HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-09-02, Page 8THE WI 1A3 ADVANCE, TUUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1909,
Mr. John Allenly left for the West
last week.
County Clerk Lane of Goderich was
in town this weep with the bowlers,
Jas. Calder, civil engineer, Montreal,
visited his sister, Dr. ()elder, this
Miss Ethel Ring returned on Time -
day from an extended visit to the
Miss Jean Wilson of Grace Hospital,
Toronto, is visiting at her home on
Shuler St.
Miss Carrie Geddes of Lucknow is
visiting her cousin, Maggie VanNor-
man, town.
Gordon arrived from
on Monday to spend his vacation at
his home here.
Messrs. Will. and Hartley Patterson
of New York city are visiting their
parents in talon,
Mr. Frank VanNorman of Bruce
Mines is visiting his brother, V. R.
VanNorman, town.
M. J. Bell (formerly of Wingham)
has removed from Spokane, Wash.,
to Wetherly, Pennsylvania.
Miss Jessie Halliday of Toronto has
been spending a couple of weeks with
her mother and sister -in town,
Mrs. W. D. Pringle and daughter,
Kathleen, have been visiting the
former's parents at Belfountain.
Miss Mae Fest left for Dungannon
on Tuesday, to be'jjresent at the wed-
ding of her cousin, Miss Treleaven.
Robt. Fleuty, foreman on the South-
ampton Beacon, is spending a couple
of weeks with his mother and sisters
in town.
Mrs. Kew, sr., and daughter, Miss
Lydia, are spending a few weeks with
relatives at Sarnia, Niagara Falls and
other places.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Moore return-
ed to Toronto Iast Saturday after
spending a couple of weeks with the
former's parents.
Mrs, Miller and two sons, Clifford
and Allen of Davidson, Sask., spent
last week with friends in Wingham
and East Wawanosh.
Mrs, Sperling and daughter, Miss
Nellie, returned this week to Saginaw,
Mich., after a visit with the former's
mother, Mrs. Mooney.
Joseph Bassett and .sister, Miss May,
and Miss Ethel McLaughlin, of Lis-
towel, are emending a couple of weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Tyndall.
Jno. Powell of Detroit, who is visit-
ing relatives in Wingham and vicini-
ty, spent a couple of days last week
with Geo. Moffatt, on the B line.
John Fisher left this week for Lin-
coln, Nebraska, in the hope that the
change of climate will be beneficial.
We,hope he will find the change help-
Adjutant° Taylor returned to Mont-
real on Thursday, after a month with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo..Tay-
lor of Lower Wingham, and other
friends in this vicinity.
Miss Dadson of the High School
teaching staff, and her . mother. have
returned to town after the holidays,
and will occupy the . house recently
vacated by Mr. Hepburn,
Messrs. Jno, Hewer, W. H. Willis,
A. Sparrow and D. McGillivray went
to'Brussels last Friday by automobile
to witness the ,championship football
match between Brussels and Green
Miss of
Fleuty is spending a
couple of weeks with relatives at
Hamilton and Oakville, and while at
Hamilton will attend the Grand
Lodge of the Orange True Blue Asso-
Mrs. Humphrey, Mrs. F. M, Thomp-
son and Mlle daughter Margaret of
Teeswater, -spent a few days at the
home of Mr. Geo. Taylor, Lower
Wingham, and Mrs, W. 3, Currie of
East Wawanosh.
Mrs. Looker and family and Miss
Ada Manser left Lower Town on
Wednesday. Mrs.- Looker will spend
a couple of weeks in Goderich before
returning to Detroit. Mrs. Manser
leaves on Thursday for Detroit.
Miss Edith Conery of Guelph (for-
merly of Wingham) who for the past
two years has been a student at the
Alexandra Business College, Guelph,
has secured a position as book-keeper
in the office of Scott and Tierney,
Better Your Circumstances.
Any person desirous of going West
to better their circumstances in the
farming line, can not do better, than
write to the undersigned for full par-
ticulars of 100 acres, 60 of which is
seeded to grass, all fenced . and only
two miles from town, on a good gravel
Box 152,
Swan River, Man.
J. Henry Christie
cf,u1'cb 'Pews
Rev. Dr. Rutledge will occupy his
own pulpit next Sunday, morning and
Major Ray of Stratford will be with
the Salvation Army in Wingham on
Sunday next.
Rev. D. Perrie has returned from
his vacation and will preach. in St.
Andrew's next Sunday, as usual,
The celebrated Evangelists, Crossley
& Hunter, will conduct services in
Blyth, commencing on September
The united congregations of L White-
Langside White-
church andag d n a have extended a
call to the Rev, Mr, McEachern of
Rev. Er. Laurendeau will conduct
services in the Church of the Sacred
Heart, Wingham, at the usual hours,
Sunday, Sept. 5th.
The District Epworth League Exec.
will meet in Wingham on Friday of
this week to arrange the program for
the annual Convention which will be
held in Lucknow in October.
The financial meeting of the Wing -
ham Methodist district will be held
at Bluevale, on Thursday, Sept. 14th;
beginning 9 o'clock a,m. The after-
noon and evening will be devoted to
the district Sunday School conven-
Rev. L. Perrin of Wroxeter preach-
ed acceptably to the congregations of
St. Andrew's Church on Sunday last.
Rev. D. Perrie is expected to occupy
his ,own pulpit next Sunday, after an
absence of several weeks in the
Evangelist Miss Morton of Toronto
was in Whitechurch last Sunday in
the interests of the 'Woman's Mission.-
ary Society. 'She will be in Fordwicb
next Sunday. She commences evan-
gelistic services at Walton on Sep-
tember 12th.
The meeting of Maitland Presbytery,
which was to have been held last
Monday was postponed for a week,
when two calls will be dealt with, viz.,
that of Rev. Mr. Burnett of Moles-
worth, and that of Rev. Mr. Mc-
Eachren of Leasdale, Lindsay Presby-
tery, to Whitechurch and Langside.
The Goderich Star says :—The rec-
tor of Wingham, Rev. Mr. Jeakins,
preached in St. George's Church last
Sunday. The reverend gentleman's
discourses were much appreciated,
and deepened the impression his ser-
mon last St. John Baptist Day made
an the worshippers at St. George's
Rev. J. E. Cook, Belgrave, supplied
Rev. Dr. Rutledge'spulpit on Sunday.
Heis a ready speaker and was listen-
ed to with interest. Mr. John Kerr
took Mr. Cook's work at the Brick
church, Wawanosh, and Mr. Geo.
Mason performed similar duty at
Sunshine. Both were received cordis-
ord .eally by the congregations.
The total life insurance in force in
Canada during 1909 was over seven
hundred million dollars, The pre-
miums paid during 1908 amounted to
nearly twenty-four million dollars.
Of this Canadian companies collected
about two-thirds. -
Mr, Thos. Martin returned on Mon-
day last from Toronto, where he had
spent the week end.
Howick Fair this year will be held
in Gorrie on Oct. 2nd. Apply for a
prize list and prepare to exhibit this
Mr. and Mrs. D. Halliday* was to
Wingham last week to see the latter's
sister, Mrs. Ross, who is very sick in
the hospital there,
Thus far the oats that have been
threshed appear to yield exceedingly
well. Wm. Reidt threshed a load on
Saturday evening that rolled out 75
The threshing machines are again
going their rounds in this vicinity,
and quite a number are being thresh-
ed out in August, although it was such
a late spring.
At a business meeting held in Salem
Church on Friday night, it was decid'-
ed to hold their annual harvest home
services and fowl supper on Sept. 20th
and 27th ; more particulars will be
,given later.
The Springbank Telephone Corn -
patsy have installed phones in the
homes of W. G. Strong, Abe Strong,
J. L. Wilson, T. G. Sheave,', James
Hunter. Alex. McLaughlin, and: John
Henneberg. On the south side of the
road farmers have the Bell Company's
phones, on the north side the Spritig-
bank Company's phones, therefore
they have to pay for the privilege of
talking to one another. Time will
soon remedy this,
Council met Aug. 18th in the Town.
ship Hall pursuant to adjournment.
Members alt present, the Reeve in the
chair. Minutes of last meeting were
read, and, on motion of Winter and
Downey, wore adopted, A complaint
was made to the council about holes
being dug on the side of the road
south and left open, making it dang-
Moved by Underwood area Downey
that the clerk notify Dr. Foster of
Fordwich to have said doles filled and
the road allowance left in a proper
Moved by Hainstoek and Winter
that by-law No. 8 to ley a rate an the
dollar be read the third time and pass.
ed. -carried.
Accounts were passed amounting to
$*19,82 srnd th* Counaft adjoutiiedl,
Ice cream partiesare the latest on
the tenth just now,
The. Turnberry farmers have nearly
finished their harvesting.
The brie work of Mr. Goo. Case-.
more's new house is completed.
Miss May McKague, who has been
visiting at the parental home, has ro
turned to Toronto again.
.tar. Wm. Wright has a sow that
gave birth to a litter of nineteen pigs;
a good number of them are, living and
doing tine.
1'Ir. John Goy, 12th con., Turnberry,
purchased from Mr, Wm, Wright,
two •fine sucking colts and two good
cows for a tidy sum.
The Sunday School at S. S. No. 0,
Turnberry, is progressing favorably,
under the superintendency of Mr.
Roadhouse of Wingham,
Miss Taylor of Guelph, who was
spending her holidays at her cousin's,
Mr. Wm. Wright, became i11 and was
obliged to return home on Tuesday.
Turnberry Council met in Bluevale,
Aug. 30; members all present; the
Reeve in the chair.
The minutes of last meeting were
read and adopted.
A petition to the,. Legislature was
laid before the Council for adoption re
amendment to Assessment. Act, for
municipalities to be granted power to
assess lea values higher than im-
provement values—filed.
Wheeler — McMichael — That the
Clerk get printed on Tax Receipts—
Taxes maybepaid of
aat the Bank
Hamilton in Wroxeter or Wingham
Wheeler—Kelly—That By-law No.
13 be passed, appointing Paul Powell
tax collector for the current year at a
salary of $75 and postage—carried.
The following accounts were passed :
J. McTavish, equalizing schools, $10;
Donald Pope, engine grading, $12 ; J.
Musgrove, Work_ on roads, $20 ; Geo.
Wright,. brushing ,and filling, $16:88 ;
H. Henning, working machine, $28.95.
The following accounts for gravelling,
gravel and damages were paid :—S.
Vanstone, $3.30 ; Mrs. Robinson,
$1,98 ; Jilts. Smith, $1; M. Willie,
$1.80-; J. W. King, $10.80 ; J. Duckett,
$2.28; T.. Forbes, $1; D. Miller, $2.82;
B. Ringler, $5.04; R. Palmer, $6.28;
D. Jewett, $4,50 ; W. J. Campbell,
$3.50 ; Jno. Ansley, $1.56 ; J. McBur-
ney, $1; A. Pollock, $3.85 ; H. McKin-
non, $10; D. Pocock, $1,38;. Watson
Jewett, $24.75, Grey to pay half.
Council will meet again in Bluevale,
on Monday, Sept 20th.
J. Burgess, Clerk.
Mies Bently visited friends in Wing -
ham during the week.
Crossley & Hunter will begin union
evangelistic services here on Sept. 12.
A number of" our citizens are at-
tending the Toronto fair this week.
Blyth baseball team will play a
league game at Goderich on Labor
Mr. Bender who has been -very ill
with typhoid fever, is improving
The brick, sand and timber is being
hauled for the new Glove factory to
be -erected by Bainton Bros.
Teeswater and Blyth baseball teams
played on the park Monday afternoon;
the visitors won out, score 1 to 0.
Preliminary arrangements are well
nigh completed for Blyth Fall Fair.
It; ill be held on October 5th and Oth.
Miss M. Fraser of Whitby has been
engaged by the public school Board to
fill the place vacated by Miss Brigham,.
Mrs. (Rev.) Cooper was brought
home from Clinton hospital on Tues-
day, the trip being made in Dr. Milne's
T. W. Scott, recently manager of
the Bank of Hamilton, has opened up
a boot and shoe store and he will also
go into the gents' 'furnishings.
It is said there are from 15 to 18
applicants for the position of Post-
master here as successor to the late
D. B. McKinnon. Only one can secure
The Matinee program that was pro-
posed on civic holiday will take place
on Thursday, September 2nd. The
Lucknow Kiltie Band will furnish
music for the afternoon.
The contract for the new brick
manse in connection with St, Andrews'
church, was let to L. Hill, the well
known contractor of Blyth, the figure
being $2,500. The work will be pushed
along so as to have it completed be-
fore thewinter sets in. The residence
will be of the two-story cottage type
and will be modern and up•to-date and
will face on Mill street, Contract for
the shed and stable is not let yet.
Mrs. J. Chamney has returned from
a visit with friends in Ashfield.
Alexander Phillips and family visit-
ed at Wm. Nixon's Sunday last,
Norman Thompson has returned to
Wingham, after his vacation with his
parents here.
Miss Annie Nixon's friends will bo
pleased to 'earnthatshe has not gone
West, as was in last week's report.
Miss Martha Wallace has been en-
joying a visit with friends in Toronto ;
we are pleased to see her looking so
Anniversary services will be held in
Donnybrook Church, Sept, 12th. The
best talent has been scoured for Sun-
day and also the ' ooncerrt Monday
Our school has put on a new appear-
ance,a e e nof block Abslnnt bio ne rarent
being put under it, and ane siding
of galvanized iron put on, but there Is
no teacher, as yet teaching it:>, it w+
hope there will be coon.
W. J. Deft has returned from the
Miss Elsie .Keyes is at present visit-
ing at Brucefield,
Miss Eva. Duff le visiting her parents,
Me. and Mrs, R, N. Duff.
Aliso Pearl Andrews is at present
vi'eiting friends at Toronto.
Duff & Stewart have disposed of
their floe team to J, Johnston,
Miss Russell of London, is at present
visiting her aunt, Mrs. L. Rattan.
Mrs. (Rev.) West and little Evelyn
are spending a few days at Whitby.
Will Hall spent a few days last week
visiting friends at Hespeler and Berlin,
as ers present visiting'
Mrs. Masters is atxsi'
her sister, Mrs. A. Proctor, Belgrave,
Quite a number from here are tak-
ing in the National Exhibition, Tor-
Miss Alice Duff returned to Barrie
on Monday to resume his duties as
Rev. Burnettpreach will Area h in the
Presbyterian church next Sunday at
11. a. m, and 7 p. m.
The Methodist Sunday School con-
vention will meet in the Methodist
church, Tuesday, Sept. 14th.
Messrs. Willis, Hartley and Ted
Patterson of Wingham, visited their
many friends here this week.
Mrs, Jas. Stewart is attending her
son-in-law, Jas. Clarke, Sunshine, who
is suffering from an attack of typhoid
Mr. L. Ruttan is organizing a
"Citizens Band." and expects they will
soon be prepared to favor us with
Band concerts.
Robt. Musgrove has completed the
cement walk from the church to the
postoffice, which is a decided improv-
ment ; we hope the good work will
continue. •-
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held at the
home of Mrs. Peter King on Thurs-
day, Sept. 9th, at 2,30 p. m. Pres.,
Mrs. Johnston ; Sec., Mrs. West.
East Wawanosh.
Mr. Hardisty's little baby is serious-
ly ill at present, we are sorry to hear.
Mr: and Mrs. Thos. Fairservice of
Hallett, Sundayed at Jas. Noble's, 6th
Misses Della and Mabel McDowell
are spending" a week with friends in
Mr., and Mrs, Jas, Ferguson and
family of Kinburn, spent last Sunday
with friends on 5th line.
Mrs. Thos, Taylor, sr., is attending
her sister-in-law, Mrs. H. Anderson of
St. Helens, who Is very ill.
Mrs. and Miss Kennedy, who have
been visiting at L, Nethery's, gravel
road, returned to their dome in the
States last week.
The Council met on August 28
pursuant to adjournment ; members
all present ; minutes of last meeting
read and passed. Moved by Mr.
Gillespie, seconded by Mr. McGee,
that the tender of Mrs, Agnes Scott
for the purchase of the Kelley and
Ellison Drain debentures at par be
The following accounts were pre-
sented and ordered to be paid :—Thos.
W. Noble, refund of Statute labor tag
1008, $4,00 ; William Toll, refund of
Statute labor tax 1008, $3.00 ; P. W.
Scott, services as commissioner on the
Hallahan Drain, $2.00 ; Fred Rath,
putting in tile crossing at Blind Line
side line 39 and 40, Con, 5 and 6, $4.00;
Wm. Ruddy, drawing gravel and put-
ting in culvert side line 30 and 40, con.
1, $4.50 ; Sam. Hutchison, White-
church, cleaning out ditch and repair-
ing grader, $13,75 ; J. E. Taman,
Blyth, work with grader, $10.00 ;
Robert McDougal, shovelling gravel,
$1.25 ; Robert G. McGowan, shovelling
gravel, $1.25 ; William Rahoe, shovel-
ling gravel, $1.50. For gravel : Wm,
Fitzpatrick, $7.90 ; James Martin,
82.80; Hector McKay, $8.00 ; Samuel
Scott, $3.50 ; - Wm. Beecroft, $4.00 ;
Robt. H. Scott, $12.00 ; Wrn. Dobie,
$7.00 ; R. 0. McGowan, $13.20 ; W.
Toll, $5,00 ; R. Wightman, $2,00 ;
Geo, Maine, $5.70 ; Jas, Tunney, $4,50;
Sam, Morton, $6.30 ; Mrs. Braddock,
$14.60 ; Wm. G. Graig, $6,20 ; David
Cook, $5,20 ; David D. Dunbar, $6.30 ;
Robert •Shiell, $3.00. The Council
then adjourned to meet again on
Monday Sept, 27th next.
Alex, Porterfield, Clerk.
anamwres.as—H— -
410 I
Over one thousand stu-
dents enrolled by our chain
last year. It pays to at-
tend a link of this great
chain, for "in umor
The demand for our
Other schools engage
our graduates as teachers.
Special course for teachers.
Graduates of twa years
ago are now earning $2000
per annum,'
Three courses—Cora:trnu.-
CiAL, Srk nGTtA ?liy, and
Fall "Term Opens Aug, 80
Write for partiee>lars,
dt10, bP(J'TTONf, biretta' r,
001-00010010000 0.100.000
Township local rate to three mills on
the dollar, 8/14 of a minim than last
Next meeting of Morris township
Council will be held Ru September
Councillor Itic0racken's health has
been none of the best this summer
but we hope he will soon .regain his
former vigor.
The speedy trotting horse of Joe
Miller has been sold to A, Proctor, of
W Ingham, the price said to be $500.00.
Mr. Miller, who is a great lover of a
good equine, paid $175 for the beast a
few years ago.
The contract for digging the Russell
Drain was let to Cornyn & Ward. at
$670.00 and for the Smith Drain, Dan-
iel Reid's tender was accepted at
$3,145, The latter has to be complet-
ed by October 1st, 1910.
Wm, Wilkinson. 4th con., who has
been bothered for the past six weeks
with blood poisoning, does not im-
r many owe as fast as his ma y friends
would like. The disease has now
entered his right eye and it is feared
he will lose the sight of that optic.
We hope a change for the better will
soon sot in.
The anniversary services, of the
Ebenezer Methodist. Chinch will be
held on Sunday and Monday, Sept.
12thand 13th, On Sunday, Rev. 11.
E. Curry of Londesboro will preach at
11 a, m. and 7 p.m.' On Mondareven-
.ing a tea -meeting will be held ; supper
served from 6 to 8 o'clock, after which
a program of addresses, recitations,
music, etc., will be given. The fol-
lowing speakers are expected—Rev. J.
E. Ford of Lucknow, Rev. E. G.
Powell of Brussels, Rev. H. E. Curry
of Londesboro, and Rev. W. J. West,
Bluevale. Admission 15c and 250.
The Council inet according to
adjournment ; members all present ;
the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of
last meeting read and confirmed, .Y
On motion of Winkinson and Short -
reed, R. Proctor was appointed Collect-
or for the current year at a salary of
$100 on furnishing satisfactory security
for the due performrnce of the ,work.
On motion of Johnston and Mc-
Cracken that the Reeve be appointed
as a delegate to a meeting of the
Municipal Association to be held in
Toronto •in the interests of the estab-
Iishment of a hospital for the benefit
of indigent consumptives.
On motion of McCracken and
Johnston, the tender of Cronyn
& Ward for the construction of the
Russell drain for the sum of 5670.00
was accepted.
A rate of 2 mills on the dollar was
ordered to be levied for County pur-
poses and 3 mills on the dollar for
Township purposes.
By-law no 10 for levying the afore-
said rates, also By-la.v No. 11 for
levying school rates for the current
year, were duly read and passed.
Accounts were ordered to be paid as
follows :—Jas, Davis, wood and work
on road $5.00 ; D. Denman, shovelling
gravel $3.00 ; Love & Vint, building
abutments for stone school bridge
$689.27 ; W. J. Geddes, inspecting
cement work $42.00 ; D. Agar, gravel
and drawing cement $7.30 ; Duff &
Stewart, cement, $19,60 ; W. Abram,
'epairing bridge $2.00 ; W. McMichael,
making cement tile, $33.96; W. Coats,
registering Russell & Smith drain By-
laws $1.00 ; W.. Clark, fees re Smith
drain By-law $30,00 ; S, Jordan, dig-
ging Municipal share of drain $3.90 ;
McKinnon Bros., gravelling on west
boundary $60,30 ; C. Johnston, in-
specting on west boundary $9.00 ; A.
Cronyn, digging ditch $22.50. P.
°Healy drawing and putting in cement
tile$3.00 ; R. Nesbitt, drawing cement
tile $1.50 ; J. J. McCaughey, drawing
and putting in tile $7,75 ; W. H. Kerr,
part payment printing contract $25.00 ;
T. Forbes, damages hauling gravel
$1.00 ; for gravel; P. Fowler 55.90,
D. Jewett $4.50, T. Abram $5.95, W.
Skelton $55.60, J. Gibson $19.40, R.
Smith $5.60, Geo. Pierce 13.80, Geo.
McDonald $13,38, W. Wilkinson $2.17,
A. Proctor $4,31, J. Crnikshank $3.15,
J. Davis $5.67,, W.' Wightman $9.40,
J. Peacock 511.69, A. Cloakey $1.40,
J, Casemore $3.45, H. Bosman $4.57,
R. Newcdtnbe $2.24, R. McMurray
$3.15, J. H. Sellars $4,06, J. Duckett
$2,45, H. Beam $5,40, Wm. , Salter
$5.00, W. J. Souch $3.50, Jno. Roe
53.83, J. Hopper $3.50, C. Pollard
$6.16, R. Blair 28cte.
On motion of McCracken and John-
ston, the Council then adjourned to
meet again on the 27th day of Sept.
W. Clark, Clerk,
Mr, and Mrs. Abraham visited the
Tatter's mother, Mrs. Muir this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley returned
to their home in Clinton on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. M. Dane bf Gorrie
called at the home of Mr. Wm. Weir
the early part of this week.
Mr. Robt, Lowry of Toronto is at
present visiting the home of his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, G, Bar -
Mrs, 3, W. Green and Mrs. Lea-
thorn" of .Bluevale spent Tuesday last
with the former's daughter, Mrs. T.
Johnston of Fordwieh.
Mr. and Mrs. Gallaher of Gorrie and
their daughter, Miss Minnie, spent
Sunday last at the home of Mr. A.
Gallaher of this place.
The young people of Salem church
have dotided to hold their annual an.
niversary on Sept. 20th. Please keep
this date in your memory.
Miss Ade, Gallaher,, who has spent
the past two months -with friends !n
Toronto and Bampton, returned to
then parts 1aet'Saturday evening,
George Jack, we are sorry to say, is
not as, well as he was a week .ago.
Miss Mulvey of Wingbarn, is visit-
ing at Mr. John Davidson's of this
It is ;'ported that Cecil Simpson is
going to take up his residence in
Miss Mary Smith, formerly of town,
was married recently in the West;
Mrs. McLaughlin, who has been vis-
iting her mother, Mrs, Ritchie, has
just returned from a visit to friends in
Mr. E. Lewis is having his house and
otherbuildings peluted, which
improved ...
his property. the
Dr. McKenzie has been visiting his
parents in Toronto. In his absence
Mr, Montgomery, a medical student,
was attending to his practice.
A good many of our citizens are
having telephones ones P
ut in their resi-
dences and places of business by the
Independent Telephone Co, of Toron-
to. The instruments are giving
splendid satisfaction.
The Presbyterian and Methodist
Sabbath Schools held a union picnic in
Smalo's grove on Friday afternoon, of
last week. A most epjoyable time
was spent. -games and foot races
made up part of the program.
In the absence of Rev. L. Perrin, last
Sabbath, who was preaching in St.
Andrew's.. Church, Wingham, Mr.
Wa1m sleYof the Upper Canada Tract
Society, took the service in the Pres-
byterian church in the morning, and
Mr. West conducted the evening
service. Excellent • discourses were
delivered to good congregations.
Wm. Mundell, sr., was laid up for a
few days, but is on the mend.
Miss Brock of Wingham spent a
while at Mr, James Ballagh's.
James Aitken' of Beaton, visited
with Mr, Wm. Mundell last week,
Mr. Doherty of Toronto, is spending
a few days with Mr. James Hamilton.
Kr. Albert KcKee and family from
North Dakota are visiting with his
parents here.
The social held in connection with
McIntosh's Sabbath School at Wm.
Pomeroy's on Tuesday evening last,
was quite a success, socially and
financially. They were favored with
an ideal night and a goodly number of
friends gathered from Teeswater,
Mildmay, Belmore, Lakelet and sur-
rounding neighborhood. The Sal-
vation Army Band of Wingham,
entertained the company with vocal
and instrumental pelections. An ex-
cellent supper was served by the
ladies. The gate proceeds were about
St. Augustine.
Rev, Fr. Laurendeau visited friends
in Detroit and Pontiac recently.
The Jacques Bros. of Pontiac, Mich,,
were guests of Rev. F. X. Laurendeau
John Boyle, •assisted by Moses
Champion, was engaged putting in a
cement walk on Front street in the
burg last week. Aleck McCabe acted
as inspector and thinks the job was
done in a, very satisfactory way.
What might have been a serious ac-
cident occurred Sunday while Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Brophy, of the 9th con.,
were driving to church. Their horse
took fright at some obstacle on the
road and turned very quickly, upset-
ting the buggy on the road. Both oc-
cupants were dragged for some dis-
tance under the top, but finally got
clear. The buggy was badly broken.
Mrs. Brophy received some very
severe bruises and a bad shaking up
and Mr. Brophy had a number of his
ribs broken.
Vaullx S oo�,
1Zemopens on
a�voiSobn Itztet
And the Boys and Girls will be happy t
Good School Shoes and . dry feet are an
absolute necessity.
We Keep The Best That Is
Something that will keep the feet dry—
solid counters—solid insoles—no cut -oft' toes
—and at prices as low as the lowest—and
in addition we give every purchaser of
School Shoes
ONE PENCIL BOX—Containing Ruler,
slate pencil, lead pencil and pen.
Willis C
Also "Victoria" Shoes for Ladies, "Albert" & "Astoria" Shoes for Men
Canadian National
Very Low Rates from WINGHAM
to TORONTO and return.
August the 28th to September
the licit.
August 31st, and September
2nd, 7th and 9th.
Return limit September 14Lh,
Excursion Rates to
Sept. 11, 12, 13, 15 & 17. Account
of " Western Fair." Return
limit Sept. 20th, 1009. '
Return Tickets at Single Fare,
Between all stations in Canada, also to
Detroit and Port Kur'on, Mich., Niagara
Falls and Buffalo. N.Y. Gond going Sept,
3, 4, 5 and Oth. Return limit Sept. 3th,
Only $10.00' to Winnipeg
via Chicago and Duluth.
Regular Baoursion leaves Wingham
Sept. 7. ($18.00 additional return-
ing.) Baggage bonded through. No
°totems examination.
Por 1ntorniiltlon rekarding tree ttanspor-
tation arrangemon s .west of Winnipeg
dinars Nortjtern Railway,pcull an the
nearest Grand Trunk Agent.,
J. D. McDonald
Mode* Abba/, Tarimtit.
anna Co.
Hlghtst Prices Paid Fiir Butter and Eggs Phone 70
Ladies' Up-todate Fall Coats
Have just arrived, and we will be pleased to
show them to every Lady. We have many
different shades and ..styles. Come early when
it is easy to decide.
LAWN WAISTS.—Our best White Lawn
Waists to be sold at a Sale Price. These
have all long sleeves, embroidered fronts.
Others with Dutch collar and turn -back cuff.
Regular $2.oec to $2.50—Special Price....I.49
LADIES' HOSE.—Ladies' Lisle Lace Hose for
warm weather comforts ; colors—Black, Tan
and White. Regular 5oc—Special 39c
In Cotton Lace, regular 25c—SpecialI9c
CHILDREN'S HOSE.— White Cotton Hose
and Socks, clearing them out at a price—
Per pair .. . I0e
FANCY PARASOLS.—Only a°few: left at these
prices. Regular $1,25—Special.. ...... ... 75c
Regular $2.00—Special ......'$1.25
Specials For Men.
Men's Fine Black Cotton Hose, just the kind
for now, two pairs for .. .. 25c
Fancy Light Colored Hose,- regular 35c—For I9c
Big Saving in Men's Linen Hats, only a few
sizes left, regular. 75c and 5oc, to clear at 33c
Our Grocery Department has a few specials—
Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs. for $1.00. Bring your
sealer and get it filled with finest Pickles for I 5
a quart.
Phone your order to the Grocery Dept.
FARMERS 1 We give you the best
value for your trade,
anna & Co.