HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-10-21, Page 7ATHLETIC GIRL THRASHESTHIEF And Theo Holds Him • For the Police. Captures Mau Who Took Her Purse in Store An Blacks His Eyes ad Recovers Her Money. New 'York, 00tober 18.---Mr8, Alice Whitney, the young and pretty wite of Richard Whitney, an officer of the Adatas Express Company, captured a pickpocket in a SiXth avenhe depart, ment stere to -day, pummelled Ws face, • blackened bah his eyes.and held. him until the store detective, Daniel Cash, placed hint under arrest. The pick., pocket taeoved to be George Harris, alias! George Goodwin, with a prison record. iVirs. Whitney 1 t graduate at Vessar and played on the Vassar bahltetbalt team. She lives with her husband. on Staten Island and come to Manhattan with him thie morning to do some shopping. Mr. Whitneyparted frorn his wife at his Broadway office and aha rode on up town to the dry goods dietriet. On her arm she carried' a chatelaine bag and in the bag was a silver mesh purse containirig about $20. Mrs. Whitney entered an elevator in a de, partmeat store and as she was leaving the ear on the fourth floor a slim yoiang roan jostled her. About a year ago she was robbed of $30 in a department store and the action ef the young' man made her euspicious. She looked down and found that Quiet:fag was open and the purse was missing but by that time she was out of the elevator and the car ore the way to the fifth floor. Mrs, Whitney hurried up the staieway 41111d reached the fifth floor just in time to surrounding the elevator shaft land see the young man dodge into another elevator, Crying to the operator of the car to wait,. Mrs. Whitney dashed in and grabbed the pickpocket. The young man fought back, but was no match for the young matron, who was indignant, not only at the robbery that had just happened, but the one. that had happened a year be, fore. The elevator operator shut the door and dropped the car to the ground floor, where he set up a cry for the store detective. When Cash reached the scene, the pickpocket had succeeded in dragging Mrs. Whitney from the ear, but she h(d a good grip on him and he was unable to get away or strike her. Cash grabbed him and slammed him up against a, Something clinked on the floor and Mrs. Whitney stooped oder and pick- ed up her purse. The pickpocket had taken it from his pocket and thrown it away'. There was considerable excitement in the store over Mrs. Whitney's plucky capture, but Cash rushed his risoner to Jefferson Market court. Mrs. Whitney followed and made a complaint, upon which Harris was held_ in $1,000 bail. The magistrate complimented Mrs. Whitney upon her pluek, • r* • COL LESSARD eN„ May Succeed Gen:. Buchan in Quebec Command. Toronto, Ont., Oct. 18.-Militery inee in the kerow here ate Frebty well certeen that Oce. lie L. Lessard, C. .8„ A. 1). a, now Adjuteet-General at Ottawa, end formerly of the Royel Canadian Dra• goon, Toronto, will be placed at the head of the Quebec command, to stmeeed• lerigadier-General Buchase cleeceeed. Some ground for the rumor ie eoliteineel .in a paragraph in militia orders from Ottawa, dated Saturday, to this ,effeeds Examinatiou in tactical fitness for com- mand, for "Brigadier -General L, Bureeeli, 0. V, O., 0, M. G., A. D. C.," substitute "Colonel F. L. Lessard, 0. B., A. D. C." Col, I.,essard is 4'01 known •and. 'pepular here. He eonimanded the Royal Cana - (lien ,Dragoons in South Africa. UNREST IN SPAIN. Madrid, Oot, 18. -Large crowds of workmen mitt in anti -Government meet- ings, at Bilbao and Corruna yesterday. Violent speeches were made. Troops are held in readiness to check possible disor- ders. Tho Impareird announces that the Government is coneentrating troops at Madrid to take the place of those that have been sent to leforoceo. 4 • * LADY COOK. New York, Oct. 18. -Lady Francis Cook, who represents the Viromen'e Free- dom League, the English organization that is seeking 'woman suffrage by peapeful methods, errivet here to -day from England on the stetuner Celtic. A big delegation of New York suffragist* went down the bay in a lug to meet her. 40 • WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. 'Ale/areal, Quo., Oot. lie -Signor Mar. eon, of wireless telegraph fame, hes returned to 'Montreal front Glaee Day, whither he went a comae of weeks ago to look after the rebuilding of the long distanee plant destroyed by fire. He seete he expecte to have the station in opere- tion again withie a. comparatively short time. • te. RETIRES PROM BOARD. hiontreal, Que., (let. 18.-0. C. Ballast- tyne, one of the Montteal Harbor Com- ritiatictuare, annoeueede Ids retitement front the Board of Direetors of the (ante. (tan Rubber Company, of Monbreal, and the Consolidated Canadian Rubber Com- pany. 0 # NO TROUBLE. Wathington, Oct, I8. -There is no pole itieed dist bane a any kind in Cada, Elea, despite teporte to the eolitraiy, eeeording to A despateh received from the Seeretary of Foreign Affairs by Sen- or Calvo, the ()beta Wean Mitiiiter, to- day. The deepatch added that no feare were entertained of a disturbance, • '4* - 'BOYS JAILED, Braniptott, Ont., Oot, I. Sutton, eged 14 years,aiul /tertian /tar - mate eged 16 years, are le jail here, oherged with stettliog lore, and buggy. 'The bop eleinalliey 'timed the clitfit the rood, and that they were Imking fee the owner when erreited. The owitTe of the Mitfit ha not been located as yet, rv~.041/HOMMANWANANYNI1 ITEMS OF 'NEWS FROM FAR AND NEAR POWIMOffiliWWWWWM1, Rev, Amino Martin, assistant priest at .A.mlierstburg, le dead. A police sale of ueareitned .goode. at Toronto.) madded 001 $000. The -steamer Sicillen, four elieys Ow- •1 Washington., (:)(st,e Me -Alarmed by AUTO..ROADS, Britain May Construct Special * Highways For Them. Autos Menace to Life and De. •atruction a Property. due is eapeeted et QUebeeto-day. • the great expense it is put to in Marshall Pelee, aged 00, peinilless and reaintaleigg friendless, drowned himself in the hike the higliweys of the United. Kingdom the British Parlita at Wineipegoeis on Saturday. Mout is considering the advisability Thomas Trebileock, of Loddon, Out., of eonstructIng special highways for died on the steamer St. Tends while on the use ofieutomobiles. According to the way home from England, ' U. 5, Oousul General Griffiths, in a A. report has been publishea at edbaug- repot to the Depeeteeent et owe., hal of the intimate appointnieut of mem and Labor, the eontinned use Stnyvesant Fish, of New York, is of motor ears in Great Britain hes United States Minister to China, played havoc with the surface of the Tseen- roadways. It is .nsw, P..11gge_sts4 that The Toronto city architeet has e epee mg automotines be given molted the superintendent of public roads to themselves and this is pro - school buildings foe not tithing out a vided for in a bill now before Par - permit for an addition to a admit. Bement. These roads' are to be goy - The Sea Domingo Government bas erned by a small board of five or forwarded a theque to the owners of the seven members, only one ef whom, 'Nova Scotia schooner Britannia to cover the chairman or vice-ehairrnan, shall dameges inflicted on the vessel by some receive a salary. The board will not troops firing from shore. only govern the system as built, but will be empowered to add to the mile - The Commercial Hotel at Rainy River broke out on Saturday afternoon. No rlaogaaed siV‘havrirle n . clot:Ala Pt: etesd. ei°itttl°antet htiligeir"' was completely destroyed by fire which lives were lost. The betel was owped tvhe);ase excepiti by e'spPecralli permission, by J. Tyner. The insurance is $20,000. The Government liknwise will wash A fall of stone in the Nova SOotia its -hands of the Metoeists and permit Steel and Coal Company No. 5 Col- thane to indulge theit speed mania to liery at Sydney Mines, N.S., crushed theiraheatt's Content, the speed limit the life out of Joseph Howarthy, an will be taken 'off, Englishman, 33 years old arid mar- The British people are said to be in. ried. sympathy with the plan. The use of A rich deposit of copper was discov- the motor car has increased so greatly ere& twenty miles south of Kenora re- in the last deoade that it has •beconte cently by F. Moore, of that town. The not only a detriment to patio pre - vein ha,s been exposed for 700 feet, and Verltiyieaswell.incertain ways, but a menace averaues about 120 feet in width. The to . of the to escape, but the babies were numb' HasTakenTaI:-Eleven Years ore is remarkably rich. Two Italian babies were burned to death in a tenement house fire at Canal street and Maiden lane, Buffalo, on Sat- urday night. The 'tenants had. plenty wt. forgotten in the excitement. Construct, Now Completed. In the Winnipeg police dart M. Nozaeleaw, Austin street, was fined heavily for rooming 25 people in three Dover, Eng, Oct. 18, --The great naval DOVER HARBOR. 41••••••••••••..0 •••••••••*• to rooms and a cellar of mixed sex; M. harbor whigh has been in promos, of con- Chaulk had 32 men in a four roomed house on the mime street. struction here for eleven years was Guiding his galloping team up opened by the Prince of Wales with a Myrtle street, Detroit, yesterday ed. thunderous booming of big guns (ui land ternoon, responding to an alarm of and sea. fire, John I. Wallace, driver of hook The new harbor cost $20,900,000, is and ladder truck No. 0, pitched for- seven hundred acres in extent and in its ward from his seat and fell dead on shallowest plaee is more than seven and the whiffletrees of the -tancdc. a half 'fathoms deep. As many as forty Dr. E. J. Neisser, of Berlin, professor battleships and twice that number. of of political eeonomy, who was sent to smaller shops ean rendezvous in it with - this country by the German Government Out crewding. to study trade conditions with the ob- It -will be used largely as a base for jeet of developing 9, market, died in the the Atlantic, Channel anu North Sea Whinipeg.h.ospital on Saturday from an fleets. Formerly little better than an attack of typhoid fever. . open roadstead, it is now practically Without leaving the box, the Jane. landlocked, as the east and west moles men in the Drown murder ease at overlap, completely proteeting it front Quebec rendered a verdict of not torpedo attack or heavy seas. geilty yesterday, and Arthur Drouin, The warships iu,. the haybor at the of St. Sauveur, who has been. held opening were gaiter dressed, and manoeu- since last july, charged with 'killing vres by troops on shore added to the is father, walked out of the eourt h animation of the scene. free man, • -* Alex. Thompson, a prominent farm- er of Washington, near Woodstock, died yesterday morning of lockjaw. APPLY AT ROME A 'few days ago he got his haend caught in a straw cutter, and the member was amputate.d. Lockjaw set in yes- France Can Have Peace That Way terday, and death followed he a few -A New Danger hours. Deceased leaves two sons. . The marriage of Miss Gertrude Marion, youngest daughter of Mts. Pars, Oct. 18.-Jo5. Caiilaux, former Min - Caroline Sharp, to Mr. Wilfred Dwight ister o inance, in a speech at nonnettevnie Chown, eldest son of Rev. S. D.'to-day, warned the country At the danger D.D., was soleinnized at et being Involved In a recrudescence of clpr- ,Chalmers' Presbyterian Church, To - M ronto, Saturday morning at 10.30. The al activity' against the government's schools. Ile declared,that text books of history had ceremony was conducted by the boon interdicted solely 'because they failed groorn's father. to eulogize such incidents as the St, Barth - 'S. B. Rugg, a Sarnia tdamster, was olomew massacre and the revocation of Edict found dead yesterday morning on the a Nantes. road between Wilkesport and Sonabral'cth organ of Cardinal Andrieu, e Arch- yillage, in Sombre township. He was eisilito e a Marseilles, replying to the con- Z.,mployed as a teamster in connection dilatory speed' of minister Briand at Per - with the construction of the Natural !minx, declared that f.the governtnent wishes Gas Co's. pipe line, Re left Sombre, mice it must apply at Borne, for Wilkesport laat night with a.-leadof pipe. The disappearance of Prof. Albert Kemp, aged 27, a prominent nausician of Toledo, Ohio, has started a police investigation into accusation e made by his wife, Mrs. Emnaa Kemp, who declares that she has knowledge of her husband having been marriedabout a year ago to another woman at To- ronto. Mrs. Kemp .says she was mar- ried to Keznp at Detroit on March 1, 1900. • • *lb BANK CASHIER Shoots Himself and His Mother -in - Law Drops Dead. • , Mineral Point, Wis., Oct, 18.--1'. E, lIensoott, °fishier of the wrecked First National Bank. 'of Mineral Point,shot and killed hbeself al 10 o'clock last eight. Hanscott's body wee removed to the house of his mother-in-laW, Mrs, John Gray, and at sight of the body Mrs. Gray dropped dead. Since the feihtre of the bank lialiseatt has been working night and day, and was despondent. et • MOORS DEFEATED Jiarieria* But Spaniards Lost a Commander, nd Two Captains. hfelille,, Oot, 18. -Three regiments and a mounted battery of the Spanish knees, while reconnoitering yesterday, weet of •Nador, engaged itati defeated the enemy. The Spanish then retired, having lost a commander fuel two capietins killed and fottneen men wounded. The Moorish loss 'tees heevy. • 4--4. • MORE MILEAGE POR Juncons, Attorney -General Authorizes Increase of Three Dents. • TorOnto. Oct. 18,-4n intreene from ten to thirteen tone In sinew tentage hart, just beaa eutherized by -the °ramie GOvertiniont, and the Sheriffs .throughout the PrOvinee heve bete notelet by the AtterrieY-Oencrat �f the inoreased allowance. The Dor diem al., lowitnetwas increated a year ego item $2 to te,te. The new Mileage 10100rence takes effect at t1I fatt assizes. ICE CO'S. TRIAL New York, Oct. 180 --The Amerieati Io e Ce., one of the largest fee tendert% in the COIllitt$P, *lath is Skid te emitrol half the leo trade la New York City end , the vicinity, went on trial to -day on I oharges of illegal monopoly. The result r err this ease, according to its owit lawyer, meats lift or deeth to tier &notation, WIPED OUT Wyoming Mining Town Entirely Deeroyed by Fire Yesterday. ••••••••••••••••• Sheridan, Wyo,,Oat. 18. -Word reached here of the deseructien yester- day of the entire minting te wet of Dillon, Wyo.. ler Bra irhe Caen% ef tee fire not known. A nage quaneity of winter sapplies for the Miners •was deebroyed. and it is feared there will be sufferite. -No estimate of the loss can be given, btit the loss is not a large 'one. -* • KING. ALFONSO. Quarrels With Premier Over Exe- cution of Feuer. Paris Oct. special from Mad- , , rid says that King Alfoestie has had a violent quartel with the Premier be- muse of the latter's failure to ,give Ilis Majesty an opporturiny to exercise the Royal prerogative ofv pardon in the .case fFerrer. The despatch says that the unpleasant interview followed when the Xing leaned of the ternpest that had been raised abroad by Ferret's death, f1.64411IGH. Pane, Oot, 18.-Cou4 De Lambert, the French aviator, made a remarkable and sensatiOnal flight in a Wright bi. plane this afterhoot. Leaving the Jirvis- sy aviabion field ho flovt to Paris, eir- cled about the Eiffel -tower at times reaehieg a height of about one thous- and feet above the city and then 'voter*. ed to jUtistly. -4 *0 PEARY'S STORY. Totonto, Oet, lfle-eThe iilituiction re. straining the died arid Empire front pablishing Conatatuder Peery's story of finding the north pole WAS to -day made perpeteal by Mr. J`ustice Magee. Costs to the plaintiff exeept in regard to one motion, The London Times and Peaty are thc plaintiffs. PREMIER MAY PALL. Madrid, Oa. 18. --The fall of Premier Meant it aritieireted 4f fernier Premier Moret eneountee in the Chamber of Detiptias ttedity, ae an Article in the Dierio Univetsal intimetes that he will do, that the Libeval party irtitst•be new. ernnititutecl. LORD ROBERTS 14•11.1,41.11.1. Would Lilo' to Come. to Canada and Make No Speeches, Or, George II, P#idn Talks of the ermen Score, Montreal, Oct. le. -Dr. George Re Parkin, toraler prineipal of Upper Can- ada College, an now orgauiziug repro. sentative of the Ithedes' scholarship trust, bringthe news across the water that Lord Roberts is desirous of again visiting the Dominion at Canada, where Jia made so many warm friends a year ago, et" Dr. Parkin saw Lord Rolaerts a few days before he left London, and told him how delighted the people of Col- ada would be to again see the great soldier ie their midst. 'If I go," be said, "will you guarantee that I will not have to make As many speeehes as der- ing my last visit, and as a matter of fact, the (leder says this speechmaking is very objectionable to the average English mind, end no doubt would in, filmes platters throughout the Empire. Dr. Parkin says, however' that the Old Gauntry is much pleasedover Can. ada's action in defence matter,. al- though he added that he 'did not think England was worrying very much as to what the Dominion would or would not do. "Great Britain," he added, "was not in the habit of saying to any of her dependeecies, !You tnust de this or you must do that:' Speaking of the co-erdlecl German scare, he &dared, that the preamble of the Germaa naval bill was suffi. (tient to awaken the gravest apprehen- sion throughout the ,British Isles, for it referred to the feet of gebtiug ready to defend' herself from attack by the greatest nhval power, "And who," Dr, Parkin asked, "is the greatest naval power P" what do you think of it?" he was asked, "I think," Dr, Parkin replied, "that England, will be able to keep well ahead, of her greatesteeival, as she ho$ been able to do in the past," 4 ,,e• AVIATOR HURT. Capt. eody's Bip1an4 Smashed at Doncaster. • Doncaster, Eng., Oct. 18.-Disitster for the biplane of Capt. Cody and a miraculous escape from death for the aviator himself furnished a senation- al opening for the second day .of av tion week, The weather was ideal for lying and a half dozen machines were out early in warming up spins of 200 and 300 yards. Shortly before noon 'Cody started on a more preten- tious flight.and had travelled a thous- and yards when, taking a corner at great speed, the front wheel touched the ground and the machine toppled over with a crash, Cody pitched for- ward in the midst of the wreckage. Attendants rushed to the sone an- ticipatiug a tragedy, but to their as- tonishment were met cheerfully by Cody, who crawled from themass unhurt, save for a severe gash in the faee. Parts of the biplane were so badly' wrecked that several days will be required for repairs. •e* POPE STAYS N. Might Stone Him -Trouble in Milan -Smashed Statue. • Bente, Oct. 18. --The Pop?, granted no audiences to -day. He WAG not allowed ta walk in ehe ITetiene grounds, the offi- cials fearing that stones would h.! thrown at him. The strike continues in many cities. hi Milan all the shOps are Alit, and the street cars have stopped running. ii- mellts and abuse of clergymen on Lite streets are frequent in Rome and, else- where. Some Germans have been roughly handled. The ante -clerical deputies °minima that they are preparing a bill to supprees religious eonvictiote, and to forbid se- clesiastical teaching. The bill will aim to produce a situation similar to that in Frame. The latest reports' from Pisa don't con,. firm the report bf the burning of the cethedritl, but there has beenivandalism in many oe the churches. The aneitart monumental statue of Nita Virgin has been overthrown and mashed. THE LAYMEN • Buffalo, Oct. la -The evangelization of the world to thikgeneration was dis- cussed.,at to -day's session of the Lay- zueres Missionary ,Convention by Geo. Sherwood Eddy. the Y. M. 0. A. Sec- retary from India. lining the speakers to -day were S. Earl Taylor, of New -"Tory, Secretary of the Forward Move- ment in the Methodist Church, and Dr. Anderson, of Philadelphia. - b THE DISCIPLES. Pittsburg, Oct, He -Having completed most of the routine business, the ac- tual centennial celebration and the.great- eorninunion service, the delegates at- tending the International 'Centennial end convettion of the Disciples of Christ (Christian Church? 'devoted the 8th day's session to Bible teltool work of the church. The conteation tvill end to-mor- ro W. et. IN DRY TOWN. Grimsby, Oct. 10.--A. revised version of Old. Mothee Hubbard -would fit the experienees of Mayoe Oliver, of Toronto, and a party 'alio arrived here late last night ia two automobiles. They found the tower brae of hotel aecoMmodation, and, Although it Was nearly midnight, had to re-emberk and steer a course for When Grimsby went "dry" several yeare ago the hotels went one of busi- ness, and the Village Lie, a dittelaap pointed hotel Was Closed as a protest. ATTACKED BY -BULL. Holland Landing, Ont., Oct. 18.--Pe•ter Morrieon, xt farmer, of laud Gwillitte bury, living two end e half mike from here, met with an AeCident oil Saturday evening which probably will result tea ally. Mr. Morrison WM leading a bull into the etable when the animal attliek- ed him .Intockieg him down, and tramp- ing on him, breaking eeveral ribs And interrtel aijuriee. Mr. Morrison is 75 ,yeets of age, CHOLERA IN AMOY. Antoy, China, Oet. Is officially reported that there were 77 detain; front the bubortie plague and 04 fatal mums of 'cholera in Amoy during the two weeks ended ort Saturday lest, COT( THERE. Nerth'Star Esnuimaux Believed He Was at f'010, • Dollish Captain Says They Fear Pear 7 Like the Devil, New York, Oct, 18.--A special cable •to the Sun this niorniiig ty tleit the Cieeenliind Admieistratiost steamer God- altintle on which Dr. Cook travelled Upernavik to. Eleaminee„ where he bearded the steamer Hain Egede, has re - tamed to Copenhagen, Hite master, Captain. Selionbye, says that Knini Ites• mueseu went to -interview the two Fe - guava= Dr. Cook says eecompaniell lean to the Pole, . Resenuisen 1iU not'See them; he did aot emceed •in reaohing Auatoa, because t•he season was too aer advaneed. However, he met at North Shia Bey, north of Cape York, eame Esquitnaux who hail eoeversed with 1/r, Cook's lesquitneux, Their Oaten -neat. agreed with Dr. Cook's. They .leilhee that Cook and his Itaugheaux medial the Pole, Capt, Solatabye adds that when the Eequittineix at North Star Bay saw his ship they were terrified, believing tan Peary 'wes• ou board. They hurrieede hid their provisions and other property, They fear •Peary' like the devil. RTi• =seen will return Soon on baud the Home Dgede, but it is improbable ilea be has further information. !es ALL CANADA'S. CAPT. BERN I ER'S CLA1 MS AND DR. COOK'S STATEMENT. The Commander of the Arctic Lee - tures on His Voyage Before Ot- tawa Canadian Club -Sir WiIfrid Leerier Gives Him "Roving Coda, mission. Ottawa, Oct. 18. -Canada is to here a North Pole expedition of her cern, and captain Bernier, with the steamer Arctic, is to carry it out. That was in effect announced by Sir Wilfrid Baur. ier at the conclusion of an illumin- ative address by 'tee Arctie's cern- mender on his last trip to the erotic archipelago delivered before two I une' dred members of the Ottawa Cana- dien -Club at luncheon on Saturday afternoon. Capt. Bernier, after telling how he had faithfully carried out his commission te plant the British fiag on all the known islands in the Artie Oeetin to the north of the Canaeitue mainland, and had clahned for eau; ada "in detail and by the wholesale" every bit of land right up to the Pole; declared that when he had a good. chance to make the northWest passage last summer in the arctic and knew he must simply obey orders 'like a good sailor and turn back it.fter relt.ch- ing Melville and Banks Islands,' tears cf‘fne to his eyes because the Govern- ment had not allowed him a little more "Mtitude." Sir Wilfrid, speaking a little later, declared, amid cheers, that Caneela was proud of Capt. Bernier,'Who lore his laurels so modeetty. "And if," he .adeled„ "he will undertake the job again, we will give hint all the latitude and longitude he wants, We shall tell elm to take the good ship Are* and his ertew and all the stores necessary and carry the British flag as far north as he can end bring back all the eci- entifie data he can gather, 1 hope he will be able to start out next spring with no restrictions in his comnimission bxtt the• general order to spread Cana- dian jorisdietion over all the north- ern scan. • It has happened betore that wbat we have supposed to be wahine but barrenness has proved to be rich in mirreral wealth or other natural resources. We will give him another commission unfetteren by re- strictions. He .may go to the Pole of beyond the Pole, wherever there are lands to be claimed or useful observe,- ticns to be made; ',and no one isbetter fitted for such a task." ' Captain Bernier told his story in a charactetistie manner. it was flavored with quaint touches of humor, nautical metaphors and a sailor -like • making light of difficulties and hardships. He noted that there had been 15$ British expeditions to the Arctic. For this teat one,which completed the taking posses- sion of'all the land in sight, the Cana- dian Government had given him aecrew of forty-three men, a tine' little ship, "and lots of stores." The first mission of the ,Arctic last Summer had been to land storce for Dr. Cook, Thereby Brit- ish sailors had only been paying the interest on the debt owing to Atnerican sailors for help and • rescue given to British expeditions in the horth. He deseribed the route of the Artie through the northern archipelago to the winter quadtere at Melville Island, When he arrived there he found an open sheet of water, apparently-, leading right through the nerthwest passage. But he had ..to obey instructions, Mad the ehanee to win glory \leas sacrificed to his duty as a sailor. At Banks Island he found evidenee to show that Amer'. eat. whalers had been fishing in Cana - dam watere. The cairn and records left by McClure had beett destroyed, He advised the Government to take steps to effeetively patrol these waters and wartime their valueble fisheries for The climate of theee Arctic- !satiate, .said, was woederfal. Vegetation was much either than was generally thought, and he brought back front Melville Island thirteesix speeimene of flowers, Musk-ox were tumorous, wed for other Bailie there Were feXeS, Seals and bears, "Canada has se great national park up there.," he said. "If you want to hunt, that's the place. I ean take you there end bark in two months." , With referenee to the polar trips of Peary and Cook, the eaptain said that even though they might have eeert new lands, they did not take ,possession of them. "r knew Dr. Cook well," he lidded, "and the last tinic 1 eatw him t forbade him to ehtim any laud iti bbs north, / claimed the whole • thing for Canada. If there turd undiscovered irdande up there, we'll heve to go and plant the British flag on them. 'When I made my deeleration elaiming all the lam% Seen and mimeo% Nome of my ere* elosed one eye. 'When they heard of (look's, statement about seeing nsw is- lands tin dosed both eyes." 4 ' BADLY HURT. Collingwoed, Ont., Ott. 18. -William Oliver, (+Ambled itt the ineeli%te ehep of the Collingweret Ship Building Comettov, \vas taught try the Shafting and Itallv injured, both lege and one mit being brelon. Pt e is UM 1 a 'cry tritieel eon. ditto% itt tho ltospitel. STRANGE WILL Paid Rent. Alt Ills LIte-Quit at Death, 0,011,,r1", Wanted 00y Cremated -Not a Cent For Cemetery. ' gait Later City, eltale eet, 111.-"I Dave eald net all my Ida 1 mean to quit •whou I die." declared Warren Waiter, a well known newspaeor man in a letter esteeming his last wish. Which was opened aftee hie death in Ogliothii on Saturday. Far the final ORM- lami of my Old body," says the letter, "Iny first wish is that it he cremated, IR mien - lent or Measly, then lay me away in what Is itnewit as the potter's field. But Is no tweet, eerier any cOndition, am I to be burled In anr en:lettere wherattey buy end sail lots or charge a rental of any kind for keeping tint late in condition, If fli life service has not been sufftclent for the =Mutiny to furnish a place to refit this body when I get through with it then leave ft to the more merciful and kingly coYotes. Do not spend ono cent tor a lot directly or indirectly," The body will be taken to Deaver for cre- mation. Mr. Fester was a brilliant speaker and writer, He tool; part in the Popullat movement in 'Karim and in recent years has been identified with the socialist party, 14 I TO GUARD CZAR • Emperor .of .Russia. and King :of Italy to Meet This- Week. Rome,. Oet. 17. -The • Ueda'', Gov. crement has proposed Receonigi, in the peavinco of Ounce, Bari, on a peninsula in the Aeriatie, and Baja; a small to Naples, as the three pointsbest adap"ted for a meeting be- tween the Xing , and, the Emperor of Husain, this week. The Russian Gov- erenient lute reserved its auSwer on Lids matter • urtil Tuesday or Wed- iwsday. Time ltalian Gevenuneat has therefore been obliged to take extra- ordinary raeasuree or protection at all three places. Eight thousand soldiers are centred at Turin, the nearest leige town of Raceonigi, .in addition to a thousand policemen and carbineers, while about five hundeed Russian and Italian police are statibned itt Racoon- igh The Socialist party has addreesed manifesto with reference to the visit of Emperor Nicholas to Italians, saying; "The great and bloody tyrant who. is about to start for Italy is it thousand times more ferocious and more danger- ous to the civilization of the world than King Alfonso, who is only a semi -respon- sible instrument in the hands of the Re- ectionists and Jesuits. Let us show the Russian Emperor onr immence execra- tion." On it northbound train near. Spezzia the' police to -day arrested a young mere who had a revolver in his hand. The man was fashionabIy attired, and Waxed that he was going to Rae- conigi to see King. Victor Emmanuel, When searched 8.000francs were found hidden in his 'shoes. Ho had. in his possession also a railroad ticket Lor Racconigi, and a cane, having a conceolea dagger. Ile said that he was a Spaniard, and gave his name as 4 • Carlo Modena. QUITS °LECTURES. Cook Will Again Aicend Mount McKinley With Witnesses. kew York, Oct. 17. -Dr. Frederick A.'. Cook, in accordance with the policy which he announced Saturday eight, did not leave town at mid- night as he had planned, again te, take up his lecture tour, but remained at the Waldorf. He announced Saturday' tbat he was going to cancel all the lec- tures he could and fight the detractions that have risen up against him. lie made a start on the -latter part of his programme to -day by appear- ing before a meeting of the commit- tee of the Explorers' Club, which has in hand the question of whether or not Dr. Cook did really climb Mt. 'McKinley itt 1000. Dr. Cook said that he was go- ing on with his plans for another expa dition to Mt. afeKinley to prove the validity' of his Oahe. BOY KILLS OLD MAN*. Telli the Authorities He Struck His Victim in Self -Defence. Gloversville, Oct. 17.-A sixteen -year- old boy named TeirEyck was lodged in the Montgomery County jell at Fonda late teetight, eharged withehaving killed an elderly man, whose mime is un- known, on the fatai of the boy's father to -day. The lad is said to have tantalized the man, and in the struggle which ensued, it is alleged that the boy struck the mart over the head with a shot gun with Sufficient force to crush his skull, causing his death before the arrival of a physician. Deputy Sheriff MeGliteiela of Fonda, and Aeting Coroner Ped- dle of Fultonville, went to. the scene of the crinte and arrested the boy. . The boy says he committed tho Aet in self-defenee. 1• BROKER ARRESTED. Boston, Oct. 18.-5, 0. Cummings, a broker, of 45 Milk saar et, this city, Ives arrested to -day in eiinneetion with the discovery of notes of the town of Fram- ingham bearing signatures Alleged to have been forged, evidelt were discovered on Saturday. e • PORTO RICAN ORDAINED. Washington, 08. 18. -Senor Don Gull - terra° Moseoso y Roderiguez, said to be the first Porto %nen to enter the Epis- copal ministey, AlIas ordainee here yes- terday by Bithop Harding. PREFER EXILE. 'xrw (Meets, Oset. 18. -Several prom - Went offleiale of the 2olaya Government itt Nintragua have aeceptee bauisirment at the halide of General Estrada in pre- feretice to prison, aecordieg to epeciel deepatebes reteived here, COOK'S PROOFS. „ Copenhagen, Ott. emitinteet nuty be hummed up as averse tr1 grant• .the rteptent of t he Natiatial Oen- e eraphieil Sre,:ety if tit united nett the Viiivereity el Cep,ethigen its right te filet elaim ter Dr. °auk's' North Pole ditte, 'LONDON AND PROFS FERRER. ARP•mromf Riotous Demonstration of Socialists and Foreigners: Wild Talk by Victor Grayson, the Labor Leader, Exciting Scrimmoge Between the Police and the Mob, ;Lendon, Oct. 17. ---The that publie Ferrer demonetration itt England ed Trafalgar _Square this afternoon with it crowd munbering meny sands. A large proportion were On- lookers, but the genuine manifestants made a 1?ig muster. They ineluded uiany Gentian% Frenchmen, Italian and Spaniards, 0,The speeches were very violent and afterwards there was an excitirig rOW, which, however, did not zeve any very serious cense- pence% James O'Gratlye And 'Albert (4rayson, both membere of Paella - meet, end H. M. ifyinhuanzt and Cun- ningham Goleta spoke to a resolu- tion denouncing the murder of one of Spain's most eminent and most use- ful citizens, expressing detestetion of the torturing Jesuits, who, with theft militarist alliese were reviving the in- quisition in Spain, and demanding that Great 33ritain urgently press Spain to- ebolish court-martials, Mr. Grayson, who holds the record for demagogic violence declared that the murder ef Ferrer was an iesult to Europe. It would be .avenged, If theer was a head knocked off in Spain it woeld only serve to show that the there was mit much -in it.. If the heads: of every king in turepe were torn off to -morrow it would nob help pay the price of Ferretes life. a The s.peaker deelared tliet it:was the en- couragement given by England to a dirty monster like the Czar that had emboldened King Alfonso to shoot Ferrer. It was suggested during Ferrer's trial that Xing Edward, ow- ing to his marriage reletionship to Knig Alfonso should ese his influ- ence to prevent the murder, Ring Edward must have known thie, and whatever happens within the enext week or month it will not lie at the door of the people, bub'. at the door of Ring . Edward. The Ring was ad- vised foreign matters' by Sir git ward kerey.- who in everything that in- terested Great Britain proved himself a coward and poltroon. The Socialist party in Parliament ought to demand that Sir Edward Grey compel the Spanish Ambassador to quit,ethe coun- try, and. if the Anabassador could not walk the people would move him. If Sir Edward Grey would not move the Ambassador the people must move Grey. The other speakers were hardly Jews violent, although they exempted Ring Edward from their objurations. After the meeting a procession headed by red banners, started for the Spanish Embassy. in Grosvenor Gardens, escorted by mounted and foot policemen. Several' scrimmages arose en route from the pollee trying to seize the banners, one of which was inscribed "To hell with the murder- er, Alfonso," but there was no organiz- ed effort to -stop the procession until it reached Grosvenor Gardens. Here the police barred the road, =deft tough 'hand-to-hand fight followed, although there were no more deadlier weapons than fists and sticks used. The police charged the mob and the latter charged back., Many were knocked down and trampled upon. It was hot work, but the police held their own,. fend the rioters, many of whom were roughs, ultimately dispersed, • • e • BOMB IN HOUSE. Attempt to Murder Peter MIlahon at Sydney, N. S. Sydney, N.S., Oct. 17. ---Early yes- terday a bomb was, thrown into the house of Peter McMahon, at, Dominion No. 1, by some person from the out- side, but fortunately did not explode. The bomb consisted of a piete of 2. inch pipe, about 14 inches long, filled with powder and small stones. At- tached was a, short piece of fuse, which had been lighted, but evident- ly went out -while 'being thrown through the window, otherwise the ex- plosion would have carried death to the inmates, and likely would have destroyed the house. McMahon is one of the P, W. A. men who has been working steadily since the strike began. He mede search, on being aroused by the break- ing of the window, but found no trace of the persons who had made the at. tempt on his life. The police of the town and the coal company officees are making a, seareh, and it is expected several arrests will be made during the next feid days. SUICIDE AT PICTON. George A. Ostrander Goes to Barn and Males Chloroform. Pictom Oct. 17. -Tired of life, George A. Ostrander, an insurence agent, eont- witted suieide and„ was fottad deed by his wife this morning. On Saturday af- ternoon he told his wife Ito would. not be home for supper, He weut to the barn unnoticed, lea& it bed, and cover- eit his fAce with cotton batting saturitt- ed with chloroform. Then he putted a nig over him. Thus be was feline this morning by his wife. Ile Was aged about sixty, •-eteareak-a•-•.--a- SIXTY.EIGHT MEN KILLED. Loss oi Life On National Transton- tinental Railway bonstruction, Ottawa, Oct, 17. --The toil of death hi construction work on the National Tranecontinental Runway during the holt liscal year Was OS, while 2.2 men suffered sellout; injuries. The fatall• tiee were, fornthe most pert, mimed by eatelesseess on the part of the men beedling lynani3tct Mose of the killed were Italians tee Sweeee, There Were over 12,000 men in the army ot railivey builders during the past year, MACHINE CAPSIZED. Petedame, Oct. 18.-Mechenist undertook it triel flight in a Wright =whine at llornsted Conn/tone to -da' tied espsited when at a height a 30 feet. The 'Machine was 'wally broken but itelidel WU net set1eust7 injured. BOTHA PREMIER, to Ile Most- Likely Vim in South Africis, New York, Oct. 10.--A, visitor in Now York )uat now ie Edward Rooth, Chief Government whip and first Lieutenant of General Botha in the Transvaal Parliament. Mr. Rooth la hare on a brief vacation prior to the eornp1etien1/44 itt pertee organization for the approaching establiShment of the Parliament of South Africa whic1t will be opened some time next year by the Prince of Wales. It is probable that in May next thcr Governor-General of the Union will summon one er other of the respective South Africa Parliamentary leaders, to form the Government a the Union - and General Botha is moat Moly to be the one chosen. The native question is the great. outstanding South Afriden preblem with which the Uulon Parliament will ultimately hews to deal, To -day, the wired races itt South Afrlea stand in hie proportion of about sixt Ito one as against the whites, and a large nume beg of theta) natives are preetioally still in, a eemi-barbaric condition,. Questioned as to the„future of the. TranfiVaal gold mines, Mr. Booth,eaid that the present output of gold aver-- dged about $150,000,000 worth per year, end will steadily inorearse, • • • GAVE POD DEGREE. For Ninety -Four Hours the Prisoner Was Kept Awake. uast St. Louis, 111,, 04, 18,-Aftet he had been kept awake for ninety.! four holm by the East St. Louis polled Arthur Fowler was permitted to sleek for half an keel' to -day. At the end fit , the half hour detectives throw hint ter a sitting Foe/tie/a and resumed the "third degree." For four daya the pollee have tried to wring frora Fowler a confession, that he is the burglar whe killed Cb.ief 4 Detectives Patrick F. Gill on September 5 lase. He kas confessed 'to Wee burglaries and twenty bei car robbeeits, but denies' the killing. ". 'They are murdering meat gala Fowler to -day, "The nap they let niee have was the worst torture. I would rather have beeit killed than awak, enact lefy heart is weak and if this keeps up much longer I will die.' . Fowler admits he has served -hive terms in the jolieb Penitentiary, 44 4. • CATTLE POISONING. Father of Complainant Committed. on That Charge. Belleville despatah: Inspector Rea burn, of Toronto, was in Brighton' lately working ons a cattle -poisoning case, as It result of which Lewis Le- land, a farnaer, 74 years old, wee committed for trial on a charge of poisoning a eow and horse belonging to his son, John W. Leland, It seems ,that apples had been plugged with paris green and strewn" on the ground In the pasture where John Leland's stock fed, A cow died and a horse was taken very siok, but recovered, John Leland told Inspeotor Rebura that he suspected his father, and the officer investigated, making oui strong ease against the old man, who was on Thursday committed for trial. - . 4 • DARING FRENCHMAN Paulhan Flew:in Violent Wind in a Voisin Aeroplane, Paris. Oct. 18. -There was a thrilling sone on the aviation field near here to- day, when Paull= in a Voisin maeldrie made the most daring flight en record. In the afternoon, as in the morning, the wind was gusty and violent. At ene mo- ment Paulhan soared to a height of TO feet; at another, with unabating speed., he almost touched the ground. The Voi- sin aeroplade has no wasping wine, and Paulhan has completely epset the theory Which has been advanced that no ma- chine ean fly successfully without them. His performance exceeds anything evil, aetempted in windy weather. Richet was severely hurt by the fall- ing of his machine, also a Voisin. et - OVER EMBANKMENT. A ccident to a Toronto, Motoring Party. Melbourne, Ont., daspatth: in their 45 -horse power tounag tan running at . the rate of thirty miles an hoar, Torouto party, consisting of Mrs. 5. Gallagher, her two daughters and het sister, who were rettlrning froix De- troit, narrowly eseaped death to -night when the chauffeur wee forced to teke a 40 -foot embankmetit when he struck, a piece of bad road a few miles front this village. Mrs. Gallagher and the etauffetir, Arthur Ilastinge, were thrown heathy against a fence, a picket of which fore the young man's side. Mrs. Galleglier had only a few bruises, and the other ladiee loaded on a pile of sand. The ear was put out of business amid it re- quired a traction- car to haul it Intek on the read. FREEDOM OF NEW YORK •••••••*1••• Bestowed on De. Cook by Alderrntiii of That City. New York, Oet. Edereriek Cook, of Brooklyn, mote batik to New 'York to -day as ealm and as smiling es ever, retnived the freedom of the city as contetred by the Beard 4 aldernite, beam:led as 5 lie the affidavit 4 Edward N. Barri% the guide, who says lie did nee attain the manna of Mount Melilla ley, and finally fired the diet whielt started a 24-hour alatontobile raeo at Britektou Beach. He will remain in New York tuttit Sunday tight, when he will *tart for the west on another leetude team Itt the. nitantitue ke 'may item ,e, detailed affidavit itt rep17 tO Thel eoeforrieg of eke freedom of Vito eity:upon ate explorer was a for - al affair, ooralttoted jointly by the Bolted of Altletmee and lilte Arable Club of Aineriete outu promated to him a gold medal hi reeognitiou tnetonlii. iit discovery of the Pole, while the elflormen took the onsasien tweegeins him offidalle for the fitet bible ghee Me maital home Amite. Nato 31ortip end Prof. Demild Mettillett, of the Peary expedition were ameng the espettators of t e (leo-