HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-06-24, Page 5PHONE 27 PtIQNH 27 Richardson & Rae HEADQUARTERS FOR SCREEN DOORS SCREEN WINDOWS• f SCREEN WIRE ► " SPRING HINGES irafforta Olawali DOOR SPRINGS GRASS SHEARS HEDGE SHEARS SHEEP SHEARS PRUNING SIIEARS PRUNING SAWS 100 Per Cent. Pure SLING ROPES IIAY FORK ROPES HAY FORK PULLEY PULLEY HOOKS ROPE HITCHERS LAWN HOSE CtM LAWN FENCING WOVEN .FENCING FIELD HOES TURNIP HOES �IURESCO DUSTBANE BLUE RIBBON BINDER TWINE Hammocks Paris Green COAL far Spring Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Etc. Ie the theme we bring to" your notice at this time. Some wise man has said -"My son, get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get under- standing." The wise man to -day says -"Get a New Suit or Over- coat, and when you are getting, get it made to your order, in your own town. where you know what you are getting, and tbat it is genuine Tailor-made." That would he wisdom; that would be un- derstanding. Our NEW SPRING} GOODS have arrived, and it is not exaggerating to say that they include the nicest lines we have had for some time, and at prices corresponding with the qualities shown. Space will not allow ns to go into.dotails, but .WE HAVE THE GOODS and can make them any style desired. We are dealing in strong statements, but will back them np. We have yet to find the style of garments we cannot duplicate. Although plain, neat styles aro more in line with strictly high-class tailoring this season, it is for you to name your style -Will WILL MAKE IT. OUR FURNISHING DEPARTMENT le 1111ed with the newest and hest for Spring end Stinl4ler in all lineg, We have oleo added a firet•olaes line of Jewelry. Robt. Maxwell Tailor and Furnisher For ?en Who Care - p4•:". ta,aad6 4m.... 00. el�i!!!NA!!K!♦t�lN11���l4! ♦10l1!!!!!!!!N!i!NlN�lO GREAT JUNE SALE OF WATCHES, CLQCCLOCKS!, JI.WELRV, i SILV[RWARE,_ETCI WATCHES Ladies' 14 k. solid gold etch, .5, 4ewe1, Waltheel Movement, regelar 340.0(3-.jung ale,;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, , $80,00 Ladies' 14 k„ 25 year gold filled, 15 Jewel, Waltham Watches, regular 310.00 -June Sale .$12.00 Ladies' 14 k., 25 year, gold filled, 7 Jewel, Waltham Watches, regular 312.00 -June Sale $ 9.00 Ladies' Silver Watches, regular $5.00 -June Sale 3 8.50 Gents' 18 size, open face, 14 k., 26 year, gold filled case, 21 e Jewel Waltham Watches, regular 340.00 -Jane Sale ' 330.00 Gents' 18 size, open face, 14 k., 2,5 year, gold- piled case, • 17 .Tewe'i VCaltham Watallos, reg111ar $0.0-Jnue Sale $22.00 Gents'. 1e eine, open 'face, gQ year, gold tilled case, 17 Jewel, P. S.'Bartlett Open Watch, regelgr 17.00,--• 'ane Selo, .$11.50 Gents' 18 size, open face, 20 year gold jelled case, 15 Jewel Waltht}m Wntcb, regular $15,.0Q -Tune Sale 3, 9.75 Cents' to size, open face, 2,e year, gold f 11ed case, 1T jewel Waltna1u Watch, regular $2i. 00-1TBne Sae 317.75 Gent9' 10 sire, opeai face, 20 year, geld {111ed oeee, 15 ,Tawe, althea', regl?ler $1e,00-junp Selo . . ,,,,, $12.75 Gents' gilver 'Watch, 17 ,jewel Nyaithail; Movement, regular $17.Q0 -,lane Sale .. , „t•,,,•,„„, ,,,, ,$12.50 gents' 17 Jewel Waltham Watchr nickel case, reg. 312 -Jane Sale c$ 8 25 Gents' 7 Jewel Waltham Watck, nickel rase, reg. $7 -Jane Sale, , $ 4.95. Boys' Watehos, regular $1,50 -June Salo 890 CLOCKS Fancy Mantle Marbleized Clock, reg. $9 -June Salo • $5 75 Oak or Walnut 8 day Mantle Clock, reg, $4 00-Juue iSale.. „$2.75 Alarm (Steckel regular 2.30- ane Sae... , r.. . , , , ::', , , , . ; .. , : ; , 1,60 Diann Olooks; regular $1.00 -June Sale 690 JEWELRY Ladies' long God Clialns, regular $3.00 --June Sale,,. •, $1.95 Ladies' long Gold Maine, regular $5,00 -Juno Sale $2.95 Gents' poid Filled} Watch Ohaine-- Reg x(10 -Judo Sale, , , . , . G.25 Reg. $5 00 -June Sale $2,95 Reg, $ 8 -June Sale . 34 75 ( Reg. $3.00 -June Sale 31.75 Ladies' Extension .Bracelets, reg, t$8 -June Sale . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 35 00 " " 11" " $5 --June Salo . $2 95 Ladies' Solid Gold Pearl Pendants, reg. $25 -Juno Salo $17.25 Reg, $15 --June Sale310.75 I Reg. $1 t --Juno Sale.. , ; , , $ 8.75 Ladies' Gold Signet Rings- Gents' Gold Signet Rings - Reg. $d-Juue Sale $3 75 R. g, $3 --June Sale $ $5.75 Rog.tf, 3une Sala x.75 Reg! 0- stone Wei" a ,$4.94 SILVERWAItEe-}Iaving a large stook of SileerWare, we are offering it below Dost. Now is your opportunity. RIIIGS---Ladies' and Geist& Stone 'Set Rings at very low prioes. LOCKETS, FO13S, &o .: .S. ectal Stine Weer' In Leaks, Locket bhieiinkt , Gents"and Ladies' �o t, Brooches, Seed Pine Out, Cat Glass, etc., ote, b . acct► � it R. KNOB SviNpt1AM Nt1 Nii��4'1►NNi i+1�1i +++Ni•$$+s$4$f1•eH•s THE WINGUAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1909. .114 Brussels. \V N'rlia) AT Orrn.-•4000 Gasps of Eggs, 1000 boxes Butter, large quan- tities. Wool, Highest prices, cash or trade.--IijNlt's, Vingbam. It is said, Beussels will supply the bride for a Western bachelor in the near future. Workmen are busy this week on the cement basement of the new Carnegie Library building. G, A. Deadman sent a car of bees to Merlin, Essex Co„ as a test of what that section will do in the honey gath- ering business. Conrad Jones is in charge of the colonies. W. W. I1arris sold, 110 boxes of creamery butter, mannfactured by his factory, Brussels, to the McLaren Co, :it the tidy figure of 22i( cents per pound. It was a choice lot. This week a fine modernized hearse was turned out of the Ewan Carriage factory for Mr. Hamilton of Gorrie. It is a very neat outfit that will not be superseded by many. About 100 passengers took in the annual excursion to the Experimental Farm at Guelph on Thursday of last week from Brussels. The wet morn- ing no doubt kept many at home. One of the best 2 -year-old steers seen here for many a day was killed far the Currie butcher shop last week. It• was bred by Wm. Shedden, Morris, and fed by Jno. Currie. The animal weighed 1080 pounds and dressed 675 pounds of prime beef. The victory over Atwood by 110 on the llth inst„ elected Brussels foot- ball team to be victors in this district and they will now be called upon to face the winner of the Seaforth Dis- trict in the second round, looking to- ward the Intermediate silverware. Last year George Robb set out 6,000 strawberry plants and this spring he planted 3,500 more and with favorable seasons and a proportionate increase in adding to bis acreage he should be able to supply a large number of cus- tomers. Mr, Robb has 10 varieties of berries and will prove 'for himself the best producers. Sunday evening, 13th inst., about 8.15 o'clock a brief, but violent hail storm visited Brussels doing consider- able damage. Window panes were broken, flowers and vegetables dam- aged and leaves and early appearing fruits cut from trees. Fortunately there was little or no wind. The hail stones were as large as small marbles and in some places were still in evi- dence on Monday. J. A. Hunter has purchased the in- terest of S. C. Wilson, his partner in the marble ,works, Brussels, and takes over the whole management on Aug. 1st. The former has engaged A. Her- sey, of town, who has had 15 years' experience in the business, to assist him. Mr. Wilson will not be leaving Brussels, however, as be has bought the restaurant and grocery of J. H. Kerney and will also take charge of the express business, assuming his new duties on the let of September. It is said Mr. Kerney may go West. He has been a resident of this place for 12 years. Clinton., WANTRD AT ONCE. -1000 cases of Eggs, 1000 boxes Butter, large quan- tities Wool. Highest prices, cash or trade. -Lira's, Wingham. Since our last issue, Messrs. Cautelon Bros, have shipped over 12,000 lbs. of butter. Last week Mr. Haley, of town, aged 56 years, was placed in the House of Refuge. Not Sentiment, But A Strong Conviction IS GROWING IN THE MINDS OF TIIE PUBLIO THAT MoINTOSf3 IS ACTUALLY GIVING THE BEST VALUE EVER Or- FLi'RI D IN WINGHA.M IN Ladies' and Gentlemen's Watches, Chains, Rings, Lockets, Tie Pins, Cuff Links, Brooches, Silverware, Clocks, Knives, Forks, Spoon, Wingham Souvenir Goods and. Novelties, &c. Drop in for evidence. We are pleased to put our time against yours. HEADA.CHES You see all right but you don't feel all right. You're one of the many who suffer most from eye strain. It is an easy matter to consult our Optician, It will cost you but little effort and you will know the truth. You. Can Act Upon Our Advice With Cenfidence. McINTOSB - The Jeweler , SIGN OP THE RED ELEPHANT. er. Nom`Made in anada Stands Extremes of Heat and Cold RUBBROID is used on houses and barns at points a,000 miles north of Edmonton, Alberta -and the extreme cold has no effect on it. RUBEROID is 'used on buildings in the West Indies, South America - and the Orient,- where the ther- mometer registers from 90 to zoo degrees for months -and the extreme heat has no effect on it. Could you ask for a more satisfactory roofing for your house and barn ? Write for samples and prices. ed J. A. McLean - Sole Agent Caledonians Prevail. Somebody of a statistical turn of mind went over the roll of commis- sioners at the general assembly of the Presbyterian church of Canada held at Hamilton and found that of the 450 members of the assembly, 110 were Macs. The names on the list .which were not Macs, it further ap- pears, were mostly Campbells, Scotts, Frazers, Douglases and others equally significant of Caledonian origination. Scholarship For Huron County. The board of governors of the West- ern University, London, has decided to offer twelve scholarships of the value of100 eachfor f r students enter- ing the University. One of these scholarships will go to each county or city represented on the senate of the University, and accordingly one will come to Huron County. Of the amount of scholarship $50 will be in cash and the balance will cover the tuition of the first year. Statement of the conditions under which the scholarships are to be issued will be forwarded to all schools in the district concerned. The Piano Organ Company is run- ning full force in all departments and there is every indication of a success- ful years business. With three hands-Oitizens, White Dykes and the Fife and Drum -our citizens and the people of the adjoin- ing townships are being well supplied with open air concerts. A track for driving colts upon has been arranged by Mr. Jos. Copp on his farm adjoining the ..Y." He does not waste mach time in talk but hand- les some likely equines. On Saturday morning, Miss Lettie Smith, accompanied by Miss Rena Pickett, left Clinton for Winnipeg, where the former was married Wed- nesday morning to Dr. P. W. Win- throp, of Battleford, Sask, The Toronto Conservatory of Music held their Theory examination in Clift- ton, in the Council Chamber, last Thureday and Friday. 4 niltuher Were in attendance, who appreciate the convenience of having Clinton as a centre. If anyone has nerve enough to say that Clinton is not baseball crazy they Want to take a stroll over to the park any evening and see how many young men are enjoying themselves, leo lent than tleree'cifa,niands are being occu- pied at once. Tho third annual school children's sports will be held in the park on Fri- day of this week commencing at two o'clock, This is an event that is look- el forward to and thoroughly enjoyed by old and young. Constable Tong, of .Grussels, brought Nichotas Nichol, of Grey Tp„ aged 65 years, to the House of Refuge. The visitor declined to stay at the board- ing hoose and made off but was caught near the bridge and brought back. 'Tho following militia changes are promulgated in this week's issue of the bowie. Gazette t --To b0 honorary major, captain and houorarp tial5tain, Tievd..'i. W. l Adgltjs. ` ti` WI' tiro- v sic t1• lieutenants t enumat y)t Jno. McKerras Johnston, gentleman. William Alexander Campbell, settles Man. Cora Cured For 250. A guarantee of painless cure goes with every bottle of Putnain's Corn Extractor, Use Putnam's and your corns go, Beware of substitutes. No Cheap Eggs. There will be no cheap eggs in Can- ada this year. The present prices of 17 and 18 cents e„ dozen in the county are the highest on record. These prices are two cents higher than the prices at this time last year. Seven years ago any amount of eggs could be bought at 10 cents a dozen. At that time nearly all Canadian eggs were sent to England. \,Now there is hardly an egg goes to England from this dis- trict. The production is hardly enough to supply the home demand notwith- standing that nearly every farmer is keeping more chickens than he did then. The demand from the western markets this year will surpass all records, and we have already sent several million eggs there. Prices may come down a very -little in the smarter but there will be no cheap eggs( at a11t Canada is nosy the ponsureer of all the Mee protlticed in tiles country, and in consequence Is more independent in establishing the melees. SICK SKINS IN SUMMER. Summer is the hardelt time for the hutnan skin. Its aiulicate tiny pores, if 'warped tinder the best conditions, would have a rough time because of the heat. Ilow when they have to work when impaired or damaged by sunburn and heat spots ? No wonder one has rough patches, freckles, etc. Lam-Buk heals sick skins. When a patch of akin on face, neck or arms is listered by the sun, apply Gatti-Buk at once. It will cool and soothe beau- tifully, and new skin will be quickly formed. - When you are footsore, or have sonic chafed pieces, ' ani -.Erik will give yon eve'. 'Wlion . e mos- t t itni34 i se''lunips on you, '/4aiai•Butt Wilt stop that terrible Rolling and smart n . Ire Gain-Buk handy,use I e f3' it freely, and this 1l1 be the iiap� teat etimnie you have ever epent, vle�wed from the skin health etandpolnt, All druggists and stores. An Orchard Survey. Thos. B. Faulds and S. E. Todd of the O. A. C., Guelph, arrived in Clin- ton last week and will make that town their headquarters while en- gaged in an orchard survey of this county under the direction of the Ontario Department of .Agriculture. They will not visit every orchard but the principal ones to gather informa- tion as to where the bulk of the fruit is, the hardiness and yield of the different varieties, the nature of the soil and such other general informa- tion along agricultural lines as will show what each part of the province is best adapted for. The facts being gathered by these gentlemen are probably intended by the Department for use in furtherance of their cam- paign of interesting British farmers in the improved farms of Ontario. Are Your Children "Croupy ?" This trouble is deadly -must be stopped quickly, nothing is so sure as the Nerviline treatment. Give it in- ternally, rub it on the throat and chest, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. The marvelous pow- er of Nerviline, both as a liniment, and in Plaster form, will surprise you. For sore throat., coughs, colds and pleurisy alone, it is used by thousands every day. Invaluable in the home, especially for treating the minor ills that all children are bound to catch. Large bottles 25c each. Nerviline Plasters same price at dealers or N. 0, Polson ilk Co., Kingston, Ont. Ret;oring Human Plants. We are not so very different from plants up to a pertain point. We thrive or pine away like them, accord- ing to conditions. We grow hardy in the air and become delicate in the confinementof close quarters. We need food and rest and care. A young woman has been coaxing back health in a sun parlor where she buried her- self five weeks ago. She has done an immense amount of sleeping and bas been treated exactly like a real invalid by the devoted sister who played nurse to her. Now she has returned to the world of bustle and hustle with bright eyes and rosy cheeks, with steady nerves and keen enjoyment in everything. She says that she is go, to be very careful of herself and take both pleasure and work in sena sible doses. If she keeps her resolu- tion she will have a firm hold on health, as has a school teacher at a quiet resort in the mountains. She had about exhausted both bodily str, ngth and nerve force and Was put to bed the afternoon of her arrival. ter supper consisted of hot milk and nothing more was given her till morn ing, when she appeared at the break- fast table. She had slept soundly and WAS somewhat better, but she was under instructions from her doctor which the had promised to obey. Iden breakfast, consisted of hot milk, buts tered toast and one eoft•boiled egg, and after eating them she went back to bed. At dinner silo ate carefully and rehire, wh1 io in a hammock a+t{'ug under the pine trees. Later she took a short walk and went to bed again till supper time. In the eatlyevonfng she sat on the verandah, but she retired early with a cup of hot milk to be tipped itt bed. Two months of that lite made anew woman of ker. Will Wind Up the Park. The lawyers who have charge of the winding up of the affairs of the Grimsby Park Company, which went into liquidation ashort time ago, applied to Judge Monek in Hamilton for instructions as to how they should proceed. The judge advised them to advertise the park property for sale, and. that will be done, Dispelling Fog. Fog, the chief cause of maritime disasters, a frequent cause of railway accidents, and the bane of life in many industrial cities, has met a conqueror at Last. This le M. M. Dibos, a French engineer, who has invented a process by which the thickest fog can be dis- pelled over a given zone. Recently during a thick fog M. Dibos dispelled the gloom around the ville over a zone exceeding 200 yards in extent. This zone was maintained free from fog dur- ing two hours. When he ceased the emission of his combination of Hert- zian and heat waves the fog gradually descended again. But while the apparatus was in operation there was an area of more than 200 yards of clear, clean air, whereas outside the zone it was impossible to see more than one or two yards ahead owing to the density of the fog. Just The Medicine YOU Need. Your color is bad, tongue is furred, eyes are dull, appetite is poor, your stomach needs tone, your liver needs awakening. Try Dr. Hamilton's Pills. In just one night you'll notice a differ- ence, for Dr, Hamilton's Pills search out every trace of trouble, You'll eat, sleep, digest and feel a whole lot bet- ter. You will gain in strength, have a clear complexion, experience the joy of robust health, To tone, purify and enliven the system there is nothing like Dr, Hamilton's Pills. 25c at all dealers. Profitable Horses. The demand for draft horses is greater than the supply and it certain- ly looks as though there would be more money on the farm if more draft horses were raised. A well bred draft foal six or seven months old, about weaning time, will sell for $75 or more. Up to this time he has eaten very little grain. A steer that would bring a similar price, would likely be three years old, and at an amount of feed used probably six times that of the colt. Draft horses are saleable for cash every day in the year and a mare earns her keep in the harness while the colt is growing into big money. When a really good drafter makes his appearance on a western market the seller does not hesitate to ask from 3400 to 3500 for him. With all the auto trucks, the demand for good horses is greater than ever, with high- er prices than before autos were seen. 318,500 is a record price, and this is what the Shire stallion Tateon Dray King sold for, but such horses can earn from 35000 to 36000 a year, It pays to raise good horses. Why Liquid Catarrh Remedies Fail They go direct to the stomach, have very little effect on the linings of the nose and throat, and entirely fail to cure. Oily by cleansing the air pas- sages by relieving the inflammation and killing the germs is cure possible. No cottbination of Antiseptic is so successfuln breath- ing as Catarrhozone. I it, you send the richest pine bal- sams right to the seat of the disease. Irritating phlegm is cleared out, hoarseness, coughing and hacking are cured. For a permanent cure for ca- tarrh, nothing equals Catarrhozone, 25c and $1 at all dealers. Larger Milk Yields Possible. Why should cow testing be carried on ? Mainly because individual cows in the same herd are likely to vary in production about as much as, some- times much more than, individual cows in different breeds. Then too must be considered the strange varia- tions in milk and fat from day to day, even with a cow handled as carefully as possible. Such variations are very apt to be overlooked unless the record is carefully kept. Another point : two cows side by side, one gives 20 lbs of milk a day, or 10 lbs. at a milking, the other gives 9 lbs. The difference in weight, or the difference in bulk in the pail, especially if there is a lot of froth on top, is not easily guaged by the or- dinary milker, But multiply that ,by the three hundred days of a milking period, and it is seen that one cow gives 000 Iles more milk than the other. Yet the ordinary milker would have said, these two cows give "just about" the same. But is not the extra 000 lbs. worth haying ? Many members of the cow testing association say that the hired man milks better, with more endeavour to milk clean, if the record hangs before him constantly, and an extra 500 les. pflr cow has often been obtained ranee the introduction of the pencil and ruled sheet, Try it, not. simply for the extra milk or fat,, blit for the immense personal satisfaction in knowing that each cow is being made to do better, to do her best, Beautiful Hair Makes the Plainest Face Irresistabiy Attractive. Any woman can have beautiful and luxuriant hair by using Parisian Sage, the great hair tonic and dandruff cure. l.'aiisian Sage is the favorite Hair Tonic of refined people, and since its introduction it has met with sito,idor- ful sweets. If you want beaitifal, lustrous hair that will he the envy of your friends, IcKKibben and get a bottle of Parisian Sage today audgitso it for a week. If at the end of a week you are not satisfied that Parisian Sago is the most delightful and refreshing (lair Tonle you ever used, take it back and get your money. Parisiana e is guaranteed to cure dandruff, snit stop failing. riair. It costs only 50 tents a bottle at Walton Mcltibbon's or by express, charges repaid from Giroux Mfg, Oo., Fort ) hie, Ont. Ladies' Whitewear Our stock of Whitewear is Large and Complete in all lines, All Garments are perfect in fit and finish, with ample Fulness provided. Style, Fit, and Value Guaranteed. LADIES' WHITE CAMBRIC UNDERSKIRT.-Good'quali- ty, wide flounce of tucked Lawn, finished with deep frill of Swiss Embroidery, regular value $1,50 -Sale $1,25 SPECIAL UNDERSKIRT. -Fine quality Cambric with hem- stitched tucks and embroidery insertion and deep flounce. Our special cut price 32,00 LADIES' EXTRA QUALITY UNDERSKIRT. -Made of best English Cambric, trimmed with insertion and 18 inch embroidery flounce, regular $3.50 -our price 32.90 Children's Dresses Very pretty White Lawn' Dresses, made in the very best style, trimmed with lace and insertion. Sizes run from six months to six years. Prices are :-$1,00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. Ask to see them. Ladies' White Cambric Gowns Full width, trimmed with lace and embroidery, well sewn. Prices are :-75c, $L00, $1.25, $1.50. See our Leader, it beats them all -only $1.00 Ladies' Corset Covers In Good , quality Cambric. Front and arms trimmed with fine lace and embroidery. All prices. See •our 39c line - on sale at, 25c LADIES' DRAWERS. -In fine white cotton, trimmed with tucks and hemstitching, finished with laces and em- broidery. Prices begin at 25c -a special line at 39c LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS. -In very pretty styles, made of good wash Duck or Linen, trimmed with folds and insertion -special bargains at $1.50 and 32,00 LADIES' WAISTS. -A very large range of styles and pat- terns, long or short sleeves, trimmed with Site tucks, fine insertion and fancy collars -all prices from 75c to$8.00 We buy from the manufacturers, and in quantEties that will command the LOWEST PRICES. H. E. l$ARD & CO. Kincardine to Detroit AND RETURN $2OO Steel Steamer = King Edward ALQOMA CENTRAL. STEAMSHIP LINI3 TICKETS 0009 i01N0 JUNE 251:11‘ Leave Kincardine 5.00 a.m. ,Arrive Detroit 4.45 p.m. Return June 27th and July 4th Leaves Detroit 8.00 a.m., Central Time Meals and Berth Extra. T. J. 1.ENNED'X' Traffic Mgr., Sault Ste. Marie H. T. HURDON Local Agent Tribute To Whiteley Government. .A5 the London Methodist Con- ferenee, Rev. J. A. Ayearst, who is employed by the license department of the Provincial Government pre' rented a report of his year's work in nenforeing the license law. "It is a credit to the present Government," he said, "that they have given us a free hand to enforce theaw, Never r NC er yet have we reeeived one word of in- struction that we mustn't enforce the law in certain planes or against certain portions." Deaf Woman Printer, Mrs.4nna S. Lashbrook is the first deaf woman to have charge of a print- ing oMee. She is foreman of the printing oiilee of the School for the Deaf at Rome, N. 'Y`., and is also business manager of the Deaf Mutes Ilegieter, which is published feint - y. month 1 i . She has Moree than twenty y Apprentices des and r hot, She is mid t.cr be an advocate of equal euffrnge tend was one of several deaf women Who that fall voted for Cominieeloner ot" the hoard of lilduoation,