HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-03-25, Page 4King's For Bargains I We Want Your Trade
The 'Whitney Governwent deserves
The Greatest Sale of Blouses oredit for the progress made in the
How do we aocount for it 2 Well, simply that the 'geode and
trimmings are the very best, and they are made and finished in the
best and latest styles known to the best designers in Canada and
New York, The prices at which they are offered has much to do
with their rapid sale, Come in, It will be a pleasure for us to
show them and vote prices.
New Dress Goode, Prints, Gingitams, Muslins, Lawns, tend Trim-
mings of every deeoription are here in abundance, and are pleasing
to our customers in every particular.
,Please come in and see our great displey of new Curtains and
Curtain materials of the very Iatest and best designs.
• Best G oceries, fresh and (lean, always on hand. The best
favored, sweetest and cleanest Oatmeal, always in stock. Try a
package and you will always use it.
BIC difficult matter of Thaw reform, and al-
though, there are' yet changes which
might have been made, the result will
be improvement and lessening of cost.
The Seaforth Expositor (Liberal) ac-
knowledges the good clone, and says
the changes are "excellent as far as
they go, and creditable to the Govern -
Mena which has undertaken to deal
with this awkward question,"
The chief features of the proposed
reforms may be summarized as fol -
love ;---
s4 1—The county courts, which are the
convenient local courts throughout
the province—both the cheapest and
easiest of access --are being authorized
to cover a great deal more business
than in the past.
2,—Tho number of appeals possible
is cut down, which will do away with
much cost and delay in litigation.
3—No appeal can be trade to Privy
Council in England in cases where
less than $10,000 is involved. This
pts will help to prevent litigants, whose
means are limited, being driven to the
wall by legal costs.
4—Means are provided for the more
rapid despatch of criminal business.
5.—Authority is provided for law-
yer and client to make a bargain be-
fore the start for the lawyer's services.
Hitherto, a person desiring legal coan-
sel has had "t6 go it blind, protected
only by Osgoode Hall scale of law
LAWN WAISTS.—The First Shipment in this line to
hand. Come in and see them.
LADIES' SPRING JACKETS.—This season we have some
of the Nattiest Jackets, in right-np-to-the-minute Styles,
and at sell -them -quick prices. Have a look.
GINGEAMS, PRINTS and Wash Goods in .abundance, and
at popular prices.
DRESS GOODS. --A complete Range in the leading colors
and new weaves. We have the best range of Black
Dress Goods in town.
EXTRA. SPECIAL --Ten cases of Select Seed Raisins,
regular 15c per package for 10c
PRODUCE WANTED.—Any quantity White Beans, Butter,
Eggs, Tallow, Feathers, Dried Apples, etc.
Good Goods
Cheap Prices
Springlositillesegsamagea~sissPes~.90 tbiaeseeadae~seesss•wilseie•eelltestrA
quits, Overcoats,
Suits, Overcoats,
Trousers, Etc.
Is the theme we bring to your notice at this time. Some wise man
has said—"My son, get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get under-
standing." The wise man to -day says—"Get a New Snit or Over-
coat, and when you are getting, get it made to your order, in your
own town. where you know what you are getting, and that it is
genuine Tailor-made." That would be- wisdom; that would be un-
derstanding, Our NEW SPRING GOODS have arrived, and it is
not exaggerating to say that they include the nicest lines we have
had for some time, and at prices corresponding with the qualities
,shown. Space will not allow us to go auto details, but
and can make them any style desired. We are dealing in strong
statements, but will back them up. We have yet to find the style
of garments we cannot duplicate. Although plain, neat styles are
more in line with strictly high-class tailoring this season, it is for
Lu tname your style—WE WILL MAKE IT.
R FURNISHING DEPARTMENT is filled with the newest
st for Spring and Summer in all lines.
have also added a first-class line of Jewelry.
obt. Maxweli
Tailor and Furnisher For lien Who Care
Whitechurch Hardware
Store News.
Is there anything about your premises, inside or
out, that needs brightening up ? If so, we
have the Muff you need--
Sherwint.Willitalns Paints.
.spa; cr Now is the time to look
Plow after Plow Repairs. Cal]:
and tell usywhat you need, anti if we haven't got
we'll it, 'll C et it . \ i • ".4 1 i 6 1
. I. . .
The Purest and. Best Place Your Orders Now
J. T. Hotmes Whitechurch
Rev, R. S. Baler is preaching spe-
cial sermons to Hien.
Mr. Andrew Adanson hassold his
farm, lot 25, con, 0, to Mr, 0. Bether-
ington, The price is $2,500, Mr. Ad-
amson is busy moving on to his farm
near Clifford.
Summerhill Farm, the home of
Peter Arkell's Sons, was the scene of a
pretty and interesting social event on
the 11th inst. It was the marriage of
Miss Dorothy, only daughter in the
family, to Mr. Wm, A. Tolton of
Brant Tp. ,
Mfrs. Donald McDonald, a very old
resident of the 0th con., Culross, pass-
ed away on Thur,•)day of last week,
She had reached the advanced age et
81 years and 7 days, and bad been ail-
ing for about a year, death being due
to the natural decay of old age. Her
maiden name was Catherine McICay,
and she and her husband were pion-
eers of the township.
Dr. Ernest Gillies, who spent the
past few week's with bis brother, Dr.
Midford, left on Monday for Van-
couver. 'While here he left the itn-
pression of being a remarkably clever
young man, well equipped for a suc-
cessful career in his profession, and
he takes with hits the best wishes of a
large circle of friends. He intends
commencing practice in the western
metropolis and already has a few good
propositions in view.
This is the way the Bruce Times
gets a crack at Teeswater :—Editor
McKenzie of the Teeswater News is
not the newspaper freak that the Tele-
scope describes hire, but is merely too
lively a writer for so dead a place.
Rather than rousing editorials a fun-
eral dirge would be more in keeping
with his surroundings. A. traveller,
who had always heard that Teeswater
was dead doubted it until Se went
over last week and saw how beautiful-
ly it was laid out.
(Guelph Daily Herald).
The bad bargain which the Domin-
ion Government made with regard to
the Grand Trunk Pacific construction
is being more marked every year.
Now we are face to face with another
feature of it, the loan of $10,000,000 to
be trade by an Administration already
sorely troubled with the question of
borrowing money sufficient for its
present wants.
The Government of Canada's bar-
gain with the G. T. P. involved the
pledging of the public credit already
to nearly $200,000,000 notwithstanding
the statement made at the inception
of the scheme that the cost to Canada
would not be over $13,000,000. Now
it is proposed that the government
shall loan the company $10,000,000 to
aid in the completion of the prairie
section, at the rate of 4 per cent. As
security for this loan the government
is to receive an issue of bonds of the
Grand Trunk Pacific, which bonds are
to be secured by the guarantee of the
Grand Trunk Railway Co„ the parent
corporation. According to the reso-
lution, in case of default in the pay-
ment of the loan the government shall
"for the purpose of remedy be deemed
to be the holder of such bonds and en-
titled to all rights and remedies avail-
able to bond holders. All that is very
interesting, as is also the explanation
of how the company comes to need
the money,
It may be asked. why the Grand
Trunk Pacific does not borrow money
from some great financial corporation.
The answer is that it cannot get the
money without .disposing of its bonds
at ruinous sacrifice. Of the last issue
only 40 per cent. was taken up by the
public. In other words the Grand
Trunk Pacific company is up against
it and has to be helped out.
It is obvious that the proper course
would be for the government to take
over the road and complete it as a
national enterprise, as the Ottawa
Citizen says. It is equally obvious
from the past record of the govern-
ment and from the introduction of the
present resolution, that the govern-
ment has no intention whatever of
doing so. And worse still the credit
of Canada has been jeopardized to
such an extent by the extravagance of
the iresent administration that it can-
not stand any rude shocks. To have
a gigantic enterprise, whose credit is
so largely guaranteed by the Domin-
ion, fall through, would be such a blow
to our national credit as to be little
short of a calamity,
The re -vote will be taken on the
Garside -James loan By-law on Mon-
day, April 5th.
Monthly Horse Fair the last for this
season will be held in Brussels on
Thursday, April lst.
Not Profitable.
Not long ago the British Hotel at
Tara was offered for sale by auction
but there was no bid for the property.
The Tara Leader says this goes to
prove that hotel property in a local
option town Is not Considered a pay-
ing investment, and adds :--"Rumor
hag it that the Temperance advocated
are endeavoring to form a joint stock
company and buy the preperty'and
run a strictly temperance house, '.t'he
scheme looks feasible and should be a
good investment." Since the above
was in type, the transfer has been
Last week Mr. J. Taylor paid no less
than five accident insurellee claims in
It is currently reported that the G.
T. R. will build a, new station talc
year, to be erected at the Y.
11 Ire, 3as. Ferguson, in going ant of
the back door one evening last week,
had the misfortune to slip down and
break her hip bone.
A farewell supper will be tendered
Messrs. F, R. Rodgens and Robert
Holmesby the citizens of town, at the
Normandie, on the evening of the
The Spring Stock and Seed Show to
be held here on the let of April, pro-
mises to be a big success, if the wea-
ther is favorable. There ie likely to
be a big display of horse,, foe which
Huron has become famous, and as
buyers from all over will be present, it
will be a fine opportunity for the sale
of these,
Last Sunday the anniversary ser-
vices were' held with Mr, Livingstone
as again the preacher of the day and
with an attendance that almost equal-
led that at the opening, Mr.' Living-
stone was in good form and gave one
of his most eloquent and powerful dis-
courses, The trustees asked for .$150
and they received as the day's coliec-
tione and subscriptions $550. To this
the Ladies' Aid added $100, making a
grand total for the day of $050,
Wednesday evening the St. Pat-
rick's entertainment given in the
Town Hall, under the auspices of the
Aid Society of the Melville Church;
turned out very successfully.
The partnership existing between A.
McKay and Jas. S. Shaw as hardware
merchants has been dissolved, the lat-
ter continuing the business.
(4eo. Cunningham, V. S., who has
been practicing his profession for the
past four years in Brussels, has dispos-
ed of his business to J. D. Warwick,
front whom he bought it.
Division Court was held on Wednes-
day of last week before his Honor
Judge Holt. The principal case was
Sellers vs. Turvey, both of Morris Tp.,
for the poisoning of a hound. After
considerable evidence a verdict of non-
suit was given by the Judge as be did
not consider proof was forth -coming
as to fastening the poisoning on de-
At last meeting of the Council, a
letter was read from Mr. Carnegie's
representative in New York, express-
ing the former's willingness to make a
grant of $9,500 to Brussels for the
erection of a Library building. After
discussing the question of site it was
moved, seconded and carried that a
lot• 60x132 feet be bought from J.
Leckie, corner of Turnberry and Mill
street, the price being $305. An out-
line plan of building will be drafted at
Wherever Parisian Sage Is Known
It Has Tlie Call.
Parisian Sage, that most efficient of
all hair restorers, is a very dolightful
and refreshing hair dressing. Beetdes
possessing these qualities y it will posi-
tively snake any woman s hair soft,
luxuriant and attractive. d'. Walton
MKcliibbon sells it and will return your
money if you are dissatisfied.
Just read this :--"After using one
bottle of Parisian Sage, I 110073:16.4n1 a
butter growth of hair and I found
your Hale Restorer pleasant to use.
.After the first application, the dand-
tatff disappeared and my hair stopped
falling out, and it hes been restored to
its natural color, 1 now recommend
your Parisian Sitall m
e to y lrtdy
friends. -.-Lottie Rawl, 11.1. Mt. Hope
Ave., Rot:hooter, . Y."
Tortured By Rheumatism.
Zana-Buk Will. Give You Ease.
What La. Grippe
Means good times.
The farmer pays for all.
When he is prosperous,
Ali other businesses are benefited..
The winter is nearly over.
Spring is close at hand,
You have decided to move to Wingham.
There are practically no empty houses,
It will pay you to buy one,
We have studied the situation,
Prices are certain to advance
Within the next few months,
Call and see ns.
We can convince you.
We have the proofs,
Also a good list of desirable properties,
Either in or near town,
At right prices.
Mr. G. D. Colwell, of Watkerville,
Ont„ was stricken down with La Grippe
in 1906 and it left him in very bad cons
dition. He says : " 1 was all run down
'and bordering on Consumption. I could
not sleep at nights, had awful sweats,
and coughed nearly the whole time. This
is how I was when 1 began to take PSY-
CHINE, in a low nervous state ; but from
the first bottle I began to improve. It
did' marvels for me'and brought me back
to health in no time, making a new man
of me."
" It fortifies the body against the at-
tacks of La Grippe and is a sure preven-
tative. I always take PSYCHINE if I
feel a cold coining on and it puts the
right in no time."
PSYCH INE tones the system and keeps
the body in good physical condition. No
one can afford to be without it. All
Druggists. and Stores sell at 50c and
$1.00. Send to DR: T. Is. SLOCUM.,
Limited, Spadina Ave., ''Toronto, for a
For Coughs, Colds. Throat, Lung
and Stomach Trouble take Psychine.
Just at this season when the cold
dry winter is giving way to a milder
yet more humid season, the germs of
rheumatism, sciatica and allied ail-
ments come upon their victims with
renewed force.
As soon as you feel any deep-seated
pain in the joints, back, wrists, or
elsewhere, place a liberal supply of
Zatn-Buk on the fingers or on the
palm of the hand; -and rub it well into
the part affected. The penetrating
power of this "embrocation -balm" is
exceedingly great, and once having
reached the seat of the pain it removes
it speedily. It also ends the stiifnees
selfish is so unpleasant.
Frequent rubbings of the afflicted
parts with lam-Buk will not only
drive out all pain, reduce swelling,
etc., but will strengthen the skin and
tissues and finable thorn to resist cold.
and damp. The following case will
show how Z;tm•Buk brings ease to
those tortured by rheumatism.
Mr. P, G. Wells, of 333 Ogden street,
Fort William, Ont., says :---".Follow-
ing my duties in attending to passen-
ger trains I often got wet through
with rain and steam (the latter in
winter). This with hours of duty in
icehouses lit summer was no doubt the
cause of my contracting rheumatism
in both knees, left arm and shoulder,
This got so bed that I could no loner
work, and was laid off on three differ-
ent occasions for several weeks, dur-
ing which I was under the treatment
of my doctor. I seemed to get little
if any better, no matter what I tried,
andthis was buy state when Zam•Iluk
was recommended to tne, 1 ]aitl in a
supply, and to tny great joy it began
to euro me. I rubbed it well in every
night, and when a few boxes had been
used, found I was free again from the
pain and stiffness of rheumatism, I
have had rio more trouble from the
disease and unhealtatin" ly recommend
Zain-Buk to all who suffer frond Thou-
niatisnt, muscular stiffness, etc.
Zane-Buk is also a sure eure for oexe•
tna, ring -worth, ulcers, abseesses, piles,
had leg, suppurating wounds, outs,
burns, bruises, chapped hands, cold
cracks, Rend alt skin injut'ies and
eases. All druggists and stores sell at
50o pot bole, Or post free from Z un-
Buk Co., Toronto, upon'receipt of
Plumbing and
*116 *AiLa
Money to loan on farms at low -
set rates.
Is no experiment with us—
let us figure on your work.
Ritchie 8/, Cosecs
Our New Paint
Has arrived. Try it --clone
...letter. $1.60 a gallon.
Stene Block - Wingham
refection and Safe
Mitt ,00elletteitraIN
The Endowment Policies
The Dominion Life
A sound, well managed
Canadian Life Assurance Company. .
Average rate of interest
darned in 1900-
900---63 PER CENT,
WA.LTltR T. Hatt
1,04l Agent 'Cv'ineh+ctit.
Coffee Fresh Ground
while you wait.
We carry nothing ibut
the Best, and the Best
at Lowest Prices.
Produce Wanted.
APRIL 1st.
have a large school, a high-grade
school, with splendid equipment. In-
structors are experienced. Courses in
Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy
departments are thorough, up-to-date
and practical Our graduates are in
demand as office assistants and Basi-
noss College Teachers. Write for our
free catalogue. Enter at any time.
Capital (paid up) • $3,976,000
Reserve t ad ;Via - • $5,297,000
Total Assets, over $48,000,000
Interest allowed on deposit of $1.00
and upwards.
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Can-
ada, the United States and Europe.
D. T. REPBURN, Manager
l;. Vaesteno, Solicitor
Manitoba, Saskatchewan,' Alberta
Special Trains leave Toronto 2,00 p.m, es
APRiL b, 20 MAY 4,18 JUNE 1,16, 29
JULY 13, 27 AUG. 10, 24 SEPT, T, 21
Stead den tioltite from Ontario stations to pdhtcipal
Northwest vomit at
Wienipetaha iietars $32.00: Edmonton Alla teture
442.50 And to other point m proportion, Tickets
mood to return within 60 days from mointt age.
on kit excutsicns, Comfortable berths, fully t uipped
with bedding, can be secured at m03411110 eatuihrocth
ioeai.reat. "
5arly npplidatt4tr must be Made
A61t rem HbMlk.tllkitl:Rs' P7tMPHLk'h
tonla'ining rate! and full ietarmttion.
t Thera "a
Applrtotwi, tGp.ft.AmrnTonto,r to L, t»o ,
DLL Poo, Ait:. •a
it, IL Saetae1`, Agsitt, Wingham,
The People's Popular Store
Winghani, Ont.
Leave your order for Ladies' Home
Journal—only 15c a month.
Be sure you get the QUARTERLY STYLE
BOOK for summer. It will be here (we expect)
this week ; a month earlier than any other Summer
Style Book; the LARGEST and BEST STYLE
BOOK ever offered at the price, 5c. Leave your
order now. In this Style Book there is a four
page sheet of "Water Transfer" embroidery patterns.
There are 8 or 10 designs and each of these may
be transferred 10 or 12 tithes. No charge for
these Transfer Patterns.
• The Summer Quarterly, well worth 35c All for
Embroidery Patterns,
" " $1.00 only
One L. H. J. Pattern, worth 15c 20 cents
New Styles in Hats and Caps for Men
cc cc ct cc cc cc cc Boys
(Something Real Neat and Up to -sats)
New Styles in Ladies' Caps for Spring
New Styles in Misses' Tams and Caps
for Spring.
New Styles, in Children's Tams and
Caps for Spring.
See the Display in our Windows
All New Goods. New Shapes. New Styles.
And the Prices are Lew.
WANTED.—Choice, fat, dry picked Poultry. Turkeys, 14e
to 1Sc a lb.; Chickens, 12c to 15c a Ib.; Hens, 8c to 100
a lb.; also large quantities of Butter, Eggs, White Beans,
Green and Dried Apples.
Daily Arrivals of New
' Spring Goods
the newest shades and patterns for Spring
are to be obtained here, at the most
reasonable prides. -
'dash. Goods
We are now unpacking the greatest selection
of MusIins, Ginghams, and linen effects to be
shown in Wingham this season, suitable for
Waists and Suits.
House Furnishings
A full range of New Carpets, Linoleum, Oil-
cloths and Lace Curtains just arrived.
Do not fail to see our array o
New Spring Goods
Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce.
Headquarters for I3utteriok's fashions.
Phone 83.