HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-10-07, Page 2LESSON 1.1.,a0OTOBER 10, 1909.
Paul 4 Prisonea--The Plot. -Acte 22/
:10-23: 35. Act* 23: 11-24.
Conexuentaree-I. Paul before the coun-
cil (at1130-23:10). The day following
Pours arreet the chief captain took him
before the Sanhearin in Order to asear.
Jai* the nature of the charge againat
him. The seenee enacted liere were very
encitiug. "The sight of the ptesOner
created such an uproaeothat be had to
hurry hire away lost he should be torn
tat pieees. Strange city and steange pea.
plc: There was never a nation winch
lam/enact sous more rithly dowered witlt
gifts to make her ileum immortal; there
Ys` never a city whose chilaren clung
to hey with a more peseiouate affection;
yet, Hee a mad mother, she torethe
very goodliest of them in pieces end
dashed teem mangled from her breast.
Jerusalem was now within a few years
of eer destruetion; hero was the last ot
her inspired and. prophetic sone come to
visit her for tbe kat time, with bound-
less love to her in ids heart; but she
would have murdered hint, and only the
shields of the Gentiles savee him from
her fury." -Stalker.
II. The eonspnacy against Paul (vs.
11. Lord stood by him -Probably ap-
pettriug in a vision as at Corinth. (chap.
18:9). Paul twist have been exhausted
by the striae ana excitement of the last
two days. Be was alone in the desolate
baeraelcs and knew not what the future
had in store for him. But just at the
right tin% the Lord' appeared to him and
said; "Be of good cheer," at the same
area informing him that le must preach
the gospel at Rome. 12. banded together
--Made an agreeetint. under a euree-
Litemily, placed theneselves under an
anathema. It was an invocation of God's
vengeance upon themselves, if they fatt-
ed to do the work which they undertook.
'Bib. "Rut they could be ab-
solved from this vow by the ra,bbius if
they were unable to eaceoute it." Such
oaths appear to have beeu common
among the Jews. Josepeus tells of a
Edanilar conspiritey against the life qf
Herod into whith a party of ten Jaws
entered witk a like. failure. 13. more
than forty -This large number of des -
Devote mon, baoked up by the Sanhedrin,
the highest pounce' antoug the Jews,
would be likely to suoceed in their mita-
denotes design, and Paul's life Wa,a
great danger. :They may have been
prompted to this method of getting rel
of the apostle, because they did not have
tae power of life and. death. any longer,
and timer not likely to procure Pa.ul's
deitth at the hands of ahe Roman au-
thorities, on any accusation . connected
with a religious Question." 14. to the
chief priests. Tee plotters no doubt
event te the chief priests and elders who
were Sadducees, as they were strongly
o1posea to Paul (vs. 6-10) and wouldba
ad to see him put to death. we have
mend, ete,-laterally, "With a cue
have we cursed ourselves." A Hebrew
mode of expreseing the intensity and
earnestness of any action. -Cam. Bib.
"How firm they made it, imprecating
the , heaviest curses upon themselves,
their souls, bodies and families, if they
dta not kill Paull These men must have
believed that Paul was the worst of men',
an enemy to Goa and religion, and the
curse and plague of hie generation, whom
really hie &erecter was the reverse of
all this. There are ne laws of truth
and. justice so saerea or strong that
malice and bigotry will not break
through," •
15. 1.1he operceito-The Sanhedrin, the
gkeateet Jewish -eettnoll. Its meeting
alai% adjoined the- beionle on the east
sidb. It met daily eeteneyt uo the Sab-
bath and. feetival.days. • "It had aubltor-
ityto enterprot the divine law, to de.
title on We qualiticatione„ of prieets, ana
te try those Remised. of idolatry and
fratea prophet:3 and hereties." The ap-
tatority to pronaunee the death. eentence
even taiceu from it by the Romans, about
three yeare before the ortieifixion of
Caniet. Bring, eto.-Lysies was to be
asked te bring Paid down from the
tower of Antonia bo the place w.here
the Sanhedrin held hes meetings. Ready
to kilt hern.-They intended to kill him
while ea the way. to the, oeunell. And
to tills plot the higheet dignitaries of
the ehure-bgave aseent. Sueh a course,
however, seems be be in perfecit acoord
new the Jewisb, opinione and practiseo
of thee° tieneet Philo, a great Jewish
wribier, in speaking of the eourse to be
taken towaed a Jew who hos foroaken
tee worship of Lhe true God, says that
it is "highly peeper" to inflict "Immo-
dada puhielanent on sueh impious apse -
tales," nob tektite', time to carry them
before any court or magistrate; and thie
alroula be done because of an ebhorrenee
of evil and a love for God.
III. The ;plot disekeed (vs. 16.22). Id.
• Pain's sister's sane -This is ail bhat we
know of the family of Pate. Nor do we
know for wbat inapose he was gejern-
slim, It is thee PatiT might
have a stater residing thetc; though, at
r aid himeelf had 'iseen sent there former -
1 for his education; it -seems more prob.
able tbat this young men N98.41 sent there
fo'r ,tese game purpose. -Barnes. Eteara
-"The secret of We plot had too many
bleepers to be well kept." Into the castle
a-tIlieus it appears that Paul's friends
had free aorkes to bine e
17. Patti eailed-He had reeeivea
Mist's: own promise of proteetiott (v.
11). but he aid not on that aeceunt neg-
lect to avail himself of bee ordinary
means of protecting himself. God's
promise eneouraged him to put ferta his
own exetttons for his seenrity. 'Young
inan--We cte. not kuon whether the:
youth Wee it Christian or a anr, nor db
we know the meant by whieh he din
eovered the plot, it is enongh for ue
timt God waa pletteed, oti ttt oceasion,
to employ eit lea as the guureian eitgel
of the apostae.-Lange. 18. Th., prieoner
-A tante wake Paul afterward. often
aped to eerier -If.
al'n Paul's sister's son we see; 1. In-
telligetice. Ife walked tot througli the
vottal or the city of Jerusalem dream-
ing lent kept his eyes and ears openi
and pieked up the plot whice had beaa
formed against hie uncle. 2. Affeetioe
On what footing teligioutly he atooe
with his unale 'cannot be told; yet in tee
sudden peril which confronted tie moth-
er's brother he made a bold etroke for•
Ille reetrue. 3. Promptitude. Had lee de -
lard in making known hie diecover1
his unele's life might have been lot. 4.
Cetirage. Had he been timid he would
Iteee tarintle from tee .diffieultkaIn the
Way.. 5. Dietretion. Ile kept the :keret
to iszneeelf and revealed to. ao one the
coA21•111aidati612 ke had Made tO the Gov.
It. Tee jouriley to, Caeseree, eta /8-
35). 28. ealled--The thief captain
teolt immodiete gem to get Puul out
ef jetnettloni to Will infainoue plot mild
not be tarried out. Caeeerea-eThe go.
Man tapitel. Third hear -Nine o'ebeek.
24. Being Min eafte---"Thie erae probably
the largeet body guard Pita teter
They wet* to go With the greeted des..
patek to Felix. 1141 CoWernOt alCRAM.
TOIL The ktter Lysitte went shows its that
he -aa favorably 'mooted with Ids
prisoner...Peul probably Nulled Cease-
rea by We uext evening. Ile heel loft
Jetusatem never to return. That iufatit.
one city wee still rejeeting those Wet
were sent unto them And feet rushing
on to it, own destrection-tee met ter.
riale deetruction tite world heft ever seen.
It was wise for Lyelas to eeml Paul to
Caesarea, for there he would be safer
than at Jerusalem and it would be easier
to give eisn a fair trial. 'Paul ivalI POI"
confined in auy ordinary prisea,
eesided In the piece of Felix, Dote
ace- apostle rernamed for two years.
Questions. -Give a brief review of the
last lesson. MilY was Paul benefited
from being a. Roman eitieen? Why del
he nord appear to Peel? Whet did be
tell Paul? Whet plot wee made against
Paul? Who made this plat Who gave in•
fortnatiou concerning it? What did the
chief eaptalu do? Where was Caesarea?
Why woe to send Peul there?
Paul Held a Prisoner.
1. Preparation for trial. "The Lord.
said, Be a god cheer, Paul" (v, 11).
Peal here had an experience of what
,lohn afterward wrote, 'Hee tbatt loved
us..behold, he .comote with cloud,"
(Rev, 1. 4-7). Li our every trial God
is with Ile aa really as Ho was tote
Peel. His word is our preparation ior
au a our oomfert in the trial. "The:Tray-
car Paul offered in the temple, theist
holy sanctuary to him, a a jeW, wi a
honored of the Laid by being answered
with a manifestation of His presence,
and the granting ef a special revolatieu.
411 true prayer ie answered, and. 'Goa
seems to especially delight in supplica-
tion offered in pewee dedicated to His
IL The plot to murder. "We havo.
bound oureolvee....we wfll .eat nothing
until we have slain Paul" (Y. 14). The.
Bible sage, "Weoeoleer hateth his broth-
er is a murderer (I John 3:15). The
man who says of an enemy, "I hate
him," belongs with these blood -thirsty
Jews who sought to slay Paul. K. Gerok
calla attention to some oharacteristies
of hatred.: 1. Hate riees early. "When
it wile day"(v. 12). Love is always
earlier than hate. Before any pain
reaches us it has passed by infinite love.
Nothing an reach us but by God's per-
missien ana the greetest curse may
prove the greatest blousing. 2. Hate
binds men with a curse. "Bound them-
selves under a curse" (v. 12). The curse
le always on those who hate, not on
those who are hated. "Curses like chick-
ens oome home to rooae." 3. Hate de-
mands satisfaction to its own hurt.
"Would neither cat nor drink till they
had killed Paul" (Y. 121. .A man cannot
live on the liatred of his ielloweman.
These conspiratore died of starvation if
they kept their vow. 4. Hate is injudi-
cious. "Forty made this conspiracy" (Y.
13). It is scareela possible that so many
men could keep e secret. 5. Hate has no
cunning against God. "They came to
the chiet priests" (v. 14). They trusted
their own cunning and men. "The forty
conspirators sought no help and f eared
no hindrance- from God, though their de-
sign was made in the name of their reli-
gion. But when the works of religion
are hatred ancl thirst for blood, God is
opposed to it.'' God .elves men certoin
freedom. but he holds himself ready to
hinder cell in his own time and. way. He
ia continually saying to the wicked by
his proviaences, `Thus far halt thou
go and no farther." 6. Mete will not
hesitate to lie. Bring him down as
though you, would inquire -something (v.
15. Under pretense of sending for Paul
to •question him, • they prepare to kill
him. Hatred stops short of no sin to
'carry on its foul designs.
111. Promptnees in,aetione"Heard....
went" (v. 16). Had the young man de-
layed God. must bay* 'worked a. miracle
to save Paul. "It is a lifelong, disadvan-
tage to be slow," Sir Walter Scott
wrote, "Beware. of what women call
dawdling. Do :itletantly whatever is to
bo done, ancl take your recreation after
business, "neverbefore it." It is • said
of one who octiue. to great distinction in
the house of eommons that the first
time he spoke ap that assembly be rose
hastily and. gate expression to his senti-
ments. Ile sat down fearing he had
blundered, In a moment a bit of paper
was handed him by the greatest states-
man of the -clay, containing only these
words, "You'll do." He was SO encour-
aged that he preserved that bit of pa-
per among his treasures. It was handed
down as an heirloom. In a certain man-
sion it hangs handsomely framed in.the
hall: and a knowledge of the history of
the little words, "You'll do," says to
every one, "Be prompt, decisive, come
ageous."-A. C. M.
6akau wzRuvi
The three rallweye reported receipts
of life stook at the cite: market ou Wed-
nesday and Thursday as being. 145 .car4
load; conaistine of 2,300 cattle, 2,504
hop12,300 sheep and !ambit, 143 calves,
and 1 horse.
The bulk of the cattle on sale as fat
were of the common to medium °lase.
Trade was quiet, but steady, We.
good quality butchers and feasters being
readily picked up as there were plenty
of buyers for both.
Prices, as e rule, for butchers' Gettig
were total' the sante as on Tuesday, as
will be Rea by the many alee given.
Exporters -Nd sak; of export steers
were reported, but ri few bulls told at
$4.25 to $4.00.
Butchers -Geo. Rowntree, who bona
820 cattle for the Harris A.batteir Co.,
quotea prioes as follows: Steers and
heifers, $4 to $3.15, with a few prime
quality at $5.40 to $5,50; cows, $1,60 to
$4.10. • Over 400 of these cattle were
from tect Northwest.
Stockers and Feeders- Beat stecre,
000 to 1,000 lbs., at $4 to $4,50; steers,
800 to 900 lbs., at $3.2a to e3,75; beat
stockers, $3: eOnlmOn stockers, $2 to
Milkers and Springers-lithre Was a
steady trade for all good quality Milk
ors and springere at prices ranging from
$35 to $65 each, bub. not many . brought
the latter price,
Veld Calves-Ileceipts of veal calves
were not large. /There was little change
In prices, keing reported as selling from
$3 to $' per cwt., bat there are few
calves that reach $7 pin owt., tee btilk
of fair to good quality sell from $5 to
$6 per co:t.
Sheep and ,Lambs -Receipts of 2,300
sold at about steady prime. Export
ewes, $3.50 to $8.90; rams, $2.50 to 88
per cwt.; lambs. $4,50 to $5.0a or.an
average of $5.3e per cwt.
Hogs-Seleets sold at $8.25, fed and
watered; and $8 1, o. b. oars itt country
points. Dealers quote the market easy,
with prospects of still lower (pota-
Searching For Treasure at Bottom
of Tobermoray Bay.
London, Ozt. 4. -Another effert to
locate the sunken treasure skip in Tob-
Amory Bay was entered upon to -ray,
who, a London readicate 'acquired from
the Duke of Argyll tne right to preee-
cute the Search. The operations in Tob-
armory Bay will be carried on with the
aid. of the most modern and powerful
plant. Titus three times the stdam pow-
er employed by the present syndicate
will be at the disponi of the searchers.
Powerful diggers, with steel probes
130 feet in length, and suction pumps
cepable of turning over a large quantity
of sand, will be utilize& The necessity
for these will be apparent when it is re.
'membered that the operations will be
etterieil on in (10 or 80 feet of water, ana
through many feet of hard clay bottom.
According to tee information whice
the sandicate has obtained there vere
two galleons, the Florencia, 40 Tober-
may Bey, nnd enother and larger
veeeel which remained in the Sound
of Mull, end wart Wrecked there. The
hull is believed to lie oh a rocky boa
tom hear Bratty Point, the promon-
tory on We Movern oast, oppositt
12 1-4e; cowls and heifers, 10. to 1101
Ealle119114 10 tO 10 3.4e, 'Ando is very
St. Hyacinthe, gae.-500 packages but-
ter, 'MI 400 lame cheese lle.
Cattton111. Y.-1,200 tubs butter at
30 3-401 1,000 boxes cheese, 14 5-8e; out-
put about fifty per cent. 'short of aver-
age years a
Watertown,. N, Y, -Cheese sales, 5,300
at 111-2 to 143-4o.
Landon, Ont. -To -day 1,278 boxee
were offered, all colored.; 138 boxes sold
11. 1-4c.
Victeriaaille, Qae.--1,200 boxes cheerio
sold here yesterday at 10 3-4e.
Piton, (Int. -At our Cheese Board to-
day 18 factories boarded. 1,580 boxes, all
colored; higheat aid, 11 1-2e; 325 sold. at
11 1-2e and 165 at 11 7-16e; balance un-
Ottawa, Ont.-Yesterdtty 842 were
boarded, 636 colored and 206 weite; the
ruliag priee wes 115.16c; all were sold,
London,- Large market; business
brisk. Dressed hogs, scarce, selling at
$11 ewt, Live hogs have beeneselltag
at $8, but not likely to be so high next
Montlay, Smell pigs, $0.50- to $7.50 pair.
Oats showed advancing tendency; new
sold at $1.25 to $1.20; old $L41 to $1.45
per beindred pounds. New hay, per ton,
$12 to $14. . Straw, $0,50 to $7,50. But.
ter, plentiful; sales brisk; creamery, 24
to 26e; rolls. 23 to 24e; crock, 22 to
28e. Eggs, prices ecrong; 24c by inoiket
in dairy hall; sellers ask 20 to 27e.
Bellevilk.-Fairly large market to-
day. Live hog market, brisk; buyers
paying $8, est week's price being $8,50,
Dressed hogs were $11. Loose hay ad -
'mimed to Ca th.they, despite big crop.
Potatoea, plentiful at 00. to 05e bag.
Oats down to 40e. Eggs, 2ec, Butter,
25 to 28e.
Peterboro.-On market, dressed hogs,
none offering; live, $7.75; baled hay,
$18; loose hay, $10; farmers' and butch-
ers' hides, 8 to 100; eggs, 25e; butter,
St. 'Mmes. -The prices of live hogs
took it drop to -day, the figures pow
being quoted at *7.50; dressed bogs at
12 1.2e; wheat, 97c; potatoes, $1 to
$1.10 per bag; loose hay, $12; baled hay,
$13per ton; *butter, 25 to 28e; egga, 25c.
Chatham. -Egg prices iftereased to
250 per dozen; butter, 25e; chickens, 20
to I300; ducks, 50c; potatoce; bag, $1;„,
peaches, seitreer,"$2 to $2,25 per bushel;
live hogs declined to $7.75; hay, clover,
$10; timothy, $11 to $12; barley, $1;
corn, bueliel, 05c• oats, 35e; beans, $1.50
to $1.60; deliveries, email; wheat, 95e.
Owen Sound. -The strong advance In
the price of hay was elle feature in to -
dare marketing. Good timothy and
clover was sold at $18 a ton, while
poorer grades sold at $17, Hogs show
a decline of 36e, selling at $7.65; hogs.
dressed, light, $9,50; no heavy hogs of-
fered. Butter, 22 to 230; eggs, 22 to
The grain receipts to -day were quiet.
Wheat steady, 100 buseels of white sell-
ing at $1, Barley sold. at 59c a bushel
for 100 bushels.
Farmers' produce was in good. supply
to -day,' with prices firin for dairy pro-
ducts. Butter sold at 23 to 28e pet lb.,
and eggs -at 20 to 32e per dozen. Poul-
try are easy, with large receipts.
Hay in moderate offer, with priced
firm; 20 loads sold at $16 to $20 a ton
for timothy, and at $8 to $10 for clover.
One load of bundled rye straw sold at
$19 a ton.
Dressed hogs are ateady, with prices
front 811.25 to 811.50.
Wheat, white, new .. ..$ 1 00 $ 0 00
Do., red, new .. 1 00 0 00
Do., goose ...... 0 fr6 0 00
Oats, new, bushel 0 42
Berley, bushel 0 68
Bye, bushel ..„ 0 68
Hay, timothy, ton ... 16 00
Do., clover, ton 8 00
Straw, per ton ..,. .. 16 00
Alsike, fancy, bushel 6 00
Do., No. 1 6 00
Cabbage, dozen . 0 60
Beef, hindquarters .. 10 00
Doe* forequarters' 5 00
Do., choice, carcase 8 00
Do., medium, carcase7 00
'Mutton, per eWt. 8 00
Veal, prime, per Cwt. 8 00
Lnmb, per cwt. 10 00
Do., No. 2 5 25
Do., No. 3 .. . 4 85
Red clover, bushel . ,7 00
Timothy .. 1 40
Dresseri hogs . 11 25
Butter, dairy. 0 23e
Do., . inferior . . . . , 0 20
Eggs, dozen ..., 0 30 0 3'2
Clikkens, lb. .. 0 14 0 15
Ducks, lb. . • O. 13 0 15
Turkeys, lb. . 0 20 0 22
0 12
0 11
2 50
0 05
0 35
1 ,50
1 25
Farmer Terribly Injured by Infue,.
LLE,d ttn:rital Yesterday.
Woodstock, Ont., altespetell: Mat wit
ptobably tie a fetal accident ;smutted
itt Princaon, near here, yeeterday af-
ternoon, avid Thomas Com:ye:no, a pro-
neirsont farmer, lies at the point of
death. While lie Was leading it bull
from the etable the 8,141114 suddenly be -
tame furious Ana ruslied.cit hit% Malt-
ing hen heavily against the stone wall
of the stable; then the animal lowered
its heecl and toseed its victim on its
horn a to the coiling, and he fell heavily
on the cement floor. I3y tlife time helo
had arrived and; the infuriated beast was
driven away front the unconseiouts man.
It Was found that he had, :met/aria ter.
rible injuriee, both internal and exter.
noi, and his recovery ia not expeeted.
Jean hfisenor, it little girl attending
Princeton 881104 Was on the eta of the
Iiiie itt it game of emelt-the-whip. She
Ives thrown egleirset it beeelt and susirtin•
ed tt broloen arm.
0 59
0 70
20 90
ID 00
0.. op
-6 75
6 50
0 75
10 50
8 75
45 00
9 50
10 50
12 00
6 00
7 50
1 60
11.• 50
0 28
O 21
Gecese, lb. .. .,.. 0 11
Vow], lb. .... , . .e .. 0 10
Apples, bbl. ...... 1 00
Potatoes, load, bag 0 55
Celery, dozen 0 3Q
Onions, bag ...... 1 40
Cauliflower, dozen"*... ., 0 70
Supplies of fruit are decreasing, and
prima generally show ineteased firm.
ness. Grapes are pienbiful:
Grapes, email basket ...$ 0 10
0 20
2 75
3 75
OE 30
0 -30
0 35
0 35
0 50
o 15
0 20
0, 15
0 05
4 A
0 50
0 75
0 25
0 35
2 75
Do., large .
Oranges, Val. ... .
Lemon.e, Verdeli
PeltelleS, Can., coin. ...
Do., Orawfards
Mims, Can., basket ...
Pars, basket .
Bartletts :
Apples, bs.sket .
Crabapples, basket ... .
Tomatoes, Oen., basket
Potatoes, Can., bushel .
Do., sweet, barrel
Caataloupee, eritte .
Pepper, red, baaket
Do., green, basket ,
Egg plena basket .
Cra,nberriee, bbl.
Onione, Spanisb, ease „
There axe 35 ear, loeds of live stock at
Lite Union Stock Yards, consisting of 755
'eattlte, 253 sheep and lambs, 19 calve::
and 7 how. About. 500 of the ea We Ire
long to the butchers' also.
St. Lewretice sugars are quoted as fol-
lows: Grituulated, $4.85 per met„ in bar.
relit; No. 1 golden, $4.45 per strt„ in bar.
rel; $4.15a per WA:. in bags.
Thlea prices ere for delivery here. Car
iota 5e lees, In 100-11,. bags prices are 5tt
, New York. -Sugar-- Raw firm; fair
refining 3.70 to 7.731-2e; centrifugal,
06 tot, 4.20 to 4,23 1-2e; molasses auger,
3.45 to 3.48e; refined steady.
'Whea t -October 955-8e, December
03 1•2c, May 98 hao.
Oats -- Oetober 33 1•2e, Deeember
Loudon-Ceenadian bacon 18 66 to 60e,
with liget supplies; hems ate steady tit
70 to 70e; ebeeee is dull *With prieee in-
clined to lower Values, fined, 5:54 tO. 56s
fid, choiceet is 56 to 57s; butter, choie-
est, is 114 to 115s.
Lonclon-eifondon ettbles for tattle are
lower, et 12 to 12 3-4c per pound for
Canittliert steel's, dressed weight; feria.
crater beef it quoted at 11 1-4 to 11 1-2e
per potind.
LivetpoolteeTolne Itogete at Co., Liver -
quote tealey United Statee steers
front 12 1-4 to 120 Cenadians, 11 to
U. S. Vessel Charged With Piracy
. on Higla Seas.
Mexican Gunboat Rau Her Down-
-Crew Arrested,
Medridia, Mexico, Get.. 4. --The Ameri-
ca:t fishing boat Caldwell P. Colt, sus-
pected of being °neva in actual piracy,
la lying at the docks in Progreso, and
her captain, Jeaeph 11,Sehlosee, and. her
crew are held pending an investigation.
The Colt was captured in Mexican wit -
tem by the gunboat Bravo and brought
into this port, Captain Schloss° has ad-
mitted that the Colt is owned by an ex-
porting house at Pensacola. She is
equipped with several rapid. fire guns.
Tee suspiekus conduct of the veseel
caused the Bravo to run her down and
take her into port.
A corps of customs officers has been
*pet aboard. to make an inventory of
her cargo, and both cargo and vessel will
be declared forfeited to the Government.
The crew is being detained at the police
station until the investigetien is com-
pleted. The capture of the vessel has
created it sensation among ahipping men
at this port. For some time the Bravo
and other Mexican gunbeats have been
convinced that piracy wee being prac-
tised on it small scale in the gulf, but
they had been unable to capture any of
the supposed piratical ships. The Colt
was run down, It is not known what
defence her captain will mako.
es* ,
'Steamer Volturno Has a Very Rough
The following cables, dated London,
September ete and giving, latest quota-
tions on Canadian produce,. appeared. in
'Olio week's issue of the Montreal Trade
Bulletin: •
Flour a,nd Grain -Buyers have shown
it little more interest this week, and
have replenished tamales to quite, an ex-
-tent. Canadian spring wheat patents
32e 9d to 33s 3d.
Wheat -The market is firm at an ad-
vance of 3d. on the week for -wheat on
passage and nearby parcels: Stocks are
light. No. 2 northern Manitoba. new
Wheat, Octiamr-November, 36e 7 1-2d to
36s 9d.
Oats -The market is ateady about at
last week's quotations. Canadian. °ate
18s 6d to 18s 9d.
: Butter -The market %%411. Canadian
cereamery 115s to 110.e.
Cheese -The 'market keeps dull, but
owing to light stocks holders are not
forcing sales; Canadian cheese, 578 to
' Bacon -The market is week and. low-
er; Canadian bacon, 685 to 728.
Hay -Market quiet for Cauadian clov-
er mixed, at 088 to :395.
$ 0 15
O 3e
3 50'
4 00
0 45
0 7
0 45
0 45
0 10
0 30
O 30
Q 25
s0 60
0 00
0 73
, 0 00
0 35
0 45
0 00
'0 00
Montreal r'dborts to Bradstreet's say the
voldme of business moving continues 1 airly
largo. Receipts of produce are large and col-
lections good. Grain shipments through this
Dort continue heavy.
Toronto reports to Beadetleet's say all'husl-
ness Is rapping briskly and prospeets for the
future continue of the Most cheertni desh.6?-
Gen. .Fall trade both the country and t o
elty Is °Diming out nicely and an excelfent
volume of retail hualness Is imported nem
all directions. At a natural result ealectlosis
a? e now satisfactory.
Winnipeg routes eay trade all through the
West is exceedingly brisk.
Vancouver and Victoria -reports say general
business all along the coast continues to
steadily increase in TOlUtne.
Quebec reports to iiiradstreet's say the con-
tinued rains have retarded business in coun-
try places and the week in general is quiet
it comparison to the preceding one.
BaMilton reports say wholesalers and man-
ofseturers here continue to report groat ac-
tivity in their fteveral
London reporte say business there has
shoier; further improvement during the week.
Ottawa reports eay general trade Is now
fairly salve.
Jessie Bel antyne Said She Was
. • Tir ed of Lift..
&mutat& despatea: Jeeele Bellonlyne,
daughter of John Ballantyne, a farmer
neer Avonton, took her life hero to-
day by swallowing Palle green. She
was employed ae a doineatic in the city
11t the home of Mr, II. C. Yeandle, and
thetigh she took the poison last night
she lived hi'great agoily till.this morn-
ing. The deed was apparently deliber-
ate, at the titifortonate girl when found
by 'Mrs. Yeendle watt living and able to
.faleak, but refueted , to take emetics.
Doctors ueed the stoinaeh putip, lett
withcnit avail.
It is said deteased left a note stating
She Was tired of life. She was twenty-
one and. hell been here only A short
Revenue and Losses Canada For
the Year 1908.
Ottawa despatch:. The annual report
of the Iesuranee Beanolt of the Fin-
ance Department, just issued, shows
that the tad amount . received du
premiums by the fire infillianCe eorn-
paniee during the calendar year 1908
was *17,027,275, an ineeeese of $912,•
800 over 1007, while the total amount
paid for lames was $10,279,45, an in.
crease of 1.1,834,414,
Canadian colnpanies doing Loth
fire and marine insurance business in
Canada end abroad received a total
cash income of *7,885,504, while the
expenditure totalled $8;876,293. For
every *100 of income there was Ppolit
$09.38 for lessee, $35.33 for getteral
expenses, and $1.51 for dividends to
stockholders. The total life ittur-
ance in force at the ond of the year
was $719,516,014, an increase of V13,-
992.527 during the twelve months. Of
this inorease Canadian Life oompan-
ies got *29,603,207.
.of the British companier bliofsfille
*20,307. , The total anunint paid to
policy -holders during the year was
$16,122,976, of which $7,831,237 Was
in death claims, $3,418,029 in ma-
tured endowments, $346,344 in annui-
ties, and $1,741,293 in dividends to
policy -holders. The total premiums iaa
come was $80,507,653, of which 52.-
75 per cent. was paid to policy -holders.
Tee total income of the Canadianecom-
pantse was $28,786,482, and total ex-
ponditure, $16,402,0e4, Out of every
100 of income there were peel to
policy -holders $33.86, in general expen-
ses *21.25, in taxes $7 tents, and in div-
idends to stook -holders 90 cents, leav-
ing $43.03 to be carried to reserves,
Halifax report: Two days late, owing
to an equinoctial gale, with welch she
battled five day., the Note/tweet Trans-
port liner Volturno panto into port fron:
Rotterdam yesterday morning and land-
ed one hundred paeomgese. Two hun-
dred and fifty more were taken on. to
New York.
Offieers of the Volturno eentemed
the report that the Ekyptian
liners Cairo and Heliopolis will be
placed on title rout by the N. W. T.
line; and stated that when they left
the -other side these sbeamers were on
their way from Merseiaes, to undei go
some alteeations to fit them for this ser-
For five days the Volt:time was bat.
tered by giant slats. The gale was en.
countered on the edge of the. Denim
about a week ago, and un the first
day the -passengers were seet to their
cabins, and the hatehes battened
down. They were kept below until
the steannte ran out of the storm, and
adl were very thankful to be allowecl
on deck again, Cape. Morrison was 'on
the bridge conitinuotisly for over ninety
hours. The steamer shipped a lot of
Stowed in between decks was an
assortment of wild animals coming
from Ilage.nbaak's museum in Heel -
inn to Washingtem. There were
three leopards, 'five Polar 'heirs, three
Russian bears, two ostriches, ten deer
of various siteeies, and several orates
of pheasants,partridges and pigeons.
Maty . United States Infantrymen
Dtopped Prom Sheer Exhaustien,
Ointinnati, Oct. 4.--Vahlin son men
of the Second Infantry, U. S. A., were
returning to Fort Thomas, laetaucky, at
an early hour to -day on it forced march
of 43 milesefron1 Porb Perry, Ohio, many
dropped in the ranks from sheer
Lieut. 0, W. Awe, surgeoa of the
regime* fainted end fell from his
hors tvhile paeslog New Riehtneed,
Ohio, and wee hterried in an •alninliallee
40a Cincinnati hospital. Ile is said to
be ;suffering from appendicitis, •
One army ambulance, over-erowded
with diekbled men, broke down at the
eify limits. • The regiment made the
forted march +Limier orders from the
War Department.
sobost000l, Oct. 4.--.Tbe Rustiest bet--
tie/314e Ekaterita 17. and Tehesme have
beets strielcen from the Bata and will be
broken tip end eold.
Ten Thousand Acres Found in the
Peace River District,
Edmonton, Alta, Oct. 4. --Ten thou-
sand acres of coca, beautiful, rich bitu-
minous coal. whieli will bake to the ex-
tent of 86 per eeree, nave been located on
the Peace River, juet acmes the bolder
of Bribissh Columbia, by a Syn diea be,
tirhaell includes several prominent capital-
ists of Eastern Chemin. 1:1h14 is the lat-
•est sensational discovery in the far-
famed Peaee River country. Smell seams
of coal haao been found at ill terVitiS
along Peat° River, well up towards the
InPurastinS. but notating of the extent
and the cite:laity of the huge coal area
li baseableietnateatsk.A over by teis syn -
The engineer Who surveyed it deolares
that the coal was of a quality that
would prOve excellent for ittanufacturing
as well aa for dcanestie purposes.
• e.
Was Solicitor.General in Sir John
Thompson's Regime.'
Montreal report: Hon. J. J. Curran,
justice of the Supremo Court of Quebec,
died usddenly here to -day, He was
Solicitor -General under Sir John Thomp-
son and under Sir Mackenzie Bowen.
The late Judge Curran went to Eu-
rope for a teem months' trip for the
benefit of his health during' the past
summer, and returned about two
weeks ago. The journey did not have
the desired effect. He leaves one son
and two daughters. His son Frank
tees the Conservative candidate it St.
Aim's for the Commons in a by-election
previous to the general.
Curran bridge, ope of the principal
erossicigs of the taahine Canal in the.
city, Was built when the late judge was
a Cabinet Minister. It will be remem-
bered the diselosures in conneetion with
the construction creited it sensation at
the time.
$1,000,000 FIRE
Another Big Lumber Yard at Mid-
land Wiped Out.
A Toronto Man Under Arrest in
utotam Abhuts
no. Papists -
rigraiiii pee mem Se
nal adirsrOserealiti lge lec
Airviarrarilril Rakkrie-IreirodOarni
flag glisegeo,110 nor imaa sow "F.
oharipull lOsi par lino tor Arst ind
Advartistesonts in tho loosl=nns fine
per Inclfor each subsoomint zorgan.
or to Root. and idmdlar, 11.04
Advartissmouts of Strays& Farm/ *sr Hai
weeks. and 116 mite tor each
Cosrrstaar 1141•121. -Tho following are OW
rates far the insartdon of savertissiseille /di
1020n 1Yr. 011o. $ Mo. 1
One Column. .$70.00 140.03
Halt Column.. , £O,00 26.00 MOO 6,01
Quarter °Gianni:- 20.00 12.60 7.60 ILO
Dn. Inoh , ene 1.00 5.03 1.1I
Advertise:numbs without specific di:veils:1Di
will bri inserted till forbid and charged co
cordingly. Transient adverilasumints mast bI
paid for ia advance.
Office :-
TrpetaIrs in the Macdonald Block.
*tight calla answered at office.
174 -
Roe -beater; N. Y, Oet. 4.-F. C.
Schaffer, 30 years old, who is alleged
to have passed several bogus cheques in
this city Ltda. in Toronto, Ont., during
the month of September, was arrested
to -day in Seuth Avenue, this city, by
Special Officer Dockstader, at the re-
quest of the Buffalo police, brought to
tlas city, and at a hearing in the Police
Court was remanded to jail pending en
investigation •
During September it is alleged that
Sehaffer passed four bogus cheques on
three local business men for sinal am-
ounts. All the elle(11108 were drawn On
tile Bane of Toronto.
The police have received it communi-
cetion from the chief constable a Tor-
onto to the •effect that several bogus
cheques have been passed there, and
that Schaffer is wanted by the authori-
ties of that city.
Schaffer, who says he lives .on JaMes
street, Toronea, claims to be a promo-
ter. For it time he sold Cobalt atoelcs
for a Toronto firm, which, it is said, dis-
charged him. It is alleged that he. con-
tinued to sell stocks for the firm after
Itis discharge, for which he was wanted
by the aolice,. but the matter was ad-
justed before an arrest was made.
Chinese Superintendent Offends
Girl Teachers.
Pittsburg, Pa, Oct, plaeing o.f
it full-blooded Chinese as eunerintepdent
of it Presbyterian Sunday solionl has clis-
rapted the school and threatens more
beam. The last week Tee Yang, a
Chrtstianized Chinese; succeeded Edwin
Gray as 6superintendent, pesitien. the.
latter had held for twenty-six ..years.
The Chinese now Ilea. an interesting
strike on hand,
Yee Tang wag aeoply interested in the
Eleic igel eance and was outspoken in
his convictions that Chineee and Ameri-
can girls are thrown too much together
in the Sunday schools. Ire created con-
sternation by enouncing that he would
not permit the Chinese to be taught in-
dividually by young women,.as had been
the case for years in this Sunday school.
He grouped the Chinese in lots of six or
eight; with elderly women or men teach-
ers. The Chinese students then dropped
out. there being onlx two in the Sunday
ei-hool now. •
To make matters worse, many young
women teachers resented the -new ruling
as a reflection on them and kit the
Midland, Out, deepateh:alialaotle suf.
feted its secend groat loss by' Cte uathie
two weeks to-cley, when Manley Chew's
pad, at Dollattown, WAS eymplebely
wiped out, 'late fire started in it pile of
lumber may a short distanee from the
mill, and soon got beyond the control
of the fir equipntent about the mill,
The stock Was one of the most vain
able itt town, being, with the exceptien
of 100,000 feet, all clear white pine WM-
her, and wee considered to ho tee best
sed8Ort's eut thentill had turned out in
litre years. The yard was peeked from
end to .enth
Phe fire eoverea an, nine, of about
thirteen twee, and has laid bore a
yard that it will tido nearly two !Ma-
sons to re -stock, This is the third large
leas the Ofstowe have eusteined within it
year, •and the total loss of lumber alone
will reach seventy-five million feet.
So far * as is kanow» toolay•a fira
eanaed by a spork fmne tho
burner being entrina by the wind into
a pile Of dry lumber.
A maim I, IBM
Onttote at Ilstital,
gliptirgaill °clip
Dental &nary Pt
-40los 31404PAIA 111•61-
M.D., MP C•P.S.O.
(Member of the British Medical Aasoedatioe)
Special attention paid to Diseases of vronies
and children,
Ovvicar nouns :-1 to I p.m,; Y to 9 p.m,
8.1: (Mt
Physician and Surgegn.
(Dr. Ciaiksholm's old stand)
Mentioned in Last Letter of Girl Now
, Dead.
St. Catharines, Ont., Oot, 3. -Local
authorities have succeeded in locating
in Toronto Mr. and .Mrs, Kachet, the
couple who came here 'from Toronto
with .Susie Clark, the girl into *hose
death a coroner's inquest is being
held, arid who were married by Rev.
Dr, Benson, of Welland Avenue Meth-
odist Church. They have expressed
anxiety about the girl.
The last letter written by deceased
to her mother in Napanee has also
been found, and two written to Mrs.
Harry Wilford of this city. In one
she refere to tc man in Port Dalhousie,
whom she thinks she will sever re-
lations with, and one called Harry,
in Toronto, whom she will thump.
The parents have sent for the body,
which was sent to Napanee for in.
terrnant. Susan Clark was the &ugh.
Lor of Richard Clark,4 it railroad Con-
structor, now in Neve 33rOnewick with
MeCay & Wilford. The fa.znily is
grate respeetable.
Toronto, Ont., Oet. 4. -The firm of
Wyatt k Cob, stoek brokers, the head of
which Major Harry F. Wyatt, died sud-
denly on Thursday last, assigned: this
morning to B. R. 0. Clarkeon, assignee.
Nothing has been given out as to the
state of the fitarrs amounts but it is
understood there be it deficiency.
One report, Indeed, NikA it the shortage
-Mil amount into 'the tens of thousends,
Several amountnnts are now at work
on the books, and it is intimated that
as Soon RS their investigations make it
poseible it meeting of the firm's creditors
will be celled,
Louden, Oct. 17.
5. Ambasamlor to Great Britain, re-
ceived the heronry degree of U. D.
from the University of Mariehostel" to -
Honor Graduate of Torouto University..
Licentiate of Ontario College of Physiolain
and Surgeons.
Devotes special eitention to Diseases of th•
Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat.
Eyes Thoroughly Tested.
Glasses Properly Fitted.
Office with Dr. Kennedy.
Office Hours to 6-7 to 8 p. m.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether en
invention Is prohably patentable, Communise.
times strictly conedentiaL. lifiNtifilleit on Patents
sent free. Oldest agoncitor securing patents.
Patents taken Vitae h Munn & Co. receive
o.erge, Mead tiZc311e ric no
A handsomely illustrm.cd weekly. Lamest cir-
culation of any setentitio journal. Terme for
Canada, $3.I5 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by
all nowodealers.
MU & C
Now York
NN o SSisrestitiay,
wanes ovate. vbs at. Washingtonre o.
zsmL ammo :at ova
Oman ra sums nu= Wisrastais
General Hospital!
MA* Bormaawat Saapeoilia)
mem:Ur altuits& 0=r
ga4s ragitenigroh inoltida
• anrsing .)-46.60 to f0 per Wook.
to location of room. For further
tion -Address
MUM .r. ro. WELCH
Box 123, W1nghs110. Olik
Money to loan at lowest rates.
Oarton 1--BRATIca BLOOM,
Barristers, Solicitors, etc,
Office: Meyer Block, WIngham.
B. L. Dickinson ' Duciloy Tiolroos
nOillee :-Morton Block, Winea
Established 1840.
Hood Office GUELPH, ON.
Risks taken on all classes of in.
surable property on tha catah or pre-
mium note system.'
President. Seeretery.
Agents. Weighed), Ont
terte.4... *WITZelf
Write for our in'erest ing boeks " l'nyen
°es tisip " an I "How you are swIndird.".
Stud ns a rough sketch i r model of your In-
ventida or int provement and we will tell you
tree Our opinion .5 to whether it ic p isbalily
pateujable, Rejected applications hsvfoften
and-Washingloh ; this qualifies us to prompt.
been successfully prosecuted by us, W:
conddct fully equipped offices 40 Montreal It
1 ly dispatch work and quielolv at cdre Detente
as brd as the invention. Ilighestrekrences
Patents procured through•tiarion l'i Ma.
rion receive special notice without charge in
over too newspapers distributed throughout
the D 'minion.
Specialty ;-Patent business of :kfanufao-
turers and Bug -lacers. .
Patent Expert; and Solicitors.
. 1 New York Life D'id'fr, flontreal
°ffic".....:„.....,...1 „sAt.1..wanti....c 11id.F.,,,W4_111,.....ns...to4D.G.,
Girl's Pitiful Death Trying to Hide
Her Shame.
Died at St. Catharines Hospital
• From Blocd Poisoning.
St. Catharines despatch: An Inquest
was begun to -night into the death of
Susan Clark, aged 18, of Na,panee,
who died last night at tho hospital.
Only two witnesses were examined
outside of the doctors. who performed
the postmortem, and although it is
believed a criminal operation was per-
formed, Yet tho memories of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Willford,.erith whom the
deceased stopped while itt the city,
were so uncertain in regard to names
and dates that adjournment WaS made
for three weeks, The assistance of
the attotney-general's department at
Toronto' will be asked for,
Mrs, Willford testified to having
first met the Clark girl at Centre Is-
land, Toronto, a year ago, when Susan
worked as a domestic for Mrs. Mead.
She also stated that the deceased hes
a Water Florence in Toronto. Witness
heard nothing further from the girl
until two weeks ago, when she re-
ceived word from Susan that she was
coming to pay her a visit, Several
days 'later she arrived from Toronto,
After Susan had confided her in-
tention of procuring an abortion, Mrs.
Willford, said she tried to dissuade
the girleand only went to the Falls
with her last Friday to keep her from
committing suicide, as she had threat-
ened to dol
Mrs. Wiliford admits,however, go-
ing to a street door ofa doetor's of.
Ile at Niagara Valls, N.Y. Susie went
in for five minutes, nm e met, and said
it was all otter.
Last. Wednesday, Dr, Chapman was
called in by Mr. Willford, and on
Thursday the girl's case became so
serious that she was removed to the
hospital, where she died before mid-
night of septic peritonitis, refusing
herself to divulge to Dr. Charlton
the name of the dotter who performed
the abortion, but admitting that one
had taken place after medioine elle
had taken in Toronto by "whole glass.
fuls" had failed,
The Crown authorities ore anxious
Lo Iodate the young couple who ac-
companied the Clark girl to St. Oath.
atines from Toronto, and who stop.
ped at the International Rotel hero,
according to Reny Willford's evi-
dente. The couple, he says, were mar-
ried her the next day by Rev. Man=
ley Denson. and accompanied his wife
and the Cla,:k girl to Niagara, Falls
and there disappeared. Willford
speaks ef, the eouple taa "Mt and Mrs,
Culture,,They belong to Toronto.
A Palpable Nit,
Ve (cold and unsentimen( ed)-Witen
man fella in love be lemmas a, fool.
She-- 'Plane are lots of foolwho
haven't hall ati good an muse.- Poston
How a Boston Publisher Would En&
Boston, Oct. 4. -After years oe nialerre
-lug, the plans of Edwin Gino, the Boston
publisher, to promulgate universalpeece
are ready to launch. Ib is Me. Ginn's
ambition to see established what he
calls an Internatidnal School of Peace
to be conducted along sound business
lines: When the proper time conies he
will lay the foundation stone of such
a school by an annual contribution of
$50,000, and will c mem:, it after 'his
For it long time this well-hnown
publisher hes had two persons working
out bjs ideas and putting theM into.
proper shape. They are Edwin G. Metull
and Miss Anna B. Eckstein, both of:
whom have practically a world-wide.
recognition in the cause of universal/
The International Scheel p.1 Peace;„
which 11r. Ginn would have fouedede
is intended to provide permituent legat
machinery for receivingband disbursing
eontributions and bequests.
It is Mr, Ginn's idea that there ShouTd
be it bureau of education, which should
attempt to inodify thecourses of study
in schools, eolkges and universities, so
as to miaimize the achievements of war.
Another part of his plan is the estab-
lishment by the Government of a seltool
for the edueaton of its public servants,
and a bureet under the council of a
Cithinet officer, whose duty it should be
to study broadly international relations.
Says Mr. Ginn specifieally on this
point: "Tile time may vane, I hope
speedily, when thes Minister of Neee.
will be regraded as quite as important,
to the hump ritee as the Minister of:
• e -
Outrage at Detroit Dock Attrituted
to Marine Strikers.
Detroit, Miele, Oet. 4. -Two mein
believed to. bo marine strikers, trept
upon the deck of the steamer North.
ern Queen, lying at the foot of Ran-
'dolph street, last night, and picking
up William Sanible, a deekitand, threw
hint into the river. ;kW& cannot
swim. flis eries for help were heard
by other members of the crew on
hoard and he was rotated: While all
Were in the cabin a, few minutes later
an ottempt was made to east the
Steamer adrift by slipping, the hawser
holding 1181' to the clod, but this was
discovered before she had moved more
than a low feet. Tho police have
two sailors under arrest on setspieion.
Tito popular actor who has it cigar
named -after him haft tome mom for Ise.
big puffed u.'