The Wingham Advance, 1909-10-28, Page 5redumellemesseassimmeameseaseaseasessaameassamseraammeseasm
We ate Adeaas for the Celebrated!
"Reaboelys' Overalls'*
Guareuteet.."1Qa a autloq, 4Se a Met o.,
a1l.Qvatelli1 be+ulad the eblve T.l Bets.
The " Peabody Overall"
We have a full stock of Peabody's
Smocks and Overalls, in all sizes, •
in stock now .... .. • .
To C1ar.
Ten dozen lines of other makes
some with and some without
bibs. One line double
seat and fronts.
$1.00 Lines to be cleared at .
75c "
e 80o
. 60c
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
For Sheep Raisers.
The Provincial Agricultural Depart-
ment has decided to establish eight.
illustration stations for sheep in On-
tario. These will be located • on the
farms of men who are not experts in
sheep raising, and a record of the
work done will be kept. The number
of sheep kept in Ontario has been de-
creasing during recent years, the
farmers maintaining that they are not
as profitable as, other kinds of live
stock. The new stations are designed
to show the average profit farmers
may expect to make from grade ewes. satisfactory."
Home -Work Not" Favored.
The Stratford Herald says that
home -work is being eliminated alto-
gether in Guelph Public schools and
it is practically done away in London.
"My advice to the teachers. is to give
no home -work at all up to Grade IV
or the Third Book," said Inspector
Edwards of London, "In the Third
Book I advise them to give a little, to.
be increased as the grades develop,
In no case,•even for entrance pupils,
should the hone -work exceed an hour
or an hour and a half. Four hours
and a half at school is sufficient. I
find these instructions work very
-It Dv
Total assets of over thirty million
dollars aro entrusted to the culstody.
of the Bank of Hamilton.
Your Savings Account Solicited.
' S
Give Bf
To Your Childre
"CROWN BRAND SYRUP" is a food not only for
children but for everyone --and it is used by everyone.
It is a table delicacy which should be in every home.
It is the one thing that satisfies that longing for sweets
which all Healthy children and most adults have.
Used in the home, it saves trouble in the leaking up
of delicious desserts and other good things to eat.
"CRO\YN J3RAND SVR.UP" stands for the highest possible
furity in table syrup. It is prepared iu a tin wholesome manner
ront the very finest ingredients, which develop a delicious
Savor as of fine honey afid ricli cream.
These art strong reasons why you should heist on having
Your dolor hat it lot you in 2, 5.10 and 20 lb ,i -tiele tint with lilt -ad lids.
The Edwardsburg Starch Co" Limited
Werke i CA.101it1i. 011t, ofikCd8 r MON RW 'rOitONTO fit nitAt4Ti*ORf
Clearing Sale Still Continues
Biggest Bargains Ever Heard Of In
M en's Furnishings
The Sale has been going good, but we had a big
stock and have a lot of Exceptional Bargains for
you yet in ail lines. If you have been in you know
what values we were giving. If you haven't been in
it will certainly pay you to come along if you are
needing anything. Even if you're not just in need at
present, you will make 30, 40 & 50 per cent. on the
money invested by purchasing now.
See our Men's and Boys' Shirts, Reg. 75c, for .. a 39c
20cQ Callan, 1 ' Rubber Colla, reg.
Collars for i, 2 26c, for 18o
15c Collars for 9c
Sweaters, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Ties, Mufflers,
Scarfs, Socks, Fancy Vests in winter or summer styles,
Smoking Jackets, Lounging Robes, Fur Caps & Collars,
Belts, Jewelry, Etc., Etc.
Our Tailoring Department
Is full of the very Newest in Suitings,° Overcoatings,
T.rouserings, Fancy Vestings. The patterns and material
are the best we ever had. The Prices are the lowest
possible, consistent with good goods and woe manship.
Tailor and Men's Furnisher
A Safe Road.
The Erie railroad was for so long a
byword in the popular mind that any-
thing to its credit is worth taking
note of. It appears that in five years
the road carried 125,00&000 passengers
3,750,000,000 miles without a single
fatality. This speaks well for the
discipline and faithfulness of. the
employes on that line.
$I,000 Damages.
At Bracebridge assises, Miss E.
Wright of Baysville, sued Fred
Bastedo. It Seems the date for the
marriage was fixed several times, but
postponed. Tire last time, everything
was ready,the guests invited, and the
feast spread, but Bastedo did not
appear, so the wedding did not take
place. The jury assessed him one
thousand dollars.
Gamey Finds Silver.
What they claim is the richest dis-
covery yet made in Gowganda has
been reported on the Thompson Gow-
ganda Mining Company's ten claims
at Spawn Lake, situated northwest of
Gowganda. The vein is reported to
bo of marvellous richness and is from
10 to 80 inches wide, and bas been
stripped for over X,000 feet. The com-
pany is a close corporation, with no
shares on the market, and is controlled
by R. R. Gamey.
Have You Warts ?
You can cure them painlessly by
Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor.
Never known to fail. Be sure you get
"Putnam's," in 25c bottles.
Sudden Death At Westfield. .
On gunday, October 171h, about
noon, there passed away a well known
resident of Westfield locality, in the
person of Hiram Campbell. He was
partaking of a lunch sitting by the
stove when he dropped over and pas-
sed away, apoplexy being the cause,.
Mr. Campbell was 87 years of age at d
had lived here for 25 years. lie was a
�'itethidist in religion, a Liberal in
polities, and was widely respeeted for
his manly qualities, Mrs, Campbell
died 8 years ago and the old gentle-
man was making his home with his
son.Wiliiam. The funeral to As place
Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Jones
conducting the service. Surviving
children are pc. Campbell of St.
Louie, Mich,, and William and New.
ton, of this loeatity ; and Mrs. Biles,.
of 1 lreurdlne ; .Mrs 11. Rogerson, of
Jamestown, N. Y. Mrs, (11r.) ['wilt
inson, of Toronto Mrs.11. Mover, of
Mich„ and Mrs, W. R. Oarr, o`I 'El$th.
The SellPrg of Watches and;
Jewelry is a Matter
of Honor.
Few people know anything about the value of a Watch
case, or the time -keeping qualities of a Watch
movement, and even lees regarding the wear-
ing valae of a piece of Jewelry. You
are entirely at the mercy of the
man who sells to you. We
emphasize the fact that
Our Store Prides Itself 'on its Ability to 'Make
Good. any Guarantee we Give.
If there is anything you need, you'll find our Prices fight, and
no misrepresentations will be made as to quality.
In the matter of eyestrain, delays 'are always dangerous.
Our examination is both free and fair TRY US 1
Trade Mark Registered,
Stands Extremes of Beat and Cold
RUD$ROID is used on houses and barns at points
x,000 miles north of Rdruonton, Alberta--attd the
extretne cold has no effect on it.
ItUB1ROIX) is used on buildings in the West Indies,
,South .America and the Orient,— where the ther-
mometer registers from go to too degrees for months
and the extreme heat has no effect on it.
Could yott ask for a more satisfactory roofing for your
eand barn? Write for samples and paces.
L A. McLean Sole Agen
it 1 w._...0 IT
T WAR .a very nasty
Yet, doughty as Lean-
To see his neighbor'/
daughter bright,
'Xouag Ezra, did mean.
Walked boldly up to
where she sat,
(An awkward curtsey
rJ dropptn'}
Sophronia put away his
And got some corn for
"Right pesky weather
out," said he,
As on his chair he
"Why, ain't the weather usually
Out?" Sophronta giggled.
And that made )Lura blush as red
,As any coal ox Are,
When, "I like poppin' corn," he said,
And hitched his chair up nigh her,
Her father finished up the chores,
And Went right up to bed,
"Pa is asleep; my, how lie snores!.
It's late," 6ophronla said.
Her ma, who'd worked since early morn,
Accepted the suggestion:-
Then?zra left orf poppin' corn,
And straightway popped --the question.
Brldget's Beatitudes..
Blessed are the drippings of bacon
grease; much better than lard for fry-
ing. Use it, too, to put over the meat
loaf for basting, .
Blessed are the fishy plates and sil-
ver put immediately into cold water.
Afterwards wash with hot water to
which ammonia has been added.
Blessed are the baked potatoes
which are first pared, and then put
into a very hot oven. It saves the
waste next to the hard skin.
Praties and Bacon.
Select large, perfect potatoes, and
cut a piece off ono end so that they
will stand firmly. When baked soft,
remove, part of the potato, and in the
oavity put chopped- boiled bacon, al-
lowing it to rise a bit out of the top of
the potato. Garnish with parsley.
This is an excellent breakfast dish,
or may do duty•for a simple luncheon
course. Serve for more elaborate oc-
casions, with a pickle and square of
toast on the plate.
To Clean Furniture.
Use oil very sparingly, and then ap-
ply it mixed with. one-third gasoline.
As the latter evaporates quickly, it
lessens the risk of leaving a sticky
coat of oil on the surface. Rub it
well afterwards with a. dry cloth.
Rattan or willow furniture should
be cleaned with ammonia, not soap,
as the latter makes it turn yellow,
Where Ordinary Salves Fail Zam-
Buk Succeeds.
Chronic sores which cause trouble
by "breaking open," may be cured by
Zam-Buk, as well as recent injuries
and diseases. If you suffer from some
old sore—hidden,4erhaps, but none
the less painful for that—don't daily,
apply Nature's healing essences as
provided in Zarn-Buk. Mrs. I. E. Ash-
ton, of 111, Vickers street, Fort Wil-
liam, tells how valuable Zam-Buk is
as a family bairn. She says:—"We
first used Zam-Buk for cuts and bruis-
es, etc., and found it so satisfactory
that my husband s arted using it for a
chronic sore. For 31ong time he had
been bothered with an old sore on his
leg, and had used various preparations
yet nothing had permanently cured it.
He began applying Zam-Buk balm,
and was very soon agreeably surprised
to notice a great improvement.}
"It was only a matter of a short
time before Zam-Buk had thoroughly
cleansed the sore of all foul matter
and healing commenced. „It is now
some months since the sore was com-
pletely closed, and there is no likeli-
hood of it breaking out again.
Since then my baby, eighteen mon-
ths old, has been cured of eczema on
the scalp by Zam-Buk. This eczema
came in red pimples, and if rubbed or
scratched, formed into sores. The
child was very fretful from the irrita-
tion of the scalp, but whenever Zam-
Buk was applied it seemed to bring
the greatest relief. Frequent applica-
tions were effective in cleating all
traces of the disease from the baby's
scalp in a short space of time. I feel
it my duty to give the credit where
due, and I cheerfully recommended
Zam-Buk to all eufferers from chronic
sores, bad leg, or eczema,"
Zam-Buk is Nature's own healing
balm, being composed of pure herbal
essences. It is a sure cure for eczema,
ringworm, ulcers, cuts, burns, bruises,
poisoned sores, chronic wounde, bad
leg, piles, festering sores, chapped
hands, cold -sores, frost -bite, and all
skin injuries and diseases. Druggists
and stores everywhere sell at 50e a
box, or post free for price from Zam-
Ba1c Co., Toronto ; 8 boxes $1.25.
You are warned against harmful imi-
tations represented to be "just as
Power Dam At Chesley.
A. gang of workmen are busy con-
structing a coffer dam he readiness
for a cement dant that Krug Bros.
Go. will soon commence work on at
lot 27, eon,. 2, near the boundary of
Edward Hope's property. Tito dain
will cover 50 acres, and will give 800
horsepower and will cost about $25,-
000, A power house will be erected at
the dam and electric wires will convey
the power from the dynamo to the
Novtlty factot•y, •--(Euterpr'ise,
Filling Up The West.
The Winnipeg free Press points out
that the 0,653,048 acres which were
taken up by last year's new Settlers in
Western Canada represent an area
oho Equal to a third of Scotland._
Th'. fourths of the total number' of
homesteaders last year were l3ritiewh
subjects, or English-speaking, and the
great bulk of the retnainder cam from
those countries of Europe where the
industry of agriculture is most Ad-
Headquarters For
New Underskirts
Just received, another shipment of those Match=
less Underskirts. The Values are not to
be beaten in thergest stores in Canada.
We are prepared to match values
with any city catalogue, in any
of our fifteen departments.
There is nothing inferior about these SKIRTS — they're
this season's most stylish effects ; but we want to close
this lot out in a hurry, so put them on sale at the
following Out Prices—
full width, with deep embroidery flounce; good valve
•at $1,26—Oar Ont Price 31,00
SKIRTS.—A Special Line at $1.50—.Out Price $1.25
Stripe effeot, full width—Out Price 51.50
BLACK RUSSLE SKIRTS —In Plain Cloth, good strong
Skirt, deep flounce—$1.60 Valve for 151.25
FEATHER SILK.—Fine Quality Goods; will out -wear silk.
This Skirt is made very full, with deep embroidery
flounce; all sizes; regular value $2.50—Out Price $2.00
SEE OUR LEADER.—Fine Underskirts, with doable em-
broidery flounce made of best Feather Silk, with dust
frill ; made in Black, Blue and Brown ; regular FIVE
DOLLAR VALUE — Oar Price $3.50
You will find all kinds of Furs here
PRICES on Ladies' Fur -lined Coats.
See our. Heavy Lined Coats with Far $2000
Collar—Our Special Price
H. E. Isard & Co.
Not blown away with the awful wind that
has been blowing ,around Wingham. We are
here with the goods. We buy our goods wher-
ever we can • get the newest and best for the
money—that means a lot to our customers. We
have a very large stock bought for our fall and
Xmas trade, which is arriving- daily.
W. G. Patterson
The Imperial
Oxford Range
14 note the little arrows
from ;Ore—the divided flue
on oven top ---•---that means
that tho front of oven is
heated as well as hack—call
in and we'll show you many
more features,
Sole Agent