HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-11-18, Page 5A
Is what you require. Guaranteed ab-
solutely uushrinkable, and your money
back if a garment proves otherwise.
Complete range of sizes in the dif-
ferent lines in stock now. Come and
see them,
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
oN+...iris 44••••••••••••••••••••••••
Goal Goal
We are sole agents for
the celebrated Scranton Coal,
which has no equal.
Also the best grades of
Smithing, Cannel and Do-
mestic Coal and Wood of
all kinds, always on hand.
Residence Phone, No. 55
Office " No. 64
Mill " No. 44
We carry a full stock of
Lumber (dressed or undres-
sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Barrels, etc.
Highest Price Paid for all
kinds of Logs.
The Laymen's Missionary campaign
was opened in the Methodist church
last Sunday by the chairman of the-
hedistrict, Rev, J. E. Ford of Lucknow.
The W. R. Thompson Co. is putting
a steam engine in their flour mill, to
help out when water in the river is
low. Steam will be supplied from the
boiler in- the sawmill.
The McMillan farm, 9th con., was
sold this week to Chas. and Robt.
Dickson of near Hanover. Possession
will not be taken by the new proprie-
tors until a year from next March.
A wedding reception Tuesday after-
noon, at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Fred Wocks, 2nd line, was in connec-
tion with the marriage of Miss Carrie
Ernewein, a sister of Mrs. Wocks, to
Mr. John Farrer, both of Formosa.
The marriage took plaek in the R. 0.
church, Formosa.
Fell Asleep In Church,
,l'esaie Wilson went to sleep in the
Anglican church in Walkerton, and
was locked in. When she woke up
everybody was gone and people were
gone to. bed. She raised a window to
jump out, and While getting out, the
window fell on her dress and held the
child in mid-air, neither in the church
nor on the ground. Her screams
brought a neighbor and the Town
Constable, and they rescued her from
the unpleasant position.
For Preserving Children.
Here is a receipt proferred by Mrs,
Oliver Turnbull, of Grey township, for
preserving children;—"Take one large
grassy field ; one half dozen children
all sizes ; three small dogs ; ono long
narrow strip of brook, pebbly if pos-
sible ; mix the children with the dogs ;
empty them into the field, stirring
continually ; sprinkle with Qeld flow-
ers ; pour brook gently over the peb-
bles ; cover all with a deep blue sky ;
bake in a very hot sum ; when the
children are well browned they may
be removed ; will be found right and
ready for setting away to cool in the
Are You Sleepless, Nervous ?
Two horrors crowded into one life—
the product of poor digestion and a
poisoned system. There is just one
cure for this terrible condition—plen-
ty of food—but mind you, fond pro-
perly digested; that's the difficulty,
to improve the digestive power of the
stomach, Get rich, nutritious blood,
strengthen the system and drive out
poisons—then conies vitality, endur-
ance, power, Ferr•ozone does all this
and more, it makes sick people well,
weak people strong, changes "nerves"
and insomnia into robust health. Take
Ferrozone and health is yours. 50c at
all dealers.
How It Worked.
A dairyman in Michigan found that
each of his cows were returning him
$10 per year. for $28 worth of feed.
He began to study the situation,
which led hire to a change of methods.
More palatable foods were provided,
a silo was built, he grew corn for fod-
der and silage, and fed his cows regu-
larly and all they would eat. The
cost of feed increased the first year to
$38.47, to $39 the next, and to $41 the
last year, but his returns had also in-
creased proportionately; $90,16 per
cow the first year, $92.70 the second
year, and $100.16 the last year.
This In Toronto. •
Tho Daily Star says that Toronto
is the only city of its size on the con-
tinent that has more churches than
barrooms. It adds that there are also
more banks than bars, and that the
open banks and closed bars on Satur-
day evenings are significant of the
changing opinions of the age.
A Change Expected.
When the Ontario Legislature meets
again it is said an attempt will be
made to alter the law with respect to
the standard weight of bread. An
effort will, it is asserted, be put forth
to have the legislation, passed as a
result of the interest taken by Mr. W.
S. McNaught, M. P. P., in the ques-
tion, so amended that the 20 -ounce
loaf will no longer be the standard.
The proposal is that bread should be
sold by the pound and that the pound
loaf should be the standard loaf.
CUTS and bruises are often very obstinate in refusing to
heal. The edges of the wound remain inflamed and sore,
and there is a daily danger of disease -germs settling on the raw flesh
and giving rise to serious complications. Thus, neglect or improper
treatment of an injury, be it a cut, burn, scald, or even a simple
scratch, is o menace to life.
In cases where wounds refuse to heal quickly, nothing but
Zam-Bak will suffice if the skin is to be made to grow naturally and
perfectly once again. Zatn.Bu:: rubbed gently over a'wound has the
remarkable effect, not only of rendering the wound proof against
disease -germs, but of growing new skin -tissues.
Theis Zam-Buk heals wounds In a perfectly natural manner, and
the possibilities of edema and other torturing skin...diseases are
entirely prevented. Possessing rare medicinal properties, Zam-Buk
accomplishes what ordinary ointments and salves never can do, and its
ever -ready character, constant reliability, and
absolute purity, render it distinct from all
other preparations. If you dress your cuts
and sores with iam-Buk you will never be
troubled with " the wound that would
riot heal."
Of all ),etiolate atzd .icing tri 5r) cents a
bu.r, or thrte for
?neff'0'�. s41
Send tl,i* ,oupott tvtitit
le. !tu"p to rover rrtnrn
poOngel to III. Zant•Rrl:
Co., (ot'"lr, Str.`rt.
lanais. and tree tr:ai
boxtvillb'01 ,.Iatonce.
• curs•
-sodas BURMS-
'� Y' p11Eet'PtMPLES•EC7.EMA
'j7 .d✓rSDRS suoSa8ACKs.c.soPED ittHDS :y
u/:CQU.tttEOpoo CAlCKEr£RS,
Cycwsrs.f0ortvaL PLAyCAB'
a SPOArSh.17. Ci? dRAtlj� tJ
Township Clerk 5o Years.
It is fifty years since Mr. Duncan
Campbell, of Hanover, was appointed
clerk of the township of Bentinck,
a position he has filled with much
efficiency for the whole half century.
The first meeting after his appoint-
ment was held in Durham, and it be-
came a desire on his part to. celebrate
the fiftieth anniversary of his appoint-
ment to office in the same town of
Durham. Permission was asked from
the town council to grant the use of
the council chamber to the council of
Bentinck to hold their next meeting
on the 15th of November, when the
event will be duly celebrated. When
the first council meeting for Bentinck
was held fifty years ago, the western
half of 0e Durham was then part of
for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down
Persons, and to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and
Bronchitis, is because it combines the two most world -famed
tonics — the medicinal, strengthening, body-building elements
oo Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron, without oil or grease,
tastes good, and agrees with every on%
We return your money without question if Vinol
does not accomplish all we claim for it.
J. WALTON IVIeKIBDON,'Druggist, Wiugham.
tk.. '$ �:: 1, n•.a.v y -.«:F1.: �...i':f.rt•rQ,' ..Sriht� :�':Cv.,aa,5..`..�z G� 1 F
Is Your Chest “Wheezy ?"
Tightness and wheezing means your
trouble is deep-seated. To delay is
dangerous. Inflammation must be
drawn out at once. Rub the throat
and chest with Nerviline, and put on
a NerviIine Porous Plaster. Relief
comes in an hour. The counter -irri-
tant effect of the plaster relieves tl e
tightness and strain, draws out the
soreness, eases the pain. The .pene-
trating qualities of Nerviline enable it
to soak to the very core of the trouble
and you experience a feeling of
warmth and relief that proves the
danger is past. For weak chest, sore
throat and tendency to colds, the Ner-
viline treatment beats all others, try
Educational Changes.
The Education Department of the
Province has under consideration the
revision of the Public School system
of Ontario, and the new regulations
will be ready to go into effect at the
opening of the next school year, Sept.
1910, It is learned that while no radi-
cal changes will be made in the list of
subjects taught in the Public Schools,
very material improvements will be
made in the direction of giving more
attention to the chief subjects, such as
reading, spelling, writing and arith-
metic. There have been general coin-
plaints that with the increase of sub-
jects taught in the Public Scbpols,
these fundamentals of an education
were gradually receiving less atten-
tion, and that the old-time "drills" in
spelling, mental arithmetic and other
branches of the •curriculum were fast
The well-known Hair Goods
'Artist will visit
At Brunswick Hotel
Friday, Nov. 26th
During this visit he will be showing the
latest Parisian and New York styles. You
are particularly invited to call, inspect and
try on any of these creations.
The Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee
For Gentlemen who are bald, is a head
covering, far superior in both style and
durability to any other manufactured.
At the present day over 90,000 of these
are in use throughout Canada and the
United States. Call and have free
The DOREN-WEND CO. of Toronto, Limited
The Youth's Companion abounds in
stirring stories of adventure and hero-
ism, One may describe an escape
from accidental peril, another a
strange encounter with wild creatures
—man or boast.
Many of these stories are tree as to
facts, and only disguised as to names
and places. A score or more of such
atoriels will be published during 1010
in addition to nearly 200 others• --260
good stories in all, and no two alike.
nd this is not counting the serial
stories, which it is believed will be
considered byoId Companion readers
as the best he Companion has ever
published. •
Every new Canadian subscriber will
find it of special advantage to Send at
once the $2.00 for the new 1010 Vol-
ume. Not only does he get the beau-
tiful "Venetian" Calendar for 1010,
lithographed in thirteen colors and
gold, but all the issues Of The. Com-
panion for the remaining weeks of
1000 from the time the subscription is
Companion Building. Boston, Mass.
New subscriptions received at this
Total assets of over thirty million
dollars are entrusted to the custody
of the Bank of Hamilton.
Your Savings Account Solicited.
Olt Thuraday last there were unload-
ed at the Clinton yards seventy stock
steers which are said by observers to
be the "nicest, most even and beat lot
of stockers ever Brought here..'
Mr. Elliott's two stables went up in
smoke and Mr, Arthur Oantelon's is
badly wrecked, It appeared for a
time as if St. Joseph's Church was
in peril and the hose was turned upon
it until all danger was past.
Two small children, a son and
daughter respectively of Messrs, W,
Elliott and W. MeClinchey, had a
narrow escape on Monday. They
were playing in one of Mr. Elliott's
stables and their fingers getting cold
they secured some matches and light-
ed a fire among the hay in the loft.
Mr. L. C. Fleming, county secretary
of the Huron Young Men's Associ-
ation, has been appointed one of the
five associate editors of "Rural Man-
hood," a rnonthly magazine devoted to
county work of the Young Men's
Christian Association.
Inspector Asquith was in town on
Tuesday handing out the yearly par-
chment to the licensed victuallers and
taking in the sheckles for the last half
of the year. For a six months' per-
mit the five local hotels pay no less a
sum than $875.
Mr. Arthur Cantelon expects to
complete this week his contract for
the waterworks reservoir and his
work looks good. Mr. Cullens has
25,000 feet of a total of about 33,000 of
the mains laid and is expected to finish
tip the work in about a month. All
of the 8 -inch pipe has been laid, what
remains is some 0 -inch but mostly 4 -
inch. The gas engine has arrived
from England and the gas producers
are expected towards the end of the
BRFN �i0
C 0 F
For Every Meal
_ At breakfast with porridge "Crown
Brand Syrup" is delicious..
Used with plain puddings or made
up with pastry, odd scraps of cake,
etc., it snakes a delightful after dinner
At supper it is just the thing to eat
with bread and butter, toast or biscuits,
is syrup at its best and in its most
delicious and wholesome
It is prepared in a perfect
manner from absolutely
pure ingredients. It is far
ahead of all other kinds iii
deliciousness of flavor and
perfect wholesomeness—
don't you think it's worth
while insisting on "Crown
Brand Syrup? "
Your dealer has it for you in
4, S, ro and so lb. air -tight titiS
with lift-off lids, Order some
to -day
''ivories t 5A
The Edwardsburg Starei Cola
vSTA.ALIBX4Tilt) 1858, 1•09
nXt4Ar„ Ont. Ofileea t M01•11111 144, 'O and )nm -tryout)
Brussels creamery may run all win-
ter if satisfactory arrangements can
be made.
Big clay pigeon match in Brussels,
Wednesday and Thursday, 24th and
25th insts.
Ten cars of sugar beets were loaded
this week at Brussels station for Ber-
lin factory.
First Monthly Horse Fair for this
season in Brussels will be held on
Thursday, Dec. 2nd,
The License Inspector is after per-
sons on the "Indian List" who indulge
in the flowing bowl as well as those
who supply liquor to thein.
Rev, A. C. Wishart, B. A„ has been
asked by the Evangelistic program
committee of the Presbyterian Church
to spend three weeks in Paisley in ad-
dressing evangelistic meetings.
Duncan ,Stewart Sippan, formerly
well known in Brussels, carpenter,
was killed in Toronto on Monday of
last week, by falling from a building
on which he was working as a car-
Despite the trumpeting by Have-
lock that they had won a great vic-
tory by Brussels refusing to pay off a
tie, (an agreement to the contrary by
the captains being acknowledged) the
Association declare the allowance of
the match by the Referee of Have-
lock as incorrect and ask the teams to
play off the tie on neutral grounds,
date not yet set.
We are Agents for Parisian Sage,
and we know the Guarantee
Is Genuine.
J. Walton McI ibbon
We are busy selling Coats and Furs,
Reason ? Come " and see.
DO YOU KNOW ! We carry the largest
stock of Coats and Furs. Seldom outside of the
large city stores do you find such an assortment
of Ready=to=wear Garments. Buying in large
quantities we get the Lowest Price, and Our
Customers get the benefit, buying the Right
Goods at Close Cut Prices.
We're selling Furs of relia-
ble quality. Every Fur must
be perfect in every detail to
give proper satisfaction.
The styles must be those
that Dame Fashion calls cor-
rect. The fit and finish mast
be perfection.
Ladies' Coats.
Big Stock to choose from.
In counting our Coats for the
Ladies, Misses and Children,
we found we had 175. This
means considerable selling.
are reducing them daily.
Move quick and get one.
Ladies' Heavy Coats.
SEE OUR PONY CLOTH GOATS.—They're lined through-
out. Some at special prices $9.00 & $10.00
good length ; Broadcloth shell ; a very warm and stylish
Coat. Our prices are $20.00 & $25.00
LADIES' FUR -LINED COATS. — All kinds in stock at
Special Prices. See our Marmot Lined Coat, with Sable
Collar. Full length $35.00
RAT -LINED COAT.—Fine Quality Broadcloth Shell. Deep
Sable Collar. Regular Sixty dollar Goat—bur Close Out
Price $50.00
H. E, Isard & Co;
Parisian Sage, the quick -acting hair
restorer, is guaranteed—
To stop falling hair,
To cure dandruff,
To cure itching of the scalp,
To put life into faded hair,
To make harsh hair soft and lux-
To make hair grow or money back.
It is the most delightful hair dress-
ing made, and is a great favorite with
ladies who desire beautiful and luxuri-
ant hair. Price 50 cents a large bottle
at J. Walton McKibbon's or by ex-
press, all charges prepaid, from Giroux
Mfg. Co„ Fort Erie, Ont.
-A. R. Anderson has built new ce-
ment steps up the high embankment
fronting his home on Stauffer St.
Mr. Henry Mathers received the
sad intelligence on Saturday Iast of
the death in Vancouver, B. C„ of his
brother, Dr. Isaac Matheri.
Last week 23 cars of apples were
shipped, also 3 cars grain and 4 ears
lumber. Many more cars of grain,
lumber and other Commodities would
have been shipped but for the scarcity
of cars.
The :,3y -law to raise the sum of
$3500,00 on debentures of the Village
for the purpose of completing the new
municipal building, was carried recent-
ly by a very lags majority, the vote
being, 140 for and 30 against.
Who ever saw a Wildcat car? Well
there is one at the depot this week.
The first ever seen in this part of the
country. It is not howover as might
be supposed, a part of a menagerie,
but an eight storey affair for the
transportation of live fowl. We do
riot know the capacity, but it looks to
be large enough for many thousand.
About 0:30 Wednesday evening,
Oct. 27, the house and contents be-
longing to Mr. David ()Irvin, of the
2nd. con., Ashfield, were completely
destroyed by Are. The fire, which
seemingly originated In the attic, bad
gained much headway before 15 was
discovered by the treighbor%
W, BOYCE - So1 Agent - Wingham
Whitechurch Hardware Store News 1
The Season For Stoves
Is Almost Here.
Be sure and see our New Steel Range, with hearth
and copper reservoir enclosed, large oven with drop door,
fitted for both coal and, wood, handsomely finished, and
the price is only $20.00. '
When in the village, call and learn how you can get a
Handsome Parlor Lamp free for a New Year's gift.
Does your house need Painting ? Get our figures for
the finished job -- they'll surprise you and you will get
a first-class job.
1 will furnish genuine Frost Wire Fencing, hooks and
staples, for an 8 -wire fence, and put it up for you, for
40 cents•eper rod.
J. T. Holmes - Whitechurch
W, BOYCE - So1 Agent - Wingham