The Wingham Advance, 1909-04-29, Page 2SSON
LESSON V. -MAY 2 1909.
own-rw, *awn,.
Fattl's First Miselonaty siatieneettee
Song, of the Service.
Counnentary.-1. First solemn mis-
sionaries called end se»t out (vs. I-3,) 1.
The Church.- .at Antioch -This church
must have been large and flouriebing
et Ude oltreplieteerend tette-Imre-
The propliete were thOSO most open to,
reeeive, and able to speak the truth
Cod revealed. 1.t . them; men with
dent, mitt the magielana in Pharaoh); .
Celia witleetood Wm, Ho RAW hpoW.
stti was gone if the preteoneul e.ecepted
the truth, To turn awayeeThe effort ef •
the Sorcerer evae to keep him frete bet
corning a believer in the doctrine. of the
emotive No. doubt they hetiheard much
.about the team -11111p of, the apoeties 81114"41 Selaints. D. Then Saul.. Pool
-Thiste the Vett time the name Paul
°entre, aud the teat time where hole
yelled Saul. 'Plie Gentile- apoetle here
assumes o Goalie moue, "Seul" tsHet
brew, "Pollee" is Latin, The wore eig-
nifies "little," alludiug to his insignia,
collo or stature tied appearance (2 Cor.
10. 1-10). Pilled, etc. -The tone° or the
Greek participle, implies a u.dden ee-
oess of spirituel power.--Plumptre. See
liia eyeete-"With a piercing gaee which
looked into his very soul.' "Paul uow
unfolded for the first time the mighte
powers' which lay in hino" 10.
-".411 guile And all Yillente."-R. V.
Thou expert in the art of deceiving num
Son of the devil (Re .is A
characteristic of the devil Gen. 3, 1, 2,
Co. 11. 3). Enemy, etre-He was an
onetny of truth and holiness. Pervert -
fie perverted the truth .and. Goilte way
of saving men.
Tlio Early- Missieuariese
I. Prayerful. "They ministered to the
Lord" (v, 2), When we pray, or weael
the word, or go to °herein or work to
win souls that eve mo.y obtain peace one
happiness, WO 11111118t<n1 to the epirituel
self; when we do these to please one
pastor eve minister to hint; when we
watch to know God's will (Ilab, 2.. 1),
worship at Ilis feat (Pea, la 2), work
only te glorify Him (1 Cor. 10.'31), we
minister to Bile.
It. Pions. "And fatted" (vs. 2, 8). Be -
Revere trout the date; of Paul, until now,
have found t'faitings" profitable (2 Core
6; 1, 5, 6). "Days set tiopart for fasting,
reading the word eud prayee are days
on the verge of Iteeven. Fasting gives
oleerness of mind, quickness and occur -
au in seeing Moral distinctiona. Ia
order to perfeet contentment of spirit,
the sera must hey° -easy earisdietioa
ever tho uotural eppothes .and this is
the great advent age of fasting. The. soul
gatherefirmness and reinforces its pow-
er overthe body."-
Proclaiming'. "They proclaimed
the word of God" (is 5, ii. V.): Barnes.
has and Pent never doubted. the divine
Inspiration, nor the infellible authority
of the word. In all Paal's references
to, the Scriptures there 1.5 no seggestion
of ..errorin ehronology, miestatement of
history, false principles of ethics, tyr.
rally of future peniehment, unjust can.
eeption of th•e -Deily, or impoestbilith or
sight and foresight, rather than inserue-
tore (1 Cor. Itt; 28.) By teuchers are
meant stated and permanent teachers,
answering somewhat to the pasher of a
modern elturele-Abbott. Barultbas-
Bareebas was a preacher and it is not
improbable that the words "prophets
and terechers" here simply designate tho
preachers of the gospel. --Barnes, Sim -
cite ---- Niger -Niger means black, but
there la nothing in that to indicate that
, this man was bla,ek. Nothing more is
known of hiat than is eere mentioned.
Luelus-lie is. probably the same person
whose name le mentioned in [tom. 101
21. He may also have been 0110 of those
, who first carried the gospel to Antlooli
(ehap. 11; 19, 20.) Cyrene-A celebrat-
ed city in Africa; one-fourth of the pop'
ulation was Jewish. Manaen the foster -
brother irf Herod (R. V.)-Haeltett.
thinks his mother was probably Ilefod's
entree, Int wee evidently a person of in
Mimeo. This wee Herod. Antipas, who
murdered John the Baptist, -Mennen
must have become a Christian out of
very bad surroundings, lie was proba-
bly rt, man of strong elutracter. And
Saul --Named last beertuse he was the
late corner, He soou becomes the chief -
est of all the eposides.
2. They- Tide probably 'refers not
only to the five ministers Present, but,
no to the chourels Ministereet-In a
speeial serviee of pirtyer and prattle, to
aseertain the mind of the Lord conven-
ing the advancement of his woile. Fest-
ed-"Showing their intense earnestness,
their spiritual hunger, Width overpower-
ed all senee of bodily hunger. Some blesst
ings come only through prAyer and
fastinge(Mark 9; 29), especially through
that complete idea, of fasting referred
to in Aso. 58; 6, 7, which implies not
only altstineue.e from food, but deper
repentance, renewed consecration, the
utmost earnestness of the soul." The
Holy Ghost said -How the Holy Spirit
,spoke to them vire 'are not told. He
may have spoken through some of the
prophets present e or by a general con-
viction on tea minds of the members of
church. But notice that the Holy Spirit
"rnakes the revelation, selects the mis-
sionaries, and assigns to them their
work." Separate me -That is, set them
Apart, oe ordain 'them" for the special
.workewhereunto I have called theta --
the work of foreign missions. Paul was
clearly called to this work at the thee
of his conversion (Acts 9: 15; 22; 21;
26: 17.) Barnithes was called, in a more
general way, by fitness, by providence,
and by an inward call. This ace was,the
ellurch's endorsement of the Spirit's
call. t,
3. Fasted and prayed -A mos. solemn
and important service, observed, proba-
bly, by the whole -body of the church.
They needed wisdom and ability toe ac-
complish the great work they were now
about to undertake. Laiki their hands -
By this ceremony or consecration, they
ordained them -not to an order, but to
a mission. It did not make them dea-
cons, elders, or bishops, but missionar-
ies. Sent them away. -From Antiouli,
as missionaries to other lands. They
were released from their home. duties.
ClwiWilailitY is a missionary retie -eon. Al-
though these men had a divine eel' to
the work, yet they did not go until the
church endorsed this call and senethem
if. Preaching the Gospel in Cyprus
(et. 4, 5).
4. Being. sent, etc. -The expression
here is amulet to thAt foiled in the pre -
oleos verse, and shows the can of the
Spirit first, and, next, that of the
chureh; The Holy Spirit originates the
missionary enterm•he. All objections,
therefore, to the work arise from
lack of fulness of tho pirit. Unto Se-
leuela---"Iltis was the seaport totyn or
Antioeh; on t•he Mediterranean Sea, An-
tioeh being twenty miles inland. Sailed
to Cyprus -This kilted, in the Mediterranean Sea, was originally the home of
Ilarnabas (ehate 4, 38). For thie ran-
som among others, it would be a good
field in witteh to begin their work. The
Lnhabitants were mostly (reek. S,,mo
were already Christians. 5. At &Ignite.
-The Greek capital of Cyprue, and the
nearest eity in their approach to the
island, after a few hours sail. John to
thei r 11111118 r -"As the' r It L len ant." --
Re V This was John Orme surname
WAS Mark, the sane individual referred
to in tho last leeson„
ITT, Contending with an impoetor (vs.
a. Gone through tho tray-
( -led the whole length of the •ieland from
east to west. evangelizing, Unto Pa-
phos --The chi* town of the island,
about one hundred miles from Saturnia
"liere the problems they came out to
face met them in the most ooncentrated
.form. Paphos was the seat of the wor-
Ode) of Venus, the goddess of love, who
WAS said to have been born of the foam
of the sea at thie very spot; and her
worship was carried on with the wildest
licentiousnese. It was a picture in min-
iature of Greece sunk in moral decay.
Paphos was also the seat of the Boman
government." -Stalker. Sorcerer - A
magician, or fortune-teller. "The magi-
cians did riot merely pretend to foretell
the future, but also to influence it, by
the eoritrol whien they claimed to exer-
else over the inferior gods or demons."
A false propliet-8.n Impostor in that
he fidgety professed to be a prophet of
the true Clod, while teaching false doe -
trines and a false standard of morale.
A Jew -A Jewish quaek whose arts
Wore a picture of the lowest depths to
Whielt the Jewish diameter eoeld sink,
---Stalker., Bar-jesus-This was ids Jew.
Leh itainil The prefix "Mr" is Hebrew
and eignifies "eon." Dar-jesue therefore
eignitiee the Son of Segue, a mitten
eame among the :fewer but the ,Syritte
rang hint "Bar-shomo," the sett of pride,
T. The deputy -All the prOcitioes. of the
Itotreur empire under the control of the
senate leer° governed by a pro -tonere,
bore cattle a deputy; that k, t governor
Appointed by the sonete. A prudent
Mert-A men of sound underetanditle aud
good eerise. "The presence of itlynute
tuttorig his 4:Att Sh0W4 Itiot the pttehent
cut wag a mall of inquirleg mind. and
the seine is dieplayed by Ilk desire- to
heat Minable ami Rib.
Deeired to hear -'-Ile desired. to know
whet these riteil etught, and to hear the
elford iif aed,
8. Illytnes---Ae Arabi° *Ord 'Which
meaner "the *lee." Perham lie was bon
fie Arabia,. Oe had Ifiredikthere, and may
hove ita 'toned this nada in a boastful
spirit, or he may have reeeived Whom
others es it compliment to his skill.--
Ilarkett. Withstood thent --Opposed
the Trinity. Not a. hint about the
"mythical epics poem of job," the "alle-
gory of the ereatoin," the "legend of the
deluge," the "parable of Lot," tha "fable
of "Jonah," or "two isteralls'TIfis hold
witness for the truth command -ad we
heeauee he proclaimed 41e word of God.
1V. Persecuted. "Eltrmas -the sorcerer
withstood them" (v. 8), The history of
missions has many ineidenhe of heathsn
opposition. Fiction has few tales so re,
plete with terror as the Auffering and
suspense of Ann Judson because of the
cruel opposition of the Karene. The
lives of Ilannington, Livingstone, Brain-
erd, Moffatt, Carey, and Morrison are
filled witk instaueee of how those they
went to bless "withstood them:"
V. Powerful. Saul filled with the
Holy Spirit" (v. 9). The indwelling. of
the Spirit by tho new birth) the caning
and commission of the Spirit to a
'eine work, must beeaceompauted by the
filling of the Spirit if Men woulci face
the children of the devil and show the
power of God,
Punishing. "Thou ebild of the
dettil, thou enemy of all. righteousnese
...the hand of the Lord is upon Thee,
and thou shalt he blind (vs. 10, 11). De-
nunciatinn, and judgment have a part in
the divineheeonomy. Filled with the
Spirit, controlled by the Spirits, men
have denounced ein and renitence -a ssn-
tenceemon the sinner, and God hae peev-
ed that the inspiration was divine, not
Patete divinely inspired Seil-
tened upon the sorcerer Was, 1, eferited.
Eleetrae had pretonded tO work sigee
among' deluded people; lie should know
what e sign wee, He ha(1 keel; others in
the dark; be should. geopoinniself. Ile
had tried to take from another the hell)
of a hand divinely proffered; he should
seek the leadiug of a human liand. ite
had token money, from others; he
should be reminded of his past, 2. Mile.
Only blindueee, Ananias and Sapphire
Were struck dead. :3. Needful. Oely
"for a seas -on." tfliere was space fur
repenianee. 4. Made medal. "The dep-
oty...believed" (v. 12). God can beteg
"for a season." There was space ftr
good ditt of evil.
VIT. Prospered. eSergins Paulus._
desired to hear the Word -of Goa" (v. 73.
• s* •••
The railways reported the receipts of
lire 'stock at the City thiareet for Wed -
nudity and Thursday as being Ile ear
loads, consisting of 1,040 „cattle, 3,115
hoget 70 sheep, and 2.03 calves.
EXportets--Export steers sold from
$5,40 to $5.90, elnybee & Wile.on
one eliolvieloga at the latter priee- Itsh
port bulk. wero.quoted at $4.25 to
Buteliers--Prene picked late of but -
awe' lielfere and steere,. $5,30 to tt:t.thr:
lads of good, ed te $; medium,
$4.60 to„ $4.90; eeonuaten te
eetve, $3.60 to 450; moans and et/ro-
man cows, $1,50 to $2.75„
.titockers and Feedere-Pricee ruled ete
follows: Beet .foceere $1,000 to 1,100
lbs, each, at 81.50 to 475; Inlet feedere,
850 ite. 050 lbs. mob, at ilia,00 to. 81.25;
best stoeleme, 400 to 700 Ibt. each, nee $3
to $3.50,
Milkore Springers't-Priees • were
abbot steady cit $30 to $34 each, with
two or three ef lite best et little more
113°\!"leetYil Ca Ivestolleeeipt t of veal eelvee
w.ero. liberal, whieb, eaused prices to he
easy at $3 to -$5.50 per owt, .
Sheep and*Teturibe -R0001418 light with
prices t(bout steady, ae followei Foves,
$4,50 to $5; rams, $3.t50 to $4,25 per cwt.;
yearling lambs, $7 to $7,50- for eholee
twenty., and .common, $5 to $0 per cwt.;
spring 10)01m, $3.50 to $5 -
efoge-Prien remain firm at the sante
;potations as here been given for over
WeA that 87.50 for selects, foil and
waleretil; i1101 $7.e5, .f.o,b., oars, to drov-
ere at country poiuts,
Grain efferings were nil to -day. Alt
though no wheat °floored, the feeling wee
inuell easier, Prices Are lonely •uoinint
Dairy produeo in good Simply, with
prices steady. Better sold at 2210 25e
per lb, and eggs at 20 to 22e per dozen.
Nary. ere firm.
nv in good supply, with.selee of 40
loads ot $13 to e10 ft ton fee No. 1.
%mow noetinal .at 819,50 to $13.50 .4
Dreesed hogs arcjitin at $0,00 to
$9,75 fo; heavy and n.t 0,85 to $10. for
light. '"
Wheat, fell, bush ..,$ 1 15 8 1 17
'Doe goo, 1 10 0 00
Cale, hush ...", 0 50 00
berley, Welt .. 0 58 0 00
Aye, bush , '0 75 0;70
Peas, bush . ..- 0 00 0 Q7
Buchwheot, bosh 0 03 0 05
liar, per ton , „ 13 00 15 00
' No, 2 .., 10 00 11 00
Straw,- per too t. .. 50 13.50
Dressed hogs „ 0 00 10 00.
Butter, ehoice, dairy .... 0 22 0 25
Do., inferior -0 18 0 20
Eggs, netvelaid „ , 0 e0 0 22
Cluekens, dressed, lb ..... 0 18 0 20
Ethyl, lb .. 0. 14 0 15
Turkeys, lb . „ 0 22 0 25
Celery, per •dozen 0 40 0 00
Potatoes, bag , . „. 0 05 1 10
Onions, per bag .. 1 e0 50
Apples, ba„rrel 8.50 0 00
Beef., hindquarters ... 9 00 10 50
Dm, forequarters 6 OQ 7 50
Do,, choice, carcase .... 8 50 9 26
Dm, medium, carcase . 6 00 7 50
Veal, prime,. per cot 8 00 100 0000
Mutton, .per cot ... e. 8 00
Lamb, per c•wt ...... 13 00 15 00
Stratford-ou-Avon Decorated add
Crowded With Visitors.
Stratford-onorvon, Apeil 26. -ee Tire
245th annivorsary of the birth of Wil-
liam Shakespeare Was celebrated. hero
to -day on an unusually elaborate
scale. The city was lavishly &dor-
ated, and it was crowded with visit,
ors. One of the prineipal features
of the cereinoniee was the unfurling
of 41 national flags, representing to-
gether the countries which specially
admire Shakespeare. There was a
floral procession to the church, in
which all the delegates took part,
each carrying garlands and wreaths
of flowers, which were subsequently
placed upon the tomb of the poet.
This feature of the day made a most
striking picture.
- 4
Harriman Consolidating N.Y. C. and
Half a Donn Other Roads:
Now York, April 26.-sterordintre, to n
report eirettlate(1 in ilk eity, E. It, Mr.
riman has itodetteted herding corporation..
miner) in this and other eitiee to Pelee
a moans of merging the Now York (len-
tell linos into one $1,000,040,000 corona -
Coot, milli pentral Mallageillent and
one treesury, Thie, if effeeteil, would
opertite mere than 12:000 milee of rail-
road, ineluding the New York Central,
\Veit tehore, Lake Shore nee eliehigan
Southern, Clevele n Cinei tin ati, Chiertgo
& bouts, Pitt:Thing & Le fse Erie, Lake
Erie & Weetetn, Caned./ Southern, sted
number of other 1inee now controlled by
or allied evith the New Volk Centro!,
No deinile aro slid to have been &tided
upon yet, but it 14 timierttood thet it is
not proposed to include the, Nickel Plate
liandeock, George landeoek
and Geo. West were blown up with
Idaeting compound at Itallinerhen On Sat.
Imlay evening, William Ilandeoek arid
Ilterst are in a very orgies.' condition.
George liandeeck will resoYer,
dressed. 0 3•10 to 10e; cows, de te 4 leeet
thoseed, TO tO 7 1-2e; eteere and heifers, IN SCRAMBI
4 to, 501 dreeseth Se to 8 leee;
.celvee, Oct dressed, Bo to 8 1-2e; iamb%
5 1-20; dressed, lee; hides, farmer, De;
paehera, 9 1.2e to MI wheat $1.15,
standard; 8t8,v45e, eteedard;
ttio• to 88e; berley, 50e to rele; bran, Rele
shorts, $eri; hay, $9 to 0,50; buter, 2ec;
ems, 170 to 18e.
St. Lawrence sugars are quoted as fol-
lows: Granulated, $4.80 per ewt., in bate
rels, and No. 1 golden, 440 per cwt., in
haerels. These prices are for delivery
here. Car lots fie less. In 100-1b. bitgs
prices are 5e, less.
. •
. .
Montreale-The past weelle has aeon lit-
tle change in the *business coudition,
There continues a retail trade of .ebOut
normal proportioue for all seasouable
goodst. The drygoocle trade is brisk and
.fairly.gooft volume of sorting orders
are g000ng tomer& Deliveries for sw-
im are very -satisfactoey but there ea
ueturei cOmplaint regal:di:4g some lines.
Orderis fee fall lines are fair for this 805-
80», but retailers are more concerned
about the spring, rod sionnaer trade,
Toronto -More cheerful conditious.
throughout the country am refleeted
hero m a large Toilette of business move
ing. Sortieg orders for spring dry geode
aro numnoue end. in some cases fairly
large and summer lines no being Rut
forward with all possible, speed. Busluese
in footwear .dnring the pea week has
been good. Travellers aeohtow going out
with fell liees, Grocers report good
demand tor etnples.
Winnipeg -Gomel business hem and
throughout the weet continues to show
4 steady increase in volume, Sorting or,
tiers for spring .gonds aro largo and, there
ore signs.that planing orders for spring
.ancl fall -Will be away ahead of last year,
Yin:mower aud Victoria -Spring trade
is moving tvell in all linear -
Quebeee-fileasonable hues are in a*,
mud but warmer weather is wanthd to
Ilynt up trade. .
HAmilton-Businces at eetAil in Sea-
sonable linee continues to ehow 4 steady
tone. The sorting trade is fairly good
cud some mins for fall lines aro begin-
ning to come, The outlook, too, is en-
coaragiug. Country trade is still quiet
and will coeleiree so until after seeding.
Produce crimes forward freely and prices
are generally unchanged. Local factoriow
are reported to have good orders ou
hoe041. .Colleetions aro fair.
London -The geee.ral outlook .eontinues,
to improve.
Ottawa -While .the tolume of business,
is not heavy there is a steady hicrease
in tke emount of business moving.
- 4-*
wiNTTplca- 1174pAT.,44TtKET.
Wheet-April $1.17 bid, July' $1.17 7-8
bid, May $1,17 1-2 hid.
incO1,ats-April 43 Lee bid, May 435-80
London -London cables for cattle are
hi: end y at 13 1-1 to 13 3-4e per lb. for
Canadian steers, dressed weight; refrig-
eeator beef is quoted at 9 3-3 to 10e per
Chatham Plartet: MVO hogs still hold
good at $7.25 and the- raise, which means
$7.30, $7.35 and 87.40 per ewt., and the
price line clung up around' this high
notch for over a week. now. Team after
team drawing fat, squeeling porkers
streamed onto the local Tepid:et.
this morning, and even yet. the buyers
state that the deliveries aro not as free
ne they ought be.
,CliaLliam.-Tite chief change in the
merket NV118 in potatoes which thorough
extensive buying sold at $1.25 per bag,
an increase' of 50e over last week, Many
live hogs were delivered, per cwt.; at
$7.03; some Ches. Other meats steady.
Butter, per pound, 24 to 25c; eggs, 15e
to 17e; eblekene scarce at 40e to 60e;
wheat, standard, 410 per bushel; bar-
ley, per cwt., $1.15; buckwheat, 400;
, eorn, 138e; oat% 45e; bean% $1,35 to
$1:50; hay, timothy, $9; elover, none,
wool, unwashed, Oti to 10e; washed, 100
to 17e.
London, Ont. -111g market, Little'
change in prices. Potatoes, a very large
simply; , sold et 70c to 80e per bag
wholesale, and 00e retail. Live hogs,
, good denunich Monday's price will be as
high as $7.25 for seleets. Dressed hogs,
slotv nterket; good supply; sales $0.50
Lo $0.75. Hay, ton, $12 to $13. 'Straw,
86 to $7. Butter, very pleotiful; sales
slow; ereamery, 23 to e8c; rale 24e to
25e- neck, 25e, Eggs, large offerings
and' ready sales at 17e to 18e. Special
large size brought 190.
Peterborot-In the merket termed
hogs aemanded $0.50, $7.25- haled
htty, $14; loose.. $12; farmersl.and botch.
ors' hides, 7e, butter, 27e; egg% 18e.
P,elleville.-'There was a, lively 'hog
market ;lain Oho post week, Live
hogs, $7 to $7.10; sows. $5.50; dressed,
$11 to $0.50. liety plentiful, $12 to $14 a
ton. Loose strew down, $4 load; butter,
25e to 28e; eggs, 17o to 184 potatoes
raiment to $1 a beg tied AMMO; pets,
55e; last maple syrup, 23e per quart;
butchers' 'hides, flet farmers', Se; voids.
12e lb.; kips, Ile to ire; tleokm§ advanced
to $1 melt; itoreellitlee, 63e; mutt -trate,
St. Thotias.--Large markete, evith lit -
tole eliarege prioes, were held
Quotations: Live bogs, $7; dressed,
$10 to $10.30; loose hay, :t,t0 to $10; bal-
ed hay. $11 to $12; straw, $0; rope 150
to ltle; butter, 25e to 27e. wheat, $1.07.
Owen Sound.---Produee 'is plentiful,
dairy butter being offered in large,
gottntities. Looal oreeteetio§ ere prepar-
ing for Om season's operations. Dotter,
Ific to 21e; egos, lde to 17c: hogs, live,
$7.20; hop, dressed, light, $1.50; hogs,
dressed. heavy, $0.23: boy. -$10 to
00,50; bratti bro., slum- tn $12,
$. trig foril.--Itogs, $7,10 to
No Shore Leaye
Sault St. Marie, Mich., April
26.-0aptoins of tile fleet held
hero by the ioo bleolearle have
adopted a unique plan to prevent
detentions by. membere of the
.crews or attempts ef unions to
cause troubles. Instead of tying
up at the piers many of the boats
liade anchored in the middle cf
the river end uo sellers are given
shore leave. Tye boats tied up it
the lifers permit 110 visitors
nboard. One captain has a big
smallpox ,placard exposed to pre:
vent indrusivenese.
4 -tee -4, 4-ete-see-e-e-e-e-e-e-o-++Seseete-4-4--e-*
Brotiler of Earl cf Dalhousie_ Com-
mitted Suicide.
Londoo, April 23. -111)0. -Ronald Ram-
say, b•rother of the Earl of Dellionsie,
disappeared -overboard from the Hum-
bnetteAmerienn steamer Omitted, which
arrived at Plymmith from New
York. From It letter found in his cabin
11 18 evident that Ittunetty eommiteed sui-
cide by jumping overboard.
. Ramsay's mother, the late COlifttt•SS
of Dallioushe, who was a .daughter of
the sixth Earl of Tankerville, and one
of the great beauties of her day; •died
while crossing the Atlantic, after a few
hours' Mimeo in 1887, and her Imo
band WAS 80 A ffeaea by the_ tiled;
Mat- lie ..014(1 next day. .
. The letter, whieh wae• addressed to
hie elide in America, road:
"My Dear tleele Charlie, ---I a 111
feeling rather Omer, but must write
and soy good-bye -to you, Yoe looked
After oe obeys se well and I wanted to
be it credit to you so lintels But I have
noes been Mile to get the bad thoughts;
out of my head lately. I wish 1. eculd
have been more or a companion to yen
lip at Seskatebewan. Well, so lenge
Don't grieve yhty muell for ae f am
sere I shall be an right:"
11/hunted Polka Calkd to Big Bor.
gain Sale.
Scores of Women Horne Down in
Crush in New York,
New York, April '20e- Superheated
competition letween rival live and ten
evut Fdotee eta' rd 11 aol, A1110113 Jam.
dreik of women elopporh in d
burg sheet to -day, and berme the 80100
wag. Cleaned of tallsing mereal wave4,
bedraggled garments. and other appar-
tenanees, merle% bad been cella:from
two pidiee shill:nee deteelunent
rminuted puttee: galloped up te, the swine
Ambulaneee wets summoned from t
lidtpitale, end. frenzied. hitsbanee hurshol
tteti.)pc%111 with t 1 et:Ir Ie:u'a 11 th.Ply svivps ""
The .sales wore Advertistd to etert
8.30 e'elock. Over 3,000 women paehea
the street at that hone and when the
dome were- opened' the beegein
plunged for the frout of the One
Lady near :the fibbens. and levee teae
seized -With a lit, fenne•diately otiv-rs
faiuted and wete tinmpled over by the
eteigtgiing mob of -women, prophet ore
and. .clerlso le earne trautie Aliti 1011ght,
tO 0080 1110 (1.):/r4, '!elieir efforts were
feeble aga hitt the surghig shoo( womeo.
Pollee eame, but they were even lose
sure:sift:I, and thee the mounted police
'wore sent for, Thy mile through ths
crowd, finally dielexiging the molt from
the doors,. and the wenue. who had haute
ed were .extricated mud gotten Into the
air.. Anthill:tures were sun:melted and
the trampled and emelt:hi shoppers were'
him lee to the hospitale. The retire
0.1,otri-li the stare of the sarpine crowd,
amatged to get 00030810d traffic on the
move, and the :tale went on. •
Wife cf a Manitoba Settler Out-
raged and Beaten, to Death.
Winnipeg, April 26. -Investigations by
the pave to -day of the circumstances
surrounding ,the death of Mrs., Lewie
*Tautest. whose body was found in thelr
boriely ehack by her Imebane laet even,
trite on his return from work with marke
of violenee upon it, show '-thett one of
the most brutal and revolting etimes in
ieeent rave in the west wits committed,
She hed Wen assaulted and then mule
dored some man, .wbo hos eseaped
without leaving ally.: tine upon welch
pursuit nt peesent seems poseible. The
murderer ulso stale ••her 'watch and 41
istIonta.sum of money which wes in the
t The .autopey was 'performed toolay
and revealed the feet that the skull
had beon fractuvr-d by a blow on the
forehead with .1 etiort club, whieh is
now in the Mous hi the police, eed
201101 was found to -day outeide the
little home. In the hurried exam -
illation of the beds 104 night medieal
men Were of the opinion that the ,
wound on the head might have 1;00:1 •
caused by the .dead woman .failing in a
ae it teas learned she was sulehea
to suelt seizures. It was not until this
morning that the terrible (view was re-
vealed in all its revolting fineturee, lehe
had mentioned the feet ho her he:timed
the day before that a viehme looking
tramp hail frighten:A her eery holltt
by looking in the window. she ;cm. Mot
a description of the man, but so' for no
;trace 01 111121 has been seemed.
Mrs, Dated • Servos whia burning
soine bruehwobd ;ter book yard. at
Niagara-on.the-Lake ventured too PIOSe
to the flames, And her eltirt took fitc,
She rushed into the loose, where bee
daughter eeverely burned her haittIS in
endeavoring to extinguish the Moues.
Some chlhiren,`'sceing what bad happen.
ed, summoned the' neighbors, whn helped
save the wonion'e life, but she is still in
a merlons .eondition froin the barns mid
'the shople.
Admiral Speaks PleirilY-Tells Par-
liamentery Qemmittee That Qert
men chreanizetion , is Setter -.'4,t
Fraud on the Nation,"
......•nn.r• Ina
Th0000ao, of Tons. of Ice Passing
•Down River.;
Popbr G.r,Iteldl E.131v4r
fliers' Escapade.
Fort Niagara, „S. Y„ April ,The,
last blow at breaking the back of the be
the Jowl- Niagara River wee
Struve; during the nigh1. by a e"eand
nerthwesterly gale, Meek, craeked the
putt from haee to head. A. wide channel
Ls now open from the .leells to Lake On-
tario. Thoireande toeiot of ice ate
leaving the mouth of the tiver every
flilholte,„ and 11111048 some undreamed-of
freak of wine and weather 1t1141,8, there
le not the elightest poeeibility of the lee
again blocking tt-ie outlet to the lake.
While both banks of the upper river are
atilt ponderously bordered with grey
hinges of lee,: movethan a mile of the
lower stream. 14 phielieally free of lee
with the eNeeptiou of the bergs floating
dowe the curreht. At uo point this
(digoinagn-„,;larlefe.tlitse loose =me
The open stretch of river lost evening
tempted two eoldine from the fart and
eivilian to Tow nerose the Niegare to
Niagarmon-the-Laket on the Canadian
eide of the et MM. SilOrkly after their
landing the ice began racieg dewn •the
current eo .rapidly that' the men were
obliged to spend the eight on the other
eitle. It wile only by clever dodging that
they managed to eeturn at (lawn.
River mon fear that the voneinuens
blasting last week retained in scream;
change:A in the ;nap of the bed of the
river . Care will Imo ba need thie
summer Mail Pots have thoroughly
Wein:nee:el thenreelvem with the pow
chaenels and shoalt. Reside•nte of this
eeetine, however, are eot troubling Over
quell poselbilitles, end aret gratefol to
the Kato engineers .for freeing them
front the greateet- peril of - half a NIA-
London, Aproll 26.-Pelme Minister
Asquitles ennouneement of hie inten-
tion to mate ri private investigation
of the present conditions in the navy is
of fee greater significanee then appears
upon the surface, A,dmirel Lord Charles
Boresford, on loving commend of the
fleet, loid. before the Peetniee a great
mass of evidence upon existing condi-
tions, And. the present policy of the nav-
al threes which no enamel° Government
could ignore
It is just as well Jen! the peace of
mind of England that Mime facts
should not be made public. It can
scarcely be doubted that when the
pending enquiry is completed there
will be radical changes madeNtu the
policy of the Admiralty, The geestions
involved do not deal in any way with
the proposed IICW construction. They
concern only the conditiOn of the
navy to -day as a fighting force.
Boredom -I. innintains silence so far
as the public is concerned' in regard
to naval gees -thine, but as was sur-
mised hero a fortnight ago, he has
submitted his views in writing to Pre-
mier Asquith, who after holding the
matter under consideration for twelve
days appointed a sub -committee to
enquire into elle facts. This commit-
tee consists of Mr. Ascii:ill as presi-
dent, Foreign Secretary Sir Edwaed
Grey, Secretary for War Haldane, and
Lord Crewe. No naval officer is a
member, as it is desired to have au
absointoly unbiased tribunal, The terms
,4f. reference are elearly'defined and very
wide and sweeping.
In his letter to Mr, 'Asquith, Lord
Charles explained he did not deal with
tho future necessities of the navy in
the North Sea; but in connection with
the present condition of the home fleets,
referring .to their condition, mainten-
ance and -preparedness for war iu rela-
tion to expenditure, he said he' Would
uneeitake to prove that their condition
was a fraud upon the nation, a phrase
which he subsequently slightly tuodified.
Ife refused to answer some questions.
In response to others he said. that, while
the Dreadnoughts were unquestionably
the most formidable ships in the world,
they could not, owing to their size and
diffieulty of management, be fitilized
for some of the -effective purposes for
whieli ordinary battleships could be
used. De discounted the idea of sea
fights at 7,000 yards. Suelt eegagemente,
he said, would mei likely be of a setious
Other sources of informatioft show that,
Lord Charles'. great Poiut is that tho
British. ua.vy Is not prepared for war,
but that its organizetion can be perfeet-
ed without additional expenditure. lie
halite that the German navy is tow far
more powerful than is generally believ-
ed, owingeto its superiot organization
for war, ad that in 1912 its reletive
strength in this respect will be vastly
increiteed unless the British war plans
and organizetion be placed, on a better
footing in the interval.
Seven Reported in March -Indus-
trial Accidents For Same Month,
Ottawa, April 26. -The number of
trade disputes reported to have been in
existence in 'Canada during March was
1020.01, 5» inerease of toe) compared with
Febriutey, but a decrease of one eonipar-
od with Mere% 1008. About twelve
firms ane 1,080 employees were affected
by these disputes. The loss of time to
employees thrdugh erede disputes during
Meech wits approximately 30,450 WOrlo.
lug days, eomparce with A. 1088 of 4,305
days in February and 10,058 in "March,
Indostriel Aecidente oeettrrod to 272
individual work people 1)1' 0512545 dur.
leg the month of March, 1000, as re-
ported to the Department of Labor. Of
three 78 Were fatal and 101 reeelted in
serious injeriee,
• *so
Liquor Not th be Sold Frt.... the
()thieve, April 26, --The De.
partmeat has homed cadere that this
summee no liquor ie to be sold at Vain%
of inetructiem
'Ilde Is importont concession to
the tempt -Ione° people, aml 'comes, it it
said, as Testa 01 Um laxity of can.
teen emonagere in not eoefining the sale
vf beer Aridly to the soldiers in emelt,
4 44.
Waters.Pierce Company Pays the
Big rine.
Austin, TeXAS, AtOril 20,-T11e final
chapter in the litigation of the State of
Teas against the WaiterePieree Oil Co.,
the Impend; of probably the largest fine
ever aseeesed a i ns t a corporation,
nearly two Million dollars,was enacted
in a speotaeuler manlier this Afternoon,
Two big towhee :met, banking officials,
representatives oi the oil company anti
officials of the State had a part in the
transfer of the mon'ey from several
banks to the State Treasory.
From the American -eTational Bank
one-half of the total amount iu excel
figures, $1,808,753.03, was counted and
delivered. Then at hreak-neek speed tht
Iwo ears were &iron to the Austin Na.
Lionel Beide and a similar burden of cur-
rency taken on. Then came another re-
cord-breaking run ttp Congress avenue to
the Capital, a distance of eight blocks.
In one telescope H. A. Wree, Vice -Presi-
dent of.the first named bank, carried its
capacity in hills of different denoMina.
tion e up thetCapital seeps. Sheriff Mat-
thews followed with another, and in turn
-each of the party conveyed a part of the
automobiles load. President Hopper, of
the ,Austin .Bank, being among the 1.nost
to alight with $900,000.
The fine was paid with 718 one -thou -
sae ego!! ter bins, 160 ton -dollar biil e end
the remainder in small 'currency.
0" 0,"0.7.1041.
moor of. Dental Sorgert of POW
Dental M*rge17 Ot gotirio.
...otsoe n atiwatipp* moo*, . -
44401".1+1,1+1+1404+1+1114,14 -
8.14A, LP44,
;tow °nano. ehttverettgoir dtgrtonte
"443414.444"Tronooter •
Ofigqii ,fea•vitte mow* - YR:NAIL**
General Hospital,
niYiVenta College and Went 94 et
ne urgbara Abtattlf,
Tito. Hill it Ploptidail.
8i:w0w-m0s. perea.40.40 pea ennins Ili
adre000, 1$40 tt not No Pam,
ua advertisements leo per magmas Iwo
AortriTISWM RATML--14601 6294-47002
Arid insertion, 39 per line tor sash
iesertion, .
Advertisements In the local ooluenell isiN
chartined 10e PR Una for Bre* lesertIeat
a, ere
I iussitlae,
or to Boot. sod *am', .1- Pr _.P..11-00111
Advertisements of Bisw:cdtranna tor Bala
we kn. and 20 owns tor we 4.1
sor n.
ConMor Xixoss.-The following ego Om
rates for the Insertion of edvailiseolowla tag
apedilod porlexis:-.
. • Bunn 1 Tr, 6 Mo. 2 Ma, 1 Ha
One Column $70.00 IMOD MA $8.
xrau column moo 13.00 MOO 6.
Sinrinereeduri".* 20,00 3200
tro 71,508
Advertisements without specific dtraellms
will be inserted till forbid and charged aol
cordingly. Transient advertisements must 1st
1a15 or Tame.
Office: -
Upstairs in the Macdonald Block.'
Night calls answered at office.
M.D., M.C.P.S.0,
(Member of the British Medical kersociattoup
Special attentio:n•aatilitgellasi. eases a woman
Orriou Boom ),-1. to i p.m, ; f tot p,m.
.1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -4 -l -l -l -F1 -1 -1 -14 -14+ -1 -l -D
L'..1: al. (alai
Physician and Surgeon.
(Dr. Chisholm's old stand)
Waage goversaned lasneetlea,)
OPleassatli situated. Heautifully furaishe4.
Hates rat patients eh include board and
M ;V reTwg lioonsed physicians.
nuradngl-p.60 to 14.00 per week, accordbnit
to location of room. or further informs,
Box IA WIngham, Oat.
Money to loan at loweet rates'.
061,1011 :-BHAVrin BLOCK,
Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
IOffice: Meyer Block, Wingbarn.
B. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes
++++++++14+4+H 1-1 '14++
Office :-Morton Block, Winglaam
.111-1.-14-14-1-1-4-1-1 -1 -1-1-1-1-.14-14
Millionaire's Daughter Disappears
Mysteriously in New York,
New York, April 20, -Adel Bees, the
fifteentycer-old daughter of Arthur
Boas, the milliomure thread manufac-
turer, is missing, and the detectives to-
day declared their belief that she has
been kidnnpoed. out shopping
'With lter mbilter yesterday a Iter
School the girl grew tired and wee 4411111
home. Though only eight hleeke from
her father's residence, she never reaelied
there. Mr. Boas feared -that his daugh-
ter had been the victim of an automet
bile accident and heti been taken to'
some hospital, but a searc-li of private
fine ,publie hospitals " failed to reveal
her presence'and no accident of which
she could hove boon the -victim hae
been reperttd. She had only ten eents
in her puree.
is Pitted by Col. Bell Against the
Wyoming Plains,
Omaha, Neb., April 26. -The Nation-
al Corn Exposition officers In Omaha
have been notified by Colonel E. .T.
,Bell, of Laramie, Wyoming, that he
has made a wager with western Con-
adian farmers that his Wyoming farm
wmild produce more oats per acre
than any land in western Canada.
The wager is for $10,000 cash, anti.
the-Naional Corn Exposition officials
wiljudge the crops. Col; 'Bell has for
Years Made a specialty of oat. At
*the head oe the Cana "test who are
booking Alberta, is Professo, W. IL
Fairohild, of Lethbridge, Alberta.
,Col. Dell this week p1- ii the
fields on which, he pitis his fitith„
while the Albertan fields Will not be
planted for two weeks,
Tin .contest, according to Col. liell'n
offer, is open to lite entire world,
and is not limited to Canada alone.
Tried to Board Alloying Train ot Ni.
agars -Four Toes Ampideted.
Niagara Falls despatch; *lodge Pin-
kie, of \Woodstock, wits. severely injured
while ettempling to board a Gratul
Trunk traht here last night, told ne 11.
result had Lo bee four toes amputated.
Tho Judge attempted/et° hoard the train
when it wag movieg. HiS foot slipped
and be was throwmuter the wheels,
which passed over his right feet, Ito was
taken to the hospital, where four toes
pony's surgeon. dudge Finkle was here
were (1(09011(1401. by Dr, Wilson, the 00m-
10 see the ice jam.
Hold Boy Ali Hideous Charge,
Dirininghom, Sia., April 25.-414, Stip.
der, 10 years old, was orrestee hero on
the charge of inflioting what tvill prob-
ably rove fatal injuries upon Lis moth
or. Two weeks ago, it is said, the
1011113 malt in newt' throw it ereeeel of
boiling teeter on his rnothet's heck. T)10.
1011(5 sarber injories Will probably motto
3Catb11hed 1840.
Head Office GUELPH, ONT.
Risks taken on all classes of in-
surable peoperty on the cash or pre-
mituaa note system.
Agents, Whigharn, Out
-1-14-1-1-1-14+4-1 :
1 vention el:improvement 1111(1 we IT ill tell .11)1. PRDM_r intePTLY est,SECURED
write for pg hocks
essrt'ustIlittap 'I:04111i ,:k. clitn,..vh, ,,,reints ,adreel sosti lye tii.:41.44
free unr epee. et as to whet bt' r 11 1, p I.A.41.1y:
patentable. Refected vpp!irctionsilre often,
bren suceesdully prosceuted by It. We
conduct fulI.1. equIpred (dives In Nth:areal(
and Washinr,,ton ; this qualities us to 1 )•Tonir
ly dipatchwork and oulckiv s- MITT: Pal tll ts
as bro,d as tee item:item. 10g1.1 references
rprocured thrflueb Ilartre, .II? lula• .3
rion receive sp-rial toilrr. with:Int clam:ft-in
over leo newspapers distributed throughout
the 0 minion.
Specialty :-Aateut business ....t itfaraufie-1
turers and Engineers..
1.1:1frPaisont Ekzrtsngt
I NeYom Lit3S•16t,I.ic. wiroom.secalko,iAucrii.weut:intono.c.
• • - - - „ • '- ^
• •
Honor Graduate of Toronto 'University.
Licentiate of Ontario College '''of PhysicIam
and. summer.
Devotes special attention to Diseases of We
• Rye, EarrNose and. Throat.
Eyes Thoroughly Tested.
tilasses Properly Pitted.
Office with De. Kennedy.
Office lioufe - 3 to 6-7 to 8 p.m.
60 WARS'
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quicioy tuteortain our Opinion fres whether am
luventiou itfprobubir patentable, Communion -
Lions strlotly contldentiaL IlIttint-IOK on Patents,
sevnuttfernate; d eesut att. oronliceytkl'otrieuele,aurr treenctetv
rpcetat lottee, vijth2tta charge, in. the
• scientific Jimerican.
prepaid. Sold by
ceAR ;la n1lbezattEv .o:taiiel0acYnrasyli!
11UNN &ColnrNaCkjaY' NetYqk
Preach Woo, 'at; sr 84.0drashharten. 121
4.01i111401140411141rirev.iretirsylperoirgrem4s-wmte qr,P,r4r."'Wqr-v/r7le-oartrtrIr ... 0-rrw
We are eole agents for
the celebrated Scranton Coal,
which has no equal.
Also thd be grades of
Smithing, Cannel and Do-
mestic Coal and Wood of
all kinds, always on hand.
Residence Phone, No. 55
Office " No. 64
Mill " No. 44
We carry a full stock of
Lumber (dressed or undres-
sed)) Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Barrels, etc.
olommuramwarampossamme goond
Highest Price Paid for all
kinds of Logs.
J. MoLEAll
'Strange Charge Against B. Bran-
denherg, Author.
Missing Boy Also Found in the
Man's •Contpany.
San ''Francisco, Apeil, 20. -Broughton
Itrandnibetto 8 newspaper en1 maga,-
sine writer, of New York, was arrested
late last night on a New York charge
of grand, larceny. He is itecueed of get.
(lug notes from Grovt: 'Cleveland's
stenographer and publishing them hi the
form -of a politieal letter hi the Now
York Times. Brandenberg is &awe
with selling the Times the letter and
&daring it was dietated by Mr. Cleve-
land. lie WAS invested in New York 00
charges of forgery and grand larceny.
The -former ehargo was, dropped, but
after having pleoded -no; guilty on the
other he was released on $1,500 bail.
On Fele 1st the ease was called for
triel, but Brandenberg toute not be
found, and hie bail WAS forfeited,
With the writer tehen he was, arrest-
ed, was his stepson, delfts .8, Cabeinte,
of St- Louis, Drandenberg had regis-
ter its D. W. L. Leonard, of London.
it, Louis, April 20. --The boy found 151
the oompany of 13rotighton Ilreenlem
berg in San Franoleco, is James Cithainte
who disappeared from •the home of
his grandmother. Mrs..Ttilia 0. Cabanne,
here, on April rith.
The boy's disappearanee watt made
known to hie grandinother by tt man,
who told ner er the telephone not to
worry, as the boy would be returned to
her safely, The grandmother hag ,always
maintained the boy was with Ids moth.
er, who now Sart the is the Wifeof
lirOtight.011 Bratlamberg.
' Several lettere denumeing money for
the, return of the boy hero reacheithere
front nide:Igo.
Water in Niagara Down Seven "
Feet More.
Yeurgstown, x. Y., Despetch.-If tfre. four .4
thousand pounds of dynamite to be exploded
in a single charge to -morrow are powerless.
to move the giant Matta of ice mill anchored,
to the sandbar at the mouth of the `.1lagar11.
River the ghteler will lie there in um 8111.1
WW1 it tnelts Otter the last ounce of ex-
plosive on hand this afternoon has beeff de-
Vacd to pulverizing one section of the jam
Engineer Mary A. Runze declared that the
situation -was ripe for a supreme effort. The
dynamite WM be divided leto seventy-five
bundles sunk into as Many boles, outlining
huge sone -circle across the ice, and ex -
placid sintultantously. It la expected that
the force ot the explosion will either send
an teeters at mony acres selling down the
Mite or brook up the les ea that the force y
01 tho stream can easily bear it away.
The explosions during the day were we -
teenier. The smarter -ton charges tossed ice,
Water nod sticks of timber five hundred feel
111. 1110 air and startled flocks of gulls which
'levered over the river. Tinthers and lumps
of ice fell far in shore, and boiling tidal
waves seethed and roared after each ex-
plosion. It was the :teller; al these mare
than the actual force of the dynamite that
Eet the leo afloat.
The leo end Water. level at this point, fell
fully seven feet front the time blasting was
begun in the morning omit the last of 01
WA8 119041Mt 1a101111008. Ali danger arising
from the lee Jant is now considered to Ito
at an end.
Industry for daft.
Gelt. April 113,-.An11ott0eement Watt
made to -day that the Maple Leaf Har-
vest Tool. Werke, of Tillsoriburg,
principally by residents of Galt, hate
bee12 acquired by the Amerieen Forte
Trust, whiter eontrole n11 eimilar fate.
1.01.108 ht North Amerito., 050:14 one toe
Cenatla and one in the tluited States,
'nitro Chinese restaurants and rt bak
Pry Werf% berried at Cobalt.