HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-10-28, Page 88 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1909, i$962.001 I q O Business College So ci Six laths. training at our o b a, made t G difference. Was it a good investment? He thinks so, dl His address is New Os. 1 „p goode, Sask. One year ago, Mr. Geo. Wakeman was earning a- bout $100 per year as farm laborer. Now he is earning at the rate of on year. 5 Four Ooureee-- PREPARATORY COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHY TELEGRAPHY Enter any time. Indi- vidual instruction. Write for partioulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE oEO. SPOTTON, Pansair'sL. eismarosessmesse 1 1 EVA M. WHEATON, M. E, READER AND ENTERTAINER Honor Graduate of Ontario Ladies' College of Whitby. Concert engagements accepted. For terms, address Pine River, Ont., care of Rev. Morley Madden. Cattle Estray. Letter Cram Northwest '.ditor Wingham Advance, DEan Sot ;--It is over two years since I contributed a few lines to your valuable 'paper from this far western country, I must say that your paper is a welcome guest in my home every week, because it tells me of all the happenings in the surrounding coun- try where I spent my boyhood days. My first glance is always at the Mor- ris items, where my parents live, and ani pleased when I read they are not among those who are afflicted, but are still among those who aro enjoying the blessings of this life. It may be of interest to some of your readers for me to give a short description of this immense prairie country. I ata situated about sixty miles northwest of Moosejaw at a town named Tug- aske on a branch of the Canadian Pa- cific Railway. This country at the present time, is in the midst of pros- perity, with only about one-fifth of the prairie land broken, and all of us are in good spirits, We can look for- ward to a land of prosperity, as our future home, We have just harvest- ed one of the largest crops of wheat ever known in the West, and it is all of No. one quality. What was an unbroken prairie three years ago can now be seen dotted with threshing outfits, and a rush of teams hauling wheat to the elevators. The wheat yield on new breaking will average 28 bushels to the acre and the price at the elevators at present is 83c per bushel. Flax is worth $1.25 per bushel and this year yield will run 16 bushels to the acre. All the threshing -outfits are working short-handed, and they are offering five dollars a day for a man and team to haul stooks, and a man to pitch sheaves gets threw dol- lars per day. This is only a few of the many ways we have at our disposal to get along, without saying anything about the man who comes here with a little money and goes into land specu- lation. I will quote one elan whom 1 know well, that cleaned up $11,000 on one turn over of a section of land which he did not have to hold one year, and I wish to say to those who are not afraid to venture to the West that we have room enough for all, and anyone willing to work will be sure of success. Thanking you for this space in your valuable paper, I remain yours truly. Thos. Johnston, Tugaske, Sask. Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, about Oct. .15th, one red yearling steer and one red yearling heifer. Any information as to their whereabouts will be thankfully re- ceived by W. J. HENDERSON Box 55 Wingham Jet, Teacher Wanted. For S. S. No. 7, Turnberry, second- class certificate, male or female; duties to commence January 1st next, Ap- plications stating qualifications and salary received till Saturday, Octo- ber 80th. JAS. GODKIN, Sec.-Treas., Wingham P. 0. 1Jainestown, Mr, Lewis of Wrozreter, conducted the service on Sunday night. Mr. Duncan Taylor and Miss June of Brussels, visited Duncan MpDonald last Friday, Mr, F, Fraser and Miss Ida Frain attended the Teachers' Convention in Wingham last week, Stock For Sale. 'CIearview' stock of Herefords and Shropshires are offered—for sale, con- sisting of one yearling bull, and a number of choice females ; also one two -shear ram of Lloyd -Jones breed- ing, and a number of ram lambs. Prices right. Ii. T. PERDUE 0— Wingham P. 0. Belmore Cider Mill. Having remodeled our Cider Mill, we are now ready for .Apples. 'Bring them along if you want Apple Butter, Jelly or Syrup. With an np-to•date mill, we can supply you on short notice. We also make Sweet Apple Butter out of sour apples. Mill wilt run every Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday until fur- ther notice. W. B. EDWARDS, Proprietor CLOVER THRESHERS. We have purchased a Clover Threshing outfit, and request farmers having Clover to thresh, to send us their names and addresses at once. W. T. PIOKELL. • Box 805, Wingham. Executors' Notice To Creditors. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. 1897, Chap. 129, See. 38, that ail persons having claims against the estate of Mary Ann Galin, - her, late of the Township of Howick in the County of Huron Widow, deceased, who died on or about the fifth day of June, A. D. 1903, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned Executors, on or beforo the 2nd day of November, A D. 1909, their names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security Of any) held by them duly certified and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard Only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated. this 5th day of October, A.D. 1909. Edward Bryans, J'amestown1 Executors George Gallaher, Gorrie I Itobt. Malcolm, .Kinlough, delivered three loads of hogs to 11, Coleman, Kincardine, since the 1st of August which netted him $710.00, The Soul's Awakening." Mr, Wm. Hall and Miss Lizzie, of Ethel, are the guests of Mr. and .Mrs, Geo, Eokmier, for a few days. Jas. Strachan, jr., has taken a posi- tion as dentist in a dental parlor in Winnipeg. We wish him success. Mrs. Ilamilton and daughter of Shakespeare, .a r e spending their Thanksgiving time with Jamestown friends and Brussels relatives. It is with much regret that we an- nounce the demise of Miss Tena 'Wal- lace, who departed this life on Friday, Oct, 22nd, being 27 years of age, She had been in poor health since last spring, but got worse on Sunday, 17tb inst,, having an attack of acute bron- chitis and pneumonia. Her last words were "Jesus is mine." It is a great comfort to her friends to know that she is gone before, "Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep ; From which none ever wake to weep." Rev. Mr, Perrin of Wroxeter, officiated at the house and at the grave. The new premium picture given to all subscribers to the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, is cer- tainly a beauty. Never in the history of newspapers has there been such enthusiasm over a premium as "The Soul's Awakening" has created during the past two weeks: Almost every newspaper in Canada has published most flattering tributes to The Family Herald's enterprise. Clergymen of all denominations have written thanking the Publishers for giving the people of Canada an op- portunity to possess such a picture. Every mild brings scores of letters from parents, fathers and mothers, ex- pressing their sincere gratitude for furnishing the home with such an ele- vating influence. School Inspectors have written suggesting that every school room in Canada should have a copy of "The Soul's Awakening," be- lieving that it would have a powerful, though silent, influence on the minds of the children. The Family Herald and Weekly Star alone is big value at one dollar, but with this picture as a premium it looks like giving away money. It is said the supply is limited and there is a big rush of subscrip- tions. No one should miss it. Ravages Of Consumption. The remarkable increase in deaths from Consumption (tuberculosis) with- in the last few years is now attracting the attention and earnest considera- tion and study of the leading medical authorities of Europe, America and Canada, and the most strenuous ef- forts are being made to check its fur- ther developments. Many eminent men suppose that Consumption can- not be cured, but if Dr. Slocum's remedy, PSYOHINE, is persisted in for a reasonable time a perfect and per- manent cure can be effected. If the reader is a consumptive, or has lung or throat trouble,` general debility, bronchial trouble or decline, do not despair, but send your name and post office address to the Dr, Slocum, Limi- ted, Slocum Buildings, Toronto, and a sample bottle of PSYCHINE will be sent you absolutely free. When writing for this sample please mention this paper. WARREN TOPPAN, Lynn,Masse Cured of severe compound Cold and cough by ."Prom Dec. 20,'08, to March 1,'09. 1 had three bad colds, one on top of the other. 1 got so weak 1 could hardly get around. Nothing seemed to help me until 1 began to take Vhiol. The change was magic. Three bottles Com+ pietely fisted that compound cold and . stopped the terrible Cough—and what surprises Me most, at the same time it cured me of a severe stomach trouble that hat bothered me for 20 years. Vtnol Is Certainly • wonderful medicine." Mr.Toppan is one of Lynn's most prominent and highly respected merchants, venose word is as good as his bond. The reason Vinol is so successful hi such lases is because it contains the two most world famed tonics—the medicinal, strength cning, tt y tali • mg e ements o ' Iver Oil and `Ionic Iron, '!Novi Money Beek II You Are Not S. MAUed. .. WALTON Me,lilittttttONN', Druggist, Wingham. Belgrave, Ohms, Hopper is home frorrt Rami- ota, Man., where he spent the sum- mer. Pr. Geddes of Luoknow attended the funeral of bis uncle here on Fei. day last. Wm. Watson attended a Lodge of Instruction, R, A. Chapter of Mason- ry in Stratford on Monday. Leslie M. Bates encloses $L00 and wants that popular paper, the Ad- vance, sent to him at Gow Ganda. John T. Bell, 5th line, Morris,, ib having a hog pen and poultry house built which will be the most up-to- date in the township. Robt. Maguire has returned from his trip west. He is much impressed with the country but thinks Alberta is the best, especially near Edmonton ; the latter is growing rapidly. Mr, Rintoul's threshing engine broke through the bridge on the sideline near Jno. McLean's, falling eight feet. The driver jumped, and we are glad to say, no damage was done ; they got the engine out again all right, Citizens of Belgrave were very sorry to hear of the death of• W. J. McBur- ney of Marnoch, on Sunday night. He leaves a, widow, only daughter of Wm. Johnston, and a young child to mourn his demise in the prime of life. TIHANICSGIVING VISITORS.—Norman Salem. A. number from around here shipped cattle from Wroxeter on Tuesday last. John Hartley and John Weir spent Thanksgiving at the latter's home here. John Gemmill will finish threshing this week for this year. Mr. G. has, had a year of success. Albert Gallaher, Robt. McMichaeI and David Weir had phones put in their houses last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Gallaher of Blue - vale spent Monday last at the home of Wm. Gallaher of Gorrie. Wm. Westlake and his son, Fred., went out bunting on Monday after- noon, and in the evening returned with four fine rabbits. Mrs. Colston, also her sister, Mrs. Templer and children from Ancaster,. spent the Thanksgiving holidays with their aunt, Mrs. Jos. Kitchen. The funeral of the late John Mc- Tavish took place on Thursday last to the Wroxeter cemetery ; although the afternoon turned out wet, yet a large number of friends followed the re- mains to the cemetery. Mr. McTavish was in his 87th year, Howick Boundary. A. Higgins is in the doctor's care at present ; we hope soon to hear of his recovery. R. Harris was in Wroxeter a few days last week putting up a stable for T. Grant. Miss Durand, our teacher, took in the Teachers' Convention in Wingham on Thursday and Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. R. Harris spent a very pleasant evening• at the home of Mr. A. Longley of Salem, last week. Telephone poles aro being erected and the wires stretched along on the boundary and the rural mail boxes ut up which makes the line look very usiness like. Quite a number from these parts attended the auction sale of Mrs. N. Harris' stock and implements, , .on Tuesday of last week ; everything sold well. Mrs, Harris is moving to Mildmay. To Stop A'Crying Baby. It may be cramps, perhaps colic, pain or gas on the stomach—but in any case a few drops of Nerviline soothes the pain and allows the child to sleep peacefully. Nerviline cures minor ills such as colds, headache, in- ternal and external pains as -well as any doctor—safe to use because a small dose is required, Mothers, you will find Nerviline an invaluable aid in .preventing and curing sickness. Deep a bottle right at hand, some day you will need it badly. Sold every- where at 25c. Special Train Service Por Hunters. For the accommodation of Hunters, the Grand Trunk will run special train leaving Toronto 9 p.m., Oct. 28th and 29th for North Bay, stopping at prin- cipal intermediate stations. Return- ing special will leave North Bay 0 p,m., Nov. 13th and 15th. Further in- formation may be obtained from Grand Trunk Agents. BYRTSs. Seri.—In Lower Winghatn, Oct. 220th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ie. Sell, a daughter. Moore.—In Wingham, Oct. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moore, a daugh- ter, Miller. --In Turnberry, Oct. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Miller, a daugh- ter. Lockman. --In Wingham, Ont, 24th; to Mr. and Mrs. Zenas Lockman, a daughter. Thompson.—In Hamilton, on Wednes- day,October 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thompson, 68 Ontario Ave„ a ton. Wroxeter. SarniaIiiary, genie sine is visiting frleoda in Thanksgiving Day was .spent quite quiet lo our burg. D, McTavish has been away enjoy- ing n few holidays, Dr, McKenzie isspending a fefv days. with friends in Toronto, We hear thitt the telephone line bas almost reached I3elmore, Mr. Davey's father and heather visited him over the holidays. Bella McDowell of Toronto is visit- ing at Mrs, Wm. Douglas' in this village, Nellie Black of Harriston visited for a few days this week under the par- ental roof. S. Robinson of Hespeler hasbeen visiting his parents, Postmaster and Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. John Patterson of Brussels spent Thanksgiving Day with her father-in-law, John Patterson. Jas. Young of Hillsburg spent Sun- day and. Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Harding; the latter is his niece. John Barnard, wife and daughter of London visited the former's brother, Geo. Barnard, for a few days lately. Somerville Hamilton, of Toronto, who has been ill with diphtheria, is recuperating at the home of his parents. Brandon of St. Marys at the parental home.. „Mrs. Simmons of Tilaonburg at Mrs. Wiley's.. ,Clayton Proctor of Stratford Normal ,with his parents here... ,Mrs. Caesar and Mise Mc- Dougall with their brother.... Mr. A. Creighton and daughter, Miss Lottie, of Schomberg, at T. 5, Brandon's. . . , Mrs. J. B. Wray, Mrs. Rowntree, Mas- ter Harold and Mies Doris Rowntree at Wm. Wray's and Geo. Daley's.... Mrs. Clark, of near Guelph, withher father, Geo, Dalgarno.... Mrs. Grain- ger and daughter Mildred of London, Miss F. Beattie of Seaforth, also Miss- es Marcia and Agnes Sproat of Kippin with Mr. and Mrs. Sproat Mr. Parkhill, Customs officer at Midland, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferguson, on the gravel road....Mrs. Carlisle with her parents in Winghani....Mr. and Mrs. Lou. Williams with relatives in Guelph. There passed peacefully away on Wednesday, Oct: 20th, David Geddes, in bis 33rd year. Mr. Geddes was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and immi- grated to Canada with his parents 76 years ago, settling in the county of Lanark, where he lived until he mar- ried. He then moved west with two of his brothers, 57 years ago, where he has lived continuously until retiring to Belgrave. Mr. Geddes was among the first pioneers of Morris, settling on the 3rd line. He had to cut his way in through the bush, where he took up 150 acres of land, and made a good home for bis wife and family. Being an expert axeman, his services were much sought after for a corner - man at log raisings. The deceased was a man of exemplary character, and bis word was looked upon as strictly reliable, and like most of the early settlers, he was always ready to lend a helping hand. In religion he was a Presbyterian, and in politics a Liberal. He was a man that had many friends in both political parties. There remain to mourn his demise, six sons and two daughters—David and Adam of Grandin, North Dakota, Robert on part of the homestead, William, John L. and Dan., of Bel - grave, Mrs. V. Vannorman of Wing - ham and Mrs. Wilson, Belgrave. His wife and two daughters have gone to their Iong home. Two brothers and two sisters survive. The remains were laid to rest last Friday in the Brandon cemetery, the funeral ser- vices being conducted in Knox church, Belgrave, by Rev. J. A. Ferguson. nitAtna, McBarneyL--In East Wawanoth, Oct. 24tH, Wm. J. McBurney, aged 48. Helm—In Winghatn, Oct. 22nd, Janet Beattie, relict of the late Wm. Helm, aged 80 years. Ingles.---Tu Goderleh, no October gist, Marion I1, beloved wife of Alex, fogies, aged 58 years. Walhtee—In Grey, Oct. 22, Christina Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Sames Wallaee, aged 27. Iteacl ng—tn Wbigham, Oet. 20, Chas. 3. 'Reading, in his 65th year. Pan- oral on Thursday, Oet. 28th, at 2.80 to Wingham oetnetery. CHRiSTIE'S . GROCERY PHONE C9 Wo give our Best attention to the securing of Foods that are Pure That's one of the reasons for our steadily increasing business. NOW —isn't PURE HIGH GRADE eat- ables of as mush importance as pare anything else. Think About It WE PLEASE OTHERS, CAN WE PLEASE YOU ? We have loads of China- ware here, but we world rather have the room. 11 you're looking for a Bar- gain you Gun have - one. A New Preparation ODERLESS KLENZINE A sanitary Powder for general tise. Per bag, 256, Invaluable to the looming Community. Bring along Melee Butter. illentlyehristio Gorrie. Mrs. A, Laird is visiting friends In Toronto. Miss. Edythe Perkins visited Luck - now friends. Thanksgiving. Miss. F, Sherrlff visited during the holidays at her home in. Luckaow. Mrs, Wood of Toronto is visiting her daughter, Mrs, M. W. McTavish, at the parsonage. Mr, ll, V, Holmes of the Bank of Hamilton spent Thanksgiving with Lueknow friends, Dr, M, A. V. Armstrong of Tara visited his brother, James Arm- strong, on Monday and Tuesday,. Miss Annie Murray spent Thanks- giving at her home in town, returning to her school near Wingham on Tues- day. J. G. Armstrong of Lueknow spent Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong, on his way home from Toronto, H. V. Armstrong, who has been clerking in his brother's (L. C. Arm- strong) drug store in Toronto, is 111 at his home in town. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery, Mrs. (Dr.) L, N. Whitely died at her home on Saturday last, after a few days illness. Mrs. Whitely name to Gorrie as a bride about four months ago. Her remains were taken to her parents' home Goderich for interment. The sympathy of the community is extended to Dr. Whitely in his sad bereavement. Mr. Carr (formerly editor of Wroxe- ter Star) and Mrs. Carr were renewing acquaintances during Thanksgiving holidays. Mrs. Rann and children spent Thanksgiving Day with her father and mother, David and Mrs. Hastings. Miss Hastings, Mrs. Rann's sister, also spent a few days at the old home. Grey. Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Tuck of Clifford spent Thanksgiving holidays at the home of John Bryans'. Win. Hogg has rented his farm to Mr. Wilbee, 6t1 con. We are sorry Mr. Hogg's health does not improve quicker. Mr,, Lorenzo Frain will represent Roe's League and Sabbath School at the Provincial convention in Toronto this week, Mies Lillian Jackson, who spent the summer in this locality for the benefit of her health, returned to her home in Toronto this week. Among the many who ate their Thanksgiving turkey at home were— Jas. Pearson, Fred. Bryans, Ida Frain, May and Harold Hogg. They return- ed to their different colleges on Tues- day. The funeral of Miss Tena Wallace of Jamestown took place to Wingham cemetery last Monday. Miss Tena had been in failing health for some time but hopes for restoration were being entertained until pneumonia set in, and she passed away on Friday. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family in their hour of trial. Last Sunday was observed. as Rally day in Roe's Sunday School. An ex, cellent program was given by some of the teachers and scholars, which proved quite in touch with the work. After this part of the service was over the pastor gave a very able Thanks- giving address. The special music by the choir was much appreciated. Morris. Some of our farmers have large crops of potatoes this Fall. • John T. Bell's cider mill is running the last three days in each week. Joe Miller is slowly recovering after a long illness of typhoid fever, His many friends hope he will soon be convalescent. Frank Garniss, sr., is not enjoying the good health his many friends would like to see but we trust he will soon gain up. Last Friday Mrs. Robert Shedden, 4th line, arrived home from the hospi- tal, at Clinton, where she has been for the past- ten weeks. Her many old friends are pleased to hear that her health is much improved and trust that she will soon be convalescent, Turnberry. Council met on October 18th ; mem- bers all present, and minutes of last meeting approved. Communication? were read from the T. & N. Railway re the settlement of farm lands in northern districts—filed; also from the North Huron Telephone Co. re phone in clerk's office—filed, The following accounts were passed and cheques issued :—B. Ringler, gra- vel, Sic ; D. Eadie, gravel and damag- es, $14.02 ; J. W. Ring, tile drain, $2 ; 13. 13. Elliott, printing, $3.50; for se- lecting jurors, D. Moffatt and J', Mc- Tavish $3 each, Jno., Burgess $6 ; J: A. McLean, lumber, $1.00 ; J. Lovell, dill, vert, $0; W. A. MoGill, repairs to Badies' bridge, $4,05 ; Wm. Adair, re- pairs Woods' bridge, $2,50 ;;1'. MoGue, Turnberry's share culvert, $16.50; T. Finnan, teaming, $2 ; P. McLaren, part salary, $50. Council adjourned to meet Novem- ber 22nd. I. Burgess, Clerk. La Grippe Conning Again. Europe is now in its grasp, and in a Short time America will be over run with tltie awful epidemic. Get ready, use preventive measures. Build up a surplus of vigor by Ferrozene, and Inhale Catarrhoroue three times each day, Nothing dastroys the grippe germ like Catarrhozone, It wires the sold breaks up the fever, relieves the headache and destroys every vestige of tatarrlt and sore throat. For Bron- chitis, romchitis, Glrlppe and winter iiia Catarrh- ozone is the hest Sold by all dealers 25tt and $1,00. She Is White As A Ghost. Is it a matter of pride to be pale as a lily—certainly not. What every wom- an wants is strength, color, vigor. Buoyancy and health are the right of every woman, and these she need not lack if she only uses Ferrozone. It gives appetite, creates strength, en- riches blood, gives vigor to the nerves, color to the cheeks and brightness to the eyes. Ferrozone is at once con- vertible into health, beauty and strength. There is power in Ferro- zone—try it and know what you have missed, 50c at all dealers, Belmore. Paul Doig is attending Business College in Toronto. Miss Ballantyne of Stratford is visit- ing with her aunt, Mrs. Wm, McKee. John Marshal, Scot Inglis and Robt. Nichol, arrived home from the west on Saturday. Miss Lizzie McKee spent Thanks- giving at home. She has been in Stratford attending Normal. Great quantities of apples are being manufactured into apple butter, jelly, etc., at Mr. Edwards' these days. Rev. H. R. Horne presented the work of to Upper Canada Book & Tract Society, in 'McIntosh and Bel - more Presbyterian church, on Sunday last. Bluevale. The special services next Sunday in the Methodist Church will be as fol- lows :—At 10,30 a.m., Evangelist Rus- sell will speak on "Christ's Conception of the Christian Church"; at 3 p. m., everybody should hear the evangelist on "The Spirit -filled Life"; at 7 p.m., great evangelistic meeting, when Mr. Russell will speak on " Redemption Rights." Each afternoon, except on Mondays and Saturdays, at 3 o'clock, Mr. Russell will teach on "The .Office Work of the Holy Spirit." A11 the people are welcome. Ravages of Consumption ALL HER RELATIVES HAD DIED OF CONSUMPTION In the year 1890,18 years ago, Mrs. G. • S. Gesner, of Belle isle, N.S., was in a sad condition. All her relatives had died of consumption, and there was every indication that she was going the same way. Atthis point her husband suggestedtotry Psychine. The doctor who attended said Psychine was worthless; but it effected a wonderful cure. Eighteen years after in n letter bearing date August 14, 1908, Mrs. Gesner says, " I am better than I have been for years. My lungs have not troubled me since l took your treatment. My physician told are 1 could not take a better tonic than PSYCHINE, and I recommend it to all who are suffering from Lung Trouble and Gen. etal Debility. " Far sale by all Drat¢l.ts SOc, J4 El per bottle. Dr. T. A. SLOCUM LIMI, TORONTOTED PSYcH INN PRONOUNCED SI -KEN GRAND TRUNK SYSri M Single Fare For Hunters To Temagami, Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Quebec, New Bruns- wick, Nowt Scotia, fine. Daily Until Nov. 6th Return lttnit on all tickets December 4th, or until close of navigation, if earlier, to points reached by steamers, California, Mexico, Florida. Constult nearest Grand Trunk Agent regarding low tourist rates. So iR..ft,oinireni tickets RENY,'townAg information J. D. cbonat/ 'Dirdrlb/ )OaeeenftSe :f,Uent. Tritonto, New .Autu liiu Styles Not Freakish Styles All Sorts and Shapes $4.00 PER PAIR THE FAMOUS SHOE FOR WOMEN 774,i'. It is quite natural for the intelligent purchaser .to depend more and more upon big trade mark names for security. "TAKE QUEEN QUALITY SHOES" The reputation of that name has cost a million dollars. Can the makers afford to stamp that name on • any shoe that would discredit it ? Can they afford to sacrifice quality ? You know it stands for our mutual protection. That is why it easily leads all other Women's Shoes in. the world. We are sole agents in Wingham. Willis Co. AGENTS THE SHOE STORE FOR SHOE LADIES Also "Victoria" Shoes for Ladies, "Albert" & "Astoria" Shpes for Men HANNA & CO. Highest Prices Paid For Butter and Eggs Phone 70 Who Said Fur Ruffs, Muff's and Fur -lined Coats ? We're more enthusiastic this season than ever before with our showing of New and Stylish Furs. Our system of buying direct from the leading manufacturers nets a considerable saving in price to customers. and ensures ab- solutely reliable qualities. We believe that Furs are in- tended for comfort and elegance, and "freak fashions" have no place is this collection. We will sell you styles that you'll be pleased with as long as you wear them, plus the satisfaction of having something you know to be genuinely good. Anything special that may be wanted, we can very quickly get. Ladies' & Girls' Cloth Coats. We've been doing a rushing business in New Fall Coats. Prices to suit the Coats -- Coats to suit the customers. Get the early selection, which is always the beet. Children's Winter Apparel In Toques, Gloves, Bootees Gaiters and Mittens. Wrapperettes. Twenty new patterns in Wrapperettes just arrived, for Ladies' Himonas, 'Wrappers and morning Dresses, also for Children's Dresses. Men And Boys ! Can we not sell you that Winter Overcoat? In Black or Tweed, Beaver or Milton --• We have a good variety at all prices. One thing about Our Overcoats—they are good style and fit. House Furnishings. Carpets, Rugs, Linoletlms and Laee Ourtaine have Ar- rived Por fall trade, Don't forget, we are here with the goods, and will be pleased to lay yon new Rag or Linoleum, also sow and lay your new Carpet, free of charge. •