HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-05-13, Page 7W, , *. -­__­ , _ _. -11, .1, _ 7HE BOYLES -f EDO -M( Q " 11 A 1_ . --I-- Jamel Boylo i& Qven, 4 Lifq , $evtepco-, I ia Wife Gets Z5 Ytm. and, Hour Rat'. , ­ 1 8112 -?T;J*P1:rs collapsea oil Hear, ing So. tmm ""_ . Mert:er, Pit., Afay 10.­-Janle'i .1)QyIQ 1 '-is 'ellt0lCed to -day to life imprisou, I nioni, lit ilia westellf. Pell! tentift ry tit . I'll t -burg, for tile ki(Inapping of Billy 1":111thl- 311-- - DO.Vlo, indicted *as Mary : I)Ool recolv0d it kiOntellec of 25 yeara , with it fine or ,p,000 and tile cosrj of tho proseelloolf. myle did Hot litter a . XrQrd Prior to M-3 sentence, Ills coull- '-(If, IlOwOvk'r., PHado a, pleft Tor both BOY)o a4id f-Av 1life, pleading for lonloil- ey lit bil0k in,li,a.4. 110 tatcd,lllat IlHtil 1. it recent virriod ilia extrpine Penalty for k ithla,J)POlf, ill tIlk State 'was ton years, find in vle)y of tile fact that the boy 11,1d *--ii treated With evor , considera- tioll, 'and that ,ill Cara had beed taken Hot. . to Inflict tuillocessary inetital all: "i" 11 "Poll the parents, lie felt leniency "Allt be a sked for with Propriety. I voth Iloyle and Ills wife collapsea te-0111pletely upon licarillaff their scntol p,cs 1111-ollouneed. Whelf. they lvere ,Av toil ' iback to tile jail from No courk room, '13ovlo Ili I, anaged to walk witit aV,iistauc4, lqlo vn tile stall'.4, but upon 1'10 v )Jlum the "front door 110 becal" ]!"Ilk "will u0nable 'Io stand, Do was lifted puto ilia old. ' Jlas'14'lued cill'""s in NvhJIQh, the prison- (Irs Ilave beell Cralispoilted -for .several I (I'll's between tile C'ottr I, iiouse and 6L. jai), Whon lie. .",it,; (tI'deed 11polf. tile seat inside tile Tohlolo bee was left for it )no - 1110111, 'ills upporteik, -,And fell nearly out of it before lie -, ,-itq caunrlit ).[(. wai lit- lerly unafjl(l to 5111,I) had to I,o J1j,.Id all tile 01-t 'llilitsolf, and and cargico, io his cell lvay to tile jail Airs-. Voyle was Ili von. worso condi- Voll-, 'She was unable to walk do vii . I h.'d !.Acps from tile Court JTouso to the ,Y)MA, Ad was carried by Sheriff Cress At"Ild Ullef of Police Livermore down 1,111-00 flights of stairs to the street, Silo 'Jus lifted into ilia omidbus, and when iffio jall -was reached silo was agaill lift- , 'vd Out III' these officers and carried to ,her cell, "Whero site Ivept vilalelitIv, No I I'llaudetiffs Ivero placed oil either iii-Isoll- or oil the way back to their calls, and At was considered unuce-ossary to maiia- .vle them in -the Condition Ili which they were, . IS THERP4 AN AC=MPLTCri.? District At*)-rliey Liningor to -day is- sued tile foRowing statemoilt: I "I rea(l III Pittsburg newspapers oil Sgtilr"y Alld'Sunday That a third par- tY IM4 alleged to have been implicated in.11ho Iddnapping of Billy Whitla, and hIlso that this party is alleged to Itaye Tbeen Connected, with an alleged murder Ell Youngstown, 011ie. Por ilia purpose (of giving Boyle hud Mrs. Boyle all ell- )portutilby to bring this third party into itlic Case, I visited tkem ill jail yestar- Iday -find to -day, nud asked them for ',the information. which they claim to !possess in regard. to these matters. Both, 'however, colitkiwo to maintain the air of mystery :iriffich has characterized them, espe<ittlly ilia .%volliall. 61 wank to state publicly that I alit still makk ur all investigration. and should , I find. t-videonce warranting Life bringing intQ ILhis case a third party I will Pros- Wmite him without fear or favor and it Dkolaii not make it particle of 4ififorettee 'wholli ilia prosecution may lilt. In 1051to' of the silence of the Boyles, 1 -forcer ( 0 ity Dfficers are going ah;ad )%-!tit the UnTestl1ration, and will continue until - such Vine as they are absolutely ecr- train 'that the case call be either prose vlflA,J vigorously or dr6pped entirely." - - - # P 0 . - SEVENTEEN SLIPS. -- 'Germany Will -Have More Dread- nought Facilities Than Britain, I - 'Nollilon, -,lily 9—DC.5pile tile OlAbil. i's O i(, . I British GONT111. Tileut of its ability to builit and provide for Dreaduoughts faster than Germany , viull, to couthillu to do So, tile latest III'. formation front Germany contradiete 411c.,40 as6urances. The Nrupps have Toeady toil Pits for tile. trial of heall'y gulf un'tin, ".4, auil are Hialdug rapid: pro-, Duo , , - r4rc-s with eight, inore. Toil pits under a ,ordillitry'llress,ure )Vill accomplish thirty gun, mountings alillually, or eliough for - 0 six Dreaduoughts. U-nd-or o ;tra Pros - sure tills nuillber of pits will turn out for, 11 Itiolulting's, enough for eight . DrItU90111 tghts. - )VIlell. the additional eight pits are road y, 1 54 itiounts can bc turned out ,find- uii5 ' r oxtxa, 1wassure -72 cnough for It-leveii ,and fourteen Droaduoughts re- JJP0QtiV4oly. .0. , ']Ilia net, re;iult, is that, in i'lic culursc of it -%-0r '1114' Gal.11111`1141vill IM515CSS 8CV- ' entecri %Ulm hur hailding Dri,adnotiglits, lVith poll.", to turn out gan ifloulitings for fourteen annually, . lim A I SNbAKED IN,. I . Conscle-act Troulfhas Him and For. mer Londoner Pays Up. . London, May 10.-Scorotary Ituat,' of the webtern Fair Board, was, vary much surprised this morning to receive "5c in a )late froill it former Londonc.r Ili V,varts, Alberta, stating that he )lad jumped over tile f0lueo into the fair twolvo years ago, and defrauded thelft of the fare$ and being conselous ,stricken "Ishad to Pay up..a 1 6 - ' ' SHAKESPEARE'S WORSH I PP5RS. III 39,000 Paid for AdroNsion to Poet's House Last Year, I London, May q. -At Clio annual Illf-et- " of ill(% tviast0eq of Oo, 131vike'tpeare I'll 31whiplace Assoeiation. 110d lit tstrixf- fard-on-Avoll. it was i4liti,il tbat 39,000 I Nilliton.; hild paid fer adnii-Ion (o, fl)n vot,t I s house last voar Lord It tlei.lil Io Ve Jilis Ifrojui.,, 041 to propari!I a R-41. of pillita go h-thplate gard")). wiliell gr wn In thp, In uoutaim Pvery flower and shrub mell- Veiled, Ili 1 411di&spear,­'-,4 plays. — — OLD EDITOR DEAD. . itoclim,ow, X, Y., Us.y 10.—Francis O'connor. Chief clerk ift. tho cAnAl Weigh lock offiep, for ji "apa, forillelly editor of the Catholic tf lon aild Thdo"'S', #114 & fragdZ1110 A'CitcV Of 110tc, IS dCikd here. . . . . . . , - , - – , - . - . - ­­­ ­ ­. ­ ­ — '- ­­ " . , , , I I I I 1. . . 1.1 ­ I I - 1'r - 1. . I I I -1 . - . I I I I I —"— . — FLEET FOR NOTHING CHAMPLAIN SCARED TO DEATH* THE TROUBLE GIPSY SMITHO . A,----, , Britain. R 'oa - GRE ' . ttain3 Opt, , on, Now ON ICEBERG, sisht of Dromedary in Circv3 THE ,AT REVIVALI.6T HAS DIP I Spanish. Navy., Parade Finished, Horm I IN FRANCE, OPENINQ IN TORONT9, I e. _ ; Moonotizes. 9 I. yory lifterfor by Hio, Madrid, Xlay Q.—TIlo docision of tile Big C, Pe R. Liner Had a Narrow Civil $oryan(s Threaten the S . Spanish Governille'llt to rebuild tho 1. 1"ilrulleth, N" J., Aray 10---A valuabl". I . tatel's Prpachlng Ton Thousand P#Qp,lo 9-ogape Near Cape Race.. horse wtis frilglitene(I to dea , , tit hero, !es- Very Existence, All Tolo Italled In ffqrt to tiot 8vallilill Ilavy lit a co,st of $40,000,00 . '0100A by tile Obvilt, of a big .- Into Ma HAlt Yestord;iy, IWO, tshou Primarily with a view to ,, ivrilaty ON ssoy -toring Spitla's dignity upon tho IlMpg a Bad Leak and HPO, to tltouiedai- , Iti-it ras6iug circum varade., Dofy the Presidtnt andr PftaCh - . " re., I TIJh parade.was goill t1rougl F1 ni b - . Anti Toronto, favr , ue xl soa., but, u1so for the purpose of ca- d tile horsti, whiv, I f1ttach " parchy, heard Wpqy, 911lith talk-, if .You Itave Collraft Ilq it rOVIVal Of tIkO t4ildIII611 Litni P asoviiiigm t,trvot, ait it was - Militarism a 'a A . ,,I I oil to a, delliviry iva,gon, was stfinallig at ____ ove]; heard Qlpsy Smitil, ,lead the Slllf, _ shipbuilding iadmIry, I Court till([ Fivit; street$. The driver, "" . I,, G . "Mont Determin Tho decisloit ha;i Ilk partievIal: int- St. Jolllt'. , Nfid" de.,fiftivlk. As already Joseph 'Styles, had stopped. there to let over ,ed to Main- 1119 it ,volt -To (,Yet! heard Min Pray, or , portanco for 130taill. 118 ilia contract reported, it vory Ilarrow oscape was oil- - if YOU'Ve ever 4istoled to Ilia fiery re. Ilik) Arado go by. tain Its Authority Over Them. ,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,, - 11' tit the alIollicall1w oLlue alolig the probably will go to Vicliers, tile 11,hig. eountered bv the C. 11, It, liner Wlo 9 t. loans over tho railing of lish firta, and Great Britain xetiting (,,1111111pla.111) Inward 111, , %,Itll he , , o evidence of ilitellso, 0 d r 131 ), rgo gave eVery Ilia raised platforill, voll ,lrill cease to I all option upon tile ships until they t"."seligrvi. ()If 11AIrstlay evening, Wlioa :11.10-11t. ItmVing alid plunging Ill the Paris, Alay q.. -Tho )lite of tile Hlost. wonder . 0 ;: are eompleted, motwitlistauding the t)ll , b1g, VQNse4 cullitlea, hoad-till, lVitit 'tit sh4its, it gave it Heigh and it stiort, and yplendid , whY his rovival meetings havo fact that they are to Ile built Ill Spati. ic., (illy (if the scason arJw till bee I cberg,r s ustai fillig" Jl1jHrIQs 11.111cla nevos, thelt C011lailsedi falling to tile " ellt 11 successes. YOU won t woudor wh t1f, (Is ll Spanish -workilli%t, In . 0 IV pf"Clu there to forget ho is yar sitatcd her Putting into Port it Id laud. After giving it few Convuls 0 ticks the Parfiq to -day Outdoors$ COUld lead A Crowd of 5,000 peopla . ,, ,r w.ras, during tho Pending naval s t I auffilill stifft'lled alul was dead. all about strikes and rovolutiolls. Only sing, I I I I rivalry botl,men Q'reat Britain a hig, her pusseliggera hore, 411C Auto tile filluns Of tile sixtit larg. lid Tito droatedary secuteil to W about as at the Tiding school Hear tlio Bastile, Cat city in tho United States, Gernaany, the f'o-rollor, without 0XI- The accident ockturred $011ie I Ifty badly friglitened as tile borso, and the I-> a ti And yOlt . 'ill] einployees are assembled to Y'll 5tOV Asking wily .to Toronto Uill, PQIISC, 1108 a fleet of now 011p$ Under 111IN5 out front Cape 11avo) about pix men attoudbig It had it bar(t time to -,000 Pol, . wil-v ,kylilelf, call be takelf. oi O'clock in the ove'allig, during It donso debate w1lat action tiley, should talw I Iste"Ifil Ass9d'ation asked hill,, As 40 Nviii clouds sud ror should Chain- eoittrol tile aninial, For ,it time the big 11 NY% "'a POOVI gipsy front his tolit," to dolily darken ,tile hoti, f OCZ Fortunately, tile Lako calii(Al hiade such a coutillotioll that the reply to the Government's dismissal of ]toll) convert T . zoillf plain was golug very, slowly, or there . I .0routo. 0 vrowd which lifted the street ",*as tile- SeNT11 wen w4o took part in the tecent, If a sceptio could have SCOU the It is, however, iluderstooil -here that would be Ito report Of the accident Hit- , ts get strike, 11alf tile gaIlici-Ill- Consisted of orowds Which stood olitbi(lo IvrAssey stricken, but ilia attendail. Great Britailt is 1),re"Ing Portugal to ill tile "'"Ql a,`N wtV Picked HP, its 110th' the anintill quieted gild t f inal"ado 0 e var young woneii, telephone operat Hall last Ilight, IVIlilo tile. doors IV= execute till a9keeniont'ent ore d into by ing, is so disiustrous to a stealtior .its it ,I arm and shilt oil nearly 5,000 people C. a., , t1lo, late Izing Qatlos, whorelly four collision With tin icelfarcr. . a Ili .:- ehwks, giuk with parasols aud lints coy- ,iind heard tll lilbide. largo new bort-Wilig docks Capable, of . . orow(Is Ill tho 0 1, It 1.4, stilted that tFic tog was at) ered Nvith flowel.s, will0% scenlea to wIlt flow ln e'tiugs siugjllg 113, 118, taking 24,0004all ships are to be coil- dense that it w D in it i 'Its hilliossible to Boo DOWNED; fil. tile hcat that came dowit through tile silence hillf, at least. The Cips 11' I Y , , . structoa oil t1le Tagus OPPOSItO tile ahead at all, and the JAke Clitkiliptalft a 501f .Sjjd that I- . y, him- --.-. gla s roof, Thu reporter-.% Ioc"I" off their to nover saw rib Indity sit,O 'Of tllq present firsonal. TJIQs6 Nvas picking her way alontk With juit f, 11 . a PQ%J 0 Of lip find asked to b lCoup steoragc)iray, , Tilt. scerie was like ,a political , o prayed - f&' on 't d first day D , docks are to be available for British ellouffit spoed to Rowing Party "'t'- 'T I shvps 4 certain 011tlngencles. w.hen, a sudden slldrp $)look *fts EiVery Momb;t of a I Meeting lit Aluerlea, ou a hot summer N .. f his lueotings, ITO - - felti . .ygs isked if to ]lad finyttling to say gf, followed by a. griiiiiijig oil hat keell oil 66 $its4uthaliwa is Lost; Ay, And afforded good opportlinity to tile I, t* I , I judge* of the obiractin of the ition and . inel, ings yestbrait7, "Only that 1,111 , PLANS FUNERAL. .1114 s1w. caule to a 1104 Stall. The . a­ "'Ovion vdio are m, full of ope," t6 swipic ansior. elto9k I O Moors ' Ott duty at oilee roalivoll wilat Wife of Ohe Victim Restrained From if calisill- tile 001'er"' dt; thlit d0wil." Ita(I I tlppched,, and the signal Alras , . )('lit "ell "ne"IlICSS' 1:11ey Seeltl Q'X- 'Satilrda lli&ht tile ail)Ay spol-O .to I sharpir for fuff speed ast mi, troulely Intelligent, amiable find reason- t 'a -dr -art, We'llithy Parisian Will Have a Most '"i,," It ThroWing Herself Into Water, able. ,a chair and t1ib viiu- all I a f0v 11101111lits; Ilia Wfisel backed is -ova. ,as intended that; lie talk Gorgeous One. saft.4. off tile obstrulation. Vortunately, - . They elected one of - the dismissed to -hol all . 0, bilt the Public wo,uldnit I I I lustead of buttillk, straight into t1lb iU- Wilkes-Barre, Pa;, Nlay 9,-A stimll Ilostld"R Clutil"Hall, and listened to it at . " I , r it. 'toy olainbred find Av6re I r . . ' berg, she ]lad fill% on to a, a vtmerable orator ridicule At. Clenion- .. I . -bi . " 8 $ iith stlirted 'by Iiiak- Parl.4, May D.-Paill Ulauchard, Lite loping ledge boat containing ft party of nine Was up- ccau',s carrier p1gooni. Jle. r sitouted 1, t -ID y - Of lea P' x tell dink" froM tile berg Under ' i , 6y' "Where Ho tjohda . 0, sing , Ito !is 41lig set Ili the Sits,qnehaunu Alver At Port vilthu.,iiii8tic approval -% -Ilell a feri4d -I' h I'O'W I Ile Wguld Point his - wealthy Paris inarchaut, w wattIl., "40 that 1'46 Will' sa4itht`cd 111jur- caker cried itit tl4iat lie ' r. I filli ov * 'Affith, uval, here ibis afternoon. All FP. 0 , didtilt four fib oil tion, Of 110 audien6 KI daagerou.- Jy ill jai, Ills Irowe, Ila!$ '91gamr jos to lier forefoot, Ilad site struck a Q -r T C, , , . at will ill w1dell he makes Provision for solid wall Of Itiv, R i9 Ilrobable tho injur- t1to, occupants of tile boat were dromwd PXISOA or the guill6th o. ,hey lati6lied they Would silfig; at anoUier dud ih( y The rictinis werv; 4 when a 1-00.4ter spoiled it sp(4kor's per. ",­ "I tile ItIoA Illagnificeitt spectaule in the i(.s to )ter bull's would have be would alit- it 6fidther dud tile ,en much t; .r 1youl -is has ever inore soriutm WI A. Aildrews, Port Urlfftb, I d rest evtfully to it 04)"'d, Tflo, slic,4k,or sobincil to Ila Nvoy of it futleral tha,t Pill ,27 oration. Tbey listeno' , (A - " man introdueed its T',Iigl;. ll, but Dillhod 1, i i,b d b"I". Tile Whole thh1g, happened so quick- 3`lar`* o"il, , Alit ,;art of hing'actio I)iiiyer jvjll ,h ti At, Clbaueliard long ago began a ly that there 11'aii Ito tillin Tor eofiRlsio Theodore Andrewn, Providence I'll I I eCarthy, wbo said lie lirou s lief(r. " , , ml i t gi've t- erg eiJuld not, T416t. It j ,ifs lid w,Uuoer, " fings froul'Jill 1,000ii Lotegriplionq ThIIII ulaU601011111, lit 11-1110m lle intends to aud the -crow find otficot's beliavdd so 36 year's d1d, Ono Ylifiist*r so (1, tilat lie coijid load tiloy If sm r - ' e "oor . lvep Ills last slooll. 'Tills suiliptailus promptly that after the first fcl r Inill. Thomas Andrews, Providinioci 20. f a - - 1 '- Jlut'O"A "HdI 1""L I - 23,060 c;f, tho ljost pboplo In Cleveland am I Ily Ito I aboiii; tile slill . on't"st; the Frank Alarlanohk ,, Providence ( are woujil. 6 lit) 1 ­ us of that- city taonument is Completed except for a ute$ therc was littlo,alAkIll luak- tVi me, flia leddei- adinit(c it i0t bu.st of tile c-xpected hiliabitant, wl0ch 0 Oaf, T Clod). . gtAio till avlla- ft 11 ydit'ro * " ­ pas,Qcngors, fej r f 11-11 calited what filent, whielf Inect has a Prayin&, for a rovivdl," is Hot )-at lit place, The Adam Strukus, Priovidenco, 24. .o I 9 oft Tuesday, I Gipsy Smith told them, "draw ,it chalk COffill 18 bad 11111TOICd or 1113W f0IOSO to it Watery Qbijiec to Jibar. it . ia nien's grievatiec§, ring around YOUrself and pray, 'Lord 111ade. it is it work of Art of aniar. grave their had beeli. I..'rank aallof"Id, Providence, :10. The general, ophli I to'day prevails that * begin in the ring., YOu'ro responsible antlihic colored wood wrought by artis- Tile crc'%v Was at 01100 Called to quar, Afr,z. Frank Ganofski, Providence, 62; ilia strlk will 'I - oltote renewed till Organ- tir. hauds !if cuttlihig dosigits. ters, and tlio watertikel John Ghmof.-ki, Providellcei 120, flZatioil"is furtlier perfected. for ,70IRSOlf as Well as for ),our brotft- , it bulkheads el6s. . ed, shutting off tile fore oluifartments, Alieft, or. Find out ij you've bc6i. a hindrance ]It . only reninins to ptit - these gorge. it -01 Gailofski, ProvideAue, 7. GOVEIINUkINTIS JIJ--RAlNkSS HAS IT'S . Otis but g1bowy receptacles to their Whero tile Injuries to tile keel -%Vero 10- 1410 LO-fli.Tht 11,0110 Of tile bodies had E. r, ki i,rUt. to GOd or , lildlisink to the world. "so fil tile ceremony for which .11. ,lated, It was tinpos5lbic to tell tile O.N. been recovered. A squad of ilia stitte A t[OOD irq,jTE,STA r,' ,,,,T. Chauchard has set, apart 200,000 francs tent of the dainage to tile A-05sel, l)ut troops has been sent across the river Park, Afav 0,-W- onditiong are rather ,, Vftit Iviii you got diib of Cum and li.as 'arranged to the nicest detail. 811C leaked so badly after gettill 11*0111 Il'youling by Captain Robinson favol 11overnment Ili its con - g under and t1wy will inke Charge of tile work Christ 11, tile 'SoriPturo br After lybw lit state for two days dur- trOVerSY With tile postal onfitilbyees, and InOctlugs. That's lyllat pbtct fj,k d ich" . I N"OLY tIlftt QuPtah"Welister dpQed to of Fearebing for ilia bodica, it is not likel), that it strike will be do, Tdylor lid$ I ug 101, ilia shop.will be closed, the hei'd at once for this port, where lie ar- clared just rodd I YOft'ro not wbr body will be placed in a magnificent car, rived this Illorl,111- I T s havily loadcd that for tfia preseut. Tito Govern- that) are yen F ,'To, ;31illg over preceded by 4,000 culployces In: -habits ,I it sat low !if - ilia stern. Ono of tile Ilielit's firmness has made a deep im- -rdu'rb lVdifAcTing PA_iS E'NTG 101 r what I get alit of it. Where d I IS,LANDED AT ST, J0113N. uten in ilia st,,1.11 prcF-.sio?-, oil ilia rank and file, and the q of mourning and it guard of horsemen Ilwyed forward to lielp leaders , ,all.11 get offp i; tit obs Uripsy fh this tilnc tile vessel )lad made Andrew.% ivith tile oars. , lie n1ovel Ht of ilia strike inovenioni; may t , in ji.kadnoohro 61 by my and borne to the Aladolcifib. The mo irn- T He I hliroh Cililubil u n, bitt Wlidt . a good deat of water lit her forchold, Caused the boat to rocic allet it pipped ,lontludc to postpone. ilia battle until Will I . Hire coaches provided for the -invited but silo was very little down ttt- tile iionio water. ,so,,,* or the cc . U" I they tire better organized and prepared 0 I got biit of theso rhoobiligap 11 Cats are ,,ill Ili the style of Louis XV CuPaIlLs I 01 I -hat ChrislIff kolikilin is Profitable. sd.y, Ijus- , licad, its ]ter -weiglit was so Illuell stood up to avoid I ' ii would pipvc to be a hard bless ' getting Ivet. At that struggle. mbn, Jf Ybll invest; ybur slirphis, Nlith ClOall-SbaTC11 CORCIIIIIall. alld loot- astern tbat tile 10ilk had not 'told rbry Inoutent (lie boat capsized and the cc- Or ybur , b, , nien Ili gala Costume linpressh,ply trhn- much oil her, and until site put into qupalit.15 IV , Tim IM,Pum lc IN,* i)rmtt . I rin iphl, even, hcre yoA der. . 0 ,all thrown. into tile water. taill]Y. ViN geli dividend . Firbt ,of ,ill filed lit gold lace In a specially lavish de- Port none knew the reason for ber Whetheill, any of the 1111foll-tullates NTew York, Ala 9 . y D. -A cable despatch yoll,11 of a clear -conscience. You'll pro $]',I'll, and lit k-liae breeches, wigs, ti -ad I'll acted call. The Passengers land could swini. is not known, All 1);1140 to the Tribuna from Paris says. The Oura tfo assurance that r it W . cooked hats. , tll,2? baggago Were at 'Once 10,11(led were (tuVkly I , Government is resolved to stake its a,,- "Niuch attention lilts been given 0 tile swept' away by th-c cur- man, You li,ill got a biyou'e- 11c t here, 'where thov it: t of Heaven ill Costumes of Lite pall -bearers, which will . . 0 bllhig'takon care r0lt. 80D)c Of OWD' gr4sped'each other istelice oil 'its fight agkinst; tile insur. your own soul. I Hover know a man to of b,v t 1, Canadian Pacific ofric,ifil$, and went dolvH qliic4-lv. ,",Out postal and telegraph employees it d li i y present *a most complete niourning of- w and railway servallts. Promier Claz go back oil his inothor's religion. I)o , ' feet. The clergy of two parishosovill ( ill be 801t 01, to ;$yduey, A Couple clun- to tile boat for a few noll- You retnembor hoir good your mother L' . I, OtIlers IN -110 Ilan, Minister of Put)- Was P - Don't veil' remember ]low the join in giving adequate solemnity to tile _.p, L 'ton by the ligats of tile scretinds, but coalt aftil.his energetic . , r oil to lie lvorkg, Louis Barthou, are flow fully Reid Xcirfounillmid (!0illpally, whence, the'll draggCd the'll off and in lov"s thall used to pray `ior you? Don,t you think sor%ice, for Which, also all orchestra of le aware thatIbe ininiblise majority of the owinaut soloists -of the opera has been tl Y Will -be taken east by train, As tbree ininutes Hathintr . remained Ili si,glit that What 'Was good enough for your I I .,zoou aii file Cal -go !4 discharged the eXOt'lit tile, boat, floating bottom Ill) and Ilation is supporting them in tbeir mother is good enough for clip 19Ddua I struggle , ivith Ole revolutionary am- y retaiHoil. From the Madeleine, the car' Lill' Clla]IIP]ftill Will go into dry dock solne di*taum down ilia rivel- till .hour or two to help J8811s OliriA to toge lviJI proceed to Pere la Chaise, tile cc J . probalif I As quickly ' PlOYces. Even extreme radic ls like portals of which will be draped Ili hull w Y at St- John, NT. B., Where lie a-3 posqible onlookers Will a World as Well as to mdko a cotipto Ma9curaud doily that State sorvautz of hundred dollars and y black. Ill be sill-veyed and tile damage inanuod other boa(s and search for the have the light t . Off% ..be rb_ . repaired,, at least Sufficieutl' to bodits begallI a strike, Tito Clem- paid. , 0io . y for her ouccau Cabinet has taktill extraordin- ' cre',s back to BnorrIand tot, pernianont re. Androws lj'%-,c(l clily it ,911ort (Ii,jance "A fow weeks ago.-ji loct ring lilt- pairs. Front the river bmik, flild, Ills lt,lic ajid ary measures, and is fully prepared to 0 1 on a me 1. it J10,111"S DIARY. . Crush tile t OR of d olut,ol,ar3. r at 11 d n m DYING MAT . XO std6cillent has Leon inado by ally t1l'-ft' child"01, who ittliddy heard otzbe strikes. hr I t le rev something like $20,000 for a three . . __ - of the officers of ilia boat, and if I . a I - Weeks' tour. I said 'Xo.. There's )lot . , accident r"lled t'O the 861`0. Atrs. Ali- The French Republic I as nover b,IfL).rc - Record . of How Louis 'I it unders(OOd that .111 investigation into, drovs, In all agoliv Of _MIi"f,.ir1C(J to , bee-,, CO)lfrolited with 'I aerious enough money in the world to buy F el 'IS tile ,,,Id,,,b will be held lit Ell d Jump into the ivat r, an3 was oul'y re. situation. Its own sorvaia Toro me airay irom soul -saving , - (AV- ts, lit tile Postttl . . Starved to D ath. - later on by the Board of Trade offglaH -it"ailled li-y force. alld Ptailway Departnionts have been or. . e icials. PlaIISO-) HOW much brifin dnd' brdwH .. Tile passengers, bowever, told, th ------44-+-- "allizing 04,111.9oll-es into groups find Work drO Yon ilic" Putting in tcrvr6rds __ _ 0 Story g of the aecid,ent, and Wore loud in th-eir vuiliaatcs, rraternizintr with I the jiloral itplift of this eibyp What' silvorton, Col.. M,!y 1'1 A ,,*nry found praisi, of the, Conduct bh fir inginell of t le work- are .Toll doing towards saving, acids? Tsterday bosido Ilip hoJ,V of Louis and erow, -Everything, they. said) went TuWffT0_CENT FARE, the Gouct'a'l Federation of - . Labor ,and with tbo proletai ia.1; under ilia "T'ItIll. Your face toward yoitt- inotli FICUALS; ill his Cabili, IoUrkeli, Hilles east ,I,; though by Clo(;6-m-k, There was, not diRntor hip of "Kijig" Pataud alld his Or's God, man. I'd like to do'soldetking tile qligy,tp.,, confusion, and by ilia time shake their for the nlothere If you s,,tl,c a boy for of hero, told tile story of Ilia slowly Figures Show That the ,Railways col"Plullar" loa(ler", who , starving to deathpand roxytaled t1litt lie most Of tht pasmilgois kilew.tllat aily- fists fit Prosident Fattiores and at a -,I Ilia mather, you're doing a wonderfut ' tiling unt-oWard luid occurred HaVe' Lost Monky by it. Lite roprWCnt-.1ti1-c,,,; of civil a ,lit 1.3, thing." And then the Gipsy risked for bad lived for at least three weeks tinder tile boat I . ud un a - . ]lad backed anvay front ' 'g I alithority, They pi-miell all ti-illili till: isq, prayer mill there'wds hardly a dry oye I a' ,inowslide, ibroUgh which lie was lilt- the Ile' and alld a li-ak,Ily. . ' in the hollse. - -if , rosunIed ]iQr course as though nothing Recout flgllre , cololliled Oil ilt-li'lif . , , Ail to ill 1 .g. Ilorc is the way the diar ]lad happened. 0 of tho. DANUER OP AFiDTIIER C0AJ1[UxJ,, I'llero Was never suh,11 a crovil da. dt. t r o it (Is t , I`a""'aY cdHIPAIlles Of tile United States I tempted to gain adinisr,ion into .Masscy' ( "December 33-Takon suddenly Ili, Ill PASSEUGERS IVILL BE CARI D F01t, by- Stas -oil J *Iloa)psoll, 11, n ger of the Capital is alarmed, wi(l du .111"' tit I ) 1 '! I -I'll. last night.. -Tito meeting 'be an. t a if last six weeks over a hutidre(r Hill- 9 great pa,ill. Montreal de6patch, ,,k roArt of tile buroatt Of J%alllvay 11 cws and Si,ajusLies, early because the house Was pli "Decel.liber lj--Aln gatting worscr )IOU dollars Of Frollell fund, Cked by. h , Is has bt!vll 7.15 O'clock. I a C011isioll was reoci -ed,ves(erdaY ',it tile hidleate tha.t as a res1lit Of iwo-mllt 1 a - iliveAed abroall, r1he agicatlon, ,of ill(! t "Deeciliber 16--Snowi lLide cov6re(feall. Is Udif n P, which 8,( Ifore are soine of tile things. pillqy ill to -day. I offic(. of tile Ca acific, .11gor bli-O b -is relicillowi elvil servallts lilt, I 0 Ilatioll ill Lite UIXted I , Ili , . . I practically, but.(, out ill(.- St. John's des- ,8'tatcs. tile railwa -4 Joit roildv '1011 I Slitith aid at.the flight nice * 110 "Decelliber 25-cliristillas doy, to An gi-wN o"ll.n. Ill"UMICAllablO 111IJUIT'to tile jildustrull und I f 0 patt-li, although tho &Iails receivedwore in -4 $i ,Ootf,vl,lo, 11111kougil 111(l) said tbg(n at various tinics a f`11111191!- , weak to dire out of slide, can't got t z 0 -e pa'j.4LIJ. ('0111(liercial proil,wfity of the co ""tr " Such . 11 I R Way As to cither set- the audience sob ' town. 0 . 0 very uloagrre As soon as it became IV- gors wore carriod. Tlik Is occutintod for ,% clellitIllot'all kilows 1)(Irrectly we Ila L - if , parcut, that tile passengers could not be by it re(luetiutt ill averut.,o 1,,c,,1p(_ bing, or laughting, or' applauding fran- 1 .4 por fill loss Of ii revol I, of (ioveril luolli, Cull& - 11 - , Irtkulilary I- J believe T aul flying. takea by tile Lake Champlain to thelfr pazeirgor ildle oil 04 p r yvilt. 7f the ces is ilipiwil lit [IHI bud life 1),irlia . Ill ItY tically. o , L it- of 14 ft Too weak to get ill). dreh(Ination, arrangritiolits were mado ge froul 2'.0 It Cents it) 100T to LUIZU ntv I't"inle lit Vralwo J11114 (114-appi'al, Solna people tltiujc Xesus Christ is , :'Jalluary 2-- till of, ,,Ialtuary 3-1— wit], Lite Vki(l NN ow, foil lidland, Company evilts. ill 11)08. ..44 11 ' Ju4ne of 187L just sonto 6ort of a fire osedift. "Jaullary 4 -1 call---,- be roplaVed by tho. Clim Do I I,Jaillulry , 5­11iiintelligible scratal 11 l(i F-uppl specio", boats to -morrow to A furtlior coulparl , Ica. y .01, shows th'ti. _N1 0 foreigners ,%,ouhl feel seellre Ill yutl supposb Ile (jonverted yolt sinlill, " .' take the passez.ger." to Sydney' C, B., where tile lftl*iell ger trivel Itas !llCX1,(!aSCd couttry. NviLliout law it . 3,011 to HOVIV13up If 110 httd b Ab.solutcly no food lvas found Ili ilia i and ol-der and to ,like callin, Where his body lay oil ,.I rude 'io a rlve oil ,vear"i, tile pa$S01114fer Fral .In relvaining lier utt- I doJ10 (Ildt 110 WOtild Itave titkall. you , . where 11103' are exp(Ictcd I92 Per Cent. If' 20 n ,let,. whi 0 I fli ottlal, I. I bed. . Monday morning. Two special trains rel"'lluo Ilas increased out%- 140 ppl. c,_,ni-I find artistic, sillilloina(W would- 64111 101011 Ybit Airdxb couVexted, for son7o — 14rc tilso Inadoq1P at tile Windsor sta- The tottil pas%vitgrers cal -111d w4n'c 851'. politically and Jnilltarll ' to tile ralli elf YOU Were inu6h batter then tlidu ___4_"- ilon here this evoning, 10111 Conn a. '235,537, the average distance &II -lied be, k . y ' .' of a second-class nation. ' yob are now. BLYTHE S CASE. tiariat department, dining find sleeping ing 33-57 Illilc,9 h' 1008, against 8037.,90-L. Ali intelligent 101-Cuallulell are full%' "Whoto will yott'lio 011 ilia Itior I- , . cars, etc., and 1110y left *shortl efore 1!3:" pa4stlllgers, an arpra"o'! of 51.27 alive to tile national pet -it and tan`d ilig of tile Riisurrtbtiba? 1111 td1t11_ Y a . averago pas,ellpf- i filidilight, for St. ,lohn, where they Will 111ile'l, Ili 1007 , T I I e (IVIHIY behind M. Clenionecau. !if tile pro- ing to ydit Who bogst of yolir religlutis ' . . I I traillifor to "tile Tiliercolonial, an pro- ,ce(lipts'per Mill' decreased 10.0 per cont, cut lite and deat-It struggle vaillst tile btandilig, you who dre 31011filitil Hloill- Cabinet Has Not -yet Decided Fate -4-0 . areby ,oclain, 'hurchts. be you know voo(l to Sydiwv to awail; the arrival till and ilia In atiou. cc ill,, bbrg of e I of Wife &rderor. of Ute pai-congers. They will than Ile- MORRIS WINS A SE:AT. Commune of 1871, which is porsonified' w1lat "nolitinal' futant? ft nwans 'itil- lurn to St, John, X. B., at which place, — by "IG119" Patitud aild tile imiurgwit rudl. Ask'Atclister, 'You wlio never , let Oil sat- ill - xCeptional Circunistalloos, Oftrilonear T rns Over in .Newfound. tstato cluployde-1, 164 .it dt'UHULrd to the ligh dud ydti 11 . Ottawa, Alo 0.--­TIni C,vbb file) tile c., land Elcctions - T110USANDS OP QXRRIL'Ilt PJGJ ,O.X,,;, who never helped Jesus inako.a botter 9 consideration ilia capi. I. tj L ( r1rday bad under t1w iminigration and customs author - ties have. oonsplited to hold tho usual St. Yolin's, XfId., 110y 9.-Oilly t vo 3f. Barthou, 63 Aktin6lor of ilubl'u-, World ol! this, what do vou suppose to I till case of Walter Blytho, tile A 111court I Lord Will 8av? To Ilis Apobtlbs . g examinations. Tb(*pasienget-8 will then constituencies boaro so far returned Works, is of tile olli'llon that even If , - !to Paid, It -ailway Inan, und6r sentence to be hang- be taken West by the special traius and 'Ile results Of the polling ill yester- & strike Is called a colmiderable pro- HOW long Jll yo make Ato sufferl"' It's' t ad oil Friday next for the murder of )Ila will pass dirough UoHEreal on Tuesday gay's general Parltamontary clectioll POI'0011 of tile Ite employees %yill driving another pall into Ilia hand ev- i Ott d U 0 NInfe. It is understood that there is evenincy or Wednesday morning. The fit New foandland. Ono of these, Car- stick to their posts, and that NvIth tho cry, titlio Itow it pportullIty to 0 cotl, Aderablo Jiff4ronee of opinion as to reports' received at, tile a. P, F. head. boncar, elected Go(ldison, %i1pporter aid of soldiers find tile eq-opci-ation dip. 11 whether the crime should be commuted quarterbi,stitted that boyolid the dantag, of Sir E'dward Morris, the , Proniior b Of tile Glialil-bers of Cunllllol ce and "If khstls come to 011fth Ile Ivotild it to life iniprisonnicut for manslaughter, 44 votes to tile sent lviliall st bv ,,tile IfutalkeeporbI A,isoelittlon, wit at-(,, ttt o a-wiliIii dud, drive tile people it I to ill<, ship and cargo (Itere Was nothing 23, vot 8 at lie 10 . 0 6 a and lie recommendation for commuta- Ivort,hv of woution, all tile pft,9 JCfIgcJ-9 cS tile Inet oloction 111, J\TO_ org9lip'llIg auxiliary ful'OL's, tile public Out of samo of oft thurthos, just its $ (.left has its Vet been made to Ills Excel- verubor, Ili Brigus, Warren, a Uor- service Will'be luttinItailler. One hundred Ila dil .years ago oil another ocaffal'bu. a - I I in a fit 'of rage boat Ills be,i, w ' vcll iiiiii their taggage uninj 'd r c d, tisije, 'r seat by a fit O' ity, aiiid fifty thousand Carrier 1.11geolls, traiii- 11a would iloo(I to begin till over dgdfii ,, t(.flev. Blythe I S 1`11ftkog tile 800011d 1111911111) ,to otuins 11ii; n j r lvif with a poker and silo (lied from ilia roduced from 174 to 24. ,ad for war service, Iiavo be -ii placed itt, lit some pidoos. occall liners sillc'il the Opening, of the lit vlow of ilia overti.irn in Car. ill,' disposal Of tile GOverlialclit. 'Clio "Perhap's you doilt't enjoy illy effects of the blows. lit. .1"awn, . I mnee ilarigation. a scallb two 1- - . — bonoar, the Arorti, iitcs to-nigbit a -to still)$ of the Alediteri-ttileall fiect; received lireaching. NNIVol, do you enjoy a surgi. f, I . , , 1vocks although this, took place inany 1101)oful ilia t tile general result Will Orders to-nighl; to mike preparations to eitl, operation. Q hund d ruiles'frolu tho St, TAWtollce. . I don't -want you to,go SEIZURE OF "FACKLE. 'I'lio first wits ilia Allan liner Corin, favor them. . ­ - 4 0 so take tip their allott ed stalioni ,.it pointi alylty sayifig, "Wasn't lie swootp" or . 01% L116 coast, so that, Conlin till let' tiull "Diflu't he r,peak nice?" I wilat )-oil to, I—— thian, whielf, ran aground in the St. eould be Carried oil by wirele4s. CC Lawrium (I , " RT RK. alit feeling sore at heart and asham. k American Poachers in St, Lawren Q 'llamlel, and lvili Proceed to The nianifostoos of the, 8trike Cow. 093 of yourselves. I t . i5nghinit -rot- thorongi, repairs. it is Constables Wore Rouglily Usbd by th- I"Itt;CC, Melted bI tile PlIrM' WlOhY "I don't believe in w*rking lip ' I . lo 1, Rivoer. probable that the inju'ri(.,s to the Lake . . a . Crowd. 1 of the revolution, read as if 0101' Wore revival. I boliove ill praying One f . ill -a -a 0 Iffartyra to liberty. Pat, instance; in an- I 11kI chtlluptkll u prol nio] serious . down, Get that? Ptayiiag it down. I 11 tban thoita to the CoThitblaill and that Toronto, Mov Q. -A riot that olluil illg tile refll ,lll of '401*011 pm,truell , J.irilyer's the It , -In.spector onor t ing. 1, (44inanoque, May & . at Ono sbe will Ile oiit of commission for sonle Unio gave pr6iiii8a, of assuming ser to appeal, before the Council of 1)6alp- within the lasUsix weeks lilts made iour t. "Let me see ,Your wook %fight praN­ %% line, Tbo Accident was (lite to the I lls proportions broke, out at Stan. line to.41ay oil the ground tbat to com )1Y Or Wooffilga, aild I'll tell veil Life I selvuros of American fishing and siloot- alino4I *alipreodented awount, of polar Park Saturdav afternoon during would be all interference with their lib. 0 10, 'Sctiior City League 811111itual condition of sour 66. Tho bi 1 .rt.v these men Are descilbod as 1--aing PrAY-00' M00011T on lVedilosA t ing goofls Ott Vouday lie tmiue lit lll tit loo floating off ilia oastern coast. Till. tillo b gogrops of at r. .11tioll Ill cbarrvte,4,1 a 0 U'ril) V asis all gaine, a id as -a ri sult ond to tile exo( Thursday is tito thovino ay 0 i a skiff Containing decays, two hatfuner-, ieo usually contei down. lit June, but this m hr C less gulls, field ghtfiso.f% and sulldr-', Other yeal, it has COIIW down ne'arly a Illonth Mall ig under arrP4 oil a charge of employed in the dity, of Ote tn,ror to Church. ThoWs whord .you etc the I Artielo'4. (III Wednesday 0110 .qRlff and earlier. an(I the incoining b,at% all re- assaulting tile Police, and 'throo coil- (losel-ibe ill(%, Carts WIliell Cullveved tlit, lWallity", S tight hundred pounds of MA, (In port sudititig large litunbers of berryl, I'*Lbles liara it) . arki that they Irill. vieffins of ill(- revolutionary irillowd true light of clurl Thursday two 0 M 0 " 0 bear for several days lis ronliulders of to tile guillotille. . 'The Gypsy anbouncoil a noontilHo aft; of 11001) nots. To- which. 'in th4o foggy Aiva0ior, wlikh to v lie brought In (Ilree milo.9 of 111ght prevalled, make lm, igtttiou very dangor- the distilrbance. eflim n1an Itilder ar- Atally of ill(,, groups of rtillroad mon 1"yor 'lloo"bg overy (lay from t2,15 I'll, to 12.45 O'clock, Ili tio afternoons lilms, wit'll cilion,41tilds of hookq, which ou Fir rest, is waltot Gibson, it eigarnlal0r, Ili tit(, Provinces have voted sympathy who lives at 1193 Duffetin i4reef. TIJO with the Postmen, arid anno,44,,A Wofr there 'Will be in",thigg at 2.30 o'clock, Wore just sot, and bad one sturgeoll 0110 "I'lle Lillie Glian)plaill was built Lit 1.0.40111tioll ,of til., ,.Ctii. docks opoit at 2 o'clock. and One "'Idtf. . (4141"Agow in 1000 for t1lo Y3der-Dompstor polico are lookirig for it nulilber ,)f support of tho. it r . 001or.4 AvIlo Avere 11lixod 111) It, *o roid ))foil's congress to go oil -,triki! it Ifalitla 'fill," said Gip, v Sllllrlth lit I irs, Vor ,Aev, Curie & Co., affair. Parliamoill; floes Hot vol(?a. pemdolt b 11, ell a tinio. '%verybody licte A01 Is -----+++- Line by AlIms I More lotmkea, lit Italy, ,awl 14'rogistered at Li4rpool. blo, ii,i . . . . . . . . . __.__+*-*___" be hoio put upo blif , Itoulo, May 0.­-'S'.VAcr4I Nh 10is of 440 iect ,lolli by 52 bealli, with 7,30II 'I'llo Tor cral Trusts C.11porl, ­ I reali'v Ll ,,",,,!Vo '' it* . ham ",g Land. wout ill). "Now I enlethquake Irtre A-16- a0levAni; awl. grl5sq toullago, aild it speed of 12 ' . knots tion, aa,thiq for ilia vatato of , LET191 FROM MISSIONAXY. down ill ;01, - tile late - tv pookets Aijd deep, too, Ileggi6 bt-twoen 7 nud 7.30 o'clock yeb- She was Wilt fluring tho South Africa 11hilit) Jaullemon, 11ave sold the former Xingstoll. Out., May 10,-Rev D. for lJore, 0-01110 t -lin vollection plates." tvrdak, Illotnirl"'. Tile re-ithuts of"ih;I I war. flutt lor fiv,it ervito wag ill efill- fAluily re,ddout4! of tIveva,jej oH Iltiall Matcallitill lilts receivetl it letter front 1119 signs 4re 111) lit the Imll. boar- f1swn,z fled to 111'ri, IT11-tt votull I. -Y i'l 41 veying Irop% 'to Hill Cupe. silo, is it stlIft-li, *rm,ontiy. ,mr. ,r. I,. injoian was 1111.5 soil, Rev. V. V". Maecalluill, ,it lni, q- lit ill(% logent1q: "(4,1; Vight Ivith J allie. sooral N% 114 zillaps'.11 ot I 11two.clams, bmt, only taking slurage And I the purchaser. and it 6 ,IIH&r.-tod that -Ionar$ Ili Asiatic Turkey, describing 'tile 4 09d", And "Ve ya Iteconollea Vnto It 4, gv ,-, 1 1. one clasa tabilit pa"tngerd, tile price was over $1%1104, Adoll 111assaero il. God." . I - "I - I I MICKY RESCUE, 040ker Savos, Boy and Qrl From, , Drowaing, , The 44 Rod Clung to Girl Aniii , .1 C40041 'For Help, I Slorrib to Alay I(f..-Whilo . Eleanor 11110 `glrhol`114`et' aged 1.9 years, daughter of Mr.l. AtOorhowse, was at . tempting fliaturday evenjUg to get !pt, it litillt lit ollar"'re of 'llarvItt Alurlilly, 15 yval`5 old, 5vit of Jt'4 L. Xurliby, editor of tile Lefideri lit order to Cross to. her hNnO Oil ilia otbor a1do of the caval, she slipped into tile water, Pulling YOUIII$ Murphy lit ivith her, Tito lad -,it once seized the girl. and inalia,ging to gras it projee ting' stolle lit tilo Calial Ivalf, called for lielp. Air, FlloiI 11, Broiler) of (Ile Alolsom J anlc, wiso ",as oil tile op- ImOte aid(,, '200 feet away, heard tile ones, and without stoppinj to rolnove Mil Coat leat)ea !))to tile watot and sivain ticross the callid. he was nearly a.-,- hallsted lyllen Ili- reached ilia, drifting, a Plint, but gueeceded Ili clambering, ill, irlien lie rescued the two children from tlkeir dangerous position. . - DROWNED AT GALT. ­­_ Two Students Went Out in Canoe . and Upset. , Galt repurt, The first drowiling f(Cel- dent, of tile seasoix Ili tile Grifild River o(curred about 2 o'Oock this afternon. Tito victim wits Carl Stablachutiat, son of Mr. W. StaltIschinjilt, of Preston. Clarence (I'm1follow, son of Air. D. Good- follo*, (ilalt, had .I narrow escape. Both of ilia boys are 0, C. I. student,;,, and 015 ti-to-dus, tbey cirgage(I a C"an ..i- ilillil -le'll'i' llilitrr to Paddll` "It sliort, dls talKe (if) VTO rlv(lr before till- afternoon Oiis.ws bt,gan. 'All went well until just back of the ('01R.Ada(e, whell tile calloc cap.1zed. ("Ouilfellow Ivii'T'ablo to swilli, bill, Stalilselnuldt was not. Tho former inade a beroic attenipt to save Ills coulpanion's life. Ile grasped Iflin and libld hini above the Water for , .ionic illne, Villaliv Stall Isthulidt in Ills . struggle.% edrNed 06dfolloir dqii fl twice, and the latter wits compelled to release Ills hold. .11"a sti-mll to tile shore; Coal- PIOU1Y ex1la(Isted, alyd ]fail to be as- lstC4 till tile bal(k. S11(hisclintiat sailk Jiumedidtely. . The accillent oce-urred within fifteen feet of ilia .share, arid lit fibout,' ton feet Of. water. 'ilia body was 'recovered at 6 o'clook. . BROKE SPNEWED LAW* Snakid ..Made Automobilist Drive . . Fifty Miles an Hour. NOV Yotk, May lox-_ dosptach to tile Tribune frofti Itielimond, I y., says: 11.1 - Jolt Zaring, a lo ' Cal niflier, left his anto. mobile this morning. to talk with a farmer. .1111an lin returned a copperhead snake critiviod froul tinder a rug and fastelled itself around )Ila log and to the brake of ilia machine. lit sudden fright Zarlil.fr Pilt oil full speed, With the snake oil tile brake ))a could not Stop, and - the car (lulled, - through Riluliniojid fit fifty miles an hour. zariver inatlaged to keep it ill tile Middle of thle' road and Was caught by a friend on all - Other) automobile after a two_w,lo chase. Tile friend dislodged the soake with a whip. Probably as badly frightened as I Zaring, it fell to the ground and Was run over by one of the cars, It proved to be of the most venomous type. '0- #I go . , .SEAM,EN'S STRIKE. I I Report That the Strike May be Ex. teudeAlto Include Others. Buffalo, .1tar 10. -Officials, of ,strik- ng Id,ke seanien refuse to -afffrin or deny .. Ile report that the conferences hero to- , n w bal.ween officials of he great lakes labor organizatioHs pres- g10 (In extension of the strike against ho ],like Carrier Association's boats. . Vbc mail flow out include the engineers, iroinon, oikr8, water tea(lers, cooks, ] towards and seanion. Ili the event of i if extension of the'strike it is said only - 1, . of ,a -a Carrier Asso hition boats will be I ffectIod. The 13ackago freig,lit. lilies, i Nhiell signed up with"the juarluo oil- I Onvers find hired union s4kalliell, will not I a 311olested. . I I 1 . 0 0 11" - " ' I HALF A MILLION, I . Wilber Fine Gift For McGil) Seems I Under Way. , ' ..Niontreal, .,)lily 10,-Tbc statullout is A iddo to-day'all good authority that a I I ontleniall lyho has already .done a great I cat for AlcGill, bits siguittod Ills reltdi- I ass to dounto a further h9f million I owards the coillpittioll of tile Holy mod- I al. factilty wRiell was lip-gita some , oliths ag.7 and wilch Is being hung J 1) for want of funds. Witen Peter Ly- I 11 & .Sons began t1to work they liad ' ,100,000 ds a stfIrting fund', but that mount is as gigld as exhaustedI , - TRI9b TO KILL PbLICE CHIEF. I 11 ilillist Fired at Moscow Official in ( Paris Hotdl, ' I Parl", Uly 0.-A Pole lialli"d Vit. off 111110P. all attempt in a hotpi hord i O -da I v Lo kill M. N-011 K(It,tt'n. chlet of i her secret poliet, of Motcow. Ile file -.11 Ivo shots lit tit(! pulive Official. but It Illissed. .11, Von Xettell agim'O hat Vitkoff i.4 it thingi'volm xibilNt ,ho (1 ,capoil frotu ,Rill,,Iria. Vitkoff no d , tile stalealmil 111alt, lie plotend. I d to join tile mer.t. polie. ill eviler d ,L, capc, front ThiqAtt and Ili, "Ittaek. d Von X,etton Colt Ill,, purp.) %, 'of rX. , lo-Alug ill,,, ineth vds Of tile Ittollall .I , evrej. political ervic-,. i --- #__O__ I I . I ,\r,llllltt, May 10. A t'gi,ilatlVil Mut. le;;t wa-4 tenuillated vo4erday in the I . (1urly to tile, I'llilillpille As-ellilill. of ('11 luellibers of t1l" Pr O.Vres-41st; 111hijilly, \010 limo bo.ml oil stlike for 11 monLh. I'llf-y AvI(JuIrpw from thO IT0114! ill d I )ody wbon the I'llvill, tariff 11111 was tillifer diseubsioll Several weeks ago. alit) ti4wie'l it) attond thp zvt ;44iolls or pov- forill auy It'gi-41alive \rork. - .._,i0.4.,iJ_­_...__ The frtigbt, hifildlers' stri ,e tit Owen Isound is still fil Progress! 0 NO CAUSE FOR PANIC Aimiral Lord cktrles Ilerlesforil , Leouros 1"'glishmen., Uverilool, .Afay IQ,---;Ur4 01'alic-i Ver. er,ford, upon. whom tile uvorpool uni- voriilty to -day conferred the degree of Doe tor of Laws, toolc occasion to Ice- turo Ids comp4triots oft the *101, able phyalval 4-fects that ,,,,,,t,,- ,,?,,,?,r ,a- vP14pe(I Ili the race." Lord 1,14arles rp. ft-rired capecially to t1w naval suare that, haii doinittated Bngliijial of late, and do- plared that the nation bad lost tho old Britie'll habil; of looking at tjlll)gs 11,11,11 oalifinesi and digulty. If Ole Qx1lifict Committeo now con*sIderbig, tile (IucA- tion of the lack of naval readiness rals. I ed by himself found, things unsatisfac- tory, as lie had Ito doubt they Nyould, there would be no necessity of pa4lo . ,gild reerimlailtion, but the nation woult! , baye to reassert the old British spirit, see wbere things Were wrong a put them right. 42 , Hal Calmly , I . 0 0 6 . A BRALVE GIRL., . 1. Fiftoerk-Year-014 Mamie Price is . _ Made of Rare Stuff. Had to Cat Her. Fathees Mangled . Arm Off With x to Free Him. . 14 . . I'lowacn, Ga, May 9', -I.Janjlo Price, Nrbo is fifteon years old, went after her family lvith an .axe last Vviday nightand cut her flither's arm off, For that the citizens of this place Will ask tlio Carlkgie commission to give Yie girl a, hero niedal, for the case Is Hot what the foregoing bald stAtoment of filets inakes it appear. Que of tile" tornadoe-, that .swept alit to sea front the interior last week rwilt. vd over tile little lloHso'wIICrp_,NI&lIIIC, lil'e.8', a few wiles from hero, and the IlOu!;.e wout down with 14 crash, EVery litelubOr of VIO falifily except Mamie Was philictl umler tile irreckage. Tito girl crawled out of lite dobri.i found ult, 94 -Ke and it hu . darn -for it was pitch dark -and, guided by tile Cries 01 the Tic -fills, began to how away the tim. bora that held than). Her mother died as tile 01*1' cut aWay tile last timber above Iters but Alamic rescued ]lei- baby ' brother and a voun"er sister prattically unburt. Ir a I Her father had been pinned down by a tinill(w , o hoal' y that it meant hour.3 of work for the little girl to cut it lit two. r['h(' ulau';' -fr')' was Crushed aud Ila realized that it wile lost, b,cill.r, belti oulf ,by shreds of flesh and skin. lie to, Ile 911`1 iO Cut it Off with tile RX0. The chi.ld- objected, but the father 1115isted, 4,o she broug,lit doivn the if je aild her father was free. rlldcy Ills direction, site inado a tourniquet, stepping the bleedillg front 'tho "Unip, and then %vent throu-11 the darkness for assistance. Iler father will recover. A handsome memorial will be given Lite ,,Irl -by the citizens Pf Bowdon, and hot- name will be presented to tile car. Ilegie hero eoullilission. , — I __1+-+_+`_ - - - A HAIR SINGE ,, . — Toronto. Policeman Caine Near Death Riding Through.Storm. Toronto &sDaiell. Mounted Polioeulau William J. MoNuen had all experience last night that, to quot,o him, "gave him a thrill." He was riding, .along Queen street east, about opposite Rus- sell's brickyard, Ili the midst of the storm' When a streak of lightning struck so close to him as to singe most of Ilia hair on the back of his head. To say that. -Ye- was thunderstruck by what had happened would"be to put it mildly. He Was electrified. Strango to say, neither o horso nor rider Were s'e'riously hurt, and, 'Vero it not for the fact that the can - stable is minus some of his crowning glory, it is doubtful whether the story would pass muster in the guard room of Lhe Itiounted department. However, he states that h'e wil,l unselfishly yield the pleasure of going through the experience o anyone who wishes to enjoy it. .* 0 *- HORSE IN CELLAR. London, Out., May 10.-A fisla dealer lamed Johnson took pity oil a horso out n the ,storm oil Saturday evening, and irought him into his kitchen. During ;1fo Hight the horse went through the loor into the cellar, aud JohnBon and * I if$ neighbors are still arguing how to rot it out, as it is too big to como 14P )y the stairway, A part of the house nay have to be roinoved. The horso is tuinjured by the fall, and is being fed it the Cellar 1 *040 . LADY ABERDEEN'S VISIT. Vill Reach New York for Toronto an June fith. . , ,go jr J'ork. May O. -The Countess Of 40r& cu, presi&i1i, of t1w. Iliterila-Vional ,, ,ollnell of 1yollipil. and ilia leader in Alt'. aliti-ti.1berC111O.SiS campaign ill Ire- alid, hil'i written to friends !a this oft), hat she ,Vill cro-Is the ,ktIantic early lext violith to preside tit tile .10terlia- jelfill Council of Vonien at Toronto. lla , Nvi.11 I -each N ellr York oil June- 5, and. vill roluallf. hero two days, leaving for lostou on ,little 7, Front Boston she will 1yo to Canada. -."16— 1 MAY ABOLISH CON-SISTOAIES. I'Voille ` Ala -y 0., -It is reported Plat, t1w ,opo coatelliplates tile abolitioll of 1QlVU.itOFieS for tile appointinent of -m-dinalA appointing theli, 1) )1111. as i tile case of biahopz brief or A collsistol-N, N 110, ATIV IV Hie - It luat, All, of- forill; ' How cardinals are 210111 - rutted bl, the Pope, find they fire noti- , jed bV ,.I,(,. ilepal Secretary of ,State bI.,- ore fhe. collSistoVy Inects. ............. "O — ROYAL PRINCE FOR VICEROY. 3ritish Govbminent SaH to be Ser- iously Considering the ChAh9d. 1.011doll, Atay D.—A despatell to Tile Iaiyl 11ail from Calcuttil, UsOftg that Ale Dritisli Government is seriously ,onslde ing the question of placing -lie vice-royalship of India fil tile, iand,% of 11 prince of the r(, it blood, lild tha soggestiou is ralf.do tIJftt OU40 )I tile vounger sons of tho Ifffiloo of kV,ales be trained for the post. Lord Rinto is, tile Presont, vicovor. . , .6 0. q----."-" Higher LW066 in Cobourg. cobourg, 0111.4 MAY 0.-X0lX)Ufg'R Pop- IllatJoH is over Ilia 5,000 mark, und as it Columillonee ille. Avo.;t NOT1,1111YAborhuld liveimi eonfinissionertl have rdi"ll Vie liquor lit-onse fev,4 out, litniftil dollAtA per year. 'All Oft lieviit-cs lime Well re, inolv d. k I 4-111