The Wingham Advance, 1909-05-13, Page 5Lire Mowers
Call and see our Lawn Mowers -�. we have a complete
stook on band and prices lower than ever.
The King of all wall finishes --no dearer than other makes,
but just the best. Ask your painter about it.
Ladies 1 Call and secure a free sample of this sweeping
compound—keeps down the dust—brightens up the
carpet—kills moth germs and does away
with dusty Friday.
Live and Learn to burn LEHIGH VALLEY COAL.
All sizes in stock.
Richardson eic .Rae
•{. ,v„ -.10"r1 .. ,� {r^:.. :X*ti . ; rs ..'+i'Y�..r.�.!..•;• -•uo p,i;
Spring Suits, Overcoats,
Trousers, Etc.
Is the theme we bring to your, notice at this time. Some wise man
has said—"My son, get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get under-
standing." The wise man to -day says—"Get a New Snit or Over-
coat, and when you are getting, get it made to your order; in your
own town, where you know what you are getting, and that it is
genuine Tailor-made." That would be wisdom; that would be un- ,
derstanding. Our NEW SPRING GOODS have arrived, and it is
not exaggerating to say that they include the nicest lines we have
had for some time, and at prices corresponding with the qualities
shown. Space will not allow ns to go into details, but
and can make them any style desired. We are dealing in strong
statements, but will back them up. We have yet to find the style
of garments we cannot duplicate. Although plain, neat styles are -
more in line with strictly high-class tailoring this season, it is for
you to name your style—WE WILL MAKE IT.
OUR -"FURNISHING DEPARTMENT is filled with the newest
and best for Spring. and Summer in all lines.
. We have also added a first -plass line of Jewelry.
Robt. Maxwell
Tailor and Furnisher For Dien Who• Care
Georgian Bay Canal,
A. deputation waited on the Ottawa
Government last week to urge the
building of the Georgian Bay cans
either as apublic work or through
private company. In reply the Pre -
mice said he was in favor of the con
struotion of the work by the Govern-
ment, but that the undertaking could
not be gone on with until the pre
sent financial. demands on the Ex
chequer are relieved.
Affects Owen Sound.
The effect of recent amendments to
the Liquor Law, is thus described by
the Owen Sound Sun ;—"May let was
a sorry day for many of our towns
men. The new Liquor Act went `into
force. The most important effect, as
regards Owen Sound, is to stop the
sale of cases and kegs by the brewery.
The "beer garden," therefore, is a
thing of the past ; whereat residents
in its near vicinity rejoice. What its
former habitues will do remains to be
seen. They may endeavor to import
but that course is fraught with risk,
for inspectors now have the power to
seize liquors in transit ; and it is up to
the consignee to convince the authori-
ties that it is not bought for re -sale.
One In 7 Called by Consumption.
&dreadful plague indeed when you
consider that in incipient stages it can
be cured. Take care of the little cold
before it becomes a big one. When
,the throat is sore and it hurts to ex-
ypard your chest, rub in Nerviline and
immediately apply one of Poison's
Nerviline Porous Plasters, Pain and
tightness aro at once relieved. Inflam-
mation and soreness gradually disap-
pear and fatal illness is thus avoided.
Nerviline Plasters act as an exterior
application in curing colds in the mus -
.;les, in pleurisy and headaches they
have no equal. Keep these remedies
right in your home.
Apples Without Worms.
How much the loss is when a very
large percentage of the best apples in
the crop are wormy ? The prevalence
of wormy ,dapples is becoming greater
in Ontario, owing to the rapid spread
of the codling moth. Whethey this
spread is increased through a growing
scarcity of wild birds, which used to
prey upon them, and thus keep their
numbers down, or through some other
conditions being removed it is dif-
ficult to say, but the only practical
means at the command of the farmer
is the consistent spraying of the apple
trees. The most important spraying
time for this purpose is just when the
bright apple blossoms fall, and the
calyx of the blossom, the green ring of
leaves underlying the blossom leaves,
close themselves. If the poison can
be placed upon the blossom, just be-
fore it closes, it will stay there, and
kill any worm that tries to enter at
any time during the season. For the
codling moth alone, arsenate of lead is
a good spray. It can be used, in the
proportion of 3 to 5 pounds of arsenate
of lead, to every 100 gallons of
1••,,Straet...CX511.11.111•SrerrliC 4•101471.1.191...40
Head Office, Hamilton.
By all who are employed,
the possibility of tempor-
ary lack of employment
must •be recognized.
IF, from any cause, your present employer were compelled
to' close down, where would you, personally stand ?
Dependent on relative or friend for support or cash ac-
The prospect is as uninviting as it is unnecessary.
Be prudent, and, through prudence, be independent. Lay
aside in the safe custody of a chartered • Savings Bank, a small
regular sum from your income. The small am•iunt now wasted
on unnecessary trifles, is sufficient. It is remarkable how such
deposits grow—if regularly made.
It is• suprising the satisfaction that comes from saving and'
watching the total grow.
THE BANK OF HAMILTON is primarily and essential.
ly a Savings Bank ; and havingestablished a maximum of sim-
plicity and convenience in this branch of business, it is gener-
ally selected 'by those desiring a Bank for the card of small,
steady Savings.
An enquiry for the Manager will bring personal attention
to " the routine of opening a new Savings Account.
Who first beholds the light of day
In Spring's sweet flowery month of MAY
And wears an EMERALD all her life
Shall be a loved and HAPPY WIFE.
Spring Time Is Ring Time
We are prepared for any demand with a beautiful
stock of Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires,
Topaz, Turquoise, Opal, Amethyst, Garnet, Bloodstone,
Sardonyx, and many other precious stones. Also a full
s line,,, of Wedding Rings. Our stock is beautiful and com-
plete, and we are glad at any time, to show you.
Our Optician is an expert in relieving eyestrain,
When we fit glasses we guarantee satisfaction.
We I;ave just received a car load of Fresh Cement,
and now is the time to buy, while it is cheap.
We sell all kinds of Metal Roofing for house or barn.
We also carry in stock the well-known reliable PAROID
ROOFING which makes a splendid covering for stables,
woodsheds, barns, etc. It is very lasting and much cheaper
than the shingles.
some of our Cement Paint. It is cheap, easy put on, and
is a sure cure for leaky roofs.
The reliable Old Elephant Brand. It ,looks well, ‚covers
well, and lasts well. It is cheaper than some f the other d lakes,
but that does not say that it is not as good. Try it. We
• guarantee every can to be right, or money refunded.
Goods delivered promptly. t' - - Phone 16.
Child Burned To Death.
Sorrow came to the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Hodgins, con. 3, Ste-
phen, when their little son, Harvey
Raymond, was burned to death. The
parents had gone to the bath only a
short time before, where they were
engaged fanning grain, leaving the
two little sons; aged 13 months and
three years, in the house. On return-
ing to the house and opening the
door the mother was horrified to find
the house full of smoke. She immedi-
ately called the husband, andtogether
they entered the building, only to find
that by some means the younger son
had been burned to death, while the
+ether little fellow was none the worse.
How it occurred is a mystery, but it is
supposed his clothes had caught fire in
some way, as the parts . of the body
covered by=the clothes were the most
severely burned, the hands, face and
hair being only lightly touched by the
A Sad Story.
James Johnston lives in Mulmur
township, not far from Orangeville.
His wife, daughter and three eons are
confined in jail on charges of insanity.
To the magistrate, Mr. Johnston said
he married Mary Jane'•. Johnston at
Elm Grove, Simcoe Co., forty years
ago.- It was not until thirteen ytears
later when he was teaching school at
Columbus, Ontario County, and just
before the birth of their daughter,
Ada, that she began to show signs of
lunacy. At that time she threatened
to poison him. On one occasion, when
on his farm, a cattle buyer had a gun,
which Mrs. Johnston secured and
threatened to shoot him. She also
attempted to burn down the buildings
of the witness. She is not an epileptic
but incurably insane, 'Evidence was
also given in detail to show that
James, aged 36;- Albert, aged 33;
David, aged 23; and Ada Jane, aged
20, are all quite irresponsible. •
CA P. SMITH, -Agent . w Wingham
HEN you order Syrup
emphasize the naive
1'C1 OWN BRAND" for
this name means that
you want the best--theurest—
ihe most wholesome andreliable
table syrup it is , possible to
So perfect and genuinely deli -
chins is "crown Brand Syrup"
that you'll enjoy it-' flavor about
ten times more then that of Any
othet make.
It costs you no more titan ordi-
nary syrup and yet it is purer,..
better, and more wholesome in
every way. It is the greatest
food for growing children, and
can be given hi any quantity
"Crown Brand Syrup" is put
up iu s, 5, to and co lb. air -tight
tins, with lift-off lids.
'When you buy "Crown llratid"
you obtain a Syrup as clear As
crystal and of guaranteed purity
and wholesomeness.
The Edwardsburg Starch Co.
We: Woos! 4•e9
Turn berry.
The Council met in the Clerk's odice,
Bluevale, on Monday, May 3rd ; mem•
here all present. Minutes of las,meetw
ing were read and adopted.
The Reeve reported that he had met
a committee from Culross Council on
boundary opposite lot is, con, 12,
Turnberry, and that they failed to
make any arrangement with Bryce
and Lquttit re drains,
Mr. Wheeler reported that along
with Councillor Rutherford had held
a meeting at No, 0 School house re
drain through lot 10, con. 0, and the
parties agreed to appoint an arbitra-
tion re outlet and each party agreed
to abide by thein award.
McMicheal—•Wheeler—•That G. Bar-
ton be allowed to do statute labor for
Si lot 3, con, 6, in road division No. 50 ;
Henry Merkley, pathmaster—carried.
Wheeler.--Rutherford--That McMi-
cheal be appointed to meet a member
of Howick Council and examine drain
on Howick boundary opposite G. Bar-
ton's lot, con, D—carried.
Wheeler—McMicheal—That Corn.
Kelly be authorized to expend $16 on
20th sideline, con. 8, that being price
of timber sold—garried.
McMicheal — Rutherford—That the
Reeve and Councillor Wheeler inspect
road opposite lot 5, con. 4 and 5, and if
considered necessary that they put a
12 -inch cement tile surface culvert—
McMicheal—Kelly—That Herb. Hen-
ning be employed to work and take
care of road machine at same salary
as last year—carried,
The following accounts were passed
and cheques issued : Municipal World,
binder for B„ M. Rs. D., $2.50 ; Theo.
'Hall, printing, $26,50 ; James Nichol,
filling washout in road, $3.
Wheeler — Rutherford —That this
meeting do now adjourn to meet in
theClerk's office, Bluevale, on Mon-
day, May 31st, at 10 o'clock, and also
that the Court of Revision of the As-
sessment Roll be held at the same
place, on the same day, at 2 o'clock—
John Burgess, Clerk,
Results So Surprising That Thy
Seem Marvelous Are Common
To Mi-o-na—The One
Dependable Stomach
Mrs. J. A. Pillow, North St., Gan-
anoque, Ont., says :-'"Mi-o-na is
worth its weight in gold fur quickly
and permanently curing dyspepsia, I
became so bad that I was unable to
leave'. my bed. There was a constant
burning in my stomach, I would belch
up gas every few minutes and could
eat but very little, as the food would
quickly ferment and make gas that
caused aserious deprIssion of the
heart. Perspiration would break out
all over my body, I would become so
weak that I could not stir and would
often fall on the floor in a helpless
state. The pains in my stomach were
terrible. I could find no position in
which to sit or lie without suffering,
and I was so nervous that the least
noise affected me. Headaches were
constant. I would become dizzy and
spots would appear before my eyes.
I bad no ambition to get around and
everything seemed to tire me. The
first box of Mi -o -iia gave me more
relief than anything I had previously
tried. The second box of Mi-o-na
cured me. I am well and strong and
I, have not had an hour's suffering
since. I will always feel grateful to
Mi-o-na for the cure given me and
glad to recommend."
In the face of such evidence it is
easy to understand why Mr. Walton
McKibben feels assured in saying to
you, money back if Mi-o-na fails to re-
lieve either trivial or serious stomach
Average Cost.
The cost per patient daily in Bruce
County Hospital in 1003 was $1:43; in
1006, $1.41, and in 1005, $2,66. The
average cost in all the hospitals in the
province in 1008 was $1.21.
Dr. Hamilton Follows Nature's Plan
No physician was more successful
iu treating stomach and liver troubles
than Dr. Hamilton. He avoided
harsh medicines and produced a won-
derful pill of vegetable composition
that 'always cures. Dr. Hamilton's
Pills are noted for promptly curing
biliousness, sick headaches, constipa-
tion and stomach trouble. They work
like a charm, very mild, yet searching
and health -giving. No whets can a
better tonic laxative be found than in
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Try them and
be convinced. 25c at all dealers,
He Didn't Know.
A young Englishman working for
Donald Murray of West Zorra killed
two cows belonging to his employer
by pushing sharp sticks into them.
When asked why he did so, he said—
"I don't know." He was remanded to
j ail.
New Spring Carpets, Rugs
and Art Squares.
Don't buy a Carpet simply because it looks good.
Some very:: poor carpets are attractive in appearance and
there is nothing to show -whether they are all -wool or
cine -third cotton. ,The best and surest way to get real
quality is to ask for
"Maple Leaf Ingrains"
then you can be sure of all -wool, fast color and wearing
quality. The new Spring patterns in all our lines are de-
cidedly the most attractive we've ever shown. ' We handle
only the reliable makes that we can absolutely guarantee.
You run no risk with any carpet you buy here.
RUGS.—We're showing a large stock of imported Rugs
and Art Squares. Very pretty colorings in High-class
Oriental Wiltons and Axminsters. Also new designs
and colorings in Brussels and Tapestry Squares. Prices
range from $10 to $35—any price you want to • pay. •
STAIR CARPET,—Several rolls of new Stair Carpet just
received in different widths. See our leader at 50c.
JAPAN MATTING. --Special value in Floor Matting ; 12
rolls to choose from. Ask to see our 20c ,lino.
LINOLEUMS.—New Block & Floral designs in Linoleum,
two .and four yards wide. All prices.
OILCLOTHS.—All widths of new patterr&s in•
stock. 25'
cents per square yard.
LACE CURTAINS.—A very large display of pretty Cur-
tains and Curtain Materials. New colorings in Madras
and Art Muslins. Also spot and stripe Muslins.
WINDOW `'' POLES.—In oak and mahogany, with trim-
mings to match. Complete for 25 cts.
WINDOW SHADES.—The best quality always in stock.
See our Lace trimmed Blind at 60c.
HEAVY CURTAINS.—In Damask, Chenille and Raw
Silk. New Colorings and Patterns. Ask to see them.
Prices range from $2.50 to $10.00.
Trouble Indeed 1
While his wife was lying in the
Guelph General Hospital with a brok-
en hip, his five sons and four daugh-
ters all away frdm home, the daugh-
ters in Guelph, and the sons all in the
States, Mr. Jas. Shannon, an old resi-
dent of Eden Mills, in the South Rid-
ing of this county, died early Monday
morning or some time ' during • the
night very suddenly. He was found
dead in his bed by three of his neigh-
bors in Eden Mills Monday morning.
A Mad Dog.
Five weeks ago Sunday a mad dog
said to belong to Ilarriston bit several
dogs in town, and adog and a pig be-
longing. to Mr. Morley, a farmer liv-
ing just within the town limits. Con-
stable Hammond was notified who
immediately shot the animal. The
body was sent to the Dominion Patho-
logists in Ottawa, Cultures taken
from the dog's brain proved it to be
rabies. All dogs in the township of
Minto must be quarantined, Inspector
Stock forbade Mr. Morley selling any
of his live stock within the next nine
months without a special license,
Four By -Laws.
The ratepayers of Owen Sound will
on May 15 vote on four large by-laws
aggregating $105,500 for important
civic improvements. They are : Wat-
erworks extension and filtration plant,
$125,000 ; electric light extension, $30,-
000 ; 'town hall improvements, $7,000 ;
isolation hospital, $3,500.
Catarrh Cured Or Money Back.
The cause of catarrh is a germ, It
multiplies in the lining of the nose
and throat, spreads to the bronchial
tubes and finally reaches the lungs.
Cough syrup can't follow to the lungs,
it goes to the stomach, and fails to
cure. . C tarrhozone is inhaled. It
goes everywhere, gets right after the
germs, kills them, heals the soreness,
stops discharge and hacking, cures
every trace of catarrh. You're abso-
lutely certain of cure for catarrh,•
throat irritation, colds or bronchitis.,
if you ns. Catarrhozone. 25e and $1
sizes sold everywhere.
—Mr. Searle, Ripley, has installed a
gas -producer engine in his mills at
Ripley and he says it is a wonderful -
invention. Anthracite coal is used to
produce the gas - and he claims that
there is a saving of two-thirds of the
fuel used when he ran his mill by
Would Have Saved Them
Before storing yout_;•k'nrs for the summer it will pay
you to get a package of Mothino, which is the most of-
foetivo preventative and de,troyer of Moths. It has the
advantage of being perfectly odorless so that your Furs
have no unpleasant smell when unpacked in the Fall.
It can be dusted into Pura, Blankets, Carpets
and any kind of ttpholstered Furniture without
injury to the fabric. It contains positively no
poisonous drugs of any kind.
ASIS tbille DRt1GGIST POR Mo?ffiNR.
1 ?i IP' lIZ IIAsx,t, GOT 11`, WRIxl TO VS.
BROWN-, L TI Co., aural)
J. Walton Mcl ibbolit Special Agent