HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-06-10, Page 4IO
OOE more bon eoleaning time has arrived with its attend-
ant worries of re -furnishings. It you will allow us, we
oan assist you in choosing Curtains and Draperies, and
thus. save Somo of the worry. Our lino of Curtaining$ is
complete. We have leradras--which makes each artistic ourtams--
at 250, 850, 40o, 60o, and 050 per yard, in white, cream, ecru,
blue, green and red. We also carry a large stock of Lace Cur-
taine from 25o a pair up to $$.00 a pair. We have Dotted Mns-
line for curtains, with' dots of all sizes ; also pretty shaded .Art
Mullins and Art Draperies. Call and see our goods -prices and
quality we know 'will snit.
We have a largestook of Ladies'
Blouses prettilytti1Y
ered, with the newlong sleeve ; also the very fashionable Tail-
ored Blouse, in all white or with colored trimminga. Blouses
from $1.26 up.
CHILDREN'S KID GLOVES. --We oarry a cdmplete line of
children's Kid Glovee; all shades and all sizes.
King's For Bargains I 1 We Want Your Trade
Warm Weather Goods
NEW MUSLINS-Very dainty patterns, choice materials
and fast colors.
DRESS LINENS -This line is very strong this season and
the colorings are good. Demities, Organdies, Persian
and Victoria Lawns in large variety.
BUTTONS -In Pearls for wash goods, and in silk and
satin for heavier goods. ,-
DRESS GOODS -The largest range and best selected stock
in town, and the prices are right.
STAPLES -As usual this department is filled with goods
from the best manufacturers.
Come with the crowd and get one hundred cents value
for every dollar you invest.
Good Goods I
I Cheap Prices
Patronize Homo Industry
I have a large ' stock of BUGGIES on hand,
which are offered at reasonable 'prices. Our rigs
not only look well, but stand the test of use,
and that is the real test.
Open and Top Buggies,
Carriages, &c.
Something new and nobby in a surface -oak finish box.
The latest in rubber tires, &c. We slight nothing, and
guarantee the materials and workmanship of our rigs.
You know what you're getting when yon buy from us.
The more widely our Buggies are known, the better they
are appreciated. Call and examine for yourselves.
gingham Carriage Works
Whitechurch Hardware Store News 1
When prudent people go to make a purchase, they
always make quality the fir consideration. That is why
we are sellingso much of the
Genuine Frost Wire Fencing
The wide awake farther knows that it coats just as
much to erect a fence with cheap wire as it does with
good mire, and if the first heavy winter that comes breaks
his cheap wire all to pieces, it is going to be dear even
if he gets it for nothing. We are prepared to supply
the Genuine Frost its any quantity, and at a very reason-
able price. Conte and get it ; June is fencing .month. '
Watch this space next week for special Phonograph
J. T. Holrnos - Whitechurch
Wolves At Work.
Timber wolvee are killing young eats
tie in the northern parts of Peterboro'
county. In Demmer township, ten
miles nith of
Norwood, sevi
young cattle were found dead in their
pasture with their throats cut, The
jagged wounds showing that the
wolves had been at work.
Turned Back To Canada.
Henry Corby, a respectable citizen
of Deseronto, and his family were
turned back while crossing the line in,
to the .American side, owing to their
having a crippled son of five years,
Mr, Corby had secured a position at
Lowell, Mass. The family were com-
pietely heart -broken when they arriv-
ed back after spending all the money
they had for their tickets.
Western Crop Outlook.
The O. P. R. crop dated June 2nd,
is of a most optimistic character. The
growth during the past ten days has
been phenomenal. The crop is actual-
ly now ahead of last year. There
have been splendid rains all through
the West. Waskada, Saskatchewan,
reports a hail and wind etorm of un-
usual severity, but fortunately the
crops were not up enough to be,
Boys And Matches.
The Presbyterian Church at Shal-
low Lake, near Owen Sound, narrow-
ly escaped being destroyed by fire,
on May 27th. Two little four-year-
old boys by some means gained access
to the building and decided to have a
general housecleaning. They gather-
ed all the papers and hymn books they
could find and made a bonfire at the
rear end of the church. Fortunately
the caretaker came along just as the
fire was gaining headway and after
some difficulty succeeded in putting it
out. Very little damage was done to
the furniture, but the hymnals were
all destroyed.
La Grippe Coming Again.
Europe is now in its grasp, and in
a short time America will be over run
with this awful epidemic, Get ready,
use preventive measures. Build up a
surplus of vigor by Ferrozone, and
inhale Catarrhozone three times each
day. Nothing destroys grippe germ
like Catarrhozone. It cures the cold,
breaks up the fever, relieves the head-
ache and destroys every vestige of ca-
tarrh and sore throat, For bronchitis,
grippe and winter ills Catarrhozone is
best, Sold by all dealers 25c and $1.
Give Them No Peace.
The house fly, the dirty fly, the ty-
phoid and cholera infantum fly, will
soon swarm in thousands or millions
unless precautions are taken. The
house fly, which we were taught in
our childhood to treat with kindness,
has been exposed. Its habits are fil-
thy. It breeds in stables and gar-
bage pails and carries the filth it re-
vels in and tracks it across the sugar
and butter and the beefsteak. It pad-
dles its feet, gummed with the vile
rotting matter, in baby's milk. It
probably disseminates every disease.
It must be exterminated. It can be
driven out of every city., In any age
of knowledge, screens dud cheap dis-
infectants there is no excuse for flies
in any household. Clean up your
premises and report to the health de-
partment your neighbor who does not.
Get rid of breeding places of flies and
you will get rid of the fly.
Banker Breaking Stone.
P. If, Roy, ex -Speaker of Q"abed
Legislature, and former Rank Frosi^
dent, is now in the Penitentiary, and ,
b ainS stones, s
, A
change surely from. Rank President to
a prisoner's garb and stone -hammer,
rhe pity is, that worse men and big.'
ger rogues than Roy are never
Woodstock Convictions.
According to the record on file at
police headquarters there were 50 con-
victions during the quarter ending
May 80, at the Woodstock police
court. Of these 14 were for being
drunk, nine for vagrancy, four for
larceny and the remainder for varioue
other offences. The amount received
in the way of fines was $107,01.
Would Tag Cows.
There is a possibility that every
Cow, the milk from which is sold in
London, will wear a tag in the near
future. Since the war on tuberculo-
sis commenced many prominent doc-
tors have declared that infected milk
is responsible for the rapid growth of
the dreaded disease and the plan of
tagging inspected cows may be intro-
duced in the Forest City.
Near Collingwood.
A. company has been formed at
Collingwood, on the strength of the
belief that gold is obtainable in the
Blue mountains in the vicinity of
Pretty River Valley postoffice, The
decision to go into this matter
thoroughly is said to be due to the
fact that a, recent assay of a sample
taken from an opening made and
sunk some eighty or ninety feet, show-
ed ore containing at least $10 of/gold
and 52 of silver per ton. To carry on
the test pumping and drilling machin-
ery is to be installed, and the work
gone about in a business -like and prac-
tical method.
Great Danger In, Headaches.
It's often dangerous to consider
headache a trifling ailment. If the
head aches, the stomach is out of
order and some serious disease may be
impending. To tone up the stomach,
toive it healthy action, nothing in
modern medicines is so successful as
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. The concentrat-
ed vegetable extracts in Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills have a quieting healthful
effect on the stomach and remove all
disorders. Your headache will be cur-
ed and they won't return, if you use
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sold every-
Law Reform In Force.
On June 10th the first measures of
law reform will come into force in On.
tario. A proclamation will be issued
giving official notice that on that date
the provisions of the Law Reform Bill
respecting the jurisdiction of County
Courts and the right of solicitors and
clients to make terms are in effect.
Under the sections which then come
into force, the jurisdiction of County
and District Courts is increased to
cover contract actions where the sum
involved does not exceed 5800; per-
sonal actions where the sum does not
exceed 5500 ; actions for trespass, re-
covery of property, and enforcement
by foreclosure or sale where the sum
does not exceed 5500; partnership
actions up to. $2,000, actions by lega-
tees under a will up to $2,000, and all
other actions for equitable relief up to
Sale Successful..
The sale of G. T. Pacific lots at the
towuslte of Prince Rupert, the Pacific
coast terminus of the Grand Trunk
Pacific Railway, held. at Vancouver
Nay 25th to 20th, was. very satiefae
tory. At a two hours' sale 88 lots
were sold at an average price of 52,700
per lot, the highest price paid, $8,260,
which was from 25 per cent, to fifty
per cent, above upset prices.
Opened It Again.
The wheels in the. Walkerton Pinder
Twine Factory, which have. been
standing as stilt as a sphinx for the
past few years, started to rotate at 7
o'clock Thursday morning. Mr. Jos,
Truax, who formerly had eharge of
the mechanical department of the fac-
tory, has been appointed Superinten-
dent of the institution, and will have
a staff of forty hands under him. A
number of rope machines will shortly
bo added to the factory, the firm hav-
ing secured sufficient orders for binder
twine and rope to keep the establish-
ment busy for the rest of the season.
She Is White As A Ghost.
Is it a matter of pride to be pale as a
lily ? Certainly not. What every we,
man wants is strength, color, and
vigor. Buoyancy and health is the
right of every woman, and these she
need not lack if she only uses Ferro.
zone. It gives appetite, creates
strength, enriches blood, gives vigor to
the nerves, color to the cheeks and
brightness to the eyes. Ferrozone is
at once convertible into health, beauty
and strength. There is power in E'er -
rezone, try it and" know what you
have missed, 50e at all dealers.
Smallpox Light.
The Bruce Times reports that there
are several cases of smallpox in Han-
over and Bentinck Tp., while both
Durham and Chesley are said to have
one or more patients on their hands.
The disease in Walkerton is ,gradually
petering out and is of such a mild type
as to cause little or no alarm. The
kind of smallpox that is now going
the rounds seems to consist of rash on
the face and a slight headache. It is
over in a few days and the patients
spend the rest of their time wondering
what there is about the disease that
people dread. Were it not for the
rash, it might he easily passed off as a
touch of the grippe,
You never saw a beautiful woman
who -didn't have beautiful hair. The
charms of a beautiful woman lies in
her hair. Many women do not realize
the attractions they possess because
they do not give proper attention to
the care of the hair.
The woman of the "400" are famed
for their beauty, not because their
facial features are superior to tho$e of
other women, but because they know
how to keep young by supplying vigor,
lustre, and strength to the hair.
Up to a few years ago )'arisian Sage
could hardly be obtained in America.
But now this delightful hair restorer
can be had in every town in America.
Walton McKibbon sells it in Wing -
ham for 50c a bottle, and he guaran-
tees it to grow beautiful, luxuriant
hair ; to turn dull, lifeless hair into
Lustrous hair; to stop falling hair f
to stop itching of the scalp. Under-
stand, Walton McKibbon will give
you your money back if it fails.
54 Suits To Be
At Sacrifice Prices
No Two Suits of Same Pattern
Having purchased a traveller's set of samples at a
big discount, we're prepared to give you remarkable
values. We have also taken out of our stock all odd
suits and put them with this lot, which gives a splendid
assortment in all - sizes.
4 Youths' Suits, sizes 31, 32, 33 regular $8.50, for ... ..... $ 5.00
3 "" r" ""
33, 34 -regular $12.00, for.... .. 6.50
6 Men's Suits, sizes 36, 37, 42, 44 -regular $9.50, for 6.00
4 "" it it 37, 38, 40 -regular $10.00, for 6.50
8 "" it
t 34, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44 --{regular $12.50 8.50
4 "" "I" t 37, 40 -regular $13,00, for.... ,............ 9.00
11 "" "" g 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 46 --regular $15.00, ... 10.50
4 ' "" "" L 35, 36, . 38 --regular -$17.50, for .... 12;50
3 . "" "" g 36, 38, 39 -regular $19.50, for..... ., 14.50
4 "" "" "" 35, 36, 37, 38 ---regular $21,00, for 15,50
These are positively Cash Prices.
Eggs taken as Cash.
McGee & Campbell
Clothiers and Men's Furnishers
White Stay=
Royal flail Steamships
14,97 Tons
14,000. Tons
The finest
and largest Steamers
on the St. Lawrence Route.
See us for rates 'and plans of
Ritchie Cosens
Plumbing aid
Is no experiment with us -
let us figure on your work.
A fine :Stock of
Lamps Handsome Lamps
at very reasonable
prices. Be sure you see them.
• Stone Block - Wingham
Tea and Coffee
Thy Are The Best
And the best that
can be bought.
Call and inspect our Crock-
ery Bargains always to be
found in our Crockery dept.
Produce Wanted.
Capital (paid up) • $3,976,000
Reserve 'Q®aa,1i - • $5,297,000
Total Assets, over $48;000,000
Interest allowed en deposit of $1,00
and upwards.
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Can-
ada, the united States and Europe,
D4 Tt HEPBURN, tanager
R. Y atittone, Solicitor
The ADVANCE CE is North
itHuron's leading news-
paper. Are you a sub.
scriber l? if not, why ?
Only $I per year.
The People's Popular Store
Kerr Bird
Pane a
Now For Big
House Cleaning Sale
We expect to take stock early in July this year,
and in order to clean the stock up nicely,
and reduce it as much as possible, we will
offer all odd lots in every department
at about half price. This will be the
Biggest Bargain Chance Ever
Offered In Wingham
Sale will continue throughout the month of June.
A quantity of Men's Hats and
A number of Low Priced Snits.
All the Men's and the Women's
A quantity of Fancy Combs.
A quantity of Lace and Trim-
mings. A quantity of good
A quantity of Shoes and Slippers
on our Bargain Counter.
Less Than Half Price
Table Vinegar put up in Fancy
Glass Bottle, regular price 15c.
Our Price on'y 7o.
Chinese & Everedy Starch
loo pkgs. during sale, for 10o.
No. 1 Fine Starch. We guar-
antee the quality.
An our Wool, Union, Tapestry
and Brussels Carpets, also Stair
Carpets, at
less than regular prices.
Every yard of Carpet and every
Carpet Square will be offered
at 2696 less than regular prices.
Tremendous Price Cutting and
a Large Stook to select from.
Regular 50c Shades for...,..890
'I ?53 " 41 60c
90a " ,I 09c
51.00 " 790
Curtain Pole Bargains
'White Cottage Rods, reg. 15c..100
Brass Ext. Rods, reg. 60c, for..4440
" " " " 20o, for. ,14o
" " " " 15o,for..l0c
Oak and Mahogany Poles,
reg. 25o, for 20c
AlI'Poles and Rods complete.
Bargains in Dinner Sets
1 Set, 91 pieces, reg. $6.50...58.24
2 " 97 " " I $7.00... $4 79
2 " 97 " " $9.00...55 98
1 " 97 " " 512.00...$7.98
T. A. Mills
See Our New Spring Carpets,
Rugs and Linoleums.
. Nothing to equal them at the
prices we are offering thele for
RUGSWe are showing a lattge and well selected
assortment of Brussels, Velvet and Tapestry
Rugs, at prices from 59.00 up.
LINOLEUMS We import direct and can safely
say that we are showing the BEST
for the money. Pretty Block and Floral designs in four -
yard widths from 50c a sq. yard up.
OILCLOTHS New patterns in stock -all widths --
at 80e, 500 and 60c per yard.
EMBROIDERIES We can give you Bargains in
Embroideries, etc. See south
window for samples and prices.
SUMMER WAISTS S Ladies' White Lawn and
Embroidered Shirt Waists
in the latest patterns; long sleeves; 51,00 to 59.50.
c RP' TS We can give you a snap it this line.
Come in and see for yourselves before
buying. Also Carpet Ends at a great reduction to clear
•-�at less than cost.
Men's Sc Boys' Clothin den's Ready4o-wear
Suits, well finshe$,
polled fitting, aeylish looking and good pattorns. Prices
ranging frons $0.00 to $14.00.