The Wingham Advance, 1909-05-27, Page 5Y
"WIN Lawn Mowers LAEgS
Call and see our Lawn Mowers - = wp have a complete
stock on hand and prices Tower than ever.
The Ring of all wall finishes ---no dearer than other makes,
but just the best, Ask your painter abort it.
Ladies ! Call and secure a free sample of this sweeping
compound—keeps down the dust—brightens up the
carpet -'-kills moth germs and does away
with dusty Friday.
Live and Learn to burn LEHIGH VALLEY COAL.
All sizes in stock.
Richardson & Rae
I\HONE 27 - PHONE 27
Spring Suits, Overcoats,.
Trousers, Etc.
Is the theme we bring to your notice at this time. Some wise•man
has said—"My son, get wisdom, and with all thy etting, get under-
standing." The wise man to -day says—"Get a New Suit or Over-
coat, and when you are getting, get it made to your order, in your
own town. where you know what yon are getting, and that it is
genuine Tailor-made." That would be wisdom; that would be -un-
derstanding. Our NEW SPRING GOODS have arrived, and it is
not exaggerating to say that they include the nicest lines we have
had for some time, and at prices corresponding with the qualities
shown. Space will nob allow us to go into details, but
and can make them any style desired. We are dealing in strong
statements, but will back them up. We leave yet to find the style
of garments we sennet duplicate. Although plain, neat styles are
neore in line with strictly high-class tailoring this season, it is, for
you to name your styles—WE WILL MAKE IT.
OUR FURNISHING DEPARTMENT is filled with the newest
and best for Spring and Summer in all lines.
We have also added as- first-class line of Jewelry.
Robt. Maxwell
Tailor and Furnisher For lien Who Care-
trotArelibst~highoyipsowmhArfti 'ro
Pure Milk Commission,.
The Ontario'Government has ap-
pointed a cotnttttssion, in accordance
with aotion taken at the last session
of the Legislature, toconsider the
whole question of pure milk supply in
Ontario. The members will be Dr.
O. R. Pyne, expert analyst, of Toronto,
and three members of the Legislature
- •Messrs, Datigavel, Macdiarmi i and
Nickle, 9
The Drain Of The West,
In a village in Wellington county,
with apopulation of 1,400, the asses-
sor found eighty-three residences in
which there were but three people;108
in which there wereonly two, and no
Iess than thirty-Qve homes with but
one solitary occupant. All this was
the result of the drain of the wept.
The drain is being felt with quite as
great effect in the townships of the
The Perfection Of Womanhood,
Who does not envy and admire a
lovely woman ? The secret of her love-
liness, of her perfection, is health.
She sleeps well, eats well, digests well,
intricate functions are vigorous and
regular. Of all svoman's remedies Fer-
rozone is the best ; it vitalizes the fun-
ctions upon which health depends—
makes the purest, -_richest blood, gives
perfect eompiexion`and lots of vigor,
Every girl and woman who seeks
health, vitality, looks—let her get Fer-
rezone to -day. 50c boxes at - all
Rural Mail Delivery. -
About fifty government mail boxes
for the rural delivery route
from Paisley to Vestaa have been
received. ,The boxes are a very com-
modious receptacle, made of heavy
galvanized iron, nicely painted, with
the Canadian Coat of Arms emblazon-
ed on them, and the name of patron
stencilled on the side. The boxes are
to be mounted on a post in such a
manner as will admit of them being
adjusted so as to indicate Whether
they contain mail matter, thus render-
ing it very convenient for the courier
in making his delivery.
Building Character.
The railroad builder affords a good
example to the character builder.
What tremendous obstacles he over-
comes that he may attain his end.
IIe tunnels the mountains, spans the
rivers and the gorges. Patiently he
toils through long lengths'of time and
with great expenditure of treasure
that the road -bed -may be laid and thy,
trains may carry their burdens of
freight ",nd of passengers to their
destined places. Shall he who under-
takes to build character be balked by
difficulties, discouraged by obstacles,
retarded by hindrances? He builds'
for time and for eternity. There is no
work in which man may engage that
can excel the building of God -like
character. In it he uses the costliest
material and calls into play the finest
skill, and vast enterprises -depend on
whether his work is well done.
60 00
09 OgOB
e9 9090
DO 134
Oil POD@
Used Office, Hamilton.
A Birthday Fund has been
started by many parents
to provide a start in life
for them children, when
reaching twenty-one.
An excellent means of providing a son or daughter with a •
good start on life's journey when they come of age, is to open
a Birthday Savings Bank account in the child's name.' - Each
birthday, deposit a sum to their credit, equal to their years --
at five years, $5 00, and at ten years, $to.00. '•
These sums, with interest, will amount in twenty-one years
to quite a substantial sum --especially if the child is encouraged
to deposit its pocket money in the same fund,'
At twenty-one, turn the control of the account over to the
son or daughter. It will either provide a start in life, or form
an incentive for further steady accumulation, that will make for
success and a competence for old age. ,
The growing Bank Account is a valuable object lesson, and
the child will gen* rally make every effort to add to the sum
as it watches it grow. Children thus start fife with a good
foundation laid for success and prosperity.
THE BANK OF HAMILTON specially invites these
Birthday Fund Savings Accounts, and provides every facility
and convenience for their opening and operation, under the con?
trol of either, or both, parents. ,
0. Pi SMITill Agent 'it/Ingham
Who fiat beholds the light of day '-
In Spring's sweet flowery month of MAY
And wears an EMERALD all her life °
Shall be a loved and HAPPY WIFE.
Spring Time Is Ling Time
We are prepared for any demand with a beautiful
stock of Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires,
Topaz, Turquoise, Oppl, Amethyst, Garnet, Bloodstone,
Sardonyx, and many other precious atones. Also a full
line of Wedding Rings. Our stock is behutiful and com-
plete, and we are glad at any time to show you..
Our Optician is an expert in relieving eyestrain.
When we fit glasses we guarantee satisfaction,
You will have to buy a LAWN
MOWER this season. Why not buy
one . early and have the whole seas-
on's use of it. Wo sell them from
$3 to $15.
may require at least one of the fol-
lowing spring neoessities, whioh we are
very heavily stocked up in. )
eta Ia ° Hammocks Screen Door's and
Jf 1l Windows, Poultry Netting,
Garden Hose 1;? Reels.
tte44.1 • The `Best Paints for all uses.
IIMIMIIIIMII111•1111•••110•2111=1210 ...11•111011.1
,your Bath Tubs, Sint s, Tinware,
v i.-*�`-i. Floors, etc., with WYANDOTTE.
A trial package for 25 cents, and money back if
not satisfied.'
We take Eggs as Cash -
Phone' 16
Special Sale of Furniture
-For 30 Days
,you are wanting anything in the line of ,Furniture;
you can get Special Low Prices for the next 30 days.
We want to reduce our stock, and the quickest way to
do so is to put on a Special Low Price dash Sale.
We invite "everyone who wants anything in the
Furniture line to call and see what we have in PARLOR
SES. Parlor pieces in Rock and .Easy Chairs.
Baby Carriages and Go -Carts.
Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Brass Extension Rods.
Carpet Paper and Stair Pads. -
I _
PIANOS—If you have any notion of getting a Piano, let us show
yen what a really high grade Piano can be bought for.
It will perhaps help you in buying one,
Upholstering~ and Repairing a Specialty.
Retains The Children.
An interesting t g cases involving o ins the
custodianship of the three Switzer
children was tried at the Non -Jury
Sittings in Walk r
g e tonabefore Chanc-
ellor Boyd. Mrs. Wm. Switzer it will
be remembered, separated some tune
ago from her husband, and since then,
the two have been living apart. The
children have been residing with their
father, who, the mother Claims is keep-
ingornpany With a strange woman
and hat consequently her children do
not receive the proper care and train-
ing. The Children's Aid Society took
up the matter on behalf of Mrs. Swit-
zer, and an effort was -made in the
courts to have the children placed
under her Care, At trial it was shown
that the father was giving the children
every attention and was sending them
to school, and otherwise looking after
their interests. The defence also con-
tonded`that Mrs; Switzer had deserted
home, and had gone to live elsewhere.
In view of these facts, the Judge de-
cided to leave the children With file
father, and the action was dismissed
with costs, Mr. and Mrs. Switzer are
at present residing on separate farms
itt zitn,ipes,
bard Callouses Quickly Cured.
Sore the feet in hot water and then
apply Putnam's Painless Corti Ex-
traetor—It removes the canons uiok•
• i lye. De sure you get Putnam's only,
Ki1Ied By A Fall.
On Thursday last, Mrs. John Reh-
berg, of Stratford, tell down stairs,
and died two hours afterwards from
injuries sustained
J t She was 77 years
of age.
Here is a simple, interesting and
sincere letter from a rugged pioneer of
'40, who braved the dangers and hard-
ships of the overland trail to Cali-
fornia. sit should appeal to all catarrh
Santa Rosa, Cat, May G, 1908.
Booth's llyomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Dear Sirs :—I was afflicted with
catarrh and tried a nutnher of reme-
dies, but received no relief. I pur-
chased an outfit of Eryornei, and be-
fore I had used the bottle I noticed a
~narked relief. I used it for a month
or so, and thought I was cured, and
stopped using it for a year or so.
Thought I was getting catarrh again,
and started using it again. I use it
every rnornittg and keep myself clear
of catarrh, I consider it the best
catarrh medicine that is nod. I have
often feconttnonded it to my friends.
1 ani 81 years old, 1 name to Calif-
ornit5, in 1810, and of course am not as
vigorous as I was 58 years ago. My
address is 811 4th Street. Yours truly,
W. Mdek.
Hyontei (pronotthced Fri h.o•mp) is
guaranteed by Walton MclCihbon not
only for catarrh, but for grip, coughs
colds, bronchitis and croup. A earn -
pieta .outfit, including inhaler, Costs
only $1.00' extra, bottles of H ornel,
if afterwards .needed, cost but 50 eta.
t'eouliar Operation.,
Dr, hicEwan of Wiarton, a veterinary
surgeon, performed an operation on a
horse most unique in its character,
There was a worm in the eye of the
horse which made the eye blind. The
doctor gave the horse seven ounces of
chloroform, which put it thoroughly
to sleep, opened the eye, took out the
worm which was about three inches
in len th and now the sight is perfect-
ly reafored,
A Freak Calf.
Dr, Otteavell, V. S., of Flesherton,
is the possessor of an 'nteresting freak,
the remains of a double headed calf.
The strange creature, which was born
on the Nicholl farm, near Piiceville,
had two perfect heads growing out
side by side from a common neck. It
had four eyes, two mouths, and sets of
teeth, but only two ears, the inside
ones being absent, Both heads had a
white star oli the front, The calf liv-
ed for some time after birth, and the
head is being mounted by a Feversham
taxidermist. -
Look Ahead For Illness. -
Sudden illness and pains comes in
every family—to parents and children
alike. But if you have looked. ahead,
and have right in your home ready
for immediate use a bottle of Poison's
Nerviline—there isn't much to worry
over. If it's a sore throat or contract-
ed chest, apply Nerviline and put on a
Nerviline Porous Plaster. If it's colic,
cramps, or any stomach disorder just
administer ten drops of Nerviline in
hot water. No family medicines are
more useful or more depended upon in
emergencies than Nerviline and Nervi -
line Porous Plasters. They keep the
doctor bill small. 25c each at all deal-
ers. Refuse stibstitutes,
Strange Phenomena. ' "
The Wiarton Canadian says :—
"Along the west shore of the Bruce
peninsula a strange phenomenon ex-
ists, the peculiarity being in the low-
ness of the water of Lake Huron. This
season there is a very heavy 'tide in
evidence which is something unusual
with this body of water, and the
fluctuating manner in which it mani-
fests itself is one of the points that
mark it as a singular occurrence. The
water advances in on the beech with
voluminous force, and then recedes far
back into the lake where it remains
sometimes for quite a long period.
One slay last week Mr. T, Y. Dealy's
lumber'dock, which extends about 200
feet into the lake, and surrounding
which the water usually is from four
to five feet deep, was left entirely dry
and one of the local lads circuited it
quite safely, an act which hitherto
was unknown. The sawmill at Tama-
rac Island was shut down on Satur-
day morning owing to an insufficiency
of water to supply the boiler. Mr.
Dealy also had to suspend operations
in connection with his mill for the
same reason, The strange conditions
which are in evidence can scarcely be
accounted for." -Some attribute it to
the presence of earthquakes which
may possibly have affected the lake -
bed, but this of course is only cenjec-
When The Stomach Rebels, Head-
ache, Indigestion And Nerve
Pain Follows---Ml-o-na
Biings Relief, ,_
Just as soon as you are done eating
the healthy stomach commences to
churn the food around and mixes it
thoroughly • with the juices of the
If the food is not churned, it lays
heavily on your stomach, turns sour
and causes all kinds of distressing
symptoms, such as headache, indiges-
tion, stomach pain and dyspepsia.
Mi-o-na helps the stomach to .properly
mix the food.
John S. May, of Isabella St., Belle-
ville, Ont., says :—."Foe over seven
months I was in constant agony with
a case of nervous dyspepsia and indi-
gestion that medical skill could not
relieve. I was weak and had lost
much weight through loss of appetite
and suffering. My meals would fill
me with gas and a feeling of oppres-
sion across the stomach and all up the
left side, left me in a miserable con-
dition. I was restless at night and as
tired and unrefreshed in the morning
as on going to bed, A choking sensa-
tion in my throat was always constant
when lying down, and my heart seem-
ed to flutter and pound as though it.
were coming out -through my side. I
was benefitted from the first two days
use of Mi-o-na. I began to feel like
myself again, my appetite returned
and the depressive feeling left me. I
can enjoy my meals without the least
worry of after suffering. I have gain-
ed in weight and can sleep the night
through in comfort. Go to Walton
McKibbou, the druggist, and get a 60e
box of Mi-o-na Tablets. Money back
if Mt-o-na does not cure.
Isard's For:
Gloves and
Just received, large shipment of
Hosiery, Gloves & Parasols. Quality
is right With • us— always will be.
Our Goods , are F,irst Quality, and
the prices ar.e guaranteed right.
We have imported lines atmoney-saving prices.
In Cotton Hose we're ,.showing very special lines
in Black and Tan, at 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c.
We handle the celebrated Fowne's make -- every
pair guaranteed. Special value in long Silk or
Lisle Gloves. See our leader at 50c, 2 -Button
Kid Gloves, all shades, our price $1.00.
Very pretty Summer Parasols just ,to hand, and
prices are very moderate ; we have all the lead-
ing colors, as well as the best black. Special
value at $1.00 and $1.25.
How Big A Silo.
A. silo thirty feet high and twelve
feet in diameter will hold about eighty
tons of silage and will feed twenty-
one head of cattle 180 days, and it will
take about eight acres of average corn
to fill it. If the diameter increases to
sixteen feet it will hold 120 tons to feed
thirty-five cattle, and hold twelve
acres of"corn. A silo thirty feet high
and twenty feet -in diameter will hold
185 tons, feed fifty head of cattle, and
require eighteen acres of average corn
to fill it. A silo thirty-six feet high
and twenty feet in diameter will hold
235 texts, feed sixty-four head of cat-
tle 180 days, and will require about
twenty-four acres of average corn. It
is better riot to build more than twenty
feet in diameter, and itis better not to
build less' than thirty feet in height.
You need the height to get the pres-
sure'.., condense the silage into as
small a space as possible. Twenty feet
in diameter is handier to fill and hand-
ier to empty than a larger silo. If
you need more capacity it is better to
build two silos than to build too large
across, because after the silo is once
opened you must feed it down''at least
two inches every day, three or four
inches is better, otherwise the silage
will become musty and its feed value
will be very much reduced.
They passed a magnificent building
during their travels, "That's a fine
house," said Brown to Jones, "and yet
I cannot bear to look at it." "Why
not?" asked Jones. `"Why" repented
Brown. "Because the over built it
out of the blood, the aches, the groans
of his fellowmen; out of the griefs of
a d the wails
of women.
"Great Scott 1" exclaimed Jones : "the
brute 1 What is he—a money -lend-
er?" "Oh, no, dear friend; he is a
dentist 1 "
New Butter Record.
The world's butter record for Jersey
cows has, according to The Drovers'
Journal, been broken• by Jacoba Irene,
a Jersey cow owned. by A. 0. Auten,
of Jersey Co., Ill. This cow, accord-
ing to The Journal, has made a record,
under the supervision of a representa-
tive of the dairy department of the
University at Illinois, of 17,253 lbs. of
milk and'21,112 lbs. of butter in the
year. This is nearly nine tons
of milk for this one cow. At Bic per
quart the value, would be $653.50.
Bronchitis Creeps Into Consumption
Coughing weakens the tubes and
makes a resting place for the baccilli.
Why let bronchitis become establish-
ed? It's easy to cure—just inhale Ca-
tarrhozone—breath in its soothing
balsams, and relief comes at once. Ca-
tarrhozone is so certain in bronchitis,
that every case is cured. Throat is
strengthened, cough stops, irritation
goes away, all danger of tuberculosis
is prevented. For throat trouble, ca-
tarrh and coughs Catarrhozone is the
remedy. 25c and $1 sizes at all deal-
ers: (et it to -day.
Killed At Walkerton.
On Wednesday evening, at the
Grand Trunk station in Walkerton
Charles 31, Kilmer, aged forty, electri-
cal engineer of the firm of Kilmer &
Pullen, Toronto, jumped off the train
before it had stopped, and fell back
from the platform. One of his legs
was badly crushed, and he died at the
county hospital Wednesday night.
His wife and three young children
live at Southampton, and his father
lives in Walkerton. 14Ir. Kilner was
just returningo trip ma business to
Sweden, and in his eagerness to meet
Lis father, did not wait for the train
to stop.
Before storing your Pure for the sittntner it will pay
you to get a package of Mothine, which is the most ef-
fective preventative and destroyer of Moths. It has the
advantage of being perfeotly odorless so that your Furs
have no unpleasant smell when unpacked itt the Fall.
It can be dusted into Furs, Blankets, Carpets
and any kind of upholstered Furniture without
injury to the fabric. It contains positively no
poisonous drugs of any kited.
Gt1Eik'if „ ONTARIO
Jr Walton MCXibbon eciai Agent