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The Wingham Advance, 1909-05-13, Page 4
4 TRH NG -HAM ADVANCE, TITURSD..Y, MAY 13, 1909. ,M . -- D Brussels.o T11 !peitinDgiStuTyrabgee4liste ' ibfto ,�,"� •A' 711 ill �IousECLEANING TIME in Decd is progress. xs being mads in can- nection. with the intention of celebeat- brit ta►vn :::;: 1' pumping and re -casing the municipal water wells of Clinton to the satisfaction of of the Council of that town. 1837, A large loon which is a rare water fowl in this 'section, was seen on rigaWhen axis sold: never mind; the year may turn sdarvest, and� ' will coins according to the promise Holy Writ,. illi,• Wm. Robb of Clinton says, that ori the first of M`ay, the ponds were all frozen over and cattle which had been left out of AL 0 p� V at ood times. The farmer pays for all, he is prosperous, oplo � ,j�D �� �w'``II o � Ont. V , , r e m•-R.L. Borden, Conservative leader the Commonsbelieves that sincesamurai Canada is furnishin so .ouch of the money to build ilia G. T, Pacifiq, it would be wise tp furnish the rest and ., the country own the road. W F.Means y in discussing the Grand Trunk Piicific loan, urged the Cavern• g agent to talcs •over the entire under- taking, and to operate it as a national cuter�rrise, He asked for this on Im- Aerial as well as on national grounds, What would be the effect, he asked, in au Imperial crisis if it was found p that this national railway *as really owned byGerman capitalists ? He p also professed to fear the danger of American influences scouring control and using the line for the purpose of building up the United States at the expense of Canada: �Ir NOE more hou eolennii.g time has arrived with its attend• ant0 worries of re•fnrnishin s, If you will allow ns we r g' can assist you in eboosing Curtains and Draperies, and irtMaclean, thus save some of the worry. Our line of Clnrtainirigs is complete. We have Madras --which makes such artistic curtains-* P at 25o, 85o, 40o, SQo, and Oso per yard, in white, oream, ecru, blue, green and rod. We also carry a largo stock of Lame Cur• tains from 25o a air n to 8,00 <a air. We have Dotted Mus- p p $ p line for curtains, Iwith dots of all sizes ; also pretty shaded Art Muslims and Art Draperies. Call and see our goods -prices and quality we know will suit, q Y c„ LOU ` '\ 1 '' We have a large stook of Ladies' Blouses, prettily embroid- ered, with the new long sleeve ; also the very fashionable Tail- Blouse, in all white or with colored trimmings, Blouses from $1.25 up. CHILDREN'S RID GLOVES. -We carry a complete line of children's Kid Gloves; all shades and all sizes. let Maitland last Sunday. It was look Y fox' the bila that it was Sunday on sister which it put in its appearance, ` • ly The assessment for Brussels by As- lessor Long for 1909 is as follows 1- Real property $331 180 p p y + toil.? Pi 4,000 30,4x7 doors were frost-bitten, He remain- hers the..dute distirgetly as a little arrived at the home, The faint- lived near Port Hope and that morning he was sent to the village on an errand and saved time by making a short cut across the ice -bound ponds. He says the farmers did not get - All other businesses are b.beHted, The winter is nearly over. „ Spring.0 Spring is close at hand, 'f� ou have decided to move to Wingham. There are practically no empty houses. It will pay yon to bop one. We have studied the situation, Frites aro certain to advance AgentsKa Ladies' Home Journal n p Agents Home ' Journal Bi P Patterus d introness Income 0,205 until the 20t h on their land t crop May, the crop Within the next few months. • Total ,$380,812 About 8.30 Tuesday night fire was of and yet was a good average one. 4` Call and see us, We can convince you. • • I ,.,„,Great 1 discovered in the frame stable at the rear of Postmaster Farrows residence and despite the short time taken to have 'a titer thrown op it from the fire - ' " A Painless Corn Cure. Easily applied, costs hut a quarter- that's Putnam'e Oorn .Extractor, fifty years in use, Insist on "Putnam's" We have the proofs, Also a good list of desirable properties,a + Tither, in or near town, At right prices.s. .-- •orad t` )' W * -This year will be a retard year for railway building in Canada, for about $85,000;000 will be spent by railroads in actual construction in Western Canada during 1009, according to statements made by head officials of the various campanids. The construe- tion cam ai n laid' out b the Cana- P g\ Y dian Pacific is the most costly, and calls for the expenditure of over $20,7 000,000, James J. Hill will spend $15,- 000,000 on the Great Northern and subsidiary companies in Western Can- ada, together making a fourth trunk , system across the prairies westward from Winnipeg. The Canadian Nor- thern intends to spend some $11,000,- 000, part of which will be for the ex- tension of its main line towards the Pacific Coast. A like amount will be spent b h Grand�Trunk Pacific on p y its main line between Winnipeg and the Pacific Ocean, but the bulk on the money used by this company during 1909 will be on its branch lines. ' engine, it was soon a wreck. The stable had not been in use for some only, - Money to loan on farms at low- NOW ON y ; j :j v v .r CALL AND INSPECT OUR TOCK, M• GODON time and evidence points to it being - - est rates. *": set on fire. Thera was no i suranee, Last Thursday morning A. Camp- bell, who was sawlog slabs at the Ament factory, had a narrow escape. y h p He had taken a slab from the saw and had pitched it as he thought over the saw, but instead the fast revolving steel struck it and threw it heel: atE,� o0000000000000000000000000 `�'� i. PFiA.B0DV-S - y. >Y � ;r ; �' ' : ii. I .,• t ,: t ;. r n� INSURANCE � REAL 1 � �� /!7 ICosens �':,J1 ESTATE AND - WINGHAM ,�„ ri t i f We're having a lively time at the Big Store• ' arment. this month in our Rouse Furnishing DepD• We're making Tremendous Reductions in prices, and the people are securing_ their supplyOf bright, p p g. g new goods at prices lower than any ever quoted King's For Bargains I I We Want Your Trade g him, striking him in the face and ren- %tiering him unconscious. He was - •• OVERALLS s in Wingham. HO � �4 t4 ht yt '>, { picked up and taken to a doctor where it was found that his right cheek bone had been caved in anti his eyelid badly cut which required several stitches. His face was also verybadlyscratched ,f r/5 t , � � £ pC ro y `' �r V '�s ; t>� ; � i -w •�. "'° "°" ' ' 4,�r>•.• • `>>>�°"< f, 1' h. "'1"' r a 0 • AT IT AGM^ •- .. Tremendous Prig cutting in Window Shales 84 Roller Window• Shades, best colors, r50c, ag N ou SeC can = g■ 1 de/■ and bruised. It was a hard blow which Mr. Campbell will remember p for some time. He is along l \"�„ gA1LROgp� r ;:e;,,, � xu '%�• '2.9'^,y ). }".''.° 't �� „ : 1 Having purchased- the Grocery business, formerly owned by J. now ... , ,, .. , , .. . , ...39c complete ... .F 108 Roller Window Shadeq with lace trimmin ` �' getting well now we arepleased to state. About half past nine, o'clock on . x AMERICA �, Sr, M h h3hq r" ` `3r e T. �,amonby, we desire to inform the people of Wingltam and vi- miaity that we are to s reg. 75c, now .. , ... .....50C complete ,. �• 24 Roller Window Shades with lace and foray- ' x - } * 4 0 ' ��� ��,/� NEW CURTAINS CURTAIN A4USLINS (Madras, CAR ETS LINOLEUMS OILCLOTHS ,{. MATTINGS s .,.. WE HAVE r RUGS ' ANT s Etc.) I. r ETC. . , • : "� . c Monday night while R. J. McLauchlan was in his stable feeding the horse he had the misfortune to knock the lantern off the peg on which it was �� , � a.;y,,Ys �' ®0� � " 1`F .� MANUFACiUREDI prepared supply all kinds Of First -Class tion regular 90c now .... G9c complete , a 1 p 10 Roller Window Shades, with lace and loser- tion, regular $1,00, now 79c complete Premier Whitney's Triumph. hanging while going past it with a fork full of hay. He saw at once what he had done and made •a. grab ,------. 1N ...+ -# �i> cps .. r 3'' �x,N �,,, Groceries Big Cut in Prices if Curtain Poles ,, - Mr, John A. Cooper is the able edi- tor of the Canadian Magazine, and when the Ontario Government first secured a"' reduction in the rice of p School books, he predicted that it was only for a time, and that the new Readers would co at least 89 cents a set. Now that ,the Whitney Govern- meat has secured a ten-year contract to publish them at 39 cents a set, Mr. Cooper acknowledges that he wasthe wrong, and. says, "Sir James Whit- nays triumph is completes He con- thiis :-SINGING "Perhaps this triumph of Six James Whitney will be a warning to all manufacturers who deal with Govern- mems, that theyshould not expect fat p profits to rule always. Sooner or later there will arise, even in benighted - Canada, a Cabinet Minister who is not wholly devoted to politics and who is not entirely concerned with serving party purposes and collecting party funds. When he arrives at Ottawa,. or at some Provincial capital, the day of. -large profits on Government con- tracts will be over.He will see that chance, no. matter what his politics. The present-day rule that Govern- ments shall pay higher prices than private individuals is certain to pass away. Sir Tames Whitney has struck a blow at the practice, and let us hope that Sir James is not the last of his line. „ for the lantern from amongst the hay and ran outside, , When he got out- doors he found he only -had had the handle y' C� r,. " s" Y ,' . �.' At Reasonable Prices. z White Cottage 'Curtain Rods, reg. 15c, for 10c complete Oak &Mahogany Curtain Poles, reg. 25c, for 20c is of the lantern and by this time the hay was a mass of flanges. R. J. then turned his attention to his mare which he got out in safety, his riga be - ing in an outbuilding were not damag ...:::.,..:.�:....�: For Sale by © © McGee Gaa�pbell o 1 1 Ice Cream t We also intend t0 serve xCe Cream, and having ginned a most . Brass Extension Rods, regular GOc, now 44c complete ,� i< «" i� " 20c,1r 4c complete « « 4� �� 15C �� lOC complete ed. It was only a few minutes before favorable re utation in this line entire building was consumed. 8 we solicit a share of the public patronage. BIG BARGAINS IN CARPETS AND ' GAI�FBT SQUARES _ WANTED. -Large quantities Butter, Beans, Feathers, &o. Highest Prices -Cash or 'Grade. EGGS, 20o. Ftinues EVANGELIST CURFAR-NIERS BY ZAM-BUS. 8 A Cash e O Guarantee © ' _ _.___ _ _. __ _ _ ._.-___ .—Don't forget that we are in the Seed business. The very best Garden and Field Seeds from the most reliable dealers. GEO. A KI N ,•w • • Wide Also Reaps Benefit. 0 C for every button that o c © comes off the' " Railroad F. Yj • <, a Order "Special" varieties through us. p g (rood Goods I 1 Cheap Prices i 'Mechanic Cash for Eggs Phone 9 .--' :.;u,•....;.::<,:,.,,4 ..:;;r:-,•.�,..- s.,.. <_ Tai Mrs. Birdie Ellis Johnston,of 108 Christina St., Sarnia, Ont, gves the Ding" or C Dina" Overalls we will r ' �� following testimony Zam-Buk © • of what has done for herself and her hus-' band : "Some time ago my husband was touring through Michigan on the car, give you 10 Cts., and O for every rip in a seam 0 within 30 days from date �' • j -_ + , - - ..�..��, ::...ter ' ' • .PatronizeHomeIndustry "herald of Hope," as a singing even- gelist. The minister in the car had a son, who in some manner contracted of purchase we will give .yon a quarerof a dollar. a1 Ill Q_ ---------- - ". • . ... .. , ...• ,,.- ......, •_ ..,. ...,.. _ 'Skirts trnaware of it, caught this from him. He was all broken out in sores which gave great pain, and he tried first one O ; - C ee �11II! i `` U� �� s `"-;*•12,7_--•- --`=- ' \ , - I� Skirts Made To YOUP Order remedy and then another, brit none of them did him any good. "When all else had failed, we finally decided to try lam-Buk, and see if this balm would succeed in healing the sores and stopping the itching and irritation. I ting pleased to say that aI; few applications of Zam-Buk made a marked improvement, and persever- ance for a short time w. th Zam-Buk effected a complete cure. 8 v 0+ ': '? a$ bell 8 © G'000®0000000000.tm00000000o .0 - •. ,� l �� ���i� G-PYRg � l .. �;...: r, + I Vitl �' :..�„_.�►,. '..r' hI�I I• , IO�Ipp,,,,������i 1 _ ;-1 ," We are now handling the noted G. and F. Dress Skirt for Ladies, and have a nice line of Sample Skirts on hand and are prepared to get Sou any Skirt you desire, expressly. made for you, to your measurement, in 2 to 3 days. We guarantee . you a good fit. These skirts are well c I have- a large stock of BUGGIES on hand, which are offered at reasonable prices. Our rigs not only look well, but stand the test of use, and that is the real test. • 1 Open and Op Buggies, • - Carriages, &C• Something new and nobby in a surface -oak finish box. The latest in rubber tires, Sze. We slight nothing, and guarantee the materials and workmanship of our rigs. know what you're getting whenyou buyfrom us. y g g The more widely our Buggies are known, the better they are appreciated. Call and examine for yourselves. ..Canada's Butter Trade. Mr. R. M. Ballantyne, of the cheese• y exporting firm of Lovell & Christmas, Montreal, formerly of Stratford, re- turned a fortnight ago from his an- nual trip to Great Britain. In regard to Canada's dairy business he stated -that he didn't think a pound of butter would be exported to Great. Britain P this year, as domestic consumption had increased at a rapid pace and pro- duction had decreased. Canada's cli- mate was not favorable to the ex an- p rico of the dairy trade, Mr. Baglan tone explained. The cows had to be confined to the stalls seven inontha in the year and they had to be fed on the products of the farm during that period. The cost of this indoor feed- ing was so great that the farmer was compelled to put such a high price on his milk and _butter that the latter �. products could not be exported at a profit. "About thesame time sores also ��� Shrunk anStitched With Silk throughout: Come broke out all over my back, and spread rapidly, until my back seemed one big sore I This was very painful, Zam-Buk had bene- Jas.Walker 1& Sonand WINGHAni Idea ing tk try them. ` and as proved so ficial for my husband. I determined to give it another trial. My nurse rubbed my back well with Zam-Buk. We continued with this treatment, Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Is no experiment with us— let figure on work. �.g.� t About White Blouses con- and in a remarkably short time, con- sidering the seriousness of the case, We aro specially qualified Under- takers and Embalmers, and those takers us your entrusting their work to us may rely my back was quite cleared of the awful sores, "On' still another occasion I had need to use While cooking on it being well done. Night calls received at residence. Office Phone 100 house Phone 125 A fine Stock of Lamps Handsome Lamps at veryreasonableLadies'Waistsi f 1 # We are safe in saying we have a stock of White Lawn and Silk Shirt a , s Milt ham carriage works WM. DORE .. PROPRIETOR " n the s o. something on the stove I happened to burn finger badly. I Be sure you see them. ? hard be my very applied up the finger. prices. that is too equal, and cannot surpassed n the morning ttre pain had ceased and ng th pa the morning the burn healed nicely." For skin disease, eczema, ringworm, blood -poisoning, and all kinds of erup- tions Lam-Buk is absolutely without equalt It also cures cuts, burns,• bruises, sprains, scratches, ulcers, piles, salt rheum, prairie Itch, etc, �1 u r U�I�TC�L. % /� ; 9TRRTFORL7. ONT. With twenty:two years' experience to its credit, this College ie recognized i n W• J. BOYCE Stone Block - Wingham ;at the rice. Everyone who has seen them says p Y Y they are very beautiful and very cheap. Fine lawn, tucks, lace and embroidery, with either long or short sleeves, make up a tempting assortment, f ranging in price rom $ r •oo to $2.50. .......�. •-+.s.r All druggists and stores sell at 50c a as the greatest practical training school -- ; box, or free from Zam-Buk Co., in western Ontario. ��, .e.....o. _ _ .. .... . . ` r post Toronto, for price. Three departments:---® COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND,rill TELEGRAPHY. ' Grocery Whitechurch Hardware Stare Ness Ito -or IMMEDIATE RELIEF. Teeswater. Our classes aro the largest, our courses most practical and our instructors ex- perienced, Our graduates are assisted perienced, positions and succeed as none others, Royal ti u s, ar ets�Lmoleums. Front Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats and Hoarseness 11 Using Hyomei. .i. - At the meeting of the South Brnce License isoard held at Formosa on the 24th ult., all hotel licenses that were ' 'Enter now. Get our free catalogue. . ELLIOTT 8, MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS maw Our sales are incrgas- We have put in a beautiful assortment of New Velvet) Brussels Tapestry Rugs, very When materialWhy Genuine standard g et the stretchers, you are money Frost by, original g pliers, m--�- Here,r■ Farmer ■Also ` building a Vence you want the fiery beet can buy, don't you ? Yes I Well, the Wire is the ax'tiele you want. It is the which all other wire is compared. You can and only Genuine FroSt Wire here also y fence hooks, tongs and staples. in force last year were renewed and in every day in 1 and at i When you catch cold you want to Yet rid of it as 'quickly as you can: get ou don't want to lie around the house for a week swallo�ing nauseat- ing drugs, not avoid all this ? Why not relieve your cold hi five minutes ? Why not cure it over night? You can de it by using Hyomei, the sure and guaranteed cure for colds, coughs, sore throat, catarrh, bronchitis and asthma. , William GFuest of Ayr, Ont„ says .- Hyomei, has proven to be a most satisfactory treatment for nasal catarrh and bronchial trouble. I have doctored considerably for these trou- blas, and conscientiously sap that nothing ever used' has given me such quick and lasting benefit as this refine- dy. I have found it especially good for cold in the head and cough. I am--•�.-:.. very glad to enders° Hyomei as anInterest article of wzcommon merit. u Hyomei (pronounced ]sigh-o•nir) is medicated and antiseptic air. You breathe it into tlap hinge throttiggl> a small pocked inhaler and. its soothing rnfitienee as it asses over the inflame membrane of pthe tespitatoti tract, *tops the nn aid file rge, allays p g y11t3NH acne de A aarirplete Hyorr►ei Outfit costa $1.00 and J. Walton McIttbbon will refund you money if it fails to our), only one application was refused, That was an application by Mr. J. Marshall of Belmore. After beingthirt one years assn- y dated with the Methodist Church Ohoir in this village, Mre, J, J. His. cocks has resigned and aceopted the 0 HEAD OFFICE, O - B A li TORONTO. Teas, Coffees and Groceries. " reasonable- prices, in handsome patterns and col - ors. manycarpet ends to be cleared out at less than half price, arid a good stock of New Linoleunzs in Flora] and Conventional de- signs. •: , leadership of the Presbyterian Church They fresh, _ Choir. tier Methodist friends, as an appreciation of her services, presented her with an address, along with, a gold watch and chain. Mrs, Thos. Brown, of the 4th con. of ouiross, died suddenly on Bandag, May 2nd. Mrs, Brown had attended the service in the Preebyterian church Capital (paid up) $3,976,004 len nndivid Reserve Dicers) $5,97,Ob0 Total Assets, over $48,004,OW WIN(I8A1�1 BRANCH.• are always and the best that can be bought ' also Fresh Veg. g ' stables, Bruits and Can. nes Goods. .� Fresh Bread every day. - nS Lace Curtains race •Curtains Of all grinds t'edUCed in price. , 1 Here s a ` genuine bargain in Curtain Muslin --- Fine white striped goods with frill, 38 inches, Wide, regular price 25C—for r 5c Rennie's Packet Seeds Fresh. Seeds, ' We have them at 3 cents per ,packet;. Also Mangold, Carrot and Turnip Seed, „ " here eta Sunday morning, On airily w .. Sherwin-Williams Br i htenyii Paints and Varnishes for g p Separator 011 at 600 pet al. all purposes. pp g g put wraps and w home sheooff the evident went tit the kitchen with intention of assisting in the household duties. Te her daughter she reinarked she did .tat feel ver well and that y ` almost as sue e' oke, reeled and would�co pM have fallen to the floor had not the allowed on deposit of Imo and u Awards. Fanners" Nates discounted, lra4ts sold nil' Ali points: in' Clan• oda, the Urilted States and IPilirope,m.1 Produce Wanted. � , . "` � . ' S EGGS 'I`x 7,HmN SAMIiI AS C)ASII. .. T HoIme Wh1�ecuh M s .. ,. daughter caught her. Beath was iri- atantanearrs and was dire to heart D, T. HEPBURN *gager 54 failure, She was in her sixty.first "de>ldtdI% year, li, Nelleiter ..r �:.n.sossimisisommis _ _. _ - _-- •