HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-06-03, Page 31
The Interruped
-)4 Author 0*
‘e111.11111.1011111111.111.11.1011.0111.0011110010.01111111.101 ,
"There'a cold, mutton," said Mrs. Me-
Whannel.- "Would you like It eiirried
or in shepherd's pie?"
"Please youreelf," said Peter,
"Shepherd's; pie," said Jimmy, and the
matter WAS settled.
Peter resumea his attitude of colleen.-
tration at his desk, but found difficulty
in attuning hie thoughts to the earlier
mood. of- the morning. On reading over
what he had written it seeinea less
pleasing than Ile had deemed, it. He
trimmed it here au(1 there, and was al-
most into the swing of the narrative
when— the door opened!
'There's llot enough cold mutton to
make a pie; unlese yon take au.
announced Mee, :SleWhannel.
"Pll take the eg.g," said Peter.
"Very well," said his wife; "I'll not
interrupt you any more," She left
quietly, and Peter elosea thc door after
her. Ife fingered the key momentarily.
Then he deeided that perhaps he had
better not. It was a happy deeision.
Rie wife was outsitle at the moment Rs-
teraug. Peter had not guessed that. He
settled to work, and having written for
a time turned up hie notes again:
"Something imexpeeted ought to:happen.
It must be somethiug whieh will make
the reader say, 'How strange! I did
not think of that.'"
"That'a the rub," said Peter, "and yet,
let me see, what an I do to mind it
He was chewing the end of his pen,
as was his habit, and had not yet caught
even a glimmer of the flash of the idea
that wits to help him to his conclusion.
The main purpose he knew, but the fash-
ioning of it was quite another matter.
It must be genial. Ile thought of the
morning's interruptions and -exclaimed
eynicalry, "Genial!" It must be—
Someone was stirring in the passage out-
side, someone was coming towards the
door, and with them came the desired
idea. Peter took. his Pen and wrote
Mrs. McWhannti entered the room
quietly and announced that dinner was
almost ready.
"All rights" saki. Peter. "As a matter
of fact I am just finishing. You might
wait a minute. I want you to listen to
this ending. I will not be more than
half a jiffy."
Mrs. McWhannel waited, occupying liar
time dusting the booksbelves with the
all -adaptable apron, a clean corner of
which served to Wipe the face of Jimmy,
who had also appeared on the scene.
"Listenl" said. Peter and his wife
crossed the room aud bent on his desk,
"this is the finish:
" 'And now that you know all, I fancy
there is but little I need add. Ygt, per-
haps it were scarcely fair did I not say
something-Iregarding myself.' I am no
longer yonng,•but the youth in me is
strong. There is one who looks over
my should as 1 write to Whom I owe
much in the setting down of what has
been toldln these pages. She it is who
bids lite lay down my pen, and be of
good cheer. It is to e'er 1 tun -Lin the
fullness of 'ray joy. What her inspir-
ing influence haii•urged from my soul
alone know, and it is a knowledge I
treasure beyond dreams of Eldorado. I
ask for no brighter inspiration should I,
in the future, bethink me of tellinng
more of the history of those whose for-
tunes have been the burden of the tale
now ended.'"
"Peter!" said Mrs, MeiNiThannel, "how
prettily put."
But MeWhannel merely thought of
what the Psebnist had said in his haste,
and included himself in the category as
O sort of specialist. "We'll go and test
the shepherd's pie," he said.
"Not to mention the egg," said Jimmy,
who is a marvel. for his years.
SlteSt hamlet, having laid down Ids pen,
took up a page of the noes that lay
00 108 desk, and read:
"The climax umet be unexpeeted, end
un unexpected event or action is muith
better than the presentment of an un-
expected general idea—that is, twine -
thing unexpected ought to happen. It
muse be something whip will make the
veinier says 'How strange! I dikl not
think of that.'
"Exaetly," said MeWhannel; "tliat's
where l've scored, and, wIth an hour's
peace to finish the writing of my last
eliapter, _1 reckon the stuff should be all
right, Now for it!"
He lifted Iris pen, and, with lips com-
pressed and brow knitted, set himself to
work out hie
"Peter," shouted his wife from beyond
In the hall, "could you change a shilling?
That' e the leundry, and the boy's got no
MeWhannel, fumbling amid keys,
knife, and odds and ends in a jacket
pocket, found threepence, and, going to
the door, proffered the amount,
"Oh, that's not enough, but it doeen't
matter; I'll matiage. He eau get the
money next week," and. Mrs. aiOvVilan-
uel whisked away from the door, leaving
Peter to return to his desk,
"-Now," said he, "rli get ahead--"
"Peter, take that threepence ndter
all. I've found a penny I didn't know 1
had." Mrs.. MeWhannel was again wait-
ing at the door.
Peter laid down his pen with a sigh.
"My dear," he replied, "you took the
"Oh, so I did," Said Mre, AleWhannel,
"It was me not thinking that I wanted
it, made me think I hann't got it. Of
course you gave it me. I laid it on the
lobby stand. Thanks, Peter."
"Let nie see, now, where was I?" cogi-
tated Peter,
The outer door slammed loudly.
"I wish they wouldn't slam the door
in that fashion, What was it again. .Ah,
"Pee -ter, Pee -ter, just a minute; can I
come in?" It was Mrs. McWhitnuePs"
voice once more. .
"Yes, yes, come in," growled MeWhrui-
nel. What is it?"
"Oh, do go to the -window for a min-
ote and see the Torrance& now perambu-
"Pon my word, Mary, ire too bad
s of you. Can't you see I'm busy?"
"Oh, I'm sorry," said she. "I didn't
konw you had begun; I thought you
were just sorting your papers."
"Well, I have begun, and I don't want
to be interrupted, so go away-, please."
Mrs. MeWhannel's hands being wet,
the used her apron to give her a grip
of the door handle, and in doing so
noticed a smudge on the finger plate.
"I never saw the like," she exclaimed; "I
aid this room myself yesterday, and this
door is all finger -marked 'already." She
prooeeded to "Huh" a moist breath upon
the handle and finger -plate, then started
to remove the offending smudges by vig-
erous rubbing. The rattling of the door -
handle got on Peter's nerves."
"Oh, leave the blessed thing alone!"
tie growled:
"It 'won't take me a minute," saia
Mrs, McWhannel; "I hate to see things
The rattling continued for a Blume,
and McWhannel, shifting uneasily in his
:hair, chewed the end of hie pen.
"There now," said his wife, "I'm sure
that's better. Well, I'll leave you to
your MR devices."
"Thank heaven!" murmured Peter to
himself as she Closed the door on the
He, turned to his notes again, and
read: "The elimax must the unexpect-
ed." A grim smile that hinted at con-
sciousness of achievement quivered on
the wrinkles care and. thought ho:d pen-
ciled, and he wrote steadily on, pausing
only to correct and refine as lie con-
• cluded each series of pages. "I think
that should fetch them,' he exclaimed at
the conclueion of a glance over what he
had written. "The unexpected event
or action is much Nittr thanthe pre-
isentment of an unexpected general
"Pee -ter 11»
"Ministers of grace defend us, what"
is it now?" he shouted in response to
his wife's call.
"Have you got such a thing as a bit
of stamp -edging In your desk, Jimmy's
cut his finger?"'
"No, I have not. Put a rag around
"But, Peter—"
41 do wish you wouldn't bother me.
don't suppose he'll bleed to death. Be.
you shouldn't have let him play
with a knife."
"May I corm in?"
"Oh, by all means, if it's going to do
you any good. I tell you I've got no
stamp -edging.."
"And. prectoutt little sympathy fo;.
sour own child," said. Mrs. 1VIcWhannel.
Ile could hear her flouncing away
from the door. }10 rose and. turned the
key in the lock. The wailing note in
Jimmy's voice sounded sharp and clear
for a mement. Then Romeone said.
"Chocolate," and. the wailing ceased.
Peter settled to his teak once more. Be
had got as far as ins fifth -page when
somectue knocked at the door. He paid
attentimi. They tattled the handle,
and lie rose front his seat and pushed
his hand. through his hair. "What is it,
Mary?" he inquired, with vexation ac-
• "It's not Mary," said a small voice;
"We me,"
"Well, go away, jimmy. Your fath-
er's very, very busy. He's no time to
speak to yen -just now," said Peter.
"But I want to show you my sore
&ger " said Jimmy.
"Pll see it later on,' replied Peter.
"Maybe you won't," said jimmy deci-
eivety. "It's fading."
It was Mrs. MeWlittniiel's voice that
now sounded. "White about dinner,
Peter? When do yonwant A?"
"Oh, whenever you like," seid
"Why have you the door locked?"
"Rave T. locked it?" said Peter. "I
must have done it inadvertently" (1.r.
McWhannel was a toveard at heart.)
'We% it's looked anyway," said Ids
wife, in toners Mixt indicated her regard-
ing the inadvertently as a silent re -
leieeekemeee, ••
Why do 1 sign ali my advertisin
satesee s
"It's unlocked now» said. Peter, apt-
ogetieally turning the key..
"Igo, Jimmy," said the virtuous Mary
out; "we are not going in. Your fath-
er's busy jrist now, and must not be in-
terrupted. All 1 want to knew is" (eon.
thlued the) "what do you want. for din-
"EibltdesAf Oliver Wendell lIolines,
Shakespeare, Anne 114.0w4/ay and. flap-
jaeks;' muttered Peter, with etieniories
of a par4101.0 hi the Breakfast Table
*tries, IttatV a Mtn tO eayt I'll take
anything you've got," be added, address-
1Ls wife.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pil's Bring
Health and Strength to Women
at a Critical Time.
PM' women reach the age of fifty
without enduring much suffering and
anxiety. Between the years of forty-
five Lind fifty health becomes fickle and
acute weaknesses arise with rheumatic
attacks, pains in the back and sides,
frequent headuches, nervous ailments
and depression of spirits.
The secret of good health between
forty-five and fifty depends up i e the
blood supply. 11 11 is kept rich, red
and. pure, good. health will be the re-
sult, and women will paws the critical
stage in safety. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills help women of mature years as no
other medicine ean, for they make the
riek, red blood that means good health,
and brings relief from suffering. Mtg.
C. Donavon, Newcastle, N. B., says:
"About two years ago r tyro greatly
run down and very miserable. I did not
know what was wrong with me. I was
hardly able to drag snyaelf about, had
severe headaches and no appetite. I felt
so wretched that I hardly cared whether
I lived or not. I had often rad of what
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had done for
others and I decided to try them, and
eau now truthfully say I found them
all they are recommended to be. Under
their use my health gradually cisme
back; I could eat better, sleep better
and felt stroliger in every way, and bes
for long I was enjoying as good health
as ever 1 lind done."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going
to the root of the trouble in the blood.
They actually make new blood, That
is why they etwe such troubles as rheu-
matism, neuralgia, indigestion, kidney
troublee, headaches, sideaclies and back-
aches, and the ailments of growing girls
and women of mature years. Sold by
all medieine dealers or by mail at fia
emits a box or six boxe,s for $2.50.
from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
lee sou realizeit is nut of dais to
ward in this
alive r ttelu g.
host t4 1 Pastel
beets of my
amide. That 14
Why 1 z'ign
t1i!.411 With my
t ure.
Every new
end teen some
well meaning
clew r Meer -
t sing •expert
says to me,.
"l'edlar, don't.
your atlV('t'ti"ifl in tlit, firm, pc.,,ol
singular. tpoptp don't Agit their u1111
ittiq. any more. the day of big
corporations, net of ill'Uvidtilk"
Maybs they Ore 'right they ought
to know. But 1 thinls I stall go. On
signber my ads. jisit oe on tie f sign
my lettere. You S't J, oueider this
lulvattleemant. twat as direet and per -
millet a msesage 1 yon AS it Watild be
if I wrote it to vol in a letter.
!wet you believe what it sap. So r
sip It with my OW11 110.111o. W01114
110 that if it saiii anything but the
exact .tentli?
1 would like you. to know that I
mean every word in this nilvertieement
—that I stand right back of every
.tittltPlUellt it 1Mtitt's. • that ysii (sin
bum fl1iperennally answerable for
-every elaun it makee- • and my 1814-
11uli and personal reputatiou amount
tu something,' t think, without (emelt.
That ie. what my iielvertieing means
to me, and what my eignature ineans
to you, That le why 1 eign my ails,
pereonally. I think 1 haIL k('g) right
on eigning them
What does it mean when we say GUARANTEED "?
THIS bueinese was founded in 180 guar:tutees It ien't full of Inepholea
—almost fifty years ago. It bee and gateways for dodging. it 14 Oath,
grown till it operates the biggest straightforward, honeet. it says, shit -
plant of the kind in the British
Empire. That growth has
ensue berauee Pedlar products
have quality. The Pedlar re-
putation reete upon making
that quality good enough to
smarentee. *
That specially interests the
man who roofs with Oshftwa,
Steel Shingles. From the S min
y for thnt roore good-
ute that rooris on the respou-
sibilitrness rests ou na—not on the
buyer, but on this company—
ot on soe eooth 51110.11101('8
be reuewea free of all 34,51 to the
ow»er, mid the 501110 kind of a guar-
nntee will go with Um renewed roof.
And by "good" the Pedlar
guarantee means good in ev-
ery roof -sense of the word --
Mani ft roof free from leake,
free from rust boles,
free from theowed of paint or
repairs--11.roof that ie just
what good roof ought to be,
Twenty-five years the glIftr.
antee covers. The roof that's
Oehawasshiugled will be a good
roof, though, for four thnee
that long ---for a century.
When you etmeider that no
other roofing at all le guaran-
teed this way, there is scant
room for nrgument aboat the bet-
terwa nees of OshaSteel Shingles
but en signea and
A new roof for nothing if they oak by 1934
say-so, a
sealed guarantee, baeked by seer="*.s..„,
Ude Compauy'e capital and
reputatiou an(1 the pereonal word of ply, that every bell:ma-shingled. Toof,
its President. properly laid, will be a good roof .for
There is no quibble e bout the Pedler twenty-five yeare, or—thet roof will
y you should roof with •shawa Shingles
Send for tho meaty little
free book that tells you . some roof
facts you perhaps don't know, but
ought to—tells you the comparetive
worth and cost of all kinas of roof-
ing—puts the whole roofing question
plain before, you. Send for the book
before you spend Another dollar for
any roof. Learn that Oshawa Steel
Shingles (Guaranteed) will pay you
better, and why.
Pedlar Products include every kind
of sheet metal building materials—too
many items to even mention here. You
can have a catalogue-e-informa.tion—
estimate—prices—advice—just- for the
asking. We'd like especially to inter-
est you in our Art Steel Ceilings and
Side Walls—they are n revelatithi to
many people. More than 2,000 designs.
May we send you booklet 18, and pic-
tures of some of them?
RECAUSE Oshawa Steel Shingles
((1uarantied) are made. of extra
heavy , (28 -gauge semi-liardened
sheet steel, eevnly and heavily galvan-
ized on both shies and all edges. There-
fore Oshawa shingled roofs are proof
against rust and will need uo paint-
Because- Oshawa Steel Shingles
(Guaranteed) alone 'have the Pedlar
four-way lock, which -makes these
Shingles the easiest and simplest roof
to lay (no tools but A hammer and a
tinner's shears), and yet makes one
seamless, unbroken sheet of heavy
steel, what is really wet -proof and
that ie also WIND -proof. Such a roof
keeps a building cooler in summer,
warmer in winter, and dry always.
11,)0111144' C/AliOWA Stool Shingles
((1uaranteed) aetually eost less than
five cents it year per square -00
square feet—or about a tintlz of the
cost of common wood shingles, yet an
Oshawa shingled roof is fireproof As
web es wet- awl wind -proof, also, ft is.
perfectly insulated against lightning -
thew steel shingles keep a building
safer age 1081 lightning than lightning
rods will.
Because Oehawa • Steel Shingles
(Guaranteed) relieve your 1010:1 and
your pocketbook of AL.T. roof worries
there are—and still cost litttie enough
to be en ecoonmy for ropfing any
permanent structure, from a great
factory to a lieu-holt:ie. They cover
millions of dollars' worth of property
all over Canada, and cover it rigbt—
else they wouldn't be- them
edlar People of Oshawa
Address our Nearest Warehouse'.
1.21-2 Craig St.W. 433 S1.,299X SG 11. Colborne St. se King St. 200 West King St. 76 -Lombard St. 821. Powell St. =Ru a dupont
$T. JOHN. N.B., 42-46 Prince wunion St. 13ALIFAX, 16 Prtnce St.
We want Agents in some sections. Write for details. Mention this paper. 125
1 86 1
Battle With Conviets—Saved by a
Dog—Courage of Women.
The following incident was recounted
in a secret report sent by Co.pt: Cegni
of the Italian navy, now in command of
the battleship Napoli the Bret war ves-
sel to reach Reggio alter the earthquake,
to the Minister of Marine:
As soon as Capt. Cagni reached Reggio
lie landed in is boat accompanied by a
party of officers and men, a score in all,
in order to arrange for the organizatioii
of relief parties. No sooner -did tbey
set foot on shore than about A. hundred
escaped convicts armed with rifles which
they had. stolen from the barracks open-
ed fire on the party.
Cagni and his men. ware unarmed, so
they returned to their boat and. signalled
to the battleship to despatch at once
200 sailorsarmed with rifles and two
quick -firing guns. Within ten minutes
the- sailors were landed. Cagni assuraed
command, lined them on the hew% and
gave the order to march.
The conviete opened fire on them frent
behind the ruined houses. The Sailors
fired a volley in the air and then, as the
convicts continued to fire, Cagni ordered
his men to fire on the conviets'wbich
they did. The firing eontinued for fve
minutes until most of the convicts were
killed, and the remainder surrendered.
Capt. Cegni in his report does not state
how many were killed, but he says that
Ids first step was to secure all the ea -
aped convicts he could_ find, convey
them on board. in irons and sail to a port
in Sieily, where he handed them to the
police, and he did this 'before rendering
any help to the victims, as he considered
it of the utmost importance to free the
city from this band of looters.
.A. reference to this incident sent by
wire was stopped by the Dress censor, as
looting was officially denied.
:Many of the earthquake survivors owe
their lives to strange eireurristanees.
Some fell, 'bed and all, from top storeys
to cellars and were not hurt. A sacred
picture served as a -shield from the crum-
bling walls to others, while some were
shot from their beds to the street with-
out suetainims'Tany inimr3r,
One fainilyowe their lives to a dog, a
riMettff,' who' scenting the approach of
the earthquake ahead of time, barked
and bayed for iavelve 'hours before the
catastrophe, alarming his toaster so
remit that neither he nor his family
could sleep all eight. The dog's barking
grew fiercer and 'louder as morning came
until at OA first shock he leaped toward
the door, begging with his eyes for his
master and. the family to follow him.
guided them down 0 street over a
MASA of ruing to the Cathedral, barking
Husband's Unique Tribute.
.A. raid was Made in the "Baptist Da -
toms" lad night by a party of officers
widelt acceded itt tho seizure of a
blind tiger. A negro by the name of
John Owens was the violator of the law
who was might with 1101118 twenty bot -
ties of the goods in his possession. John
is the husband of Carrie Owens, 'who
is faniitiarly known in police quarters
as one of the famous tigresses of these
'bottoms. The whiskey found in this placo
bore the label "Old Carrie Owens,"
Whieh 001 to show that the woman is
not young in the business.
all the time and looking back to see if
they were still following lihn.
The master and his family sough
shelter under a flight of steps, but the
dog refused to stop, and no sooner had
they followed him than the stairs col-
lapsed, oscines to a fresh shock. The dog
was only satisfied when they reached the
Marina, where they found a boat which
conveyed them to a inmates -war.
There are many cases of wives saving
their husbands, which shows that Italian
women under stress of cirenostances
play a better part than the men. One
courageous woman dug out herself, her
husband and five children.
Another 'young girl with two small
brothers was taken out after eight days,
living in a corner of a cellar upon Which
nearly all the rest of the house had fall-
en. She dug for three days with her
hands until she had opened a small hole
fer air, and .by reaching out her hand
and. signalling she conalit the attention
of a passing, squad of soldiers, who res-
cue41 the trojust as the two children
wero about to die,
A party of soldiers remoOd a portion
of a crumbling wall at Messina, which
blocked a room in which a'husba.nd and
wife were diseovered in bed; Their heads
appeared first side by side on the same
pillow. The husband svas dead, while the
wife was alive. A soldier, seeing this,
took off his coat and covered the man's
face to hide it from the wife.
"Never mind," she said. "I know lie is
dear and his arms are around me."
When the bodies were removed it wa.s
found that the poor men had embraced.
his wife when he died, and the doctors
had. to amputate the arms to detach the
dead from the living body. The wife
did not cry.
Blue Rose Possible.
'It is by no means improba,ble that
some day an. enterprising rose -grower
may succeed in presenting the world
with a .blue eose. Not many years ago
the idea of a green rose would have been
ridiculed; yet to -day there is such a rose
to offset the ancient bine, which we
have not—as yet. That it will come in
tinie, we may be sure, For enore thao
half a century flower -growers have been
seeking to create a black Tose. In this
thete has thus far been only partial ma-
ces% one foreign, florist haring obtained
a rose of so deep ti. crimson as tu appear
black to ordinary lights, but revealing
the erimsent heart when closely exam -
ed. The result the florist obtained, first,
by selecting the darkest rd209 tta bred.
ers, and, second, by the use of iron fit-
ings in the soil.—Stiburban
• s*
The fellow who ie crooked mitre -ally
wants a -wider path than the strait and
nervily Ont.
CORNS. IN 44 Hovtio.
I,IFOREST telfilite!tcb,?:'eje'sida:::neefArailresilifeRateisletri
0 k only of healing gum Ana banns. FIftv yeera la
RESERVES 0 aec:bottleis. itetuse senstitutes! "4'4
an iniportant place in the report for
the year 1908 a the Superintendeut of
Forestry. Mr. R. 11. Campbell, which
has lately been issued. The Riding
Mountain reserve, the largest of theses
kali.° most fully treated. Its topography
and condition in regard to lumbering
are noted and emphasis is placed o11 the
importaut place it must occupy in re-
gard to the water supply of the adjacent
country, both for nonmetie and indus-
trial purposes. An evidence of the lat-
ter is the granting of permission to the
Minneilasa Power Co, of Minnedose,
Mau., to erect it dam ou Clear Lake, iu
the reserve, so as to render the water
of the Little Saskatchewan available
for the production of power. The timber
survey of the reserve is practically com-
pleted. The fire ranging service en the
reserve, and, in addition, on the Duck
Lake and Poreupin reserves, WM durs
tug the year previous (1907), organized
with A Chief Ranger in charge mid six
assistant rangers. The protection of
g m: tseravapeecist fthe
nient of the Moose Mountain reserve re-
sults from its use as a summer resort,
especially along the shore of Fish Lake.
Regulations for granting occupation of
camping sites by lease or otherwies are
under consideratiou. The main creestiou
in the inanagement of the reserve is its
protection from fire. The setting aside
of a permanent forest reserve to the
north of the Saskatchewan River, op-
posite Prince Albert, has also been re-
connuended. Notice 18 5190 taken of the
resolution passed by the Irrigation Con-
vention in 1907, favoring a forest re-
serve on the eastern slope, of the Rock-
The amended timber regulations ad-
opted in December, 1907, are given in
full, The main principle of these is
that the timber is to be sold by publie
auction at the office of the timber agent
for the district, and that before being
offered for sale each berth shall be sur-
veyed and shall be examined by a com-
petent cruiser. The timber cruiser then
submits a sworn report as to the quan-
tity and valua of the timber and on this
report anupset price for th.e berth is
fixed by the Minister of the Interior,
They May be Made te Fit Any Space
' or to Take Any Form.
An expert can make a vine of an ap-
ple or a pear tree, a tree of a. gooseberry
or currant bush, or a snake of either.
He will twist, pinch and fondle the de-
seenda,nt of some mighty apple tree,
with its gnarled branches and its forty
foot spread, incesuring, planning and
nursing uutil instead" of assuming the
shape of its parent it will grow to fit
some space on the side of his* house,
huggiog the wall like a vine, or possibly
will form 9, screen to hide his kitchen
•In the rich mates garden abroad we
see all sorts of curious forms to which
fruit trees have beee trained. Some are
beautiful, some are freakish, but all are
wonderful. In vases, lyree'shields,
create, monograms, soldiers, beautiful
maidens, the Apple or pear tree and
the currant bush lose their identity. --
Those that are trained. like vines, says
Country Life in America, certainly pee-
sess a distinctive decorative value. In
the ol(1 days every estate in England
worth while had a specimen box tree—
a superior example of 'topiary work—
which was prabd to resemble Queen
In the poor man's garden abroad a
trained fruit tree finds its greatest use-
fulness. No. garden is too small for a
few trees. The peasant, with a scant
six inches or a foot between his walk
and ids neighborleaence, still has room
to plant a tree and train it against a
lattice. While the necessity for maxi-
mum returns from minimum acres is not
a part of our national ppint• of view,
the possibility of the training of trees
as a hobby has been very Immix over-
In Germany you can buy a tree to
measure to fill in any space on your gar-
den wall or house, just as we buy a
ready made suit ofclothes. 'While the
training of fruit trees lets become popu-
lar only within ten years, the rormobst-
bani»schulen, 00 schools w:,ere trees are
trained, are now to be fotind everywhere
in Germany. There are commemal nur-
series where experts in espalier woek
are constantly making meav forms and
creating new marvels. Certain shapes
have become standard, such as pyramids,
cordons, palmettos and so on.
There are practically no nueseries in
America that have taken up the propa-
gation and sale of trained fruit tree e 5.n
a serious way, and there is ahnost. no
American literature on the subject; eoin
sequentiy one who wished to take this
work up tis a hobby will be forced to
took to Germany, Prance or England for
his inspiration and for his stock.
4 **, '
by the Department and the organizing
of their admiuistration is also treated.
During the year (1007) Elk Park had
been fenced, in order to confine the
buffalo, -and A UAW reserve—Buffalo
Park—had been lid tields-
BePorta front Norman X. Ross, chief
of the tree plantiug division, James
Leanly, Crown Timber Agent at New
Westminster, John Stewart, .Coluraission-
er nd ChiefsEngineer of Irrigation, end
other officers of the lirauch are given
AS appendices.
The veport le illustrated by a dozen
fine full-page half -tone cuts. Copies may
be obtained on application to the Sup-
erintendent of Forestry, R. If. Camp-
bell, Esq., Ottawa.
Took 600 Soldiers to Clear the Way in
the English Blizzard of 1836.
The mogul entlithlrisiahlere stalled
in the recent blizzard' out west do not
appear te he worthy suecessors efva eers
tip Hercules engine which cut ft Roble
'figure in the English blizzard of 1830.
To 'appreciate the role played by the
Hercules some idea must be given of the
effect of the storm on other methods of
travel, Poatteen 111011 C0401102 were aban-
doned on as many roads, Another was
dug out of drifts five times between
Exeter and London.
Another was buried so deep that it
took 300 men, principally sappers and
miners, several hours to make a passage
to the coach and rescue the mails and
passengers, while near Chatham the
snow lay to a depth of 30 or 40 feet,
the military being turned out to the
number of 600 to clear the way.
In Landoll the drifts were ton feet
deep and hundreds of men. and carts
were employed hauling snow out to the
fields in the suburbs. The markets were
in a bad way. One day only four stall
holders were able to reach a main mar-
ket. Gretess, which a few days before
the storm were being sold for 3d, a
bunch at market, now fetehed from
104. to is., turnips, carrots and celery
becoming equally dear: while 141. hand-
fuls of parsley realized 2s. 64., and the
happy possessor of a bunch which he
had previously purchased for 931. real-
ized for his prize no less a sum than
£112ins. d.i
this confusion the pioneer
railways covered themselves with glory
by eunuing trains abnost without, inter-
ruption, There was a deep cutting on
one Tine where the snow had drifted
badly and, according to the Queen,
great numbers of people turned out to
see how the Hercules engine would get
along. They imagined, of course, that
she would be stopped, but to their as-
tonishment the engine dashed right into
the drift, "clearing her way through
apparently without the slightest diffi-
culty, the snow at the same time flying
over the top of the engine chimney like
foam from the broken waves of a vio-
lent sea, and notwithstanding obstruc-
tions the train came down from 'Green-
head (twenty miles) in an hour and a
During the season of 1907 forty-seven
fire rangers were employed patrolling
the forest reserves and forested districts,
distributed as follow: British Columbia
railway belt, 21; eastern slope of the
Rocky Mountains (from the interna-
tional boundary to the Saskatchewan.
River), 7; Edmonton district, 4; Prince
Albert district, 7, Rangers were also
kept along the C. N. R. from Erwood to
The Pas, two aloug the Athabaska,River
from Athabaska Landing to Lake .Atha-
baska, and in the Lesser Slave district.
Attention is called to the great. risk of
fire along the G. T. P. constrtiction. Re-
ports of extensive damage by fire to
forests in the district west' of Edmonton
were not, howover, officially confirmed:
.A. strong plea is made for the exten-
sion of adequate fire protection to the
ferest country north of the Saskatche-
wan, stretching from Hudson Bay to
the Rockies.
The value of the works of the forestry
branch in the free distribution of trees
from Indian Head to fanners in the
'Northwest is noted; and suggestions
made for improved. facilities at the
Nursery station. The report of the chief
of the tree planting division, Mr. X. M.
Ross, whith forms an appendix to the
superintendent's report, announces a dis-
tribution of over 1,700,000 trees in the
spring of 1007. In 1008 trees were sent
to 1,424 applicants; of these 464 were
in Manitoba'659 in Saskatchewan, and
301 in Alberta. Planting on the spruce
woods forest reserve, the growth of
conifers at Indian Head and the per-
manent plantations at the Nursery sta-
tion are also niscussed.
Sounds Play ie.
"What is your principal object,
anyhow," asked the visiting foreign.
a, 'in building that Panama, canal?"
"Well," answered the native, "svo
have an idea it will 1110111118 size Of
future battleships."
P111'01814 IN THE SICK 1100M.
Patient: 1 feeI like I'm going, Doe. rill 'weal; as a kitten.
Doctor (cheerily): Don't let that Worry yo 1.. Why, man, a kitten Lao
Ain. lives.
The subject of irrigation, 'which also
is placed under the superintendent of
forestry, constitutes an important part
of the report.
The importance of a proper hydro-
graphic survey is dwelt upon. "The de-
termination of the 'water supply is of
the greatest importance, not only to the
irrigation interests, but for the muniei-
pal supply of the rapidly developing
towns of the west, for the operation of
railways and for the convenience of the
growing population. As the administra-
tion of the water resources of this great
district is under the control of the Do-.
minion tlie responsibility for dealing,
with this subject rests upon the Federal
authorities, and the importance of the
interests involved would justify the in-
creased expeediture that may be neces-
sary to place the hydrographie survey
on an efficient basis.'
The inadequacy of the work so far
done and the difficulties of the present
situatioa aro dwelt upon and the pro-
gress made in this line of work in the
neighboring states of the Union refer-
red to.
The Irrigation Act is also toughed
on. The general principle of the' law is
stated as follows: "The principle of the
law is that the water is public property
and that any rights to the use of it do
not conVey any property in it, but are
granted for beneficial 068 in cremation
with a specific locatiod, If :my larger
right Were permitted to exist, a right
to water nught be held speculatively
and not used benefteially. One petson
or company might get control ofthe
water and have a monopoly which would
place the holders of land dependent oit
the stream et their mercy. The evidenee
of experience is against the ithrearicted
transfer of water rights, and the pro-
per policy teems to be to adhere in the
main to the principle already establish-
ed by the Act of making the right to
the use of water appurtenant to the
• The ammendments to the act are not-
ed, and also recommendations nude by
various bodies for its amendment, with
reaeolls for and against the suggested
amendments and their final disposition.
The "duty of water" and its deter-
mination is also taken up.
During the year 1007, 130 sates of
lend, covering, a total area of 62,332
aeree, for reelatnation by irrigation
wore made. Sales of 00,006 acres to Om
Alberta Railway and irrigation Co. and
of 080,573 :acres to the Southern Alber-
ta Land Co were also tinder way. Re-
ference is also made to the first Can-
adian' Irrigation 'Conference at Calgary
in July, Mit
The taking Over- the
Chinese Scholar on Marriage,
Sir Robert Hart, speaking of mar-
riage and death customs in the Far
East. tells a story asf a great Chinese
echs.:ar and high official who said that
our foreigu way of letting the young
people fall in love and choose and the
Chinese way of first marrying and
then making acquaintance reminded
him of two kettles of water; the first
—the foreign—was taken at the boil-
ing point from the fire by marriage
and then grew cooler and. cooler,
whereas the second—the Chinese—was
a kettle of cold water put on the fire
by wedlock and ever afterward grow-
ing warmer and warmer, "so that,"
said his friend, "after40 or 60 years
we are madly in love with each
Training Young Butchers.
An apparatus used in Berlin for
training butchers' apprentices in the
killing of animals by the hammer me-
thod is described in Popular Mechanics.
The apparatus has an indicator and
scale which tells the force of the blow,
so that the apprentices soon learn just
the force they require to make the kill-
ing as humane 08 possible.
The population of Russia ,is intreasing
at the rate -of 2,500,000 per year.
In Montreal yesterday hop on the
hoof readied $11 a ewt, Probably we
:shall soon have to abandon hae011 and
take to turkey.
The fellow who hoasts of his
eeitors never stops to consider whether
bis ancestors would ho equally proud 01
in Mid Japan's intereat-bearlog debt
wits :1:33,000,000. Now 11 14 ;$111:0000,-
600. War has left Re bills for posterity
Lt, pay iu Japan's ease,
. 4 4 •
Frame reports a considerable revival
in trade. The prospects for a livelier
season are good. If our Northwest crops
fare well thingswilt move this fall.
As the priceof wheat increases, the
size of the "bun" of bread diminishee-
The baker man must pay for flow, and
reduction descending seems to be the
lesser evil.
• _ _
Now that the Dreadnaughts ton to be
mitelaseed by the battleshipe being built
this year in Great Britain, intest Gets
nia,iy proceed to build nn. entirely ne.w
fleet of atilt greater vessels?
Cured by Lydia E. Pink-
bam'sVegetable Compound
DIAALTONL_N.J.—X feel that LyditE.
rinkham's ve table Compound has
given me new life.
I suffered for ten
years with serious
female troubles, in-
ffamnaation, ulcer-
ation, indigestion,
lIerVOWniesS, a nd
could not sleep.
Doctors gave me
up, as they said my
troubles were
chronic. I was in
despair, and did not
care whether' lived
or died, when I read about Lydia E.
Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound; to I
began to take it, and am Ivan again and
relieved of all my suffering." —Mrs.
GXOTtetit Jonnt, Box 49, Marlton, N.J.
Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Com -
Pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains 110 narcotics or harm-
ful drags, and to -day holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures
of female diseases We know of, and
thonsandsof voluntary testirnonialsare
on file In the Pinkharo laboratory at
Lynn, Mass., from Women who hate
been cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation,
ceration, displaeemertta, fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodicpains, backache,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every suffering woman owes it to her-
self to give Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vege-
table Compound a trial.
If you would like ispeeial advice
about your ease write a eOrtildenw
tial letter to Mrs. rinkbion, at
Lynn, Mass Iler advice is freef
And always helpfult
Toronto- is to establish a station for
the paisteurization of milk for 1,000
babies. That may do good; but sup-
plying them with pure milk that has
not hew pftsteurized would be better.
A hundred and sixty-five New York
bake -shops have been closed, and 1orty-
ROVe70. 111000 are considering closing down,
The labor difficulty has led to threats
of dynamite and violence, berme the suss
peneion of business.
4 • •
The Pennsylvania Railway began its
employees' pension fund in 1000, and in
that time has paid out $3,445,703 to
beneficiaries. That is an illustration of
the fact that a great railroad company
can practically refute the sneer that
"corporations have no souls."
A Chicago man furnishes moving pic-
ture shows to temperance workers. One
of these exhibitions shows the "awful
example" of the result of the traffic "On
the act of beating his wife, yawning the
baby's shoes, and later reeling down the
The New York "Turt Benevolent As-
sociation" has put up its shutters. It
consisted of 252 representatives of the
raee track betting fraternity, and its
closing has been dun' to the going out of
business of the members owing to the
New Yank State anti -gambling laws.
• s
United States trade figures show a
continuance of decreasing exports and
of increasing imports. There is an in-
crease or about $35,000,000 in Imports
for the month over April of last year,
an0 a decrease of about $8,000,000 in ex-
The Chicago Post Office handled the
other day at one time from one
firm 6,006,000 pieces of stamped mail
matter, The firm bought $60,000 le.
stamps, previously cancelled, in sheets,
to save trouble, thus enabling the post
Once people to get the work done
quickly. .
The Michigan Legislature has passed
a bill to prohibit the shooting of quail
until 1019. People are now beginning to
appreciate the mistake made in allow-
ing the game birds to he practically
exterminated. It will take years to per-
mit them to regain a foothold, but the
care devoted to the work will be worth
the trouble
Queen Amelie, widow of King Canloe
of Portugal, has been decorated with the
insignia of three orders for her heroism
in saving the life of the present King
at the time of the nssassination of Car-
los and Luis. And the honor is a de-
served one. She is the first woman up-
on whom these honors were ever eon -
fared by Portugal. Heroism is not a ter -
tun displayed only by men; never think
t !
A man who was locked up for viola-
tion of the Seott Act, while opening
clams in the loelmtp found a $100 pearl.
There should be an emendation of the
poet's philosophy which discussing ad-
versity speaks of it as "like a 'Wadi ugly
and venomons;• wears yet R precious
jewel in its head." In the ease of the
Moncton Scott Act violator the jewel
was not Ifteking,`Iint it Witi O. PliCY
Professor Butler, President of Colum-
bia University, says the English people
are suffering from "emotional insanity,"
and he refers to "the loud beating of
drums and the pounding of alarms itt tb:t
oldie press) and the flocking of the pop:
niece to see it tawdry drama for the sake
of its contribution to their mental
obsession by hobgoblitis and the
ghosts of national enemies and in -
1.0 41003." Professor Butler refers to Wit-
Ish. insistance on the two -power naval
standard as the greatest obstaele to the
limitation of international armaments.
• '—
The Detroit .ald'ermen aro preparing
an ordinance intended to rid that city
of its plague of medical fakirs who fat-
ten upon the credulous by various kiede
of Schinaes. Alleged "doctors" of all
kinds of "patina"; and medical show-
men giving various kinds of entertain.
meats possess themselves of the inoney
of the ignorant suffering poor, leaving
them mostly the worse in pocket and,
in health. It is proposed to those these
gentry a license fee of $15 a MObth Olteh
And to aurround their businesa with
..strict regulations.