HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-04-22, Page 4,, wauMrkrmuywVuWWaOMI�nJr � IS IN OUR BLOUSE SALE., ,.. „., 111 Al .10 4 TIM WIN HAM ADVPA.NCE, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1909, ass 321 et ear The Pc�p1os Papular Store Wingham, Ont. —OF— F,, iSpecia ,, Dinner Sets Tea Sets • 4. Toilet Sets - AND ALL FANCY CHINA See Window for -China Tea Plates=25 . cts. a Dozen while they last. Produce Wanted. Malcolm's '- PHONE 54 PHONE . tri CENTRAL// i ST RATFORD. ONT. P With twenty-two years' experience ;• to its credit, this College is recognized as the greatest practical training school in western Ontario. 1 Three departmonts:— I COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. Our classes aro the largest, our courses most practical and our instructors ex- perienced. Our graduates are assisted to positions and succeed as none others. Enter now. Get our'freo catalogue.' ELLIOTT & IVMCLACHLAN O7 PAINCIPALb .. ,M.W `,/may /WM�s=1:1,3 BOINI� N BANK, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) - $3,976,000 Reserve o"oa aro i`g>- • $5,297,000 Total Assets, over $48,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Iuterest allowed on deposit and upwards. of $1.00 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Can- ada, the United States and Burope, D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Vatatone, Selioitar Protection and Sate IlYCStfdllt APIS OOYCSINtD IN The Endowment reticles •• The Dominion lite A sound, well maenad Canadian Life Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 1006- 4.7a r' CENT. WALT]iit x. ITAL1, Loci Agoiib -- wingticni. SETS THE PACE How do wo account for it? Well, simply that tho goods and trimmings are the very best, and they are made and finished tit the best and latest styles known to the best designers in Canada and New York. The prices at which they are offered has much to do with their rapid sale. Come ip, It will be a pleasure for us to show them and quote prices. NEW SPRING GOODS. New Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Lawns, and Trim- mings of every description are here in abundauce, and aro pleasing to our easterners in every particular, Please oome in and see one great display of new Curtains and Curtain materials of the very latest and best designs, Best Groceries, fresh and clean, always on hand. The best flavored, sweetest and cleanest Oatmeal, always in stook. Try a , package and you will always use it, HIGHEST PRIDES FOR TRADE, D.M.GO M. ON bttot' at ..v.ev.P —Prominent amongst the speakers at the big Laymen's convention held in Toronto was Sir Andrew Fraser, He has just returned from India, where he was Governor of Bengal, and it is interesting to hear what he has to say' of the unrest there. Ap- parently Sir Andrew does not think it is serious, The pauses of such unrest as exists, lie states to be there; First, the increase cost of the necessities of life, which have fallen heavily upon people of fixed income ; second, the displacement of labor arising from the introduction of machinery ; and, third, the agitation on the part of the educated classes, who are but a very small minority of the population, for a larger share in executive govern- ment, The natives hold many im- portant positions, the next man in of- fice to Sir Andrew himself having been a native. Legislative councils, with large native representation, have been granted the different pi evinces, but thus far no native has been ap- pointed on the executive of the Vice- roy. This, however, will doubtless come in time, Britain's policy being to extend the privileges of the people as rapidly as possible, and meantime to alleviate industrial conditions in every way possible. .E.SPIMI;a_.,,,. .�:.- King's For Bargains I We Want Your Trade Su Gloves We've just put into stock a fine ratge of and tAt Gloves in the leading shades in Lisle and Kid, and in long and short lengths. Beltsand Fancy Beltings, Frillingd, Fancy Linen and Wash Collars, &e., in abundance. Waists The nicest range of White Waists ever shown in Wingham. Popular prices. Come and see them. Ladies' Jackets The newest designs and exquisite fit of U Jackets these garments, along with the quality of the material, make this line second to none. Dross Goods Our Stronghold. Particular attention is paid to this department, and you will always find our stock in every way complete. Come in and see the new lines in plain and fancy . weaves. JAP SOIE—The nicest Underskirting on the market, and at the same price as inferior goods. 25o WANTED.—Large quantities Butter, Beans, Feathers, &o. Highest Prices—Cash or Trade. EGGS, 180. E 000d Goods Y Cheap Prices CANADA'S DEBT INCREASED. Wihes Forty -Seven lViillions Ottawa, .April 11.—The official state• meat for the flscal year, published in the Canada Gazette, is limited to re- ceipts and payments which have pass- ed through the books of the Finance Department.. As a rule it is three months after the close of the year be - fora all the outstanding claims aro adjusted. The statement shows an increase in the public debt of nearly forty-seven million dollars. Official figures show the tot4revenues of the. year ending March 31 to have been $83,100,5x5, as cpm sil•ed with ' $94,705,98., for the pre- p ceeding year, a decrease of about elev- en and a half million dollars. The ex- penditures, ou the other hand, have increased. They are : (1) Ourrent ex- penditures, $71,535,700 (an increase of $6,500,00) ; capital expenditure $41,524- 420 (an increase of $1.3,400,000) While the gross excess of expenditure over income for the year is about $30,000,- 000, the public debt has increased by a larger amount. This difference is, in part, accounted for by the formal as- sumption of the $0,000,000 loss from the Quebec bridge fiasco. Interest on the debt and charges for now loans, and refunding of old loans, make up a coneideraale portion of the remainder. —A. curious incident occurred in the Commons recently. One of the poli- tical conditions which obtain in the West is the existence of a swarm of small newspapers printed in the ver- nacular of the several continental European nations which are attaining such formidable numerical strength in the West ; these newspapers are very largely supported by the Dominion Government; and they are Liberal in politics ; the public money is used to keep up these electioneering ageneies, Mr. Bradbury some time ago asked for a return of the moneys paid since 1897 to one of these, an Icelandic weekly published at Winnipeg, called The Loberg. The return came down with a statement that the only moneys paid had been $541 paid by the Public Works department; a note was ap• pended saying that the other Depart- ments reported "nil." The facts are that the Auditor General's report shows that last year alone this news- paper drew about $4,700; and the total payments to this weekly since 1897 are in excess of $25,000. Mr. Bradbury brought the matter up in the House, and the Government, with some agita- tion, promised a corrected return, which came clown early in the even- ing. The exact payments were $25,604. How To Remove Warts. It's really a simple matter to remove warts and callouses if you apply Put- nam's Corn and Wart Extractor. Cure is certain, failure impossible—if you use "Putnam's." ..area. _ sCI. oc i..9 srAvra ,..z-cr-•., . _ mmr.,,o.Q t.....---- vrammeawavimtams- fo ea 01 ea ae 00 1 Q 0000 8 8068 Head Office, Hamilton. "Speculation" Vs. 66 Investrnent " It must appeal to the° sound common sense of every think- ing Ivan or woman, that the return from an investment is in almost direct ratio to the risk. Stock speculation, mining, and other similar ventures promise big returns, and involve big risk. Savings deposits pay small dividends in interest—but they pay it. Safe, sure, certain -- at regular intervals your interest is paid in cash ; and, your money is still there, to be given back to you at once, when required. It is this comfortable feeling of security that has induced many shrewd investors to forego the attraction of large profits on their money, offered by other forms of investment, and caused them to keep •substantial sums on deposit in a chartered Babk where the Dividend is sure ; paid every six months ; and the principal available whenever required. ' THE BANK OF HAMILTON invites investment de- posits, and is prepared to receive them on most favorable terms. °BA C. P. SMITH, Agent Wingham f bt .. ... .. •.E.+r,.rr.+.e+.5�j b," Nir,r�v. s�wA`�Yw.i.tr rr - ...:..... y .-�..-�,m.w,1ovvev en+rnr • .e ya..«.s.wrr,�nw,a•,..L /NV, •n.:�.,.,•s,m.s.euw.sa•r fi �.Rf*:,ewrsMr. 1, ytre0d rrmhptfr•Mww s.•lfY,Y.AY„1.4,„ �+,IOVVI V ..PMk4,44, ,�istiVeyfallkn.eye wA�. tt�a.,.r.,rw.wt.,..,rr,s+.rr,•-*...r.e+u.rti.maawi,,,,,a.w.:a.,,+4.044a-.i,s.r.+..i.e.1.1.i•.r+wM....i..•,.uita..::=l •AIOSw.,,,Y.b...1MP'.f1✓ tie •.S.ttf.a.p.,.br..nVe.x.,Y1; d!.M}..1PM•..•h,1W.ni^.MwbmOY.n• i..1VVV,.,A's1... PROVINCIAL FUNDS, HOW OB- TAINED AND I#OW SPENT. Licenses $577,771. Litigation of constitutional ques- tions cost $13,707, The Hydro -Electric Power Commis- sion cost $52,139.48. Wolf bounties necessitated the dis- tribution of $18,809. Deportation of undesirable immi- grants cost $2,288.90. There were only five estreated bail bonds, totalling $1,111,84. To date the sum of $13,082,764,55 has been spent on the T. & N. 0. Automobile licenses and renewals brought in exactly $10,007,75. From the Central Prison industries there was a revenue of $59,350. Over 500 veterans exchanged their land grants for $50 in real money. The expenditure increased from $7,- 634,461 in 1007, to $8,557,064 last of all kinds brougbt in Tees Ware# . A, stone thrown with more force than pvecibion of trite, at a dog, Mon- day night, made a hole in one of the large plata glees windows in the .runt Of Geo. G, Col.vin's boot and shoe store. It will Bost soutobody about $35,00, J. J. Stephens, Esq , returned last week from Hamilton vs here ho under- went a second operation on his eye This one appears to have been entirely successful as he is again able to read and to attend to the businese of his office,. Mr, Jos, Murray, 12th con,•, Culrose, had the misfortune, Tuesday mot ning of last week, to have bis house and most of his furniture dtatroyed by bre, Mr. Murray, a short time ego, moved onto a farm belonging to Mr. Wesley A. Smith, which be has rent- ed, and it was the house on this farm that was destroyed, The members of Knox Church choir, as until recently organized, took ore casion Tuesday evening to express their appreciation of the services of the late leader, Mr, John Skilling, This they did by gathering at his home on Elizabeth St., and presented hire with a handsome Morris chair and a complimentary address. To Cure Sniffling Colds. The easiest and pleasantest cure is "Catarrhozone" which fills the nose, throat and lungs with beating balsams and pine essences that kill a cold. in- stantly. You experience a pleasant sensation of relief at. one. Sorenese, congestion and irritation leave the nose and throat, the head is cleared and every trace of cold or catarrh is cured. Catarrhozone is so KIPP, so pleasant, such a safe remedy for win- ter ills that you can't afford to do without it. Sold by all dealers. 25c and $1. Get Catarrhozone to -day. year. Sundry investigations were not so numerous last year, and only cost $3,878. The aggregate turn -over during the year including everything, was $14,- 082,504. Under the supplementary revenue act $72,999 was handed"back to the municipalities. The neglected children's branch cot t $0,550 for salaries and $2,095 for con- tingencies. The election expenses amounted to $119,501.86, a little over an average of $1,000 a seat. All the departments get newspapers and periodicals' costing from $20 to $93 per year. The T. & N. 0. contributed $350,- 000 to the cash side of the ledger, an increase of $113,010, "Sundry persons," of admirablehon- esty paid the library the neat sum of $2.84 for lost books. The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board in salaries cost $19,500 and in. contingencies $3,082,23. Enforcement of the Liquor License Act cost $24,551, of which $18,320 was paid to special detectives. The Supplementary Revenue Act, which means the taxes on the railways and other corporations, brought in $695,482. The biggest revenue-producing sour- ces are:—Grown lands, $2,480,429; Do- minion subsidy, $2,128,772; succession duties, $1,134,898. To govern this fair Province cost $518,823 for parliament buildings' ex- penses, $230,788 for the session of the Legislature, and $54,000 for Ministers' salaries. The department of lands, forests and mines spent $2,470.94 in newspap- er advertising, the Mail -Empire figur- ing first, for $875, and the Globe next with $225. 'Hon. Dr. Pyne and Ion, 'W. 'J. Hanna are the "biggest spenders," the former spending $1,561,507 on educa- tion and the latter $1,026,823 on asy- lums, prisons, hospitals, etc. The only indirect liabilities of the province now are Niagara Falls Park bonds to the extent of $700,000, and Canadian Northern Railway guaran- tees to the extent of $7,860,000. The claim blade by the postmaster at Ridgetown that he was the oldest postmaster in Canada, when ho was 00 last month, has stirred up Walkerton, whose Postmaster, Mr. MacLean, is nearly 01, and who has been nearly 60 years in that capacity. floes Your Side Ache ? When the first syniptoms appear rub with Nerviline, rub it in deeply.It penetrates to the muscles and chords that are sore—takes away stiff- ness•—removes ail strain and infiamt maim. If the condition is chronic put a Nerviline Porous Plaster on the affected spot. This draws out any virtts or neuralgic irritation, restores the tissue to their wonted healthiness, permanently cures any weakness or tendency to pain, Nerviline Plasters absorb tall the deleterious secretions through the relaxed pores and cher, used along With Nerviline itself, every mudeular pain or Robe must goo 1. kItze at Means good tines, The farmer pays for all. Whoa he is prospororta, All other businesses are beneated.. The winter is nearly over. Spring ie close at hand. You have decided to move to Wingham. There are practically no empty houses. It will pay you to buy one, Wo have studied the situation. . Prices are pertain to advance Within the .next few months. Cull and see us, We can convince you. We have the proofs. Also a good list of desirable properties, Either iu or treat town, At right prices. 10000000000000000000Ov0O€a ' 3 4a / e 0 0 8 0 0 'Headquarters �'. For 0e. p Boys' Clothing o.........._____4, eo 1 Spen€dsd. Asso tment i! ei to E) Special Prices f0, This Week 4 e; q e e' • Eggs taken at trade prices 0 e 84. s e e 1 ri,1 0 CiiiobelI i r OMMO.0E300000000000 :` Money to loan on farms at low- est rates. Ritchie Of, Coma REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - WINGHAM Plumbing and Heating Is no experiment with us— let us figure on your work. A fine Stock of .,amps Handsome Lamps at very reasonable prices. $e sure you see thein. n W. J. BflYCE Stone Block Winglae►m toorroiracrtuagrisairantstsmilowErourracitsectat ,Agents Ladies' home Journal 1 Agents Homo Journal Patterns Bargains In House Furnishings. A gnantity of Roller Win- dow Shades, regular 50e—on sale this month at 300 each, complete. Window Shades, all styles, at close prices. .A. quantity of White Cot- tage Curtain Rode, regular price 15e ; we're offering just now at 10c each. Brass Extension Rods. Regular 60e rod for 440 "` 20c " " 14c " 15c " " 100 Buy early and get your share of the bargains. Oak and Mahogany finished Curtain Poles. Carpets, Carpet Squares, Rep, Matting, Linoleum, Oilcloth, Stair Oilcloth, and Stair Carpet. Splendid values in Cur- tains—Chenille, Damask and Lace Curtains. Another Sa`.;irday Bargain 40 Plaiu Glass x gallon Pit- chers, regular price 35e each, ou sale Saturday only 190. About half price for one day only. House Cleaning Made Easy. Buy lite best cleansers you can to make your work light. Try the goods we advertise. Kleozine washing powder loo Ammonia " 5 to 10c Bon A mi, the modern clean- er, 2 for 25c Naptha Powder, per plcg... Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 for 25.; Sapolio, for cleaning and pol- i',hing, per pkg 100 Monkey Brand Soap Se Liquid Ammonia, largo bot- tle, each 10c Royal Chloride of Lime..100 Po ordered Borax 50 Life Buoy Disinfectant Soap, per cake 5c • Brushes, Brooms, Daubers, Soap, Soap Chips and Lye. Barden And Field Seeds. We aro Headquarters for Seeds. May's Seeds, 15 pkgs for 25e Rennie's " 10 " " 25e Ferry's " G " " 25c Field Corn, tl.e beet v.:rietiea, New Seed Putatocs, the beet on the market. Very early. Giant Intermediate Mengel. Mammoth Long Red " Giant Imperial Sogar Beet. Where you get Good Value for every Dollar you spend rens :.:00 S, A full stock of New Spring Suitings, in Satin Cloths, Broadcloths, Voiles and Panamas. We would like you to compare our Voiles at 5o cents and $1 oo with others in town. SiJks, The new Pailette Silks, in all shades, at 75 cents per yard. Two Pieces only Black Taffeta Silk, guaran- teed,' at 75 cts, per yard—(a world-beater). Our Black Chiffon Taffeta at 50 cents per yard is a beauty. Gingharns, Anderson Zephyr Ginghams in all the newest designs, it special prices. Also a fine range of Linen Suitings and Vestings. Our values in these lines cannot be surpassed. Seeing is conviction. PTIONE