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The Wingham Advance, 1909-11-04, Page 4
u 4 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1009 VV1Y`1tYYVW1iY1lYNYYMYYYMMYMKVYVYYYYYliWliYliilliYWVti'YY% is lo 70 30 71111. cleo 74* 470 71 as 731 7�s1 A Choice Selection This is emphatically true of our stock of Dress Goods, Special effort was made to secure a wide range of the latest and most fashionable materials, We are confident that we succeeded. No need of sending to the city. We' shall • be pleased to show you our goods, and you will be pleased when you buy them, They look hand- some and wear well. It will be worth the time 70 to call and examine them. 30 Winter is coming and you will need Under - 1111 wear ; we carry a large stock of the best. , Our Grocery Stock is kept fresh and clean, lo imommummumum Do Highest Prions Paid for Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples. 70 Tl• M.; GORDON King's For Bargains We Want Your Trade K I lei G?S WINGHAM'S FUR STORE The largest and best range of Furs ever shown in Wingham. People are coming longer distances every day- to see these goods. To See is to Buy GENTS—The best $50.00 Coon Coat in Town. Come in and see it. A. compl©te range of Calf, Dog and 'Wallaby Coats in stock. LADIES—Fur-lined Coats, Cloth Coats with Fur Collar, Fur Coats, Ruffs, Muffs, Stoles, etc., in abundance. All from the best makers. Underwear. An excellent range in the best brands. Watson's for Women and Children is unexcelled. Ladies' & Children's Coats Another shipment in this line just to hand,, and they're beauties --Call and inspect them., WANTED.—Large quantities Roll Butter, 24 cents. Fresh Eggs, 30c. Dried Apples, 6c. .And any quantity. White Beans and Feathers. Also large quantities Dry Picked Fowl of all kinds ; highest prices paid ; No. 1 Turkeys, 15c. GEO. E. KING Good Goods I Cheap Prices ..mss Whitechurch Hardware Store News 1 The Season For Stoves Is Almost Here. Be sure and see our New Steel Range, with hearth and copper reservoir enclosed, large oven with drop door, fitted for both coal and wood, handsomely finished, and the price is only $20.00. When in the village, call and learn how you can get a Handsome Parlor Lamp free for a° New Year's gift. Does your house need Painting ? Get our figures for the finished job --they'll surprise you and you will get a first-class job. I will furnish genuine Frost "Vine Fencing, hooks and staples, for an Swire fence,. and put it • up for you, for 40 cents per rod. J. T. Holmes -Whitechurch What A Canadian Navy Means? (Kingston Standard,) If we have a Canadian navy built in Canada it means the construction of ship -building plants at an enormous outlay and the annual expenditure of millions in keeping up ships that will bo useless, because there is absolutely no danger that Canada will ever be attacked by a foreign power. It means also that our expenditure in building ships will be continuous, for the owners of the ship -building plants must keep building new warships to make these plants pay, It means also that contractors inter- ested in supplies for ships will use every influence to keep the plants connuously in operation. It means, further, that there will be in the officers of these ships and in other employees connected with the navy a class of citizens whose living will depend on keeping the thing go- ing and an talking war. It means in addition more chances for graft in a department that has already shown its ability to take ad- vantage of every opportunity of that kind. It means an ever growing influence in favor of war and against that peace Which Canada has had for nearly a century. For the sum of between twenty and thirty million dollars the Welland Canal could be depended so as to give us an enduring waterway, sufficiently deep to enable steamers of large draught to come down to the St. Lawrence to the place of transhipment —sufficiently large to insure that for all time Canada 'than be able to con- trol and hand handle her own grain shipments without fear that they'may be diverted to American ports. And yet this work has been delayed be- cause the Government has not felt that it could spare the necessary money. We are now told, however—told in a free -and -easy, a take -it -for -granted manner—that we are to have a Canadian navy at an initial expendi- ture of $20,000,000, a subsequent yearly expenditure of $3,000,000 and a further subsequent expenditure of $20,000,000 or $30,000,000 when the navy now to be constructed shall be thrown away as it must be in the very nature of things, when the ships have become obsolete, as ships—especially war ships —have a very unhappy 'faculty of be- coming. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Walton MoKibbon desires to an- nounce to the readers of the Advance that they have secured the agency for Parisian Sage, the marvelous dandruff cure and delightful hair dressing. Walton McKibbon is glad to state that Parisian Sage is rigidly guaran- teed hair restorer. It cures dandruff in two weeks b y kill- ing the dandruff microbes ; it stops falling hair ; it cures all scalp diseases, or money back. It is a most pleasant hair dressing, especially for ladies, as it makes the hair soft and lustrous. The price is only 50c a large bottle at W. MoKib- bon's or by express, all charges pre- paid from Giroux Mfg. Co,, Fort Erie, Ont, HIGH PRICES. (Farmers' Advocate) Prices appear to be soaring skyward. Values of farm products are typified by dollar wheat, seven -to -eight -cent hogs, and twenty -five -cent creamery butter ; while before us are items from three newspapers, noting or pre- dicting increases in cement, shoes, rubber and brooms. Gold must be plentiful thus to decrease the amount of merchandise that can be purchased with a given quantity of it. Either that, or else prodigal consumption of necessities and luxuries is outstripping production, aided though it be by in- vention. Probably both factors—i.e., cheap gold, and increased ratio of consumption to supply—enter into the equation. Withdrawal of energy from rural to urban employment by artificial economic conditions, produc- ed by tariffs and otherwise, also oper- ates to increase prices of agricultural products, because the cost of produc- ing them is increased ; while some lines of manufactured goods, such as cement, are raised in price by com- bines ; again, in other lines, produced in sufficient quantity to meet the home demand in the country of production, prices are raised by the simple oper- ation of protective tariffs, without necessarily any combination at all. '(flews 'keine —Windsor's population is 10,192, an increase of 303. --Owen Sound is to have a postal delivery system, --Palmerston station was destroyed lqy fire last week. —The death toll on the great lakes this season was 05 —Qoncrete poles for electric lines are being used freely in the States, — The monetary loss on the great lakes this season was over $2,000,000, —The Huron Poultry Association will hold their annual show in Clinton on January 4, 5 and 0. —A consignment of 3000 bushels of apples was recently shipped from Nova Scotia to South Africa. —The town of Chesley has carried two bonus. By -Laws this year for factories. It is°a go-ahead place. —Fire did several thousand dollars damage to the factory at Guelph of the Canada Furniture Manufacturers, The largest haul of fish this year at Southampton was brought in on Dobson's tug. They had 5,500 pounds of fish in the one catch, —The steamer Athabasca of Owen Sound, recently damaged on Georgian Bay, will be repaired at Collingwood. Sixty steel plates will have to be re- placed, at a cost of $40;000. —Conductor Wilson of Owen Sound assumes responsibility for the collision with the Teeswater train near Orange- ville last week. It was a mistake, such as any person might make, but costly. —J. S. Gadd, formerly of the Kincar- dine Reporter, who has conducted the 011 Springs Chronicle for some years has discontinued the publication of the paper, and is moving his Rlant to Arkona. , —The Standard of Empire reports as one of the singular results of the late harvest in England, the fact that in Buckinghamshire grain was being harvested at the same time that seed for the next crop was being drilled in. —Up to October 281h, the signatures to petitions in favor of executive clemency for Mrs. Robinson, of Sad - bury, sentenced to hang for the murder of her daughter's baby, re- ceived by the Department of Justice, number about 100,000, Costs Big Money. In one of his recent speeches at Halifax Mr, R. L. Borden made pass- ing reference to the Government's grotesque miscalculations in the cost of the Transcontinental Railway. He pointed out that the Eastern Division, which was to .cost at most $50,000,000 or $00,000,000, will cost at least $180,- 000,000, and that we shall need to give at least $13,000,000 in cash towards the cost of the Western Division. Have You Bronchial Catarrh ? It is easily recognized by the dry cough and hoarseness. Not difficult to cure with Catarrhozone as Mr. Xavier Babin, of River Capalin, Que., proved. "No one could suffer from bronchitis more than I did. I had a hard hacking cough that caused me great pain. My throat was hoarse, and I had great distress in nay chest. Catarrhozone reached the sore spots and gave immediate relief. Since us- ing it I have not had a single attack." Every physician who is asked about Catarrhozone says it is sure to cure— so will you if you try it. Sold every- where, 25c and $1. THAT ROOSTER KNEW. clintan.. The main down Albert street has been completed. and work has now comrneneed on Ontario street,. Mr, Alex, Hunter, of the Hunter Bridge Co., Kincardine, with a gang of men are here erecting the standpipe in connection with the Waterworks System, On Friday at noon, in his 75th year, there passed peacefully away, at his late residence an Ontario St„ one of Clinton's oldest and most respepted citizens, Alex. McKenzie, A petition for Local Option was placed in the hands of the Clerk this week, sufficient signatures having been obtained. By -Law will be sub- mitted next January at the Municipal Election. In speaking with one of the proprie- tors of the Electric Light plant, he states that six houses have been wired and new lights have been placed there- in during the past month and two or- ders yet to fill. There are in the neighborhood of 4,000 lights in ClIn- ton and they can accommodate a lot more, Miss Pearl Warner of Durham, who was Visiting in Clinton, won the prize offered by Grocer Beaton to, the per- son who would guess the weight of a big equash placed in his window and grown by Mr. Theodore Hale of Hul- lett. The squash weighed 112% pounds, the exact figures named by Miss Warner after looking it over care- fully. A Wingham duck, which had faith- fully stuck to business during the summer, and laid several dozen of large, fawn -colored eggs, complained that she was not appreciated. "See that hen over there P" said the duck ; "She hasn't laid as many eggs as I have, nor as big, but she has books written about her, and verses composed in her honor, while nobody is saying a word about me." "The trouble with you is," said the wise rooster that was standing near, that you don't tell the public what you have done, You lay an egg and waddle off without saying a word, while that sister of mine never lays one without letting everybody in the neignborhood know about it. If you want to cut any ice in this communi- ty you must learn to advertise." • FATHER 80isMOTHER 76 The agedfather and mother of a prominent Boston lawyer safely carried through the last two winters by `The son says: " My Father and mother owe their present strength and good health to .;. gg "Vinol. During the last two trying winters neither of them had a cold, and were, able to walk farther and do more than for years. I think Vinol is perfectly wonderful. It certainly is the greatest blood -making, strengthening tonic for old people X ever heard of,'i We Want every feeble old person In Ole towel to try V'inol. We will return their n Loney" milttbout tpfeition If It dant slot >dlccorbplIelt ell We claim for tit. J. WALTON 1VieltintioN, Druggist, Wingham. CENTRAL , STRATFORD, ONT.. Has the reputation of being tho best practical training school in Canada. Thorough courses have produced re- sults. Business men say our graduates are the best and they apply to us for office help. Our graduates succeed as none other. Three departments—Com- mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Enter at onto. Write now for our free , catalogue. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PIIINCIPALi Get The Best. It Pays: One School that stands at the head in Thoroughness, Popularity and Genuine Merit is the TO1ONTOt ONT. It enjoys a large patronage because its superior work is so well known. Get your training hero and you will be satis- fied. All graduates ossify get positions. Catalogue free. Enter now. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. Stoves and Ranges There is all the difference in the world in Stoves and Ranges —some are good, others inferior ; some are a delight, others hard to manage. Have a talk with us over the matter before purchasing —we can help you to chose—we sell the good kind, that work well and give good satisfaction. Tinsmithing in all its branches. Plumbing receives special attention. LAMPS — at all prices. W. J. BOYCE Stone Block - Wingham r-- ROYAL � GROCERY HAVING ENLARGED OUR STORE we are now in a position to DISPLAY OUR GOODS and our customers will al- ways find that we keep nothing but the best on our shelves. Special attention given to our Teas, Coffees and Groceries. PRODUCE WANTED Malcolm's l'13:01111 G4 0.1 THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE - YflNGHAM, ONT.. Agents Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Kerr & Bird Agents for the. Ladies' Horne Journal Newest and Most Up-to-date Goods Arriving Daily at This Big Store. Quality Guaranteed. Prices Right. Come in and see the "Strictly New Creations" in Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Vic. MOTOR SCARF — Fleecy,' Fine, Pure All -wool Scarf, white only MUFFLERS AND CLOUDS—White and Colors, Pure All -wool. Price, each 25c to 500 See the new Muffler ; knit double ; nearly 2a. yards long. New Fancy Knit Neck Muffler with Dome fastener ; in all the newest shades. Price, each 50c 750 PROTECT THE HANDS. Fine Pure All -wool Mitts for Ladies and Misses in black, brown, cardinal, navy and white 25c to 350 - Ladies' Gloves in pure wool Ringwood and lined Cashmere. 25c to 50c Lined Kid and Mocha Gloves and Mitts for men ane women. Good goods. Lowest prices. SEE THE NEW KNIT CAPS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Knit Caps — the best yet ; warm and serviceable ; pure all -wool ; white and colors—each .... - 500 Toques, pure all -wool, white and col- ors, all sizes 25c to 50c Heavy Scotch Tams for winter $1.00 • ,SWEATERS—Pure All -wool Sweaters for men and boys, all sizes, and best colors. Sweater Coats for men—our guarantee goes with every Coat. They're pure wool. MANTLE GOODS—See our New Mantle Goods in Navy and Brown, 56 in. wide, pure wool, $1,50 yd. Can't be beat. "ROCKWOOD YARN" is the best Yarn made in Canada. We're agents for it. No short wool used in its manufacture. Nothing but the best long wool is used. All colors. 2 and 3 ply. A BARGAIN IN PICKLES. Bottled Pickles that usually sell at 15c a bottle, we're now offering at 10c. Mixed Pickles, Chow Chow; White Onion, Wal- nuts and Gherkins. We bought them at a reduced price, and you get the benefit. SOMETHING NEW IN WINGHAM. "Cream Of The West Flour" -the best BREAD FLOUR on the market. Made of Manitoba wheat. If you are not satisfied with the Flour you have been using, try the "Cream Of The West." New Fruit New Figs New Raisins New Currants New Peels L. FARMERS. --We want large quantities of Butter, Eggs, White Beans, Onions, Dried Apples, Hardwood, Oats, Winter Apples, Poultry, &e. Dried Apples must be good color and well dried. Poultry must be fat and dry picked to get the best price. u C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. Office over Malcolm's Grocery A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAM — ONTARIO Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted and„payable at par at any Bank in the Dominion. RATES.—$5,00 and under. 3 eta. $10 to $30, 10 ots. $30 to $50, 15 ole. Same rates charged on principal banking points in the U. S. Jas. Walker & Sones WINOHAM Furniture Dealers and Undertakers We aro specially qualified Under- takers and limbalmers, and those entrusting their work to us may rely on it hoing well done. Night calls received at residence. • Office Phone 100 Boum Phone 125 Neatuneer MINION BANG. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) ■ $3,980,000 Reserve (aed n oat°id- ' $5,297,000 Total Assets, over $50,000,000 W.fNGHAM BRANCH. Interest allowed on deposit of $1,00 and upwards. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Can• ada, the United States era Europe, ', R. Gehl!, Manager a,, vane'toab, ftorlottbr FURS MEN'S FUR COATS.—In Coon,, Calfskin, Dog - skin, etc. These are new stock and prices right ; when looking for Fur Coats, try us. LADIES' FUR JACKETS.— It will pay you to see our stock and get our prices. OVERCOATS.—For Men & Boys. Newest styles...47 Fine quality. Prices from $5 0o to $18,00. Underwear We carry a fine assortment of Ladies' Under- wear ; prices from 25 cents to $r,5o each. Children's from 15 cents upwards. Men's and Boys' Fleece -lined, all sizes. Stanfield's and Penman's for Men. Blankets and Sheeting Pure Wool Blankets, made from our own wool at Wroxeter ; nothing to equal them. Flannelette Blankets in 12-4, 11-4, 10-4 ; prices from $t.00 to $r .60. Wool Sheeting, made of pure wool, at Wroxeter. llousefurnishings Don't forget that we keep a complete range of Housefurnishings Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Lace,* Curtains -- to choose from. Prices to suit. GROCERIES :-tugar at $4 80 per 100 lbs. (cash). Clover honey in 2 ib. and 5 lb. tins. Pure Corn Syrup, Bee Ilive Brand. Flour, Feed and Grains always on hand. Goode delivered to any part of town. Pure Bring along your Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Poultry (dry ° plucked.) Scalded Poultry 3c less. POTATOES WANTED. T. A. Millet WINGHAM