HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-05-13, Page 6�� ­____.__­_____ t ��, , W, ____ —.1.1. 1 ,IN ___ � ___ __1 I - �#1,1�'I' . ! .�. ,'I, 1. , � ... 414414% V _­_ 4,�;,;_: L _;� - �;";,;177.', � ­ .., — -� +.­,,—, -__._--i--1_ -1 ;­­ — . � - — - ---l- _�* --t", 7 _V. � ft104NW0AW0""­ , kl � A, �,, 1'', , " . — =11.11:=1 ­� — _= !!�,,T,7!!�, 7�. :-�T=�,,!T=."_r,=�!!!!! �: , , :"-`?!'7 7,I :,�o "!'.=I= !'!�, . . 7=7== " -ft""_0"."_— ­ .. I I I 0 �v I . 1; ­ 1 -7 1 1 - I I , .. I ­ 11. , I . _� I I I CONW4 � - .1 I __ ITIllit(A StMes ven,11,4 giles,,�ea are al- ready twitig, mnae. Sonio offivials of tile alvpartni(�nt thinic that tilt, volint. to be mado In June, 1910, will Rhow A popula- flou of 1110.0,M),000. --.---. �.Q,.� frollauti lejoice4'at. ill - birth of t"t - I'lillopq'i 14 Orall I g", as Quec;u Williel- 111141,0; bally datl,gll�vr k III III .0tylvd. Iho firpsenee of all twir to 013 throll... will, it i's hollevvil, ('1111'.tiloo t1w ChAnt-9-14 for dw ,:.)un. t ry'-i t.!I;I6lItlQ,1_ illdf-twill 04NI. � . ­_ - , +#*. I � A grood mativ of our readora are appre- hensive of crop troubles in, the North- wegt as'the robult of tile backwartl spring. 47slanftoba pap,ers, however, say - I that seeding operations; -will not be more than .a .week later than Ili 1000. There has been it change to warntor weather during the week in tilt, west, whicli. Coll- siderably improves the outlook. _ - * * 4-_ -- Tit(% word ,leffendi" .seems to give .somp of the vable ruen much trouble. They use It ,%4 of it -,%,tire a part of the uviv Turkish '.�.!ullan*s name. It I:; not, but inerely ,,I Hilt,, ineaninx "fibsoltite waster," or "t.01olualider." Tile new ruler of Turkey has enjoyed that title, but . he now abandons it for the higher on(. of Sultan Mehmed V. - Von Buolow, the German Chancellor. is having his own troubles. The Vinan- cial Commission of the Reichstag hak rejected )its Death Duties scheme, so hu- ' portntit to the furnishing of the addi- tional rovenue which lip must have,,t.- carry out Germany's iiaval programmet The Comylll�;qion Pliares the popular vie-, � that tile landed proprietors itTe behinil the uawil. expansion ficheine; and it substitutes for tile death duties a tax on land increments, and woomineuds a& ditional taxes on increased value of . poisonal ftoporty. Nothing -will A (I ilitickly viodify jingo views as making. tile jingoes pay the bills. _410-w- -__ .- . Vau,%llian7_rlil� not as heavy drinkers as file people �f come other countries, but they Consume a good deal of liouo.-. lit 1908 every ihousand of our peoolo. made away with 889 gallons of spirit.i. 5,$L9 gallons of beer, find 06 gallons tf wine. These figures are a slight ilicreaw . over those of last year. For 1110 year ending March 31, 1003, the quantity of licluor,.4 uqpd Ili Canada was Ill gallons: Catindian spirits .. .... .... 3,927,312 Imported spirits .. .. .... 2,127 ' 478 Canadian walt liquors .. .. .. 38,800,380 Imported malt-, liquors .. .. .. 1,096,250 Wines ... ... ... . _.. . - , 1,3136"M Total ., , . .. .. _ .. � ... 47,337,661 According to a eamputation. made by P. .9. Spence, of Toronto, the consumer paid for this liquor no less a sum than $76,867,&19, The customs and excise du- ' � iies, bro-wery and malt house licenses, ete., broAight to the Government $14,- * 009,027. The Innn who drinks helps to pay the bills, The Froviiicial and Muni- cipal, revenues get probably $2,000,000 mitre from bim, But there hs a heavy per Contra. . . , I It is said that. Ili C.inada the special census of 1906 shows that for every mil- lion dollars of capital invested, the liq. nor traffic employed onlv 150 men, while tho average of obliox industries emnloy. ed 4`72 men, and that the liquor traffic paid less than $66,G00 in wages, while tile average of other industries paid more than 8198,000in wag�s. . -A . Ralomea, or Salonika, pronouncetl Sal- ii-neek-tt (,tcc,,iit'on thiril sylbx4le), tit-. place to which Abdul Ilainid has been , retik�ed, is a city of 150.000 inhabitanti in Alacedonia, Northern Grpeec, wbIch' has a very interesting history, Tt was 0 the original Therine, but was rebuilt by Casiander, some time After &lit, year 31.1 B. C. Tile nanie The,ssalonien was given to it, Ili hemor of the w1fe of Cass --ander, , a daughter of. Philip of Macedon (anti . 49ter of Alexander the Great).,who stie- ceedea in subjugating Tliess,tly lit 343 . Il. 0. Ily apberosis it b2came "Salonica." 14; . alonica may seein more famillar to our reittlers if they will bear, Ili mind that ive read that !he Aposti,;� raui preached there in A. D. 53, and that Ili thi, following.year he Addressed to ilia Vbri--4tian Chinch there his two "It,'pistles to ill.(% Titessalonlans." 1,�.,htlonica has in lormoi times seen much bloodshed. It ii revorticil that !)I 200 a sodition-3 plot led to thoI Lniperor Theodosius inviting . a 10,000 Inhabitants of the city into the eireli-4, turning the Soldiery npon them 0 and putting -thein fill to the sword, In h ptured.the city anil rudhl,s,ily slaughtered many thouawrids, of its inbabitAuts. In 1185 the Normans of I.Sielly also over6il' and desolated U, It ranip Into ilia possoa,3iQn. of Turkey in 1430, being wrigted from t1he, Veii�. tiolis. As late As 187d the Gernian and French Comuli tlin,re %vr,� murdared by %I. - ft 1110h. and Turkey waq required to ;nake reparation And to execute n num- her of the, murdererq. Ili 1891) it prrt,%t fire left 10,000 of tho poopl(I of thl, eity hilnlelle,4s and caused a lfl.,4 of Al,,000.000. Salowea, iq the seaptirt of NVP.Aern Tur- Icey, and 11eq at tile illoath of ill,% ("reat Vardar Viv�r. IL.q inliabltanl;, ,tl,,- elli;�.-f- ly Spanish 3ew,;, wbo arts grent Lrader.;;, find lt,3 colunl4krep Is qllit�! 1111portant, It ly4my on the direct route from Weit- , 11 - ern anti Central Europe to (11,r(,�cv akul V, g,y y p L It ii hardly 0, Ito pst)"'t.tol th.l( Abdul's attitude towaril tile 8,1111104 -an -4 in hiq day,i of powor will make tlipin more Lindly distumed toward him lit tho dayp of Ills mi,ifortullo, But prolmbl ' v the powors, thilt now rule lit Tutkoy dill not take fbat into rievoinit. ­��__ copper Production. It 14 P.54tihl,1110(1 'IbAt tilt'. I)I01111ttion of bli0er and LAI, copper fioin oreq miw-d in this cmintry will oxeved by about 6' per rent., o; 50,000,000' polmilft, that of 1001, WIWI& V.tA R38,04,491 ptlffli4sr, I 611lesi, in)- ao-all tweiltyz Why ILVA not Inore than twouty-tkight, hinuielf." "Only twontil-olghtl" cried grila. "ANTILN's thaVa young. Why did Ike go . - Away? 4sud Why 414 ho st4ky I sQ 1 . ongl" Xrs, WAtoon. sighed ailii shut liar lip tlgitt , as it nothing, WQU!4 t"t bar to "Pliver those queetlons. Erna paw that sho had mnde a miatake, but .she also saw that she WA asked the very ques, rions she ivas datormlited to have ano , swered, if possible. i 'Is 40 iiiee,'Watsoutfll sho asked, wi . � t1i ,,an air of remoto intoroot, owce! Well, I should sa,7, Miss Erna Until he fell"In with t � Lose men 14 Lo;' don, there Wasn't a floor. better noble- man lit �110 JOngdQw, it I do. eni It." "Oh" ­said'l,�rnla� commipserA A . tiligly. "Did �e have A taste for low cc= . pan�.I' '%Gw Company!" cried Watson, on the defensive at once, to Erna,H, great do. light. ",D5 you. da.111 prince of the bloc4 , low company, I:Ierhap.% not the most ntoral­it isn't for me to say—but not, w1at )'on call low, by any means," "It is too bad he had to stay away so long, Isn't it," insinuated Erna. "Who told You be had to stay a�vxy? That isn't so, Ire went away of his own accord, and vo one knows that a, word -of what has been said about him is true, For my part I never did agd never -will believe the stories they tell. But, 60141 we won't tabc Of that"I "What a pityl" said the little, hype. orite, Badly, I'lliat. young man will. be to fast." But .Mrs, Wit,tion had pub OIL liar thinking cap, amd was beginning to �ee througli the wiles of the inquisitive vISI- tor, . 1. "Such a pityl" She vad, dryly, ITO you think he will baVq a fast set up Tier, at ilia Castle?" inquired Erna _; copying as well as she could the world- ly-wise. niauner of liar Aunt Augusta, NNwv,'11IIsx Erna,"asald W08011, AAmg . determinedly, "you can't pump me any ittore. You did come very near it, but you can't' do it any more,- I ought to have hatt ray wits about me. Shall I or- der a glass of wine for you?" Erna placed, herself in front of the licusek-eeper, and placed her hands on tier ample shoulders, while she assum- ed her most determined and threatening Air, *,Watson", she said, ,,you S-11a,ret leave this room until you tell nie all about Lord Aubrey. I do think it's a sliame, that yodshoultl act so; as if lie had done sonlething dreadful, I declare, I will ask him myself. "Afiss Erna!" cried Watson, turning Palo with horror. "You would never dare do such a thing. Besides, I don't believe your aunt.will permit .you to come over here whila the earl's in the Castle, I don't mean to say anything against ilia earl,- but if I had a daughter as pretty as you—NVell, well, 'welll I mustn't stand here talking, with so much to be dena.ly , She pushed by Erna without much trouble, and made liar retreat before she was betrayed into Anything more as in- disereet as her last; speech. 0 - "You're a. horrid, thing[" cried Erna. "Just as ,horrid as Aunt Augusta. But if you think that I'm going to be treat - all like a 411d, and not resent it, you're I I. mistaken, If I have to ask him I It find out ' 11 and she tossed her heaa Ili a ter. ribly willful maniter. Salim was waiting for her when she welit, out, and Jim -was lending diim u anti down - in a N cry miserable f rame 0 mind � ti.�7jkss Erna," lie pleaded, "won't you fake some other hot- 'e? There'll be F trouble for both of no, I don't care for myself, but I'd go drown myself— throw mysel-f clean off the cliffs, if anything happened to you.' , - "Happen to me Oil a. horse, Jim! What are you thinking bf?" she cried, getting ready. to mount. "Olt, dearl",a,ud she pattea tile Shining ueek, now flecked with foam soidtored by the Impatient creature. "Stand 6till, just it minute, you beauty. 10h, won't I ba�e & Adel" "I'm going with you, miss"I.sild7jimi quite wbita with fear of w-liab lie was doing Ili letting Erna ride Solim, the unmanageable. . CILet g&his ]lend, Jim!" ordered Erna, ,low firmly in the saddle and sitting it As if glued to it, 3ii spite 01 1111, aving an�l leaping of tilt- restive ftlimv � 111vait for Ina, 2kriss Ernall, criod. Jim, loosing the creature's bead, hild spring., Ina back to air4 being stepped on. For a moment there was % battle be- tween the rider And the horse, and then t1le latter seemed to conclude to post, pone farther operations for the time, and subsided Into a dancing, sidelong move- ment that showed him off to splendid Advantage, "Good. -by, Jim, I'm going down by Dabney way. I'm gdIng to tky the Six 0 bar!" .. . I "*For Hearn's sake, Miss Erna." But Erna, with a laugh, was off down the avenue like a rocket, Sellin taking Inatters into Ilia own hands�or teeth to ptit it correctly�--and making such ip pace its Wag not Very Safe in that place. Even madeap, Erna felt that and triea hPIXI to Pull Itint lip a little, �1181ng every artifice At her command to gain dom- pliale control of the unruly ahlnni1 That I , N,o _,Or, she could not ao, t1lough sh� diasuccoea in eheeking his headlong gal- . top. But I ua site swept down the* broad avenue of trooff$ she saw that the gate wag shut. It obille(l tier a little to see that, but she raised ]ter clear voke in a.' loud call, boplug sdine one might be out of the lodAe to hear find see liar. No one appeared, however, atia ilia � great gate. stood there to threaten de. , struction. 11. What Should she dal She had faced. danger OIL borsoback. It .qeemed to her that liar Lend wfts ttlwmys elearest when ghe was mounted on a good horge. 9,he , knew she could not obeck Selim, tit his blind fury lie Ivould bear straight flown Oil the gate. All! If it had only been a .%ix-bari lie eould have taken I that. The men Lilt said so; find it lie could take it, she toul(l tilt him, Ilut It wastilt, It Was, A ruas8ive iron gate, Italf as high again w; any mortal borio could leap. But, Silo InuAt (10 Aoinething, Wlial? what? The.walli Could Alle. Swerve 10111 And try blin at, tile wall2 It Nvaq high. No ilors(I had tnken it that abe knew of. mid she bad listened to the illell tell of -.111 tit(. great jutopg in the country. But if it(,, wer L !tt the gate-- Ali I fhat woulil mean broheii 11whit, doath, inaYbel Awl plior .7hial lie iinuM kill IJ111.4elf! that waq evrtain, A114 41n would lievor fintl vot abollt Oki, varl. It wag the Avall, tir nothijig. All her girli4i pireugt1i, awl It was C-0111id0fittIP-40" U-61-11 thilt �Our city. bred girl ivould.havit ta(I­w�s exertoll to fiw(lvo hill) ,.-Putly, so that Ike would head Wr for the wall. The ledge keeper had come out and , IV43 04pin$ In terrdr, unable, if there bad baen. time, to open the gates. There might be ,ionic one passing Along the road on the other side. 'No r,Atterl they could got out of the way. j',�Oiv' Solitill �Kll, boy[ up!" wo a high wall, Sellml Yen would never have been put at It ILL cold blood; . but now you are at it, clear U40 the love of the beautiful creature, as wilful as , yourself, who, Sits yolt so nobly anti so bravely I Never tiallehing at the Solid wall, but with elear eye And flaln- Jug check looking up, . � That'S right, boy. Down on your hauxioltest Alt! Low the rauscles-'stif- foul brAv6ly, bravely' Alki wall done' .Overt tipped. it with your hoofs, but tile firm hand and quiet- eye of ),our rider saved You both, Noble. Seliml Th,xt story will be told in the stables of the, country now. . Ile was over find down on the baril. road, hl* hoofs ringing clear And firni and Erna was patting his neck wR Lei little hand, as if she wtire praising h h lie had done, arid bad no censure at all for Ills naughtiness tit taking the bit. But the fire was not out of him yet, and, Ivith a slia.6-4-e bf the ]lend, lie Wag off down tile road at a full g4l" pass, Ing like a :rocket a stranger wto had watched his sudden appearance over the 'wall with Startled eyes, I "I wonder if that's the usual t1ting," lie murmured, as he stood looking after her, -r did not know there was it 'horse in the cc try could do that, And who I, She? "S"olne pretty hoiden, froni one of the county families," �Silo Was out of Hight by this time, and lie approached the gate, whiph was now open, and through which the white i faced lodge keeper was Staring In ter, ror. "Who Was that?" demanded '-the ' stranke'. - � The ledge keeper st,nred at the tall, handsorne man, and tried to recall where he had ever seen that grim fa,ve and rn blue eyes, "Lord lift' merayll' he suddenly cried. I "The earl, hitn"Ifl I didn't know Your , lordship We Vvere not expecting you, your I,r!d,lilp, to -day!" 0 "I came earlier than I said." 'ieplied the earl, in a curt, tone, IINVIJO Was that?" � . '�Xiss Erna, your lordship," "Who is '.Nliss Erna?" 'k I. -Miss Erna 11arob", re lied the lodge espek, still gaping at M suddenly re- turned earl. "And who is *Ifiss Erna. Ifarcb?" de. manded the earl,in the same grim, hard tone. "Why,jour lordship," replied the mail in a sort of embarrassment at tile ig- norance of his grim master; "they do say as she's your lordship's Colrain far removed. But I do not know." "Henil" said the earl 'I seem to re. member. Does she aln h way? She will break er neek some day.,) "She never did it before ynur lord. ship. But theille never is tiny knowing what ,she will do; she's that niadeap, and .headstrong," 0 "�UW' said the earl in tile tone of I One wh-o bits no further interest Ili the subject and walked leisurely up "tile avenue. looking around wftl� illteTeSt and a sort of stern melancholy at-tbe familiar scenes, I ...Six Ye&rSf" lie Inuttered- "All this is the same And oni v "'I am , different. The storrias have raged here as they have rma,ed around me, find it may be tho r changes which I cannot see. I wooder Af I not Changed 'outwardly!' I 011APTER X, . I "Tha� was the earl I saw that day 1* took the wall," said Erna one a.fter- noon, as Hilo strolled along'the cliffs, She ivas talking -with herself, �since there was 110 one else near to converse Nrith, and as her thoughts were .),at much Oil tile I earl, She talked of him. She had persuaded someone to give her a de. scrip't-ion Of the earl, and she had lealn- ad that -t he bad walked. front the station the afternoon of liar ride Ott Selim, - . It did not take her long to put,thL, two things together, arid decide tba:b She bad .seen him, even though Ili that hur� ried moment of 01nie. "I wonder if he did tile the honor to -ask who I ivast" she went oil. "I sup. pose not, for they say lie has simply shut himself ul� at the Castle and has seen nobody. don't care; I'm going fto talk with him sornehow, IfeIs lily cousin, and I want to see a young jujill of twerity-eight, who is one of the .riell. est men lit the kingdom, who lins one of the proudest names, and who yeb eftber remains abroad, or comes honia to shut himself up, I am going to talk ivith hiln, and I am going �o find a highly proper way Of bringingat about., . The subjeeb of her thoughtil, meall- while, -was nearer At handthati site sus. peoted, 1-10 had been at home A iveek, and during that time had remained se. . clutled. That is to say, lie was not pre. 4elSelY In the Casth, all the time; but lie had refused to gelid any sort of notification 'to the cotinty families of his return, and had even refused—politely elloligh—to see one of tile gentlemen who took it upon himself to earl. He did Act oonfine himself to tile (�Ias. tie at all, howevel*, but was eontinually going about Ilia Vast esta'ke, riding Sellm, Wholft he controlled with the utmost 'ease, and oftenogoing bn foot, striding over moor and mountain, ellif ana rocky beach, in it grim, tireless hishlon that arousea the -wonder of the people ,,Lo saw him, Oil 'the afternoon when Virna W1119 walking On the cliffs Above, ILA was walking oil the be,it-h below, tholigh. oil the other ,4de of the point. Perhaps be AV -to thinking of A wasted lifo. .Iliq be,t(l was bowed, find Ills handi were behind 11m; find It,* poced the rocky beach more slowly "illan. Avas his wont. E'verything was old und familiar, PvIIII to the' hollows worn in souie, of tile rc nd seldow Ills oveg f,41 on anything that did not reinilid biln of a day Avli,An lip was tinder the gull. , alleo, of the mother lie lind loved, and , revilted tow. Ile laughed bitterly vh:-ii � lie reetilled the boyish, plkiasuro he. had taken ill Inlioer"lit, aninsellielit-1. 1 '[here wal' tlis lieRthig, when lip had poillied Ills life moro, thrm once scaling tilt, Almost ptrp6ndieular cliffs to get a coveted egg for his eolleetiou. And once )to Irld joined A WI:I-saving creir to go out, through th.� breakers to 4;ave I swup wi(vkPd wifortunato.q. AnJ his tilothi'll had watelwd Illal, with f. -.Ir 'I " hor 11--irt. pel-1131H. but with '.I tailit ab" and hall been Ao proull of niftl V,Tt..Il lie retitt'ned xafkll�'. I Olt. 0P Itid rlovcr stood lit thi way of 1115 beeo-bing it brave, strong mall, � , t anti ho vilght liavii done hor lifinsir Im. Ito bad, uot. Ito, had ev.6tea of Ou Dowl 6 a p, 15� sea fruit, and tile 0.4hes were 14' W4 6, Why I Rec'ommend mmttu'. 11Hov!hO-y!II 0 Tho'sullilds flo4totl doss'll to 1111-4 out Dr. W " of the silence of the pill(, And there w4a 11 V'v 1111ams' Pin k Pillso" h note of alarm tit the toga, that oilusted I Xm to turn and look. quickly oil. Was it A woman -he saw tbere, auspeadotl A The, Particulars. of a Remarkable Core Told by a rently about a quarter imny down � 11111fl? I " Presbyleriao Cleirgyman—The Sufferer Brought I I. "Neltil belpi-1,11 . 0� .: �, . Back from Death,$ . 000r� - There was no. doubt ottt.* lgtinio fool. . - - - � - toil croircure nad wuniiereq down inere, .____ not realizing, probablk-, the perliou4 iia- burs of the descent,* alld llow wai in � ,-St. Andi,ew's Alallie, luld over Seen ban, for, as I s�lid, Itt. momentary danger Q1, death. All this -�agsad .041-4,111"P. I.,,. J., inn., IN$, L Though I h4vo never been, HII& uty- had alwaya be,A,n aillar ' ILI w4cer tle,i- perat,lon lie b Ills VATO to through tile e'Arl's bribi as lie 0 k ad. The Intention 'to try. to Save her $01f,,and, h4$,c not I it oqcaslvil ,,$a ,L4 W Dr. Willia-ins' got him Dr. .1villiAnis" 111111, . They - I'llis w4s� 111444t. Pink Pills light yon . �, I tho Ought W know of the rem;trkra,41a 0100 sooll 1*gall to bein blul, Ills Lkppotltio . '"A 411"Pet" 100,111 0 i'MIJINIVQ. and 0 Ile 4uk-klys"Scanned tile face .0 tho,� Cliff. 'tie 1,6IOUIbered the nlac,3 Wall, Oley llave, urought in Mr. 0141allea I thO 42tOuisliwerlt of his family and and As he ie 4 it he 1�,aew 1-Itatter q1t1le , Is . ow,o , During a Visit to Ill home in �Nlcii_ y 4"V11 L' 14j'XIIAV 1.'g&*LIVIl hiti ill'.1101, Now " " I though thZ- burdea of ivell-nigh than, before ho%y. 41re ilia ivoillan porit was. The safest way for him would Komisrh, 'N. R" soniii yt4krs ago, 1 w44 gri,3v,cd to find our. LIM3 door noighbor four S�or& -yeaxs Is upon him, he is able to tit) a, !air day's worl,, and is in . have been w go around to a p;,Wi. about it quarter ot a mile baek 4ti-I deceild to. And friend, Ific,linel Oldini;, Very Jow, -1-le 't H not oxticett-ft to live," my uloth- ilia onjoyluent f od health, eveit ") I the a8flulla, Lai to trouble hot,, . But that would have taken to much lei, infOl'aled me, "And you must go over and See, bitu, as Ile is liable to vease, 'IT Jilin A's in former year.%. Air, Olding hiniself, as well as his. - tiale, and site might lost, ber precarious � I hold lit the meantime. 110 Would. Scale pass away nt Any nkomcut�,, "Not ex- pzcted to live," t4int was the opinion. � uelglibOrR And the writer of this later, confidentlY belleve 'that allis the cutt- Ito bad done it before, and Ile not (1111N, (if .the doctor who attended reselle from the very jaivs of (leath--seculing- lind donR ,ionic Alpine And other moull- him, but'af Ili,% wife fuld fanilly us well, l,y ai,) nilrixgulous-48 (Ina untlar ilia tain-clintI4.n.g Sinop that made hilli feel himself, Vilon YISIOng hillk, Inyself I foluld ' - bIe1;S,lug of flod to the. titnely and Coll - Sure of . abundant evTdonee to confirm their � , tinnous use of Dr. Willaims' Pink Pills. Ili Ali instant his coat was Off and lying Oil tile Sand. The next . ovill . , �oll, . III, aiding had for years beeli. af- I PLEV. 11'.'DJVJ1_\' 8.XITH, 11. A. Xr. olding 'hinowli writes: "I upi moment Ile was ollillbing the r0ek'$, . fileted. with astlima aild. broneliltis, b tit glad Rev. Ifr. Smith hu )y)�It.toli you w hielk, seemed almost to loan Over now a complication Of diseases wo-a about my wonderful cure, for I eanti. him. 1JNLC woman � above ILIM , 1-4-visl1i'19' -his systein, He had beea delitly believe that J"t -had not beeal saw wIlAt lie -was doing, awl, began to Confined to. his ])ad for months and for Dr, Willianis' Pink Pills I would wring bar hands and ery out, soluethIT19 � was reduced to "a Skeleton, Though have been dead long, ago. 1��vouid be which. was entirely. lost'on him. - He ooatiAnted to climb-MIlth tile agility 1 evidently glad J;Q see me, he Conyers- oil Notit, Zo greatest diffi,oulty, and Impossible to. exaggerate 7tie desperate condItiort, I was in wheat I began to of a sailor and mountaineer combined, seemed to realize that, it was ther be. use the Pills. NO Ono thought .1 could and the wonihn who had, called to hint ginning of the -end, He was dially -swollen, get better. I seAreely dared hope my - ceased to wring her hands, and lay oil gro%ving weaker; his feet were self - that Dr, Williamak Pink Pifts liar face, watchilig hint breathlessly. � to twice their natural size, and. tile would bring tile through, but they did Once only lie ;uade a $lip, And A, screATO cold hand of death was upon his brow. and I have ever since enjoyed go I-ang out -from the watclier. Then lie "It's no use," lie sAid, feebly, ',tile doe- I heal th. Though I am severitV.--nino steadied himself anti went Ill) foot bY tor"s ni,edlaina-is not helping, nie, and I Years old people, arb alwa 4 1141111114ki foot, increasing t,he terrible distance be- It.rit, 19ing down rapidly.11 I pray1sa On hONv young I look—and I feel young, , tween, him and the beach a, each effort, with Ilm as for & mail. S-0-011 to pass In- I can do iZ fiiir day's work find I Ant Once lie stoQpeel and looked down, and to eternity, and whert I took -his hand batter Ili every lyny thin I Ilad been, . liumadlatelybe caught the agonized cry: in partirig It was tliz last time .1 expect. for y,ears. 1'eannot sa,y too much In. " Don't Ijok down! d0i`i1 look dowpl" od to see him in tilt, flesh. praUe of Dr, NN"Illinnis, Inuk Pills and 4f she knoils the dangers so wall, and I Three .Ni-,nr5 later, whi,le on another 'my I �ake every opil'ortunli I can to, re� is cool ennuah to watch me, why did Silo � vis,it, to motharlo, )vricliael Olding ja comillend them to fr! n , a ds who are take such a fool-liardy riskV lie 1111* was see,mingly in better health than I I tolhig." I - te:ved. "Well, lie Rdaed, eylileallly, "'it � - _ .1 ___ __ ____ - is not my business to Inquire Into Wks state,of liar understanding. I Shall have had the-pleamire of some good exercise, and in Addition what happiness may come from preserving ll life—to sorrow, perhaps", I He was quite confident of himself now, though had his museles -not been harder than those of the ordinary man of the world, he would have given out some Unto before. Ile kept Steadily Oil 1113 way and witAkin ten minutes was drawn . .: up nit the ledge of�rock, wliere a very piftle younc., woman sat, her hands clasp - ad tijbily-together, and liar great brown, eves flll�d with remorse. � . Th2re was [I monient of silence 174 be' tween them, and flien it was tile art whq broke It. . I "011!" Ile QjaCulated, with a Sort Of ourt wonder, "it is you, CIO" I'Ytis, it Is III' -was the meo.k answer. It was Erna. .Altirch, rery much. Sob- dued by being face to facki with the grim Voting est -1 who had just performed a 6t that -would inake hini the admira- tion. of the best cliff-allinber oil tile . Coast, � � (ITIAPTER X1. There was A renewed A letice on the � ledge of rocl� after tile brief exchange of n le madcap girl and tile young nobleman, The earloo was engaged in recovering his breath, and 11;riia was engaged in studying, furtively, tile face of tier distant kinsulan. And the more. qhe studied the less she liked the situation. Silo found very lit- ' -'a e4couragoinent for mirth in the stern iliue"eyes. and set mouth., �wbei-e it sliviv- ad under the Lawny inoirstitelie. Ho was certainly very har�4soille -tile very 1104., lost, and hoi�lsome man she had over seen—but )lot at all enconragh_,g, The earl, havin(l rcoo,vered hii breath, �, began to look up and down the eliffil'and then at Erna. 8he Ratited, with a sort of reseutinenL-thitt lie looked last, at tier. 17ften.his eyes wandered indifferAt-' ly from her with more interest to -the perilous path site find descended. . "After flowers or something of the sort, I suppose," he sail), curtly, "Dolft )-Ott think you. were unwise? But, of course . I you � don't," lie added, Avith the least shade of contempt in his tone, ,,You tire Erna Alarch, Are You not?" - "Yes sir " Answered Erna, quite Mini- . I 11 thought I recognized iou", he said, carelessly. "Well, do . you think you can make ill'(-" effort to get up there, agaill? I ivon't, let you'�fftll," "Yes,'slr," replied Eirlia, timidly, "Please don't trouble." . "I'Doift trouble!" antl tile earl laughed lit his short, grim ivay. 'INVell, slucte I, have cottio. up here for the express pur. pose of getting you away from here, I suppose I may as Well insist oil tAking a little trollbie� ') Ills careless Irony did not serve to ra� store Erna's eqnanitulty, find she Answer. - ed, hastily. . but I would not have called if I had thought you would come ut). I .supposed you would come around. I called to you. to go back, but you didn't hear me.,�) � . "Thanks for so niuqLi coasideration,," lie said, with grim s6roasin. "May I in. quire what you would have (lone I if I had not, cotnii.11 Frila's head drooped anti tier face flushed. It was a struggle,, between sliame and indignation, nit(] intlignatioll conquered, its it usually,did with ']ter. Nio tossed ber pretty head baek and nit- swerea, saucily enou'�fli.,. I "I should lini c ,,,*one up alone,,, The earl Slowly rose to Ills feet, and leaned Carelessly against. the face of tile cliff, 4milirg down at tier with an Air of examperating indifference, "Oh!" lie Silid, ironically, looking up tile dizzy path and then down att"Iter, ,.you could bave (lone it, thenv, Pdrhaps his sal-cagiia manner, perhaps roore Still, ]its calm indifference to.ward 11.0r, qtung her. She Sprang to her,5 feet ' ' with a, flushed tace, and txelaiurea-, "Of course I could,11 Ile caught her firm Ili his strong gl-A,4p' all Said, (11110,LIN' CI ,,Tbiq is hardly (Ile plixec for beroieck, 'Phere i�-n't room enough. Hilo turlied tier filed towartl 111111, And I.er brown. eveq flashed iii-atlifully lis Silo t.rlod ()Ili. "Olt, Soil are horrid!" . "Q11ite likely. shal'i I w4qist yott 11ow?" Site vollipre,med her lips in iolpoten", nv;er AtO I;hook his hand front tier arm. I'[ do not iievil vour h0p. r ,oan go aloniv,"'aril before. It(,. conl(t stop fio`r, s! � it) I`. (Ilig to the tace, of illo cliff and 11 Ing 1111 with 11�1111111111141 ;tIT, bi the assinanee uArl agilit. t A chronols, "' 0 lie followed, sbruggiAg Ills Shoulder.% but determined to put a stop to, ilmilar freaks in the fliture. NVIlon, they iverd both sab�lv lit tile top, lie looked valaily M her fo� it 11,wrn(,iit, noting her tx. ql;ipitf, beality, 01ongit he Tillow(A Ito Agn of doing so. .. Well", lie 'Jah.l. at hvkt, ,-%,Nl ,yon floAr Q'qlahl the lilealling of 0144" , (To b6 toil till 11'ed.) 0 . NOVEL USE OF LIQHT, 9.1octrie Lamps Emp . loyed to Stimu- I late Animals' Appetities. I Stimulating . the appetite is olve of tile strangest uses to -which aftificial light Ing is put. At ,the London Zoological Gardens small birds are called to break- fast tivo hours ahead of theit: usual time by the turning on of the electric light ,6d quails are fattened for. the Lond'on marhot in underground cellars, wbiell. are lighted lip many times a day io a tile, birds to f;ea often ault , , - ' abo= 1�. At the Berlin Zoological Gardens it similar plan is adopted to make 1(orlain bear-, hibernate. For sev- pral weeks,,in tall their dens Are brlght� ly illuminated, they have a pleufiful ,.,uppN of their fav8rite food, and they. ent kind grow very fat, so that, when winter comes and their delta are barri- caded, they q�ietly go to sleep for two or three niontlis, just as tit their native 14tilitS, In Spring .their awaken, lean, hungry and lkolkltby� , ' � - - - fiRAND NEWS - - I - � .1.11- FOR OLD FURKS ­' -- I What Dodd's Kidney Pills did .for Hiram Brown. Cured.His Aches and PAins and Gave I Him Restful Slumber—Known, as. the Old Folks! Friend. 11. J?Agt 'INIapleion, Cuililyerland Co., X. S., Nifty 10. I " —(8Pe(-iaI`)—TllougII wall past the allotLed span of life, Air, Hiram Brown, of thi,A place,, Is Still one of the gmiLdt-it. - �jl,rbts Ili life, -a ,hale and 0 hearty old gentlemun, And like many allot1l;r Vallaxiall llet'll'all I he givei Dodd!i - Xidney Pilhq the credit for his Abundant henitb. . "I ahl seventy-two years of age" Mr, Browii said lit an. interview, "24 I ' want to Say that Dod(Vs Xidu6y Pills cured ilia of Gravel and Kidney Trouble. I was troubled with Backilette, Headache and DizzlnesR, Cramps lit the Muscles and. Stiffness of the Joints. Afy sleep was broken find ,It times my limbs Nvouia swell. _.. I . . "But since taking ,T)odd's Kidney Pills, all theme troubles L&VO gone. I conkilder Do&lls Xidiie.v Pills ,.I wonder- ful medicine.' . Tile aged iuftn or wonia.n who ha,.4 , bettlilly Kidneys call afford to laugh at tbe ilf� of life. For healthy Xidneys, kc -op the blood pure find ensure good re,Aful Hleep. Dodd's Kidney Pills Always inalte. healthy Aidneys. That is , , why they ire tn�owu as t1ke Old Folks' Beat Fritind, . I , . 11 � a 4 *Ix ---- - . A 'Urn Naturalist. Little Rthel, ii -ho had lived so secJI14- ed a life that She never had seen A ent except in Pieture,S, Was oil a visit, to liar aunt 'Ili one of the suburbs, Oil tile fjrht morning tit tier stay the family cat walked into the parlor, look. ed around, then turned arid walked out, "wim, ftuntie,­ saia little uubei. "Lliab en t, ha; tivo sides, hasn't It?" I 0 � 0 . I , Minard's Liniment used by Phy. sicialls, ,. . - . He Know by Experience, A� inember of the, N-Pbriaska' Legisla. tnt*. was making a speeelt oil some. mo. nlellton3 illipstlon, andf tit concluding, sia lit - "lit the words of Daniel Webqterj who wrote Ilia dictionary, 'Givo, tile lit)- erty or give ine doathl"I �p Onto (it Ills eolleagut'i pulle'd at Ills otiat, roul-whivpered- ,Dani,ol Webster dill not voite the Ilia- tiotiarv, it was Noah." . ­\'o,.ili nothing," repeated the ileaker. ,,,� ' � ,mit built the ark,"­Iluffalo News, _-444 - POW Miners Kill Yherns6lves. 'Xillolig tile yulners 'Of Germany there Are fewer suicitUs i er class of 'workingmell in that country. , __.. --..-., . , _ ___.,.___.___- 40 TREE CULTURE IN HOLLAND � Elms on Canal Banks and Lindens French Monarch Guarded. Sikora Is Perhaps no other well popti. lated Country Ill the world -whicil lim so miny wall wooded town$ 4as 'has Holland. '40st of the streets and graeb-ts or can- als havi,avenueo of trees, Utrecht has two rows of trees on either side Of its LLqalnt Canal& , Its ounal: banks. are con. btl'ucted as If in,two st-oreys. The lower storey, alitio,at fluSli Wit'll the water level, I-; lined with warelto,tws find vaults, while the tippet' Storey has dwellings and 911011� , IJ()iII JeVpl� . ..; are planted with troes. . 80 Many Avel"IeS of trees utake a Dutch town cxQek,dingl7 pleasa-lit, espe. clUlly Ott ,I- hot day. 3%e foli a tern. �pers the glare of tile sun a-11TIt'le vil� tna of groan fire refreshing to tile eye, These a bundant gi-owths lit thickly po lk� lated towns Are highly usefill. as wel?af ornametital. It is recOguized that front a hygicille poinb, of View they are valu. able. to the citizens, C, ],it Holland these useful services are gratefully recognized and the trees are carefully tenced by the munlelpalitici f this C ,are per Capita. in ilia diffai,ent tolviis varles somewhat. Last year, for (xiiniple, Utrecht devoted, 21 cents (D0chi to its- trees for exch )in- lutbitallt; and ',the Ili nuo 28 cents for . each of iti 251).000 citizens: It takes two And, ,,,, half Dutvh cents to equal an American con(. About tell years ago the annual east of carinz for the trees of The Hague Avas 11noteen. cents (Dutcrb) per capita, but since that, time ninny ne%v trees and shrubs have been planted throughout the city and new parks have been laid out, 'It has been found that not every kind of.tIrea will thrive lit the streets of a town, for trees have many enemies, both above and below ground rag escap- ing froni'llipes undergrouiid 19('the worst enonty of trees, because quite small quan. titles of it are deadly, For this reason �ial precautioms are taken against* t Ire leakage of gas in Dutch toivnA. How electricity escaping under round aets up. on trevs ,is yet has not teen sufficient. ly studipd tt� be 'understood, TreAts'will not grow in Very narpow. Streets wherEs the houses are high, -,: iiqi�ller,ivill they thrive it thc paventent dbes not leb in moisture and air lit sufficient.quantities. 1, The beat trees for streeb planting lit Holland ate e,lins And lindoons, but the elm is the hardier of the two And. will grow -whare a linden will not. Trees of these kinds reach a ­great age, like tile old olms along the quitit, graChts Of Tdalu, on-- of the ,dead' Cities of tile Xity. fler zoe, wilich. saw the fleet"4 of v4n Tromp and De RuXter in the harbor of Eflain—the harbor'which appears so tiny to modern eyes that one with difficult imagines "the terror of the North Sea� 1111,111orl there. Then therti are tile vantit lindens of the Mallebilaii in oill'te"gewhIeU appealed to -the F ranch monarch, Xing lioins XIV. Those lin " d -ens lie commoaded )its soldiers to spare on peril of their lives.—The Hague corre. spondence (Altioago, News, 4 - - - He Knew -All About It-. A little boy, who had luot this sea - soil Joined 6unday scho6l, was asked by his mother howite liked it, "Why!" exclaimed Charlie, disgusted- ly, 11they don't know much, The teacher asked, what was the eolleol, and I was tile dilly (Inc who know." i "Arid what did you say, dear?" "Why, I told them pretty quick that . it wai A pain in the sto�utoh,"­Piuk Ic. it, - ­ 0 M, 6 . Ask for Minard's and take tie other, 4. #-6.- Mormonism. "Is it true, that niany of fliese Itor- mons ]lave half a dozen wlv6!i teach?" asked a, visitor to Sail, Lr,tke City of a policeirtau' who was stationed near the Temple, sar-i the .8a,turdky Elvening : Post, I *18ure," said thp Ikoliceltutil. I 4.woll, will volt kindly tell me u -by � (Ili eirth a inan wants tt� marry half a 1� dovell wivo,o!", I '-I danno," said the policenian, flun- i leg lie thinks that inebbe lie Can get a good 0110 out of t1he buileb." i . 11 I i ­­. , " , - , I -, - _­­__ 73 I. -I 1_11__-________ MR, Q03LINGTON'S Tnounise. Ho Wyss a 04mplo"of tho, Things, Thi-kt Happen t9 Him Whon He Travols. "47 don't know why it 19,11 wild Mr. GOVII114ton, "but whea I travol I always seem lo Ott the worst of it in 4me , wily; of thero's Anything going Oxxt. tellet pleasant it Com , , , 04 to 14e. ' "Yesterday I made A little trip to a . place itbout fifty miles from the city, 4 Went tQL t4le station early to get a ae;it by a window, I managed tha,.- all r,glit I got a Window $(.;it and 31 where 1 wonted, not .at tile ont Im car, Vat al,cut, two-thords back frout, the irwit, where I would' ride easy and At theisaine t1me have, something io lof)k at allead. Ana Of Q0111`80 that all, �)le,VtWl ,AO vci I i � luln.b. . I "At the first station oat there got aLoard the car at the forww.,d c,nd spylin . wen, it very assorted lot of 1111m, Aorne 'tall, some ,;Itort, some thic);, same thin, and futiong them one man of phopokile. . Ila] proportions, a giant of, a man, with legs sticking out belleath, and 0, 'hand projecting up. from top, anfli then I watched with fearful Interest -the pro. cc-Asion as 3 started down the car, for .1 was seized with a mortal terror that I th (I big ))fall would want to sit with �Inc, Really lie ought not to, for I sat two.thirdo of tile way dowii the car and there were ,plenty -of vacaut isea,to ahead, but you never can. tell about a . . thing -till it's settled, h roeo4aion Coming Nvith a great and fcarful Interest a big mail bringing up the rear, and"then Nvith. an Increasing hopafulness I saNv it dwindle as one meratir After another of it dropped out to, take the first sent ho came to, until all wore seated except the &nt, who was left alone Stilt four rows in front of me And with tlirT,e va- Cant seats in those four rows to choose 1 from, And then i-ai hope ran high, but I he kept a-coniiiig and passed thena all until he came to mine, where lie gait - ad, "Is this seat takeu?l lie said to me, and what could I say but: , It' . t No, sit,,' and then he sat down, sit- . I'll parfly on that vacant place In the is" And krtly on Oliver J, Goslington. . "So T drew ilia fat MAII after all; but things hke that happen to me whenever T travel.,�_N.', Y, Sun, __ ____.e_#.* — . ­ GROEFUL FOR ECZEMA 81URE Any Sufferer Can Write to, Mrs. D, McGilliyary, of Nanton, Alta., for Full Information.. I ' There .ire undoub�cdly many frauds lit tile testimonial,% of medical finzs-- letters Written by friends or even eav ployees of tile ativeyt!Eer. But, on tile other band, in some cAma -tile t-estioloo-' alla 'art, thoroughly gentine, gladly offered by prominent citizdns, -wIiO are grateful for the Cure, , Stich a case is that ol ),,(,r,. 1), IvIoGil- liyarIr of 'Nanton, Alberta., who cured her tiva children with D. 1). D., and 1,7 glad to tell others about it. She wrote Oil Sept. a last: I "Your letter to hand of recent date. I' must titanic *oil for so kindlyin wring about'my oider and algo th, 11 d. I am glad to, say I recalved the three one dollar bottles of D. D. D. and two eakes Of Soap safely, find am delighted wit -it . the result of �oth prescription and Soap, The Soap is all that is required to com- plebe the, treatment. The little boy of two years and a half is to all aipear- ane,e cured of tile dreadful Eczema. __ ",N17 baby girl at two months broko 011f, With Ge%ame rash, A t . . ,�4 I ientak tier -w1bli. D. D. D., and am. perfectly sat- , isfied she is cured to our great joy, I feel sure it is A. splert,did. remedy for all Skin disea,se.s, anti earl highly recommend it, I will be glad to recomm ,anv- one suffering. with'skin "trouble." Tf any reader of tilt& paper should write 2NIrs. 3-W-Gillivary, we request that; it self-addressed staiiiped. envelope bet enclosed, - I _- For free saiiiple bottle of D. D. D. Prescription write, to the D. D. D. Labo- ratory, Depnrtment.D, 2,3 Jordan street, Toronto, . . For Sale by all druggists. I I , - A Schoolboy on Domestic Economy. My idea OF a good income and how to spend it is to -got forty4our shillings' a week from every male in the house if he was working, and in spending it I should get a book and put all the pro. visions I had Ili the house III it And thA cost of ,thern. I should first see that I and our family would got their stomach& full every meal time, -so I should buy ment, that would last. . Every holiday time we should go for a day or two to a seaside resort. For si family of good eaters ib takes a -lob of bread, especially if you do not bake, and shop bread talres a lot of butter, But they shoud have it. I would also buy plenty of coal, with good shoes And stockings; Also I would buy two beds to sleet) oil .'it uight.—Letter of Schoolboy 1�t Manchester Guardian. - — . �I cured a horse jA the Mange with MINARD'$ LINIMUNT, - eARISTOPUER IQ,A-GXDRRS. I Dalhousie, . I 7I cured a horse, badly' torn by A pitell to ' VIZ., with MIXARDIS LINT. . Id B N T. St. Peter's. C, B, EDW. LINLIEV. I cured a horse of a bad eivelling -with MINARD'S LINITMENT. I THOS. W. P.&YINE. Bathurst, N. B. . , In Arthur's Court. ItIng Arthur had just institubed, the Round Table. I "Fiae,ll they cried, "but can you as- � fablish an untmxed table for the poor I mall?" TreteWital they por&-ived that tAivalry I XSSIU14 No. 101 1_909 .— ­- - — 4_- -,---- _­­p�' , � JIMP WAXTAP. N1100 I0 4 .V i 4 40, * - -,O-,-%f...N"$"."4%.."Ne%*"%--^^04o�^ ON AND MXVXIN�TO V)R" TMUs � I'd A"MA46441,44w. Wo #1W quiv V*wb . 4' 'foaciii � , vt. , ,& -no", ,Rh,W'%IZ'1'*=' 6'-�! , A WINM8 WA�NTVID TO =414 T4,"W '&X bQu." to botw: otberit, at* clwb* twwy 4o)UW1 w0buly. Why not you? Al' "44 Ty4r, 14flapa, Ont, __ ,, .., __ . ____ $$"$H0kT VAIIMA 11AX$4. ANY � brI94t boy of, girl o4u. earn fi� ovNAW camera In sa Dour. Sona va your uunq L1,44 40,ross witti, two reterefteeft And wo w9l tell iou bow to got A 64 91 "Mem �Aq Ali, holIVIA work. 011ou spoef."Itly, nQuos, usia- 31ton Out. ______.___=== F01t $AL9. - %N,11___,� . . . . . . --------- � ,-I I%—", �1_ 1OTS IN-PRIN014 AULINAT, T111d, QFAND 4 Trunk Pacific ternitnuo, V111 be Put 014 tile market bi May ,or'inne next, Foraonfi , lateriding to IaYikit abould .Write for tatw. 113"11011 and stilvIce to t1la. PrIacto Rupert Real- ty-co-wercial Co., Mlkiltwd. Qo Hicuix4 Xtroot, van"uVer, - 1t. 0. * .I....... Tho Hogs, Had Plenty .! Time., A, Norfolk farnier riding through thq ' Walsh mountains pamo up wi � tb. 4 r4ou,ik. tabAeer leisurely driving a hard of pigs, 'Where are you driving the pigs top" . aske�ti tile inquiring former, ffOut to pasture 'em a bit," "What for?" . "To fatten 'em." . I "Isn't it pretty slow work to fatten �aw on grasa? UP where I come from wo, peg them -up and fatten them on corn, It savea a lot of timep" .. "Y& -as, 4 o'pose so," drawled the . mountaineer, "but, bless your heart, what's time to, a I1.awq?"—FXQ= w4its,"P Class Advertislug. 4�4111 - - � � A_&Woman's Sympathy .. _-.1 Are You discouraced? rs YouiWdoctor's ?..I can do . . .1 dentla,fly. Write tO-cla for mW Tree treat. ment, MRS, F, E CTMAIL Indoor, Ont, ----- - � � � & * STEEPLEJACK'$ BIGGEST JOB� Decorating the Nelson Column in Lori. . don With 40, Tons of Laurel. ' "The biggest job I have under- taken," declares an English steeple- jack, "has been the dec=ting and repairing of the Nelson colitirin In Trafalgar Square, London. wearl� forty tons Of laurel were used and th4 grqatar portion of this had to be car. ried aloft and fixed to the column at,,varying boiglils up to the top. I thought otit nly, plans", he says Ili the Wide World liagazine, "bul ev,ontually decided to lash, ladders to the structure bv inealis of ropeA passed d'round an "round it. If, wag a ticklish I trying job, btit it was ac. complished without hitch or mis. . hap of any kind. I "Two oats of ladders were used, placed opposite to one another. Thim� ,wita necessary. as the Column meas. ures lorty f4t iii. circuniference­tot far to pass a rope around with ease6 The most difficult part of the asceni to nego,tiate 4was the cornice at the top of the column. This is the heay. iest projection for throwback work ir 'nglaod And I had to climb up ana L ove�, ,t i_,v, th m bach to the ground, � for all he wori� like a fly on a cefl� . - Inf,. I . 'I am not asbarned to confess thai I breathed more freely when I had rounded the obstruction and was ablo cautiously to slide myself on to th4 platform which supports ilia statue - From below this apNars flat, but ii is reall bevelled with a sharp slope I outwartr I "I found it too covered with An inch sy- soot, so that to walk aboub on it�,svas exceedingly risky, However, Once I got the life. Ifne secured to the statue all waa plafti, sailing. "I discovered a crack in the hero"t arm, which I repaired. Whon I tell people, this they not infrequently Ask on the spur of tile moment, 'Which Arm?' Of- course the figure has only oxle�" � 0 i 0 . BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. lira. M. Sum, mars, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will Send n liar successful home treatment, with full instrutions. Send no money, but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way, Don't blame the child, the oliancee, are it cau!t help it. This treatment also'cuTes adulto and aged people troubled with urine W6 fieulties by day or night. - - . Horseshoe . competition. In a thickly populatod. district of Burnley the clanging of tile anvil late at night caused the policeman on the beat to coAl at a blacksmith's shop. Ile found a, competition in progress betw4en two siniths as to which could make sev- enteen pairs of horseshoes lit the shart- est time. Bach man was allowed an as- sistant as striker. The contest was for a wager And each contestant had big hackers, there being nearly a hundred spectators. It was not until 1 o'clock yesterday morning that the competition was over, the %%,Inner having accomplished the feat ill two hours mud EL quarter and his rival in tiva hours And A half.—Froln the Westinin. Star Gazette. Minard's Liniment Lumberman't Friend. I - --+-*-4. - I _edi JIMIT, The Flea, ., , I- I V . t.: V.." 1�4, . He Coined), , z'T 'i"IM`3,1'(� .1 ...-. - .r. Would. lie would go. . , I , , � - f - ., - ,.r 0 W19 a] 4 amounted to little. I rle alces pets nuseraula. . � . - Ile even, Attacks their ownerg. .. ... - I eop Minard'g Lt But few people pay nlueli'attention. K intm*ent 'in the house. 1, _ 4 06 . t* hini. I A'11T A X G L, 11, i They worry about the force wliated, `If in waterfalls, Thomas Nelson Page, it, the smoke. .I But they iguoro the enormous ; T -)Om of the .Ilnerika, criticised trouelt. I Strength of the flea�s hind legs, I let ose who thrill over Universitir antly the ,work of a, pointlal, novelist. I 14h jumps. consider the flea; 1;0 "This ilian,­ declared ur. Page, -has I JtIllips so tilneg Ills Own height. uo idea of precision. Ila doesn,t Lay ! So really what chance, have we with what Ile Means, 116 circles About his 1 such nit Athletic wondar.�� Wo call Meaning, . , only jealouqly poison hint. .1 I I _ ­.—O"ORM I ov. C,UR 0 S & &%" ,U F R SKIN INJUR116 0188ASV& 1� I I I .... 1-1 �..''-"'"',�''I-"."--�,.,—.,"�.".�- 1.1, I-_ I ­­ '1:4,a, # 4' pUrpty herbitt balm* best twing for tho torldor abna ,of ofilldrent Ito p6wopta! 61tough I to hosil awstdultla chronto soro; highly sintlaeptio; isawl bokin . Undftftirthig adon 0.16 nopliOd — that Is Zam-13uk. Remember It 14 purdly harbal—tia -hildarski - 00140060 no A"ImAl f4tat Power T and Oufti 000blh6d, I 1:.._� Aft deoWilt "d stofts *ad at 16e. a $om. I '� I & I , : , " . ., I . . - � ­ � 'L . L. 1. 1, t ­ .1 1111111111111- _­ _11&"."I& � - � : ;W- by,21.;.�, - - - - I *490""44ftol" I , , �� , � 1:1 , � . fikj&NA&"A , � I * � I "I . , 4 .V"AL rk".1 L:"-' ��­j4"' k , 1--, - 1, ­ - _ - - - r . ....&A' — I I � " " __:... — . __ . .....;,t-. — lall