HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-06-24, Page 4A LMwwAMMwwMw}Mi'A' Ladies' Blouses and Wash Goods. We have some very stylish Blouses on sale at present. Some finely embroidered and 'very daintily trimmed with inser- tions and lace. All have the new long sleeves. Also the smart and modish Tailored 131ottse, in all white or with colored pipings. We have a large stock of Cotton Suitings, which can be made into the popular Wash Suits for summer wear. Nothing more serviceable or stylish, when trimmed with, buttons or neatly braided, Ladies' Whtewear. In this department our stock is complete, Each garment is well made and daintily trimmed with tucks, embroidery, lace and insertion. We ask you to inspect our atoll before purchasing elsewhere. Choice Groceries Always in Stock, Highest :rices for Produce. D. M. CORDON muiremmirawnr King's For Bargains I ! We Want Your Trade Warm Weather Goods NEW MUSLINS--Very dainty patterns, choice materials and fast colors. DRESS LINENS --This Iine is very strong this season 'snd the colorings are good. Demities, Organdies, Persian and Victoria Lawns in large variety. BUTTONS -In Pearls for wash goods, and in silk and satin for heavier goods. DRESS GOODS -The largest range and best selected stock in town, and the prices are right. STAPLES -As usual this department is filled with goods from the best manufacturers. Come with the crowd and get one hundred cents value for every dollar you invest. EGGS 20 CENTS. GEO. E. KING Good Goods 1 Cheap Prices • 1111111111111111111•1131101111111011111111111111111011115 Yon will have to buy a LAWN MOWER this season. Why not buy one early and have the whole seas- on's use of it. We sell them from $3 to $15. YOU may require at least one of the fol- lowing spring necessities, which we are very heavily stocked up in. Hammocks, Screen Doors and Windows, Poultry Netting, Garden Hose & Reels. The Best Paints for all uses. CLEANyour Bath Tubs, Sinks, Tinware, 1 , Floors, etc., with'WYANDOTTE. A trial package for 25 cents, and 1,.`Loney back if not satisfied. We take Eggs as Cash Phone iti J. G. STEWART & CO. THE CENTRAL HARDWARE STORE 11111t»1®ll111f[®i111111t -MilmEN•0441. hitechurch Hardware Store Nei ....� 4111......-..1 An Edison Combination Phonograph for $28.60 On July 1st, this new type of machine called the " Fireside" will be placed Oh the tnarket. This places the verb* best ging- ers and musicians of the world within the reach of everyone. NO olio heed now' 16e without this king of entertain- ers. Zn your own holmj you can hear Ratty Lauder, the world-renowned Scotch► Singer, or Ada J01168 & Len Spen- cer i>1 side-splitting louVeville, or Anthony & Harrison, or the baited quartette singe ng the good old hymns we all love to hear. Come and leax.l how to get one on the easylay- mellt plan, As any of our customers if they're not more than pleased with their-' bargain. J. T. Holmes -Whitechurch TI.E. WINGHAU ADVANCE, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1909.. TSE )3;UQTRICAL AGE.. (Stratford Herald,) This has been aptly designated as the Electrical Age. A few years ago (and not so many but that those of us who are not yet very old may re- member) we had the Steam Age, a time Vhen the *Hinds of inventors were practically directed to the uses to which steam could be applied. The result of these inventions will be evident to the end of time, During the past few years electricity has been in the ascendancy, and electrical inventions; bane literally turned the world upside down. It would be useless to attempt to enumerate the new things given to us during the last generation, but among the most common and useful of the new inventions and older ones which have been perfected so as to make them practicable, are the tele- phone, the electric light, and the motor by which electricity is made to run machinery of all kinds. It requires no great stretch of imagination to make us feel that we are to -day living in a veritable fairy land. You touch a button and a flood of light fills the houses and parks em- anating from little bulbs of all the 'colors of the rainbow. Another and the most melodious music fills the air; reproductions not only of instrumental music, but also of the very .voice and words of absent ones, one of those who have gone to their long homes. You speak in the ordinary voice to a friend a thousand miles away, You board a car and without any appar- ent motive power, ere carried along at the rate of a .mile a minute. A new arrival on the earth having been told all these things, after look- ing about for a short time could say with the Queen of Sheba, "The half has not been told me." Not the least of the inventions prominent before the world to -day is the Electric Railway, with its bands of steel on which its cars shoot back and forth driven by an unseen power, carrying their loads of living freight, the rich, the poor, the happy and the sad, swiftly' and 'safely to their desti- Ntion. Not only so, but also distri- buting to aII parts of the land the necessities and the luxuries of life. POULTRY NOTES. Remove coops to fresh ground fre- quently. Don't feed much, if any, corn in hot weather. If you over -feed you have fat hens and fewer eggs. Thefirst food for chicks is bread crumbs well mixed with clean white sand. Feed chicks at first about every three hours, and less frequently as they grow older. It may be advisable once more to recommend occasionally washing of roosts with kerosene. It takes more food to grow the larger breeds of fowls, but you have more to show for your work. A hen that exercises will lay twen- ty-five per cent, more eggs than a hen that doesn't, and at less cost per dozen, Varieties of black chicks at first show a white or cream color, but this gives way to black in a short time. At the first indication of bowel trou- ble in chicks a lady gives boiled milk and sprinkles their runs with charcoal and sand. Fill empty egg shells with mustard and cayenne and leave them about the yard for egg eating hens to indulge in. It often cures the habit. A two -weeks old ehicken, says a writer, requires as much medicine in a day as a six -months old child, a site months old chick as a year-old child. Some roosters are so gallant that they step aside to permit hens to eat and do not get enough themselves, Don't let a rooster fail of sufficient nourishment on that account. Small deeds and cracked grains are the natural feeds for small chicks ; meal or dry bread is good for them. Lots of simple things Idako good feed. There is nothing about nature that suggests a steady diet of soft feed, al- though a change is good for them. Practically and truthfully so, there has been nothing new and improved in nature the last one hundred years, notwithstanding the talks to sell stuff. Fowls should have a, comfortable place to roost. This ;Weans that the roost must be on alevel so they will not crowd; not too high for them to, reach easily, and, since the time spent on the roost is usually the coldest part of the twenty-fonr hours, the heat generated by their bodies while on the roost should be retained as tnueh as possible duringgethe cold nights, but allowed to escape on warm or hot nights. It does not take more than square foot for each hen to provide all these facilities for cotnfortp,b7e roost- ing, Wireless telegraphy has not yet reached the limit of its usefulness. Recognizing its effectiveness, the United States Government is erecting In 'W`ashfngton, a concrete tower site but;deed feet high, with a base of dity feet square, and eight feet square at the top, This tower is to be used as part of the system for a wireless stat- tion intended to cover the North A,t• fatale Ocean. Wonderful to thtok and realize, that it is expected to OM. rnuniettte from this station, with veli- cele three thousand miles distant, Surely this is an Ulcetrio Age. I CONSUMPTION ON DECREASE. i)r. William Osler, Regius Profes- sor of Medicine at Oxford, and an eminent Canadian, declares that tub- erculosis is on the decrease. In . one generation he thinks the mortality from the disease has been reduced fifty per cent., and he looks forward to the time when its ravages will be reduced to the extent that those of typhoid fevei: have been. Statis- tics bear out Dr. Osier's encouraging view, For example, the percentage of death rate adjusted to each ten thousand of population in Boston was 25.09 in 1000, It had fallen to 17,31 in 1908. In St. Louis it was 17,40 in 1900 and 15.10 in 1908, In Brooklyn it was 20,00 in 1000 and 10,04 in 1008. In New York (old city) it was 25.07 in 1000 and 22.03 in 1908. In London the rate in 1900 was 17,50,vhereass in 1008 it had fallen to 13 38..In Berlin it was 24.52 in 1900 and 18.19 in 1908. In Vienna, 88.40 in 1900 and 27,53 in 1008 and in Paris 40.10 in 1000 and 38,09 in 1908. These statistics may not be altogether conclusive, owing to their lack of uniformity, but the personal. observa- tions of Dr, Osler on the decrease of the disease may be taken as serviceable testimony. Tho evidence that the disease is controllable and preventable ought to encourage the public to great- er and more concerted efforts to stamp it out, One way is by education. Canada's Publications. According to .the 1900 edition of the Canadian Newspaper Directory, re- cently issued by the A. McKim adver- tising Agency of Montreal, Canada now has over 1400 periodical publica- tions. This number is made up as followa :-135 dailies, 1015 weeklies, 202 monthlies or semi-monthlies and 14 published less frequently, Some 'Laying On." 'tLaying on hands" for complaints especially in children, is now taking the place of Christian Science. A mother cured her boy of the cigarette habit with one dose. She laid her left hand on the boys neck, her right hand on one substantial slipper, and ' then laid the slipper where it would do the most good. It effected a cure and a relapse is not looked for, A Mother's Brutality. . Because she resembled a disliked sister-in-law, Mrs. Nelson Lajoie, of Aylmer, with nine children, is alleged to have tortured her daughter of 10 until she almost died. The child is now in the hospital, her body a mass of bruises, the head being disfigured by five cuts, The neighbors say that Mrs. Lajoie made the child run back- ward and forward in front of her while she struck her with a stick, also that she tied her hands while hungry and placed her where she could watch others eat. The child willingly ate potato peelings, Over Half A Million. Up to the present time the Provin- cial Treasurer, Hon, A. J. Matheson, has received over half a million dol- lars in subscriptions to the public Pro- vincial loan of $3,500,000. The Treasurer's mail bag is daily deluged by subscriptions and applications. It is interesting to note that, with the exception of one or two large pay- ments, the applications are pouring in from individual citizens desirous of investing small amounts. That the interest is general is noted from the fact that all parts of Ontario are re- presented, and scores of ladies are among the investors. Will Be Big Berry Crop. All signs point to an extraordinary strawberry crop. "There will be cheap strawberries this year," said a grower. The plants have thrived in the weathetoof this spring. The wet is much to the liking of the berry. Prost has kept away. Not a blossom has been lost to the frost kings. --a most unusual thing. The vines are simply loaded with berries which are fast hastening towards the ripening stage, while the blossoms continue to appear. "Give us not too much dry weather, with a sun not too hot, and there will be an overproduction of strawberries," said a dealer. It might be that berries woold in some places be found not worth picking, because of an over: supplied market. Spectacles for Cows. "There are cows that wear glasses in Illy country," said the lluseian traveller. "L once saw a herd of 40,- 000 cows with glasses on; "It was on the steppes, the 'RAO Russian prairies. For six months in the year our steppes are covered with snow, batt during a part of the time delicate, fresh grass tips pretruded from the white Ansi ,Ola ling mantle. The eows are been titrltegl o.nt to peed on the new grass ; but, if their oyes are unprotected, the dazzle of sunshine on the snow gives them snow blind- ness, Thousands of cows suffered horribly, and hundreds died of snow. blindness, until a rude, cheap kind of spectacles, made of leather• and spel lied glass, was invented, and put, wht Map Attccess, on the Russian markets How To Gain In Weight. Von know you are too thin -you eat and eat, but never get an ounce fatter. Nerves are weak, color is bad, strength seethe exhausted, It's not hard to get fat, You must eat more exercise more, Try Ferrozone and watch yor,ir appetite grow. ib turne ail you eat into n.ntrianent rind building Material, fillsrow, beins with rich red blood -gives yom "innbition and 1 vigor. li � e a ten - e t For a tissue r at f t ing tonic, one that roato e's perman- ently,. there is nothingto compare With Ferrozono. Try 3 and see, 60o Ott all dewier,, A. E. SMITH H BANKER S'VINOIIAONTARIO Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms,. Money trausmitted and payable at par at any Bank In the Donl1nio0, ItAT.Es.-1;5.00 and under, 3 oto, *l0 to $30, 10 eta. $30 to $50, 15 en. Same rates charged onrincipal banking points in the IJ, S. RAND TRUNK RAT 41 Dominion EXCURSIONS RETURN TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE Between all stations in Canada. Good going June 30th and Tuly 1st. Return limit July 2nd, 1009, ALASKA s YUKON - PACIFIC EXPOSITION - SEATTLE • Very low rates via attractive "routes. Daily until Sept. 3Qth, 1909. Return limit Oct, 31st, 1909. For tickets and full information, can on W. HENRY, Town Agent. or write J. D. McDonald District Passenger Agent,,Toronto. w Very Low Rate for Summer Trip to Pacific Coast $76.20 Return from WINGHAM good going May 20 to Sept. 30 Return limit Oct. 31, Liberal stopovers. Wide choice of routes. Go by the direct Canadian line -see your own country - the West, the Rocky Mountains, Visit the Seattle Exposition and other special attractions. Talk it over with J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingllam. 4. PROVINCIAL LOAN OF $3,500,000 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO, under the author- ity of Chapter 8, of the Statutes of Ontar- io, 1909, invites subscriptions from the pub- lic for a loan of $3,500,000 on bonds of the Province 01 Ontario, or "Ontario Govern- ment Stook." The bonds will be dated 1st June, 1901), and payable on the 1st June, 1039, in de, nominations of $1,000 each, with coupons attached for interest at the rate of four per cent. per annum, payable half -yearly on the 1st Juno and 1st December in each year at the office of the Provincial Treas- urer Toronto, or at the offices of the Bank of ldontrcal, in Montreal, Can., and in New York, N.Y., at the holder's option. Bonds will be made payable to bearer, but on request will be registered in the office of the Pro; vinoial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to the order of curtain persons or cor- porations, and on request of holders will be exchanged for "Ontario Government Stock" at any time, "Ontario Government Stook" will bear interest from tho let day of Juno, 11)011, principal payable on the 1st day of Juno, 1939, and interest at the rate of four per cent. per annum will be paid half -yearly by cheque on the 1st day of June and 1st day of December in each year. "Ontario Government Stook" may be subscribed for in sums of $50 or multiples t`.ereof, and wall b0 transferable in the books o>< the Treastttpy pepartlnept only by the holder or his attorney in similar manner to transfers of bank o. The issupte ppjfhycp d lring the Mali Ptd e, 1909, will be 102 forieaok glop, and of tet the 30th day of June, 1;109, the issue pre e will be 102 and interest accrued. from the 1st June. AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSUED UNDEit THE AUTHORITY OF THE SAID ACT ARID FREE FROM ALT, ONTARIO PROVINCIAL TAXES' OHAR, - E3, SUCIVqAST ON D T ITP '1,1.'1PQS . IONS W1 Th0ICV . Purchasers of Stook op Heeds will be re- quired to send cel>tifled cheque with the application,payable t,o the order of the "ProvinciaTreasurer of Ontario." This Ioan is raised upon the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Ontario, and is chargeable thereupon, Subscribers shouldstate whether they desire bonds or "Ontario* Government Stock." Example ; A subscriber for $1,000 will have the option of taking either a bond or "Ontario Government Stook," A subscriber for $750 will be given "Ontario Government Stook," as bonds are only in the denomin- ation of $1,000. A. 3. MATHESON, Treasurer, Treasury i)e at+trgent, rtitpliampat Buildings, Totems, 3rd. June, 1909. Newspapers inserting this hdvortlsement without authority from the Department will not bo paid for it. THE LEAEINQ S t ot,. CENTRAALL STRATFOAD, ONT. Co,rspp aye praoticta, Our toa0hers evperiencecl, {end ppur graduatos Capa• big tp gu 'respdngllbl,,o 'legions. we are rese vin many a 11} ton for Wilde' help, tiring a ii igio�j gyp i9 week we received seven app11t5rrti,jna for olilco help and four for oonlmer- stat towbars. Our graduates succeed as none others. Three departments Commercial Shorthand and Teleg. raphy, Catalogue frac. EL1.UOTT di MGLACHLAN PRINCIPALS Jas.Walker 4it Son yv,mumm Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Vir0 Atli sessions dualities Under• pp 1 rs and those Mates - etesters n IC.hba mo ntensttuiif their work tows May rely fie ielTed atgIrdatden yna, Night calla Ol}'tte nseris pt Moss Pihonb Ifi Ritchie & Cosens Fire Insurance Life Insurance ,Accident Insurance Employers Liability lnsur'nce Boiler Insurance Live Stock Insurance We handle the best companies and have twenty ,years' experience with no unsettled claims, Real Estate Bought and Sold Steamboat Tickets Sold Housed to hent Valuations Made Rents Collected Money to Loan Auditing, Accounting, and all kinds of office work receive our personal and prompt attention. Ritchie Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - WINGHAM Plumbing and Heating Is no experiment with us - let us figure on your work. A. fine Stock of Lamps Handsome Lamps at very reasonable prices. Be sure you see them. W. J. BOYCi Stone Block - Wingham TRY Malcolm's -FOR- Tea and Coffee They Are The Best FRESH GROCERIES And the best that can be bought. ;Call and inspect our Crock- ery pargaips' always to., be found ill our (;rockery dept. Produce Wanted. Malcolm's PHONE 54 AMIRION IIANKI HEAD OFFICE, TOEONTO. • Capital (paid up) - $3,976,000 RgrYy to a 11. • $5,297,000 Total Assets, over $4,000,00 WINGr#AM: BRANCH. Ttlterest allowed on depo5lt of $1.00 and •nt)wal",cls. F'armare Not0a cliscpuuted, Drafts sold on all pointe in Can- ada, the United States and Tfurope. D. T. HEPBURN, manager R. li'anstose, 8olloite>" The ADVAlcl; is North . Hurotl, leading news. paper. • ws- paper. Are you a sub- scriber ? If not, why" ? Only $1 per year. fm E •,TTTw J*L. T ,.,,. Tho People's Popular Store 1 Agents Ladies' Home Jourr;al Kerr & Bird Now For A Big House Cleaning Sale Agents Home Journal Patterns We expect to take stock early in July this year, and in order to clean the stock up nicely, and reduce it as much as possible, we will offer all odd lots in every department at about half price. This will be the Biggest Bargain Chance Ever Offered In Wingham Sale will continue throughout ;the month of June. AT HALF PRICE A quantity of Men's Hats and Cape. AT HALE PRICE A number of Low Priced Suits. AT HALF PRICE All the Men's and the Women's Raincoats. AT HALF PRICE A quantity of Fancy Combs. A quantity of Lace and Trim- mings, A quantity of good Brushes. AT HALF PRICE A quantity of Shoes and Slippers on our Bargain Counter. Less Than Half Price Table Vinegar put up in Fancy Glass Bottle, regular price 15o. Our Price only 7o. Chinese & Everedy Starch 10o pkgs. during sale, for 10o. No. 1 Fine Starch. We guar- antee the qua]ity. CARPET BARGAINS All our Wool, Union, Tapestry and Brussels Carpets, also Stair Carpets, at • less than regular prices. Every yard of Carpet and every Carpet Square will be offered at 25% less than regular prices. WINDOW SHADES Tremendous Price Cutting and a Large Stock to select from. Regular 50o Shades for 39c. o 75, " " b00 " 900 " " 69c „ '$1.00 " " 79c Curtain Pole Bargains White Cottage Rods, reg. 15o, ,100 Brass Ext. Rods, reg. 60o, for, , 44o " " 20o, for ,14o " " 15c, for „10o Oak and Mahogany Poles, reg. 25o, for 20o All Poles and Rods complete. Bargains in Dinner Sets 1 Set, 91 pieces, reg. $6.50...$3.24 2 " 97 " " $7.00.,.$4,70 2 " 07 " " $9.00„ ,$5.98 1 " 97 " " $12.00...$7.98 T. A. Mills 1N.INGHAM See Our New Spring - Carpets, Rugs arj4 jJpQ1eUS. . Nothing to equal them at the prices we are offering thele. for RUMS We are showing a large and well selected assortment of Brussels, Velvet and Tapestry Rugs, at prises from 89.00 up, LINOLEUMS We import direct and can safely say that we are showing the BEST for the money. Pretty Block and Floral designs in four - yard widths from 50c a sti. yard up. OILCLOTHS OTHS New patterns in stock -all widths -- at 80c, 50e and 60c per yard. EMBROIDERIESe can ghee youpargalins in Embr'oiderie9, eto. See smith window for samples and prices. rommentommramtwaYmont SUMMER WAISTS S Ladies' White Lawn and Embroidered Shirt Waists iK .r.. . in tete latest patterns i lopg sleeves i X1.00 to ”.50. awSeseeeeseekeVeseeksseg CARPETS We can give you a snap in this line. Colne in and tee for yourselves before buying. Also Carpet gnds at a great reduction to clear ---at less than east, MOO'S ...&4 Clothing gieitt'o':i perfeet fittin ,ssliyh lookingand good pAttcrat. fl-tttot�ewrleeeades ranging from 19.00 to $14.00. 4 r