HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-10-28, Page 6„ In Washieetelli Ce a nuni must eiot eeep 4 erovving rooeter within 70 feet at n resideuee -unless he obtains the writ co consent of 7?) per cent. of the neighbors. Good .orelnanco. _ Wv can't tire Shoe Cuiniene de ite Mee, ing of diti people without trying VI put ;Ile idanle on the heathen Chit%.0: Wan excike the extortion by sayin•g tivit mot- leather le being need by the Veen- tial- . . If that preacber who'extraeted $61,00e. from his hearere at a mennonery meeting had aerated his eneegiee to hie detect- ing, what a howling suceJss ha might have become! Of couese tone a the conerniutore of dint lueetinee, owed any A 4 per cent. bank rate is said to be probable in Englana before Christmas. The minimum rano lute now been raisca to it per Ont., •and the tendency is up, ward, Tigliter money will doubtless Iuix a eepresfing effect on speculative otoeks in Canada and the ITnited State& Barrill, the man who accompanied Cook when he Alleges lie aieended Mt. McKinley, has made an affidavit that the highest point reached was fourteen miles from the summit. If Cook's story about ascending Mt. McKinley is not to be eredited, what about the North Pole story? The seventeen bookmakers arrestecl in the raid on the Jamaica race traek in New York have been discharged, the magistrate ineding that registering and reccading bets is not a crime. This is a vietory for the gamblers as against the Hughes acts. The next mOVC wUl he watched with interest. • • Renders of news from Spain will do 'well to bear in mind that most of what reaches this country filters through United States sources ani receives pro- nounced color in the process. Our neigh- bors the United States news dendors have not yet been able to forgive Spain for being "snored out of America," and they show it on every occasion, The disturbances in Rome call atten- tion to the fact that the conditions in Italy are not reassuring: There is a violent. anarchist element which is held - in eontrol only by the persuasion of bul- lets and bayonets The Italian Govern- ment has thus far dealt very firmly with this element. It is not to be ice.- soned with. It is to be suppreseed and .educated. in September 371 Toronto school we- enie were punieked by strapning, while only four were sospended, e are free to et elfees that we think the strap, wel laid en, ia raetly more elnedive en deal- ing with bad boys than suepeneion or expideion. Many a lad grows up to be- come a penitentiary inmate, liecause his parents took his pert againet the teach- er, instead of heartily tapproving ef whaling the contumaoy out of lam. • An interesting ease has arisen out of snitefor damages for injuries sustained in a. wreck on the 0, Pe R. by ii: man who was on his way west in charge of a cargo of horses. His claim for mem- pensatiol for damages is resistecl on the ground that he WAS travelling on a pass, it being the custom of the road to fur- nish transportation to the caretakers of these shipments. The outcome of the case will be watched with much interest. China is not so slow. She is going to circler some naval equipment in the United States and she will borrow $20;- 000,000 to pay the bill. It appears to be her intention to place orders with other nations on similar conditions. This way of "raising the wind" not only overcentes a eondition of chronic hard- upnees, but it makes these nations in- terested in preserving the integrity of China. a 4 n The great strike ht Sweden is turnieg out to be as clieasfrous to those engag- ing in it ns we predicted it would. Over 60,000 of the etetking workmen find that when they *Mild intern to work there is no work for them. • The strike hes become a lock -out, and there Se much dire seiffering throughout the cone - try. Would net the inethoile of reedit' he better than such attempt.; at blind foree? -1.• • Lipton is on the Oecan pit his way to New York to arrange smaller race for the America's Cuie Liptoe will donbt- less get some advertising oat of a race; but its long as the Yankee yachtsmen al- low techniealities to stand in the way of making conditions equal for the rou- ted:lets, he ims but little donee Of seoring a Win. If he will build his yacht in Canadian waters, however, there is little doubt that he will be able to "lift the (up." • e* Dr. Cook's reply to Peary'e etatement ae to why he doubts that Cook Wire at the Pole is not a very impressive one. Its prineipal features are an ansertion that the lesquimaux were instruetea not to till Peary the truth alma his (Cecile%) swam:A-a very timidity earn -- and :hie further stetement: win not enter into an ar,gunient about the matter, but I will bring the Mild nee to New York at my own ex- pencor, and they will prove, es die Mr, Whiten% all 0140 have elaimed. Now, •as Whitney oonfeesealy knows no - inure than Cook told him. this Story k pitifully weak. Megittime, Cook le raking in the motley, mid whether he le honed of faking beam/time tt rich Mari. A Fair Invalid C'HAPTER "VI. Miss "Vane recovered slowly, but sure - In; the peltor on her face gave place to the dsietlesb bloom. The tbue esenie rem I saw that I could leave her be safety. I told her co ono day when we were sittive Mona She looked at me with wistful eyes, "Yon have Ince -eery Irina to me, Mrs. Neville. 1 neit it perfect stranger to you, yetyou nay° treated roe as thoufth 1 were your °WU Slain." "4 will crown my goodness by keeping my prioniee and peeing out of your life, lend Yana" - Ellic meraed slighly confused, and then alancea up Lite my face with the frank- ast guilt, that I had yet seem on her own, "Mrs. Neville," she said, "1 should liko to ask e, fever of you." "3 am quite sure that I shale grant it," I responded. ,. "Will you be my friend?" said Miss Vaeo "I do not feel that I own pert from you." I smiled to myself, thinnisig of the soul that was strong enough to live without love, end that called all love treachery. "I should like you to be ray friend, if yet, will—to come And see me some - Canon" Miss Tan* wont on, "You can perceive that in my short life I have haa it great sorrow ---so great as to out me off from my kind, to make me hate the eight and sound of almost every living creature, to turn with loathing from all that is fairest and brightest on earth. I cannot tell you what that sorrow was. You aro kind enough not to seek to know it. Will you be my friend, yet res- pect my secret, which 7 choose to with- hold?" "I will; it is yourself, not your eee- rat, that 1 care for." "Yon will promise to let me live my old life, not to try to draw nee frozn it, never to bring any- one to see me, never to ask me to yoor house, but at times to come and welt me, content to know no more of me than you do now?" "I promise to keep the terms of our compact, Miss Vane, as long as 7 live." She held. out liar Moue to me, and as I clasped it in mine, I eald to her: "Whet beautiful hands you have, Mies Vane! I have seen none so perfect izt shape and color." There was not the faintest -gleam of pleasure on her face, such as most girls show 'when they are contplimented and praised. "Do you think them beauti- ful?" she asked, indifferently. "I do indeed, I wish I could see them mare busily engaged. What will put more life and busy zaotion into those hands?" "Nothing," she replied. "There is lit- tle life and little motion in my heart— what can you expect at my hands?" So we made our strange compact. was always to be her friend—to visit her—to care for bee; but I was liever to know more of her than 1 did now. I went back to Neville's Gross, and was pleased to find that none of my friends or neighbors knew that I had been stay - Ing at the River House; they were all content with the explanation I owe that I had been visiting a friend. And then the seeond pbase ol my cur- ious acquaintanceship began. I went regularly two or three times each week to visit Miss Vane. I took her the rarest flowers, the most exquisite fruits, all the new books untouched; but I nev- er remonstrated with her. "How does Miss Vane spend her time?" 7 asked of Lewis one day. "In her usual way, Mrs. Neville, when 'yeti are not with her. She passes whole days in dreaaning and thinking—some- the piano, draw, paint. or write?" She seems to be always watching the- river—always listening to it; and she has done the same for more than three yeans. now." "Doe,s she ever read, sen', eing, play the piano, draw, paint, ler -write?" (lanver," replied the maid, briefly. "Does she take no delight in flowers or bites Has she not one occupation?" "Ido," vans the reply. "I wish she had." It seemed to me incredible that a life should slip from one's grasp in_ this fashion, "But does she not talk—talk to you—to anyone?" "No, it is the rarest thing for my mistress to open her lips. 1 have known her to pa.ss whole days without speak- ing. She seems, indeed, to have a root- ed dislike to the sound of it immitn voice; that is the cause of the strange silence in the house. The only time when she seems to be interested Is when you are with her, Mit. Neville— she talks to you and listento you." What could have happened to blight her young life? The girl's whole gout eemed dead. That same day, when we were talking, something was said about ago, and I naked Miss Vane abruptly how old she was. She was too much surprised for any heattation, and. an - severed nt once: "I am twenty-two, MTS. Neville," "Twenty-two I" 7 repeated. "Then when you came here, you were not notch more titan eighteen?" "No—eighteen and it few meths." - "Have the years seemed long, niy dear? 1 asked, gently. "Long!' she repeated, "Eaeh one hes been An age?" "And you may live for another fifty years, Miss Vane." "I may—hut I hope that 1 shall not," the rejoined, "If you do, would you be eontent to *end them as you hare spent, the past ones?" "There 'Would be no other resource," she replied, shuddering. "I am almost agraid to say What T think, lot I displease you, Miss Vane, If I have thot iniefortuee, 7 tisk you beforehand to forgive me. Eighteen is not generally considered a very wise age, is it?" 'It is ae wise ne any other age, elietila imagine, Mrs, Neville." %icy, nmy dear, you aro wrong. Only age and exprelence give Wisdom, / net older than you by some years—time het taught me wittily lessons that you have yet to leant" °X do not inten(l to learn Metro," ishe said: "I have leitrnea enough." "At eighteen," I tontinned, "We Mel pletienre And pain acutely. We are either at the height of happinete or in the deptne of despair. At forty We real. Ire, reason, analyze, And endure, Has it ever °mitred to you that Minty hummi life is it Dreelons gift, teeeived for some wise purpose? What usenet will those eve that have to face the Great Giver With their life ell testetedt" °My life has been' blighted, not Wad- ed," elle replieti, looking sit Me eteaelly, "Ihte two things are different," "But ney clear dlite Vane," 1We.» reef pardon meddlo yen not think nt eighteen is tee wit an nefit et • Winch deliberately to set Aside all that is best and brightest in life—to diel4 one's self to a dull, men:awning sorrow?" "Noe" 'she replied. "if the time and. the sorrow were to come agate, 1 shoola net just as i have One." .After that there was no more te be said. I did my beet, in one Way, and that was to direct her attention to every good ;leen ,every earnest lite, that crime under my notifie. One morning persuaded her to sieve with me MY fa- vorite ramble through the weeds. The day wits so fine Unit we went further than e had intended, until in the die - twice we saw the grey spire of Deintreo Church. We stopped to look at it, for it Made 4 striking picture, the tall grey steeples standing nut in bold relief against the sky, and while we demi, suddenly there pealed out the merry (lime of weeding bells. I smiled—the sunshine,' the clear air, the blue shy, the bells, all seemed so pleesant to um. "Hark!" I cried, "Theme nee reddied bells; smneone is being inside very haPPS' today." She turned her pale face to inc. "Hain pyl" she repeated, "Why, the arearied farce under heaven is it weadin i" "My dear Mies Wiwi" 1 cried, s rtled by her vehemence, "what a etrange idea in She laughed, mid a dreary sound it was that came from the young lips,. 'It is the dreariest farce under the sun,' she insisted—"a, mockery in most eatie& it cruelty in others, 4 happiness never." • "It is well that everyone is -not of your opinion, Mists Vane," I said. "If they were, there would be fewer sorrowful hearts in the world," he re- joined ."Oh, Mrs. Neville," she cried, shuddering, "come away --conte away from the sound of those terrible belle!" - They seemed to make the old church rock with their merriment; they filled the air with a joyotze clang. But 1 sew that the sound made my oompanion She placed her ha,nde over her ears, as though she would fan shut it out, while her line grew white as death. Biwic we hastened through, the woods until we were beyond the sound of the bells; and ,nresently Miss Vane rested anainet the little gate that led to the coppice—rest- ed in eilenoe, which neither of us cared to break. "You have tired yourself," I said. She looked at me, all passion and feeling repressed, as it were, with an iron hand —the dank, proud beauty appearan more indifferent than ever. "Mrs. Neville," she said, "I will go out with you whenever yomt wish, but never take me again within hearing of these belle." I promised to remember, and she went home witzhout alluding to the subject again. As time passed, the dark beauty of her faee seemed to acquire u new ex- pression. I saw lines of firmendurance, of patient gravity, deepening thereon, Ade the power of self-control and self- restraint, the dull, oaselos brooding over wrong, the Berge rebellion that never found it voice, the sotrow that Sound no relief, the despair that in its anemia asked only for death, Increased day by day. CHAPTER VII About two years after Miss Vane had come to the River Hous, a railway com- pany was formed, and, after it long re- sistance, I was compelled to sell one of my best fields, through which the line Was to Ixtfisi and then, to My great hor- ror, a 'bridge was built over the -widest part of the river, just above the Rivet. House, for by that route the trains were to enter Daiotree. was very grieved and vexed—now the shrill railway whistle would drown the sweet song of the nightingale, and mingle with the rapid rush of the river. I did not like the bridge either; it was plain and ugly, with nothing pleaeing or picturesque about it. When I knew whateehad been- deeleled upon, I went to telt Miss Vane. She ap- peared perfectly indifferent, merely inising her beautiful eyebrows in, won- der at my excited tone of voice. "At least you might pretend to sym- pathize with me, Miss Vane," I eitia. There was a strange, fax -off look in her eyes. "It will not matter," she replied; "I shall not mind the railway whistle -1 snail not even'hear it --and you will be far enough "But it will completely spoil Neville's Cross," I observed. "Never mind," she said, "it is not worth troubling about." "I wish I eieuld attain ;your height of enlin philosophy," I rejoined. But that bridge was destined to be the scene of strange oceurrenees. A frost, unatually long and severe, ad in. It was followed by n rapid theew, during which the River Leit flooded the whole country -side. What was the cause of the terrible accident no one quite knew. Whether the unusual rush and weight of the water had ceueed the foundation of the bridge to give way, �r whether it had been insecurely built from the Brat, no one seemed quite sure. One day—toward the end of May—the weather was brilliantly fine, and I went to the River House, hoping to induce Ulm Vane to eoine out with me on the river. She consented, and the Leir never seetned more beautiful. The sky Was blue, the air fragrant with the breath of odorous flowers. We stopped just opposite the River Mime to admit° the beauty of the day. "Now do omen" I said to my companion, "that it is it privilege to live on such it doe, Looking at her, I was More than ever struck with her beauty. She had dipped one white hand into the water, and it gleame*1 there like n lily. The fresh, brachig ivied had brought the biome to her fate—had brighteeed her eyes, anti seemed to liane driven the ssecinese front her beauty. It was n Mee of peerless love' linos. All the features Were perfect,- but the mouth Was most beautiful, With sweet, sensitiVe Iips. I thought as I looked at Mist 'Vane how moth 7 should like to See the calmness of her perfect nice broken, Little did 7 drawn of the deer fulfilment of my wish. We rested on the sunsliiiiy river in the fragrant spring teem. Glacing elm- cloWs fell over the *etre and rover the grant. We could See the bridge hi the distence. After ale it did, not look SO very ugly. I VAS just saying to to Misti Veil& When: I saw for Away the tenant of an etptest. "Look," t said, "Mild you not Minty that it was Wine great, bin* serpent with fiery owe? Yet, &free all, there le eomething gentid aletett it," "I shall neVer bellere that 4ti1ck, lis y trail% Will be ettfe 011 that badge," einerked Huldrili Wo setee the etecint atitottet the trees, eta thee at the train mite nettren'to tht bridge it eltteked speo& We were both rate log it intent y. How shalt X de. *Imo the horror then matted"' Thotrahl wee running slowly when tlie engin reaelna the middle cif the 'bridge, am then the etone-work 'seemed to quiver to totter, to give way. Suddenly parted, and the great engine, Mime by three er foto carriages, fell into th river, with four more carriages remeln lugF((iTthbraindogle' it few uentie 7 shaded my face with one hand, not dering to look, while eried out in hereon There. in the sunlight, was the terrible realltd- Alumet immdliately I recovered myself, and, eelzing tbe seulls, rowed rapidly to the seem of the accident, lt had been .seen by the men at work in the fielelel and in the next few minutes willing banns came to miler asssietance, In Toe than half an lieur the news had reached Daintree, and there was na laeh Of heli. Strong men soon set to work, Some Of the unhappy passengers were drowned, and their bodies were not recovered for liens; but those who remained in the carriages were reamed .sie quickly as poseible. Two or time men were taken out quite dead, and wore laid in ginietly order on the green bee*. The wouedea were not it few. I grew faint as I looked at the forms of the sufferers, with Hun doh Vane by my side. We had done what we contd. I had been attending to little child whom wa lied found cling- ing round a dead mother's neck. I thought it would live, but it aied in iny anus, and was widen to the gluestly row on the green bank. Presently there was it cry from ono of the carriages that seemed to hang between the bridge and the water—some one signalled for help. It was it wink of almost superhtunan. difficulty to rescue those Jennie; more than once, eve who looked on in breath- less :suspense, thought that the rescuers wouldnose their own twee in the effort. At length the tall figure of a man was brought out, and then a lady—and it proved that they two were in the ear- riage alone. "Are both dean?" I asked one of the dodoes. "No," he replied, "The gentleman seems severely hurt; the lady is stunned, I fancy. If we wide get them removed somewhere, their lives might be saved." "You would like to take them to the nearest house?" I said, quickly. "That is the River Ilonee; /et them be driven there at once, Miss Vane will be quite willing." And then, remembering her peculiarity, I thought it advisable to con- sult her. "It is against your rule, against your wish, I know; but the doctor ensures me the gentleman's life depends on the ex- pedition with which he can be treated," "Throw the whole house. open," she re- plied, "I am quite willing, If 1 can help, let mee' A few minutes afterward one of the .Divintree carriages was driving slowly with the two rescued passengers to the River House. CHAPTER VIIL Dr. Fletcher liad gone with the two patients to the River House. I rameinen some little time longer with Miss Vane, We saw the wounded taken away to the different hotels and the hospital; we sew the dead carried in mournful procession, and we saw the few passengers who were uninjured, pale, trembling, hardly 'laving to believe that they wero saved. We could do 110 more. Slowly and sadly I rowed. down the stream to the Rivez House. Miss Vane looked very pale, "1 thahl never like the river again," elle said to me in it frightened VOieo, used to delight in it; it wis all music and poetry to me, I eliallNinwer like it again, grave." it has peen traneformed into m • She trembled so violently and looked seotiiit i.: tihet:1u ; le.oiolily: renelie.d the River 'Tense I made lier drink some wine and v ought to do eoneething for these poor people," she said. I could have blessed the words; they were the first evincing the least interest in others - 'that litaa beard from her lips. 7 tvas.so pleased that I forgot myself and kissed her, Her .feceefluehea Reid her nip quiv- ered; but she aia. not draw back proud- ly, as she would once have (loon "You must rest -the horrer of that terrible accident has beeti too mach for you, 1 Will ,attend to your gueste," Drawing e.ownethe Wine so as to shut out the glow of the sun, I left her, There was no confusion in the loos; no noise sound;itogdtof etlies4gt r‘e"anteh'ehiaru4ubseeantoo well i I %yea first to the north roem, where the lady was lying. There was not much the matter wide her; sbe bad beer; etunneel, terribly frightened, the maid who was watching by her sited; but the doctor nad given her it composing draught, and she was fast asleep. That was good news, I went gentler to her bedside and looked at her. Most people would .have called her it be,autiful woman. She was very fair, with a profusion of light hair; but her face did not please nio—I was repelled rather than attracted by. it. It was nei- ther true net noble, Although I could well inuigine it to be brilliant, I hent over her; she was sleeping soundly. One hand lay outeide the quilt; it was white and well -shaped, and shining with jew- els, and on the third fiziger of the left hand I saw a wedding ring, "She is married," I said to the maid. "Is that her husband itt. the other, room ?" "I think so," was the eeplye "they were travelling' together when the acci- dent occurred!' t "Do you know the lady's _mem?" I asked. "No, ennetnedI heard thddocter men- tion it, but I 'do not remember it." It was not of much importance, I thought, How little did 1 guess of whet ituportanee it wain And then 7 wont to the Blue Room, where the gentlennew heal been carried, Here the scene wee far Mare solemn The doctor, with a grave, troubled face, bent over the bed, engaged in counting the beats of Ins ne of the handsomest men I bad ever patient's Pleesee I Went up to the hut ei seen in my life was lying On in pelf), exhausted, witli closed eyes and pareee lips, "Is there ranger?" 1 asked of the (looter. "Yes," was Ids brief reply. Danger! WO the shadow of death evetywheret I stood in silence, never remembering to have seen anything lihe the nice and heed before nee, It Was beetity of the purest notseulirie type --mi zunale heed, With eletaters Of dark -brown ha1t-1.0- tors that Waned lit it *wakes, graceful fashion—a broad, noble brow, it Mee oval,elianed ittui veiled in contour. "What is the injury?" I asked, * "Brain cencitstion," replied Dr. Viet - cher, briefly, "Will you levee further advice?" I inquired, "Yell if no thenge takes plaice hi n short time." go change did take place; the patient did not open his eyes Iie seemed per- fectly unconscious; and the doctor's Uoe grew mere and More anxkmus f wretched hita as intently as he watehed. the 811f. ferer. "I)e reit think it .will end fat- ally,• Deafer?' 7 asked, "I am afraid so, Vale Nevilke eVhile there is life, though; wo will hope," Mad you not better try to dna 'out whoIse la ef anything whom is likely Imppere his (Hellas ought to bo sent fore! eThe lady Is his wife," stie Dr, Flab - then "She le sleeping soinidly, Pee- Ilapsnou Are right, Mrs. Neville; it Weeliel be -as well to knee,' who he ix,» ITo be tiontirinedd -tiorses Leg Swelled d',) 404114 WAS. To Sore And Lime - to Virork---Qnicirly -Cqreti ly NervilinCo tre'a7tiuller hohrsael, atinirg7 cal411seateryeatiaien, that 7 know of no liniment for strains, sprains, and swelling that is ea usefut around the stable as Nerviliue." Thlia writes Mr, hslitlit V. UnrellisOn, front ilis home, Crofts Hill P. C. 7 1131 v,fino NERviiINF",yoting mins thelf IS A uldsr TRUSTY w e n oho a her right fore leg, and vilin7eL I aNnifiM ib wTorked8faswol- 1 itolltfir411:076 Slat ajripee:111111frtin:elldna: er that mars was in filiape to •wefeh a day after I need Nerviline, "We have used Nervilinc on m00'41111 for twenty-five years and never found it wanting. For Irian or beast it is a wonderful liniment," We have received yearly five thousand letters vecomneending Nerviline as a general household liniment, as an all- eound mere foe itches and pains, Ono million bottles Used each year. 'Pry it yourself, Large 25e bottles of Nervillue, five for $1,00. All dealers, or The Cate ar4ozone Company, Kingston, Ont. WISE FROG. Foils Snake Which Tries to Swallow H The following snake story was told ecerie years ago by a reputable citizen of Anson county, says the Charlotteville Oneerver. Drivieg' along it public reed ono day he saw a frog crossing the road at top speed—bitting may the high places, ancl few of them, els the frog disappeared in the bosky underbrush on ono sid.e it black snake in hot pursuit made its apearance on the other. The dory teller followed the two into the bushes to see what the result Would be. He bad proceeded only a short dig. tame When he found the frog at bay, facing the snake and with the later eir. cling about iu the effort to nutke an at- etnaerny. cie from the rear. His frogship kept turning all the time, always facing the The reason of this manoeuvre on the snalee's part was that the frog haa in its mouth, held crosswise, and about the middle, a stick about the size and length of a lead pencil. The frog knew the suake eould not swallow him so long e.s lie presented such a front. ' The men watchecnthe performance for some time, and wben he left the snake was still circling the frog, and the latter fatting its enemy on every turn, WHAT NEGLECT • DM FOR HIM Jao, .E, Brant Sqffered Tor - Mein% Prom Kidney Piseaseo. Then He 'Used Dodd's Kidney Pills and Became a Well Man—His Ex. perience a Lesion for You. Athabasca Landing, Alta., Oct. 25,---, (Special,)—That Kidney Disease, neg. leaed in its earlier stage; leads to the inosi terrible suffering, if not desalt iteelf, end that the one !nun euee for it in ell etages is Dead's Meilen Pille: is the experienee of Mr. eamee E. Brant, it farmer residing near here, Mr, Brant, contracted Kidney -Pla- ints; when a young man, front a strain, and, like hosts of others, neglected it, expecting it to go away itself, But Itkeptgradually growing worse, tilt after thirty years of increasing sua tering the elimax dune* and he found blioself so clipp1e:1 that at time bn Vitt notturn in lied, and for two weeks Oen Pine it was impossible for blue to rise, fro* 41, dinir without put- ting Ins hands Ids knees, He could' not diuttori his clothe/I, He was troubled .With Lumbage. Gravel ann. Beek:mime and tried euedicenes for each and sal of them, without getting relief, till good luck turned him to Dodd' s Kidney Pills. Dead's Kidney Pills started at the cause of his troubles and cured his .leidveys. With cured Kidneys his other troubles speedily disappeared, and to- day he is it well man, If youcure your Kidneys with Dedd's Kidney Pills you will never have Tennba.go, Rheumatism, Heart. Disease, Dropsy or "13right's Disease. • One on hte Boss. Having heard that the men did not tart work at the proper time. the master builder the -light he would cheap down about 6,30 one morning and i.v. Going up the yard he caught eight of a joiner standing smoking, witb his kit not even opened. Simply asking kis mune which he found to be Malcolm Camp- bell, he called him into the office), and, handing him four days' pay, ordered him to lope at mice. After seeing the man akar of tho yard, lwi went up to the foreman and explained that he made an example of Maleolui Campbell by pay- ing him oft for not starting at the pro- per hour, "Great Scott, sit! fajaculated the foreinan, "tient chap Was only look. 111' ter n 0 ir 0 • Minard's Linimecnotwe?ores Ciarget In Imitation Aniericana. Nowadays it is neenseaty to be violent if you 'would move the world to ex- citement, and a very French old lady pends Mitch fine irony on the instiller in whit/ the present generation takes - its pleasures,: "Ils ne tont plus Fran- eide, Ies France -Lis, ils iee soot gee les Menvaites itilitatiolie doe Anieridaen," and all this Ineause of Luna. Park, edfeee the populace of Paris Speeds ina time in frightethig iteelf 'with water shoot*, mightmere staireatet and drod other horrors.—Proni the ,Queen. SeOd foe free sample to Depertrrient. II. L., National Drug met Chemical Co., Tole/ate, L.1TT.LE. KNOWLEDGE h a DaRterou3: Thing in Handling ns is oy ostly ex. ,l)ruhunGer:at brassliii; t, elainwd .13tohop ualpe in the Ituuse of Lord:3 on n fonebratent <Knee:ion, says Ali - WKS. HOW hlpmviiied was the prelate to reed in the papers the next mera,xig that iiijiacelikgAinieligiaireelelittittteb9rilt.4,11"uleeritt4tel.iruesle'erlYs lolly!" Lord, was 4 master Plihisentaker; but one Of ble best paints wale tented, when it cerelese reportin tinned ilia referencia to emenstelee slue veilL.ii4uoltlozani"i,,ninttot tite bmtera/inntees "mine- nir Ilarcourt INS balDY partud e,,nucee.42,c`',UlariemaetaleuDp al antic)! ;ilia?, fF-41,14111,-. pia it eauntif pnper had it, "Oreet Dine ehl. What 4 false the isl" Leek of ge (.1 femillar quotneleen ie 4 prolific source ef misreporting, For in- stancee, a peker onew mono ase 'of the web kuown liaes. from Milton's deell- .1`littubteaelo,eninyee,tleiopeti hgaupil1), ece.tls,s3,yolaoi; end free, The .corintry eeporter deputed to "take hlin slown" was in deepen'. He coeld uot ntouiroae ketnt,, eatoe' Latiloowfinti:4g itsinyoostuenr4i0Ua4s as pozible, be .eoleed his pen ena Pre- dueed the following gem: eBut acme, thou, goddeenefeir .anil free, in heaven ehe erept, fuel fehea her knee." The speaker was. "eaken down" ittmore senses titan one. NO REST FOR TERRIBLE ITCH Till Oil of Wintergreen Compound Made His Skin as Ptire as Ever. Mr, jamee Lulloolz, of Iron Bridge, Ont., considers the D. D. D. Prescrip- tion of oil se wintergreen, thyme', glycerine, Men a wonderful owe foe skin troubles. He has good reason to think so, too, aceording to his letter of Mar, 27, 1909. "1 have suffered or years," he says, "with eczema, and now through using two bottles of rour-wouderful "cure, my sitin is as pure as It ever was. KY time was so bad I could not see. I eould not sleep. I could net rest at all for tho terrible itch. Thanks 'to yoUr wonderful medicine I am cured." As Eczema is a germ disease, and as the germs are right in the skin, blood medicines will not cure it. The only effective way is to treat the itch where the itch is, D. D. D. Preserip- tion penetrates the pores of the skin, kills the germs which cause the (Be- gonia, gives instant relief from the ewful itch and permanently cures. For free sample bottle of 0.'0, D. Prescription write to the D. D. 0, Laboratory Department D„ 23 dordan street, Toronto, For sale ley alh druggiete, • • • • • - A WONDERFUL EXPLOSIVE, The Touch of n. Fly's Foot Would be Enough to Set It 'Off: "What would be tlee eonsequences of firing e barrelful of nitronehet MOW It would be impeasible to say," declines A writer in the Strand, "simply became tli•e stnef ill too awful to -be made in sueh quantities, elt may sound like a joke, bat it is nevertheless the truth thett the tread of 4 ionize fly is euffielent to explode this dangerous material. It is not necessary that a fly should weld over the conn puorad, It hoe only to let one foot one into content with the explosive, When the jolt 0aus(.9 it to explode and to blow the insect into the air, ennether manner in which the'peculned prop,enty of this expeosive San be denion• stinted is by seattermg it small quantity of the dry powder over a sheet of eleen paper, 7t then resembles pepper, and only tmede a few sliarp breaths of the manipueator-eust suffieient to Inake them roll—to mime eaoh speek to ignite and explode, meantime giving die a long, thin column of dense purple siboke. /f a barrelful of nitrogen iodide could be made it would bane to be kept moist to prevent danger. Sy comparison, gun- powder is 4 ineld, innocent, inoffensive mateelel." ' PRICE OF ABSTTNENCE. (Victoria Coloniet). "Ys," said the doctor, "I can cure you if you will follow my directions rig- idly." "4.11 right -411 take anything." "I'm not going to give you anything to take. You must Simply quit drinking intoxicaeing liquors and give up smok- ing for at least six months." "And you are going to charge for ordering me to do that?" "Certainly. My fee is two guineas." "Say doctor, holy much would you ex- pect to get in advance for hitting a man on the head with an Lakefield, Que., Oct. 9, 1907. Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd. Gentlemen,—In July 1905 I was thrown from a road machine injuring my hip and back badly and was ob- liged to use a crutch for 14 months. In Sept. 1006, Mr. Wm. Outridge of LA - chute, urged me to try Itinard's Lini- fent which 7 did with the most satsi- factory insults and to -day I am as well as wirer in my life. Yours Sincerely. 1119 MATHEW x BAINS. . mark ,Proof. "Of course you have proofe of your stony?" The Anted explorer loOked pained. "Observe that ebrasion on my thumb," neplied, "It eat be seen phileise" they werieedech "That abration was caused by a split, - ter of the North Pole," rejoined tem ex - plower, with dignity, eenfonneling his eritio.4 titterly.—Philadelphia Leciger, Mintird's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. 4 4. in coutia DO IT. in a certain church in trehunt a young prioat toelt for his text. “Tho feeding ef the multitude." But he said: "And they fed ten people with ten thousand loaves inedton thOueand fishes." Thereat tin old Inisaman said: "That's. tie Miracle.; begorra, 1 eould do that myself," width the priest, 0Oer- beard. The next Sweetly the priest tifinotteleed the same text, but he saiil it eight tine times "Ana they fed ten thousand people on ten losinhe oe bretaa eta ten HAUL" TM welted A tie0011t1, and then otter the pulpit and said: "And squid you de that, leer. Murpinft" Muiphy replied: "Sure, your Inver - enter, T could." "And hew could yott cle it t° Cad de priest, "Sure, your invereriee, 7 Could ibe 1 neith *hat were left over froin last Sao ISSUB MI 48, 1909 AGENTS WANTED. di,oL:faly.wkill,m)-7onazus 01.40/.E., 128 li.ot You? Alfred. Tyler, Loudon, Om, DON'T BJ AFRAID that sunlight soap will spoil your clothes. There are no injurious chemicals in Sun.. fight soap to bite holes in even the most delicate fabric, $S,000 aro offered to any. one finding adulteration In Sunlight Soap. 5: nrroltigs OF ROOleEleELLER. Of the many stories that are in oirett- lotion about John D. Rockefeller here is one ivhich is not only absolutely authen- tie, but which throws u, ourione light uppn the character of the famous mil- :1•11al. 4Jytar:o. of tilelinett.lrdlkYo 1 ter 4ner te.vi4.c."leegkN°.13h%Holeut house, ,c(1.1 tf ace 114; ailment which required a simple malt harnelese operation. lee went to a sun, geon of high repute in Clevelasid and. me rangedi ago t tiPittiosldo cniOriphintintl°r011ititiNteesbaetti itedif again, and Mr. llockefellor Sent rfoomr it.trheioddo:ctor ef las _youth. When the examination WaS over, he al, won't keep you waiting for your money this time. Things have changed with me." "Oh," said the other, "I am out of practice; I wish no fee." Bbtlifleketfothe aont ejlaerStZPietitto$ of h11,009in his desk, an envelope, and handed them over to the surgeon with the remark, if you don't 'want to take a fee, perhaps you will kindly give these to sorne,poor young doctor of your acquaintance.' .Apeopos of Mr. Rockefelle,r's decision to give no more interviews to the press, a very amusing story is told of tow he baffled a young New York reporter dur- ing the proceeduaga against the Standard Oil Company last summer. The reporter in question handed him a note, askiug fiDunery. ou believe .you should receive inn munity from criminee prosecution for your testimony here should criminal pro- eeedings be brought?" 'Who sent this?" inquire& 'Mr. Rocke- . "The editor of my paper," stammered the reporter. The oil king leaned forward, placed his Ilan& an the young manes shoulders, stepped down from the platform, and taoppienlisreindtaelbroougttatoox7bhuistpehrinsittoeasedienioie:t pering he said aloud; "Tell your editor I am t THE WISE MOTHER DOCTORS BMW WISELY Nowadays wise mothers do not dose their children with nauseous, griping castor oil or purgatives, nor do they give them piosonous opiates in the form of soothing medicines. Baby'i Own Tablets take the ,place of these harsh and clan,gerous drugs, and the mother has the guarantee of a gov- ernment analyst that the Tablets are absolutely safe, and will cure all stomach and bowel troubles, destroy worms, break up colds and make teething easy. Mrs. Thomas Craft, Ilinecarth, Man., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation tied teething troeblen and do not lcuow of any other medicine that can 'equal them, -They are always satis- factory in their results" Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents mi box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 0 Vegetable Suspension Brigde. I remarkable suspension bridge spans the River Apurimao in central Peru. The ropes of this bridge are composed of pliable roots and vines, while the planks are made of branches. In the humid climate of Peru it would be by no means extraordinary if this vegetable bridge were one day to start growing.— From the Wide World gaganue. 4-4 Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. .• c• South African Meteorite. A South African correspondent tells the story of it large meteorite, weighing more than half a ton, which has been sent by Dr. Rogers, of the Geological Survey from Prieska, in the Kenhardt territory of Cape Colpny, to 'the South Afriean Museum at Cape Town. The meteorite was found at Rateldraai, and it looks like a mass of molten metal, with a number of eavities or pockets in it, and where not earth sOiled is of a dark bluish leaden color. In parts it has been chipped with it chisel or pick. (Ow ,and insuch cuts it shoWs small shiny specks. It is described. as a dull, warped mass of tickeliferous iron, and Dr. Peringuey, the director of the mu- seum, ascribes its advent as due to the disintegration of some cometary London Standard. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. e 0 • All Talked Over. Mistress (hiring servant)—I hope you', know your plade. Servont—Oh, yoS, mum. The last three girle you had told ine all about it.— Boston Transcript. Lifebouy Soap Is eenehtfully rofreishins for bath or toilet. For Washing underclothing It UPeqUallOd. CICEillfiell and purifies. The Nondescript. Itotel Clerk ---Who eaine just inow in tiKtt. auto? Bell Boy—Three men and it eimulfeur, Oil of Sassefree for insect Bites. It is not generally* knOwn bow Yalu - able a preventive against the biteof mosnqitoes, fleas, gnats, midge*, ole., of sassafras Ls Tlie Met has recently been mauled again by A. T. Ceirdler, in a euseeptible person the oil le applied itt one to the plane tlmt isa been bite ten it almoet Invariably prevents: the peisoneng altogether. If applied to the inflamed spot it day or two alter the bite it at once stop the irrttation, To those wno live in the eountry and wieose life le tttad it bureen by undue susceptibility to in -scot bito ami. to times who have not yeb returned from holidaT auChi»g la regions inieste4 by biting line -eta, oil of saseafran iambi be it great boon, and it is harmlese as an external application.—From the London Globe. A la TO MOTHERS, When Children Are Injured! Children are always sustaining cuts, bruises, burnaate., aud not Infrequently contraot rInaviorm. nab diseases, skin troubles at school. Makers will find Zam- Bub. 'without equal for all these accidents and diseases. 1Vtra. Thomas Alton, 156 Water street, St. Mary's. Ont., says: -'My daughter Mildred, 4 years old, was severely burned by falling on it hot flat iron, She leas burned on the heel, instep, and on the thigh very badly. I at oneo LWOW Zam•Bult, whieh eased the mitt. and in the coarse oi ti few days the the wounds were thorougly healed." bil% George Aldridge, Ill Louise Street, Stratford, says:-WhIle playing barefooted about the yard. my sou Bertram, 8 years old, stepped on mi brokea glass bottle, which (jut very deeply into his big toe. The out, was so deep tbat I sent for it doctor and, bad the foot oroterly dressed, the doctor leaving it lo- tion to be applied daily. 'under this treat - merit, however, the wound seemed to ((et no better. but on the contrary inflammation set in. A kindly neighbor then recomended Zam-Buk. We obtained a supply, and after a ew applioations the child seemed to rest bet- • ter, and the pain was very muoh reduced. In a few days, under the Zam-Buk treatment, the wound assumed a better appearance, and from that time healing was very rapid. In- flammation and soreness were many com- pletely banished, and in ten days from the first application ofZant-Buk, we took the bandages from the Mot. I feel sure that but for Zam-Buk the child would have haul a very bad time, and might have had to sacri- fice his toe," Not only tor cuts, bruises, ole,, IsZam- Buk effective. but also for serious skin dis- eases such as eczema, ringworm, ulcers, etc. It also cures poisoned sores, chronic wounds. bad leg, piles, festering sores, chapped hands, cold soresfrost-bite, and all skin Injuries and diseases. Druggists and stores every- where sell at $0c a box, or post free for price from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto; 3 boxes 81.25. You are warned against harmful Imi- tations sometimes represented to be "juscaa good." Opera Under Difficultuesk In exciting chapter of accidents Marked the concluding performance at the Opera House at Milan. Miss Elsa Bland, a prima donna, was hurrying to the theatre when she fell down and severely sprained her ankle. Throughout the evening she had to be wheeled about the stage on a hider in such fashion that only the upper half of her figure was visible to the public as she sang her part. Meanwhile atten- dants crouched below the screen were busy bathing and massaging the foot to ease the atrocious pain. Signor Barren, the tenor, hobbled about groaning with gout, and the first bass, Signor Girino, while taking air in the afternoon, had the misfortune to slip into it ditch and strain the muscles of his knee. He seized every opportunity of retiring to the wing to ghre vent to his feelings. A. fire threatened to destroy the seen- ery, while a thunderstorm raging out- side extinguished the eleoblie light.— From the London Chronicle, • • jJJj .Cure quickly stops coughs, cures colds, h-ais the throat and lungs. • • • 25 cent& • • • . t Real Thing. "And this," said. the hostess, who was showing some relies, "is the trunk ono of my ancestors brought over on the letayflower." "in other words," rejoined the guest, "it is the trunk of your family tree." 4 • • BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum- mers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Out., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instrutions. Send no money, but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chancee are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adulte and aged people troubled with urine dif- ficulties by day or night. - MS REASON. (Philadelphia. Record.) At the Restaurant.—"VVaiter, why do feu recommend everybody to take beef a la, mode to -day?" "Because, sir, If it isn't all oaten we shall have it for din, ner ourselves." ' ilea,. Weak; tveurr, ,Waltery tires. irelleYed .$41,Mur1nu 133To Atemedy. Airy Mormon For 'Your 'Eye. Trou'bies. 'non Wit i nuke en:exerted • it Soothes. 600 At Your 1:immolate. • •I'Vrita /Por,'Bye Books. lered Murtriejlye RemedyOo., Toronto. • POLAR ETIQUETTE. (Louisville Courier -journal.) "thiamin could you spare a hand-out or cold bite? 1 wuz wed de mane dab diseovered de pole." weVhere's e'er proofs 1" "De peeper thing, ninth, is to provide de banquet, and eon teek.fer de proof." ititRESTWOORN PAIL Can't Help But tOse' ,hoops and fall to Pieces. •Yoti: Want Some. thing Better Don't You? Then. Ask for Pails and lobs- Made -of'- • wA.RE Nth One a Solide 111Wed. Leal* ManeEdileiehe Meefnhds without a tit00001, seam JIM0004 UUY 0 DIU U