HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-04-08, Page 5THE WINGITA4 ADVANCE, THURSDAY, APRRL .8, 1109, _,_,.. - DRIEDSWAMP MUCK. How To Do. It, Rush To The West,. West Wawnnosh» That 70,000 Amwill •" -Mor. It desire hornless Cattle without at least to the Canadian West this sea- $ee and take up between 20,000 and Alex. homesteads is estimated by the the ituire on office, It as esti mated also that the rash of Americans address. bringing pearly a million dollars of wealth a week into Canada. So great been the rush at several places In Purchased and Alberta that the Government teas arranged to supply borne, Aericans s t a pedal meeting of L. 0. L. Nee held Onore . dray, March 18th, Purnin, who has .since left for 'West, was presented with a fast Master's jewel, accompanied b an p y Jas. Scott of Asbfleid, a resident of Hullett about forty years ago, has the farm of the late Jas, Howitt on the 7th concession of Col - paying a liktle over $1,000 for Fust. received by express, la t3bipmlent of LADIES' SILK I Easte�Bargai n NET WAISpS in Darn and Cream shades ; very pretty etylen. Good value at four to five dollars each, aving ¢ C bought a quantity at a OUT PRICE, we put rp2•�i7 then on Bale Saturday =ruing at rP i7 SEE SOUTH WINDOW . M e 1 ''��''" o s 11' s Its Benefit In Ghemicnf Fertilizer* to use Greatly Exaggerated, potash, The practice of tieing dried suck tL trod peat in mixing eleentical fertilizers yqur puts pule up a problem which Farmers ought wrapped to understand. Theusancls 4P tone of YOU of a saw get a pickle of caustic come at the drug store and keep at an son bottle so it will net slack, ()etch 25,000 calf, take your stick of potash laced fn a piece of paper, wet the e we •fi r �+ E v s r a -�I �r al Showing i�l Ts SURE TO PLEASE r ASI✓ YOii. ^��•� e hair Bauch melt aro used—solei as mucic tankage." We learn of one case where calf a man started growing Celery in a ed swamp trod is said to have nearly fail polled ed at it, Then he Conceived the Iden of drying and pulverizing the soil of Shut Haat swamp and tielling it to fertilizer dealers. This lass brought bite a for- tune. Some samples of this dried peat roan to nearly 3 cent Produce, over the horn spots and your is will grow up. a polled Jersey, polI- Holstein, polled Short Horn, or has. whatever it is, Saskatchewan In Refrigerator, large Ed, Walker, a prominent business from 1 p of flarriston, and shipper of farm can narrowly escaped a trip toFarmers furnished tents, Travellers Eastern Canada and Euro e, as. it. p well ae those fro n the iTnited Skate, , He takes possession at once. There was a cod attendance at tho g Farmers' Club St. Augustine, meeting,quite ` a " ? • use these tents. a are ' \1 fprsARDls rok.. THE DESIGNS ARE UNIQUE. • THE PRICES ARE MODERATE. Rings Nat Pins Crosses Brooches Beauty Pins Cuff Links Tie Pins Neck Chains Sterling Silver Spoons Appropriate Easter Gifts as low in as twenty-five cents. priceable /. i �T AND l.. Li THEM CA1LL, 11 r SEE . +^ • Sr n of the White >~le pant g P are said contain per / of nitrogen; others carry less. This ni• the trogen is hi im inert form and is of pursuing little value as a plant food. Expert- a €vents In Illinois showed that such ni• yy trogen was worth about one-half centpp a pound as compared with that in dried blood costing 15 cents. Yet the ter- tiltzor manufacturer who sells this Eng muck mixed with other chemicals un- crew dertnkes to charge 13 cents A pound for it when on bu • it, Per example,r y 1 n order take a brand of fertilizer which is close guaranteed to contain in each ton 10 outwards. rounds 4P nitrogen, 100 paunch avail- hos boric acid and 100 ounds of told phosphoric n potash. it would be possible to suppir the potash and phosphoric acid in 200 pounds of' muriate and 1,200 pounds sequently of acid phosphate. Tlien by using 100 pounds of cottonseed meal' and 500way pounds of dried mticic the could ro-. y n more nitrogen than they guarnn- teed. `Clic object 4f using the cotton seed meal is to color the mucic and "Happy „ Happy Hunting gronuds while his usual vocation of loading, car of potatoes on Monday in the Ards of the Grand .Crank. Railway, railwa /wo Mr, Walken was in one of the coni- shelved Pony's large refrigerator cars empty- 15 potatoes from bags, when the to of a fres ht train in shuntingSenator h u1 occasion to move the ear, and in to do so found it neces,a y to relegates the large door which swings the The official who did so lieved Mr. Walker that he would return and open the door as soon as the car was placed, but in the excitement can to his manifold duties, he entirely forgot his prisoner in the car and went on his with the train until, when passing the scene of the Harriet= wreck, his mind was recall- ed to the feat that a blunder that The Level Crossing, favorable The Lancaster Bill regarding level to crossings has again been connecting BB by the Senate, By a vote of to 9 the Railway committee decided canvass report a substitute bill prepared by Davin. This is, in effect, the Senate amendment of last session, and the entire subject matter to ,,. J Railway Commission. It is be- to that the Senate will follow the recommendations of the committee, and the Lancaster bill, thus re -writ- ten, will go to the Souse, It cannot be reached in the House this session, unless it is made a Government order, Never Cr nits. y Q You may be weak, sleepless, ver - vous, digestion may be poor, but don't despair. Never say the till you have night. number and before long we expect have a telephone line from there with t e line at Auburn.'p' committees were appointed to between St. Augustine and Auburn to see how much, money could. be got to build the line. Tho members of Court St, IIelena No. 204, who were fortunate enough be present at the meeting on Mon- ' day night were treated by Bro, Jahn/ Asyut of Lucknow,to an oyster sup-; y y per. Sapper was served at Mrs. R. K. Millers where all the members res• + • p ent partook of the hospitality provid- by Mr. Joynt. After toasts and ed• short speeches bya few of the mem-j' p burs, Auld Lang Syne brought thevide proceedings to acloseand all dispersed well pleased and thankful to Mr. Joynt for the evening's entertainment. r l� _ NEW i 1 ,i I € -4)9./.'.+- We SPRING .f - !;i� ,$ t,,��,, , a*a 1 e; 4 '• . • . (, ��" % �� j • t I , ;j /( -I invite ► w -` ��: J , I, 7 I . r �� '-' I ) f,;� %..,Ladies (?, � II :`* e ,+. L ! `,,• +f ,�1 1 ; an. -e ;, • eie / your GOODS t ;{1 a, 11 ' (- it ,t , t e inspection and • SKIRTS. FOR. s y 1 Spring Coats AND ski.rts of our large range of Oar READY -TO - thus prevent, if possible, the chemist from detecting it. But seo what a nice might have serious consequence had been made and on his arrival at Clif- Ferrozone, the most wonderful body builder, the best nerve and given tern tonic r, th' en. Ferrozone o gives ......., WORK THAT WEAKENS. WEAR QUALITY. GARMENTS lead in STYLE, FIT, FINISH and Not one cent too much is asked for these game this is! The muck furnishes game ten or twelve pounds of nitrogen, which ford he had the agent wird the officials to release Mr. Walker from the tone and vigor to the whole body ; it makes you eat, consequently it pro- vides increased nourishment. Day by day you grow in strength—weakness, apprehension all ass loss of sleep, p Booths Kidney Pills Have Done Great Service For People Who Work In Wingham. - coats, INTRINSIC, PROFIT' every price is the LOWEST. We rely on the MERIT of our goods and our SMALL METHOD to bring us trade. PIIoNS 27 PttoNs 27 gives the fertilizer n valuation of front $1.5o to $2, but which costs perhapson `.?0 scuts. A farmer might use such n Fertilizer on his wheat this Pall. Ttre refrigerator car, which had been left a switch, i •♦ l O O a �" r t R twell. potash and phosphoric acid may help, but it is doubtful if his grandchildren el will see any benaflt from the nitrogen to the muck. . . • Grippe Victim away. You get well, stay well, look Do try Ferrozone, it's sure to benefit, At all dealers in€ 50c boxes. Many Wingham people work every day in some strained unnatural post- tion, bending constantly over a desk, riding on jolting wagons or cars, - BETTER Pay as much as you wish—you cannot get any VALUES than these. Genuine Cleveland et Cit at t 1 The excuse given for using the mucic is that it snakes a good filler and dries. out the other chemicals. No serious ob. jectton caa be made to its use as a bot the nitrogen it contains sltou]d not be valued In the ferti][zer. Restored to Health and Strength g ByVino! After All Other Means Had Failed. Increase Of Cancer. Dr. Lazarus -Barrow, the director of the Cancer Research Laboratories at the Middlesex (Eng.) Hospital, stated at meeting of the governors of the hospital that there is _a definite in- crease' in the amount of cancer in Britain, and that 30,g 0 deaths from the disease in England and Wales reported by the Registrar -Glen eral would go on increasing, He de- Glared that the re orts of the 8,000 p cases treated at the Middlesex Hos- p ,tel furnished no evidence that the disease was hereditary, and he pre- dieted that some day the cause andscarcely bending over heavy house work, lift- lug, reaching, pulling, all these strains tend to wear, weaken and in urs the y y �' kidneys until the fall ba and infilter, their work of filtering the poisons from the blood. Booth's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys, puts new strength in bad backs, Wingham cures prove it' Mr. `Vm. Dorf o> Shuter St., Wing• ham, Ont., . I had suffered with attacks of lumbago across m back g y for many years. It would come on me after taken cold or bein in the B g damp to any extent, settling in the small of my back and the region of the kidneys and extending into my sides. I would be unable to stoop over or lift- anything and I could The straightenmyselfup.+ ' • NO. NO. NO. NO. NO, .,.�. , 355—Ladies Spring Coat, tight fitting, fly front, Fawn Covert Cloth, tailor made, a very stylish Deaf --our price.... $6.00 307—Single Breasted Covert Coat tailor made in every ' particular, buttons on the back, stitched cliffs ; length 26 inches—a bargain $6.00 342—Ladies' Covert Cloth Coati, tailor made, fly front, two breast pockets, also two lower pockets, turn back cuffs, This is a vor effective garment, length 28 inohes y g + g —special rice p p $8.00 r + 353—Ladies' Spring Mautles, semi -fitting, fly front. This garment has pleat and strapping on each side, and down front and back, fancy tabs on back, made in lengths 26 and 30 inches—our price $10.00 837—Double Breasted Coat, bleak only, trimmed with self strapping and Win folds, a vary pretty spring coat—our price $19,00 i ' ' f f , 1 ��, :'/�, - z With Cleveland Tag on every Bundle t'� 1 r t $2.45 Per io® Lbs �w - for It Is not worth the price. Itis near, ly impossible to detect the muck when cottonseed meal is used with it. The , best way to ecoid it is to refgse to bud low rade fertilizers or those very low g in nitrogen. It is impossible to use , Professor Nicks Story. I suffered from a severe attack ofCreat the ri a which left me in a weak -says.—„ B pp • • coed condition with bronchitis, a sore- in mychest and a hackin cough. :" n_F Galy, Wire, Barb Wire, Fence Hooks, Fence Staples, Fence Tools, Wire Stretchers, Post Augers, p . . c Draining Spades, Garden Spades,- (xarden Rakes, Weeders Garden Hose, Garden Cultivators, �'� ceders and Spading Forks, etc. p ��� ®�,,. n - St' _Y? i. , b ' �, large quantities of mucic in fertilizers containing 4 par cent or more of nitro• gen, because materials containing more nitrogen must be used in order to reach a high per teat, You are most likely to find the mucic to the mixtures with about 1 per cent of nitrogen. it sloes riot pay to buythem. Buythe Welter g Hess g g [tried different physicians and took nearly every kind -of cough syrup sold on the market without getting any permanent relief. I saw your cod liver and iron preparation--•Vivol--adver- tiled and decided to try it, and it completely cured m bronchial trouble P Y y and restored my strength. I cannot say too much for Vivol, as I received cure of cancer would be discovered. Arrest As Dangerous, sinee Robt. Stewart, the Melancthon maniac, butchered so man people, + y ever one in Dufferin Co, has ke t his y p eye open for danger from this source. As a result the first man captured is Adam Harper of East Luther Tp., who was brought to the county gaol on March 30th. He has been paying urine would become highly colored and would contain an amount of sand like sediment highly colored and ode- roue. I had been using different remedies for years but had not found the desired results until on advice of our druggist, Mr. 11'ieKibbon, I used , gg• Booths Kidney Pills. They' quickly relieved me, in back strengthened y B and dull, heavy Mains load soon g the urine cleared to its natural11 color. I am stronger and better in every way and could not hesitate to recommend Booth's Kidney Pills." • You will always find us Goods at Moderate e h '• c •1 l E IS with •,I; f '' the most desirable Prices. �` C . ^ ''; 1 r z -' �w,# -. f : R ;•..(' e.4 � • z = �' - l , ` '( p �I •paying tikRichardson The right goods at the lowest prices. Give us a •Call and be convinced. �� OPP. QUEEN'S HOTEL. • k? . 4- grade mixtures and use an equal value in dollars per acre and you wilt be het. ter oft We believe that farmers bre millions of bard earned dollars uselessly for this pent nitrogen, many of them already having swamps air find me farms. The this fat mull. find some way to detect this pant nitro• sen, and tires. we shall work for a law compelling the manufacturer to state that he uses it and that it is not valued inexpressible benefit from its use, and 1 consider it one of the greatest blas- sings ever offered to the public." R. E. R. Hicks, Mnpiesvilta. Ala. The grippe invariably leaves in its wake a weakened, run-down condition of the system. Vivol is guaranteed to restore the sufferer ko health and strength, and to build up and create strength for old people, delicate chit - dren and weak. debilitated people. So sure are we of this that we unhesi- tatingly say give Vinol cL trial. If you attentions in his mind to a sick girl, Sold by all dealers. Price 50c. The Y r • e` -• _ --..'',4 • .�•-., .-; , , •,,--,• , 5-s.-_- , r,<.,..-;:•74: y „ . 4 ;�,'%'-'1.:1,"1 � s . •> r.., ,- r. 5.•.. .. _ ..,._ . •.. z, r ,.m the same as ache forms, think at does you no good we will re- whom ire has never seen. He has written her nearly one hundred let - R. T. Booth Co,. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Solo Canadian Agents, Now English Potato. 1Iagnnm Bonum potatoes shown fund your money, but it will. J. Walton McKibben, Wingham. ters, although she never spoke to him in her life, being an invalid confined to her bed. Lately, being denied ad- to the honse, he has threaten - �s_- v .The herewith were exhibited at a recant fair �+ iter,Dr: �I(U SEEDS F R 14 E rr at the American institute in New York. W. IL Jordan, director of the New > lt*t�*altls*i!*+*t.!****+ mission `"'�"``' c� t . 1 �� C n ,�` p " �Vl � c•, '�--. , Y., y' ,-' ^t„ iht, tfki' ` . F ' k ;,;: ; • A ' +1:11, ; t ,l_ 1` -' 1h u ?'_ 7\€' f;.r Divi eye, 4l Q((�( ' cal „ , +' ijl' � \�' f.•n r J9r , ftpYa.; ,,.L J - , • ' •' ' k�(,,1� 1% c . /v i iii 1 •m f c� p. ''(g 1 � �? v ,wfy . f? c If you ask you can have a package a of y , y p. G �••� seed of this marvellous Russian Grant ;\`' Lettuce included absolutely free with our • new handsomely Illustrated 1909 Cata- •'� logue. This lettuce is pearly as large and solid as a cabbage. Stands hot weather ' surprisingly well, and has a rich, buttery ''�` flavor. If ou refer, you ma choose a y p y, __ package of our Colossal Whtte Sugar a' i � ,�„ Beet orapackage of OstrichPeather Aster Write today and name your choice, 'also mention name of this paper. ,e. ZN % tee i� ' '' , - v t 'kP �' +* i �.�� vr, , �. 1,,�r . _. x til_ o �����'��'>�a��!.Ib�.>�-�>ti�>tk� ii QUALtITY 9! e� y a. ed to shoot the ir1's father and all B � �. ._. wasarrested ao.,.. her relations. He a t d as ��" - .-. _ ' _ _ dangerous lunatic. Are Your oints Lame ? Haven't you a weals spot, a place where cold and intiimmation always settles? Whether it is in the neck, side, joints or limbs, the cure is sim- ple, a good rub with Nerviline and then apply a Nerviline Porous Plaster. These great rubefaciants invariably cure strain, swelling, weakness and muscular pain. 'There is no mystery about this. Nerviline is the moat penetrating liniment known, cense- quently it gets where the trouble real- ly is. Nerviline Porous Plasters are great healers and draw out con es- g III i„I s 6 , . . ' ft - sir 0p E+tl Ge dei t SS / Mu; i fees seep geGp ON Ring 6 Alt D E id. 0 A� A Q zee Q v'+1 • i"'i,.i det`',ta it 40 6©s a Q 0 9 Q2.0 Q 0 8 • /� ■ I+ V r ; r t, ® G ,f are _ `/��j�� • invest many. e ������ ye • R • • �� which ejy! there Wel gh them I Darch &Hunter Seed Co., i.imited, Seeds of this marvellous Russian Giant Lettuce London, Ont. are given away free MdaNUi1 BONIIM -PorA•ro. York experiment station, says: "At the .. • T r station in our variety tests of potatoes y` a y� Engineer Hodgson, who was killed recently in a railway collision near` Brandon, was a son of the late John Hodgson of Hibbert Tp , this county. For the pact twenty-two years he had been engineer on western lines and was never in an accident previous to this disastrous one. Besides his hec:rt br•�ken wife and three small children, he leaves to mourn his loss five broth - ars, David, of D 11.411 1; Joseph, Sask.; F Robt,, on the homestead in Hible:t, Jor a han and Chti.topher, of Iansar, U. S. ' 111 iS05 Magnum Bonum, the seed of which -was imported from England, was tested, The variety is still grown the firth from whom we purchased our steel, and in its 1007 catalogue 1 our find the foil Magnum Bonum,, introduced by us in 1876, proved to be the premier of all disease resisting va- iletics. 'There is scarcely a parish in the United Kingdom where Magnum g;` t a " ,l .fit •. fT .e, ke a } �/ 'yx r�r jt , i �,,� , .Vit' �. ,f, �. r € r, haw• , , el : f y ? ' ;'' ax. �� t baa �, tion. Be ears you get the genuine, substitutes can't do the work. ' g , 1' fl ' • g'. • e -F till • tip aaa� �i� �e More Horses Needed. i The Weekly Sun has this to say :— While there were, in the year 1008, over two million head of horses in the; Dominion of Canada, there appears to be. no line of goods used by the farm- erorproduced by him, of which there is so great a scarcity, or where the supply is so far short of the 'demand. This year sees the demand for good horses, especially good mares, suitable far farm work, as well as breeding, probably keener than ever before. Recent demands for good brood mares q y, auitabie for the of scale and quality, Western farm, have been very wide and active, and prices paid have been high to be remunerative white g enough, for fancy animals there is a fairly fancyprice waitingever time. y There is no business which seems surer of steady demand, than that of breeding and raising good draft horses. Be Not Reckless. 'Usually the than who gats money is the most reckless in his expen- ditures. The man who works hard far what he gets generally hangs ort with a filmier grip, and a much wiser distribution of his hard earned mo%vmoney. The writer often leeks back with sail- uess on Certain familice, woo, in the early sixties were thought to bo well off. The family grew up and v ' ' y3 a g 1 • ' 4 p _& ! . r 4 Head Office, Hatalitan, Instead of taking more or less risk of loss of'your money a y in some other investment that may be pressed on you, why not •place your money right •on deposit in a chartered Savings , and leave it there. Bank., -, It is the safest form of investment in the world ; and there is the indescribable feeling of satisfaction that your money is right there when you need it—and that it is earningsure divi- g in interest every day in the year. , ? Can this be said of other investments offered to you Namely y That you get your money back at a moment's notice. That your dividend is absolutely Certain, sure and regular. THE BANK OF HAMILTON especially invites the Sav- -,, ings Accounts of 'those conservative men and Ns•omen to whom this form of investment appeals. , li `^• • Ponum is not known as an snot ons � Pree , ? 4 � €'f) � ,�.;, t`€€Ick ' "4`-'l,'',ef;_ f .. f � — ,'-7--2' 4.2 "r,•7 x%=