HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-07-01, Page 4p 1 T IE WING t ut ADVANCE, TEUURSDAY, JULY 1, 3.909, tit Ladies' Blouses and tie t n `R,iw 1 * ■ 1 ii Wash Goods. We have some very stylish Blouses on sale at present, 2.1 Some finely embroidered and very daintily trimmed with inner. tione and lace. All have the new long sleeves, Also the smart Pim and. modish Tailored Blouse, in all white or with colored pipings, We have a large stock of Cotton Snitings, which can be made into the popular Wash Sults for summer wear, NothingI more serviceable or stylish, when trimmed with buttons or neatly braided, Ladies' Whitewear. In this department our stock is, complete. Each garment is well made and daintily trimmed with tucks., embroidery, lace and insertion, We ask you to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. alaseaseceesseememeemeememeamema Choice Groceries Always in Stock. Highest Prices for Produce. D. M. GORDON tie erg AR��APAIR I ARM ��cRMARMAR THF NAN BEHIND THF PLOUGH 114n not so mach at singin' as those hifalutin' chaps; My voice may be husky and a little loud perhaps, For I have been a-ploughin' with a lazy team you see - They keep me pretty busy with my 'Git up 1' 'whoa 'haw 1' 'gee,' But if you pay attention I have just a word to say About a great mistake you make, and do it every day, In dealing out your praises I want to tell you now, For often you forget the man that walks behind the plough. You talk about your learned men,. your wit and wisdom rare ; Your poets and your painters, they get praises everywhere They're well enough to make a show, but will you tell me how, The world would ever do without the man behind the plough. King's For Bargains I I We Want Your Trade FOR THE WARM WEATHER. MUSLINS,-For the warm weather nothing nicer or cooler than a Muslin dress. We have a fine assortment in Black, White and fancy colors. Prices to snit everybody. WASH SUITINGS.--We've had a fine business in this line and have just added more to our stock, and now have a complete range -20c to 50c per yard. PRINTS, ETC. -Prints in abundance in fancy stripes and spots GINGHAMS and ZEPHYRS in large variety and fast colors FANCY COLLARS, FRILLINGS, BELTS, &c., in the newest designs. WOOL, - FARMERS 1 Exchange your wool for Blankets, Sheetings, &c. We have the best. SPECIAL. -50 Pieces Shirting, extra width, assorted pat- terns -an all-round world beater. Reg. 17c, for 12i.c. EGGS 20 CENTS. GEO. E. KING Good Goods 1 Cheap Prices fi® The Central Hardware Store - Phone 16 CEMENT The very Nat. Take it off the car and get it at FIRST COST. A fresh car just in ' . 0 0 THIS IS 'HEADQUARTERS FOR THE VERY BEST Pure Manilla Hay Fork Rope Binder Twine Paris Green - Coil Spring Wire Iron elates Scythes, Snaiths, Rakes, &c Get our Prices on Felt and Iron Roofilig. J. G. STEWART 6 CO. "WINGHAM, ONTARIO. from aggression, The sauce rile wilt apply to Japan under the terms of the existing treaty of alliance. Gerrnany alone remains and, as we have seen, British preponderance is overwhelm- ing. In her present financial condi- tion, Germany alone cannot hope, even with the help of. A.ustria, to rival (*eat Britain who is, by laying down new keels, increasing her strength over that• of Germany in the propor- tion of three to two. The British naval program is furthermore "aug- mented by presents of Dreadnoughts by New Zealand and Australia, Oa• nada will also bear her share in the burdens of Imperial naval defence. Cape Colony has already presented the Admiralty with a battleship and confederated South Africa will not be lacking in the performance of her duty. It, will thus be seen that Bri• tisk supremacy on the sea is firmly established. This is one of the best guarantees for the preservation of peace that the world could havo. 'Tis very nice to go to• school to learn to read and write, 'Tis nicer still to dress up fine and sport around at night, Your music, painting, poetry, may all be hard to beat, But tell me what yoq're going to do for something good to eat ? You say my boots are muddy, and my clothing is too coarse, I make a good' companion for the oxen or the horse, My face is red, my hand is hard, 'tis true, I will°'allow, But don't you be too quick to spurn the'man behind the plough. I like your great inventions, I'm glad you're getting smart ; I like to hear your music, for it kind of stirs my heart, But 'twill never touch the stomach of a real hungry man, Ana: so I call atttention to a kind of ' thing that can. Then, boys, don't be too anxious for to leave the good, old farm, Your father's strength is failing, soon he'll need your faithful arm, If you're honest in your purpose, at your feet the world must bow, For trip greatest of the great men is the man behind the plough. i Whitechurch Hardware Store ,News 1 An Edison- Combination Phonograph for $28.60- On July let, this newtype of machine called the " p'ireside " will be placed on the market. This places the near best sing- ers and musicians of the world within the reach of everyone. No one need now be without this king of entertain- ers. In .your own home yoti can hear 'tTarry Lander, the world-renowned Scotch Singer, or Ada Jones & Len Spen- cer in bide -splitting vaudeville, or Anthony & Etarrison or the mixed quartette singing the good old hymns we all love to hear. Come and Yearn how to get one on the easy -pay- moat plan. Ask any of our customers if they're not more than pleased with their bargain. T..'11041mos Whitechurch jEbitorfat -The Canadian Grocer says that food standards are about to be estab- lished in Canada under authority of the Department of Inland Revenue. It is to be hoped so. Pure food pro- motes good health, and there is no better service Government can render than to increase the average health of -the people. • WOMAN SUFFRAGE. At the recent Women's Congress this question came to the front, and Lady Aberdeen (wife of (lanada's Gov- ernor-General) voiced her opinion on the question, as follows "It is a pretty safe prophecy that in a few .years suffrage will be granted to women in most countries having representative governments, Suffrage will put us in the position of being able to do our duty to the home, the community and the coun- try. Is it not time that we„as women should realize that we have a great and wonderful mission? We feel that as women we have a contribution to make to the life of the community, and we should want to fulfil it side by side with men, I ask you women workers for the welfare of humanity, is it not to our husbands, fathers, brothers and sons that we owe much of the inspiration for the work we are attempting. �I may claim to be in a peculiar position in that respect, but I fancy all you would claim the same. I know what it is to have a husband stand by me in all the efforts I have ever made for the welfare of humanity. But there are others who have to run counter to the ideas of those who are very dear to them. Men of chi- valry, often the most chivalrous, want to save us from soiling our hand) in the work of the world. The very best of men hold this view. Bnt we must show them that it is not the greatest kindness to us any more than to other human beings, to let us shirk our responsibilities. Perhaps their idea that we will soil our hands is because they have not too high an idea of politics. In our efforts to obtain the franchise, and when we do so, let us pray that it be given to us to raise the whole ideals of government. Also for the sake of the working women, on whom social legislation bears so hardly, we would not care that\the suffrage should be given only to women of property (applause), They to whom these things come so near, need the opportunity of express- ing themselves at the polls," Clinton, As high as: Gia a bushel has been paid for oats In Clinton recently, Fifty-seven pupils wrote on the Be - trance exaininations here last week ; 26 were from town, Last week Thomas Casey, aged 80 years, passed away at the Bonne of Refuge. His friends at Seaforth took charge of the body for burial. Friday last was Children's day and was celebrated by sports, etc. Re- freshments and lemonade were served, and the three town bands furnished music.. The many friends of Chas. M. Mc- Kinnon, of Athens, a former teacher le the Collegiate here, will be pleased to hear" that be has been appointed Principal of the High School at Kin- cardine. 11, E, Baines, of Ontario St. East, had new potatoes for dinner on Sun- day, June 20th, exactly the same date of taking up as last year, being June 20th. He also gathered ripe straw- berries the same day. On Sunday a resident of the Parr line, Stanley, attempted to .blow day- light through him, owing to becoming despondent. The bullet was extract- ed and the patient ie now in Clinton Hospital, on a fair way to recovery. On Tuesday evening about 30 young ladies of town held a sur prise party at the home of Mrs. J. Iltrland for their friend, Mies Ida Holmes, who leaves shortly to make her home in Toronto. The evening was spent in games and music. During the evening, Mrs. A. T. Cooper read an address and a beau- tiful piece of hand -painted china was presented to Miss Holmes. WANTED AT ONCE. -1000 cases of Eggs, 1000 boxes Butter, large quan- tities Wool,. Highest prices, cash or trade.-KING's, Wingham. -The population of the Prairie Pro- vinces of Canada -the Provinces lying between Ontario and the Rocky Moun- tains -is now estimated by the Census Bureau at 1,107,576. In 1901,.accord- ing to the census taken in that year, the population of the same region was 419,512, of which 255,211 was.,in Mani- toba. The population of the Western Provinces, outside of Manitoba, was therefore only 164,801. To -day Alber- ta alone has 273,112, and Saskatche- wan 349,645. These two Provinces were only established in 194)5, and their progress since that time has been equal to the most sanguine ex- pectations. -The luisiness outlook throughout Canada is hopeful, The Toronto News has this to say on this feature :- "Generally speaking, the financial outlook is satisfactory. Crop reports are fairly hopeful, and commercial payments good in most portions of the country. Money is so easy that while the banks are lending some of their funds at one and a half to two per cent., good industrial securities can be bought to yield six, or seven per cent. The spread is too large, and is regarded as indicating that the pub- lic has not yet regained its full confi- dence in the situation. There is the further fact that deposits continue to accumulate in the chartered banks. On the other hand, these same insti- tutions were called upon last month tib increase considerably their advan- ces to business houses on current ac- count. Thisbetokens increased com- mercial acti4ity." UNNECESSARY FEAR. (Montreal Daily Witness.) The most recent.,, review of the navies of the five greatest naval pow- ers, Great Britain, France, Germany, the United States and Japan, shows how unnecessary was the recent excite- ment in England over the probability of war between Great Britain and Germany. ,The five great powers above mentioned stand in the follow- ing order its regards their naval strength. The present actual warship tonnage of Great Britain available for instant servile is 1,669,005, while that of Germany* is, as near as can be ascer- tained, not more than 524,573. trance le rated second, and she le increasing her navy faster than Germany or the United States and will, by the end of this year, have a. rntich stronger nava than either of those powers, The United States le not included in the eount by the British Government, for by no possibility, it is believed, would t the Repatblio unite forced with any other power to attack Great Dritafo. France may alto be inolnded, ass the an tai tsor lisle fa vital to herr defence rs 'news litems -Edmonton bas voted for Sunday street cars. -Barrie carries a by-law to grant a fixed assessment of $25,000 to the Bar- rie Tanning Company. I112PORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Ritchie & Cosens Fire Insurance Life Insurance Accident Insurance Employers Liability Insur'nce Boiler Insurance Live Stock Insurance We handle the bust companies and hive twenty years' experience with no unsettled claims, J. Walton McKibbon desire to an- nounce to the readers of the Advance that they have secured the agency for Parisian Sage, the marvelous dandruff cure and delightful hair dressing. Mr. McKibbon is glad to state that Pari- sian Sage is a rigidly guaranteed hair restorer. It cures dandruff in two weeks by killing the dandruff mi- crobes ; it stops falling hair; it cures all scalp diseases, or money back, It is a most pleasant hair dressing, especially for Iadies, as it makes the hair soft and lustrous. The price is only 50 cents a Iarge bottle at J. W. McKibbon's, or by express, all charges prepaid, One. Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort Erie, Ont. -Roy Wilson was smothered to death by a cave in of a well he was digging near Thessalon, -W. J. Cameron of Dungannon has been appointed to look after* the, forest of New Ontario. -The proprietor of the Hotel Nor- mandy, Clinton, was fined $24.50 for selling liquor to, a minor. -Fifty Mexican gypsies who have plundered all along their route, were captured near Peterboro. -The demand, for draft horses is on the increase as there appears to, be a scarcity of them in Huron. -Some Of the leading firms of Gode rich havo decided to close their stores every night except Saturday aj. 5.30. -The Indian tribes in the Canadian Northwest are causing considerable trouble over settlers taking land which the Indians claim as "reserves.'%' --The big International subway cin- der the Detroit river is nearing com- pletion, at least at the Canadian end. The last full length river section, is now being fitted up for sinking, and it is expected that the shore end will be ready about the end of July. -Site his been purchased in Wind- sor and within a short time the Pos- tum Cereal Company, the well known Battle Creek, Michigan, breakfast food concern, will commence the erec- tion of a large plant to take care of the Canadian trade. One hundred men will be employed. The plant will cost $40,000. Big Meat Orders, to February cast, Ohieago packing houses :received orders from the War departinent of the British Govern. meat for three millionounds Of canned beep, and late eekwanother order for one millien pounds more wet booked teem the sone bOurob, A. E. SM IT H BANKER WINGHAM - ONTARIO Real Estate Bought and Sold. Steamboat Tickets Sold Housed to Rent Valuations Made Rents Collected Money to Loan Auditing, Accounting, and all kinds of office work receive our personal and prompt attention. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar- ke_t,can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted' and payable at par at any Bank in the Dominion. RATES, -$5.00 and under, 3 fits. 510 to $30, 10 fits. 530 to $50, 15 cts. Same rates charged on principal banking points in the U. S. PROVINCIAL LOAN OF $3,500,000 Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - WINGHAM Take Comfort. Hot weather is here. To enjoy it, get one of our Coaloil Stoves THE GOVERNMENT 01' THE PRO- VINCE 01' ONTARIO, under tho author- ity of Chapter 8, of the Statutes of Ontar- io, 1909, invites subscriptions from the pub- lic for a loan of $3500,000 on bonds of the Province of Ontario, or "Ontario Govern- ment Stock." The bonds will bo dated let June, 1909, and payable on the let• June, 1939, in de- nominations of $1,000 each. with coupons attached for interest at the rate of four per cent. per annum, payable half -yearly on the 1st Juno and 1st December in each uror at office eat of the of 1the7Bank of Montreal, in Montreal, Can., and in Now York, N.Y., at the holder's option. Bonds will bo made payable to bearer, but on request will be registered ,in the office of the Pro- vincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to the order of certain persons or cor- porations, and on request of holders Will be exchanged for Ontario Government Stock" .at any time, Ontario Government Stock", will bear interest from the rat day of June, 1909, principal pa able on the 1st day of June, 1939, and rust at tho rate of four per cent. per num will be paid half-yoarly by cheque n the 1st day of Juno and 1st day o! December In each year, "Ontario Government Stook" may bo subscribed for in sums of $50 or multiples thereof, and will be transferable in the books of the Treasury Department only by the holder or his attorney in similar manner to transfers of bank stock. The issue price during the month of June, 1909, will be 102 for each $100, and niter the 30th day of Juno, 1909, tho issue price will be 102 and interest accrued !rem the 1st June, 1909. ALI. BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSUED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF TIBC SAID ACT ARE FREIE: FROM ALL ONTARIO PROVINCIAL TAXES,CHARG- ES._ SUCCESSION DUTY AND IMPOSIT- IO:S WHATSOEVEit. Purchasers of Stook or Bonds will bo re- quired t0 send certified cheque with the application, ,, payable to the order of the "Provincial Treasurer of Ontario." This loan is raised upon the credit of the Consolidated Revenue k'und of Ontario, and is chargeable theren . Subscribers pon h state whether they dStoeairock." should bonds or "Ontario Govornrnent Exaniplo : A subscriber for 51,000 will have the option of taking either a bond or "Ontario Government Stook." A subsorlber fdr $750 will bo given "Ontario Government Sten," as ponds aro only in tho denomin- Of 51,000. A. J. MATHESON, 'l'roasurer, Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, 3rd Juno, 1909. Newspapers inserting this advertisement without authority from tho Departntont wirl not bo paid for it. Jas.Walker & Son WINOIIAM Furniture Dealers and Undertakers\ 'VS'e are apeoially qualified Under• is er k a and Err.b atmers, and thea° entrusting their work to u mar rely on it being wall done, Night calla receive at reddened. omoe Phonal 100 Hones Prone lea gasoline Stores And Save Fuel and , Cook in Comfort. Graniteware and Tinware. Ranges of Best Makes. Reliable Garden Hose. Plumbing our Specialty. W. J. BOYO Stone B1oek • Wingham Strawberries. Strawberries This is the week for Strawberries. We're fill- ing orders now, and are handling nothing but the home grown fruit -they are the best. The best are always cheapest. Remember --our Teas & Coffees lead. Produce Wanted. Malcolm's PHONE 54 DOMINION BANKS HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Capital (paid up) - $3,976,0000 Reserve iaedundlc > - • $5,297,000 Total Assets, over $48,000,000 WINGHAM BRANC7E. The People's Popular Store Agents Agents Ladies'Kerr Home Home ,7ourual &_Bird • Journal Patterns 1 1 JULY HOUSE CLEANING SALE NOW ON. Big Bargains in every departnnent. The Sale will continue -through the month of July. In every department odd lines and lonelies will be sold at one- quarter to one-half off regular prices. wrwr.1.1wrwMM,- FANCY LAMP BARG4INS.-Every Fancy Lamp in the store is offered at 25 per cent. less than regality prides, AT HALF PRIOE.-A quantity of Plates, Saucers, Tea Pots, Sugar Bowls, Vegetable Dishes, Cake Plates, eco., at half price. SOUVENIR CHINA AT HALF PRIDE AND LESS. -About 200 pieces of -{dandsQme Souvenir China, regular price 20o, 25o, 80o and 85c each - Clearing Sale Price, 15c each. AT HALF PRICE A quantity of Men's Hats and Daps. AT HALF PRICE . A,,nnmber of Low Priced Suite. AT HALF PRICE All the Men's and the Women's Raincoats. AT HALF PRICE A quantity of Fancy Combs. A quantity of Lace and Trim- mings. A quantity of good Brushes. AT HALF PRICE A quantity of Shoes and Slippers on our Bargain Counter. Less Than Half Price Table Vinegar put up in Fancy Glass Bottle, regular price 15o. Our Price only 7o. AtAtionaloas Chinese & Everedy Stara 10o 10o pkgs. during sale, for 10o. No. 1 Fine Starch. We guar- antee the quality. CARPET BARGAINS All our Wool, Union, Tapestry and Brussels Carpets, also Stair Carpets, at I less than regular prices. Every yard of Carpet and every Carpet Square will be offered at'25ee less than regular prices, • WINDOW SHOES Tremendous Price Cutting and a Large Stock to select from. Regular 50c Shades for 89e " 75o " " 50o " 90c " " 690 " 51.00 " " 790 INIMMEMMIMMININIMMINNIO Curtain Pole Bargains White Cottage Rods, reg. 156..10c Braes Ext. Rods, reg. 60o, for.. 44c " " " " 20o, for .14c " " " " 156,for.,l0c Oak and Mahogany Poles, reg. 25c, for 10c All Poles and Rods complete. Bargains in Dinner Setsp 1 Set, 91 pieces, reg. 56,50...168.24 2 " 97 " " $7.00...54.79 2 " 97 - " " $9.00...$5 98 1 " 97 " " $12.00...$7,98 Come in and see the Great.- Bargains we -are giving in every department of this " Big Store." e Interest allowed on deposit of $1.00 and upwards. Farmers' Notes disconntedr. Drafts sold on all points in Can- ada, the United States and Europe. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager e. V'anstone, goltoitor The ADVANCE is North Huron's leading news- paper. Are you a sub- scriber ? 11 not, why ? Only $1 per year. T. A. Mills WINGHAM DON'T READ THIS Unless You Aro Looking For Bargains.' Saturday Bargains ---July 3. LADIES' LAWN EMBROIDERED WAISTS :-Regular $2.50 for $1.89. Regular 52.00 for $1.50. Regular $1.75 for $1.35. Reg- ular $1.50 for $1.20. Regular $1.25 for OOc. Regular $1.00 for 700. Also a few odd sizes : regular 755c and $1,00, your choice 40c. LADIES' BLACK SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS :-Regular $1,50 for $L25. Regular $1.25 for 89o. LAUNDRY SOAP :-Regular 5c a bar, sale price 7 for 25c. WHITE GLOSS STARCH :-Reg, 10c a pkg., sale price 3 for 23c. RAISINS :-28 ib. box for $1.60, or 44 lbs. for 25e. Monday Bargains --July 5. MEN'S, LIGHT TOP .SHIRTS :-Reg. $1 25 for 08e. Reg, 75c for 60c. Re 50c for 40c. MEN'S FANCY SHIRTS :-Reg. $1.00 for 68c. Reg. 85c for 506. Reg. 50c for 38c. • Reg. $1,50 for $1.10. CANNED APPLES :-1 gallon, regular 30c for 23c, CHEESE :-160 per pound. PICKLES :-Sour, regular 20c a quad for 15c. Sweet, regular 30c a quart for 25c, Tuesday Bargains --July 6. DRESS GOODS :-In different materials, regular 50c, 75c, and $1.00 a yard -sale price 25e. LADIES' CORSET COVERS: -Trimmed with lace and embroidered. Rei 50c for 88c.. Reg. 30c for 20c. Reg. 25c for 15e. LADIES' WHITE CAMBRIC DRAWERS :---Trimmed with tucks and embroidery. Regular 75c for 55c. Regular 50a for 38e. Regular 30c for 20c. Wednesday Bargains -July 7. LADIES' DONGOLA. OXFORDS :-In black, reg. $1.75 for Reg. 51.25 for O8c. LADIES' TAN OXFORDS :-Reg. $2.00 for $150. LADIES' DONGOLA BAI.S :-Reg. $1.75 for $1,555. Small reg. $1.15 and $2.00 -your choice for 50o. MEN'S PELT HATS :-Reg, $2,25 for $1.45, Reg, $250 for Regular $2.25 for $1.75, MEN'S, STRAW HATS ;-Reg. $1.00 for 85o, Reg. $2.50 for Regular 50o for 400. Thursday Bargains --July 8. $1,25. sizes, $1,90. 51.90. LADIES' SII.TC WAISTS :-1Reg. $3.00 for $2 30. Reg. 52.50 for 51,90. Rag $2.00 for $1.65. UNDERSKIRTS White, reg. $1.25 for 980. Uig. $1.50 for $1.15. MEN'S ODD VESTS :-Reg. $1.25 for 080. STAIR OILCLOTH :-Regular 20o for 14e. BLACK TEA: --Regular 35e, 5 lbs. for $1.25. Friday Bargains -July 9. ART MCTSI21NS AND CAMBRIC :---i1,eg, 15e per yd -•sale price 8c. LACE CURTAINS :-Reg.. 25e for 20e. Reg. 60c for 45c. Reg. $1.40 for 51.25. Reg. $1.75 for $1 50, CARPETS :-Union, regular 400 for 28e. TAPESTRY T12Y ;--Reg, 000 for 48e. Reg. 85c for 65c. These pricee are for day and date only, Come and get your share of the Bargains. Cash or trade. Thebe are not credit prices. i