HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-04-22, Page 5-Y THE WINGIL M ADVANCE, THURSDAY, , APRIL 22, 1909 5 ; i !PneNe -b+.T,4,c'.;i3, READ ABOUT IT THINK ABOUT IT t 'i .11 i 100 Per Cent, Pure, tin -enour House Paints. There are many branch of Paint on the market, but there is only ON F: bland sold udder guarantee (subject to chemical analysis) to be 100' Per Cent, Pure . , .. . • , • • • . • Senour's Floor Paints 16% Floor Tarnish. Dries hard with a beautiful gloss in one night. AABOUT USE T TALK .... —.. Rjchardson, 27 , , r,.;'s1/4vi,,,• utlit:t4o,tote.:3` & PHONE! ,.a.e 27 -it.. 4z., ewit,,,R.'".n.. ; e, itiG,°r7•+,0,-°:;'f0,.. •,:4,1,.:1-: , a . Inthistry ........................ I have a large stock of BUGGIES on hand, which are offered at reasonable prices. Our rigs not only look well, but stand the test of use, and that is the real test. Open and Top Buggies, , Carriages, &c. Something new and nobby in a surface -oak fiuisli box. The latest in rubber tires, &e. NS o slight nothing, and gnarantee the materials and workmanship of our rigs. You know what you're getting when you buy from us. The more widely our Baggies are known, the better they are appreciated. Call and examine for yourselves. Win h f Carriage Works WM. DORE - PROPRIETOR f1 S..*4 1 V' Spring Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Etc. Is the theme we bring to your notice at this tune. Some wise man has said—"My son, get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get under- standing." The wise man to -day says—"Get a New Suit or Over- coat, and when you are getting, get it made to your order, in your own town. where you know what you are getting, and that it is genuine Tailor-made." That would be wisdom.; that would be un- derstanding. Our NEW SPRING GOODS have arrived, and it is not exaggerating to say that they include the nicest lines we hove had for some time, and at prices corresponding with the qualities shown. Space will not allow. us to go into details, but • WE HAVE THE GOODS . and can make them any style desired. We are dealing in streng statements, but will back thein np. We have yet to find the style of garments we cannot duplicate. Although plain, neat styles are more in lino with strictly bigh•rls.ss tailoring this season, it is for you to name your style—WE WILL MAKE IT. OUR FURNISHING DEPARTMENT( is filled with the newest and best for Spring and Summer iu all. lines. We have also added a first•class line of Jewelry. , 1!: obt. Maxwel,1 Tailor and Furnisher For >; en Who Care "soolrPwa+sAso."•~91.'4 i9 Whitechurch Hardware Store News. 1 • Is there anything about your premises, inside of out, that needs brightening up ? If so, we have the stuff you need -- Sherwin-Williams Paints. • • Now is the time to look Repairs. Plow Repairs after Plow e alta. Call. and tell us what you need, and if we phaven't got it, we'll get it .... .. , . . • .. . 0. . g 7 EDS . SEEDS ! The Purest and Best Place Your Orders Now Asorreldrzmetovasweepesserdassirailarrour J. TW Holmnsw Whitechuroh Brussels. The large storage water tank at the Electzic Light power house, ttsed by lt. Ile+nclerson in the succimer time for supplying water for bis street sprink- ler, went through the roof last Sunday night. The foundation timbers had decayed by the frequent wetting of yeau•s. An amateur Theatrical Company styling themselves the Williams-Oan- telon Stock Co., and hailing from Wingbam, were billed, for the Town diail, Thursday night of last week. They held forth mostly to empty chairs and from reports of those who were present, the absented audience was the . fortunate one. Last week W. E, Duncan disposed of his barbering business, which he has conducted for a number of years, to John Elliott, of town, who has until recently been in the employ of John. Hewitt, Mr. Duncan has not decided on what he will do yet, but talks of taking a trip Westward, where lie will spend a month or so. Last Saturday afternoon an organi- zation meeting, having to do with the lirnssels, Grey and Morris proposed Telephone Co„ was held in- the Town' Hall, Brussels, a good attendance being 'present. Councillor A. Dates occupied the Chair. A Constitution and By Laws were adopted and the following Board elected :—President, F. S. Scott ; Directors for Morris, ex - Reeve Geo. Taylor and R, Proctor; for Grey, W. Cameron and ex -Deputy Reeve Bryans ; for Brussels, J. D. Warwick, V.S. and M. H. Moore, V.S. The Easter vestry meeting of St. John's church was held on Monday and in the absence of a rector, Barris- ter Monteith was voted to the chair.. T. Newsome was appointed People's Warden ; A. H. Monteith, Minister's Warden, and 11. James, Vestry Clerk. The sidesnien are John Cardin', Geo. Colvin, Geo, Manning, Bert Trainor and R. Langdon. A good year's work was reported. It is expected that Rev. Mr. Cameron from Markdale locality, will be appointed to this parish and will probably arrive about May 1st. 13e is highly spoken of. CHILDREN'S HAIR. Keep It Clean And Free From Disease By Using Parisian Sage. If you want your children to grow up with strong sturdy and vigorous hair, teach there to use Parisian Sage ; the world renowned Hair Tonic. Parisian Sage is guaranteed by W. McKibbon to cure dandruff and stop falling hair in two weeks. It grows new hair quickly in rases where the hair is "thinning out." It is positively the most delightful, invigorating hair dressing on the mar- ket. It is not sticky or greasy and will make the coarsest hair soft, lust- rous and luxuriant. Get a 50c bottle from Walton McKibben and watch how rapid its action. Giroux Mfg. 0o., Makers, Fort Erie, Ont. What's New ? Nothing. Saine old springtime, Same old chills, Same old tonic, Same old pills, Same old doctor, Same old bills, Sante old spring suit, Same old tans, Same old barnyard, Same old cans, Sarre old ball game, Same old fans, Same old backyard, Satre old front, Same old lawn mower, Same old stunt, Same old backache, Same old grunt, Same old meat bill Same old gas, Same old rhubarb, 'Same old sass, Same "Keep Off" signs, Same old grass, UGLY SKIN SORES. Zam-Buk Removes Them. It is just this season that pimples, blotches, sores, scrofulous ailments, and eruptions generally, make them- selves most felt. Zam-Buk will be found of wonderful use wherever there is skin eruption or deep-seated ulceration. Pimples, blotches, and irritating rashes on the face and other parts of the body indicate a disturb- ance of the functions of the skin. Im- pure matter, which the blood should discharge by means of the skin, is al- lowed to remain in tho pores, the pro- cess of "exhalation" is interrupted, and just where the bad matter collects, there pimple, ulcers and sores quickly appear, and the skin tissue suffers. To be complete, the treatment mutt be of two kinds. The sufferer may help to diminish the supply of impuri- ties by taking no rich, greasy and in- digestible fends; blit, to reprove the impurities themselves, the pores must be opened and the skin made healthier by the vigbrous application of Zam- i3uk, morning and night, and washing frequently with some pure soap. There is none better than the antisep- tic Zam-Buk Medicinal and Toilet Soap. Zatn•Buk balm stimulates the functions sof the skin by the penetra- tion of its refined herbal essences, and thus reaches the root of the disease. Mr. Arthur B. Griffin, of 191 Bicton St., B. Hamilton, says :•--"I wa's great- ly troubled With pimples and blotches breaking out on ray face. I tried a mmnber of remedies, and also specially dieted, yet the pimples. and biotehes remained. Acting on the suggestion of a friend, I began using Za.m-T3uk, and was touch pleased to And an im- provement after several applications The itching was alleviated, and the inflammation seemed less. As I eon tinned the Zant•Buk treatment, the pimples and blotches became less sore, the itching was exited altogether, and inflamnt anon banished. In the Cotrr pct of a short time eery blotch and pins pie wag removed." Zam-Buk Is also a sire cure for cuts, laceration, burns, eczema, ring -worth. poisoned wounds, festering sores, bad leg, and all skin injuries and diseases. It is also a cure for piles. Druggists and stores everywhere. sell fit 50e a hot, or post-free from Zatn-Buk Co. Toronto, on receipt of price. Easter Jewelry Showing IS SURE TO PLEASE YOU, THE DESIGNS ARE UNIQUE. THE PRICES ARE MODERATE. Rings Brooches Tie Pins Hat Pins Beauty Pins Neck Chains Crosses Cuff Links Sterling Silver Spoons Appropriate Easter Gifts as low in price as twenty-five cents. CALL IN AND SEE THEM Sign of the Red Elephant • GEMENT! We have just received a car load of Fresh Cement, and now is the time to buy, while it is cheap. ROOFING! We sell all kinds of Metal Roofing for house or barn. We also carry in stock the well-known reliable PAROID ROOFING which makes a splendid covering for stables, woodsheds, barns, etc. It is very lasting and much cheaper than the shingles. DOES YOUR OLD FELT ROOF LEAK ? If so, buy some of our Cement Paint. It is cheap, easy put on, and is a sure cure for leaky roofs. READY MIXED PAINTS. The reliable Old Elephant Brand. It looks well, covers well, and lasts well. It is cheaper than some of the other makes, but that does not say that it is not as good. Try it. We guarantee every can to be right, or money refunded. Goods delivered promptly. - - phone 16. J. 6. STE'A:!T C THE CENTRAL HARDWARE STORE . .: awri�t,,•}r«:x:.'t�:it>:y�Mi•w.a`.fr?ik:M'4. Q..r:Siti, 7t's:?,:.Y.4%::h3:r,�.::1 ,2..^,.i;.:si,:.i;�4h.'��i' W`• f /1 .'w: itj� .:;ice: isK'��': �r:ia 5,''.`'.24a•��'-:ai:.. �;°`'?::L.?.• J�`oY..rR.'i•�`.it'a:i nd l.Ji,•..L'3.t'_`-i) i�`Y'�F. itt X;"`o. ;i b . `is -r nEVELV ST€ RE Has been gutted by fire, and his stock of Silverware and Jewelry mostly ruined. Customers having Watches and Jewelry in for repairs need not be alarmed, as they are quite safe in our vault. Those indebted to us will please call and settle at. once, as we have lost heavily and need money. We will be open for business in a few days,. as soon as repairs are made in the store. Wait For argains e'J'°ba'n,.#y;;� i..t•.�.r'•i '�„';+�,.Y Py{ik,. Little Boy Saved Roof. To climb up into his father's great barn during the big storm of last week and secure with wire and chains the raftere to the pnrltne plates to keep the roof from. blowing away, was the heroic act of little George Turnerf .tltb line, Zorra. The young lad noticed that the wind was moving the roof and that it would be but a moment be- fore it would be gone, to the great loss of hie father, The boy's ingenious plan won out against the elements and the buildings escaped damage. A Close Call. To have the roof lifted from the barn they were in the act of leaving and to have it plunge directly down on them and to escape being crushed to death by only a hair's breadth, was the ex- perience.of Mr. W. A. Millings, a far- mer living on the Elora Road, near Guslph, and his two eons on Wednes- day night of last week. They were leaving the building at the time the storm was at its height, when the roof went up in the air with the force of the wind and landed with a crash just in front of them, A whole side was torn off the building and had Mr. Bil- lings and his sons taken a couple of more steps they would have been un- der the debris, He Died Of Kidney Disease. How often we hear of these sad cases. The back—pains and headache noticed, but not treated. Dizzy spells, frequent calls and languid condition appeared, but nothing was done till the disease was far advanced. Cure invariably results from Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They restore perfect health, de- stroy every symptom of diseased kid- neys, build up constitutions that defy further outbreaks. Because purely vegetable and free from injurious materials. No remedy equals Dr. Hamilton's Pills for kidney and liver complaint. Sold in 25c boxes by all dealers. Painful Accident. Mr. Freeman Moore, a young man employed by Mr. W. J. MacLeod, the well-known farmer of the ninth line of Zorra, met with a very painful acci- dent on the afternoon of April Ith, while he was assisting his employer in preparing some agricultural imple- ments for the spring work. The men were working at a spring tooth culti- vator, it seems, Some one pulled back a lever and it .appears this caused a part of the machine to strike Mr. Moore in the face. At any rate the man's nose was frightfully torn. One of the nostrils was ripped open and the nose was torn to a position danger- ously near the eye. The wound was very painful and bled freely. Mr. 'Moore was removed to Woodstock, where medical aid was secured. It is feared that he will bo disfigured for life. Pity This Poor Girl. Growing fast—yes, into weakness, but without strength. Tired of course she is—pale and thin too. She doesn't eat enough and digest far too little. This condition is so common, but how seldom noticed even by fond parents. Give her Ferrozone--then watch her appetite improve—see her cheeks and lips grow ruddy—watch her spirits rise. This gain is simply the result of eating and digesting enough, and thereby nourishing blood, brain and nerves. To a woman Ferrozone re- stores strength she has lost. To a girl it brings strength perhaps she never knew. You'll try Ferrozone, 500 at all dealers. The Slaughter Of Birds. The following froth an exchange shows how recklessly the birds aro being slaughtered in some places :—A man in San Antonio has just ordered five hundred hutnming birds from a game dealer in Mexico. These are to be served as a course in, a banquet. There has' never been found in the crop of a humming bird any food but what when alive injured the farmer. Every bird of beautiful plumage that is destroyed means one less mouthful that the farther can produce. This winter a trillion robins have been shot in the south for plumage and food. This spells agriculture murder for the north. The birds of Massachusetts are fast dying out. Like our forests they must be conserved. Foreigners who have recently come to our shores are especially unscrupulous in slaught- ering our bird life. The time must soon come when morn drastic laws will be enacted in the States forbid- ding the wearing .of feathers. Our birds alive are far more valuable to us than their plumage when dead. Agriculture is of more account than ornament, We are coming to find out that birds aro our best citizens. They pipe for our joy and destroy our insect enemies. They stimulate our fancy and eat our slags. KINGSTON, ONT. Boy Run -Down And So I11 He Could Not Keep Anything On Bis Stomach. RESTORE1) TO "HEALTH BY VINOL. "For over a year my brother, James McClellan, was run down and very low from riethma and bronchial pueunton- la, His stomach was so weak ire could not keep medicine or food on it. A Mend brought Lim a bottle of Vinol and it helped hien right away, He has new tekeis four hottiee of Vinol and it has strengthened him and given hint a good appetite. I can recommend Vinod is a'splendid medicine." Isabella Uc- (lellan, 83 Division St. Kingston, Ont. Vinol is not a patent rtisclicinc--but a preparation composed of the medici- nal elements of cods' livers, combined with a tonic iron and wino. Vinol ereatos o. hearty appetite, tones up the organs of digestions and makes rich, red blood. In this natural manner, Vinolt r e strength for the ran - down, creates ats down, over-worked and debilitated, and for delicate children and old people, Foe chi onto coughs, culls and bronchitis Vinol is unexcelled. All such persons in this vicinity aro tre. ., to t asked to try Vivol o t offer our o 4uud their money if it fails to give sat- isfaction. Vitiol is sold in Wingham by J. Walton Meltibben, Druggist. New Spring Carpets, Rugs and Art Squares. Don't buy a Carpet simply because it looks good. Some very poor carpets are attractive in appearance and there is nothings to show whether they are all -wool or one-third. cotton. The best and surest way to get real quality is to ask for "Maple Leaf Ingrains" then you can be sure of all -wool, fast color and wearing quality. ty The new Spring patterns in all our lines are de- cidedly the most attractive we've ever shown. We handle only the reliable makes that we can absolutely guarantee. You run no risk with any carpet you buy here. RUGS.—We're showing a large stock of imported Rugs and Art Squares. Very pretty colorings in High-class Oriental -Mitosis and Axminsters. Also new designs and colorings in Brussels and Tapestry Squares. Prices range from $10'to $35—any price you want to pay. STAIR CARPET.—Several rolls of new Stair Carpet just received in different widths. See our leader at 50o. JAPAN MATTING. --Special value in Floor Matting ; 12 rolls to choose from. Ask to see our 20e line. LINOLEUMS.—New Block & Floral designs in Linoleum, two and four yards wide. All prices. OILCLOTHS.—A11 widths of new patterns in stock. 25 cents per square yard. LACE CURTAINS.—A very large display of pretty Cur- tains and Curtain Materials. New colorings in Madras and Art Muelins. Also spot and stripe ll�uslins. WINDOW POLES.—In oak and mahogany, with trim- mings to match. Complete for 25 cts, WINDOW SHADES.—The best quality always in stock. See our Lace trimmed Blind at 50c. HEAVY CURTAINS.—In Damask, • Chenille and Raw Silk. New Colorings and Patterns. Ask to see them. Prices range from $2,50 to $10.00. CARPET DEPARTMENT ON SECOND FLOOR. LINOLEUMS IN THE BASEMENT. Binder Twine Factory. The Walkerton Binder Twine fac- tory has been purchased for $10,000 by Mr, Connor. It will be opened again. New material is on the way, and rope will be manufactured also. The pur- chaser is a pratical man. Killed By Falling Tree. The body of Wtn. Grierson, a former resident of Brant Tp., was brought to Walkerton for interment on Wednes- day last, he having been killed in the lumber woods of British Colutnbia last week• by the premature falling of a tree, which he was cutting down, B" m I N D C 0 R NI �tA sir \Ye ;d • f�4 At breakfast with porridge ' `Crowd Brand Syrup" i5 delicic•t;s. Used with plain puddings or made up with pnatry, odd s.:raps of cake, etc., it males a delightful after dinner clesrert. At suprer it is just the thing to eat with bread and butter, toaq or biscuits, "CROWN 13RANI) SVR.IJP" is syiup'al: its best and in its most delicious and wholesome for tri. It is prc•ltareel iii a perfect manner from absolutely pure ingredients. It 143 far ahead of all other kinds in deliciousness of flavor and perfect wholesomeness— don't you think it's worth while insisting on "Crown Brand Syrup?" 'Voter dealer ltes it for yon in 2, 5, zo and 20 lb. air -tight tins ;� s with lift-off lids. Order some 1a 1-.. t. Cady 111,2 ',°t'e'tra b >lrg Starch Co. Limited 1 ),„ 1f iaa, `! I►. tAI3L1SI1` Ia) 1858. 1.0) Works t C AYtrrtgAt., Otit. °Gleet : b'to t rRm'i„ oRONio two sitmsrr "dada .ywi•r±s:aGM. 411;4" M1'.ea4.r, ,'vase