HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-11-04, Page 5S• rs:" 4 nb..1ftr ^lits- ktsL'iP.gil ,..".0 'tilt; �r .h,?' *tS'tfyi•;7',`» '-i'?hr=1�`.'%`
Underw "fir
Is what you require. Guaranteed ab-
solutely unshrinkable, and your money
back if a garment proves :otherwise.
Complete range of sizes in the dif-
ferent lines in stock now. Come and
see them.
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and , Men's Furnishers
444444444•444444444A44e•N 4411.0t44e40es4044••••••••••
We are sole agents for
the celebrated Scranton Coal,
which has no equal.
Also the best grades of
Smithing, Cannel and Do-
mestic Coal and Wood of
all kinds, always on hand.
Residence Phone, No. 55
Office " No. 64
Mill " No.44
We carry a full stock of
Lumber (dressed or undres-
sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Barrels, etc.
Highest Price Paid for all
kinds of Logs.
The Opening and Maintaining of a
Savings Bank Account is a duty that
everyone owes, both to themselves
and to those dependent on them.
Your Savings Account Solicited.
It Didn't Pay.
Apple Inspector, Jas. Bryan, re-
quested a farmer who delivered his
apples at Lucknow station to repack
about 50 barrels, The small apples
got mixed with the first grade. The
farmer decided it was much better to
repack than to pay a fine. Such is life
in the apple business.
For Lice On Stock.
A remedy for Iice on stock will, says
a writer in the North Western Agri-
culturist,. be found in common salt.
Dampen the hair along the back,
around the head, ears and tail, and
with the hand rub in well, plenty of
salt. A. second dose will, the writer
quoted says, generally rid them of the
Clearing Sale Still Continues
Biggest Bargains Ever Heard Of In
Men's Furnishings
The Sale has been going good, but we had a big
stock and have a lot of Exceptional Bargains for
you yet in all lines. If you have been in you know
what values we were giving. If you haven't been in
it will certainly pay you to come along if you are
needing anything. Even if you're not just in need at
present, you will make 30, 40 & 50 per cent. on the
money invested by purchasing now.
See our Men's and Boys' Shirts, Reg. 75c, for .. • 39c
20c Collars for 12-i
Rubber Collars, reg.
25o, for 18e
15c Collars for 9c
Sweaters, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Ties, Mufflers,
Scarfs, Socks, Fancy Vests in winter or summer styles,
Smoking Jackets, Lounging Robes, Fur Caps & Collars,
Belts, Jewelry, Etc,, Etc.
Our Tailoring Department
Is full -of the very Newest in Suitings, Overcoatings,
Trouserings, Fancy Vestings. The patterns and material
are the best we ever had. The Prices are the lowest
possible, consistent with good goods and workmanship.
Tailor and Men's Furnisher
The Wheat Route. -
Advices from the West state that
nothwithstanding the elaborate pre,
parations which had been made for
the export of wheat from Vancouver
this fall, practically no wheat at alt
is being sent to the Pacific Coast for
export to the Orient. As in past
years the export movement is almost
entirely via Winnipeg and the St.
Lawrence waterway.
Horse -racing And Cash.
Victoria (B. 0.) bankers figuet,
two hundred thousand dollars were
taken out of that city during a recent
race -meet of several weeks' duration.
After making this good-sized clean-
up on Vancouver bland, the sure -
thing artists moved over to Vancou-
ver, and opened a sixty -days' engage-
ment at Minoru Park, which continu-
ed for some time after the intended
period had expired. Horse -racing of
this kind cannot excuse its existence
on the ground that it is improving the
breed of horses. The horses are there
merely as a pretext for betting. and if
light -horse breeders hi America wish
to retain public confidence in their
business, they will have to divorce
their interests from those of the pro-
fessional gambler.
They Walked Carefully.
The Fergus News -Record reports
that a drove of eight horses belonging
to Mr. John Hastings broke out of
their pasture, got on the O.P.R. track
and crossed the large trestle bridge,
which is 100 ft. long, without a mis-
hap. The horses, including a colt, ap-
pear to have walked across without
the least trouble. How they escaped
without some of them getting at least
a broken leg, is the wonder ofi all who
knew of the incident.
A Case Of Poisoning.
Not unfrequently caused by cheap
acid corn salve. Be safe and use Put-
nam's Corn Extractor. Purely veget-
able, harmless and always cures. In-
sist on "Putnam's."
Progress Reported.
The Goderich Signal reports that
the Ontario West Shore Railway Co.
has five gangs of men at work, one at
Menestung station unloading rails and
other material ; one near the Presby-
terian Church, Ashfield, one at 18 mile
River, one at McLean's creek, and one
north of the 18 mile River. About 80
men in all are employed. The rails
required for the road between here
and Kincardine aggregate some 4500
tons, or about 300 carloads, of which
about 100 carloads have already ar-
Strange, But Vouched For.
It has remained for an Italian wo-
man to break all maternity records.
She has in the course of 10 years of
wedlobk become the mother of 62 chil-
dren. This extraordinary statement
is vouched for by many credible
witnesses who testify to its truth in a
petition before the Italian Govern-
ment asking for the woman a yearly
pension of $370. Of these children
59 are boys and three girls. Eleven
times in succession in nine years, This
woman gave birth to triplets, three
times four boys arrived at one birth,
and once five boys and a girl. The
other twelve were born singly, but
very close together. The woman is a
native of Nocera, and at 67, is, of
course, almost incapable of gaining
her livelihood.
At the convention of the London
Conference Epworth 'League which
met to St. Mary's last week. Rev. T,
E, Sawyer was elected ; eoretary,
Mr. John Cameron, our genial vil-
lage cohstable,"was quietly married on
Tuesday last to Miss Fsete, second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Piuk-
er of Clinton.
Over one hundred ()Mellows from
the surrounding district visited with
the brethren here and took part in the
Lodge of Instruction on Monday after-
noon and evening,
Mr. Ohas, G. Locke, Barrrister, So-
licitor, etc„ who was here last week
looking the field over, has decided to
cast in his lot with us and has opened
offices in the joynt block,
The organized Bible Class of the
Methodist Church held a very plea-
sant social evening in the church par-
lors on Tuesday evening of last week,
at which about fifty were present.
Bev. C. W. Saunders, the popular
rector of St. Peter's Church here and
the St. Helens church, has been noti-
fied by the bishop that he is to be
moved to St, John's Church, Brant-
ford, about December 1st.
A quiet, but pretty wedding was
solemnized at the home of Mr, Jas.
Gibson of Dungannon on Wednesday
evening, Oct. 20th inst., at 5.80, ;vhen
his daughter Miss Lottie, was united
in marriage to •Mr, Wm. McConnell,
the popular owner of the Kincardine
and Goderich and Lucknow and Gode-
rich stages.
57-52 The Critical Age.
Height of vigor is past, nature's
power slowing down, vitality ebbing
away, endurance decreasing, nerve
centres, impart 'vigor to the tiring
body, prepare for the crisis. Best
means for rebuilding is found in Fer-
rozone;at brightens up the whole be-
ing, imparts power, strength, vigor.
Old age is pushed back twenty years,
the reliance of youth is restored, vim,
vigor and new life is established. You
try Ferrozone, 60c at all dealers.
Have you on some part of your body a sore, or eruption,
or ulcer, or eczemous patch which, hidden from the gaze of
others, yet causes you hours and hours of pain and incon-
venience ? Have you tried this, and that, and the other
remedy in vain, ttnd are you feeling disheartened and dis-
couraged ? If so read the following instances of Zam- •
Buk's healing power, and apply it to your cars :
I had an ulcerated leg for several pars. The ulcers spread all round the limb,
which was swollen to nearly twice its normal size. Several doctor3 treated me.
One suggested amputation, None did me any good. 'Lam-Iluk healed the sorest"
So says Mrs. Gilmour, of Princess St., Kinston. Or, res I this :---
" My mother tried many things for abscesses and eruptions, but in vain. In
Zatn-Buk she found a complete cure," So says Miss A. Coggin, of SYapella (Sask.),
uffcrors from these "!Hidden Skin Trouble " of any nature should profit by
such experiences as this. Zcm•iittk is seen at its best Ivhen applied to cases shish
baro defied ordinary treatment. Write for trial box, and test it
it at our expense
Free Box
send this ecrapen
and le stamp to
7,cimfluk Co., Tot.
onto, with name of
titisttpor,and free
trial ho% wilt he
maned you.
m fli At.1NC`,r
Over and over a;;ain Zam-Duk has per.
formed a miracle of healing when applied to
sprees and skin injuries which have refused
to heal under any other fon m of treatment.
hy not tet it heal your trouble? Immedi-
ately Lan .Mink is applied to a sore or wound
or diseased portion of flesh it commences its
work int two dir.otions, It anointi?the ex.
terior, and its antiscpt:c properties prevent
any germs and bacilli from creating trouble.
Then the herbales;ences and juices so finely
purified and concentrated, penetrate the
subjacent layers anti stimulate the weakened
or diseased cells to active, healthy operation,
These cells then put forth their 1;adidding"
lproducts and rept. co tits diseased ou er
ayer with fresh and healthy tissue. 13y
degrees tho whole di>•eased surface is thus
replaced by new healthy skin.
In this way Zain•liuk cures miss, burns,
bruises, ulcers, alricestos, itch, eczefua,
eruptions, pustules, scurvy, salt rheum,
blood poison, and other i.ctns of skin trouble,
tam -Birk also elites piles, at icoso ulcers,
ate, Alt druggists and stores sell at 50o per
box, or from Zan -].Hak Co., Toronto, for
price. 0 boxos''«.GO.
Important Notice For Cobalt,
Miners And Brokers.
Arrangements have been made by
the Grand Trunk with the T. & N. 0.
Ry., to operate a Parlor -Library -Cafe
car, commencing Monday, Oct. 25th,
on the Cobalt trains, 47 and 46, serv-
ing meals a la carte, between North
Bay, Cobalt, Haileybury, Liskeard and
Englehart, enabling visitors to the
silver country to enjoy a comfortable
breakfast, northbound, . and serving
dinner, south, which is filling a long
felt want and one which will be ap-
preciated by its patrons.
Immense Scrap 'Heaps.
The largest scrap iron heap in the
world is in San Francisco, a relic of
the great fire which followed the
earthquake ' of April, 1006. It is 40
feet high, 100 feet square and contains
20,000 tons, all cut in equal lengths of
eighteen inches, and piled in one solid
mass, with the sides as smooth and
solid as a brick wall. This is the only
one of four heaps of equal size and
proportions which remains intact in
its original size and shape, the other
three having been drawn upon as the
material was needed. Many other
smaller scrap heaps are piled about
the bay awaiting shipment.
Do You Get Bilious ?
This trouble arises from torpidity of
the liver, Nothing acts so nicely as
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They stir up the
liver, rid the system of bile, tone the
stomach, give appetite and sound di-
gestion, you will feel drowsy_- and bad
tempered, Dr. Hamilton's Pills will
help you at once, taken at night you
are well by morning. Don't be afraid
of Dr. Hamilton's Pills ; they are mild,
don't �gripeor nauseate. They just
euro that's
s all.
Palmerston Station Burned.
The Grand Trunk Railway station
in Palmerston was gutted by lire on
Oct. 26th. The flames were noticed
about 9.30, breaking out up -stairs over
the general waiting -room, and, al-,
though the alarm was given prompt-
ly, . it was impossible to save the
building. Six lines of hose were play-
ed upon the building, the waterworks
system recently installed being work-
ed up to high pressure. Most of the
papers and books were saved from de-
struction. The loss will be in the
neighborhood of $10,000. The bag-
gage 'and express departments, which
were in a building adjoining the sta-
tion, were not damaged.
Have You Stomach Trouble ?
When you wake up with headache
and bad taste in the mouth, some-
thing to settle the stomach is needed.
The dull heavy feeling must be lifted,
and appetite must be created. Get a
tumbler of water, some sugar, and
then pour in a stiff dose of Norviline.
You'll feeltip top in a few minutes.
Nerviline invigorates, braces, tones,
puts vim and snap into your move-
ments. You'll be fitted for a hard
day's work by taking Nerviline,
nothing better. Large bottle, 25 cents
Making Lands Fertile.
For some years the Canadian Pacific
Railway has been turning aside the
waters of the 13oVe River into channels
and ditches for irrigating 8,000,000
acres of land owned by them in the
Albertan region southeast of Calgary.
The land is exceedingly fertile, so that
with the irrigation it can be utilized
to grow amps rivaling both in yield
and value the best raised in the old
country. Of one million acres already
available for irrigation, some 35,000
have been solei at an average price of
825 per acre, and an annual water rate
of half a dollarpor acre, and now it is
announced that the balance of 905,000
acres has been bought by an American
syndicat e, who have also secured an
option to purchase the whole of the
additional two million acres as soon as
the cuttings have been made for the
irrigation works.
_ . _ .�... a .4 --
Seine Listowel
h.--SeineLlstowel boys were shooting at
a target with a rifle, and unknown to
the boys, every bullet was passed
through the kitchen of the neighbor•
ins house, as well as the target. For-
tunately no one was hurt.
We are busy selling Coats and Furs.
Reason ' Colne and see:
DO YOU KNOW ! We carry the largest
stock of Coats and Furs. Seldom outside of the
large city stores do you find such an assortment
of Ready-to-wear Garments. Buying in large
quantities we get the Lowest Price, and Our
Customers get the benefit, buying the Right
Goods at Close Cut Prices.
4,411111•44, -
We're selling Furs of relia-
ble quality. Every Fur mum,
be perfect, in every detail • to
give proper satisfaction.
The styles must be those
that Dame Fashion calls cor-
rect. The fit and finish must
be perfection.
Ladies' Coats.
Big Stock to choose from.
In counting our Coats for the
Ladies, Misses and Children,
we found we had 175. This
means considerab]o selling.
are reducing them daily.
Move quick and get one.
Ladies' Heavy Coats.
SEE OUR PONY CLOTH COATS.—They2re Iined through-
out. Some at special prices $9.00 & $10.00
good length ; Broadcloth shell ; a very warm and stylish
Coat. Our lidos are $20.00 & $25.00
LADIES' FUR -LINED COATS. -- All kinds in stock at
Speoial Prices. See our Marmot Lined Coat, with Sable
'Dollar. Fall length $35.00
RAT -LINED COAT,—Fine Quality Broadcloth Shell. Deep
Sable Collar. Regular Sixty dollar Coat—Oar Close Cut
Pride $50.00
H. E. Isard & Co.
The life of a Watch depends greatly upon the care
which the owner bestows on • it. It should be cleaned
and oiled once a year, but be careful to whom you trust
your Watch for repairs and cleaning. The watchmaker
may be honest, but ignorant. His ignorance may cost you
the price of a new watch. An unskilful workman will
do a watch more harm in 5 minutes than years of wear.
If your watch is not giving satisfaction, bring it to us,
and we will tell you just what it wants, and what it
will cost you. No charge for examination. „
In our Optical work we, are practical and thorough in
every detail) correcting all eye defects with
properly fitted Lenses.
1 EL
ISN'T that a fine idea—for
1 instance lift the nickel off on
washdays and you'll save a lot
of work.
Is the best by test -and it's the most
up-to-date Range at popular prices,
Sole Agent