HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-03-25, Page 5TUE WT TO [TAM .ADVANCE, THURSDAY, IVI.A.R011 M 1909,
We Wish To Announce The Opening Of
The Model Jewelry -Store And,
Optical Pa.rior
With an Ideal Stock—New Methods—New Fixtures --and
Lowest Prices. Strictly Business Principles,
Everything Up -to -elate.
After twenty-five yearn' experience in the Watch
and .Xewelry business, we have made Wiugham our
choice as offering an excellent field for a successful
business. We feel thoroughly capable of securing your
confidence, and to be able to supply your demand.
A. hearty invitation is extended to all to call and
inspect our stock. Come in and look around and see
for yourself, and while we hope to have your patron-
age, there will be no obtrusive attention thrust upon
you, or recinests to buy. We consider the compliment
is entirely to ns if you call, and if at any time you
require such goods as we carry, we sincerely hope to
be favored with orders for your needs.
Yours Very Sincerely ,
J. E. McIntosh T. A. McIntosh
G...r..�.�'nt.5�-,c�htt;..�. x.,u+;:i.�'n7::<<i-'•ii
;CA', 1'
PHONe 27
Genuine Cleveland
With Cleveland Tag on every Bundle
At $2.55 Per foo Lbs.
Galv. Wire, Barb Wire, Fence Hooks, Fence
Staples, Fence Tools, Wire Stretchers, Post Augers,
Draining Spades, Garden Spades, Garden Rakes,
Garden Hose, Garden Cultivators, . Weeders and
Spading Forks, etc.
The right goods at the lowest prices. Give us
a call and be convinced.
Richardson & Rae
A Big Green and Yellovi
iijbben Sale
First=Class Jewelry
AT '
J, Patterson's
Worth of Watches, Clocks, Rings, Silverware and Jewelry
of all kinds. All must be sold regardless of
price. Sale closes Saturday, March 27.
The prices on the GREEN RIBBONS
are the Regular Prices
And the prices on the YELLOW RIB-
BONS are the Slaughter Prices
It will pay the citizens of Wingha•nz and surrounding
country to throw away all their old Watches, Clocks,
&e., and come and get something good and up-to-date
at our Yellow Ribbon Prices.
Nothing allowed to be taken out of the store
without the Spot Cash.
W. J. Patterson
The Great Watch doctor, Win g hani
Constables' Fees,
The Bruce herald says i• --It cost
over a hundred dollars for constables
at the Bruce County Spring Assizes.
This is pretty expensive for three
cases, Eight policemen were falling
over one another at this Court. There completion and operation of the Mor -
were cops there all the way from
Tara, '.t'lie Court could easily be con-
ducted with half the number, but the
Sheriff receives fifty cents each for
sending a postcard to each constable,
To Cure Toothache,
Gompauies Amalgamated.
An arrangement way consummated
last week whereby the Korn Piano
and Organ Co„ Ltd , of Woodstock,
and the Morrie .Piano.'Cornpany, Ltd.,
of Listowel, are to join forces on the
Search over tlio whole globe and
you'll not find the equal of Nerviline.
A n aching tooth. it relieves at once,
Pill the cavity with batting dipped in
Nerviline and rub the gums with Ner-
viline also. If the face is swollen and
sore, bathe with Nerviline and then
bind on a hot flannel. This can't fail
because Nerviline kills the pain out-
right. Just as good for earache, neu-
ralgia or stiff neck, A 25c bottle of
Nerviline cures the aches of the whole
family. Try it.
T. E. Walker Won.
T. E. Walker, formerly of Wing -
haul, had a case before the Assize
Court in Walkerton. Walker is on a
farm out in Kincardine Tp., belonging
to a Mr. K. McKenzie. He claimed
that McKenzie had misrepresented
the farm to him, saying that there
was a permanent water supply, which
did not pi ove to be the case. Walker
sued for $1200 damages. The •court
allowed him $100 because of the mis-
iepresentatious, and $200 for seizure
of his cattle, McKenzie having effected
a seizure.
New Set Of Kidneys,
A remarkable operation on a dog
was made the subject of scientific
demonstration at a meeting of the
Berlin Medical Society, Dr. Unger, a
Berlin surgeon, showed how ten days
before he had removed the dog's kid-
neys, substituting those of another
dog. The dog seemed to have com-
pletely recovered. If, as the demon-
strator believes, the operation may be
undertaken with equal success on
humans suffering from diseased kid -
els Piano Company's factory. The
name of the new Company will be
"Karn -Morris Piano and Organ Co.,
Limited." Barn pianos, Player pianos.
Reed organs and Pipe organs will be
manufactured at Woodstock, and
Morels pianos and Player pianos at
Listowel. The capitalization of the
new oompauy will be $1,000,000,
Leg Torn, Badly.
Last week,, Dougald McGregor of
Sydenham had ben in Owen Sound
with a load of hay and was on his way
home, when be drove the horses over
to the side of the road, in order to
avoid a baro spot. The end of the
large hay rack swung out too far and
caught a tree, sweeping the rack hack
from the sleigh. Mr. McGregor was
sitting in the middle of the rack and
had carelessly allowed his leg to hang
down between the boards. When the
rack was swept beck his leg was
caught between the rack and the bunk
of the sleigh and was almost torn
from him. The limb was fractured in
two places, and the flesh torn away so
that the break was exposed. Fortun-
ately the horses stopped, but Mr. Mc-
Gregor was helplessly pinned to the
sleigh, and was not released until
some little time later, when he was
found by several other farmers who
were homeward bound. He was taken
to the Hospital.
Proved Beyond Doubt,
The disappointed victims of poor ca-
tarrh remedies should read the state-
ment of J. R. Snaith, of Lake Stream,
N. 13. In Catarrhozone ho found an
absolute cure and says :—"Lasa; winter
my little girl of eight caught cold
which lodged in her ears in the form
of catarrh. She became sick and deaf
and nothing helped. By inhaling Ca-
tarrhozone she got relief and gradual-
ly the discharge went away. She was
ne s, a further stepin modern sur - cured perfectly of catarrh, Personal -
y g ly I can recommend Oatarrhozone for
ery will have been made. coughs and throat irritation ; it's a
wonderful medicine." Sold every-
where, 25c and $L
The Ailments Of Women.
If the girls and women who suffer
with what they think is Female Trou-
ble would look to their kidneys they
will soon find the source of their ill -
health. The kidneys are closely allied
with the female organs, and if the
vitality of the kidneys is interfered
with great suffering occurs. There is
,io better medicine than Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills, they will stimulate and
strengthen the kidneys, assist other
organs to do Nature's work, cleanse
the system and thereby maintain per-
fect health. Great benefit and certain
cure is guaranteed for all women who
use Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
Sudden Death.
Exceedingly sad and sudden was the
death of IM`s. Jacob V. Shaus of the
10th con. of Carrick, which sad event
took place on Saturday. Deceased
had just flnishecl her dinnerwhen she
was seized with a spell of suffocation,
and when she lay down on the bed her
condition grew worse. She asked to
ba raised to a sitting posture again,
and when the members of the family
had helped her up, a sudden sharp
pain comeupon her and she sank back
among the pillows, dead. Mrs. ,Shuns
was born in the township of Howidk,
her maiden name being Hannah Reidt.
Mistake Cost $too.
Auct. Spence had an unusual expori
ence while conducting a sale near
Walkerton for a farmer named Wm.
Denny on Feb. 25th. The sale was in -
interrupted by a visit from the sheriff,
who on the strength of an injunction
from Iawyer Klein, undertook to stop
the proceedings until a certain debt of
$500, which Denny had owed his land-
lord, Andrew Waechter, was paid. It
so happened, however, that Denny, a
few days previously, had paid this ac-
count to Mr. Waechter, but that the
latter neglected to notify his solicitor,
Mr. Klein, of the matter. In order to
adjust the tangle, it was found neces-
sary to get Mr. Waeelxter and to pro-
duce the receipt, which was finally
done, after about an hour's delay.
Becgming incensed at this interrup-
tion and ' inconvenience, Mr. Denny
was about to set the law in motion
against Mr. Waechter when the latter
restored peace by settling. The ex-
perience is ,said to have cost Mr.
Waeehter in the neighborhood of
B R I N D.
For Ever Meal
1'1.t breakfast with porridge "Crown
Brand Syrup'' is delicious.
Used with plain puddings or made
tip svitli pastry, odd scraps of cake,
etc., it makes a delightful after dinner
At slipper it is just the thing to eat
with bread and butter, toast or biscuits,
is syrup at its best and in its most
delicious and wholesome
It is prepared in a perfect
manner from absolutely
pare ingredients. It is far
ahead of all other kinds hi
deliciousness of flavor and
perfect wholesomeness—
don't you think it's worth
while insisting on "Crown.
Brand Syrup? "
Your dealer bas it for yon in
e, s, to and 20 lb. sir -tight tins
with lift-off lids. Order softie
to -day
The Edwardsburg Starch Co.
ESTABLI81-IED 1858. 1.09
Works: CArtDIi4Ar., Ont. °laces: 1,MO14TR1tAI4, TOROPtTh anditR.AN'tPORD
If on ask, you cast have a package of
seed of this marvellous Russian Giant
X,etttice included absolutely free with our
ne'aV liaticlsoinely Illttitratect 1909 Cata-
logue. This lettuce is nearly as large and
solid as a eabba, e. Steeds hot weather
surprisingly well, and has a riclt, buttery
flavor. If you preferyou nifty choose a
Backege of aur Colossal White Sugar
eet ora package of Ostrich Peather Aster
write t°-dav *t-ct txkme your ch°ita, lite°
xtientlon n&m of i1 rinser.
Asada of fila msrvellou► ltrsisteas Giant LaRue* bar411 & ITuhtar Sood 6'he YJmltori,
ars !rive► tcriay fres ,. i o t+, Oitl. _
114w -Items
--Ninety cars of settlors' effects left
Toronto last week for the West.
—The Wiarton Fist Hatchery last
year cost the government $5031.01
--Cioderich ratepayers will vote on a
new Intake pipe for water from the
—$301.7.70 was the amount collected
for Succession Duty in Bruce County
during 1908.
--Kincardine Summer 9ottage Syn-
dicate have given orders for the erec-
tion of ten cottages on the beach for
renting purposes,
.--Owen sound's Chief of Police will
enforce the .Curfew law, to prevent
the boys and girls from the evils of
street life at nights.
--It is announced that the 0. P. R.
will build a two million bushel eleva-
tor at Victoria Harbor, Georgian Bay,
at a cost of $900,000.
—Aaron Munshaw, proprietor of
the Munshaw House, Flesherton, on
March lst, 1900, completed his 48th
year in charge of that hotel -
-Horses in Bullet are high. An-
drew Flynn sold a fine mare the other
clay to a Seaford] buyer, for $250. It
is said that D. Mountain refused $050
for three horses the other day. The
top price for a gelding is said to have
been paid Leiper Bros. for a very fine
one, the neighborhood of $300 being
the price.
—Speaking recently in Port Elgin,
Rev. W. 0, McLeod pointed out that
the contributions of Bruce Presby-
tery per member for all purposes were
the third lowest in the whole Domin-
ion. The Presbytery of Prince Ed-
ward Island was the lowest with a
contribution of $8.18 per member ; the
Presbytery of ,Saugeen next, with
$9.31 a member; and the Presbytery
of Bruce next with $9.87 per member.
The highest contributions camp from
the Presbytery of Prince Albert.
More liberal offerings were urged.
—So far the Canadian Mint for the
coinage of money, established at a
very heavy expense to the country,
has had very little to do. In the first
year of its existence, it only manufac-
tured $09,025, and so far in 1909, it has
done nothing. The reason is this :—
The year before its inauguration, of
the Mint, the Government purchased
from England $1,186,000 of silver coin
(more than twice as much as in any
previous year) greatly in excess of the
year's needs, and so much as to flood
the country and make it impossible
for our own Mint to find work to do.
Will Not Resist the Pulling Down
Influence of a Kidney Aching
The strongest man or woman with
a back constantly aching find daily
existence a struggle. Its the same
way with urinary troubles, Booth's
Kidney Pills cure these ailments.
Wingbam people prove this statement.
R. Knox, of Centre St., Wingham,
Ont., says :—
"I would frequently suffer with a
dull, bearing down pain across the
email of my back and extending
around my sides. This was particu-
larly noticeable when I , would find
occasion to stoop or sit in one position
for a time. There was a languid, tired
feeling and although I knew this to
arise from inactivity on the part of
the kidneys, and had tried several
remedies, yet I could not find the de -
shed results until I procured Booth's
IKidney Pills at Mr. McKibbon's Phar-
macy and commenced their use. The
dull pain and weakness soon departed,
however, and has not since returned.
I feel better and stronger generally
and although I have not been accus-
tomed to having my name used I feel
that Booth's Kidney Pills are reliable
and worthy of recommendation."
Sold by dealers. Price 50 cts. The
R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont.,
Sole Canadian Agents,
Mr. Austin Gallagher of Newbridge
is laid up with smallpox, consequently
the family is gnarantinecl.
The Howick Agricultural Society
will hold their annual Spring Stallion
and Horse Show in Victoria Park,
Gerrie, on Friday, April 10th, 1009.
Chas. Hubbard rented the W. Bate-
man farm, on which henry Roberts
spent the last few years, and moved
thereon on Monday. There are in all
200 acres.
On Tuesday moaning 70 horses Were
ehipped from rordwlch to the West.
McMichael Bros. taking 50 of these.
They will also ship three cars extra
from Toronto.
The owners of the private telephone
line running north of the village to
Spriegbank and Orange Hill held a
meeting recently and decided to form
a joint stock company to build and
operate telephone lines in the town-
ship of Howick. The stock will be
sold to farmers only. The plan is as
followe : Every subscriber must take
at least ono share, which is '$10; buy
his Own telephone ; these are being in
Stalled and connected to line on the
roadway for $19, the object being for
the fanners to own their own lines
and have their telephone service at
actual cost of niaintatnance and oper-
ating. The plan seems to lie a popular
one as a very successful canvas has
been inside of territory just north of
the village as far as the eleventh con-
cession and an ftort is being made to
h'we the line extended to Lakelot.
With Dr, Foster's lilies in the south
and the Sprttigbaiik lines in the north,
both systems being connected to the
13e11 Company at Pot Mr lob, the farm -
ere of tiowtck will have an excellent
telephone service,
These Suits Made
to Your Order.
McGce &
Sole Agents, Wingham,
Ladies' New
Spring Coats
We invite . your inspection of our large range of
QUALITY. Not one •cent too much is asked for these
coats, every price is the LOWEST. We rely on the
INTRINSIC MERIT of our goods and our SMALL
PROFIT METHOD to bring us trade.
Pay as mien as you wish—.you cannot get any
BETTER VALUES than these.
NO. 355—Ladies' Spring Coat, tight flitting, fly front, Pawn
Covert Cloth, tailor made, a very stylish coat ---our prioe.... $5,00
NO. 307—Single Breasted Covert Coat, tailor made in every
partionlar, buttons on the back, stitched Duffs ; length 26
inches—a bargain $0,00
NO. 342—Ladies' Covert Cloth Coat, tailor made, fly front,
two breast pockets, also two lower pookete, tarn back
cuffs. This is a very effective garment, length 28 inches,
--special price $8.00
NO. 353—Ladies' Spring Mantles, semi -fitting, fly front. This
garment has pleat and strapping on each side, and down
front and back, fancy tabs on back, made in lengths 26
and 80 inches—our price
NO. 337 --Double Breasted Coat, blank only, trimmed with
self strapping and satin folds, a very pretty spring
coat—our price $9,00
NO. 955--Haudsome Voile Skirts, elaborately trimmed with
silk folds and satin buttons, also narrow French folds,
a bargain at., $6,00
NO. 900-'-A Stylish Skirt, made of flue Panama Cloth, trim-
med with buttons—a bargain for., .e... $8,90
Several other numbers we have'nt room to quote here,
Ask to see .them.
You will always find us with the most desirable
Goods at Moderate Prices.
H. E. I
saa.6.1mmes.amef 4613.1.1.11.r.11210.16
Head Office, Hamiltoa.
As a general rule, it is
the man who earns the
money and :the Woman
Who saves it. s a
ALARGE proportion of the Savings Bank accounts opened
with THE BANK OF HAMILTON are opened and
conducted by women. Out of the household income, the
thrifty wife quietly lays aside, in the safe custody of a chartered
Bank, as much as can well be spared from the husband's
income. When unforseen reverses come, or a home—or other
commendable thing is desired—quiet savings (hardly missed from
the regular income) are available.
I t is suprising how rapidly Systematic Savings grow. Many
accounts, made up of small deposits, reach a total that -is quite
important, and which miakes the family independent when extra
money is needed. -
THE BANK OF HAMILTON specially invites the Sav-
ings Accounts of married women, and has inaugurated a system
of caring for such deposits, that is both simple and convenient.
- Money may -be deposited or withdrawn in any amount at
any time ; and, when starting a new account, a simple enquiry
for the Manager will secure all desired information, and every
attention to requirements.
G. P. SMITH, Agent a Wingham
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