HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-11-11, Page 5Il 4 TIJE tIN,GRA.M ADVANCE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 , 1906, A SCIENTIFIC WONDER. Stanfield's Underwear Is what you require. Guaranteed ab- /solately unshrinkable, and your money back if a garment proves otherwise. Complete range of sizes in the dif- ferent lines in stock now. Come and see them. McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers CtesePlassemoreeseerwelaves"soloweietta gaseverseeeesefseotsvaseetiektasesia•lafisee 1 Clothes that fit you well, look weIl, and wear well, are the best in the end. They cost no more than the other kind if you go to the right place for them. We have a fine stock of SUITANGS, in Tweeds, Worsteds and Cheviots, and we make them up in the latest styles, and use the beet trimmings. The Cold Weather is near, and an Overcoat is a necessity. Come in and see our Meltons, Cheviots, Beavers, Friezes, &a. You look dressy in one of our make. Excellent Values may be had from us in Fur Caps, Fur Collars and Neck Scarfs. The prices are an attraction. The balance of our Gents' Furnishings must go— Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, &o. Robt. Maxwell Tailor For lieu Who Care t Goal Goal We are sole agents for the celebrated Scranton Coal, which has no equal. Also the best grades of Slnithing, Cannel and Do- mestic Coal and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. Residence Phone, No. 55 Office " No. 64 Mill " No.44 ' 1 We carry a full stock of Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Barrels, etc. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Logs. J. Al MoLEAN db le..41•►414411AAk4i1 411414 4.wAa^A t.N$44 • $* 414e A411*** 4* ,.r, The Sense of Security against to■mo,i o't1r should be ample inceu. t 'e fo save to y Yens Savings ,Account Solicited, C. P. SMITTH Ai1TtNT ... %/INGHAM f,. East Wawanosh. Mrs, Ramsey of ilespeler is visiting friends here, Mr, Geo. Fothergill has received his returns for his apples from the Old Country and splendid pricee are tee ported, Mr, and. Mee, W, Woodcock and Mies Josephine have returned to Wawanosh and taken up housekeep- ing in the house lately occupied by H. ilibbett, Miss Phoebe Densmore has returned home from her western tour. She 'visited St, Paul, Minneapolis, Sioux Falls, Spokane, Seattle, Pasco, Cal• gary and other places. Altogether she reports having a splendid time. The Council met at Belgrave on Oct, 27th. Members all present ; minutes of last meeting read and confirtned. Chas. J. Rintoul, con. 13, presented a claim for damages to threshing engine, loss of time, etc., owing to engine going through bridge on side- line 39 and 40, con. 8, recently. After some discussion a compromise was affected whereby Mr. Rintoul agreed to accept the sum of $60 as settlement in full. ,• The Reeve was instructed to inter- view some competent engineer and have him report on the condition of the bridges on the river, cons. 9 and 10, and also give an estimate of the probable cost of new bridges at these places and report at next meet- ing of the council, The following accounts were pre- sented and ordered to be paid :—Alex. Dingwall, inspecting contract south branch Hallahan Drain, $4,50 ;. Vint & Love, balance building culvert on Hallahan Drain, $30,00 ; Vint & Love, balance building Edwards bridge, con. 0, $222.00'; Alex. Nixon, repairing the Johnston Drain, $9.50 ; Chas. J. Rintoul, repairs to engine, loss of time, etc., re defective bridge, con. 8, $00.00 ; Geo. Fitzpatrick, underbrush- ing on con. 10, $17.00 ; Sam Garton, underbrushing on con. 14, 85,00 ; Jno, McKinnon, underbrushing on con. 14, $4.00; Wm, Robinson, selecting jurors, $3.00 ; Wm. J. Parks, selecting Jurors, $3 00 ; A. Porterfield, selecting jurors, $5.00 ; A. Porterfield, gravel, $8.75 ; Jas. Tunny, gravel, $3.50 ; Joseph J. Kerr, gravel, $21.30 ; Joseph J. Kerr, inspecting gravelling, con, 13, $3.00 ; Wm. Deacon, inspecting gravelling, cons. 10 and 11, $0.00 ; McKinnon Bros., gravelling on cons. 10, 11, and 13, $137.82; John Curtin, cleaning out north branch Hallahan Drain, $100 ; Peter W. Scott, inspecting cleaning out north branch Hallahan Drain, $5.00 ; Geo. Simmons, covering bridge, con 11, and putting in culvert opposite lot 29, con. 9, $8.50. The Connell then adjourned to meet again on Monday, Nov. 22nd, next. Alex. Porterfield, Clerk. Are Your Children "Croupy" ? This trouble is deadly—must be stopped quickly. Nothing is so sure as the Nerviline Treatment. Give it internally, rub it on the throat and chest, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. The marvelous power of Nerviline, both as a liniment, and in Plaster form, will surprise you. For sore throat, coughs, colds, and pleurisy alone, it is used by thousands every day. Invaluable in the home, especially for treating the minor ills that all children are bound to catch. Large bottles 25 cts. each. Nerviline Plasters sante price, at dealers or N. C. Polson & Co,, Kingston, Ont. • Brussels. Some of the girls who were parading last Saturday night in masculine at- tire bad a close call. Tuesday evening Jno. Oliver slipped on the step leading into the woodshed at his home and in the fall sprained his right artn very severely. Six or eight cars of sugar beets were forwarded to Berlin sugar factory during the past week. There is quite an area of beets in this locality this year. A clay bird tournament will be held at Brussels on Wednesday and Thurs- day, 24th and 25th insts. There will be 20 different events for which numerous and valuable prizes will be awarded. While working in the Ament factory Tuesday. afternoon, Allan Lamont had the misfortune to have the first finger of his left hand caught in the shaper with the result that it was taken off at the second joint, in an instant. Rev. W. T. Oluff, rector of St. James' church, Stratford, formerly of Brussels, accompanied by Mrs- Oluff, left Wednesday for Senton, Mich., where they will attend the fiftieth anniversary of the Anglican church in that city. Brussels Foot Ball team played a well fought game at Havelock friday of last week in the Provincial cham- pionship series, resulting in a scorn of 1-0 for Havelock, the only goal being• scored in the last half. The visitors had a lead of 1 goal from the Brussels match, so a tie was the result. A petition of 116 names was before the Council Monday evening asking them to submit a By -lay on Municipal Election day permitting the electors to say whether or not they want the hotel bare closed after May let, 1010. On certification that the petition was correct a 1#y -law received lst and 2nd reading and will be published giving authorization to the vote. How To Gain In Weight. You know you are toe thin -you eat and eat, but Bever get an ounce fatter. Nerves are weak, relor is bad, strength seems eithausted. It's not hard to get fat, You must eat snore, digest more, exercise more. Try leerrozOne and watch your appetite grove. It turns all you eat into nutri- ment and building material---111ls your veins with rich, red mood --•gives you ambition and vigor. 1'or a tissue builder, a fattening tonic, one that restores permanentl , there is nothing to Compare With Ferrozotie. Try it and see, 50 eta. at at all dealers. Clinton. The Municipal pot Is boiling very slowly. It has been Bald by several that Jacob Taylor will be a candidate for the Mayor's chair, and Mr, Taylor no doubt would make nen excellent official, Engine No, 459, in charge of Eugi- u.eer II, Fixture and Fireman Austle, hauling train No. 32 from Wingheen to London, ran into a number of horses on a carve near Heneall, an Monday, killing one of then, le is said that no person was in charge of the animals at the time of the acci- dent. The customs collections at Clinton port for the seven months ending Oct. 31st, 1908, were $13,357,61, and for the corresponding period this year $15,050.72, an increase of $1,693.11, But while Collector Wiseman contin- ues to show increases, his salary re• mains at the old figure. There were no .loop holes in the Local Option petition presented to the town council on Monday night. It contains about forty more names than were required—to be more exact: the list contains the names of 735 qualified. voters ; 185 of these were legally required, but it had 223, all duly proven by affidavit. It will give some idea of the extent of "Apple King" Oantelon's operations in -t•his county when we say that he has 150 men employed in packing apples and that this number includes thirty experienced men from Toronto and Orillia. Unfortunately the work has been much hampered by broken weather which adds very materially to the big expense the Apple King is under. Methuselah's Age. The Jewish World, a London (Eng,) publication, has succeeded in reducing the age of Methuselah to seventy-eight years and nine months without im- peaching the accuracy of the Bible statement that he lived to the age of 909 years. It is surmised, the Jewish World says, that in the earliest times the rnonth, the period of a moon cycle was called a year. Thus Adam's 930 years of life, ci%lculating a year at 29e days, works out to 75e years. After the month year then came a five month year, the limit of five being derived from the fingers on one hand, it being °remembered that primitive people always used the fingers for counting purposes. Then came the twelve month year. On the five month, year basis Abraham's 175 years work out at 72 and Isaac's 180 at 74. It is sagely better for the Bible, in modern estimation, that its impossible assignment of nearly a thousand years for the lives of its ancient characters should be shown to have been mis- taken translation rather than legend or mythology. The Secret Of A Famous 1leaiing•Balm. The rediscovery of a secret that l'as lain hidden in the dust 20 centuries is an event full of faseinating interest, and the story of Zam•Buk, the world, famed first-aid and skin -cure will always enlist attention. Tam-Buk is the virtual descendant of those wond- erful and mysterioue herbal balms by the rue of which the manly athletes of Ancient Greece and the stalwart gladiators of Rome ensured the health- iness and readyhealing of their skin. Many are the attempts that were made to produce a perfect balm for the akin, but only in Zane -Bak has the idea been realized, Since its discovery Zam•Buk has been welcomed in man- sion and cottage, and the people of two hemispheres realised that they have been placed in possession of an absolutely unique care for skin com- plaints. The reasons for this triumph of science are simple and few. Taking a lesson from the Ancients, .the pro- prietors of Zam-Buk first of all wisely decided that the ideal balm must be purely herbal and contain not the slightest trace of rancid animal fate or poisonous minerals. Thus Zam-Buk is made solely from rich and pure essences obtained from certain rare medicinal herbs. These juices and ex- tracts are prepared and refined by ingenious scientific processes and then so skilfully blended that aunique, effective, and yet perfectly natural preparation for dispelling skin -disease is secured. Zam-Buk has an affinity for the human skin such as no ordinary oint- ment orlinament can possibly possess. Besides soothing pain and allaying irritation, it possesses unique antisep- tic and germicidal qualities which virtually chase disease germs out of their hiding -places in the skin tissues ; at the same time it purifies the pores and invigorates the natural functions of the skin in a way that no other preparation can. Zam-Buk solves in a perfect manner the problem of always having handy at home or at one's work an oVtif-"ready and reliable first-aid for cuts, burns, scalds, bruises, lacerations, scratches, etc. Zam-Buk is without equal for eczema, ulcers, piles, bad leg, ring- worm, scalp sores, festering sores, sprains, stiffness, poisoned wounds of all kinds, face sores, chafing, chapped hands, cold -sores, frost -bites, sore feet, diseased ankles, and all itching, irrita- tion, and inflammation. Zam-Buk is in daily need in every household and is sold by all druggists and stores at fifty cents a box. Re- fuse harmful and dangerous substi- tutes sometimes "pushed" as being "just as good." Big Dairy Profits. A correspondent of Hoard's Dairy- man, writing'from the State`of Wash- ington, says he has 14 head of cows from which he sold $1,010 worth of milk and cream during the year end- ing Sept. 30th, or an average of $115 per cow. Besides this a small quanti- ty of milk was fed to the calves. HERE IS THE PROOF That the best body-building and strengthening tonic for Delicate Children Wtioi "My 9 -year old daughter was weak, pale, and had no appetite. 1 gave her Vinol, and she began to thrive at once. She gained rapidly in weight, color and strength."— Mrs.W. H. GILMORE,Durand, Mich. "My two children, who were puny and ailing, rapidly gained flesh and strength when I began to give them Vinol. I proved that Vinol is a splen- did tonic for delicate children." — Mrs. C. ALLEN, New Bedford, Mast. Vinol builds up healthy flesh and makes thin little limbs round and plump. Children love to take it. We return people's money without question ii Vinol does not accomplish all we claim for it. Try it, please. j. WAli.,TQ1rN MCHB>1D1'�a I➢rilllpgtztormamens WililgIIlali;. 12: R 1N_ CORN t11 Hk;N you otter Syrup emphasize the name "CROWN BRAND" for this name means that you want the best—the purest -- the most wholesome and'reliable table syrup it is podlibie to produce. So perfect and genuinely deli- cious rs "Crown Brand Syrup" that you'll enjoy its flavor about ten times more than that of any other make. It costs you no more than ordi- nary syrup and yet it is purer, better, and ruoro wholesome in every way. It is the greatest food for growing children, said can be given ht any quantity "Crown Brand Syrup" is put tiup ny iwi2th lift-off 1iro and da,lb, airtight When youbuy "Crown Dratul " you obtain a Syrup as clear as crystal. and of guaranteed purity and Wholosemeneba. The Edw o rdsbiir* Starch Co, f ruts rten tS ADLISHED 1858. War bltiee►s 4•69 CARDINAL, Ont. A'.L+NTREAI,'ORDNTO rmd ARAN(I'DiID, Appeal, P1s11lissed, The hearing of the action to quash the Local Option 3y -lava In Owen Sound came off on Nov. 2nd at Grey County Assizes before Mr. Jus- tice Clate, and the case was dismissed,. The action was taken by William Ward. The case proved to be weak, and his Lordship dismissed it without calling on the defence, Good For Canada. Mr, Abel Steele, of London Tp., has received word that his mangolds have taken first prize at the International Seedmen's Exhibition, now on at Phil- adelphia. This is the 28th time that Mr. Steele has taken first prize over alt comers with his' mangolds. The exhibit will remain in Philadelphia for about three months, The one Mr. Steele sent over weighs 45 pounds. Drawing Beets To Market. W, R, Irwin, Oth con„ Raleigh, has 35 acres of sugar beets, which will run 200 bushels to the acre. Mr. Irwin, seeing the difficulty in hauling this immense crop to North Buxton sta- tion, a distance of three miles, has in- vented a freight train of his own. This is in the form of a traction en- gine with five trucks coupled to it. In this way Mr, Irwin hauls 30 tons of beets at a load. It means a great sav- ing of time and labor. Will Not Hang. Mrs. Robinson,the unfortunate wo- man under sentence to be hanged at Sudbury three weeks hence for the murder of the infants of her daugh- ters, will not have to suffer the death penalty. This much has already been decided after a review of the evidence and the circumstances of the case by the Minister of Justice, It is very doubtful, however, if the Cabinet Council will see its way clear to grant a full pardon. Corns Cured For 25 cts. A guarantee of painless cure goes with every bottle of'utnam's Corn Extractor, Use Putnam's and your corns go. Beware of substitutes, 'Daily Papers On Ocean. Passengers on the Empress steamers of the C. P. R. line do not have to wait till they reach land to catch up with the world's news. The Empress Daily News is the name of a new pub- lication which they get free on the steamers—eight pages of it, well print- ed and containing the particular news of the day, via Marconi wireless. After awhile the C. P. R. will have things so well arranged on its ocean flyers that passengers will not want to quit them when the trip is ended. He Was Clever Too. A Highlander fell into a river, and after desperate efforts, managed to reach the bank in safety. Bis wife, who had been a distressed onlopker, exclaimed, as soon as her anxiety was relieved, "Ah, Donald, ye should be ferry thankful to Providence for sav- ing your life." Donald was somewhat aggrieved at what he deemed an equal apportionment of the credit. "Mess, yeas," he replied, "Providence wass ferry goot, but I was ferry clever, too, whateffer !" After 21 Years. John Bremner, son of Mr. William Bremner, left his home in Amaranth about 21 years ago, when a lad of 15 or thereabouts, and with one or two exceptions his family heard nothing from him. Their surprise and pieta sure can be well imagined when he walked into his home one evening last week. For some years he has been lumbering in British Columbia, about 200 miles from Vancouver, and ap- parently has gathered some of this world's` experience and money. He is just recovering from an attack of fever, and took the trip home to recu- perate. Why Liquid Catarrh Remedies Fail. They go direct to the stomach, have very little effect on'the linings of the nose and throat, and entirely fail to cure. Only by cleansing the air pas- sages by relievingthe inflammation and killing the germs is cure possible. No combination itis on of .Antiseptics is so successful as Catarrhozone. pIn breath- ing it, you send • the richest pine balsams right to the seat of the dis- ease. Irritating phlegm is cleared out, hoarseness, coughing and hacking are cured. For a, permanent cure for catarrh, nothing Equals Oatarrhozone, 25 cts. and $1.00 at all dealers. Fish Plentiful. The Owen Sound Times says :—The fall run of trout and white fish is at its height now, and reports from the various fishing stations say that flsh are plentiful. Mr, John McAuley, of Wiarton. of the Dominion Nish Com- pany, is responsible for the statement that white fish were plentiful, but there was nothing to catch them with. The recent storms wrought havoc with the nets, and they are in many instances unfit for further service. One fisherman, %vho had fifteen stand- ard nets, cut the floats and leads froth them all, and threw the nets away, The Trotting Record. Fifty years ago the world's trotting record was placed at 2.20, On Oct. 15, 1850, Flora Temple, a little bobtailed snare, created a sensation by trotting the third heat of a race at Kalamazoo in that tune_ The progress of fifty years lues been nieta:Meed by 18e sec- onds pared off of this race record, The substitittion of the low -wheeled t'{tbber-tired sulkey for the old high Wheels ]las contributed something to this increase of speed, but the horse has done its share tori. The present world's rase record for trotters is 2.01;1, made by Hamburg Belle at Cleveland, 0., Aug. 26, of this year, itt a ixiateh with Fagan. ARD'S Ladies' Coats AND Furs We are busy selling Coats and Furs.. Reason ? Come and see. DO YOU KNOW ! We carry the largest stock of Coats and Furs. Seldom outside ' of the large city stores do you find such an assortment of Ready-to-wear Garments. Buying in large quantities we get the Lowest Price, and Our Customers get the benefit, buying the Right Goods- at Close Cut Prices. FURS, We're selling Furs of relia- ble quality. Every Fur must be perfect in every detail to give proper satisfaction, The styles must be those that Dame Fashion palls cor- rect. The fit and finish mast be ' perfection. Ladies' Coats. Big Stook to bhoose from. In counting our Coats for the Ladies, Misses and Children, we found we had 175. This means considerrible selling. Onr CLOSE-OUT PRICES are reducing them daily. Move quick and get one. 'Ladies' ,Heavy Coats. a SEE OUR PONY CLOTH COATS.—They're lined through- out. Some at special prices $9.00 & $10.00 LADIES' QUILTED LINED COATS. — With Sable Collars; good length ; Broadcloth shell ; a very warm and stylish Coat. Our prices are ° $20.00 & 6255.00 LADIES' FUR -LINED COATS. -- All kinds in stock at Special Prices. See our Marmot Lined Coat, with Sable Dollar. Frill length ,,•$35.00 RAT -LINED COAT.—Fine Quality Broadcloth Shell. Deep Sable Collar. Regular Sixty dollar Coat—Our Close Cut Price $50,00 INSPECTION INVITED H. E. Isard & Co. ewss111ossews THE LIFE OFA -WATCH The life of a Watch depends greatly upon the care which the owner bestows on it. It should be cleaned and oiled once a year, but be careful to whom you trust your Watch . for repairs and cleaning. The watchmaker may be honest, but ignorant. His ignorance naay cost you. the price of a new watch. An 'unskilful workmanwill do :i watch more harm in 5 minutes than years of wear. If your watch is not giving satisfaction, bring it to us, and we will tell you just what it wants, and what it will cost you. No charge for examination. In our Optical work we are practical and thorough in every detail, correcting all eye defects with properly fitted Lenses. 171 C IEN 1 O e H, AND PTICIAN ,SION OP THE RED ELEPHANT. ".1.11111.44.81.4111.1111,.115.1w4mWr.%*59‘6811.21 Fs WAFT A TALK WITH YOU est Seelei,-,se ••ralllY;Yr f iI1;N you call —it is as much to our credit t� sell you a good article as it is • to receive your money—Buying a range to most people is a worrying proposition, ---- doubts will creep in, fears will be as facts. Why.not share our knowledge, our exper- ience has•grven us abundant confidence in the IMPERIAL -OXFORD H. J;BOYGE Call and we'll tell you just why. s r Sole Agent - Wingham