HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-04-15, Page 5THE W INGITA1 ADVANCE, THURSDAY, APRIL 1.5 , 1909, Mc!ntosh's s Easter Jewelry Showing IS SURE TO PLEASE YOU. THE DESIGNS ARE UNIQUE. • THE PRICES ARE MODERATE. Rings Brooches Tie Pins flat Pins Beauty Pins Neck Chains Crosses - Cuff Links Sterling Silver Spoons Appropriate Easter Gifts as low in price as twenty-five cents. CALL IN AND SEE THEM Sign of the Red Elephant READ ABOUT IT THINK ABOUT IT 100 Per Cent. Pure. Martrn-Senour House Paints. There are many brands of Paint on the market, but there is only ONE brand sold under guarantee (subject to chemical analysis) to be 100 Per Cent. Pare .... .••• •.•. Senour's Floor Paints 16% Floor Varnish. Dries hard with a beautiful gloss in one night. TALK ABOUT IT USE IT Richardson & PHON$ 27 Rae PHONE 27 ;s st 0 Population Decreasing. In Elderslie township last year 2,600 acres of land changed hands, at $117,- 000, or an average of $15 per ease. Not only is the population changing, but it is decreasing, and is 100 less than in 1907. There are 53450 acres in the township, and the population is 1850. Church Closed. • The Presbyterian Church at Dun- keld will soon be closed up. For some- time past, Dunkeld and 'Pinker ton have been united, but at the last meeting of the Presbytery, it was de- cided to close up Dunkeld, and to unite Cargill and Pinkerton. The Dunkeld church was once a strong congre- gation, but death and removals have reduced it to almost the vanishing point. This kind of thing is going on all over Ontario, and soon the country place of worship will be a thing of the past. And when church union takes place, as it no doubt will within a very few years, the number of discarded churches will be legion, Fine Stock. Tho Mildmay Gazette reports a suc- cessful sale of Shorthorns at Moses Bilger's recently. The cattle averaged $100 each, although one magnificent cow sold at $181 50 to Mr. John Wat- ters of Howick, who was also the purchaser of another cow and a calf. Mr. Watters thus becomes the pos- sessor of three of the best quality shorthorns in the Province of Ontario. The grade cattle sold at big prices, while hens reached 72.3 each. Tall Clerygmen. The Hillsburg Beaver says :-"The resident clergy of Hillsburg, though not the largest men in this communi- ty, can justly l ty claim to being among the longest. Rev. R. S. Scott, pastor of St. Audrew'e, is 6 feet, 3; inches; Rev. W. G. Charlton, pastor of''the Christian Church, 6 feet, 2!, inches; Rev. M. E. Siple, pastor of the Baptist church, 6 feet It inches. Pro- videntially, they do not usually model their sermons on themselves." /HEN you order Syrup emphasize the name "CROWN BRAND" for this name meads that you want the best -the purest -- the Most wholesome and reliatle table syrup it is possible to produce. So perfect and genuinely deli- Cions rs "Crown Brand Syrup+, that you'll enjoy its flavor about ten tir::e,a more than that of any other snake, It costs yon no more than ordi- nary syrup an I yet it is purer, better, and more wholesome in every way, It is the greatest food for growing children, end can be given in any quantity "Crown Brand Syrup" is put u•, in 2, 3, to end 20 lb. air -tight tins, with lift-oif lids. When you buy "Crown Brand„ sem obtain a Syrup SS clear crystal and of guarantied purity and wholesomeness. The Edwardsburg Stareb Cow r,t StttSL, ESTABLISHED 1858. R'arYe c effete: 4 e 6`ARZINAt, tui. EDR%REAt, teltNtO sn0 IRARtTDRb. -...... - PLANT- LICE.-. A Prize Formula For Freelne Vegeta, tion of the Pests. A government report states that the Practical Counselor For Fruit anti. Gar- den Culture of Frankfort recently of- fered a prize for the besttmethod of destroying plant lice, for which fifty- eight iftyDight persons competed. The prize was awarded to the author of the follow- lug preparation; • Quassia wood, two and one-half pounds, to be soaked over night in ten quarts of water and well boiled, then strained through a cloth and placed, with 100 quarts of water, in a petroleum barrel, with Ave pounds of soft soap. The mixture is then, ready for sprinkling on plants infested with lice. Leaves, even those of peach trees, will not be Injured in the least by the solution, which can bo kept covered in the barrel from spring to fallwithout deterioration. As soon as Tice appear the leaves should bo sprinkled with the solution. If this is repeated several times the pests will • disappear, Culture of Tobacco: The application of shade and semi - shade to tobacco plants has worked considerable of a revolution in this Important crop. In Connecticut by the use of expensive shading methods it has been possible to greatly change the character of the crop, while in other sections by simpler methods of natural shading important modifications in type are attained. The department of agriculture reports a simple corn -to- bacco planting experiment at the Ken. tucky experiment station, covering a Period of three years, where the tobac- co was planted between rows of corn. The tobacco was of a finer texture and brought a higher price. Most soils which have been cropped to tobacco for any length of time are deficient in vegetable matter, At the same time commercial fertilizers are necessary in the production of such a highly spe- cialized crop as tobacco, but it is only COOLY HYBRID TOBACCO. by the incorporation with the soil year efter year of a considerable amount of vegetable tnatter that its proper phys, teal condition can be maintained and improved. An ideal tobacco soil will produce heavy yields of almost any crop. Such a soil is stated by George T. McNeiss, tobacco expert of the de- partment of agriculture, as one "of good depth, mellowness and water holding capacity, and in order to pos- sess these a soil must contain a con- siderable quantity of decayed vege- table matter." Without these basic conditions it is not to be expected that full benefit to tobacco or any other crop cam be derived in this way. An Expert Farmer. An exchange says a young man asks, "What would you advise a young man raised on a fnrtn who cannot stand the dust of haying and thrashing and is most too light to do heavy farm work to do?" Gardening, floriculture, poultry rais- ing. civil engineering -all are good. If he is built for an expert, there are land- scape gardening, inside decorating and a number of other good occupations open to him. a. The young- man who is built for an expert -that is, one who is naturally bright, ,careful and painstaking -will succeed in 'any of the above or in al- most any other occupation. He will have to team the business he selects. IIe cameot learn any of them from a "correspondence school." He needs a practical instructor who can show him, and the way to become ten expert is to begin at the bottom and work up, thor- oughly learning all the details as one goes along. The expert is always in demand, and he commands the top wagas. Whatever vocation a young man goes into, be should be thorough as he goes along, always keeping his eyes open for better ways of doing the, work he bas in hand. All vocations are crowd- ed with ordinary workers, but there's still lots of room in the upper ranks. The Vine Blight. Several inquiries from New England were recently received at the depart- ment of agriculture asking for reme- dies to prevent or euro the blight that destroys cucumber, melon and squash vines and referring to the well known disease very prevalent in America of late years and which causes appar- ently vigorous vines to suddenly with- er and die within a few days from the beginning of the attack. According to' Dr. B. T. Galloway of the bureau of plant industry, the blight Is prevalent all along the Pacific coast. The germs of the blight aro carried by an insect. Efe recommends that the vines should make a steady rather than a rapid growth and should be planted on ground containing a large amount of organic matter, adding also nitrogen In the form of nitrate of soda. Spray- ing the plants with paris greet 'and bordeaux mixture such as is used for potatoes kills the insect which carries the blight and prevents its puncturing the leaves and admitting tho fungus of the disease. As a means Of preven- tion it is recommended that the crops be grown on fresh ground each year. Cure For Sick Women. When trains gather around the hips and lodge in the srnall of the back, when to stoop or bend seems impos- sible, wheti dizzy spells and bearing down paints are ever present, that's the time to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Irregularities disappear, vital energy is restored, back trouble is forgotten. The ailing sick woman gains strength, improves itt looks, inetc'eases in spirit by using Dr. Hamilton't4 Pillss+. They cure the conditions that rob her of health and vigor. No medioiae so helpful as Dr. liar atlton's Pille. trio at all dealers, Need Vinol because contains the very. elements needed to re- build wast n.gi tissues and replace weak mail strength, It form titles the system *dust colds, and thus prevents pneumonia. This is beeause.Vinol contains Iron and all of the medicinal body-build- ing elements of Cod Laver 011, taken from fresh cods' livers -- but no oil. Vinol is nota patent medicine. Every- th1Bg it contains is named on bottle. • POOR BLOOD Elderly people feel the cold lceenly, because their blood Is thin, sluggish and watery. Vinol is the ideal blood tonic and strength maker. It creates a hearty appetite,promotes diges- tion, purifies and enriches the blood and invigorates the entire body. 76 YEARS OLD The grand -niece of Alexander Hamilton says: -- "1 ansa 76 years old, have a hearty appe- tite, sleep soundly, and feel active and -well. Thanks to Vinol, which is the finest tonic and strength creator 1 ever used. Vinol is a God send to old peo- ple." COUGHS AND COLDS Elderly people are very suscep- tible to coughs and colds, which so often develop pneu- monia. Don't lose time exper- imenting with other remedies wisen we guarantee Vinol to entre. Vinol has carried many an old person through a Lard winter without a cold or cough. 60 YEARS OLD "1 was so feeble 1 had to be wheeled about in an invalid's chair, and took cold at the slightest cause. Vinol built up my ,strength so 1 could walk a quarter o3 a mile. 11 am de- lighted." - MRS. M. BLOOM, Lewistown, &'a. VINOL QUICKLY CURES A COLD AND STOPS A COUGH VOUR MONEY BACK IF VINOL FAILS TO HELP YOU J. Walton McKibbon - Druggist'. - Wingham Yon can get Vinol at the Leading Drug Store in every Town Railway By-law. A by-law is being submitted to the electors of the township of Usborne for the purpose of granting aid to -the extent of $20,000 to the St. Marys & Western Ontario Railway. The railway is to run from St. Marys via Exeter to Sarnia or some other point on the St. Clair or Lake Huron. Wonderful Old Woman. Mrs. Holman is a wonderful woman. She Iives with a son near Monktor, and although she is nearing he? 103rd birthday her faculties are bright and her health was never better. Her memory is wonderful and she relates with interest events that occurred ninety years ago. The most extra- ordinary thing about her is, that some time ago she cut three new teeth, and they will soon be full grown. WHY SUFFER? Breathe Hyomei and Kill the Loath- some Catarrh Germs. Just as long as you have catarrh your nose will itch, your breath will be foul, yon will hawk and spit and you will do other disgusting things be- cause you can't help yourself. The germs of catarrh have got you in their power ; they are continually and per- sistently digging into and iri itating the mucous membrane of your nose and throat. They are now making your life miserable ; in time they 'will sap your entire system of its energy, its strength, its vigor and vitality. But there is one remedy that will kill the germs and cure catarrh, and that is Ilyomei, the Australian dry air treatment. Joseph Dural, of Woodstock Street, Tavitteo'k, Ont., says "Oat_irrh had given me all kinds of suffering for a long time. There was a swelling of the glands tinder the eyes and adjacent to my nose and the discharges would drop into my throat, I used several reme- dies but never got the relief that I did from Booth's lllyomei. I have been so pleased with Ilyomei results that I highly recommend its use to catarrh sufferers." W. J. McKibben, the druggist, will guarantee Ilyomei to cure catarrh or money back. Don't delay this pleas- ant antiseptic treatment, Breathe in Ilyomei and kill the germs. W. J. McKibbon will sell you a com- plete Ilyomei Outfit, including inhaler, for only $1.00. It is also guaranteed to cure bronchitis, Asthma, coughs, colds, hay fever and croup. Record For Widows. The Fergus News -Record says :- Fergus has a record for widows and spinsters, but there is one house here in which at present there is residing all in good health, three widows, three grandtnothers, one grandfather, and one great grandfather. Can any town in America beat this? MAKES ASTONISHING CURES. Mi-o-na Tablets Cure Dyspepsia by Promptly Removing the Cause, or Money Back, There is just one way to cure dyspep- sia and stomach disorders, trivial or serious and that is to tone up or put energy into the stomach walls, so that they will be able to properly mix or chtirn the food. Mi o-na tablets quickly arouse the stomach from its inaction and in a short time it is able to do its work o +era ptHarry Dodd of Bridge Street, Hast- ings, Ont., says: "For seven years I had suffered and spent much money doctoring, but all to no avail. I could eat but very little, as the food would ferment and sour, making gas, which caused serious heart oppression. I was in constant misery, sour gas would belch from my stomach, I was languid and weak and had no ambition. I did not feel like going anywhere or seeing anyone. There was a constant dull pain in the pit of my stomach. I was unable to sleep, was nervous, restless and would awake more tired than on going to bed. I tried Mi-o-na and soon found relief, and in less than six weeks Mi-o-na had completely cured me," Walton McKibben, the druggist, sells Mi -o -n -a tablets at 50 cents a large box, under' a rigid guarantee to do all that it is claimed for them or money back, Captured Ten Foxes. Hall Rutledge and John Woods of Goderich Tp. noticed a fox crossing a field, and tracing it to its lair they commenced to dig it out, with the re- sult that they came on a nest of nine cubs, and with a little effort they suc- ceeded in lassoojng the mother: They brought the nest and darn into Gode- rich, and sold the outfit, where it was on view at 0. C. Lee's store. The cap- ture was one of some value, for if pro- perly raised the pelts will be worth several dollars each. Innuminimminniernevanleammeser SEEDS FREE A package of seed of the D. & I1. Colossal White Sugar Beet will be given you free if you write for our handsome new 1909 Catalogue. This beet grows to an iunnense size, is easily har- vested, and yields 1,500 to 2,000 bushels to the acre in ordinary soil. Makes cows yield more milk. fattens hogs quieker. If preferred we will send you a package of our Russian Giant Let- tuce or Ostriteh Feather Aster seed instead of the sugar beet seed, Write to -clay and Mono your choke, also Mention nhntie of this paper. batch & fluter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont. Teeswater. Dr. Duncan McKenzie of Chicago is spending the week with his parents on the 4th line of Culross, I'1r. C. S. Ewing, late partner of Mr. R. Mann, has bought a, grocery busi-, tress in poderich and will be taking possession May let.. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Macpherson (C. P, R. expressman) and family moved last week to Toronto. As stated some time ago, Mr. Macpherson has taken the express run between Toronto and Windsor, with headquarters at To- ronto. The Teeswater Agricultural Society has decided to offer $50 in prizes in a fall wheat competition. There will bo five prizes given as follows ;-$15, $12, $10, $8, $5. Plots entered for compe- tition must ta-five acres in extent and within fifteen miles of Teeswater. Folianut r. --Frank Armstrong, aged about 20, has been found guilty of for- gery and sentenced to Kingston peni- tentiary. He came from Toronto to Teeswater about two years ago, and has been working around since. A few weeks ago he went to work for Wrn. Cronin of Culross. On Wednes- day, March 31st, he made out a cheque for $300 and forged the name of Wm. Cronin to it. He obtained the money from the Bank of Hamilton, repre- senting that it was his year's wages. He then went on a big drunk, and while unconscious, was being put in a place of safety, when a large sum of money was discovered on his person. Enquiry was made and the forgery was discovered. The Bank manager, Mr. A. M. Robinson, drove out to Mr. Cronin's, who said he had signed no cheque. Armstrong was arrested be- fore he had sobered up, was taken to Walkerton and summarily tried by Judge Barrett. Armstrong- pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years in Kingston penitentiary. Is Your Throat Husky ? This is the first step towards Catar- rh, Everything depends on your remedy. A cough mixture slips quick- ly over the weak spots, drops into the stomach and does little but harm digestion, It's altogether different with Catarrhozone-it cures because it gets right at the trouble. You in- hale Catarrhozone, breathe in the vapor of healing balsams that strengthen and restore throat tissues. You'll not have colds, or coughs. Throat trouble and catarrh will disap- pear with the use of Catarrhozone. At all dealers 25e and $1. Get it to- day. Money In Ice. Two hundred and ten carloads of ice were shipped from Mildmay this win- ter. The Gazette says -Mr. Gerd, n of Stratford, who had the contract of shipping the ice is a great manager, and it is reported that his profits here amounted to about $75 a day. He paid out a large amount m wages to his employees. - i iia dust received, a ship, Bargain in Waists NET 'Gt1411,S in T n and Cream shades - very pretty styles, Good value at four to five dollar's each. Having bought a quantity at a, 0 U T29 C PRICE, we put them on sale at.. .,., .7J SEE SOUTH WINDQW •,' ISARD'S Ladies' New springy Coats AND Skirts We invite your inspection of NEW SPRING GOODS and SKIRTS. WEAR GARMENTS lead in STYLE, QUALITY. Not one cent too much coats, every price is the LOWEST. INTRINSIC MERIT of our goods PROFIT METHOD to bring us trade our large range of Our READY -TO - FIT, FINISH and is asked for these We rely on the and our SMALL Pay as much ' as you wish -you cannot get any BETTER VALUES than these. NO. 355 -Ladies' Spring -Cleat, tight fitting, fly front, Fawn • Covert Cloth, tailor made, a very stylish coat -our price.... $5.00 NO. 307 -Single Breasted Covert Coat, tailor made in every particular, buttons on the back, stitched cuffs ; length 26 inches -a bargain $6.00 NO. 342 -Ladies' Covert Cloth Coat, tailor made, fly front, two breast pockets, :deo two lower pockets, turn back Duffs. This is a very effective garment, length 28 inches, -special price $8.00 NO. 853 -Ladies' Spring Mantles, semi -fitting, fly front. This garment has pleat and strapping on each side, and down front and back, fancy tabs on back, made in lengths 26 and 30 inches -our price $10.00 NO. 337 -Double Breasted Coat, black only, trimmed with self strapping and satin folds, a very pretty spring coat -our trate ... $9.00 . You will always find us with the most desirable Goods at Moderate Prices. H. ® J"� �r : x.A !i ,..la.,,.SIM,,,Sastwociaaa.;�w �..r munpreatnisewriammlimmsald Head Office, Hamilton. The following information may interest those desir- ous of opening a Savings Bank Account for the first time. 1. An account may be opened with the deposit of a single Dollar ; and while you may deposit as much more as you wish, an opening deposit of One Dollar is sufficient. 2. Further deposits of any sum-Oae Dollar or more -may be made at any time, either regularly or irregularly, as money is available. 3. Remittances may be made from amount on deposit, to relatives or friends abroad ; and the BANK OF HA.MILTON will make such remittances for you whenever desired. 4. Money may be withdrawn in person from Savings Accounts, whenever desired -either in whole or in part. 5. Savings Accounts may be opened with TIIE BANK OF HAMILTON by one person in trust for another. Parents may open accounts for their children, such accounts being subject to withdrawal only upon the signature of the parent. 6. Accounts ma.y be opened, and deposits made, by minors or married women in their own names, and fully under their own control, repayable to them on their order, without regard to parent, guardian or husband. 7. Accounts may be opened, payable to either of two (husband and wife for instance) or more persons, or the survivor. 8. All dealings between the BANK OF HAMILTON and its depositors aro strictly confidential, and no information -not even the existance of an account -is given to any person. Your Savings Account is invited by TAIL BANK OF HAMILTON, and any additional information that may be desired eau bo obtained by a sim- ple enquiry for the Manager. C. P, SMITH, Agent - • Wingham ...««:., .+w.r..r�...a.e,,. . .rie**Y0.N.w..,w.ew,N..,ew.r +w.,weft wk wwft.,x. MMrw •.1 ..i+.wil.w„+ i.1. i..r w.... -...ti_._. - .,,.eriw+.ii. x"�ICYrrllesentrfl nra• !rr__w�Y. c.-•r•x_'XM10 , a M-Vitt4.n0S .1.+n.l, .a *.).* . r>w..bslar w.. ».'.-,WS.,St,trte+r.' wMM'tl.wwww+Mi,+�h.w'YMwrlwa�rekMo.Y'w+01 .w.w 1..rr. .a wwwrr.,wboWIA.b+1.a.�. 01*tw:'iawranf...ima x.:+. w- .1It1P •W,Urtwv wt+w YvaMlurrwiw..YMMn+k `•-. •..`. '.M.,We..* ea"rotox..5ledu-koc..1,.\eanwinweier e1:... Yux.'.1 .tl..T. 1'_Lr?itt.4 w,.:*1* ia1.'*tt- art tVianV t?I w.s.new..e+rr..vwlt..Gw.rorwacawWrs'�x-, '. S.ve..a a vet va..r.,erwaw fwwrn vrew.iMeNiveoS..tvw_earnd.almeda +ro rriMa rff: i....n,.Nr... Y'..6.11.n. 1“. 0wa,irew.Or:eio.asiblettle40rrr, Wole.110 r./. ..+rn,w.nier ,wrn...wr..a.r.w.