HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-10-14, Page 5TUE WINGUAM ADVANCE,-, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1909.
, :
,, Having
•./ ,;Lion
'o"i ...t
S { =r dl .4.! ay,Ii',
=' . f „. we .
Secured the
Agency for the
Clothing for Boys
have decided to clear
all Boys' Suits of other
at prices that you
cannot afford to pass.
'' out
:rim makes
`Bu�,j 7P"
32 Two=Piece Suits._
2 Suits, sizes 22 and 23, regular $2.50—to clear
12 Suits, sizes 24 to 33, reg. $3 & $3.50—to clear
14 Suits, sizes 22 to 32, reg. $4,50 & 85—to clear
4 Suits, sizes 31, 32 and 33, reg. $5.00—to clear
2 25
... 4.75
24 Three=Piece Suits.
3 Suits, size 33, regular $3.75—to clear
5 Suits, size 33, regular $4.50 & $5.00—to clear„
6 Suits, sizes 27, 28, 31, 33 ; reg. $6 & $6.50—for
6 Snits, sizes 28, 31, 32, 33 ; reg. $6.50 & $7.50—for
These Suits will be on sale Friday morning.
Come early for first choice.
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
'amu ........sr/
Gard Callouses Quickly Cured.
Soak the feet in'hot water and then
apply Putnam'a Painless Coin Ex-
tractor—it removes the callous quick-
ly. Be sure you get "Putnam's" only.
A Painful Death.
b Henn
Harryy y
Cooper, on the fifth concession of
Minto, met with a very serious acci-
dent while cleaning out the barn on
Sunday, October 3rd. When sliding
out of the hay mow he came in con-
tact with the handle of a rake, which
penetrated his bowels and punctured
one lung, a distance of more than
eighteen inches. His recovery was
impossible. Death was the only relief
to the intense agony.
g y
—Those who have not travelled
through the Canadian West can
scarcely form a correct idea of its
grain production. We read of its
bushels by millions, but to see its hun-
dreds of acres of waving, golden grain
or count its elevators, gives one a bet-
idea of the extent and grain pro-
ducing value than anything else. Just
think of it—Two hundred and twenty
new elevators were constructed in the
Canadian West during the present
building season. This gave the prairie
provinces a total of 1,700 elevators
over lines of the, several railways. A
western newspaper man who is fond
of figures estimates that it would re -
quire a train 550 miles long to carry
?motto this season's crop. If broken up
into separate trains it would mean
2,4.5 trains of thirty-five cars each.
for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down
Persons, and to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and
Bronchitis, is because it combines the two most world -famed
tonics --the medicinal, strengthening,
Iron, without oil or grease,
• of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic
tastes good, and agrees with every
We return your money without question if
does not accomplish all we claim for it.
J. WE!1{.Td1N l �Pstil�T, Druggist, Winghatn.
a i
The ®peeing and Maintaining of a
!r Savings Dank .Account is a duty tluit
everyone owes, both to themselves
and to diose dependent on them.
Your Savings Account Solicited.
C. P. SitI1TH
t l v ,•Tu nr.:.
' '�; . H s� �� �` ' PRETTY PLANT
NI *...t. x �J,C ' ;;` Snnd us your name and address,
i.i . ens
t 1 , A. y s of publication In which this
�.. •
,� r n v will tnatl
J ♦ � appears, and t o N y
11r! " ..,.•r 1M }►' �'•' o free, lb of the beautiful
t�� fr Abu b t
••.k• " `1t4A Fq /; fi OXALIS. 'rico bulb is small,
j ii ►�" wonder. Plants will flower In
r j..... ' ,. -. . , ., properly treated, Its grand
'� A`t`,,, t'' lxr••'� ; 1-' blooming, producing upwards of
J . �. Jct id • ' Pretty flowers in n :~Capon.
«,, ,,,1... lighted and astonlbliod with this
,*I-.!,4....Gtr . the bath. we will also bend you
r�"? „
which tells you All about hundreds
varieties seine et which You
BUTTERCUP 0XALtrl-FREE, London, s Cittario,.._
and nnmo
as nbsohitel
but it's
six weeks"
for winter
one thousand
you'll be
fl ropy
of other
may want,
C0., lted,
( "
Clearing Sale Still Continues
biggest Bargains Ever Heard Of lo
en9 s
The Sale has been going good, but we had a big
stock and have a lot of Exceptional Bargains for
you yet in all lines. If you have been in you know
what values we were giving. If you haven't been in
it will certainly pay you to come along if you are
needing anything. Even if you're not just in need at
present, you will make 30, 40 & 50, per cent. on the
money invested by purchasing now.
See our Men's and Boys' Shirts, Rog. 75c, for ... 390
20c Collars ,for 122 15nobbfrrCollars, r18 15c Collars for 9c
Sweaters, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Ties, Mufflers,
Scarfs, Socks, Fancy Vests in winter or summer styles,
Smoking Jackets, Lounging Robes, Fur Caps & Collars,
Belts, Jewelry, Etc., Etc.
4111•=111•11111111MMION 11•111,
Our Tailoring Department
Is full of the very Newest in Suitings, Overcoatings;
Trouserings, Fancy Vestings. The patterns and material
are the best we ever had. The Prices are the lowest
possible, consistent with good goods and workmanship.
Tailor and Men's Furnisher
A Profitable Yield.
The Grand Valley Vidette tells of a
farrier there, who used sixty pounds
of twine to tie up the crop on a field
of oats of eleven acres, that yielded
75 bushels to the acre. He then sold
the straw for $75.
Look Ahead For Illness.
Sudden illness and pains tomo in
every family—to parents and children
alike. But if you have looked ahead,
and have right in your home, ready
for immediate use, a bottle of Poison's
Nerviline—there isn't much to worry
over. If it's a sore throat or contract-
ed chest, apply Nerviline and put on a
Nerviline Porous Plaster. If its colic,
cramps, or any stomach disorder, just
administer ten drops of Nerviline in
hot water. No family medicines are
more useful or more depended upon in
emergencies than Nerviline and Nervi -
line Porous Plasters. They keep the
doctor bill stnall. 25c each at all deal-
ers. Refuse substitutes.
A Paying Crop.
Instead of being a half -failure, as
was predicted only a short time ago,
following the severe frosts in this part
of the state, Michigan's bean crop this
year will be one of the greatest and
most valuable on record. As against
a yield of only 3,500,000 bushels last
year, it will exceed 6,000,000 bushels
this year. With beans selling at from
$1.75 to $1.90 a, bushel and a yield of
0,000,000 bushels the value of this erop
to the Michigan, farmer may be ap-
Bronchitis Creeps Into Consumption.
Coughing weakens the tubes and
makes a resting place for the bact:tlli.
Why let Bronchitis become establish-
ed? It's easy to cute --just inhale
Catarrhozone—breathe in its soothing
baisams and relief comes at ottce.
Catarrhezone is se certain in Bron-
chitis that every case is cured. Throat
strengthened, Cough stops, irritation
goes away, all danger of tuberculosis
is prevented. For throat trouble.
Catarrh and coughs, Catarrhozone is
the remedy. 25c and $1,00 sizes at all
dealers. Get it to -day.
Killed While Plowing.
Bartholomew Presley, of Ii`intore,
met death in a peculiar tnannor there
on October lth. Ile was plowing, and
to have both hands free, had the lines
r find waist, Suddenly
buckled a o hisw nl e
thebolt u d out of the double ree,
lie t t t
p o ,
and, the load released', the horses
pulled forward suddenly, Mr. Presley
was jerked of bis feet and over the
ploty handles, alighting on his head,
and breaking his neck. He was dead
when picked up. The deeeased was
71 years of age, and a most respected
resident of Hintore,
Sensational Prices
We begin this month distributing brand new goods at sensa-
tional prices. There is no secret about it. To begin with—WE
AFTER PROFIT. There are hundreds of homes that really
They may be bad when you compare our prices with what you
have been aconstomed to pay. This is not an accumulation of
old shabby stock, but the very latest styles and the very best
quality of goods. .ts7WATCH OUR SOUTH 'WINDOW FOR
BARGAINS. Special this week--
EIGi'FIT–DAY CLOCKS, oak and $2
walnut cases, will strike the hour
and half -hour --SPECIAL
Remember, these Special Prices are only for the week
they are advertised. Watch for our Special next week
Our most PRECIOUS POSSESSION, next to life
itself, is GOOD EYESIGHT. If you suspect your
Eyes are not right, consult us. We are eye exe-rts.
-a c,Mado in •anada�%'
Stands Extremes of Heat and Cold
RUB1ROID is used on houses and barns at points
i n o Alberta—and the
It,000 miles north of �d do t n,
extreme cold has no effect on it.
West tbuildingsin tilC ... � st Indies
i3 OI15 is used o t
eolith America and the Oriet,---' where the thea
monteter registers froin go to too degrees for month
--and the extreme heat has no effect on it.
Could you ask for a more satisfactory roofing for your
house and barn? Write for samples and prices.
J. A. McLean
Sole Agent
IIEN the long day's work
is over,
Then it's "Dome, sweet
home" for me,
Whore I can start the
small gas stove,
And snake my cup of
For I live up a three -pair
A dark room, square
and small,
'I3ut, gee, no wedding -
bells for me,
I'll) keeping bachelor's
And 1 make tea that's
good enough
To keep a French chef guessln',
Tho rest I leave to bake)•les.
And shops Called "Delicatessen."
And I sit' on my blacking box;
A trunk for table serves,
And what If milk gets on my coat,
And on my pants, preserves?
1 lt'
Cuch restful, quiet comfort!
No scolding; not a squall, 1,1
Disturbs the calm repose of him "
Whose home is—Bachelor's Hall!
Orange Strips.
Poll, 20 minutes, bits of orange
peeling, cut into fine strips. Change
the water and boil again; repeat,
each time ,changing water. Lastly,
take a cup granulated sugar, one of
peeling and water to coyer, Boil un-
til it strings from a fork. Serve
`covered with powdered sugar.
Another Queer Sweetmeat—is
called Turkish Delight, and is made
with 'common starch as its chief in-
gredient. The original is imported at
high prices. The following recipe
was given by the proprietor of a Turk-
ish bazaar.
Boil 21,E pounds lump sugar with
scant two pints of water. When clear,
add one-half paend of starch, dis-
solved in cold water. Stir until it
has become think paste, Add a cup
chopped almonds and water, if too
thick to stir easily. Favor with rose
or any fruit extract. When cold, cut
into squares and dip in powdered
sugar. In tin boxes this will keep a
long time.
A "First Course."
Puff paste cases filled with a mix-
ture of creamed sweetbreads and
mushrooms are delicious. Flavor with
chicken stock, or with the stock in
which the meat has been boiled. Gar-
nish with a few unchopped mushrooms
or tiny celery stalks. This, served
with hot biscuits, is elaborate enough
for the "piece de resistance" of the
Nature's Remedy Is Zam-Buk
Impressive Cures Of Women Sufferers.
Wherever there is suffering from
piles, Zam-Buk should be applied 1
There are lots of reasons for this, but
one of the best is that in practically
all cases of piles where the use of Zam-
Buk is persevered with, complete cure
--not merely relief—is the result.
Mrs. Wm. Hughes, of 253, Hochelaga
Street, Hochelaga, Montreal, says
"I suffered from blind, itching, and
protruding piles for years. Sometimes
they were so bad that I could hardly
hear to _move about. The inflamma-
tion, the burning smarting pain, the
throbbing, the aching, the overpower-
ing feelings of dullness and dark des-
pair which this ailment brings, the
shooting spasms of agony—all were so
terrible that only sufferers from this
awful ailment can understand !"
Bad as this case was, Zam-Buk
triumphed, and "Mrs. Hughes suffers
no longer. It only needed a little per-
severence with Zam=Buk, and in the
end complete cure resulted,
Mrs. E. Boxall, of Scott Street, St.
Thomas, says :—"For tnonths without
cessation I endured great pain from
bleeding piles. For as many months
I tried everything which I thought
would give me ease, but in the end,
dispirited and still suffering, I gave
Then it was she heard of Za,m-Buk,
and she adds :—"Although I feared
Zam-Buk would be like the ordinary
remedies—useless—I am glad it was
not. It soon proved itself to be very
different. It rapidly gave me relief,
and after a time cured me completely.
I would like to let all sufferers from
piles know what a grand thing Zam-
Buk is."
Mr. F. Astridge, 8, St. Paul Street,
St. Catherine's, says :—"For five years
I suffered untold agony from piles.
At times the pain was so bad I could
have screamed aloud. On a friend's
advice I tried a box of Zam-Buk. It
gave me considerable ease, and I per-
severed with the treatment until I
was cured. I wish I could convince
every sufferer from piles of the value
of this great herbal bale."
So one could go on quoting case
after case, and it is by working such
cures that Zam-Bok has earned for
itself its great reputation.
Now if you suffer from this terribly
painful ailment just be guided by the
foregoing cases 1
For internal piles melt a little Z:tm-
Buk and thorongly soak a wad, made
of clean but old linen. Then apply to
the part. If the piles are external,
application of Zatn-Buk is still more
simple. to it upon retiring. Next
morning you will be well aatisfled 1
Zaur'13uk is a cure also for cold -sores,
and chapped cracked hands, ulcers,
festering sores, blood - poisoning,
eczema, bad leg, xingworm, scalp
sores, borne, scalds, and all skin dis-
eases and, injuries.
All druggists and steres sell Z,t.m-
Bulc at SOc a box., or may be obtained
post free from Zum-Buk Co., Toronto,
for price ; 3 boxes for $1.25, You are
warned, however, against cheap and
dangerous imitations sometimes offer-
ed as being "just as good."
Cold Storage.
The establishment of subsidized
told -storage warehouses, under the
Oold-storage Act, passed in the Do-
minion Parliamentary session, 1000.07,
is proceeding Steadily. 1?tve ware-
houses have already received a portion
of the subsidy offered, while several
others are being arranged for,
Best Value ,in Ready -
[to -wear Clothing.
Men's Clothing Department on 2nd Floor is a Busy
Spot these days. Eager buyers are after Bargains in Boys'
and Men's Overcoats and Suits, and are finding just what
they want here at a Big Saving. This is a growing branch
of our business and we've added several new lines of High
CIass Tailored Overcoats & Suits for Fall and Winter trade.
Call and inspect our stock, Our Prices will interest you,
MEic'S NEW FALL SUITS. --English Worsted, dark brown,
with shadow stripe, single breasted saok, nicely made,
regular value $12—Oar Price $10.00
MEN'S FINE SUITS. --Made of English Worsted, rich olive
and brown tones, latest cut, reg. valve $15—Onr Price $12,50
YOUTHS' SUITS.—Sizes 34, 85, fine quality English Worsted,
colorings are two tone effects, neat cuffs on sleeves and
flaps on pockets, regular $12 Suits—Our Cut Price $10,00
BOYS' THREE PIECE SUITS.—In fine Serge and Canadian
Tweeds, single or double breasted. Prioes are $2.50, $8.00, $8,50
COATS AND REEFERS.—Boys' Fall and Winter Topper
Coats and Reefers, new style, all sizes, English "app and
plain navy Beaver cloth. Prices aro....$2.50, $8.00, $3.50, $4,00
MEN'S OVERCOATS.—Fall and Winter Overcoats, black or
gray English Kersey cloth, tailored in the best manner.
Twelve dollar value for $10,00
MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS.—Scotch Tweed Ulstering of
fine finish in olive, green and brown colorings, largest
improved Prussian collar, extraordinary value $12,00
MEWS REEFERS.—Just the kind for cold weather ; we have
the Leather, Corduroy, Duck, Etoffe ; all prides.
U N D E R WE A R . — Skilled operators have produced for ns
Underwear which stands the test of time and will give
absolute satisfaction.
RAINCOATS. -- There's health and comfort in our Raincoats.
They shed the rain perfectly and make you feel com-
fortable ; may save you a doctor bill to own one.
HATS AND CAPS. — Newest styles ; newest shapes ; newest
ideas ; all are hero in countless numbers ; stop in and "'try
one on—we can fit you both ways.
GLOVES.—Fine quality and they show it.
H. E. Isard & Co.
Not blown away with the awful wind that
has been blowing around Wingham. We are
here with the goods. We buy our goods wher-
ever we can get the newest and best for the
money --that means a lot to our customers. We
have a very large stock • bought for our fall and
Xmas trade, which is arriving daily.
W. G. Patterson
Be sure yon, buy
an O
its thebost kind of an investment
L BOYGE Sole _. Agnt