The Wingham Advance, 1909-10-14, Page 44 THE WT.NGUTAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1909, r bed zsla 911 1/4 A Choice Selection This is emphatically true of our stock of Dress Goods. Special effort was made to secure a wide range of the latest and most fashionable materials. We are confident that we succeeded. No need of sending to the city. We shall be pleased to show you our goods, and you will be pleased when you buy theta. They look hand- some and wear well. It will be worth the time to call and examine them. Winter is coming and you will need Under- wear ; we carry a large stock of the best. Our Grocery Stook is kept fresh and clean. Highest Prices Paid tor Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples. . M. GODON RWMRAMRtARRAMMill King's For Bargains . I IWe Want Your Trade rk I 1V G' S wiurunu�s FUR STORE WINGHAM'S STORE This Season we have put in stock one of the largest and best assorted lot of Furs ever shown in Wing - ham. Come in and see the Goods LADIES' Fur -lined Jackets, Stoles, Ruffs, Muffs, Cloth Coats with Fur Collars, &c. GENTS' Coon Coats, Dog Coats, Fur -lined Coats, Fur Caps, &e. DRESS GOODS The new weaves, shades, &c. Best Materials and Reasonable Prices have made us a reputation in this department, so come along and get your fall and winter Drees or Suit and be satisfied. •Illift••••11, 4111111M Men's Clothing.—A complete lz ange of Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, &c., for the season. Underwear and Hosiery.—Only the best brands appear in our stock. A full range of sizes. WANTED.—Large quantities of Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Beans, Feathers, &c... Eggs 25 Cts. Tub Butter 22 cts. GEO. E. KING Good Goods 1 A Public Prosecutor Needed, The unsaliafactory termination of the Teterboro election trial shows how urgently the present methods of enforcing the Election Act need to be revised, To tamper with an election unquestionably is a public crime, The bribing of electors, the manipulation of honest ballots that have been cast, all the schemes devised by clever rax- cafe to prevent the opinion of the majority from prevailing, are offences against the public welfare, and should be punished by the public. The cor- ruption of an elector should be punish- ed by the State just as assault and battery on the same man would be. The stealing of an elootor's vote should be prevented by the State even as the stealing of bis pocketbook. Yet the State does nothing of the sort. It treats the right to sit in Parliament as private property, and if one candi- date thinks that he is cheated he can sue for redress; he has to pay the cost of the lawsuit, and the whole thing is conducted on the same basis as if it were a real estate deal, and as if the right to be an M. P. and the right to possess a given corner lot were on the salve footing. The natural result is that the politi- cal parties which sue each other for seats in the House of Commons be- have just as ordinary litigants do. They push proceedings when it will pay them, and drop them when they will not pay them ; they compromise when it is to their advantage to do so, and they no more consider the In- terests of public morality than do two men who are at law over a corner lot. The public makes no complaint when the men who are sueing each other over real estate transactions come to terms, but when the two parties effect a saw -off there is an outcry. Unques- tionably the saw -off, and such unsatis- factory affairs as the Peterboro, where there are numerous allegations of bri- bery, where there manifestly is gross perjury, and where there is a com- promise, are bad for the country ; but as the country is not spending its own money, and as the party politicians concerned are obliged to rely upon their own bank account, it is hard to say how the public can blame them. The only way out is to adopt Mr. R. L. Borden's proposal that the State should take the matter in charge. He has long advocated the appointment of a Public Prosecutor for elections. Let a man of high character and of satisfactory impartiality be appoint- ed ; let him be given a status like that of the Auditor -General, so as to be in- dependent of pressure from either party ; and let him be charged with the duty of watching all elections and of intervening and prosecuting when- ever there is reason to suspect impro- prieties. Mr. Borden incorporated this plan in his Halifax platform, and urged it in his public addresses. In the House of Commons he repeatedly urged the Government to adopt it. • Sir Wilfrid Laurier refused to accept his suggestion, and as a result we are still going on in the old way, treating a seat in Parliament as private pro- perty to be fought for, litigated over and compromised about like any other piece of property. Mr. Borden's idea is a good one. I- Cheap Prices Whitechurch Hardware Store News 1 The Season For Stoves Is Almost Here. Be sure and see our Now Steel Range, with hearth and copper reservoir enclosed, large oven with drop door, fitted for both coal and wood, handsomely finished, and the price is only $20.00. When in the village, tall and learn how you can get a Handsome Parlor Lamp free for a New Year's gift. Does your house need Painting ? Get our figures for the finished job -- they'll surprise you and you will get a first-class job. X will tarnish genuine Prost Wire Fencing, hooks and staples, for an 8 -wire fence, and put it up for you, for 40 cents per rod. J: T. Holmes Whitochurch Successful Exhibitor. The most successful exhibitor of cheese this fall at the leading exhibi- tions was R. A. Thompson, of Atwood, who won sweepstakes at . Toronto, with a snore of 981 points ; also two firsts and the sweepstakes at Ottawa, and a prize in each of four sections at London. The factory where these cheese were made has a cool -curing room, and pasteurizes its whey. A Fine Fish. Recently, in Lake of Bays district, Mr. J. A. Buckneil, manager, Canada Life Assurance Company,' Montreal, was successful in landing a twenty pound lake trout. The fish was three feet in length and was landed with a six -ounce rod which took him, how- ever, an hour and fifty-five minutes to land the fish. This specimen has been mounted and is now on display in the City Ticket Office of the Grand Trunk Railway Co., Montreal. Wingham Public School September Exams. DET. III. Third Junior; Senior Section ; marks obtainable, 410. Greta Robinson.......,....880 Scott Maxwell 337 Harvey Niergarth 332 Nora Gracey 317 Alex, Anderson 300 Harold Maguire 298 Earle Anderson 285 Nellie Bennett 275 Dick Graham 275 Howard Gray 266 John McNevin. 200 Willie Iiinscliffe 242 Leonard Robinson 237 Willie McOool 222 Sterling 'Reading 210 Mabel McDonald 208. Phoebe Bloomfield 195 Currie Wilson 173 Paul Gillespie ............ .171 Helen Jones 104 Fred Constable .... , 160 Willie Stapleton..., 130 Ina Rich120 Frank Wiley 72 Third Junior, Junior Section; Marks obtainable, 400. Joe ItiChardsou.,.........,850 Kathleen Pringle 330 Harold Gould... 820 Fred Waiker ,...... .,,,.800 Spencer Johnston 295 Marion Johnston .... 205 Verna�,fArmour .229,0 Edith jeNett,,,......,...270 Verna Moore ,,,,,,,,,265 Winfred Morden .... , ......200 Florence March, ..,, 200 Marion PIlgrim. 250 Theo. McDonald . 250. Frank 111oare 245 Clair Crawford 210 Cora Iingston 210 Maggie Pocock ...... , 205 Bertha 73lackhall 190 Ezra Pocock 185 Eva Patterson . 170 Lexie Huffman 150 Gladys Dear 123 Clarence Thornton 110 Ethel Finley 78 DEPT, 1V—Senior Second, Maximum, 015, Jack Maxwell..- . , .. , . , 5755 Nellie Vanaistine 532 Vera Webb 509 Sara Hamilton 491) Olive Rintoul 491 Eileen Dore 485 Irene Hewer 470 Charlie Graham 471 Clara Isard 401 Pat, Holmes 435 Sarah McLean 424 Ella Cooke, 421 Mark Oassells , 410 Nina Haugh 381 Kent Smith 360 Winifred Walker 3550 Lila Bell 303 Miriam Smith 2S0 Tillie Bottrell 181 Maximum, 585. Etta Hartt 528 Fred Walsh 507 Irma Williams 409 Harvey Dennis 487 Nettie Christie 408 Gertie Cantelon 437 Hugh Angus 428 Victoria Paterson 425 Effie Erskine 420 Vera Davidson 391 Cecil Angus 391 Jotin Nicholls 300 Earle Mills 352 Loretta Sturdy 346 May Reading 339 Norman McRitchie 337 Edith Jarvis 327 Heloise Kennedy 307 DEPT. V—Junior Second. Senior Division ; maximum, 450. Kathleen Mills 414 Phyllis Johns 406 Lizzie Currie 400 Neil McLean. 373 Ruby Hewer 338 Willie Dear 333 Lottie Zurbrigg 327 Clayton Maxwell 310 Archie Williamson 302 Vera Stricker 302 Charlie Smith 295 George Allen 291 Howard McDonald 286 Oalnlady Kerslake 270 Fred Sturdy 205 Wallace Aitchison 235 Alice Imlay 210 Stanley Bell 210 Charlie Bell 192 Oozes Wild 185 Claude Maxwell 181 Jean Christie .180 Pearl Morden 40 Eva Hayles 29 Junior Division ; maximum, 328. Dorothy Clark 258 Henry Aitchison 258 Frank Robinson 251 Teddy Murch 247 Linda McLeod 245 Dora Laundy 245 Noel Drummond 241 Elda Gowdy 210 Margaret Piper 235 Florence Diamond 201 Reggio Smith 184 Charlie Isard 375 May Allen 162 Earls Huffman 162 Irene Paton 157 Florence Hinscliffe 139 May Passmore 117 Margaret Carruth 116 Harold Hamilton , ... , 112 Charlie Lloyd 101 DEPT. VI. Sr. Pt. Second. Elizab'h Hamilton Edna Musgrove Percy Joynt Ruth Anderson James Dobie Stanl'y McDonald George Fryfogle Harry Angus Hazel Misiner Albert Bloomfield Velma Johnston Rollo Sanderson Evelyn Angus Leonard Jarvis - Mary Coultes Chester Stapleton Thelma Sanderson Eva Clarridge Mildred Walker Charlie Pocock Carl Dickson Lily Casemore Eddie Taugher DEPT. Sr. Part 1. Irene Day Isabelle Reid Madeline Duncan Frank Sparling Isabelle Simmons Richard Clark Harry Gannett Gor. Cruickshank Viola Royce Millie Kerslake Charlie Armour Downey Lynett James Allen Albert Johnston Allan Gould Nelson Morden George Misiner Willie Currie Edith Hart Shirley Donaldson Lillian Ellacott John Hayles Annie Blackhall Thomas Rich Velma Lucas A Member Gs Years, Tho oldest Orangemen to take part in the celebration of July 12th last in Owen Sound was Andrew Lennox, who lives at Jackson, Grey County, He is in his 88th year, and has been an Orangeman 05 years, Ile was pre- sented with a gold watch recently, in recognition of his long member. ship, The Perfection Of Womanhood. Who does not envy and admire a lovely woman ? The secret of her loveliness, of her perfection, is health, She sleeps well, eats well, digests well —iutricate functions are vigorous and regular. Of all woinen's remedies, orrozone is the best ; it vitalizes the functions upon which health depends —makes the purest, richest blood, gives perfect complexion and lots of vigor. Every girl and woman who seeks health, vitality, looks—let her get Ferroznne today. Fifty cent box- es at all dealers. Cement Goes Up. Since the organization of the Cem- ent Co.'s combine, the price of cement has advanced about 30 cts. a barrel. It was repeatedly stated that cement manufacturing was a losing proposi- tion at former prices and it was hinted that prices would be considerably boosted by the combine. This course was adopted without any delay what- ever. When a combine desires to raise prices, an excuse is not long lacking, be it. good or not, It may have been necessary in this case, but it is not a good thing for the consum- er, when competition ceases, TNI; BFST SCHOOL J CENTRAAjLL Hi'i%/G Graf/ • • STRATFORD. ONT. The best time to enter our classes is Get a money -making education. Our NOW. We aro running the largest and, we believe, the best business train- ing school in Western Ontario. Three departments— Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. graduates aro in demand and aro meet- ing with success. Got our free cata- logue now. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PRINCIPAL$ Jr. Pt. Second. Stanley Robinson Kath'n Wilkinson 011ie Hamilton Laurie Duncan Kenneth Nichol Alex. Taylor Clara Hardy Willie McNevin David Letson Catharine Adams Gavin Holmes Ella Dobie Madeline Walker Aileen Kennedy Joe Saint Gordon Tedford, Charlie Jones Johnny Davidson Johnny Taugher William Pocock Arthur Sturdy Sara Brown Dickie Madigan VII. Jr. Part 1. Freddie Piper Alba Galbraith Dorothy Walley Lawrence Lennox Howard Huffman Marguerite Johns Carrie Hingston Laura Ellacott Verma Joynt Mentie Reid Doris Fells Zora Dickson Ina Williams .Agnes Williamson Edith Kew Violet Anderson Laura Bell Delight Cloakey Jennie Arde Viola Forlar Clifford Oasemore Earl Wild Jack Cook Oliff'rd Robertson Jarvis Lutton BE A CHARMING WOMAN. Ge hTt e Best. It Pays. i Ono School that stands at the head in Thoroughness, Popularity and Genuine Merit is the TORONTO, ONT. It enjoys a large patronage because its superior work is so well known. Got your training here and you will be satis- fied. All graduates easily get positions. Catalogue free. Enter now. W. J. ELLIOTT., PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste. . Take Comfort. You never saw a beautiful woman who didn't have beautiful hair. The charms of a beantiful woman lie in her hair. Many women do not realize the attractions they possess because they do not give proper attention to the care of the hair. The women of the "400" are famed for their beauty, not because their facial features are superior to those of other women, but because they know how to keep young by supplying vig- or, lustre and strength to the hair. Up to a few years ago Parisian Sage could hardly be obtained in America, But now this delightful hair restorer con bo had in every town in America. J. Walton McKibbon sells It hi Wing - ham for 50 Cents a bottle, and he guar- antees it to grow beautiful, luxuriant hair; to turn dull, lifeless hale into lustrous holt,: to stop falling hair; to stop itching of the scalp. Understand Mr. McKibben will give yell your money back if it fWiie, Hot weather is here. To enjoy it, get one of our Coaloil Stoves —OR— Gasoline Stoves And Save Fuel and Cook in Comfort. Graniteware and Tinware. Ranges of Best Makes. Reliable Garden Hose. Plumbing our Specialty. W. J. B OYCB Stone Block Wingham � ROYAL' GROCERY FOR CHOICE TEAS and COFFEES THEY ARE SURE TO PLEASE Highest , 'rices Paid for Good Butter and strict- ly Presh Eggs. rx Malcolm's PM= 54 THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE Agents Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Kerr & WZNGRA1, ONT, itrawradowinallaipikaaellasiail ird Agents for the Ladies' Horne Journal are the very best PATTERNS made. No trouble to make any garment if you use these Patterns, Monthly Style Book Free. AFk for one. Men's & Boys' Ready- to-wear clothing. "Progress Brand" Clothing is made to fit. Looks well. Wears well. Feels comfortable. SPECIAL OFFER for ONE MONTH on MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS. A Discount of 10% will be given off all Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats for 30 days from date. Seasonable Goods at Reduced Prices. - Bread and Pastry Flour. Exeter Star Flour (Blended)—one of the very best Blended Flours on the Canadian Market.. ...... 82.75 Wingham Gold Star Flour (Blended) 2.75 Wingham Five Lilies Flour (Pure Manitoba) 3.00 NEW CURRANTS, Re -cleaned, Choice Fruit'. l0c Ib. l The first of this season's NEW RAISINS, Selected Fruit 10c lb. J crop on the market FARMERS.—We want large quantities of Butter, Eggs, White Beans, Onions, Dried Apples, Hardwood, Oats, Winter Apples, Poultry, &c. Dried Apples must be good color and well dried. Poultry must be fat and dry picked to get the best price. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. Office over Malcolm's Grocery A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAM — ONTARIO Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted and payable at par at any Bank in the Donrrnion. RATES. --$5.00 and under, 3 els. $10 to $30, 10 cts. $30 to $50, 15 cts. Same rates charged on principal banking points in the U. S. Jas. Walker & Son WINGHAM Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Wo aro speoially qualified Under- takers and Embalmers, and those entrusting their work to us niay rely on it being well done. Night calls received at residence. Office Phone 100 Muse Phone 125 DOMINION BANK. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) • $3,980,000 Reserve (ma a t t - " $5,297,000 Total Assets, over $50,000,000 WINGIIA.M BRANCII, Interest Allowed on deposit of $1,00 and upwards. Farmers' Notes diseou ited. Drafts sold on all points , hi CAn• ads, the United 8tatae anti lfnrope. W, E. GEIXIRI manager lth Vanstene, Holloltor Fall Goods. FALL AND WINTER MOREEN UNDERSKIRTS.—These are exceptional good value, being imported direct from Eogland. We can save you 750 and $1.00 on any Underskirt. In colors of Black, Blue, Green and Brown, to match the Fall Suitings ; special prices while they last, ranging from $1.25 to $2.50. IMPORTED RIBBONS.—Velvets in all colors. Silks in all widths at special prices. LADIES' FALL SUITINGS.—Now is the time for Ladies' Fall Suitings ; we have them in all kinds and shades, in suit lengths. No two alike. Full 54 and 56 inch goods in Venetians and Broadcloths. MANTLE CLOTH.—In Ladies' Mantle Cloth for Coats, we have a good range in brown and blue stripes. MEN'S FALL SUITS.—Jost arrived, •Men's Suits for fall in latest styles and newest cuts. Prices to suit you. YARNS, ETC. --Home-made Yarns, Sheeting and Blankets. We get our own wool made into Yarn, therefore it is softer and more pliable than factory Yarns ; in single 2 • and 3 ply. BLANKETS—All pure wool, large sizes, made out of our own Wool at Wroxeter. Rugs and Carpets. SMYRNA RUGS.—Just the thing ; only a few left. Will make your room look cosy. Regular $2.50, for $2.00. Wool and Fibre Rugs in oriental designs. Regular $2.00, for $1.75. Rugs in Brussels, Tapestry and Dominion Square. Small ends of, Carpets -5, 10 and I5 -yd. ends—to clear at leas than cost. We carry a largo stock of Carpets. Call and see them be- fore buying. 20 lbs. Best No. 1 Sugar for $1,00. $4.90 for 100.1b. sack Flour and Feed, Timothy Seed, Chick Food, etc., always on hand. Goods delivered to any part of town. WINGHAM