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The Wingham Advance, 1909-05-27, Page 4
THE WING A.)1 ADVAINA, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1909. HOUSECLEANING TIME 0140E mere lion eoloaning time has arrived with its attend- ant worries of radurnibhings. It you will allow us, we can MOH; you in choosing Curtains and Draperies, and thus save some of the worry, Our line of Curtaininge is complete. We have Madras --.which makes such artistic ourtains—. at e5o, 35o, 40o, 60o, and G5o per yard, in white, cream, ecru, blue, green and red, We also (tarry a large stook of Laoo Cur- tains from 25e a pair up to $8,00 a pair, We have Dotted Vies - line for curtains, with; dots of all sizes ; also pretty shaded Art Muslins and Art Draperies. Call and Gee our goods,-priaes and quality we know will suit. BLOUSES We have a large stook of Ladies' Blouses, prettily ombraid- ered, with the new long sleeve ; also the very fashionable '.Gail, ored Blouse, in all white or with colored trimmings. Blouses from $1,25 up, CHILDREN'S KID GLOVES.—We carry a complete line of ohildren's Kid Gloves; all shades and all sizes. CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. D. M. GORDON filffngio King's For Bargains I I We Want Your, grade e Warm Weather Goods NEW MUSLINS—Very dainty patterns, choice materials and fast colors. DRESS LINENS—This line is very strong this season and the colorings are good. 77eniities, Organdies, Persian and Victoria Lawns in large variety. BUTTONS—In Pearls for wash goods, and in silk and satin for heavier goods. DRESS GOODS—The largest range and best selected stock in town, and the prices are right. STAPLES—As usual this department is filled with i goods from the best manufacturers. Come with the crowd and get one hundred cents value for every dollar you invest. EGGS 20 CENTS. GE o . E. KIN aM01•11111, Good Goods Cheap Prices I have a large stock of BUGGIES on hand, which are offered at reasonable prices. Our rigs not only look . well, but stand the test of use, and that is the real test. - Open and Top Buggies, Carriages, &c. Something new and nobby in a surface -oak finish box. The latest in rubber tires, &e. We slight nothing, and guarantee the materials and workmanship of our rigs. You know what you're getting when you buy from us. The more widely our Baggies are known, the better they are appreciated. Call and examine fpr yourselves. Wingham Carriage forks Whitechurch Hardware Store News Look Here, Mr. Firmer I. When you are building a Fence you want the very beet material money can buy, don'tyou ? Yes r Well, the Genuine Frost Wire is the article ydn want. Xt is the standard by which all other wire is compared. You can get the original and only Genuine Frost Wire here, ,Iso stretchers, pliers, fence hooks, tongs and staples. Rennie's Packet Seeds, Fresh. We have therm at 8 eents per packet. Also Mangdld, Carrot and Turnip Seed. Sherwin-Williams Brighten -tip- Paints and "Varnishes for all purposes, Separator 011 at lOo per gal, , EGGS 'rAR111 SAME *AS CASH, J. T. Holmes Yihltechorch THE PEOP,E►S HERITAGE, (Ilamilton Herald.) Announcement is made that the Ontario Governmenthas received from a syndicate of capitalists, ' an Offer of twenty million dollars for the Gillies mining limit in the et - bait district, If this sum were oare- fully invested, the laterest on it would increase the total annual rev- enue of the province by ten pee cent„ and would amount, to nearly three times the sum now annually spent by the Government on hospitals and charities, Tim© was, and not so very long ago, that only partial recognition was given to the truth that the min= eral wealth of the province belongs tightly to all the people of the pro- vince. The truth is now admitted, and the 'Whitney Government's min- ing policy is based on it, The rich Gillies limit wasreserved for the use and benefit of the people, and the people will derive the benefit of the enhanced value given to it by the successful enterprise of individual prospectors and operators. Eneour- agement is rightly given to private mining enterprise, and large rewards aro rightly allowed to those who risk their money in milling invest- ments, because it is better- policy that the people should share in the success of private enterprise than that the Government— should under- take to do all the work and assume all the risk. But the reservation of the Gillies limit as the absolute property of the Crown, not t'o be exploited at all for private profit, was a wise application of the princi- ple that the minerals of the pro- vince being public property,bte Gov- ernment is justified in utilizing its proprietory right in such manner as is most expedient in the public interest. THE FILTHY FLY. In the United States a campaign} is being carried on against the filthy house fly, and the campaign it deemed of such importance, that it is suppor- ted by the Merchants' Retail Assoc- iation of New York. Tha following instructions sent out lax a municipality will give an idea of hoar the campaign is being conducted : The common house -fly is a carrier of disease. Typhoid fever, diarrhoea, dysentery and tuberculosis are carried by flies. No longer do we consider flies as merelyannoying, but we re- cognize in them a very important factor in the spread of certain diseases, particularly those mentioned above. The house -fly is particularly filthy, because it has its birth -place and lays its eggs almost exclusively in horse manure. Flips feed on food and also on the worst kind of filth. They go from one to the other. It is easy to understand how they, carry disease germs to our food ie. this manner. Our domestic animals, the dog antis cat, though far from clean in all their habits, we like to have about us, but we keep them in their proper place. The house -fly, on the other hand, is tolerated everywhere, crawls over our hands and faces, gets into the inilk, walks over all our food, often soiling and contaminating everything that comes in 'contact with its filthy feet and tongue, • Who has not seen flies feeding on sputum on our pavements and streets? And, as there are people who have consumption, continually spitting on the public pavements, is it not simple to see how the tensa of the disease can be taken up by the fly, carried away, and perhaps deposited in our homes ? How can we combat this 'dangerous nuisance ? The essential thing is to do away with the breeding plates of these dirty pests. It inay be said that flies -will breed in any decomposing animal or vegetable matter. The most common places are manure, uncleaned stables, privies, and in and about can5"and -re- ceptacles used for the storage of gar- bage. Every householder, in self de- fence, should destroy the breeding places of these pests. Store garbage in tightly covered cans, kept in a screened inclosure, so that flies cannot get to it ; see that it is removed very frequently during the summer months. Wash and disinfect cans frequently. Store manure so that flies cannot get at it to lay eggs, and have it remelt -ed once a Week All persons selling food of any description should see thdt the geode are protected from 'flies,' and should not expbse food in front of their stores where it can be contaminated by both flies and street dust. Do not allow decaying matter of any kind to accumulate on your premises. ,WScreen the doors and windows of your house, particularly the kitchen, in order to keep the flies from entering and get- ting on the food, Remember that the female fly lays about one hundred and twenty eggs, which in Course of a few hours become maggots, and after an - •other transformation the full grown fly appears at the encs, of ten days. As in most matters of sanitation and hygiene, cleanliness is the watchword, Cleanliness about your.house and pro- perty will prevent flies breeding. Dr. Hamilton's Care For Pimples. All skin.diseases such asim les originate through failure of the kid- neys end liver. All taints that block 'the avonnes of health must be remov- ed, Dr, Hamilton's Pills do this quick. 1y. They cleanse the system, make the akin tanooth, restore roses to the cheek andkg ives clear, dainty com- plexion. For looks, goodcom- plexion.heelth and good spirit there is nothing sa sure as De Hamilton's Pills. 25e boxes at 41:1 dealers, Teeswaltert '.rhos. W. Gamble, Hinioss, 80 years of age, died on the Oth inst, He had been for more than a year;a. sufferer from eolisumption, x'houghout the past Week a god(' deal was being done in the cattle ex- change .businessat h hang tho local stock yard. Tuesday was perhaps the bust- est ushest day of the season when, Iver one hi ndred head were passed over the scales, Mr, John Keith delivered his prize steer at the stook yards here on Tues- day, Mr, 8, McLean being the pus. chaser, It was two years old last Jan.. and weighed 1,130. This animal was an exceptionally gooclinodel and took first prize and sweepstakes at the local show last fall. Mr. 0. E. Ewing was back to town during the week packing up to move to his new home in Goderich and he and family took their final leave of town on Tuesday, For over twelve years Mr, Ewing has been one of the leading mereuants of Teeswator, and in partnership with Mr, R. Mann, After several weeks of severe suf- fering Mrs. David Steel passed away on Wednesday afternoon of last week at her home on Brownlee St. Tholgh a resident of the village since the early days, Mrs. Steel was known by only a few, sho having long been an invalid and only at intervals being able to leave the house. She was in her, sixty-second year. Besides a husband she leaves one son. Mr. R. G. Smith of town met with a very serious accident out near Oarls- ruhe on Monday. He was at work on the roof of a barn erecting a windmill and in some iessy losing his balance he fell and sliding down the roof went over the eavo, falling a distance of 25 feet to the ground. He was unconsci- ous for several hours after being pick- ed up. Fortunately, however, he ap- pears to have escaped permanent in- jury. Brussels. Brussels Bowling Club have arrang- ed for a big concert by the Old South- ern Sextette in the Town Hall on Monday evening, 31st inst. Having purchased a driveway im- mediately north of the hotel, Landlord James of the American will enclose the present archway making two rooms of it and arranging modern lavatories, etc. The work is now un- der way and will be completed at an early date. The death of Joseph Marlin Smith, formerly of Brussels, aged 74 years and 4 months, occurred at the resi- dence of his son-in-law, Jas. Turnbull, Durham street, Kincardine, on Mon- day of last week. Deceased had been in good health until about two weeks ago when he was seized with a stroke of paralysis which proved fetal, Last Friday Miss Jean Ritchie con- cluded her engagement with the Brus- sels School Board as teacher of the Primary department and will leave Tuesday of next week for Marriott, Sask., where a position as teacher le awaiting her. She is succeeded in Brussels • school by Miss Florence Buchanan, who commenced her duties on Monda , arriving home from Ux bridge on Saturday. The plans for the new Carnegie Li- brary came to hand on Saturday and may be seep at Sec. Leatherdale's of- fice, The building will be 40x50 feet, with corner entrance. Basement will be cement and rock faced stone and the building pressed brick. It will be convenient and commodious. The basement will be of good height and will be utilized in the general in- terest of the community. Library will be erected on the south west corner of Turnberry and Mill St. and the work Will be pushed along so as to be ready in the fall for occupation; , TWO MAGISTRATES TEST ZAM-BUK. Cure Affected In Both Cases. Mr. F. Rasmussen, of 211, Marquette Street, Montreal,,,. wvho• is a Justice of the Peace, and a man not inclined to give praise except where it is well due, says :—"For many year's I was troubl- ed with a serious eruption of the skin. This was not only unsightly, but very painful. I first tried various house- hold remedies, but as these proved altogether useless, I took medical ad- vice. Not one, but several doctors in turn were consulted, butI, was unable to get any permanent S'eliet Some time back I determined to give Zara-Buk a trial, and after a thorough- ly fair test, I can can say I am delight- ec,:with it. I have the best reasons for this Conclusion ; because, while every- thing I tried felled absolutely to re- lieve my pain and rid me of my trouble, three boxes of Zara -Bak worked a complete cure. In my opinion this balm should be even 'more widely known than it is." Mr. 0. E. Sanford, J. P., of Weston, King's Co., N. S.. says :—I had a patois of eczema on my ankle, which bias been there for over twenty year. Sento- tithes, also, the disease would break out on my shoulders. I had taken solution of arsenie, had applied various ointments, and tried all sorts of things to obtain a cure, but in vain. Zasn- Bak„on the contrary, proved highly satisfactory, and cured the a]hnent. - "I have also used Iain-Buk for itch - leg piles, and it has cured them con- pletely, 1 take comfort in helping my brother -men, and if the publication of my OpIiiii011 of the healing value of Zana-Buk will lead otber sufferers to try it, I should. bo glad, Pot the re- lief of suffering caused by piles or skin diseases, it is without equal,” For eczema, eruptions, ulcers, piles, blood -poisoning, 'ariooso ttleore, children's sore ieads, ringworms, salt rhm, mite, scratches, burns, bruises, and all skin Nitride, Zattn,-link is a per• foot sure, All Druggists aed Stores Bell at 50e. a bots, or poet -free from Zutn'Buk 0o„ Toronto, for prlee. Three boxes for $1.25, 't THE. PRICE or WHEAT. Seldom has wheat been so scarce in Ontario as at the present time, 'WWI* Iast week, it was, quoted nominally at 425 at Toronto, the filling of orders would be a rather difficult matter, Almost everywhere the tendency is steadily upward. Chicago Wheat for May delivery, was quoted recently at $1.28,x,. July wheat �,is quoted at 1/4 $1,18i. This condition shows a keen- ness for -immediate delivery which is not usual. Speaking generally, July wheat should stand at about lee. to 2c. per bushel higher than May, wheat, to defray storage expenses and shrinkage, instead of which tho cash petiole is quoted at close to lac. per bushel more than the latter. Present prospects do not favor lower prices, at least not be- fore the new wheat is on the merket, LEFT ON HER DOORSTEP FOR THIS MOTHER. Mrs, A, G, Tuson, of Livermore, Cal., writes ; "1 picked up from my doorstep one day a little book in which I soon beearne very much interested. My little girl of five years of age bad been troubled for a /long time with loss of appetite, extreme nervousness and undue fatigue. She was all run- down and in a very delicate condition. "This little book was very compre- hensively written, and told of the new method of extracting the medical ele- ments of the cod's liver from the oil, eliminating the obnoxious oil which is so hard for children to take. '"Just the thing„ said I, 'for my Iititle daughter,' and I immediately went for a bottle of Vince. It helped her wonderfully, . She has gained rapidly in flesh and strength, and she does not take cold half so easily. "I am extremely grateful for the good it has done.her, and I hope other mothers who have weak, delicate or ailing children will be benefited by my experience and just give Vinol a trial." VINOL is sold in Wingham by S. Walton McKibben, Druggist. ow0000000000000000000000C QIJALIT,''"� 1 c e Li CA 0 s) 0 0 1 McGee � Carnpbell csommonmij ce c 1:One_ -o£ Our, 8 Many Popular S � 1 Over 200 patterns of CIoth to choose from. Styles. Made to your measure, . Or ready to wear if you wish. Jas. Walker.&Som WINGHAM Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Wo aro siieoially qualified Under- talcor e. and- E nbalmors, and those eutrugttnx' then' work to us may rely on it being well done. Night calls received at residence. Office Phone 108 House Phone 45 CENTRAL STAATFORD, ONTr With tovonty-tar's rears' experience) td its credit this Collage is reoognized as the greatest praetioal training school lit Western Ontario. Three departments :» 4'OMM8Rctita, SHORTHANH, Th1.13ORAhf1V. bar olassos and the largest, Our bourses most 7praoticel and cur instrnotbrs eit- erieueed, Our graduates are assisted to0 on n aiti s and sttccobd as ono ethers. n o r Enter now, Got our iron catalogue. a Ifl,'klti`ri !t. MICLAcHIIAN 1+n1ttel A.$ Means good times. The farmer pays for all, When he is prosperous, All other businesses are henefl d, The winter is nearly over. Spring is close at hand, You Dave deeided,.tniove to Wingham. There are practicaliq no empty houses.. It will pay you to buy one, We gave stgdied the situation. Prices are certain to advance Within the next few months. Call and see us. W,e can convince you. We have the proofs, Also a good list of desirable properties, Either in or near town, -. At rights prices, aas Money to Ioan on farms at low- est rates, Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - WINGHAM Plumbing and Ileati ng Is no experiment with us— let us figure on your work. A fine Stock of Lamps Handsome Lamps at very reasonable prices. Be sure you see them. W. J. BQYCI Stone Block - 'Wingham Pine Apples This is the week for Pine Apples. Call and see our stock, and get prices before ,buying. New Cabbage now in stock-- fine large heads. REMEMBER 1 We handle nothing but the best. Our Teas and Coffees lead. Bananas , and Oranges al- ways in stock. Produce Wanted. Malcolm's • 'PHONE 54 IIOMINION BANK0 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) • $3,976,000 Reserve cant v°r avl>- • $5,297,000 Total Assets, over $48,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Interest allowed on deposit of $1.00 and upwards. - - Farniers' Notes discounted, Drafts, sold on all points in Can. Ada, the 1?nited States and Europe. D. T..Diy?DUUlit Manager it. Vsttstone, gelioltor ) The AI1'ANCE is North s leading .n. news,, Huron's dl g paper, Are you a sub scriber ? If pot, why ? Only $1 per year. 1 —7 The Peoples Popular Store winenem, opt. Agents Ladies' Horne Jqurnal Kerr & Bird Agents Home Jonrl?al Patterns Fresh Frult • N Canned Fruit At Close Prices. Evaporated Peaches, No. 1—per lb. only 10c Evaporated -Apricots, No 1-2 lbs. for 25c Bananas, a doz. 15c, 20c, 25c Pine Apples, choice sound fruit -5 for $1.00, 7 for $1,00, 8 for $1.00, 9 for $1; 10 for $1, 12 for,..$1.00 Peas, Plums, Blueberries, Pineapple, per tin....sa,10c 3 tins Putti kin for 25c Gal. can Apples, for 250 Condensed Mills, per tin...15c Pure Clarified Honey, in glass jar 100 -Table Syrup down in price Reg. 12c tin for 10c, 30c tin for 25c, 600 tin for50a Extract of Beef, per pot, 25c to 50c Salt and Pepper Shakers, full of pure pepper, pr100 New Goods • New Black and Fancy Par- asols for Women and Children ; alt prices. New White and Colored Shirt Waists, 75c to...$5.00 The very newest Styles. - Window Shades Tremendous Price Cutting. And a Large Stock to select from. Reg. 500 Shades for........39e " 75c 44 '° 500 a t 900 t t t t 69e " $1.00 '" {l 79c Curtain Pole Bapgains White Cottage RodO, reg 15e," for 10e Brass Extension Rods reg 60c, #or. 44c Erase Extension Rods reg. 20c for. �14c Brass Extension Rods reg 15c, for 10c Oak and Mahogany Poles, reg. 25o for • 200 All Poles and Rods complete. Summer Underwear for Men, Women, Boys, and Girls. Nice fine Underwear for Infants. Ladies' Home Journal—Price only 16c. The "Country House Number" for June is here. a copy at once. They will sell fast. Get Leave your order for the Ladies' Home Journal for future numbers and pay for them as you get them. 4111162117 utuensmsamosmosuougg alis WINGHAM See Our New Spring Carpets, Rugs and Linoieums. Nothing to equal them at the prices we are offering them for RUGS We are showing a large and well selected assortment of -Brussels, Velvet and Tapestry Rugs, at prices from $9,00 up. LINOLEUMS We import direct and can safely say that we are showing the REST for the money. Pretty Block and Floral designs in four - yard widths from 50c a sq. yard up. OILCLOTI-IS ousremivralgoommiromoominnowmo New patterns in stock—all widths at 30c, 50c and 60e per yard. EMBROIDERIES We can give you Bargains in ;Embroideries, etc. See south window for samples and prices. a SUMMER WAISTS t Ladies' White Lawn and Embroidered Shirt Waists in the, Iatest patterns ; long sleeves ; 81,00 to $2.50. CARPI TS We can give yott a snap in this line. Come in and see for yourselves before buying. Also Carpet Ends at a great reduction to clear »at less than coat. - -LIMews Ready-ta-wear perfect Orringf seyliellooking and' good patterns. Prices M'Boys' ClotSuits, wetinished, ranging from $3.00 to $14.00.