The Wingham Advance, 1909-09-30, Page 44
Dress Goods
New Broadcloths—new Worsted Suitings—ne w two-tone
Worsteds—new Satin Primilla Cloths—now Shadow Stripe Ladies
Cloths—new Ottoman Cords—new Silk and Wool Novelty—
Evening Wear Fabrics in plain and fancy' Satin Stripes. Every
new and fashionable weave frem the fashion centres of the world,
and in much a delightful array of shades and color combinations
as never before graced our counters.
NEW FANCY SILKS. --New Corded Silks for fall, New
Pailette Silks, A beautiful range of Autumn Colorings.
FLANNELETTES.—All our new Flannelettes and Wrapper-
ettes aro now in, A beautiful range of patterns and colors to
choose from.
BLANKETS.—Ask to eee our white, unshrinkable wool
Blankets, thoroughly scoured, warm, full nap, pink or blue
borders, fine weave, a great wearing, beautiful washing blanket.
Each blanket bound separately.
BARGAINS.—We've still a few Boys' Suits left, sizes 22 to
28. Price, $1,50. Also a few pairs of Shoes at bargain prices,
• Y
Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples.
King's For Bargains I I We Want Your Trade
Fall Goods
now here when every person will be needing
heavier clothing. We have a fine range • of
Ladies' knitted goods " in. Golfers, etc.—Come
in and see them.
HOSIERY.—See our range of Fall and Winter
Hosiery: Extra values in Worsteds and
° Cashmeres.
UNDERWEAR.—We have the largest and best
assorted range we have yet shown, and the
quality is second' to none..
SPECIAL -25 pieces Wrapperette 36 in. wide—
the best you have seen—io cts.
MEN'S CLOTHING. --A complete range. of Men's
and Boys' Clothing in' Suits and `Overcoats
and prices to suit everybody.
Eggs 25 Cts. Tub Butter 20 ets.
Good Goods
Cheap Prices
Special Legislative Grant,
The special Legislative grant, which
is now being distributed amongst the
Public and Separate schools of O i
tario, is to be apportioned on the basis
of the grade of the teachers' certifi-
cates• and the length of their success-
ful experience.
This grant Is to be applied exclus, ve-
ly as an addition to teachers salaries
in accordance with a epeeiffed regula-
tion. In cities, for teachers 'having
over five years' experience on July 1st
of this year, a first-class certificated
teacher is to receive $20, a second class
$15, and those with less than five
years' experience in teaching are al-
lotted $15, $10 and $7.50 respectively.
In towns the scale is rather better,
presumably because the salar les are
lower and require augmenting. They
will benefit by $30, $22 50, $15, and
$11.25 respectively as outlined above.
Villages go up another, notch to $10,
$30, $20 and $15. In urban munici-
palities with over 1,500 population it
is about the same, but in other muni-
cipalities the rate is increased to $50,
$37.50, $31,25 and $25.
Tho Ontario Government's purpose
is, of `course, grlite apparent, What
has 'been accomplished of late in the
rural districts it is,now the purpose to
extend to the larger towns and cities,
thus making the lot of the teacher
brighter and giving an impeturs to
higher salaries inorder to stem the
tide westward which is now denuding
the province of many of its bright and
promising teachers. •
Whitechurch Hardware Store News 1
The Season For Stoves
Is Almost Here.
Be sure and see our New Steel Range, with hearth
and copper reservoir enclosed, large oven with drop door,
fitted for both coal and wood, handsomely finished, and
the price is only $20.00,
When in the village, call and learn how you can get a
handsome Parlor Lamp free for a New Year's gift.
Does your house need Painting ? Get our figures for
the finished job — they'll . surprise .you and •you will get
a first-class job.
1 will furnish genuine Prost Wire Fencing, hooks and
staples, kr an 3 -wire fence, and put it up for yo�l, for
40 Centel per rod.e ,
J. T. Holmes -Whitechurch
An Industrial Danger.
Atttonlobiied 4$Qo Miles*
l.�our thousand Live hundred miles.
in an automobile Is the interesting
trip which 1fr. an Mrs. E, P. Painter
and daughter of Jacksonville,
are on. ['They reached St.t Oatharines
after an eventful trip and ps•ido them-
selves on being the first party to make
the trip overland from. Florida to
Canada in an automobile,
The greatest danger to the world's
industries at the present day is the
threatened scarcity of iron, .says S.
Phillip, a recent magazine writer.
The exhaustion of the world's iron ore
fields, he contends, is far nearer than is
generally realized, and he adds that
the much talked of failure of the coal
supply in the near future would be far
lees important than a dearth of iron.
The writer estimates the world's de-
mand for iron during the next ten
years at 60,000,000 tons a year, which
means from 150,000,000 to 180,000,000
tons of ore. Ore containing less than
20 per cent. of pure iron is not regard-
ed as worth smelting. It is therefore
only the ore fields yielding more than
20 per cent. of the metal that enter
the calculation. The largest of these,
that of Kirunavara-Luossavara in
Sweden, contains, aecof'ding to the
latest estimates, from 000,000,000 to
800,000,000 tons of ore, which would be
sufficient to cover the world's needs
for barely five years. '
There are of coarse numerous other
sources of supply, but of late it bas
become increasingly plain that the
probable yield of these has been great-
ly o'veresflmated.
High Tax Rate.
Palmerston's tax rate of 20 mills on
the dollar is surpassed by Orillia, the
Town Council of which place has
struck the tax rate at 31 mills, the
highest in the history of the town.
The cause of the large rate is an in-
crease in many appropriations and the
cancelling of an overdraft that bas
been kept in suspension for a few
Fell Under Freight Train.
Stumbling under a shunting freight
train, upon which he was a brakeman,
Edward Parker, a young man whose
parents live at Clifford, was instantly
killed at Moorefield last Thursday
afternoon about three o'cicyek. The
wheels passed over the abdomen, and
the body was terribly mangled.
Parker was employed on a run be)
tween Guelph and Southampton, and
made .bis headquarters at Guelph.
Fine Souvenir Number.
The Montreal Standard's Special
Number has come to hand, and is .a
most creditable production. It has a
magnificent cover in colors, painted
by one of America's best known ar-
tists. The Number contains nearly
150 half -tone plates devoted to sub-
jectsf general interest, and has two
superb pa leramic views of Montreal
suitable for framing. The• printing is
first class, and we understand that
many thousands of the issue have
been sent to friends abroad.
—A yield of 127 bushels of oats to
the acre seems almost incredible; but
the Lumsden News -Record reports
suchto bo the case in a field of oats
grown by Mr. J. G. Miller on his farm
near that place.
—The town of Sandwich is excited
over a discovery by Richard McKee of
supposed gold deposits on the Prince
farm, near - the county town. McKee
was installing a water pipe, and he
claims he has unearthed grains of
—There is much sickness still in
Cobalt; 108 cases of fever have been
reported. A disease has also broken
out among the pigs of the Silver'eity.
Awhile ago, it was the "blind pigs"
that were suffering, but now it is the
real pig.
--Owen Sound stands unique
amongst Canadian towns to -day, in
that it is probably the first town to
totally 'discard all the street names
which have marked its thoroughfares
since its incorporation, nearly 60 years
ago, and adopt numbers.
—A woman in Vancouver, B. •0„ re-
cently deserted her twin babies, and
they are now being cared for by the
members of the Loyal True Blue Asso-
ciation in that city. To care for the
neglected or orphan children is the
chief object of this Association.
—Some weeks ago M. J. O'Brien,
contractor, and owner of the .famous
Cobalt property, made a new purchase
from amongst the Gillies limits for
$10,500, and it has, been known ever
since as the Young and, O'Brien mine,
It is reported that they have sold out
for $400,000.
—Here is a copyy of an advertise-
ment which was displayed in a store
window in a Saskatchewan town
Rancl avay, von red and vite Calf mit
his behind legs vas plaek. .He was a
the calf. Anypoty vot will piing dot
calf home pays me fife dollar, Hans
Do You Lack Self -Control ?
If you are constantly keyed up, ner-
vous, perhaps depressed, look to your
over-worked nerves for the cause.
They are starving for the nourishment
that. Ferrozone so quickly supplies.
Besides its tonic action on the nervous
system, Ferrozone has marvelous
blood -forming properties. It, thus
supplies strengthening materials to
every nook and corner of the body
and brings the system to a condition
of perfect health. To be strong, to
eat well, and work long without fa-
tigue, use Ferrozone ; it is the 'beet
nerve system tonic known, At all
dealers in 50c boxes.
Dr. Hamilton Follows Nature's Plan.
No physielanwas More successful in
treating stomach and liver troubles
than Dr. Hamilton. He avoided harsh,
medicines and produced a wonderful
pill of vegetable composition that al.
ways cures. Dr, Hamiltons Pills are
noted for promptly curing biliousness,
elek headaches. constipation and stom-
ach trouble, They work like a charm
—very mild—yet searching and health.
iving, No where can a batter tonic
axtt<tive be found than in Dr. Hamil-
ton'e Pills. Try them and be eons
vinced, 26o at all dealers.
Doing Their Share.
Twins were born to. Mr, and Mrs.
Frederick Schermer of Maine OILY,
last week, making the fourth pair
born in this family inside of five years.
There have been fourteen children in
the family, ten of whom are living.
Ruling Passion,. •
The editor wasdying, says an ex-
change, but when the doctor bent
over, placed his ear onrhis breast to
catch if possible the heart beat, and
said, 'Poor man ! circulation almost
gone 1" the dying editor eat up and
shouted ; "You're a liar ; we have the
largest circulation in the country,"
Parisian Sage, the quick acting hair
restorer, is now for sale in Wingbam
at the drug store of J. Walton 11oKib-
`bon and is sold with a rigid guarantee'
at 50 cents a bottle.
Parisian Sage has. an immense sale,
and here are the reasons ;
It is•safe and harmless.
It cures dandruff in two weeks, by
killing the dandruff germ.
rt stops falling hair.
It promptly stops itching of scalp. .
It makes the hair soft and luxuriant.
It gives life and beauty to the hair.
It is not sticky or greasy.
It is the daintiest perfumed hair
tonic made. -
It is the best, the most pleasant and
invigorating hair dressing made.
Fight shy of the druggist who offers
you a substitute, he is unworthy of
your confidence.
An Enemy Did This.
Considerable excitement has been
caused in London township by the
work of sheep -poisoners. Cecil Lang-
ford, of concession 15, found five dead
in his field on Saturday, five more
have died since and four others are
sick. On investigation it was found
that parts green had been mixed with
salt and placed in the field where the
sheep were kept. Quite recently Mr.
Langford, had a valuable colt docked'he was ready to take itto the
Fair for exhibition.
Paying Its .Way.
The. Provincial -owned railway, the
Temiskarning 47 Northern Ontario, is
now, paying . its way. Hon, A. J.
Matheson, the Provincial Treasurer,
annpunced at the close of Thursday's
Cabinet session that the net receipts
from operation for the seven months
ending July 31, were $870,608, while
the proportionate share of the interest
at four per -cent. on the expenditure of
constructing and operating the entire
system, was $350,000. The announce-
ment, while anticipated for some time,
signalizes a new era for the people's
One In Seven Called By Consumption.
A dreadful plague indeed when you
consider that in incipient stages it can
be cured. Take care of the little cold
before it becomes •a big one. When
the throat is sore and it hurts to ex-
pand your chest, rub in Nerviline and„
immediately apply one of Poison's
Nerviline Porous Plasters. Pain and
tightness are at once relieved. In-
flammation and soreness gradually
disappear and fatal illness is thus
avoided. Nerviline Plasters act as a
counter irritant over the seat of pain,
and as an exterior application in cur-
ing colds in 'the muscles, in pleurisy
and headaches they have no equal.
Keep these remedies right in your
High Price For Eggs.
Fresh eggs are bringing 32 cents in
Toronto, and it is said the price will
be higher before it is lower. It is not
because the supply is running short,
for the hens are still at work, and
farmers are taking more interest in
their poultry yards; Hens have been
a paying proposition in recent years.
The demand, however is greater than
the supply, there are more people
using eggs than there are hens to lay
the eggs, Then the great Canadian
west is not producing many eggs.
The' people on the prairies'are fond of
eggs, but they do not raise much else
than wheat.
A, Kitten Crowned. _
The most luxurious, kitten in Lon -
•cion, England, is a little pink Persian,
which sat for 'its photograph in the
studio of a well-known animal photog-
rapher, wearing a gold crown on its
head and a golf order round its neck.
The pink Persian cat 'belongs to Mrs,
Brooke, president of the Gotham Club
of New York, who is on a visit to ton -
den, This crowned kittens enjoys s.
perfumed bath every morning, and
ono of its favourite pastimes is to paw
the keys of a grand piano."f was
the first cat,lover to 'think of giving a
diam hd ear -rings," cat o g ," said Mrs.
Brooks, "tangles and necklaces had
become so very hackneyed, and I
's, sola a had
and abeutiful
unlike anyone
wanted my cat to be
onAt my
stat a pstr of fine diamond earrings,"
The best time to outer our classes is
NOW. Wo are runningthe largest
and, we believe, the best usiness train-
ing school in Western Ontario. Three
departments — Commercial, Shorthand
and Telegraphy.
Got a money:making education. Our
graduates aro in demand and aro meet-
ing with success. Got our free cata-
logue now.
oro 111
t GethT a Best. It Pays. S,
Ono School that stands at the head in
Thoroughness, Popularity and
Genuine Merit is the
It enjoys a large patronage because its
superior work is so well known, Get
fled. tAltngraduatesneasily get bo sibs.
• Catalogue free. Enter now.g positions.
Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.
Take Comfort.
Hot weather is here. To
enjoy it, get one of our
Coaloil Stoves
• And Save Fuel and
Cook in Comfort,
Graniteware and Tinware.
Ranges of Best Makes.
Reliable Garden Hose.
Plumbing our Specialty.
Stone Block - Wngham
eac es
This is the week £or
the best quality Craw-
ford Peaches. Call and
see them --they are No.
1 Fruit.
Fresh ripe Tomatoes,
green Corn, Beets, Car-
rots, Cabbage, Onions—
fresh from the grower
every day.
Produce Wanted.
Pl•1ONB ; .54
Agents Ladies'
Home Journal
Kerr Sz Bird.
Agents for the
Ladies' Herne
Nearly All Our New Goods
For Fall Are In Stock
New - Dress Coods in very latest styles.
New Trimmings. • New Ribbons. New Cloves.
Buttons. Handkerchiefs.
Ask to see our New Hosiery. Pure All Woo], Plain Wool, Ribbed Wool,
Ribbed Worsted and Fine Cashmere. Quality guaranteed.
New Wool Goods ready for cold weather. Pure All Wool Sweaters for
Men and Boys ; 'Tweed Caps, Wool Caps, Tams, Toques, &c. Wool Under-
wear for everybody from the baby to the. 'big man. '
A splendid line of Fleeced Underwear for Men—sizes 36 to 44—regular
price 60c each, our price only 50c each.
Pure Wool Underwear ford Women, Girls and Infants.
° BLANKETS.—A11 Pare Wool, Union or Cotton Sheeting, Wool, Union and Flannelette.
Ready-to-wear Clothing for Men and Boys—New Goode, and the prices are right.
Don't Forget our special offer to Cash Customers.
Issuer of • Marriage Licenses.
Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass
and Weather Insurance, . coupled
with a Real Estate and Money
Loaning business.
Office over Malcolm's Grocery
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar-
ket can have it on reasonable terms.
Money transmitted and payable at
par at any Bank in the Dominion.
RATES.—$5.00 and under, 3 cts.
$10 to $30, 10 eta. $30 to $50, 15 ets.
Same rates charged on principal
banking points in the U, S.
Jas. Walker St Son
Furniture Dealers
0 and Undertakers
We are specially qualified Under-
takers and Embalmers, and those
entrusting their work to us may rely
on it being well done. Night calls
received at residence.
Office Phone 106 House Phone 125
Capital (paid up) • $3,980,000
Reserve tsZi yr cal- • $5,297,000
Total Assets,..over $50,000,000
Interest allowed on deposit of 01.00
and upwards
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Can.
oda, the United States and Faro p ,
W, R, GEIKI8, linger
. `iiitatig 5, Idoltcltior
Fall Goods.
exceptional good value, being Imported direct from
England. We can save you 75e and $1.00 on any
Underskirt. In colors of Black, Blue, Green and
Brown, to match the Fall Suitings ; special prices while
they last, ranging from $1.25 to $2.50.
IMPORTED RIBBONS.—Velvets in all colors. "Silks in all
/ widths at special prices.
LADIES' FALL SUITINGS.—Now is the time for Ladies'
• Fall Suitings ; we have them in all kinds and shades,
in suit lengths. No two alike. Full 54 and 56 inch
goods 'in Venetians and Broadcloths.
MANTLE CLOTH.—In Ladies' Mantle Cloth for Coats, we
have a good range in brown and blue stripes.
MEN'S FALL SUITS.—Just arrived, Men's Suits for fall
in latest styles and newest outs. Prices to suit you.
YARNS, ETC.—Home-made Yarns, Sheeting and Blankets.
We get our own wool made into Yarn, therefore it is
softer and more pliable than factory Yarns ; in single 2
and 8 ply. BLANKETS—All pure wool, large sizes, made
out of our own Wool at Wroxeter.
Rugs and Carpets.
SMYRNA RUGS.—Just the thing ; only a few left. Will
make your room look cosy. Regular $2,50, for $2,00.
Wool and Fibre Rugs in oriental designs. Regular $2.00,
for $1.75.
Rugs in Brussels, Tapestry and Dominion Square.
Small ends of Carpets -5, 10 and 15 -yd, ends—to clear at
less than cost.
We carry a largo stock of Carpets. Call andel see them'. be-
fore buying. 0
SUG.AR 20 lbs. Best No. 1 Sugar for
$1,00. $4.90 for 100-1b. sack
Flour and Feed, Timothy Seed, Chick Food,
etc., always on hand..
Goeds delivered to any part of town.
A. Mills