HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-10-28, Page 7CZAR IN ITALY. Met With Warm Reception From Doran People. Received by King of Italy and . . Mcny Dignitaries. hatessitigi.k, ()te 25. Niel' .1 is, V,IIIPetoe of all the Ilessias, motsi tt;- timpltal entrt• Int Italy toolty. 1111 ver mat- have stirred beneath the h it I • feet., the outward mettifestation was a cordial and pelmets %%esteems. , leo sesea event end exprees gratileide for lite alit this itussiaJt marl a !1YL' at the time of -the 0...1 lt11111111he in Alassina. From tbe moinsut the pirty entered Italy through the riotous .Mont Cisui$ tunnel at Sled:tile until it 'reached the royal eastte it was atteotled by au oxtraordittary maitary guard. Not an ineli of the tunnel failed of examinatton, 'end it was tided with soldiers who email almost touch the hands of their comrades at the riligt and. left. On the. Italian frontier the Emperor was in by speciai coynnission of gen- orals. sent by King 1 rotor Emmeline] and by Adjutant-Clenerel Prince .Dolge- i-aki, 114s -don Ambaseallor to Italy, and staff ef the Ruesian Embaesv. Ilie day %vas Waal, The sun was elut- ing brightly, and there wile a spring-like balm in the air. At the et:Won Em- peror Nichol:le wits mot by King l'ictor Emmanuel, Prestrier tliolitti, Foreign Minister Tittoni, :NTayor Nathan. or Rome, members of the ("atilt, start err'. ens and tioveininvot digniteriee. 'chess had driVen 1.1") OM St Ilan) in brightly Sleeked earriagos with outriders, and es, curled by cuirassiers, The sovereign's noom n eeting sal1?s,1 oach other 08 both ohisels.e. At the nra- ment the 1ta1ivn hobos presented arms, P3110011 belched fortha 'salute, the bandp; atimek up the Ritesian National Anthem, and the erowd elusered fratatlealy. Ain computed by the Nino, the Emperor -reviewed a eon:patty of infantry inside the station, .••• of a friendly (tate, *Ilus Emperor 111) hod here at asto v, nt, Front early &toes the wane ins Otts city wts. most intim:WO, as crowde *gathered in the streets anticipating the arrival of the Imperial vis:,01% Tide morning the Mayor 1.;:aued a pat- riotic mauifeeto tzdtorting the eitizene to give the Emperor a recoption that would show uppleviatioh 1;f tha gyn., THE SALS Annual Convertion of Salvaiionists in Toronto. 'Voronto despatch: Yesterday's seasio11. of the twenty-seventh annual Salvation Army Congrese- was probably the most enthusiastic gathermg which has been held in the history of the great Organ- ization in Canada. Commissioner Coombs .again presided.. Col. Henry Mapp again. gave the principal address in the morn - lug, talking on the Salvation Army as a huge structure, and ,defining and expos- ing its different parts and phases of work, Commissioner Coombs gave a devotional address.. - In the afternoon five papers were read. Brig. ,John -130nd, editor of the War Cry, talked on missionary work. Col. John Sharp followed with a talk on "Our Buildings," and told how they could be beautified. Brig. W. Scott Potter. of Toronto, talked. on "The Busi- ness Side of the Salvation Army." Fol- lowing him came Lieut. -Col. John South- all, who spoke on a triple topic. A woman officer, the only one to speak before the congeess, addressed the meeting in the evening. She is Major Simeoe, of Toronto, who talked on "Evangelistic Work." -Col. George Mitchell, of international headquarters, London, England, brotight messages from Gen. Booth. Commissioner Comeihs closed tho meeting with a touching fare- well address, as this wns the last of the gatherings of the officem Then Male a general consecration. during Which sev- eral officers spoke. Song of praise ended the most stweessful gathering of Sal- vationists ever held in the Dominion. • DEAD IN CHAIR With Wife and Nurse in an Uncon- SCiO113 Condition. , Oanistoe, N.Y., Oct. 24.--T1ie dead body of joint Bowles, in a sitting po- sition in an easy chair, and his wife and a nurse; employed for Mrs. 13owles, in an unconseloue condition, wore found about 11 o'clock this morn- ing in the Bowles borne here and whether tile cause of death Was sick- ness or not has not yet been de- termined. The nurse is Mrs. Robert Scribner, of Greenwood. It is said that the women have it chance for recovery. Both Mr. Bowles and Mrs. Scrib- not wore fully dressed, while Mrs. I3owles WAS forind in bed in an ad- joining room. There were no !signs of violence or foul play about the place. Bowles was a prominont reeident oL Canistee. An autopsy on his body is delayed owing to the condition of te Women. CAPTURED HIM, Victor J. Roy Makes a Good Amateur Detective. A Sudbury depatelt: set noon to -day Victor J. Iloy, it young inan of Mark- atay, surprised the Crown tiffieialsof Sudbury by delivering to them George jeunette, safely matuteled. •Jeunette es. coed from the jail at Bryson, Que., in Auguet, where ire had beret committed to serve 8 six -months' term for safe - (lacking in the store owned by Itoy*e father at Otter Lake, Quo, After sorts. hie two weeke jeunette esenned and hag since been at large, and the eountry has boon seoured for him over Sinee. (lotting it eine, young lloy bail birn self morn in ea a eonstable on Monday end he left for the lumber camps at Chaldean. Prom there he eame back to (buying Sidinss„ and in ti. lumber camp found hie men. Both men woro kr:own to each other, ond jetinette took to tho buelz. A shot from Roes rovolver, bow - over, halted him, and he was safely handcuffed forthwith. When atight jettnette woe armed with a. 32 ealibre re- solver, besides hie it inelsourn'e axe, Jen- oetto 18 2f1 yeart of age, nod eix frid two inelms tall. Ms home ie in Qndbee City. 1 I CLOSE or THE CONVENTION AT BELLEVILLE. - Resolutions Passed Reaffirming Hos- tility to tho Liquor Traffic and in Favor of Stringent Laws Against , Gambling -Temperance Instruc- tion in Schools. TO SHOOT AIRSHIPS, New Gun Mounted on Atrmnohile Provas Success in Germany, Paris, Oct. 25.--EXpe1lieserte hove re. wetly been carried out la Westphalia, elates the Matins with a stew Krupp gum Welt him been designed for em- ployment against airshios. Tho recent nuomenvroa both in Franee and flek- malty have dentonetrated that ordinate's field. !sieved AM 11:401e8)3 Against the aettal enemy, which front a height of 2,000 feet able to ,deteranine -With eanteti- tutle the positione of a hostile foree, 101ot:ever tire inequalities of the ground mey be. The tWo problente presenting themselves in connection with the con- struction of a gen for employment viand airship8 are, first, tite necessity for mobility, mut second, the inclinatiou �f the gun towards any point 111 tho horizon. It 13 claimed that all obstacles have been overcome in the new Kropp. model. :Mounted on a 'motor ear, it can give chase to an airship,. while it ean be fired in either a vertical 01.' 11011gOnta1 )?08i - tion, It has a carrying power of five miles in a horizontal direction, and of three milers when aimed vertically. The most curious feature, however, is the projectile, which, in addition to the eke!, carriee a fuse that leaves in the air‘rat long trail of smoke, by means of which the trajectory ean be observed aml the angle of the gun rectified. The projectile is constructed to burst the moment it toilettes the balloon envelope. THE W C. T. U. Belleville despatch: The exercises of the W. C. T. Cr. Convention were pleas- antly reeled this morning by the pin - /ling on Mrs. MeNee,,.president, and Mrs. Newton, provincial superintendent, of the benutiful peari'and gold emblem of -the Dominion Union, The report of the flower, fruit and delicaey mission, submitted by Mrs. Pieton, superintendent, showed. that thousands of yisits, bou- quets an(1 articles of Clothing had found this department onvenienemed- hun for distribution. The plan of work committee brought in many and varied suggestions for the year's campaign, which will be printed in the annual report. Resolutions were passed condemning the traffic in spirituous liquor, rec track gambling, newspaixtrs advertising liquor and the dropping of the examina- tional test in spientifie temperance. Mrs. Detlar, treasurer of the mission- ary fund, reported that $2,192.95 had been received for missionary work. 411 the missionary salaries are paid in full, leaving a surplus of $870.25. Mrs.Russell, Toronto, reporting mis- sionary and lumber camp work, said interest is growing. The Ontario delegation to the Domin- ion convention, which convenes hi St. John, N. B.,Oet. 29, is composed of Mrs. MeKee, Barrie; Mrs. -Vivian, Till- sonburg, Mrs. Livingston, Tillsonburg; Mrs. Bascom, Toronto; .Mrs. Stevens, Toronto; Mrs. Miekie. Miss Mickle, Gravenhurst; Mrs. Wraith, Owen Sound; Miss Ida TaWhinS, Area; Mrs, Britton, Gananoque. Mrs. Thornley, Landoll, honorery pre- sident, was mode ft life member of the Domiuion Union. • Mrs, Meisel's, Hamilton, was appoint- ed superintendent of the department of franchise. The afternoon was taken up in dis- cussing resolutions dealing ith the enforcing of law in regard to the sale of liquor in military canteens, white slave traffic, tho action of the medical council in regard to proprietary medi- cines and criminal practices, and the iniquity of the three-fifths clause, Mr. Warry, an edtwated lumber jack, told of the missionary work among the comps of Grey 00118(3%, Airs. 01181111)0am extended an tation to the convention to convene ill 8011 MI in 3 91 0. t • MEAN THIEVES. Robbed the [male of the Virgin of the Robe, Czenstochow, Russian Poland, Oct, 24. -Robbers entered the chapel of the Paulin Convent here on Friday night and despoiled .the muchvenerated hear of the Virgin of the robe with its pearls, the diamond studded crowli and devoted offerings of jewels, The ioons'en itself was not damaged. objects stolen have an intrinsic value of 8 1111111021 roubles. There is' no clue to the rob; bets. The convent at Czenstoeltow is famous for its representation of the Virgin,. and attract:1; probably a Trader of a million pilgrims annually. CONGO CRUELTIES. Many Natives, Killed and Their Villages Burned. Brussels, ()et, 24, ---New atrocities lo the Congo Independent State have b•stor revealed by eft officer of a rubber 08111' 9(183'. Ho eliargos that between 1 007 and 1900 a number of the parnontriee" agenta loctoreil and Itilliel many f20iL.N1 amid sentries. (Omitted and imprisonol the nativoe to foree them to wok, earl intrne4 vilinges. The Minister of the Colonies order: an inquiry. ,RANISH POLICY. Pacifelation and Liberty -Religious Orders and COW1111031 Lawr Madrid, Oct. O5. ---The Cabinet was in session for four lionrs last night, and following its adjoutument, an of- ficial communierition was 'Issued stn. nouneing that the Cabinet proposed to follow a policy of pacification and yt fq Understood that among the slice:fie decisions arrived et wins inre 111 :.ailnint the rehgtiette inelers engaged ia nulustri(rs to the Al2Ciati0n:4 of the cum - mon law. rliWINWetWOMWeNieW0WWWWWAIWO ITEMS (W NEWS FROM FAR AND NEAR WWwwwwwwisemAl. K. Maelean, 3f, P., of Wien - burg, may join the Nova Scotia Cabizlet as Attortteptieneral. Two Wolfe fiehermen, Daniel Keeley and Metzler Weaver, were drown - est by tee upsetting of their boat. Privy Coumillor Albert Afeisner, prin- cipal private secretary to Emperer limn thronghollt the latter1$ telgh, is dead. A. cave-in 0(08)18(1 .the Hales Mi ene, on Battle River. Alta., in which Diseid Welch was killed. Two men who were with Win escaped. The American Piddle Health Assoc's:, tiou at its olosing session on Friday elected Dr. C. A. Hodgetts, Toronto, First Viee-President. Little credence is given by the Do- minion pollee to the confession at Seat- tle, Wash, of a man claiming to be one of the Wright safe-blowers, For robbing Ids employer by it series of petty thefts, John K. Reeder, was sentenced to two years in Kingston Penitentiary by the pollee magistrate of Windsor. Five persons and: possibly more Were killed in a wreck on the Panhandle divi- 81011 of the Pennsylvania Railroad, trear Collinsville, Ohio, on Friday, when a satithbound paseenger train ran into a freight train on an open siding. A..reterson's liberality With Whiskey cost him fifty dollars at Port Arthur, He was eating a meal in a restaurant when an Indian woman Caine 112 and he gave her a drink from his bottle, He was promptly arrested and the police magistrate 11)2908e41 a fine on him, Stepping off the Fifth sireet bridge, Chatham, on Thnualay night While it was swtmg,..Tas, E. Goodall was whirled twenty feet through spitee„ hut escaped with a few broises. Tke brislge Was swung by firemen to extinguish a blaze beneath caused by a cigar stub, The by-law validating the agreement with Mr. Samuel Trees, of Torotto„ under whieh a oew industry instituter. toring horse goods is to be established in the vacant Whitby agviculturitl foundry, was passed on Friday by 380 votes for and 5 against, 84 more than were required to carry it. • Incomplete returns show that twelve persons Were drowned during the recent floods in Northern Tinzon, The deistruction to property WaS heavy. The floods in the vicivity of Dagupan continue, the streete of the Ware being flooded AS late as yesterday by five feet of water. REPORTS **AMENDED, Russell Didn't Want Prospective Customers to be Misled. A Cleveland, Ohio, despatch: During the eress-examination of W. L. Rus- sell, the mining broker and banker of Lima, Ohio, before United Statee Commissioner 'Walther to -day, an en- counter between ltssell and judge Francis Wing, attorney for the Canadian authorities, was narrowly averted. Questions as to two reports of the mining engineer, Magee, wore fired at Russell in Sueli perplexing nuniber by Wing that the witness was several times at a loss for an answer. His confusion was brought to it climax when Russell, following a ques- tion as to why he had made a pencil draft of a repOtt, changing the orig- inal one sent in by Magee, rose from his chair and asked in a loud voice: "What are you trying to do, Judgel kMnioxwm.,,e up? You can't do that, you Judge Wing replied by ordering the witness into his seat, at the same time reproaching him. Russell's face flam- ed and he continued to talk in a high Voice. Attorney Tolles interposed, and sacceeded in restoring quiet. The point Wing tried to bring out by cross-examination was that Rus- sell himself had. not .only.swritten garbled report on the properties, but that ho had sent it to newspapers in - Ontario end throughout Canada and the United States, knowing it to be false. Russell contended that Ile had made the amended report So that there would be no misleading of proepec- tivo customers. He said; furthermore, that be knew of the use of the report in newspapers only once. It le expected that the testimony of D. T. Hughes, ono of the original owners of tho claims transferred to Russell., and by hint turned over to Law & Co., will bear out that of sell 14). in. many particulars. There ir. little hope of the hearing being cons cluddd this week. • . .RATE DOUBLED. New ;York Speculation Raises Bank of England Discount: 'New York, ()et 24.--s•The Bank of Eng - 18)2(1 has commanded the atteution of Om financial world during the past week with its third successive advance in its discount rates in two weeks, doubling the Tate in tile period, and the ominous intimation is that additional protective emeasures will be resorted to, if neces- 81117 to avert further inroads on Lon -4 doWe banking resources, Critics in Leedon. allege that 118181411. spree:lotion in. the XelV York stock market is primarily responsible for the conditiou aml the prolougeit etivanee 111 'glees 111New York and the high rate a activity in the kook market deo- bap are coreoborative of that VIM.. Es - Hinnies of the anntent of New Yorlee borrowings ebb; year, which are eurretit. lo neeepted, point to heavy exeess over the eeetnentry nIfloll8t, 12 TOUnd Vele lel- 114n1 dollete being the figure most fro. seem tly heard. MAY RE MURDER.. Dead Body of Brockville Young Mao found in River. Brockville, Ont., Oct. 21. -The body of a young inert mimed Mort, Boyd, of Brockville, about twenty-two years of ago, was found floating -in the 81. Law - 18808 River hero thiS Morning, neer Bowie & Company's brewery. At the hI- (jIIC$( -this afternoon no evidence was given and an neljourinneut iintil 1'i/4(14m...day ovenims, when a pint mor- tem examination will take place. Void 1141120 is Nit -peeled tho young man is badee eut about the left yes,. FOUGHT WITH WIND. IL Lathlon's Daring Aeroplane Flight at Blackpool. • Blackpool, Engi, Or(. 25se The (1111. 81)1111108 of the ()etc/Willie 111 the halide of a daring pilot were examplified here to -day, whole Hubert Latham, the French aviator, gave an exhibi- tion that first entertained and then terrified the speetatore. lij a mono- plane Latham battled, against a gale that was blowing thirty miles an hour, twice circling the own, As tho nut - chine struggled in the teeth of the gale it appeared at tittles to stand still in the air. When, however, Lath- an). Came about in the wind the mono- plane was driven at a rate estimated to be between eighty and one hundred miles an hour. At one time he barely escaped being carried out to sen, and the crowd, which had been worked up to a high pitch of excitement, ceased to -cheer, and besought the aviator to come down, When Latham: did alight he was not 'permitted to attempt it fur- ther flight while the wind continued high. INTO A MONNE. Charles Burke Killerl in a Factory at Belleville. A Belleville despatch: A terrible acei- dent occurred hi the plant of the Belleville Iron & Horseshoe Conyany some time bdween 5 and 0 o'elock to- night, when a young man names Charles Burke, this city, seventeen years of age, Wa$ instantly killed by being drewn into the machine used for straighteni»g old tires from 11)0 8(11)1) mill, No one saw the accident, and when diecovered Burke wam dead. I 10 WaS engaged in feeding (tree lido the rollere, and the supposition is that he slipped aud fell, His left ;um Wan drawly into tire rollers, ea:alit:1g it ilito a tedp op to the slooddels Hie chest Wag mangled, the side of 1)18 face out, and ids iteek dist- Smelted. Deceased was a son of Thos. Burke, of this eity. MT. M`KINLEY, .•1•••••••,. Barrill Affidavit as to Cook's Climb Questioned. Miasouht, Mont., Oct. 24, -Au affida- Vit, contradieting the assertions of Ed- ward N. taunt, in his affidavit, de- claring thitt Dr. Cook did not reach the summit of Mount iticli'inky, was secur- ed by the atterneys representing ]Jr. F. A, Cook, it this city to -day, from C, G. Bridgeford, until recently a part- ner with. Barrill in the real estate bus- iness In Hamilton, Mont. In -his affi- davit he alleges that it was understood by him that Banal wits offered from $5,000 to $10,000 if he would go to Seattle and make an affidavit regarding the mountain elimb. PEARY AGAIN. ISays Knud Rasmussen Did Not See the Cook Party, Washington, Oct. 25.-- Commander Robert E. ePary, the Arctic exploreislitts telegraphed to scientific hien& heee that it was impossible for lisnud Ras - nelson, the Danish explorer, to have seen any members of the Dr. lerederick A. Cook party, and that any informa- tion which Rasmussen received was therefore not .at first haml. That the story told in Rasmussen's report of his itnprossions of Dr. (look, as recently made public,' by Mrs. Rasmussen at Copenhagen, lacks authority, is the sub- stance of Peary's latest message. 126 KILLED Terrible Results of Earthquake in Baluchistan. Calcutta, Oet. recentseirtli• quake in Belueldetan wee the worst thet has occurre(1 over such a wide area in many years. It is reported that the fatalities wero 120 and that 150 persons wore injured. Complete details have not as yet laten received front the interior, but the best information is tu the effect that the to- tal Sleuths during the room eyelo»e in eastern Bengal did not eeeeed 100, and that the fatalities included,uno Euro- peans. • - seessie DO AWAY WITH JURIES When It Comes • to a Trial for Murder, A Toronto despatch: In making their presentment to Justice Mageo yester- day, the grand jury of the criminal nssize court made this recommendation: "We recommend that consideration be given to the ebolishing of trials by jury in eases where retina1 punishment might apply, in order that the evidenee may be weighed by tltose 'most eapable of judging of the guilt or otherwiso of the acensed, thus furthering the proper ends of justices" In reply justice Magee said that on the whole trig by jury AVAS satisfactory, iltero were (+epee whore the jury Aystem did not seem to work well. Ite wmulereel what put the idea of making smelt reeommendation in their heeds if it Ives not it very recent in- stanee. "As n Indge aitting en the beindi I would say. however, that the abolition of the jury system would not be very satiefeetory to me." The jury also reeommouled the leell for those who commit criminal roveralts; On WOlnen. -DIED IN THE Niowr. 04.1•Snar.o.11. Day•old Babe Found Dead Beside Its Young Mother. St. l'iumnis deepatell; Coroner Luton is irstrestigating the death of a day.old MAIM at the hospital. here. Mary Per- rier, eged 23. iltimarried, end out front Neotlited only one year. gave birth to a 1 lie -potted roiliest inale ebihl on 041. 211. Verily Ode minims the fottml the Fidel stead alongside the mother. who viable she has ito knowivart, how 11 eame its death. EVA BOOTH Believes That Woolen Should Vote But Talks Reservedly. Grieves at Anything Done That Makes WOIrtan UnWomailly, Lee Angelee. Cal., Ott. el. C eemen 1) 80 Eva 330001, head of the Salvatien army la America, in att interview to. dny deciaved in favor ef woman intf- frage, "1 em lutetestd," She eaid, "in ems man's advnnemnents" cDoasa8tkeat. yotltim think women 8110111(1 rote?" shesir "1 certainly do think they ettould," she replied,. "Now please do not misunderstand me," she continued, "I stand for we - man keeping her own place. I would be grieved to see anything done that would meke woman unwomaidy. You know Politics is different in every country. Since the Salvation army works the world over it is wisest to keOp entirely out of polities, Nevertheless, the army gives women equal opportunities with mee. It has women officers mid they have the eight of the .public platform. "I think men were Intended to. bear the brunt of life -that is, go out and breast the heaviest waves. Woman should do nothing that would znar her graces. Still, she holds property and pays taxes, And she shonld have a- sny in the governmeot. "Women have been doing outlandish things about suffrage in England. Such radical measures gem for them the re- putation of being hysterical and silly. When .men find a wommi acting like Mrs, Pankhonts for example, they say: " 'You see what the goverment M'0111(1 come to if they voted.' Ileac is a better way to get what we want." "Ho(21 about the woman's club move- ment? Tine it seemed to you to be a good thing: • "Chrietion dubs for young 10001en are all right." • • "But when women have families of ehildeen don't you 'think they ought to be at home raisieg the fauns men told women of the nation?" e "Well, I do, and 1 ant not in favor of doing things that break up the home." CANCER CURE Limburger Cheese Discovered as Remedy. Denver, Col., Oct. 23„--- Limburger checee as the principal ingredient al a eitneer core is the annotnicement of Phillip Sehtich, jun., a keel chemist, Followhig the death of his mother eleven years ago from cancer Schnell be:. gan an investigation of the eattee and growth of cancers, ditring which be as- serts he discovered that the basis germs of mee0 are similar to those of leprosy and consumption. lie sprat several months in tbe leper colony of Veue- zuela studying the disease. Schuch's cure consists of a thorottgh elemesieg of the affected parts with liquor of quicklime and fresh sweet, milk in equal parts, and then the appli- cation of poultices of pulped fresh Swiss 01' Limburger cheese, moisteited with glycerine. Although no test of this lute been made, Schnell says that theoreti- catty the fornntla should mire mild cases of leprosy TAFT SAW A Man Bayonetted at Dallas Fair Grounds. Dallas, 're:vas, Oet. Prssident Taft was entering the fair grounds this 11 itcrnoon a man was bayonetted by one of the militia, guards, eying later. Thm. was only one of several Mei- dente in the Dallas reception that made it the most turbulent the president has received on his westiern trip. It; seemed as if a largo part of the population of Te.X11,8 had emptied itself into Dallas for a rip-roaring time, with the president of the trotted States as a side attraction. There were sheriffs:. deputy 812001 (('14 and Texas rangers, who mile along the lines trying to keep the crowd in cheek while young militiamen were stationed at interval8 on 'foot. The crowd got evea with the horeemeu by throwing; ap- ples and other things( at them. The mon stabbed with the bayonet, was Louis Reichenstein, a deputy coun- ty clerk, The militiaman's; Node 17a11. completely through hie body, piereing his stomach. 3Sresunutbey the clerk was tryiug to get through the line, although he was inside the rope when stabbed. The militiaman who made the thrust 18 T. 0. Mituley, a sergeant in a Dallas company. 3.)resident Taft's week in Texas ended here to -night and he is 11010 on his way Lo St. Louis, where ho will board a United &otos revenue eater on Mon- day and start down the Atiseissippi Riv- er for New Orleans. ' 4.. HEATER BLEW UP. Serious Accident in New Annex to a Quebec Hotel. Quebee, 25.---Altent 0 o'eloek event% a serious explosion occurred in the eleetrieal and heating type:talu8. room of the new annex of the Chateau Frontemte, where several experts from Montreal have been at work the last few days installiug the new apparatus. One of the heaters exploded with toe+ fie force, injuring more or less seriously four engineers anti machinists, Edward Laurite, EL J. ITattoti, 12. AliteDermot end jos. MaeAfaster. all of Montreal. Laurio may die, THREE PERISH, Farmer) Mother and Hired Nan the Victims in Burning Home. Kingstree ()M., despite:eh: The log cabin 1)11 1)))' Ilebert efelittyre, who owned ft :small farm pear the village of tetleb wise 80 111111.A itortli tvf hoe, on the lelterst & Pembroke Ilailtvey, wee destroyed 11,1 fire froin sonno unIsmswir ("atlas 0.1.rly .tbi.t Intuiting. end Mr. Iteintyre, his 1110. titer. and Jelni Watt 4. a rava pcii-lted in tiro 1.:tatf Nit-. 31eInt3tc, ..t 5114. *.t•.2114 itt‘ 31e1 c si 701118. GREEK THRONE. Itlitary League Opposes Crown Prince Constantine. )AL • ON . KING GEORGE OF GREECE. Atheese Oct, 23.-Tlie extreme sectiox. of the Military League, fearing that should Crown. Prince Constantine em- ceed to the throne of Greece he would be revenged on them for bis • present, liumilietions, now demands his renun- ciation of the rights of succession in fas vor of his infant son, It is believed not, uttlikoly that thia agitation will bring about a dynastic crisis. The infant son of Condantine 18 Nillee Pantos., who was bora, Dec. It, 1001 ESTIMATE CUT. ••-••••••••••••.... Concessions Made Since Introduc- tion of British Budget Bill. Tsunami, ()et. 2.1. --Mr. LI:wit-George. Chancellor of the Exchequer, made his promiaed announceemut regarding the revissod budget estimates in the House of Commons to -day. He estimated that the concessions made since introductioo Of the bill would result in a decrease of 1:2,100,000, ae against itli increase of el:850,1100 above the estimate which 10218 expected from, the death doties, the land tax and tlte post office. department. This would leave it deficit; of ;e250,000, which it 10128 1.11:0908eti to meet by taking another ie300,000 out of the sinking fund: MANITOBA APPLES ^ Orchards in Neighhorhoodof Norden Have Produced fine Crop. Winnipeg, Oct, 25. -Por several years past experiments in apple growing have been consistently carried on in the neighborhood of Morden, Man., end have conclusively proven that apples ean be grown in -this pros him. There are twenty orchards in that district, all bearing well this year, and the pro- ducts cannot be beaten for size, flavor and general excellence. There are saki to be seventy-five varieties of fruit. • SIX KILLED IN WRECK. 'Passenger Train in Collision, While On Open Siding. . Richmond, Ind., Oct. 25,---sSismersons were killed in a wreck rei Alt Pan- handle division of the Pennsylvania Railroad nal Collinsville, 0., to -day, when a 1108 1111)011181 passenger train ran into a freight train on tut open siding. The dead. art: E. G. Webb, Richmond, 'passenger train fireman.. 0. 0. 132111108, Kokomo mil clerk. Louis :Ataithall, lticlunond, freight traht engitteer. E. II. Hatfield, Green's Fork; W., inail clerk. Elmer Browo, Lognitsport, bola pas- senger train engineer. C. A. Johnson, Eaton, 0., mail elork. None of the passengers were killed, but several men in the snicking ear were injured. The passenger train, whiell does not stop at Collinsville, is said to have been running fifty mites an heft when the eollieion occurred. Aecording to reports, the switch WaS open, ruel the passenger and freight trains came toszother headon. - • ++ tog other ON VIRGINIAN. Liner. Quarantined in View of Discovs ery of One Case of Disease. . Montreal,. Oct. 25.-A ease of small- pox 108 (11812(3 ('('12(1 on (lie Allan OW ate:time. Virginia» soon after the alt:p had left Rimottski, and on nrrival 1)3 3110 010440 1.4b 4i1*tii)11,. 411” detaInvil. It is exersq-oil that q'ts win be 1 eh ased to•moreow a (Eel' pass. elvers, of whom :410 11:18 111)1411. 700, UV, teem extunined. ALFONSO DRIVES OUT. Was Cordially Saluted by the Citizens of Madrid. Madrid, Oct. 25.--1ein8 Alfonso, who litul not leet the palitee for several ileys, drove with Queen Victoria through the streets to -day. Ito was eordially saluted by the citizens, upon whom the reap - p021081100 of the sovereigns made 31 good impressioe, Their Majesties' -carriage WaS en- tirely without escort. It 10118 driven at it welking pace tltrottgh the central districts: of the capital. -- Wants 1S/ferriage Annulled. elemtrealy Oet. 25.- -Wow Norman- din, of the blend Revenue Department, has instituted nit for the annulment .01 Itie marriage 19.11 religious grounds, :fudge Brach -eel havieg already anutilled the marriage eo far as flie Roman Cas thoulie Church is eoneerned. Normandin married' lemma P. Williams, a Prides» feet, in Detioit iti June last, the plains tiff being a 'Catholic, turd the eeremony wee performed by 11 Protestant minieter. The (taint is pat the marriage was Rs leg -al. The emetic -et thee is meltable- the Chihuahua of Messieo. It mill snuggle ht the palm of the linnd ur may be 'coneealed in a hulleh of flowers. HUNG HIMSELF. Joseph floater Did Not Wait For Common Hangman. Alleged Beitcaygeon Wife Murder Suicided in Jail. Lilotuty, Ont., Oet. 24. -Great excite. Hunt prevailed at the Vieturia County /fail this morning when it 1048 learned Otte dos, Hunter, the proprietor of the Rosati 11.0411 at Belmitygeon, who mate. dered hie vife as elle slept at hie Bide int the niglit of August 0111, had commit- ted eulcide in his cell by hanging him- elothing into etripe, mei Ltstening one end strolled the bar running aeross the top of his cell,. pineed the other around Itis iteels, swung out and strangulation followed. Previouely Mutter had twee 1011)341 in the best Of spirite liad re- tired to bed early. He was found about Helen o'clock on Sittelay morning, Hun- ter at the preliminary Wel wit* said to suffer from epileptic fits and the judge adjourned the trial to the spring in or. dor to allow the defence to obtain more evidence. Governor Jackson ie spending his Thanksgiving at Bowtnauville and Neweaetle. MRS TURNER Sentenced to 15 Years in Kingston Penitentiary. • Toronto despatch: After deliberating for over two, and a half hours, the Criminal Assize jury trying Mrs. Mabel Turner on a charge of murdering an adopted infant brought in a verdict of manslaughter at 9 °Week last night. As the foreman of the jury gar° the ver- dict a stir of surprise wan notimd in the court room, and not the least sur- prised was Mr. W. A. Henderson, tho lawyer for tho adoused, who stepped orer to the prisoner's pen and smilingly shook hands with the woman. Mrs. Turner soowed no emotion, and received the verdict with apparent indifference, although she smiled slightly as her counsel spoke to her. Aire, Turner was sentenced to fifteen years in Kingston ,penitentiury NEW CABINET. King Alfonso Has Got a New Set of Ministers, Madrid, Oct. 25.-A t 11 conferetosi with King Alfonso, Premier Mama told the King that in the face of Senor Mor- et's staameut, that tho Opposition would refuse to discuss even the most urgent measures, Ito had no option but to re- sign. He asked, however, that tho mem- bers of the majority should support the new Ministry. TJpon the receipt of the resignation of the Premier and his Ministers, Moret y Prendergast undertook to form a new Ministry, himself assuming the post of.Premier and Minister of the Interior. The new Ministers, who took the oath of office to -night, are as follows: Premier and Minister of the Inter- ior-eforet s Prendergast. Minister of Iroreign Affairs-Seuor Cabellera. Minister of Finance - Senor Al- vardo. Minister of Pittance - Senor Ai- varclo. Minister of Warl- Lient.:-Gen. De tugite. Minister of Marine - Rear Admiral 0011e88. Minister of Public Works - Senor Gasset. Minister of Publics Instruction. - Senot Barroso. 'Minister of justice -Martinez del Camp. When the President of the Chem- ber of Deputies made the announce - mitt of the Cabinet's resignation it was received with such an ear-split- ting uproar that he was forced to ad- journ the sitting. LEAVING QUEBEC. Shoe Manufactuers Complain of Union_Methods. - Quebec, Oct: 25.-,-T1!e boot mid shoe trade in Quebee, upon which the popn- laths), of 81. Rochs and St. Sauveur &peed upon far a subsistence, is in a state of demoraliztteioe in consequence of labor troubles. The National Shoe- mulsere Union controls the situation. Already two manufacturers aro pack- ing up the machinery for other fields, and More will follow, The two indus- tries leaving are the Riverside Shoe Company, Limited, which employs two !misdeed hands, aud the james Muir Company, which employs three hundred and fifty heeds, who will occupy pre- mises et Montreel, where they have been given inducements, including exemption from taxatioft for a number of yeers and a geed sized bonus. The situation is serious for the trade, and witless the Natioeal Shoeinalserid Union cluing° their tactics the whole iedustry will move away, The operators work when they like, and thongh only averitgiog four work- ing deysi in the week, they draw from the manufaeturere from $22 to $30 in wages per week. If the manufacturer wishes to snake an improvement on a boot tile operator objects, and if cons - pelted to go on by reason of arginnont Up goes. the price' by fifteen eents per ease. JOPL1NG BOYS AR e FREE. Jury Says Not Guilty and the Judge Agrees. Peterboro, Ont., despittehl "Not guilty" wits the millet reached by the NIT in the manslaughter charge egainst Fred end Item (fording at 2 u'elock this aftsonoom after the jury had had the ease about an hour and 12 half, "1 have. no 11100118 of knowing upon ulna evidence the jury e81110 to their verdict, but 1lune no fault to find with it," said Chief justice Pekoe- leidge. "The es idenee of the eause of death was nes emieltesive enough to drew 8. eonehleion from. 'Evederick Jopling, you alone know whether or not you:made that foul at - Wk. on that young man. 1 trust you did not. "Ae fer eou. Harry Joplin% 1 trust that yott hate prefited by the eomee 111 Mel) *4 to mind your oun Imsinese, and In keep ;I (shit tongste. Nem eve both thetharged," LONDON'S LOSS. Loodon lc Port Stanley Railway !Min COMM. Annual Deficit of $50,000 -Dig Debt Piled Hp, Loudon despatch: City Auditor Jewell lute completed his etatement ef the fin - anew of the London I Port, Stanteee Railway, awl it wilt prove somewhat startling to the ratepayers of Louden. According to what trite Advertieer wee told to -these the people of London pay each year two 101115 On their as - 84016.11,1.10s11.€ 11, dperboevlildteurtelsi,e intereet for te. In other words, the Londoe & Port 241,2,211 50.0C.0. lwhi ity goes bend melt year ti,2,1I5 The Xact figures could not be 80080e11, but the reporter %Vito informcil that after applying the rental the city reeeives each yeer from thesPere hlate $50,000, or thereabouts. (mate, there is a defleit 21148311 2)1 So far as kuown, tide is the first thee that the true state of affairs' re- garding Um eity's line to the lake haw been made knowu, and the figures only came to light threugh a mOtioe on the part of Mayor Stevely, who asked for full informetion on the sub- ject, • comnpieleteradi,17 1 815r0a.s buIt ilt, oor1,117rat213ievia, milee long, mid belongs almost entirely to the eit;v of London. St. Thonete had a $30,000 interest in it, but 111 inade a good. bargain with the city and old out at par in 3893. The (=rand Trunk Railway owns 2,317 shares, and private owners 270. But the total stock vote of the city amounts to 8,361, thus. controlling the railway. loor twenty years the G. T. II. peid the city a flatmutat of $30,000 per an-' num, but in 1893 this agreement enure to an end. The Miller syndicate then operated the road for a while, and went to the wall. Then the M. C. R. oper- ated the line, but 10 it short time it was leased to the Lake Erie as De- troit River Railway. About five years ago the Pere Marquette absorbed the Lake Erie, and the P. Isl. runs the road todlay, and is now seeking an extension 01 (110 lease which is not held by On 9. :AL, but ie still in the name of the Lake Erie. The rental now amounts to about 41217,000 a year. lf the interest be computed for tho past 53 yearS, it will be Seen that, accepting the statement that the city has gone behind $50,000 per amines, the railway has cost the city the tres mendous item of $2,050,000, and is not YetTlPte41(elit13,0'1. 8'year book shows that the total indebtedness on account of the railway amounts to $1,332,854. This is made up of consolidated debentures of 1903. The passenger receipts, it is said, fell off about $3,000 this year, owing, to the completion of the trection line, and fears are entertained that if the latter railway adds more equipment there will be a still greater loss. Of course, the city has always re- garded the line as itssalvation, in that: itatie. ssclaimed, it has kept down freight i However, this may be, it is stated that the Loedon Itolliug Mills have their coal brought in over the C. P. IL from Part Burwell, pay the inter-' switching charges, as they are, situated on the L &P. S., and stilt g4 the • oat 17 cents a ton cheaper than they could get it over the Pero Marquettte and London & Port Stanley. Mr, Jewell's statement will come be- fore a meeting of the L. & P. S. I1. board shortly. WEA ES. Were Fitted to Its Head by Means of Hood. 7 - London, Oct. 25. -Lindsay Johnsons an Ophthalmic surgein London, luta employed the ophthalmoscope upon 400 animals, including lions, tigers, reptiks, eats and birds. Assisted by an artist, he has made over 1,000 drawings of animals' oyes, in addition to a tare: number of photographs. , Recently Mr, Johnson examitted ,the eyes of every annual m the zoo, except the giraffe, and, he declares that he could furnish spectacles for all which have defective sight. A raven which was operated upon for eataraet has actually bent provided with spectacles, whichare, fitted to the eyes by means of a kind 0( 1100(1. Tho improvement in its sight WAS obvious. The examination of so many animali was not accomplished without many interesting and dangerous experiences. A puma, which had been taught to host by its owner was one of the patients. .A war of gloves bad been placed on its paws to prevent it using its &awe, and svhen Mr. Johnson stopped down the penia hit out vigorously with its right, Only once did he usesehloroform. This was in the ease of a tiger eel, witieb was .rtlued at $300. luel tesfortenately the animal died under the anttesthetie. 4 - KIDNAPPED BRIDE. Members of Bachelors' Club Re. venged Themselves on "Pal." Philadelphia, Oct. 25.-- Because he des sorted a bachelor's cad) without giving offieial notice, the bride of Prank A, Reid, of Elmira, N. Y., 'was kidaapped et the West Philadelphia Adieu yea- terday awl tent to Now York with one of the members eviiile Mr, Reid was kept & prisoner by thirty of his oia "pals" of Chester, Penn. Iteid luis not seen the joke yet, arid pro - to swear out warrants against the tvhole crowd. -tee- BARN BURNED. Lantern Exploded While Parotid Was Doing His Chores. Peterboro, Oet., Oe(, 25,- While Ed- sverd Feely) a farmer, residing about five Miles north of tide eity, Was dOing. his 'chores laat night his lettere eesilods ed, stetting lire to the hay, mut the barn with 1111 1114 grebe hay and implementi mile limited8 nothing being saved but a teem of Itoreee. The barn wee the rem- tete- 01 'esir. ,T, r. vcomot, of this kity,