HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-10-21, Page 5THE WINGI '-A-M ADVANCE, TBURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1909. L 'IVo are Aderets tor the Cetetraied ` realiodys' Overalls" Ouarhetaes.."iec q Button, 25c 10 Rlp. " oK eteueeratls hearlug the stowAtpket.. OUR ° TRADE DEMANDS The " Peabody Overall" We have a full stock of Peabody's Smocks and Overalls, in alt sizes, in stock now , . .• To Clear Ten dozen lines of other makes some with and some without bibs. One line double seat and fronts. $1.00 Lines to be cleared at ■ 75c " ■ ■.80c 1 60c Nue McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers All Blue Books. Hereafter the Ontario Government publications will be blue .books in ap- pearance as well as in name. The old yellow -colored volumes will be issued no longer. Blue is Premier Whitney's choice. All the official stationery of the departments, whether embossed or printed, is lettered in blue, It Prevents Sore Throat. No simpler way to kill a cold and stamp out sore throat than by apply- ing Nerviline—rub it in freely, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plas- ter on the chest. These remedies hunt out pain, destroy every trace of con- gestion, cure the cold and tendency to bronchitis. ` Thousands find Nerviline inestimably the best remedy for pains, aches, bruises, neuralgia, sciatica, colds and winter ills. Not only is it penetrating and powerful, but , it is safe and economical. All dealers sell Poison's Nerviline. Large, bottles for 25c, the plasters same price. Beware of substitutes. Dream Saved A Train. Recently a fire destroyed the bridge between Brandon and Winnipeg. A. boy named Guthrie, son of a track - walker, awoke after a dream in which lie saw w bridge on fire. He got up, -looked all through the house and then went outside. Down the track he saw the bridge on fire. Immediately he awoke his father as the express was due at about that time. Arrange- ments were at once made for stopping the train before it reached the danger point. This was accomplished with- out difficulty. Small Dividend. The liquidators of the Ayton Cord- age Co. which for some time has been in process of winding up, have issued a statement to the effect that share- holders will receive a little over two and a half cents on the dollar. A per- son who held $100 worth of the stock will get $2 801. Verdict For $i5oo. .d.t the Orangeville Assizes last week, Joseph Walker of Markdale got a verdict of $1500 and costs against the C. P. R. for damages received on July 12, by the train starting without warning. He was betting on the train, and his leg was crushed so that it had to be amputated. Municipal Housecleaning. Montreal citizens, after a vigorous campaign, following the disgraceful revelations of the inquiry into the long rule of dishonesty at, the City Hall, voted, by an overwhelming ma- jority, to reduce the number of alder- men by half (having each ward repre- sented by one man instead of two), and to put the remaining half under a Board of Control. The duties of the Board of Control are ,among other things to prepare all yearly -estimates, to make all recommendations involv- ing expenditure, to examine specifi- cations and grant contracts, to pur- chase materials, to superintend civic works, to epend the moneys voted by the Council and to control the officials of each civic department. For Every Meal A.tbreakfast with porridge "Crown Brand Syrup" is delicious. U Used with plain puddings or made up with pastry, odd scraps of cake, etc., It snakes a delightful after dinner dessert. At supper it is just the thing to eat with bread CI&O,�VN, BRAN D SYRUPtoast or " is syrup at its best mad in its most delicious and wholesome form. It is prepared in a perfect . • manner from absolutely • pure ingredients. It is far ahead of all other kinds its deliciousness of flavor and perfect wholesoat eness— clott't you tltiitk it's worth while insisting on "Crown Brand Syrup? " Your dealer hes it for you in 2% e, to and: so Ib. air -tight this With tilt -off lids. Order some today The Edwardsburg Starch Co. Ulrttttted strAatli$1Er) 1858. rex) Worsts a nettiltetAt r Oat. Ofaces ht ottritfio.r.,T'OCtt)trrO ltitd asiel.NTeoli i r Clearing Sale Still Continues Biggest Bargains Ever Heard Of In Men's Furnishings The Sale has been going good, but we had a big stook and have a lot, of Exceptional Bargains for you yet in all lines. - If you have been in you know what values we were giving. If you haven't been in it will certainly pay you to come along if you are needing anything. Even if you're not just in need at present, you will make 30, 40 & 50 per cent. on the money invested by purchasing now. See our Men's and Boys' Shirts, Reg. 75c, for ■ . . 39c 20c Collars for 122 Ruber a eb for Collars, r180 eg. 15c Collars for 9c Sweaters, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Ties, Mufflers, Scarfs, Socks, Fancy Vests in winter or summer styles, Smoking Jackets, Lounging Robes, Fur Caps & Collars, Belts, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. Our Tailoring Department Is full of the very Newest in Suitings, Overcoatings, Trouserings, Fancy Vestings. The patterns and material are the best we ever had. The Prices are the lowest possible, consistent with good goods and workmanship. HAVE A LOOK. ROBT. MAXWE'LL Tailor and Men's Furnisher • Large Honey Shipment. What was probably one of the larg- est loads of pure clover honey ever shipped from Listowel was put on board the O.P.R. en route for British Columbia. The consignment consist- ed of thirty-four crates, each neatly made and packed, holding sixty pounds, or two thousand and forty pounds in all. The honey was pro- duced by Charles Mitchell, Moles- wcrth, who is an old veteran at the business, having studied and kept one of the largest apiaries in Western Ontario for over thirty years. He reports a crop of five tons for this year and has an unlimited demand for his output, most of which is ship- ped to the great Canadian West and British Coltunbia. The Girl That Is Pale. She is in danger, her system is run down, weak—she needs nourishment, needs richer blood. More than all else she needs Ferrozone, needs it be- cause it brings back the nerve energy which rapid growth and study have exhausted. The old-time vigor, happy spirits and new strength return with Ferrozone. The delicate maid is en- ergized, strengthened and rebuilt. Isn't it worth while using Ferrozone when it sorely dons so much. At all dealers in 50e boxes. Doubling Their Income. The Dairy Commissioner at Ottawa gives several instances where mem- bers of cow testing associations, who are systematically weighing and early. ling the milk from each individual cow hi the herd, have been enabled to increase the yield of milk pet cow tremendously. Mere weighing and sampling, of course, has not increased the yield, but it has been the most important factor in the general im. provement ; it has shown that lots of rows were nob worth keeping ; it has shown that others could profitably consume more good feed ; it has shown the owners that they must study each cow to snake her do her best ; it has shown them that most eows will respond readily to better care and attention and will earn more money if given the opportunity, It means good money in atiy fatmer's pocket if ho will have a little patience and act on the information gained from the, records. One man is now getting from his 20 cows an income of four Hundred and eighty dollars per year more than he was 3 years ago. A smaller herd in 1904 brought in only $23.80 per coup, but last year the own• er received nearly $58 per cow, in oth- er words he is now getting more than doable the previous hioarae per now. 1 Sensational Prices We begin this month distributing brand new goods at sensa- tional prices. There is no secret about it.' To begin with—WE BUY LARGELY. To end with — WE ARE NOT GREEDY AFTER PROFIT. There are hundreds of homes that really need WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE and JEWELRY. They may be had when yon compare our prices with what you have been accustomed to pay. This is not au accumulation c old shabby stock, but the very latest styles and the very best quality of goods. iteerWATOH OUR SOUTH WINDOW FOR BARGAINS. Our most PRECIOUS POSSESSION, next to life itself, is GOOD EYESIGHT. If yon suspect your Eyes are not right, consult us. We are eye experts. McINTOSII THE JEWELER AND . OPTICIAN SION OF THE RED ELEPHANT. r Made n anode Stands Extremes nes of Heat and Cold RUI3ittOID is used on houses and barns at points z,000 miles north of Edmonton, Albetta-' a .d the extreme cold has no effect on it. RUBRROID Is used on buildings in the West Indies, South America and the Orient, -,-. where the ther- mometer registers front 90 to rob degrees for tnenthss -wand the extreme heat has no effect on it. Could you ask for a more satisfactory roofingfor your house and barn ? Write for samples and prces. J. A. M.cLcan Sole Agent Only One Each. The estimated number of deer in the Adirondack mountains is 25,000, and already 25,000 licenses to bunt thein have been issued, That is ,only one apiece,if alI the deer are captttred,. Oldest Settler Dead, The oldest settler in Walkerton and one of the landmarks of the town was gathered to his rest on Tuesday night, when Mr. James Morrison passed sad, denly away at his home, aged 81. He saw Walkerton emerge from a forest into the capital of Bruce, and in each successive stage he performed the part of a public-spirited citizen, Boot Prices Advance.. The high rates for hides has resulted in the rise of the price of boots, the supply being less than the demand. Leather has advanced from 2 to 8 cte. a pound, and this has sent the price of boots up from 2t per cent. to T per cent. This means that customers will pay all the way from 5 to 20 per cent. more for their boots, The largest in- creases are on the cheaper classes of goods, A Vegetable Constipation Cure. Because they contain mercury and mineral salts, many pills are harsh. The easiest and safest laxative is Dr. Hamilton's Pills oe Mandrake and But- ternut. They clean the stomach, in- testines and bowels—drive out waste matter, tone the kidneys and forever cure constipation. 'As a general tonic and system cleanser nothing ie so mild and efficient as Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Sold every- where in 25c boxes. Passenger By Airship. - Germany expects to have before another year a line of airships, com- prising both dirigible balloons and aeroplanes carrying passengers be- tween Berlin and the principal cities of the empire. The air navigation company which is to perform this service is being actively supported, and no less than twenty financial institutions and men of wealth have subscribed to the company's stock. It is not expected to make money from the start, but the hope is enter- tained that it will be possible to cover expenses from the tourist and other travel. The company has arranged to buy Zeppelin, Parsevil and Gross dirigible balloons, as well as some of the Wright aeroplanes, if these ma- chines can be adapted to long cross- country trips. Where Are They ? What about farm implements? Are they safely housed for the coming winter ? Are they still in the fields, where they were last used, a prey to the rains and storms of this autumn time? The expenditure necessary to properly equip a farm with machinery and implements these days is no small. item. They are a necessity on every farm. But this is no reason why they should not be properly cared for. Every implement used on the farm, big or little, costs good hard-earned money. Exposure to the weather les- sens their value very much more than many farmers think, judging from the thoughtlessness shown in regard to them. Even the hot summer sun is injurious. The wood dries up, bolts become loose and the general condi- tion of the machine is not benefitted. A big rain storm comes along, the machine is drenched. It dries off in the sun and mores damage is done. And so all along the line. The farm implement left in the field, subject to all kinds of weather, is one of the easiest ways of losing money that the farmer has. A Wonderful Cold Cure: Just think of it, a cold cured in ten minutes—that's what happens when you use "Catarrhozone." You inhale its soothing balsams and out goes the cold—sniffles are cured—headache is. cured symptoms of catarrh and grippe disappear at once. It's the healing pine essences and powerful antiseptics in Catarrhozone that en- able it to act so quickly. In disease of the nose, for irritable throat, bron- chitis, coughs and catarrh it's a mar- vel. Safe even for children, 25c and $L00 sizes at all dealers. Rural Mail Delivery. A Canadian newspaper correspon- dent who recently went over a sample rural mail route in the State a Ver- mont has published some figures which should prove of interest to the farmers of .Ontario, The route over which he travelled is just about twen- ty-four miles long ; it covers at'n area about five miles Tong and four broad, The carrier serves 110 or 112 houses. Each of these houses is visited every day and the letters, newspapers, etc., brought to it ; while the carrier takes the mail matter which the farmer de- sires to post, sells him stamps, regia- tars his Ietters and otherwise makes himself tisefnl. The general effect is that these Vermont farmers receive a g eat many letters, and submoribe for a great many newspapers. The car- rier's average budget When he starts out to traverse his route is about 150 letters and from 150 to 200 newspapers of alt sorts. Tae usually brings back to town to be posted abont 50 lettere, 25 postal cards and a few pieces of o ther descriptions of mail matter, such as newspapers and packeges. Three Miles from Burlington lives a stock breeder. Ile gets his morning's mail earlier than (10 many residents in the City. Isle himself has assured the Postmaster at Harlington that rural delivery has definitely increased the value of his farm by a considerable percentage. That seems the general opinion, 1441. 4/1 Harriman, the great railway man Taft ottd hundred Brillion dollars of a fortune ; all went to his wife, All those millions were convoyed by a will containing only Od words, ISARD'S —FOR— Best Value In Ready- to-wear Clothing. Men's Clothing Department on 2nd Floor is a' Busy Spot these days. Eager buyers are after Bargains in Boys' and Men's Overcoats and Suits, and are finding just what they want here at a Bfg Saving. This is a growing branch of our business and we've added several new lines of High Class Tailored Overcoats & Suits for Fall and Winter trade. Call and inspect our stock. Our Prices will interest yon. MEN'S NEW FALL SUITS.—English Worsted, dark brown, with shadow stripe, single breasted sack, nicely made, regular value $12—Our Price $10.00 MEN'S FINE SUITS.—Made of English Worsted, rioh olive and brown tones, letest out, reg. value $15—Our Price $12,50 YOUTHS' SUITS.—Sizes 84, 85, fine quality English Worsted, colorings are two tone effects, neat cuffs on sleeves and flaps on pockets, regular $12 Suits --Our Cut Price $10.00 BOYS' THREE PIECE SUITS.—In fine Serge and Canadian Tweeds, single or double breasted, Prices are $2.50, $3.00, $8.50 GOATS AND REEFERS.—Boys' Fall and Winter Topper Coats and Reefers, new style, all sizes, English napp and plain navy Beaver cloth. Prices are....$2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 MEN'S OVERCOATS..—Fall and Winter Overcoats, blank or gray English Kersey cloth, tailored in the best manner. Twelve dollar value for $10.00 MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS.—Scotch Tweed Ulstering of fine finish in olive, green and brown colorings, largest improved Prussian collar, extraordinary value $12.00 MEN'S REEFERS.—Just the kind for cold weather ; we have the Leather, Corduroy, Duck, Etoffe ; all prices. UNDERWEAR . — Skilled operators have produced for us Underwear which stands the test of time and will give absolute satisfaction. RAINCOATS. — There's health and comfort in our Raincoats. They shed the rain perfectly and make you feel com- fortable ; may save you a dootor bill to own one. HATS AND OAPS. — Newest styles ; newest shapes ; newest ideas ; all are here in countless numbers ; step in and try one on—we can fit you both ways. GLOVES,—Fine quality and they show it. H. E. Isard Co. STILL IN THE RING Not blown away with the awful wind has been blowing around Wingharn. We are here with the goods. We buy our goods wher- ever we - can get the newest and best for the money—that means a lot to • our customers. We have a very large stock bought for our fall and Xmas trade, which is arriving daily. W. G. Patterson THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR —41 IT PM TO BSA GOOD keefe W E want to tell you about a Good Range --It's called the-- IIVXPEZIA.L-OXIORD A PERSONAL inspection is request. L. -Led and now is a good tittle to come, New Stock just in --Let's talk it aver. Surprisingly modcratc prices for sure satisfaction. See us before you buy. ;£F H. J. BOYCE - Sola Agent "gingham 4