, Wedge-
wood and Amethyst. Reg. $1.25 per yd.—for •, $1.00
One only pure Botney yarn, snit length, reg. $1 50 per yd.—for. .$1.25
Guaranteed Mobloss Taffeta Silk, in Navy Blue, Brown, Cream
and Black. Reg. $1,15 for
Oatmeal in 90 lb, sacks
Raisins (good) 5 lbs. for.'
Vigil, new. per ib
Guaranteed pare cane Sugar, in 100 lb. saoke, (wish)
$2 75
Canned Salmon, No. 1 Red Salmon, reg. 18o per can 150
Black Tea (in bulk) reg. 85o—for 25o
(ask for sample)
Bring along your Ponitry, dry plucked,
Goose and Turkey Feathers wanted.
Butter, 24c. Eggs, 30c, Dried Apples, 7c.
Flour (4 different kinds). 'Bran, Shotts and all Grains always on hand.
T. A. Mills