HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-10-07, Page 34
Strange Cpnfession Sent to New York Newspaper by Man Who
Tells Details of Plot in FafinOtin Me Poisoning Case.
IOn the night of june goth, 100$,
waned ale. He arank it and daeil.
sent Dr, Wilson a bottle a non
delpina and other deice nave been
Foe monthe the police of Phila.-
delphie, physician, was mysteris
Er. Willinut H. Wilson, a Phila-
ously mutdered, Somebody had
endeavoriog to trace the bottle
and lay their hands upon the per.
sen who sent it More than a year
has passed. and there is, appar-
ently, no elms te the niurderer.
A few days ago the Plinaden
pine ,Anierican came beta posses-
sion of what purports to be the
confession of the man who murs
demi Dr, Wilson. To one of the
staff was sent a, letter by ,a wan
wile aaserts that he is the 'exam- 0
toner" of Dr ninlson. Following,
the letter came an express pack-
age containing the confeseion and
certain bits of evidence whiela the
"exeoutioner" ferwarded to prove
his genuineness, his evidence in-
cluded the type from whiele the
Iblank in the decoy envelope was
printed; the die with which the
top of the bottle was sealed; the
Initial with which the letter was
stampede end a nuplicate of the
decoy letter sent to the physieian.
All of these compare perfectly
with the partial evidence now
In the hands of the Philadelphia
police. This remarkable conies
don is reprinted, in part, below.
"Dr." William IL Wilson, professional
murderer a the innocent, was executed
by me June 26th, 1908.
Tbis is the first correct end full
statement of the history of "Dr," Win
sena execution, and I write the fo1.
lowing details as an explanation and
vindication of my act. I deetroyed Wil-
son, and I have no regrets. Read, and
you will understand.
The facts that led nee to sweep with
meanness certainty to the worldly ex-
tiection of Wilson were principally, as
ha e been correctly assumed, from the
deathbed confession of my poor, dear,
erring wife.
Owing principally to some unplea-
sant, but not serious, financial reverses
I had sustained, she was unwilling to
ogain become a mother. A wqman
neighbor in whom she had confided in-
troduced Wilson to her. He persuaded
her, as n understand it, to become his
• My sorrow did not drive me to a
frenzy, but to something deeper and
more intense. 1 resolved that my grief
should not be impotent, but bear good
fault. That it has done so I am fully
convinced. My conscience is absolutely
However, it was not for revenge that
Wilson was removed, but for the public
Although the time between my wife's
confession and the final lapse into up. -
consciousness was all too short, it was
long enough to secure details that
might help me to avenge her death
and perhaps prevent such occurrences
In other homes. There were a num-
ber of detain related, but only three
of them of real importance—name, ad-
dress and the fa.et that he drank ale and
ale only.
I read up Dr. Lenman's little hand-
book on poisons, and concluded that
cyanide of potassium would be about
the best agent for my purpose. It
does not have the strong each ker-
nel flavor of prussic acid, is much
easier to get, and getting it does not
arouse suspicione nor does one have
to give a receipt—a mighty import-
ant point. I went to a photographic
supply. house and represented, myself
as corning from a prominent profes-
sional photographer ana had no trou-
ble about getting what I wanted. It
tight be interesting to know that
Wilson's fare to the next world cost ine
exectly one dollar in money. e
Anticipating that the ale would taste
wrong and that probably only one
swallow would be taken, I aeeeatained
by pmetiee that the smallest ewallow
P. person would be Uleeln to take is
one drachm. Then fixinn up the
caanide so that every dined= a the
liugid wmki eontain four grains of
cyanide, which I believe Leffman
considers tele minimum fatal close, I
proceeded to experiment on this basis.
s Knowing that the sample bottle
might not be used at once I thought
it would be a good thing en see what
action the chemicaa had on the ap-
pearance of the beverage, tether at
once or hi a week's time. To my con-
eiderible disa.ppoisibment I found that
It darkened the °color very much and
foimil, however, that by filet add-
ing About one-half wator the (nominal
darkened it to about th•e riglit shade.
I then allowed it to settle for some
time and poured off the •dear portion.
One point in niy pleat than nevir
seems to liana been ought by the
students of the ase won my direc-
tion la the lettee tu Wile= that•
bottle be kept in a vertical position.
This Ives liecause 1 was afraid that
more precipitation might form and if
this wore poured • Into the glees It
would be a good. tante for suspicion.
Another poiht was the ilireetion to
keep the ale cold. 'Many ale deinkers
do not keep their beverage very cool,
but I figured that in a cent drink nn'
pectill.arity of flexor would not be so
readily noticed,
'The reason I wrote that the *Ale
would. not be on the unerket until Joly
was because he might chence to speak
•of the' sample to some dealer, who
wouln naturally tell him that there
is nei such thing as Soh -emu's "Stand -
ern Ale." The explanation that the
ale was not yet attually. on the mean
ket wouln put at rest any doubt that
might be caused in this wan. Next
came the question of bottling.
in order to give the appearanee of
an original paeleage to the bottle, I
purchased at a statoinery store non
'ninth and Oliestnut streets a seal for
an cad Eniglieli letter "8," intending
to impress it in 'seining wa.x on top
of the eork, but here a difficulty wa.s
eneountered. I could not get the oork
lusek, try as I would. Then it oe-
marred to me to try. forcing the crown
cork off the bottle with a softeptece
of wood." It worked well, and by
lightly hammering the crimpied edges
in again, it snapped baek again tight -
on being preseal firmly against bite
top el the bottle. Not having suits
able type with which to make ae pre-
sentable label, and still bearing in
-Wind the necessity for waking it plain
that the bottle had never been open-
ed, 1 eeeled it twite on the neck, con-
necting the seals by a narrow strip
of paper running over the top of the
crown cork and containing the words
'Peter Schemm & Son,' the paper
having been from one of the blanks
upon whieh was to have been written
an opinion of "Standard Ale."
I --made a nuniber of efforts at get-
ting a suitable box to 'enelose my
agent of retribution, but without suc-
cess, so that I had finally to knock
pne together myself.
lenseh thought eves spent on the best
way in delivering the package, and I
with obliged to conclude thet this step
could not be taken without risk. To
Minimize the risk I went to an express
office where they see many people, and
would therefore be likely to forget me.
This was the Adams office at Seventeenth
and nforket streets. I planned to be
waited on by quite an old man with
white heir, knowing that an old person
would be less likely to remember me,
After taking these precautions so
carefully, great was • my eieeppoin
anent to be told thot the Adams Com-
pany makes no eity deliveries. The old
gentleman, however, re/outline:tiled me to
the express cempany on Thirteenth
street, above•Arch, I decided to accept
hie advice, no matter whet the place
looked like. In winking down there
thooght it would be a good hies% to get
somebody else to take the package to
the 'office. The police would be then
mu& less likely to find persons who
had, actually seen me.
At Thirteenth and Filbert streets 1
saw a likely -looking fellow, and, walk-
ing rapidly up to him, asked_ him to
take the package to the express office,
as I had just two minutes to get a train
at the Terminal Station. I gave him
the package and a quarter and hurried
down Filbert .street, but soon retraced
my steps to see whether he had attend-
ed properly to any little errand. Bening
him comeaut of the express office (imp-
ty-handed, I was satisfied, and went
home to finish some final details prepar-
atory to an indefinite trip for the bone-,
fit of my health.
That was on Monday. I knew Wilson
-was home only Tuesdays and Fridays,
whereas, he is now probably at home
every day. On Tuesday I went to Bur-
lington, N. J., to await results. While
leaving the city does not now seem to
have been necessary, I would do the
same thing again under the same eircum-
stances, for by some possibility 1 might•
be recognized either by the man who so
obligingly went to the express office or
the young man who had sola rue the
type several weeks previously.. As this
good fellow was also good enough to for-
get me, there is absolonely not the
slightest description of my appearance
to be had by the authorities. The most
serious fear I entertained was -due to
oleo took absolubedy all "fizz" away. the fact that my wife might have writ-
IP IN 24 et on eta
You can painlessly reineee any cora, tomer
hard, son or bleeding, Ito APPIAN; kunninns
Coro. notractor. It never burns, leave* no eon
coutains no eekle ; le baradese because connionni
only of healing gums and balms. nifty years in
use. Cure guaranteea. Sold oy alt druggists
9-lest:tittles. noble's substitutes.
ten to Wilson, and that the police might
find her letter. This wae the one point
upon whiela I forgot to question her.
Wilson took hive machos on Friday.
On natuieley moreung I read about it
in one of the papers. It would be total-
ly impossible to describe my feelings as
1 clevouren those lines. I had faith that
the plan would work, but was tremolo
dously surprised to find that it haa ae-
tually dime so. I asked myself whether
I was sorry to have taken a life that 1
could not now give back, for the death
even of a wholesale murderer is a seri-
ouss—yes, a solemn matter, I could find
no cause for reproaele neve found none
since, and don't expect `to find any, for
reasores already explained.
Crossing over to Bristol, a first letter
to the coroner was mailed at the Bristol
post office Saturday afternoon, • I did
not buy a long distance ticket at Bristol,
A4 that might attract some attention, 1
went to Trenton, then got A ticket for
New York, and from there went to Bos-
ton by rail, arriving early in the morn-
As scion as 1 got leaden. I wrote a
second letter to the coroner, and mailed
it from a station evhich I believe was on
Copley Square. 'From • this point my
movements were uneventful, spending
most of my tittle in13oston with a side
trip to Portland a,nd other points on the
coast of Maine, but going nowhere that
could not keep, in touch with the Phila-
delphia and New York papers.
For weeks.after the murder the police
of the entire eountry were occopiedin
searching for the slayer. A printer,
Frederick Gies, was arrested, but soon
proved he had nothing to do with the
murder. The affair was fast being
pigeon -holed as another unsolved mys-
tery of crime, when another letter was
received, by the Associated Press of Phil-
adelphia. It had been written on the
same typewriter as had been those sent
to the Corouer, and contained an offer
to sen the full confession for the bene-
fit of the six-year-old daughter of Dr.
Wilson, Vera The letter purported to
be from the murderer of the physician,
and provided a code for communication.
' The Associated Prestanut the matter
before the Philadelphilf police, who,
counselling secrecy, laid plans to capture
the writer. He was communicated with
regularly through the medbine—an after-
noon paper—he had suggested.
Negotiations progressed, and then
the police thought it time to spring
their trap. This was baited by a
decoy letter, Wen thinking innocently
that the murderer would walk into the
postoffice at Philadelphia, call for it,
and be captured by the detectiyes. The
posting of the letter was duly an -
=tinged, through the medium selected,
and while a squad of detectives
waited, a hopeful Delaware poetess, who
had seen the advertisement, and had
thought it referred to some rejected
manuscript, got the letter. Rage was
rampant at headquarters, and another
was prepared. While again the detee-
tives waited, a woman called at the
women's§ general delivery, and as the
clerk had not been let into the plot of
the police, and. as they never thought
of watehing more than one window, had
it transferred from the Iran's window
and walked away with it. This was too
much. The murderer sent another quite
insulting letter, complaining of police
stupidity and unfair treatment, and the
police decided tin all the whole thing
the work of a crank, as has been the
custom of police ever since the first
force was organized.
It happened that during the height of
the interest in the ease that Miss Ada
Patterson, a member of 'the staff of
the Philadelphia American newspaper,
wrote an article upon malpractitioners
In—general, which evidently attracted
the "teacutionens" attention. Not long
ago she received a letter from Phila-
delphia that read In part:
"I am the person who killed Dr.
William H. Wilson just one year ago
today. For purpose's which you will'
later understand, I have prepared an
article upon the subjeet for whieh I
wish an audience.
"I shall take the liberty of express,
ing you a small box containing the
entire *natter and everything pertaining
to it that I have. I bespeak for it your
thoughtful consideration."
In due course the box came along.
The box being opene.d proved to con-
tain the confession, a number of copies
of oorrespennenee with the widow'of
Dr. Wilson and others another letter
to Miss Patterson, a steel die marked
with the initial "8," as type initial "8"
of thirty-six point Stuyvesant, a small
piece of wood marked by a blow from
tonne square -headed instrument and
two bits of type, set- up and • bound
Do You Realise the Danger of a
VOU see this danger illustrated in. the case of Mr. •
W. C. Edwards, a well-known Friendly Society
leader, of Peter Street, Toronto, He cut Otte of his
fingers with a piece of glass, and instead of applying
Zam-1141‘ to prevent blood poison and to heal it, he neglected
the cut, and blood poison 'followed. He says :—" The blood-
polsbn train the finger spread up my hand and arm and caused
Inc terrible agony. Alter bob MOnthe treitment the doctor said
there Was no cure, and amputation would have to take place if I
*tended to save My atilt 1left that doctor and consulted another.
After a few weeks' treatment, he also told Inc that, operation ''would
be necessary. He said the bone had become diseased and the finger
welbgl are t* he opened so that the bone could he scraped. 1 Weld ateitY to tomider when
1 'Midst have the operation performed and Met *Mend who adviewl me to try ZattieBnh.
' "that Wight 1 bathed the 'remind and put on some Zain./Ittk. 1 got., a little sleep for the
Stet Mae foinaany Mena. in the snorting the wottad began to bleed instead of the foul dia.
chant* In the pasts Thle Writ a healthy sign sol Watt on With the &mega, Well, to
Orte et 104 *My short, lu few &ye I put away the sling, end hi few weeks the finger Was
keeled toaoletely. TO.day that, finger Se es insipid de a ben end 1 owe it. te Zata.nuk*
Vent, crier 020 ht doot.ora fee* and when? 1 think hole
7,4U11.80k at isitett trtillnee Obits 'Wed MO treat egepatetiOlt
1 eta Sratethl for the halea I Cart tell you.
I /
WHAT ZA1,1143111(
Zamauk tilted auto, burns, sprain', festering
*Orem, Uloers. Wads, blood -poisoning, eczome, bad lig,
d1detse04 anklet!, running itores, riegworin, cold -creeks,
ellitPPed hands, eliillibtfais, and all -other skin dieetises
Mid trijuries. All dreiggiete end !torte toll at 600.
box, 8 for $115 or past free frota, ZaM-Buk Co.,
Toronto, for price. Refuse anything offered. "just
u good,'
together witt. a bit of grins iit true
printer style.
The secona letter naid that these
things were e part ef the machinery
with which the erime had beet en-
gineered, owl wee in part as MOWS:
"Wishing to do as much good as
possible, I have prepared an artiele
relating to my act, the . purpose -el
which is principally to arouse poblie
sentiment against nunpractice.
"I sent yini• an impression of tbe
same laninier with which I nailed. the
box containing the poisoned ale, Tile
wood is of the Bowe usen in the hex,
Ibis merely to prove authenticity. I
eleo *end a duplicate ef envelope
Wilma. Tins is the only dupliente isi
existence. To the sivitial "S" I send
you I attach the greatest importence.
After printing ane side of the letter
I nicked the typo twice with a pen-
knife so as to give it an identity, and
should the police ever capture the wrong
person I could have this to send them
proofs Some to show that the execus
tioner was still free. Tho picks will
absolutely rorreepond with the letter-
head whieh the Philadelpliia authorities
have, These could, never be aiseovered
in the rough reproductions made in the
newspapers. I have reason to 'believe
that the Philadelphia, Olive would like
to get hold of every bit of evidence and
smother it.
"Now this event closes for Inc a year
of extraordinary events. My grief has
been 'more than word, ean wieid, the
matter'—n grief 'that makes breath
poor and speech unable
"My actions do not cause me one
inoment's regret, but 1 shall feel re-
lieved to have out of my house forever
evidence which, in the cause of my
sudden death, might bring sorrow to
those I love,"
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Made a
• Permanent Cure.
There are many medieinesnthat will
relieve indigestion for a time— there
are few that will make . a permanent
cure. But there is one medicine that
is a sure cure—that medicine is Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills, They have cured
thousands of cases—many of them
years' standing. Cases like that of Mr,
John E. ,Seale, of Montreal, Que., after
many other medicines have been tried
and found worthless. Mr, Seale says:
'For nearly six years 1 suffered with
indigestion. During all that time I was
constantly taking medicine for the trou-
ble, but never got more than temporary
relief. Finally I decided to try Dr. Win
limns' Pink Pills and .after using them
for some time the trouble disappeared,
and I am now anle to eat heartily with-
out the least trace of the suffering I
formerly endured. I can, from my own
experience, strongly recommend Dr,
Williamse Pink Pills as it permanent
cure for indigestion."
Dr. William& 'Pink • Pills for Pale
People are good for every disease that
good blood le good for simply because
they make good blood—lhat is why they
cure rheumatism, heart palpitation, In.
digestion, neuralgia, SC Vitus' dance
and the ailments of girlhood and wo-
manhood. Dr. Williams" Pink .Pills for
Pale People are sold by all medicine
'dealers or direct by mail at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr,
nirilliarne Medicine Co,. Brocknille, Ont.
• •
Billy Patterson.
"Who struck Billy Patterson?" in a
question that has gone into history. It
is asked frequently by persons who have
no idea who Billy Patterson was, for it
has become a stock expression signifying
a mystery.
But now comass T. ItinIsitke, formerly
of Fouquier county, Vit. and now a re -
then merehent of this elty, who lays he
knows all about the striking .of Patter-
son. Mr. Lake was it young fqend of the
man who struck the. blow. Billy Pat-
terson, according to Mr. Lake, was the
bully c)f Richmond, Va.„ almost 75 ears
ago. Ile wee a big man who loved fight-
ing almost as Well as he loved whiskey
and preferred the two together, .
The day Patterson was struck the blow
which thrust his name -into immortality,
he had obtained, liquor, but was finding
It difficult to get' a fight Ire had taken
up a position in the centre of a mueb-
tra,velled sidewalk and was malting all
passers take to the street. Ile was par-
tio-alarly insulting to se crowd of medical
students who passed Oil their way to a
nearby students? hotel.
Among those students was Albyn
Payne, a young num from ,Fseiquier.
county, a relative of Admiral Raphael
Semmes, and a man of fighting blood.
When the group of students subuntted
to the indignities offered by Patterson,
his fighting blood was oroueed.
"Let me ot the bbvine," he said, as he
walked up to Pntterson. Perhaps Pat-
tern= was too much surprised to defend
himself, for only one blow was struck,
and Billy Patterson went down with a
thud. It was believed at first that Pat-
terson was killed, and the students fled
to their hotel, where a hasty conference
was held end they vowed not to tell who
striek the blow.
Hardly had Payne been taken out a
side way to another students' lodging -
house when the pollee arrived, demand -
Ing the matt "who struck Billy Potter -
son," All the students were questioned,
bet esteh denied •bht be had struck Pat-
terson„ Though it soon benzine apparent
that Patterson was riot dangerously in-
jurea, the students kept their vow,
Pityne—preeerring to ovoid notoriety.
Poyne afterward liecame widely known
as a physician in Virginia, and attained
:some note. as a magazine writer under
the nom de plume cif Nicholas Spicer.—
Chicago Recker&
(Sup. Galeener a Illinois Moth. Coin
In the capitol city itself we have all
the problems of the greater cake. Two
hundred and fifty craters of hell cons
throe to pour forth the senoke of the
bottoutlese pit. Gamblers, searlet Wos
men, and worse men haunt the street
with tempting bait to lur iinsuepectin
youth into the jaws of dealt. Politioians
under the plea of expedieticy bargain
with thee depraved eleineute and hell
virtue and litiman flesh and Mood for a
ptice. nevi race hatred smolders and
Swede only the fiery stinuiletion of in-
toxicants te break forth again some day
into a flame of frenzy.
Cildtt't Wear 'Eat,
Jimmy giggled When the testeher read
the story of the Roman wilts swam
ticrose tho Tiber three timee before
"You do not tibulit a trainta swimmer
tout& ao that, do you, jeniee?"
"Xo, sir," absevered Jimmie, "but
wohdered Why ° he didn't Make it frier
and get beck to the Mae his clothes
*nen riti,'*---SUceets Magazine.
The muleb goat, Jinn ell pate, can
nuiko a livillg an brushy and hilly lend,
where most other animals would stern.
They are very beneficial to load in
cleaning it of weeds, sprouts and brush.
%hey menet endure low, wet land, bit
thrive perfect/es on roogits hilly land
Time giving inilk 84°144 be fed on goo
nrase, hay fodder encl evileat bran, Int
no groin of any kind. The cost of mail
taming a got in milk isabout live
Cents.. a day, and she will give hei» one
to tWo quarts of milk e day.
A stock man says lie has saved sevs
trial valuable calves that were down
with the amens by taking a teacupful of
wheat flour and giving a tablespoonful
every minute. He repeated this two or -
three times a day before feeding, and
edairtingiostheNciveitl.Iie feea one-half until the
ale of the heart we, 'have two scto
ef valvee, whose eblect it is to pre
Inuit blond, nempecl out from caelt
aide of the heart, ronreturning into
the heart's cavities.
There ere certain beautiful flip
valves which fall back to let blood
enter but whieh float upon the blood,
meet in the middle and form a er"
fect temnorary pertition, Preventing
reflux. These flaps are provided wit
cords which allow of their meeting
together, and these cords, attached to
the well of the heart pull down
against the force of the blood Which
t would ceinso them to float up toe fari
and $0 the fluid must pass awes by
,; the proper channel.
" Again we have poeltet-like valves
placed around the great blood vessels'
to which blood paeses Irene the
heart. Imagine three pockets set in
eirele round the entrance to the
veseel. The mouths of the peckot
open away fronTheart. Tieyal:lowbloodeesilyopassrohem
but when the tendency to back flow
occurs the pockets fill tensely and
their edges meet, end so again there
is found et temporary barrier. against
The here is very. wide, for
animals and plants have learned by
experience and by outward condi-
tions acting on them to adopt their
structure to meet the exigencies of
their live. It was said that Brunel
adoted the, plan of the tereclo or ship
worm he his mode of constructing the
original Thames tunnel.
The teredo is a boring shellfish,
which burrows into wood by means
of the two shells which envelop its
head extremity. It lines its burrow
with a Hinny secretion, and it was
Ibis ,prectioe which is said to have
given Brunel the idea of protecting
it as he worked.
The tools of mankind have been
over and over again foreshadowed
and enticipated 4y animals. Sawa,
files and lancets are common among
the insect species, and the gizzard ef
certain insects and of grain -eating
birds recalls the grinding action of a
mill, as indeed does the duty of our
own molars or back teeth.
The case of "little wanton boys that
swim on bladders" is represented by
certain memberskof the Jellyfish clam
The Physalia or Portuguese man -of -
wear floats on the sea by aid of a
large bladder -like structure, to the
under side of which the little animal
colony is attached, Near by is tne
WW1% which hoists a veritable sail
on its fair disc and is blown over the
sea by the aid of the contrivance.
. • r
A Sermonette.
(Fadette in Chicago Tribune.)
nestle said, "Consider the lillies, how
they grow. They toil not, neither do
they spin. Yet I say unto you that
Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed
hibe one of these."
Jesus thus indicated the effortlessness
of the liliee.
These lovely flowers burst through the
huge weight of earth pressing heavily
over them,
They spring up from below the ground.
Tb' put forth green shoots and tall,
They bloom with immaculate efflores-
cence, ravishingly perfumed.
And all silently.
The falling dews fill their uplifted
bowls with refreshing nectar.
The sunbeerns bathe stalk and. petals
with the light of heaven. .
The air distills its pure vitality into
the .gossainer pores and veins.
The lilies simply stand still in their
simply awake to the beauty
evbich envelopes them,
They merely receive the overflowing
wealth of life and light and power that
pours lavishly upon them.
They merely allow the sweet our-
roueding influences to play over them,
to filter through them, to mould them.
Why should they hurry for a living?
Why be ambitious?
Or concerned
Why give a thought for the morrow
Every thing is done for there.
They need only to let It be done.
And thereby they furnish fables for
Ermine the horse's teeth frequently
und find if they ere in a good condition
for grinding the feed. Many horses lose
flesh and aro in poor health simply be-
cause their teeth are too uneven for**nye-
per grinding ortne feed, A. veterinarian
van file them to the proper ellape,
A fruit professor 'says that the pear
came bao this world before the apple.
To this a wit adds that the professor's
theory is, presumably, that the first
pair ate the first apple. But going ba.ek
Still further, it is agreed that Eve was
. a perfect peach, and there was no pair
until this peachi bad come into the
The average ewe requires from three
to five pounds of salt a year, the varia-
tion depending lergely upon the amount
ofins.ateral salts contained in the pas-
tures. —
The bee e should have plenty of water.
They COIISIMIe a great deal, and will tra-
vel a long distance to get it, Should
there be no running stream or lake of
pure water near, it is well to place a
pail of fresh water near the apiary ev-
ery day. Water is used by the bees to
dilute the heavy, thicky honey left -over
from winter to make it suitable for the
young larvae, anneals° to make the cell
wax pliable.
A cow with her second or third calf is
the mostlenirable of all, and this ie un-
doubtedly tbe most profitable age to
buy *Mean. As milkers and breeders, they
have all their best days in front of them
aud with sufficient time to pay hand-
somely, Young and old cows are very
distinct appearance. The former ba.ve
an tuimiatakable appearance of fullness
of flesh and. coat, while the old ones are
more or 'less Blinn*. The teeth give an
indication of age, and the horns are °it -
en looked to as a guidnnthe ming hay-
ing Smooth horns while those of the ag-
ed are wrinkled. If cross -breeds are
bought, get the best breed the cross has
been secured from. Cows with a male
or bull type of head are rarely good
'milkers. The head should be refined,
neck thin, forequarters wide, square and
robust, with deep, broad thighs,
The Cornell Experiment Station fouucl
that two tons of horse manure in on ex-
posed. place in five months lost nve per
lent. In gross weight, 00 per cent, of its
`nitrogen, 47 per cent, of its phosphorus
and 76 per (mut. of its potash. The total
loss of plant food was Ell per cont.
It is reported that no evergrden trees
hone ever beep struck by lightning, and
some people are a_deocating the planting
of them for protection,
The Ohio Experiment Station recoms
mends as a treatment for killing peach
and plum borers, three pounds of naps
tha soap emulsified by boiling in three
gallon of carboltneurn avenarnas, which
cart be -obtained through dealers in mar-
ket gardeners' and fruit growers' sup-
plies. This can best be mixed by the
use 'of a carbolineum.
use of a force pump, When the soap
solution and carbolineum are thorough-
ly Mixed add four gallons of water and
app1Y. with a spray pump, being careful
to protect hands and face when using.
Dominion ,Department of Agriculture,
Branch of the Dairy and Cold Storage
August records received at Ottawa
from members of cow testing associa-
tions indicate that in most districts the
flow of milk is well up to the average.
In sonata localities there is but a very
slight decrease from July yield of naiIk,
so light that the increasing richness
shows a trifle higher yield of fat.
In -other 1. cantles, unfortunately,
there is a eery marked shtinkage, as
much at 120 lbs. and. even 180 lbs. of
milk per cow less than in July. Many
dairy farmers have accordingly vowed
that next year will not see them caught
withoutseany provision for maintaining
the Dose, but they have determined to
provide some soilleg crop, and if pos-
sible build a tile, so as to enst se sue -
*talent feed for probable hot spells in
July and August. Such men are wise.
Some districts have as bigh averages
tee 870 lbs. of milk and O0 114. at fat in
August. Sueh wise dairymen had made
provisioo of suitable feed. Others, less
provinent, had to be contbnt with a
yield of 580 lbs. milk and 21 lbs. fat
per tow; whilehere and there the aver-
age yield was down to ssog lbs. milk
and 16 lbs. fat. Such men might well
copy the methods of than...brothers
farmers who regularly secure the larger,
Selection of the best cows ean
be made intelligently when records nre
kept of each cow.
C. F. W.
Ottawa, September,. 1000.
we •
Oertipated With Whom Even Edison
Is a Mere Also Ran.
A list of Woe of the mechanical de -
Which nature introduced in the
human body and Which man has been
cerituries in finding out was printed
in I
the Sun not long ago. lere are a
feser more examples ef the genius of
nature. It looks as if the old party
had Edison even with his 700--er Is
It 7,000—line:station% , beaten, to a
The aetion of the valves Of the
heat was the original of the idea
now in use in valves everywhere, from
those of a pump to thOee of a steam
engine. Their purpose is to reguL.te
the flow of Hun% or vapors in par.
goiter direetions and to prevent back
flow or regurgitation.
The valvein the belit of pump pre.
vents the water ne have drawn up
from returning to the well so that the
next movement of the pump handle
lIV send it ettt Of tut spout. In the
• • •
Carefully Guarded Trade Secret.
Among the finest and most distinctive
varieties of textile fabrics...nee the cloths
teehnically known as quiltings, whieh,
however, have nothing. to do with bed
quilts, 'Cut include swill fabrics •as Ogees,
diamonds, wettings and materials for
gentlemen's light waistcoats.
The important processes in the nuenio
facture of quiltings aro zealauely guard-
ed AA there secrets. They represent the
finest achievements in cotton cloth.
The extreme delicacy of their manu-
facture may be gathered from the fact
that down to even twenty-five years ago
they were still largely made on the hand
loam, the work being done not in mills
hut given out to the workere in their
own homes. By constant experiment and
after many failures A, quilting loom was
constructed which could be driven Ly
power, though its Production was only
slightly faster than the hand loam Dur-
ing the last twenty yeats great improve-
ments have been introduced, especially
at Bury, England, which tame to be the
centre for the making of aniltings.—
From the London Daily News.
No Testimonial.
Advertising Agent—Your pardon for
intruding, noulane but I understand thot
you have been sick and ere now perfectly
well, and that during your Walesa six
bottles of Dr, Curein's Elixir were bov.gla
at the corner drug store.
Madam—Yes. The num who mine
to take care of me got side, and order-
ed the bottles for heeself. I did not
take any of itO
"Irml Can 1 :tee her?"
"She's dead,"—New York Weekly.
Looking foe Lot's.
Ite—So poor old Monty has been run
over by a motor ear. How end it bap -
She—The poor chap was stooping to
pick up a horseshoe for lueke—Town and
Country. •
Mether'e Breakdown
Her Health SV, Shattered tier Child'-
, too Were Taken NM Hort
It is a tool etory, one that is net of,
tea heard now-a-daya that is told in the
follosviug letter by Mr. Marion U. Char-
lotte. written froze her home ia Pitts-
‘" about jlYeY:rsi°thriveinplieioofslirders,tIei-
gin of which my (lector wise unable to
discover. It was undoubtedly owing to
imperfect action of the liver and sto-
mech. I OM sure of thie beeause there
IVAS a continual weight and painful full -
mew in my right side and seemly any-
thing X ate 0,48 digested. X Also suffer-
ed agouy with hemorrhoids. A succession
oe sleepless nights, cruel pains in my
aide and beck, combined with the tors
rible state of my eerves ntade Inc wish
for death.
"I could do no housework, my aieters
otofoekvemrgy:tug rnanliconuild:;u,etga
"eye memorable day a neighbor
brought ine a box of Dr. Harailtie's
Pills which had cured her of troubles
similar to mine. To my astonishment,
I felt better next day. Gradually ell
my paina disappeared, I put on flesh,
looked healthy, had lots of spirit and
a desire to work. Dr, Hamilton's Rills
cured rae and X know they will work
marvels for every woman that esee
thTeillhe"one safe d.ependable medioine /es
men and women in poor health is Dr.
Hamilton's Pills —refuse any substituen
At all dealers, 25e per box„ or fist)
for $1,00. By mail from The Catarrho-
zone eompany, Kington, Ont.
4 1 •
Seizing the Opportunity,
In a certain Ontario local option town
is a citizen, who despite the legal precau.
tion for his salvation, pereists in his ad-
herenee to the oup that eheers. He is a
thorn of vexation in the sides of his
virtuous fellows. Especially, does old
John, Smith, the cobbler, feel sore (Us -
tressed at heart at the•habits of the 0011-
0 110. Recently, olcl John came to
the 'conclusion that extreme measures for
reformation must be taken.
Oe night he saw the wayward soul
steering it weird gait down a Side street.
Suddenly, to his consternation; he saw
liim plunge to the left, and, in his wild
career, through the white gate of the
little village cemetery. John Smith went
home. He would teach this desecrator is
Ten minutes tater he, too, entered the
cemetery. But he came through another
gate, and he sneeked along with some-
thing white under his arm. He stepped
behind a huge tombstone. In a moment,
when he reappeared, the old cobbler
was garbed in folds of white—a sheet.
He atood still, raised himself to his
full height, and gazed about him. His
eye bit upon the figure of the drunkard
Lying there upon the ground in the
pale light of the moon, old Sohn Sinith
began to speak:
"Behold, I am the Apostle Paul."
No reply. Down in the village, the
town bell strnek the hour of twelve. .
Again the deep, sepulchral voice:
"Behold, I am the Apostle Paul."
Then a voles drawled out with a bor-
ed air:
"Oh you be, be you? Well—welL Say,
did you ever get an answer to that long
letter you wrote to the Ephesianer
And the wraith vanished into the
night.—Canadian Courier.
4 *I
What We Have to Learn From Ger-
man Schools.
Dr. George Parton Haney, director
of art and manual training in the
New York public schools, who made
a study of European educational in-
stitutions during e foreign. trip, says
that one of the chief things we have
to learn from Europe is to teach work-
ers how to improve their work.
"Definite means will soon be de-
vised," he says, "for educating the
best equipped pupils in drawing in
the pilblic schools in higher drawing
classes or schools by means of scholar-
ships. This is a system used in the
English schools, the pupils who show
the greatest, proficiency being ad-
vanced to the art school at the great
South Kensington museum. I found
many fine things in the German in-
dustrial schools. There are three
`continuation schools' in Munich,
each with a score of rooms devoted
Vo various induetries. In the day-
time they give instruction in theory
to those who are at work in annals,
each apprentice being required to at-
tend for one day a week, from 7 in
the morning till 6 at night, feiTure to
do so being punishable with a. fine
for his employer. The evening and
Sunday classes are devoted to instruo.
tion for advanced workers. In the
third year they go into the workshops.
"There are cooking schools, where
gas stoves are used. Often there is a
-kitchen garden, to be cared for by the
pupils. Advaneed classes in domestic
science for girls are also popular.
Printing is another branch that re-
ceives much attention."
The Retort Corteous.
Bather (to nustorner)—Razor ell right,
Custonter—My dear man, if you hadn't
mentioned it, I'd never have known there
WAS a. razor on my fime.
Parber—Thanic you, sirl
Customer (eoutintring)—I thought you
were using a filet
• *-
Family Discipline.
"So you are going to send your young-
est boy to college?'
"Yes," answered Farmer Corntaeeel.
"Hen too big for me to haat& in the
woodshed, and I guess VII hove to have
him hazed."—Washington Star.
A kind old gentleman, seeing a very
small boy carrying a lot of newspaperi
unaer his arm, wet moved to Pity.
"Don't all those papers make you tio
ed, my boy?"
"Xope," the mite cheerfully replied
'I can't read."—Youthn Corapanioh.
Tilt Inn TEST LI6011311
e Ain d ih a 1' plea is t.".5p eople
Ap grt.
Come ye yourselves and rest awhile,
Weary, 1 know it, of the press
Wipe from your brew the meet ma
dust of toil,
And in My quiet etrength again be
Come ye aside from all the world bolds
For converse which the world has neve
er known'
Alone with Me, and with My Father
With lde and with My Father not
Come, tell me all that ye have said and
Your victories and failures, hopes and.
I know how hardly souls aro wooed and
My choicest wreeths ere always wet
• with teen,
Come ye and rest; the journey is too
,AntLye will faint 'Weide the way and
The bread of life is here for you to eat,
Mid here for you the wine of love to
Then fresh from converse with your
Lord retern,
And work till daylight softens into
The brief hours are uat lost in which ye
More of your Master and His rest in
Holy and moat merciful God, in whose
image we were at first created, we thank
Thee for Thy purpose manifested in the
MiSSi011 of Thy San Of restoring to us
the image which we have lost. We have
be= -taught that God is love and in
Christ Jesus we have seen the divine
love incarnate upon earth. We thank
Thee for His life of pure unselfishness
and sacrifice for others. 0 grant that
we, who by Ifis saerifiee have been re -
&Ranee, may have bestowedupon us
that same spirit of selfless love. Teach
us in all the affeirs and relations of life
to consider »ot merely our own welfare
and happiness, but the welfare and happi-
ness of others also.. Thus may we be
true followers of, Him of which it was
Reid, He pleased not Himself. In His
own nameetee aek it, Amen.
Purity of Heart.
(By Margaret Stewart-)
• "Blessed are the pure in heart, for
they shall see God." What is it to be
pure le heart? What must we do to
fulfill the ,conditions of "seeing God"
right here in this material -world? Long
I poildered tide question and searched
through God's laws and man's experi-
ence for an enswer. And it came with
a joy and inspiration horn of God. Puri-
ty of heart is not ignorance. Nay, the
picture of the heathen world in the first
chapter of Romans proves that ignor-
ance is the very cesspool df uncleanness.
Purity of heart is riot mere innocence.
No, for the purest hearted men and wo-
men of all ages are those who have
fought sin and impurity with full knowl-
edge of its scope and power. Neither is
purity of heart mere separation and
non -participation in all that God has or-
dained, as is the practice of the recluse
and the celebate. We find what we seek
in this simple faet--purity of heart is
seeing every part and function of God's
creation just as God meant it.
The Clouds Will Break.
Phillips Brooks once preached a ser-
mon from the text, "Who passing
,..rough the valley of weeping make it a
Well." He said there were two ways of
treating sorrow. One may say, "This
that I have to bear is hard, but the
clouds will break and there will come
better days. Compensation is in store
for Me. It rimy got be in this world,
but some time it will tin be made up to
me." Or he nasty say, "I will do just
what Scripture tells me to do. I will
make of any valleys of weepings, well-
springs of joy. I will turn sadness in-
to occasions for rejoicing." The Apos-
tle says, "In everything give thanks."
Assuredly We can not be thankful for
everything, but in every experience that
comes to Use we may find some reason
for giving thanks. When Jeremy Tay-
lor's home had been plundered, all his
worldly possessions squandered; his fam-
ily nerneci out of doors, he congratulated
hiniseIf that his enemies had left him
"the sun and the moon, a loving wife,
many friends to pity and reliey, the pro -
many friends to pity and relieve the pro -
Gospel, my religion, any hope of Heaven
and my charity toward my enemies."
Can you see the glory of the Lord in the
Sin's Greediness.
There ia no form of sin that does not
affect in every departmint of one's
life the one 'who commits itse man
who was making a special effort to
succeed in an entirely secular matter
which was nevertheless of great import-
ance to his welfare, was at the same
time having a fight to keep his spiri-
tual life itt its highest and best. Then
he reelized that he had uo right to ex-
pect to emceed in the first detail, which
called for the most watchful care, un-
less lie, won the victory also in the other
seemingly remote effort. Failure in the
ono would surely tend toward failure in
the otlor. Victory in the one would give
added strength for the other. We are
uob, like ocean eteaniere, built hi sops
aritte watertight compartments. (Inc
lives are intercommunicating !native=
head, Heart, hands and spirit. theett
is to such thing as a "ow sin" men.
Sin's love of eompany is beyond the cons
trol of ono who gives any sott of de a
welcome. --S. S. Times.
rottener Ruled by Love.
Let your temper be under the rule of
the love of Jesus, Ile can not =In curly
it—Ile can make xisgentle and patient.
Let the gentleness Windt refuses to take
offeatee, winch is always ready to ex-
and hope the best, owok
withail. Let our life
be one of selfaaerifice, intweys steadying
the welfare cif others, finding our highs
est joy itt blessing others, And let ea
in studying the -divine ort of doing good.
vield ourselves as obedient learners of
the gunlante of this itoly f5pirit. fly Hie
grace, the most emeinionploesi life ean be
trenefinured With the brightness of
heavenly beauty ns the infinite love of
a divine nature shinee etit through out'
frail humaoity.—Atideew
Vinton enffere in
hthe end. t fellow
who tel A kiss. Cynicuse.-110 Ohtani
Ina to Marry the gitl.