HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1909-03-25, Page 3I "' THIRD __W �"!-..t 4VW DEGREE GOES., . —_ A System Tho is Widely Used in I United staus'? , lot is TaboaO 4 - tk,Q, - Cgurts in c4uadli. _-W ­6� ­ ...- ­ - I t 'I tit regard u) this v4ed ottly a. rl I 11000' *tAluillAU011, WNCII, Alt r4ma until th,§ 1#4ft, Olt Idt'hoad, f1kilt'd to siolk, Ev#ty four hov 01114*1% w4uld sAw % _2Z_ZZ7.ZXAXZ_"""" . :� , . � A . . I � � 1. , .. . 11 .. ; " .. . .� 1. . 1;. $. � : . . � . ,4 .'. . t - 11 .� I.: - .. I f '1� , 1. -, I Coughs, ... I I I i I "oly Week I � . , 6 I �0'1 % ­ " -W" ; 1; . In Rome. 4 ,4' I- +"I#+++"+++*#.+*+*+*.'j . ._ , � r (Harriet V. Steele, Toronto, lit Preitby- , Cold s-7 - terlan.) � The Roulan Herald of Aprit 1000 StLy's; I "Since 1870, wheit the JI-allan. Army Pu - No doctor attelapts w4g�- to eure ,,I genuine case of catarrh or bronoultla ex- I copt by the hilipilatloa Tnethoil. Stomach d(iising has been illwitrde(l because 11401Q8i tere(I RQ111Q. illf, 1-0ally imposing cere. -Inedleine so tillioll llfrevLs only .tile s.,olna(!h_uever reitches tile seett *I VatarrW. Monies, gorgeolls. pr9Qe4,jJonK, And other , The advanced PhYstean recognizes tliat *ill), eAlr cure can be sent late this. serVives which the 11wilialt Chlirvil upheld ' ittriga sail broachial tubes. Fill tills tilt- with helillux itedicantente and you solve Ittive not taken Jilftt.(�, the DroblCul. . I Tho beakitiful .4ervice's tot, Inerly bolt! No colublaotion of gntleeptles Is so hiuoce4&ful its Vntarrbogouo, w4lell contains ill �jt. Peter's 01.1 11.,,'aster Sunda v, so oft ell tile rl�heai; pine, halsainn, anti the greatest healers known. I described, when thc� 1101)(i ga% d ill.$ �lcsi- One breath of Calarrhozone Inettknitly ciroul,.ttes ovor the ­ I . . area that W arxilated with CatarrIL 11ellot la laltatit-silf- "It, froll), tile balcolly. Overlool'Ing, tile I f "'Ing stops At onee-govills are destroyed, --every taint of dis- a Plazza, in front, of tile grct,kt basit- . i a I-emoved, Titlaij It over seriously. Ilove Is it relueilY hu", �1 "I',' , ica.wilerilLthousands tire gathercil, klle"L- at clears ilia tbroat, 1.81loves hoarsoncoa, coughing lmd bad , breath. Irritating kiblegin Is deareil out, ilk llaniizil brontMal ing, ill silent devotion, are a thing of tile . . tubes are healed, throat and voice are stronKthened. IVIlie,ii post ., R-6-11 , . Vatarrhozone Is so pleit4ant and ilortaln, tfi,alt It foolish to "1118 silver trilur?ots, AvIllult those vl,ho 4- , 11 . I- haniper with dangerous Internal renodlea? You broa,.tbo Ca- tarrhozorte-You dealt talce It. JArge $1.0 slPe Is guAranteed, -14LVO heard, silY Call never lie forgotten,, � t .. � Entail size, Zajo all- dealert,, or �N, (1, 1,414on & co" lcuiwon. Ont, ,tie longer ring heir clear, shrill bIkkRt, As . . . I I 4 sylubol to tile falthful, of tile 1.17t "I'll CATARRHOZONE great voice." . . The Itailails hopc,a tigit tile irl-f-selli, . , I . POPO ,Plus X� WOuld re,itore some of these ,.�J - - Just Oreathe it I prand verenionles blIt Ile bt�kjl ,lot ,,,Illtt mall'a cell, and, groaping themselves around him, Nvould pour in it porfoot fusillade of questiou-5. Tile prison,ur would.be engaged by till officer facing him, wlien orieliz. bis rear would suddenly break Ili, One after the Other they thrgw at bim. queries in the , effort to demoi- � alize him; tj,en all would Ulk at the same tinke -au4 overw,helin Id-ni wUh. the weight of their interraga. tion, 'which required thought If rion-coill. wittal Answer waa to be madis. Thus for one hour out of every five was the prisoliter subjected to this, nerve-racking ordeal, DENIED HIM STILIEP. ime did they prAe- te%, him, but at, rilglik, too, Re,%vas prao* . tidally denied sleep, Hardly would lie be off tZ the land of dreanxi before an o( - floor &w4kene,d libri. to Ask some pointed questiop, - As soon as lie was acra,in dos- ing Another Nvould appear witi'l further inquiry. Ile would go away but a* soon a,s the prisoner %va$ once more 4sleep I he was Aroused and questioned again. Dxy And night vnia the -unlortunate =persecuted in this fa,shlon, with un - 4 exandria,tion, but throughout it 411 he never incriminated himself, or, In fact, disSlayed tiny Inside knowledge of the mur er, The 14,tter is Alt The more remaTkable when it is considered that lie was talcon unawaxes, so often, especially In the night tune. if awakened from slurriber and, given a pertinent question to answer, tale interrogated person, be - Ing in a sizLv-conseiousness state, gener, afiy unwittingly tells the truth. %,bia outcome of thin horrible &tied of answering And ungleeplessness was, in � . . tile zatural order of ,things, that the mail went to pieces. Tired by tile dellia,1 of I tile rest which itcraved, the m=',,3 brain, already over -tuned and ,supersensitive w2th Trying to anticipate. tile next * ex- amillation And have answer ready, Ile - came hope] , essly involved. - The mind, obsmed with tlic itAyful Inquisition, at- tained such a degreL, of ounning thM It -was tile mind of a Madman. -7ike bo.d, , lackin- the necessary period of I... �. it 0 xed whell one sleeN, got into a y Seen At'll'te of complete collapse. � A VERITAbLE IMBECILE. � At the trial the havoc worked by this horrot 1)f police zeal showed Ili terrible =.1,1,-,t,,00l�,14,,bp.PpFempli,,3!iaa by � .�q% _ Niel 6f ­t.i;t"'7,J*jiifid * "retlic court the prisoner Rat a, huddled heal), with bent head and glassy eye4; it twitching bundle eritable imbecile. At no part Of the prw;ee-dings ,did lie sho,%v any 1i of in!,erest; he Nvas, incapable of be- ing Interested; -hat little ,of his brain wits left could no - t, grasp the events tilutt were happening, All the thne lie was wafting, wattling, waiting, like a caged animal, for the only thin� Ila 00illd OX' pedt; waiting for a faictlior volley of questions. Overcome by a torture whiell surpassea a millionfold anything the old o ,,panish inquisito= evel, attempted, there was only room for .one idea, in the wretched ei;feebled mind; they would come &�a ask- questions; what would th,ey be? -",hat were the ansvirers?—ques, tious, questions) aways questions. Bowed, broken, a, wreck; a, nulal. but in form, Ile, WAS committed to the SiatO . prison for life. But Ili$ stay there w0A a -short one; he was removed to tile P or laos -within a Y,qry few d'ays—the jto.pt, Asylum for tile (Jrialinal Insane. He who at ,the time Of Ills Arrest had been 2, s&zze, healthy ra-an, was a erippl-1. in raind and body; an Idieta a bent; Sag- ging heal) of nerve$-% Product Of tile -Third Degree." Was he guiltyp Did a blood-stained consdi�nccjast tilrough, that hideous , term of marital affliction? Was he a data. trouble of seeking the real perpetrator of the out- rage? He was convicted, to be sure, but he waR maa at the time of hi's trial, Even the "Third Degree" had failed to arag from him A confession. . A. cAKtLDJAN CA8101, . The foregoing stov brings lip a case of a similar nature� in so far as it was a preying on the mind without any bodily' I violence, in Canada�the only one on record. The Canadian casb was u Ll h In? like so protraoted—it lasted but A u , . of houts�aud -while it ,was the practice of tha 11third degree," it was ill a mild form and unattended by any of the torm rible incidents which usually .make up the American procedure. The occurronco, of quite recent date, WAS Ili respect to a, parti6illatly brutal killing, fit Which both, an axe and a shot- gun had been used, The crime took plice in A ctitintry town, find through clover and quick work on the part of tho detectives a Man was speedily ift ous- tody. Us Was arrested 'Rome distance from the coAnty Boat, iknd as that Was the Iodation of the nouroAt jail, and there Was no railway connection, a hovail and rig were procured to convey him to the lob'kuil, . I As they were getting into the rig nuis of the officers conceived the idea of IpI.Ac- Ing. tile ILXO and gllu, which had also . been rwoured) it front of the ptiaimer to sea what effect their presence ,would L have on hint. Accordingly, they were . stood lip 0gainzit tho Side of the -Wagon ill full View of the Prisoner, and that tho sthemil itzight be fully ,worked olbtp . a circuitous route WAS taken to tile jail. Before they 1101 Coup- far One of tho Jo. tectives eontrilrod to vattlo the Mado of this axe Against the gurt-barvel. The mail- � notlVft had All immediate result. 14VIiarl ilia WoAp011s eartle into volftet With �ft clear told rattle thd prisoher was observ. til to shudder And turn hin head away. 111111:15ONER 13ROXLI DOWN, * Marc convinced thaft ever that they had 'ill,) tight indii, tile detectives stt - "An 'toalx con. About JiMling 1:116 gftino lot all lb I, if, crime at Worth , Milos arul miles tboy drove, ind I bV61'y few nlinllt0 thd Axe blAdt- 41,6 the poliot, guft 16ATrel Lliksho SigAiritt (.Ach oth2r, 4 ,-,f �r&m. - 35Ath time tht smind atme the tigitation it; was. colt. ,of tho, ptitiorier inctoil".d. 1 -Te zihuffli!,l kill feet, Ifilove'd his position many fillies ! M, ln*lf6e�l to tile TAitildd, Anil IoAad everywhere it it do,en but At the Axe alut Mtn. Veto "d ,ftoto Impri-so0*4 reiltlass )Is grot, AI14—fts With RXthJ", - L 11 I I . � . . I I __ , -_ --- wbo rilurdered the Sew in "Tho DOW'— - when, the vietals were now achially .rat- tillag, his. Imagination conjured ill) ib 'a �sound. At last� whdla the detectives were wondering how "Mizell" longer they would have to drive round aboilt their I I destination, lie broke down totally nod Iconfessed to the murder. CONFESSTO.N NOT-AD.1fMCED. I I Of course, a confession or information extracted by means of threats, torture or I promises of benefit IF, not permissible by law, but in tile case ju,,It mentioned I . � no such thing was attempted. Ishe niat- ter was simply one of Making A, sugges- tion which, preying on a guilty con - I science, bore fruit. It was therefore quite within the lettgr of tile statute, which, regretfully, ,cannot be said of the. methods of the United States pollee. Only one case is recollected, south of ills line, fit which the court declined to allow a, confession gained throul�h the "'third degrea," Although the law there rega, yding throats, etc., is the Same as In Canada. That'was the murder of a woman In Detroit, of which a young I Canadian was Accused, about eighteen months ago. Notwithstanding thi con- fessioll, lie Nvaa acquitted. 3 There is, not A little similarity between some phases of the American third ile- gree process in its later reflnoments ana the French system of detective work . known as the "reconstruction" system.. In the latter an effort Is made to take the suspect through the ,whole, perform - ante of the crime, repeating 01 the events and circumstances connected with it, and Making the suspect himself go through tile ACEOR$ Ascribed to the door of file crime, as far as possible exactly as if the thing were being done over again. The object of All *this is partly the psychologioal effect lipon the mis. pect, biit partly also to give the police an accurate noti�n ol the atbeTidant cir. ournstances from which they . often dA -- rive -valuable pointem. , . The French arild American syatems have undoubbcdly reacted on one another to a considerable degree. A ease in 'Wichigan not long ago was 'virtually "reconstruct- od" in full detail,^7 with good results. The case was one 'arising from A, violation of the tenth commandment: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife," I A man was in love'with another's wife and., wishing to have her for Ilia. own, lie proccededto removethe .sturnblingblock, that is, the busband, The "love pirate" boarded with. the Couple, SO that tile work was infinitely more easy than under or- dinary circumstances, and one night -when he was . alone Ili the bouse with hi . Is rival, overcome by his all-consurning passion. for the Nvoman, lie killed Jdm. � I Tile murderer had all express wagon, und having sto,wed -the body in a trunk lie drove it right across the city and cast it into a swamp, under the imprelarpion that it would be immediately Swallowed up. and the man's disappearance conse. quently enshrouded In mystery for everr- iiilore. I -It thougilt, wrong. . Within a few hours the body was ills - covered and Identified, and, 'the Mur- derer"s love for the newly -made '%vidow being well known, suspicion at once fast. ened upon him, People -who had seen hint driving Across tile city when lie had ilia body oil tile trunk as a passenger was found and with these posted at the various points they had occupied at the, time he passed, the suspect, under the directionof detectives, was made to re- cover the route over whichhe imadfiven tile body, so that he might be identified Arid the net drawn closer around him, His nervousness increased as the jour- ney progressed, but had he known what awaited him at the other end of the Ade lie would probably have refused to. go on, for When they ultimately arrived at tile Swamp, there the police had the corpse Stretched out for his benefit, A confession resulted, and, backed its this was by the identification of the horse, the vehicle, And the man, by the people 'who had been posted along the way, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. In thisincident there -was nothing especially abhorrent, except that ilia body, of the murdered man -might have been given its place In the mottuary decently and sub- btituted by a dunim,y, I The Above Instances serve to Illuitrato the w if of the "third degree" or "ll, against whieg th"o 18 always A storm of oonderanatlork when the story leaks out. The practice May be reprehensible In some respects, but In others it has its good points, and while it savora of the barbarous, that some Such measure i's essential with criminals who site known to be guilty, but against whom proof canthob be found, seems looked at ftota all unpitejutlicea AnnJiloint, tight an. ough. Why should it person whose guilt is beyond questions be Mlowed to go f , tea oil account of lack of 0,videnco—and tiler& a,to many that ,way—when Ito cAn' bo persuaded to confess I That is how the police- In the 'United Stitez consider the matter. 'Ole fact 01at thily know they ImVa the right MCLIT does hot -exonerate theTh It bb was to be Teleastd, They Ara oaltoil in- efficient Arid many other hard names It they do- not Make arrests for erlites, but arrott KTo no good it A, einivictioil call. not bit Aotalrod. 11W8 Ara 11neffl6lorkt, It we do hot get it Coultiotlan" they airguel, "Why, thtrdm-e, let this ntan­�who wt re uilty—go frop, bees,11,36 there. is lint en6 coilviot Jilm2 It thc 'third degree' will oxtract m eonfesSion u -by, not filitisito Will?" And thtro la'soine scilse Ili that line 61 yeasoulug, I , A T*16 6f Tonnys6ti. . V'Aqsoll %-ill olict, tillatin I,g011'oota`1'irie'a"k'1 ' trot. - I "It it tlle� 11108t 40NAIttfill, ,strio'ke W the Tlay", "fit lie, I . "Y"', Ytof" refilled IJ,R Triend, "The firkt,sweet. plpek of tho RwAkenod baxd!" Tfifrobvl making 4 ree omftuej ion froth I � Tonnyso�'s ouil *61 -kit, itoilding tho I 01VIrtgo of but ione JOWet'_IJjLrp0f'% ' VV04k1r, . I W All the services ill whiLh. tba pollo taken J)art at Efister fire held in the Si,i- tine Chapel, alld as, tile chapel ii sluall, tickets of admission tire fliffletilt to oh - tail]. Although th,ere atu man), thing which now belong to tile past there $a still enough of grand and Impressive vare­ monial to Interest the visitor oven to the point of litter wearines% . It is said that dliriug L'%Bter week there were 200.000 tourIst,.i And visitors ill Rome last ie4r. Prices were quad. rupled, hotel parlors und cafes were used as sleeping rooms, and It was whispered ., that people were even sleeping in calls. The eruption,% of Vestlylitti fit Naples . caused the tourists there to rush to Rome, and swelled tile crowds grea,tiy, Our party, baving, been in Roine for Rome . time, was comfortably ensconced d pension, . The Easter season is ilia most delight- ful Ili which to visit Rome, as the vio- lets, lilies, wall -flowers, anemones, tile hyacinths and tulips anti other flowers are radiant in all Lneir splendid glory, But the I�Tlgllsh. vaitt American churches fire well worth a visit dilrintv i Holy Week, -when Altar and elaoir are .*� mass -of blossoills, every choice flowering plo,�t being after � nated with R pabli. , 1he city �i here 1'aut is known to have Spent the closing years of Ills life, and in which Peter Is, reputed to have walked and taught the truth.% of tile gospel And died for thein, cannot fall to Awaken feelinfgs of veneration and awe, And to many the soil stained by martyred blood Is sacred ground, � Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, just 9, -,yeek before Easter day� Palm 8unday, of course,. commemorates i..Ae. triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusa- Ion And in Imitation ot the memorable procession palms are distributed Ili All tile churches. The chief sacristan brings in an Armful of pRIms, about three feet long and resembling walking sticks dress- ed Ili ,strips of yellow straw, with bleach - ad palm leaves tied oil them, Ili it tasto- fill but artificial way. ral.m. growing for this cereniony is carried oil extensively betweeii .Nice And Genoa. The Bresci family has provided the Po, a. ANIth. spe- cial Palms since tile time O� "Sixtus V, Who gave the exclusive privilege. In. the Church of , St. john. Lateran, . where the services are even. more linpos- I Ing than in St. Peter's, fifty priests, by actual,count, in gorgeously colored ein- broidored robes, inarehett lip and down tile Aisles holding their palins aloft and singing Land chanting as they went. Strange to say, during all the Solemn services of the Week all the shops Are open, ,concerts and Some other forms of , amusements are pernfll;ted, but theat- ricals tire strictly forbidden. The chief external difference is in the churches, where altars, crucifixes find pictures are generally put into' mournin". . passing the palace of Queen Alargk!er- Ito on our .way home from. -the service, she drove through tile gate in tier Auto- mobile. Noticing two ladies -walking slowly, she bowed and Smiled sweetly. A beautiful woman is Queen MaTguorite. Slit is a lady of queenly hearing and &I- �1'2�weitrs many strings Of tic]' Rearls, 'Isollly outriders were four men on bicycles, two oil each side, keeping pate with her aUtornobile. - . But to return. There is nothing spd- -iially zlistlzzctiy�- Ilk tile services oil Nlon- day and Tuesday, which are held Ili all the churches, beginning early in the morning and continuing until late at night. The most Impressive flibetious begin on NATednesday) when the Tenebrae is Sung in all the churches. The service re- calls the darkness which covered the earth at the crucifixion. On Wednesday, Thursday, And Friday the Church Allows ' no, hyrims of rejoicin to be surigi Pass. ages of Scripture ang extracts from the fathers a i re recited or chanted expressing sorrow and laniefitation: for the death 0-f Christ. On the. left of the altall is placed a triangular candlestick in which fifteen tapers Are fixed. These equal in number the fifteen psalm% that are Sung, one callidle being extinguished after each psalm' until the last one alone remains lighted. The one still burning is card - fully rinnovea and. reproduced After the service as A symbol of tli� Resurrection. The fourteen oandiiir, Are supposed to re. I present the twelve apostles and the two holy water. A procession waa formed to the altar of the Holy 8acramerib, where the Cardinal prayed betore taking, his place oil a. - high throne called the -­ I - I- . . .-­.­_*� I ­ I - I � 1. . . Wives d Mot ers Suffer With Backache I � . Constantly oft ilidir ,fact, attentliq -to L the ,Wants of It largo and exact, 10,111. . IN fly, women often break down will ner- vong txhaustion. B -L the stores, fac.toriez and on it farin Arc weak, Ailing womon, dragged down with 01-turill backaello a'Ad bokc. I 1V . ill down pains, . tsuch Suffering Isn't natural, but it'i dttligtrous, -bppaiise dize. to diStAted kid, neYm. This dimintsn. insoniala, derairiged hiefts0z and other symptoms of kidney do I "I'll can't cure ihonlstivea, ther 1`4 asqistmlea lot Dr, ItailliltorliS PA-11IMFIdi,htio,11; gOL direct to the teat of the ttiniblo, OR, RAMILTON'S ISILLSL CURIt ALL WOMAN% ILL$ To give vitality and power to tho kidneys, to lend ai(i to the bladder and L Ilver, to frea tho, blood of PoNon4i probably thmv I,; %, venially so slie. OMNI AS Dr. ITA41111:011'.4 'Pills. l?or ill "V6111anir irregillaritieg their hitnit is wtil known. Ilecommaidod for girli Attl Wonlen of fill ftgt,iii, ".I "ej)JA . , Per 1)(J'C, 11 1. all &418rg- Ilefil"40 aull, A1lT14t1t1l+,A for Dr. Ifairliltw* Villit 4 Valldritli" n114 I IlixtUrinit, _,__­­'__­-__­' ­ Vi-- ­ -,7 ", - ,_ OR NS CORE() Iri *A U^11120 PUTNAM'5 PAINI.XSS . .CORN E:XTRACTOR (:allledra, WhVre Lit P1.0illte l)I0'QJJL0JI Jilin kvith, A, long goldc-11 r . od 11hoA F-INI ("'ll t�lt Ill Jength, 'JLhe, lieoph� pa,,,�ipd betore will. on(, aL a fline, Jknelt tor a minnout a,s t4py pastled, tknil tile gert.-at Citrdinal � toliehed tnwh one liplift the livad Wiml tile roil, A)i rich anti poor glilte ilaek(-tt L to receive the bithilgellev.s it) Ile o1q.tilleo 1)), 01N act (if hillaility the writer linder- litood a.� igever before tiu, ognificallve tit tile Old Song, "Pas* Utuler tilt! Vud," 'Itio Cardinal flien heard voafemtioa, aguin I)VOStr4ted hintself ill prayer befoli.% l.le Altar 0:44 Ulu corellioliv was over. The relivs of tile Pwssloll were then, RikoWn from it baleouy kiboii4 oike hundred feet above, Ole healls of. the people, Among thesd Art% a large fra"'prient Ut tile true uross, the Iftnee or pait of the slipitr that, plerved the $!tie of Jesus, A, illwo of the Isponge, tile vell of St. Veroulva, ,I handkervi4ef 'given to Jesus to w1pe )Ili . brow while Ili kil agony of persidrat,iml, and *.till bearing the Imprint of Iiii; rtw�. .%IAr)-A, And tile extinsuished. lights Are Raid l.0 symbolize tile defsertiort of the apuifle,i. The tap(,r Jefl, burning 1i a Symbol of the light of Christ, whiell ftjono remaIlled to ligilt 0.1 and vivify tile %Vurlkt. At hait pust four. tile .'Mierer4, or 150th Psah - n, wAs sling Ili �0- John Lateran, fill([ was also chanted inuit hnpresiive.ly in St. Vater's by one of tit(- finitst ehoir`� , lit tilt, woild. Another of the inipti6ing filuiLtions ol Wednesday was tile arrival. aboill, 5 O'clouk Of one of tile great ecelpslastical dignitaries in t1te person of tile Cardinal Chief Penitentiary, who was revolved by About fifty of the fathers and four can - Ong, one of whoill presented him with a fragment of one of the slilrts -)f the Virgin, And ,it lock of tier hair., Th.? JN. tance from which. the objects were Aeon was qo Irreat that it Nvas) of course, ini- possible 'to Verify by observation the 9tatertients Made. � _ _ . _ - - I . � I � Dining With the Hangman. Ill "T'lie Coynic ,Side of ('time" In tile Votruary Strand Magazhie, Harry Furjdtli 1-41 I s a soynewha t startling s of the, Ron. Lewl;s Wingfield, it it�,elZknowrt f1gure in Bolicinlau -society 11L Landoll soille thirty years ago. Wingfield was A. mazi of a particularly morbitt turn of mind and made quite a friend of Alarwood, who ,was at that tAme ilia official hangmAll. I le once , I Invited this Intel't'sting character to take dinner with h:ni at Powerscourt, his beautiful Dublin estate; And tie 'Wingfield was anxious that Ilia donlics- ties should not (Ii.1;cover who his guest was, tile conversation aid not turn, during ditiner, on crimbiMs or hang, 41g. His butler was all old and valued servant, .and wht.., lie was in the roolli Wingfield was earefu) to refer .only to general iopie.c, nuil avoid tile o4 Which lie anti Ilia guest had rueb to tile - cuss. But to the hoitl.s horror, the bRug- mar, k�pt looking at Ills watch, and once or twice, when tire butler Was Ili the room, lie would say: I , 9'Ab, they're giving it to thelin how. .0-9, yes; it's About time now it was over." �'Aiqgfteld was oil , pIlls And needles le t Ills guest sliould, Ili Ills excitement, disclom the n4liles Of tile poor victims. As soon as they were Alone, he said, 6IN'llo are tb�y? I didn't know there was any execution on to-ilpy., "Well. T should think itot-or I wouldn1b Ili- here.' "But they're eriminals nf solne kind - flogging, ell?" . . , t1rilogging! Criminalst Bless, you, no, air. T was looking at illy watol 'ere to tillan the Vresentation oi prizes at illy girls' School. To -day one taken a rust prize and the other a. second!" . __ . � 4 Need No - Longer , Fear the Knife� I 'Gravel Easily and Natural. 1 ly Cured by Dodd's Kidney P11ILS. Joseph PoIrine Who Suffered the Tor.' tures of this Ttrrible Complaint for Nine Months Telts.Hov; the Old Re. liable Kidney Remedy Cured -Him. ' Port Felix East, Guysboro county, X, S., -March 22.-(Specia1,)-Thftt you need no longer fear the knife if troubled with gravel or Other urinary 'iroubles Is tilt - glad news that Joseph Pelrine, a well. known young fishormati here, is toiling his frie�ds. � I "I suffered intense pain from gra.vel, and other urinary troubles for nine Mouths," .11r, Pelrine says, "But seven boxes of Dtidd's Kidney Pills cured, ran completely, I heartily recommend Dodd's Kid'ney Pills to Anyone who is Suffering from gravel or urinaty troubles." Dodd'S Kidney Pills ture grav-0 by during the kidrity.q. The urinary organs. are entively dependent on tho'kidmiys. If the kidneys ttre hot in good working order they cannot filter otit tile uric acid And it combines with other products of the body and causes gravel. Ifealthy Iddheys AiAsolve the stones and they pass off Ili the urine, Tivittla why Dodd's Xidney Pills alwayS cure gravel. I I I 0 0 0 — I THE FAIRY HOUNDS, . Superstition of the Night Ohasos of the "Dandy Dogs.' lit sbute -.feart Stoats ,appe,tr to ll,� Inol-o mimarous than in others, And they Ara seen 1106 lit ones A.wl twoit Unt In. dozens, bunting. together in sma,11 pleks, , . The late E. T. 13doilt. ot Bright-on,*wlitri. shop tolng in Nast Lothian in tha Autumn Of 1883, mot ft, POCk of V.Jt0ftt1 AvIliell at. tacked it forrier lie had Nvith hill, gild would not he drivert off until 'ho llad tilt dog bettitten them had killett More than a, dozen. Stoats will hant togethor from *cut alrd Ili full Cry like it pack of hounds, one always keeping the lillo and followed clo.icly by the othen. This tight bas been reeorded by differelit ol)"rvers, who llkvd alsoi Aeon womsels hunting Ill the 80,11no wikv. Therc. is it'llopulAr notion Ili th-i -%vest of England That hares are hizlit,sd at ig Ili lit , fairy houdd , locali by Ilaeks of littlis � y dill eA udaiwy doga.,, 16a tholke are. ssid to bl� wow*14, VA10, the w0itt country folICS Call "fairie"I'" prolloill1loing' Ills word "viliry" Anil "Vair'" 'Monle of theill fleclare that tboy have Aeon and watplittl thi, chase, with Awo.-Vroffi the, T'"T1114111 Daily Graphile. LLLLL L.I... 0 - - 11 r - 0drittine war. Tv.a miatinil,w latlividn2is vmre. hainniortzig I at ONO, otuor Ili the rl%q, 1114wrjbie!" flllt.untta a (clitite.:hadrun, I 1�,f"tIN01, , , "ifelViiiia, rwo"l-la.., snid di'a r6xul*r p.m. I WR "it Atli Witit to 1140 It P091 It.041) 9 usm, to tbtm When Vicy dIvIJ# tbv p4pst. ­!! MiA401PUt Lulaw% -0 i '� I— - ­ -- - —77,j�� 1 11 -,--*- — - ­ , - -­ ", :- ,___ ..�- ­ .­- � MONKEY' THIEF , ,---- (4'acolod !a r4ststfea Pocket Ile Mmvigod TgAvy Thefis, - � ­ J."Illawflig, a shablolly drof;�Acfl amn I � 1111ohe sisits I,.) vwrioa6 eatiblitAmmiti' merp aiwa:i,- associatpit with th(-ft, tho I'a 04 police hill e stilillbled Oil Ih(. 14%1! a 011111U4,N' JAL't Of 11 1110114 -Vv b0ing Vmplt).�'- vtl for shoplifting purposes, On Taesday aiieraoou tile vvw enter. Aid a Jarigo finlu-.11unt, and wal sooll in- (tilbling tile lirive (d diffevvni, trin1i;ets, A-3 the 8alf?61"all kvil-I tln,4%reelng his; qm­i. tiolls a ([�,le(r-looklllgr hoad sva� seell. it) peell otit rif it lim-ket of Ill'i ovoreoat, - ond muoll a J*vl. fa,lilwe(4 with tho ree'alt titat %over,ti rilig.i left that lmrtletliav stallit, entprisig Nto, the BeIN'llue I)Ocket ,vitil tile plikV, anti then tile Ilea(]. Pro,wuLly tile vkitor, after Cia,06ug the salos,111431 for lik information, nioved (ill to m counter where lace was laid out "I 11*111,11, jig array. The employee was 1.111, 11, ested it) show solue.of the Illost val- kill - " 'w"pIcs, toid once more tile head till(! paw eniergod froxia, the pocket. and ('ue of tile fillest pteee% Ilromptly'diiail. P(ared into that revess, 'The tleteetivei walked up to the ,visi. tor, Anil at onee ayr.:Sted JJJJn,- They also. captured the njoTikey, ter suelk it was' which lit) had trAlot.41 to grab Rt 000d4l w1lite lie was I'Velling like vondoiq ,m- gros�cd b a y his 9ticstious us to prleea aad quality. - - The ation, w'io li qn ilerobat'o 1-.erform- P11 fit ULIrs, poreitiving that the game was I111). submitted mildly, but Ills companion did net take his own nrrest so philosO. Ilill'ieally, and resisted fitreely, I'll(, 'nian was tal�en to the depot of 1Ilia preleature of Police, R1111 tilt- larcell- 1 otia inonkey to the pound. . N '% RECTED , SCALD I CAUSED MONTHS OF AGOR — I Spent Dollars in Vain but Zam-Buk � Cured Her. , �rolloNvIng we give the teatiolony of R lady who 4 Elie bat! kno,Wa pf Zain-lluk earlier )voultl hit.ve been saved nine week,%, agony: Mrs. Fredorfcic Bryant, of 169 Itallway 4kvo- nue, Shattqrd, Ont., say*: -111 ngliled illy foot while preparing supper. Nex4 day the skin eauio off and my feet lytis in a serloun condition, I could lwt wesa, my a-hoa find had to lay up for little weeks. During this tlluo I W!�eil dozein ot s�alves but none did tiny good, tit Met the wound. developed Into a rurnInK flare. I got lie rest (I.'my or night froal the pain. At this point a. supply of Zayh-nuk twits; obtained au,d, a tew P.plil,lcations IlRd JMM&d'IfVte 11fleCt In Jii9Ql;IlJng thii. p6la 04A IT-r1tatl0a. 4 vrnall supfily proved sut- fleleat to heal tile scald, although I baA spent d'alAws Ill other remedisa. Now ekln has now forin4ed nicely ever the o,pon sore, Zani-tlalc Is the m"l; wonderful and ,&t- feotiv,D remody I 10.Ve uzod, anxt I adviso okber,; to use IW, . Zaln-11111k -16 ectUallY offectIve Ili ouring. burns. Mr. Geo, 04atore, caretaker of the E. Memouts, Block, Whini,pog, testifies as 10110wo'--"I Suots,liled a owlo of bad burns While Attending to the Ifwge furnace which -heat$ the buildings. One burn on my wrist WVa Vartletiltirly bW snd gave me great pain. I 4ppliod wrile Um-Blik, And In forty-elfflit -hours all that romaltod of 11to burn was a slight * sear. Zikla-Buk s"in4ad to take the Pain a -way like inagic. It to a splondid balm to keep hantly, its healltig powers betag simply Marvellous," i.hero is, ii,othing to equal Za.ut-Bu 'k u a I fain -ill, balm. Its uses ax* so WtA. It has i been proved ,it sure cure for eczema, ring- Nvom, ulearg.' abse"oes, piles, .ba4 leg, sup - I ruratleg vmunds, cuts, brulies, ohapped bands, cold araeli:F, � and all eltin Injurlies "d illseae6s. Rulj;bed ivell Into We purt affeztLrd L It otsr,aa rheninatism, sciatica, neuralgia,, ete. All drugglats and stores sell at 50-- per box, or pmt free tram Zaui-Buk Co., Toronto, on receipt ,of price. 0 � 0 A TRAITOR'S PUNISHMENT. Lieut. Mimes Easy Life as a Prisoner on Devil's Island, The firsb mail, a Paris contemporary observes, lost the earthly paradise by.a fault, And mail to -day has found it by a crime. Rx -Lieut, �Ullmo, who was con. at and who is now on � Devil'$ Island, is the person referred to, and if our contemporary Is not mis. informed the assertion is not very wide of the inark; Tile ex-Lieuteriant has a ilice little cottage; Ilia costume is white flanikel, and he wents white hoots, He vises late 1 . arld 013euds A long time dressing. 11jil toilet table, We leaxn, is laden With sedrit bottles in is ., and in the roo i a trait Which, bears a strong resembla"no1r; to La Bello Lison. His study Is well Sup. Plied with books, theatrical and other reviews, such as 0110 Would find in a country gentleman's house, Books oil philosophy also find a place, the a.,. Lieutenant's favorite writers being Rant, Fithte and Sclielling. After breakfast, lillmo ,%valk-s about his little doluaiiij feeds his fowls and gives instructions to his Cook, Nearly every day a launch brings fresh moot from I'lle ROy`al0,, And to guard against Stormy weather and the fien-arrival of the launeli,tho Lieutenant has, ,we are Assured, it wellstocked larder with . eggs, butt0r, PTOSOrves and oharcutorle in Abundance. After breakfast he tg),as .a rest and then has a walk under the Oocofiliub trees, Then he $its under the shadOW Of the trees and Watches the beautiful sunset - And possibly thinks Of Dreyfus in this little solitude. At luuel� he (!an have plenty Of fresh milk And cheese, for he has A herd Of Scats, Af. to" dinner tile OX-LieuteliAnt and his guards play, cards, and before ratiring. 'tile chef—whO3 like � GOldlunithl'S cheat Of drawers, "Contrives a double debb to Vity"—trallAformed into a valet do thambre, asks tile prisoner for instruil. U0118 for the next day, The correspon. doub who furnishes this acgount WAR 61ar sod at What lit And go, we thilpit'i Will be his Teatearw&J— Pron, the London Globe. I I I *I+* -- He explaihs, "Why is it, Profos3or," Asked the yollng mail with tile b,J(1 # a, "thilt when 0bristopher Columbus discovered tills (vantry he, didn't settle down and stay hiner, "Dotibtlea,.s yoll arp. )%.Wlll*,., my Y�till,ng . , friend," Answered tile profemor , ,it tile I�Pahlall form, 'of Ills naillo *0#4 cris. toval Colon." "YO4, ,sit." � "W'ell 0, colon does not iliertil a 11111 stop. *0 will return tinw, youlig, gcn. tIcal0n, to tile 01151410141011 (if tho les. 4;orl." - — , 4 ,� *.. Suspicious 011reunittances. Tho grocer Wad IvItyranteil tile limpla �yrnp to be the Teal stuff, "it 40,An't tnete like any ll)aple sirup I ever botiglit," ssti(l' tile- cus. toiller, W110 had just sillilpled it', c 'gild f strovy �tlulrvet­­." "Sir", udid the fildignalit ,groder. i't strongly slispeet, ill crhto of vl-Air.1 ptlarailty, tll�'It it, nuble.- _- �-11_12­sj, Nv�igwaq--Sfy you lim,pil't Old Naha tol 1-ropenst' 6) her, 610 IttTilupIM—Plenty of myla, but to to;As, . ­­­ -1 ­ �­ I - � - � 1- -1 ­ ­�. _. "Look 00 For I That Little Cold" Tiv, Avini, ph-,%Nivian says I leilrt3 it bf-fory it grows hage ,and (Tall. gerovli4, To-flily is tho livae to ValrIT11011(lo treatinont, " Tile rom (,(iy, the belit One. Mileh doe. tors Say 8111,1lamles all others, is lllfer�hjne,ll Ito it on the . eliest aDd throat, toic it as a g[trii, I Ole filld then take 20 dropq In bot 11"'Iter—Cold Ivill dis'll)- pear. "14A SPI'1119 I 0110t A Weril cold." * 11,111104 (leorge V. smart, or QW40n. P. 0. "ZVEIrY cough ramped 1%,throgilt,ghlah peoilwo Perleetly raw. N en ost to dc-46MU411 I WAS advised to t;,y Not-YU140, I rubbed it Oil aud Itood It as a ifurale, ­ l4linedtilto relief tullowei, Vor breaking UT) coldil It's the gre4t rela . . edy of to -day. Use I'NerOfine" I it 'I I , Cures Colds Nervl)lne will galtrit-Ise 3,011. It's the i bekt bouseholif relnedy for couths-, colds f sure PheAt, croup. 9,04 Internal paing or' ei-vPY -kind. Lal-ge, botflRs have been sold , by all deitleis tar nearly fifty years tit "U', JJ'041 forget Vervillne lyben you go to tba druggists, =_=,__-__=­.= .__ ­ -;;;;; �__ ------- — RAT DRIVK; IN INDIA, I Result of a Sy4tematic Campiklan in A Bombay Town, � I 13OMbaY 40418 with Ila rats wt4ole. ile4i'tedly aud scientifically, The eLty '(,'n—l<ixlllatili-iii,a--tN,aa . divided Into . threo'cireles, which w.re agivin divided . into several bluclis, Tbe first circle wits in ehArge of U . le hf f HeSIth, R.M,Iated by four inspeotors iArld two. deputy health officers, in this circle the're were 203 J) 011ses, COMPriiiing 1,423 rooms, and tbeso ivere served widt 20846 baits anti 4215 traps, 11RIts were also placed Ili 77 gaillies. 'Vita second circle was the largeot, and . wa�; Placed in charge of Dr, SirAlt. cuiv. A�,Lj 1. It comprised tWenty-six blocks, Avitil sixty-nine holl,ses And 4,375 rooni.g. all('- 8,750 balts and 1,181 traps were brought, into requisition, besides baits to" WyletY-011911t Kullies. Tile third olrole, in charge of Dr. Shroff, was divided into nbleteen, blooks. It included 264 bonso, with 4.023 , MOMS, whioll, were served � Nvith, 81040 baits and 1,070 traps. Altogo. tbpr 19,642 poison balts and 2,670 train .wore laid. In. oiw dA.v 833 ra-W wave delivered up, , Anil as U10 poison does not always aet finmeffiately it is likely that a great Many More have since been, discovered. � After Idie recovery of rat% all the gullies , � Are flushed And cleaniod and file houses I I gild room$ washed -with pesterine and otherwige Oisbifeoted�Tinkes of ind1%, - *--* - ��__ - !7"Wr77,71"�Fv' o I . . 1 I . �171WF"W4 . I , =!;:!!�!'T.O�t!tt�!t�!t:�,�""–Nt!�,,�i'l�.0 � lip moqim W 11" 440� ­." , , ;�J 0; , , I 11 �� I , . �: : , . 11 � , 4 - — i � With Tbilir Twill, V% - k ig,. t I Landlattv Ilow are y*011 Sell. il�tllea ge g ItIong at the Ialtbor entl of the 1.121111i�r Gao of '1111m (gaawing alk ancient ti, l"411110 , Woi king liki, bearpir,,i, ,�l , ilia , 410L 9 - ---- ­­ � A Nasty Ono. l"thet--jilok Simply ravi-4. nver Ill'y figure And iny complexion. -1Taud---AiiX is lie still in, the asylitill? - - Boston Transcript. I __ Often the 04sa. "MY wife helleves that Wlmt 14 fit ba will Ite," I I "W1,111" . , . 111 40 "'llillid 010 4clit'vel; It, Al n1l illy fAtilt."�—LoUlsville CoqrIer-Jouruid. , — Her Voice. Mis4 GoodiQ10-1ty inusto teacher tP11i me I ought by all inealli to cultivati.. my voiee"' Mixi Turtuil -shet'i . , right, you otight to ellltivatr� it or quil, ttyirig to Sing w4til, . 0 )1, , . ....­­ !i Ono of tile Suppressions ef History, , Ilia l3riti-sh had captured the city t3i Waiihill!,rton and burned it, , "Tryltig to raiij tile tj.,lllpetgtl1yo a litt1c," titoy explalaed� "It"s 41wilys Sri bet1stly cold berp ,on in.,in,71l)-ation tlay.,, don't you know!" n .� . But tile perverhe Yanlava ri�fnjeij f,o take. tile hint And didn't elixoge tile ditto, __ Heard: in. the 13arber Shoii. "Our charges tire the lowest ill town . '11, ,., . obseiwed tile barber, "Cift; rates, ell?" said tile ellstornor, as lie looked at hii bleornted eMn in the gluss�-Judgc, � Recognizing the Symptom$. . � Vervy­u ill --_Pr­­Q r__Jlab.._J want --er --ilin. A— ", . � JeNveler—Gertaialy, Mr. S. . ginuet), bring I me that trill of cJl,,,Vn,ffPlnPzit rjJJg;t11_ ) , . I London. Opinion. I Thrift. . � � Cili,tolliel—Pleftse, mister, .1 can't re - I member what ma Kent me for, but, you OR', give 'Ile two eclnis' worth of pepper- I I mint candy, leaupo �11Q said I could keep . tile ellango."--Century. . _ I Breakfast Hours. � .. I I ' Mrs, Uillet—So the.re I -i it tablet Ili your transept to her nlemo*r, Did she (to alisrthinn to bring people into the chureK,,01 ' ' Urs. Perry—AV,c1l, I quess! She -%vote . it nevi, hat emery Sundd� for three yeall.R. I —IfarpWs Bazar. . I I curious. "104 C-11rious", said V-1lQIe Ellen, "44 . t rL lot o' folks will bardly notice the 9006hes of do country's brainibst moil, all' dat dey'll read- every word of what at' ex-01IRMP1011 of prize-fightin' has to s a . Y!"-Washinr,ton Star, His Spiritual Status, The Rev. Dr. Fourthly -Brother Hep- Perl.5 I have not seen you .it church for a lonore time. I . Parishioner-'.-Y-op dmtor; I'm it reli- giolls reactionary this - yo at. All Pervading. Visitor (in the country, sniffing)- I'sn't thern, a specimen ol tile-er-tap- Phitis Amoricana, samewhere ilk thl.q neighborhood ? His 110st-Isn't there? Whyj maf), tile W0044 fire full of himl I.. � . . - I Geor&7-Holy sinolke! just look at tIlAtaXFOU Thic widespread public interest Ili the kissing tile, poodlel Murado Murder inys.tery has .served to old2f�My 88, I we. Who wouldn#1 M11 Attention to the different methods. lead a dog's life Qf ferreting out orimes pursued by the , . ­ , .&',, V . 1V0IM6"*b1-TA%rope' the VAIted States and USING TURGATIVES - (7411ft4a, And parilculaxl,r in view Of the . comment,$ luado by newspapermen from INJUR5 1HE HEALTH AcVoim tile border, In Attendance at the corollor,14 Irlyestigation, lvlm have hipile "yevial allusion to the fact that tile 110. In (6 Spring a Tonic is- Needed— Hot, here ignore the "third degree." * .-1 . .The !,Wrd degree,' is A term one fro . medicines. . I 1� . . .. I ... cluently bears Applied Ili big crimirial , , A spring m%litine is ar, Actual neces. cuts In L'acle fsam's domAills, but it Is SitY to most people. Nature demands it doubtful if a majority of people in ,any ws an aid in carrying off 'the impurig ex 40ty on Ws side of the frontier know Its � that have accunintlated in the blood dar, inearling, for it Is not tolerated In Call - Ing the indoor life of winter months. .a(!%. It to frowned down by Canadian But unt,eitunately thousands of people jurisprudence. In brief, the ,'third de- . who recognize the neceasity for a spring greell is a "oorifession?' obtained from a, Medicine do not know what is best to � . pri4oner under dures4 aud by Means of take, and dose themselves wt'c,h harsh, f orce. � griping plirgatives. This is a, Serious mistake. Ask any doctor and he will The UontreAl Herald, commenting on L�11 )'Oil that the Ilse of purgative medi. . chle weakens tile System but does out it, �qjnts out that foreign writers, un- cure disease. In tile spring the systeld, familiar with the broad spirit of BrItasli needs building up—purgative-A cannot do 'c4lis, � `oit still more. The institutions -which pervades every apney . blood should be made rich red and pure ofthel government in its relationship to -no purgative call do t1lis. JNrliat i.5 the private citizen, of course cannot un- needed Ill the spring is it tonic, and the derstand why an individual Against best tonii., medical science has yet dis, whom there is nothing but suspicion Is eovtreil is Dr. Williams' Pink Pillj,* not placed under duress and "made to Every dose of this ruedichic- actuitity tell" what be or she knows. makes now, rich blood. This now The'Rerald publishes the following blood strengthens every oirgAn, tvory _,spMal article by Maxwell 1$rnith, show- nerve, and every parI 0 Lbe bod;. This is why they cure headaches arid ingliow the "third degree'O is workeil in backaebes, rbouma�iisui and neuraigiij, And it host of other 'troubles that united states cifte., and elsewhere. collh! from poor, watery blood, That is -why .&to all the horrible phases of the men and women wito take Dr. Wiliaut;� pjJJJC- Pills eat -,Veil, Sleep' well, find fc6l . "third degree" published in the news- bright, Active and strong. If you need , papers the truth, or 'are they only Qau- . .urds aiming at serisationalistal reviving t011ie, Anil aw tile new life, riew This question has, again been brought -1 -A Into the limelight by the alleged ills- �rou. .14old by All medicine donlerg or by .1josures Of tile methods used by the Mail At 60 6nta a bo -x* or six boxes ai -police In the case of the murder of $2.50, from tilt Dr. W111iiiiAl Medicine cil,, Brookville, Ont. 1 16'rank Wilhohn Ili Newark, N. J. The I 3-cp6rts which �kppeared stated tha,t th,e � tu4dered mart's wife, Mrs. lHary J, (Montreal Glzotte,) ! NVilbelm, and a man na.med Nicholas Ilov. S. P. Pwqv, of AT-Inhipeg ,15 now I sicca, Who are in, custody charged with added to the list of Atothodist elergvluelt file crime, were subjected to the most who dolly tile volliplete historleal A001. revolting -measures In the off art to se- ravy of tile Bible. This sort lit thing is c-ure admissions from them. becoming rather common to be len4a. Referring to the Newark case, .one flonal, bnt IS none,. tilt,. lowm ocoasion, for of the foremost criminologists in-Can- thoughtfill. collsidoration. Thoto artl Ili. adae—where, he said, he knew of no Ouded in the Bible bookq of hiqtorv. of Occasion on which coercion was used poitktry, of Philosophy and of teltAing. , I to make. a prisoner speak—remarked in its JJT�Jellt P114e I$ tile rp.k, it lilt of that such a loathsome thing as to the rejection by learootl and thoughtful ; earry tho corpse back to the scene of men. of bnoks'that tit one timp. found ' the crime ana make the suspecte-6 man aec#ptanci, artion-v 6,44ti,ins and -Jewti stumble over It. in the dark, and then, salilev#ftaluon itahouletiallit. L�-%,vuoll I Anil thoughtflif well luay flild other ' Z lie lay on top of the body, to switch. partS i.,a lit- lejeelii,d or vlewi6a a., I 01i a blaze of light; or to take tile dead figurative ,,!Zpr%1,;s1onq rather than. it r-. I . luan's 'Vito to the Morgue at midnight, vord of faP14. It would lit, Nvell, thutig1l, I . without giving her Any inkling of that NN'llell a ilkilli4tisr teelq hilmolf imly. ­.Ybers she was going, and to suddenly oA to coudeum. anientl or jejeot, lie iput her into the room where her hLW_ !.� I 11's,nd -was laid out Ili death, ,was—why, . ithe ideit was unspeaka"bly reptignant (Itle, thought ,.ilia with roveri'llu" Tit& that it was hard to credit it, to even . --i(' It pollce� officer. Both of these bappeit- kailds S1101114 touch loulidations, I 1. - Ings are said 6 have occurred in the initiation of the two prisoners ill tke � V6V4:.*k tragedy r,afi'�')ieU��,t;ijil.6,tit�,�;iltA,i-* -Rre emphatically denied by' tile Chi(f of .'Police of that eltv, I The -Newark mlird�r nutl tile process . !sdopted by the police to extract; infor. :illation are so recent and fresh -In. the ;public mind that it is hardly worth. . :wldlo recounting all ilia details. Other . instances of the "third, degree" are not I I acking. I I . . 'ORI GIN t . OF THE "THIRD DEGREE." Bef�re going further, however,. the varigin of the order known. as the ',third ,devree'k—or at least the accepted ox- 1planation—might be given. To Chicago da ascribed the doubtful honor of eoin- 5ag the pbrase, if not the inquisitorial isystem which it Signifies. I Years ago it is told, when Chicago . zearned its title of "the toughest city in _kwericaf the , ,greater part of its popu. "inch 3ation -was of a motley anit scourl- � idrelly nature that, to gain information 41 nid, Alippress crime the most extreme sn"sures wore necessary� Crime was then so ant in the Wintly City, and tile ma=ors so flagrantly scornful , . *1 the law th4t, the police were at their wits' end to find means to secure con- victions, when they instituted a torture under which the most hardy 'wilted, and if there was nothing to tell, would make up a story—anything to escape the ter. - alble "third degree." The agaratus, If it might be so called, which a Chicago police brought into U-ing, consisted of a cell that could be . gradually heated to an Insufferable tem- perxturc. There were three specified 1�.degreesl' of heat employed: First, See- tond. anti third, and no man could possi- , bly endure for long the limit of the "third degree." Anyone who did hold ,out. until the "third degroc14 wag re1olled ,was in the posi , ition of being literally ,cook,6d alive and—this Speaks eloquent - .17 of the d'opth of the torture�there . - at no record of a single case wherein tile erson incarcerated in the "overill 4 fallel to "talk." X0W` AM AT TIM MIND. JVhethar this cell is still in existence or not me one appears to know but it IS In Ytry unlikely. the Inevitable pro- ,eess of evolution the "third degree" as- sumed a. subtlety greater than tile ilia. ..,11tiationo of Torquemada, instead -of =the sensitive ntrves with dis- anA Vain, it Strikes at a higher isense—tha,b of the mind. 'From a inere ordinary torturd it has become a method devilish in its ounning, which, Insidious. ly working upon the brain, Raps the i ar life out of a lizan, robA hior of all .y , volition, And brilage him to a state of . litter mental collapse. And as this Is le generally accompanied by failure of tile "ical , ph functions of the body' ilia re - 4T attained is pffiful. J)HIVP,N PFRUAIN'ENTLY INNSANNE, TheVe is que caAe which tile writer rt - 4311s in which the vietihi was driven per- �yn*fthtly insiane. I't Occurred ill a large -city In UidhlgAn. Ayonng inati, wits ad- , miotA at the murder of Ills employer, but, ,he ?le#Aed Innocence. The police were , Witt *tied thlat, Ito V#A the Mayor, but ISt;ked Sufficiont, iliviaerwe to convict Jilin, ,so, after lilt 001cl, oxNalonts had lito.ti ltibd, r"orl;- was thade to the 'Third 1) I , 11 C"O", howovgr, anothtr line was fill- Iow*d 11*61in that. O'DIO)yea ill thil xew. afk murder, In tilt, filfli6tion, *f the 1.TWrA Dvke6l, ilm torpse geftera.111, 1J`IJLV* fk`ft IftitiortAnt pilrtj tile aftu'&�A _-W ­6� ­ ...- ­ - I t 'I tit regard u) this v4ed ottly a. rl I 11000' *tAluillAU011, WNCII, Alt r4ma until th,§ 1#4ft, Olt Idt'hoad, f1kilt'd to siolk, Ev#ty four hov 01114*1% w4uld sAw % _2Z_ZZ7.ZXAXZ_"""" . :� , . � A . . I � � 1. , .. . 11 .. ; " .. . .� 1. . 1;. $. � : . . � . ,4 .'. . t - 11 .� I.: - .. I f '1� , 1. -, I Coughs, ... I I I i I "oly Week I � . , 6 I �0'1 % ­ " -W" ; 1; . In Rome. 4 ,4' I- +"I#+++"+++*#.+*+*+*.'j . ._ , � r (Harriet V. Steele, Toronto, lit Preitby- , Cold s-7 - terlan.) � The Roulan Herald of Aprit 1000 StLy's; I "Since 1870, wheit the JI-allan. Army Pu - No doctor attelapts w4g�- to eure ,,I genuine case of catarrh or bronoultla ex- I copt by the hilipilatloa Tnethoil. Stomach d(iising has been illwitrde(l because 11401Q8i tere(I RQ111Q. illf, 1-0ally imposing cere. -Inedleine so tillioll llfrevLs only .tile s.,olna(!h_uever reitches tile seett *I VatarrW. Monies, gorgeolls. pr9Qe4,jJonK, And other , The advanced PhYstean recognizes tliat *ill), eAlr cure can be sent late this. serVives which the 11wilialt Chlirvil upheld ' ittriga sail broachial tubes. Fill tills tilt- with helillux itedicantente and you solve Ittive not taken Jilftt.(�, the DroblCul. . I Tho beakitiful .4ervice's tot, Inerly bolt! No colublaotion of gntleeptles Is so hiuoce4&ful its Vntarrbogouo, w4lell contains ill �jt. Peter's 01.1 11.,,'aster Sunda v, so oft ell tile rl�heai; pine, halsainn, anti the greatest healers known. I described, when thc� 1101)(i ga% d ill.$ �lcsi- One breath of Calarrhozone Inettknitly ciroul,.ttes ovor the ­ I . . area that W arxilated with CatarrIL 11ellot la laltatit-silf- "It, froll), tile balcolly. Overlool'Ing, tile I f "'Ing stops At onee-govills are destroyed, --every taint of dis- a Plazza, in front, of tile grct,kt basit- . i a I-emoved, Titlaij It over seriously. Ilove Is it relueilY hu", �1 "I',' , ica.wilerilLthousands tire gathercil, klle"L- at clears ilia tbroat, 1.81loves hoarsoncoa, coughing lmd bad , breath. Irritating kiblegin Is deareil out, ilk llaniizil brontMal ing, ill silent devotion, are a thing of tile . . tubes are healed, throat and voice are stronKthened. IVIlie,ii post ., R-6-11 , . Vatarrhozone Is so pleit4ant and ilortaln, tfi,alt It foolish to "1118 silver trilur?ots, AvIllult those vl,ho 4- , 11 . I- haniper with dangerous Internal renodlea? You broa,.tbo Ca- tarrhozorte-You dealt talce It. JArge $1.0 slPe Is guAranteed, -14LVO heard, silY Call never lie forgotten,, � t .. � Entail size, Zajo all- dealert,, or �N, (1, 1,414on & co" lcuiwon. Ont, ,tie longer ring heir clear, shrill bIkkRt, As . . . I I 4 sylubol to tile falthful, of tile 1.17t "I'll CATARRHOZONE great voice." . . The Itailails hopc,a tigit tile irl-f-selli, . , I . POPO ,Plus X� WOuld re,itore some of these ,.�J - - Just Oreathe it I prand verenionles blIt Ile bt�kjl ,lot ,,,Illtt mall'a cell, and, groaping themselves around him, Nvould pour in it porfoot fusillade of questiou-5. Tile prison,ur would.be engaged by till officer facing him, wlien orieliz. bis rear would suddenly break Ili, One after the Other they thrgw at bim. queries in the , effort to demoi- � alize him; tj,en all would Ulk at the same tinke -au4 overw,helin Id-ni wUh. the weight of their interraga. tion, 'which required thought If rion-coill. wittal Answer waa to be madis. Thus for one hour out of every five was the prisoliter subjected to this, nerve-racking ordeal, DENIED HIM STILIEP. ime did they prAe- te%, him, but at, rilglik, too, Re,%vas prao* . tidally denied sleep, Hardly would lie be off tZ the land of dreanxi before an o( - floor &w4kene,d libri. to Ask some pointed questiop, - As soon as lie was acra,in dos- ing Another Nvould appear witi'l further inquiry. Ile would go away but a* soon a,s the prisoner %va$ once more 4sleep I he was Aroused and questioned again. Dxy And night vnia the -unlortunate =persecuted in this fa,shlon, with un - 4 exandria,tion, but throughout it 411 he never incriminated himself, or, In fact, disSlayed tiny Inside knowledge of the mur er, The 14,tter is Alt The more remaTkable when it is considered that lie was talcon unawaxes, so often, especially In the night tune. if awakened from slurriber and, given a pertinent question to answer, tale interrogated person, be - Ing in a sizLv-conseiousness state, gener, afiy unwittingly tells the truth. %,bia outcome of thin horrible &tied of answering And ungleeplessness was, in � . . tile zatural order of ,things, that the mail went to pieces. Tired by tile dellia,1 of I tile rest which itcraved, the m=',,3 brain, already over -tuned and ,supersensitive w2th Trying to anticipate. tile next * ex- amillation And have answer ready, Ile - came hope] , essly involved. - The mind, obsmed with tlic itAyful Inquisition, at- tained such a degreL, of ounning thM It -was tile mind of a Madman. -7ike bo.d, , lackin- the necessary period of I... �. it 0 xed whell one sleeN, got into a y Seen At'll'te of complete collapse. � A VERITAbLE IMBECILE. � At the trial the havoc worked by this horrot 1)f police zeal showed Ili terrible =.1,1,-,t,,00l�,14,,bp.PpFempli,,3!iaa by � .�q% _ Niel 6f ­t.i;t"'7,J*jiifid * "retlic court the prisoner Rat a, huddled heal), with bent head and glassy eye4; it twitching bundle eritable imbecile. At no part Of the prw;ee-dings ,did lie sho,%v any 1i of in!,erest; he Nvas, incapable of be- ing Interested; -hat little ,of his brain wits left could no - t, grasp the events tilutt were happening, All the thne lie was wafting, wattling, waiting, like a caged animal, for the only thin� Ila 00illd OX' pedt; waiting for a faictlior volley of questions. Overcome by a torture whiell surpassea a millionfold anything the old o ,,panish inquisito= evel, attempted, there was only room for .one idea, in the wretched ei;feebled mind; they would come &�a ask- questions; what would th,ey be? -",hat were the ansvirers?—ques, tious, questions) aways questions. Bowed, broken, a, wreck; a, nulal. but in form, Ile, WAS committed to the SiatO . prison for life. But Ili$ stay there w0A a -short one; he was removed to tile P or laos -within a Y,qry few d'ays—the jto.pt, Asylum for tile (Jrialinal Insane. He who at ,the time Of Ills Arrest had been 2, s&zze, healthy ra-an, was a erippl-1. in raind and body; an Idieta a bent; Sag- ging heal) of nerve$-% Product Of tile -Third Degree." Was he guiltyp Did a blood-stained consdi�nccjast tilrough, that hideous , term of marital affliction? Was he a data. trouble of seeking the real perpetrator of the out- rage? He was convicted, to be sure, but he waR maa at the time of hi's trial, Even the "Third Degree" had failed to arag from him A confession. . A. cAKtLDJAN CA8101, . The foregoing stov brings lip a case of a similar nature� in so far as it was a preying on the mind without any bodily' I violence, in Canada�the only one on record. The Canadian casb was u Ll h In? like so protraoted—it lasted but A u , . of houts�aud -while it ,was the practice of tha 11third degree," it was ill a mild form and unattended by any of the torm rible incidents which usually .make up the American procedure. The occurronco, of quite recent date, WAS Ili respect to a, parti6illatly brutal killing, fit Which both, an axe and a shot- gun had been used, The crime took plice in A ctitintry town, find through clover and quick work on the part of tho detectives a Man was speedily ift ous- tody. Us Was arrested 'Rome distance from the coAnty Boat, iknd as that Was the Iodation of the nouroAt jail, and there Was no railway connection, a hovail and rig were procured to convey him to the lob'kuil, . I As they were getting into the rig nuis of the officers conceived the idea of IpI.Ac- Ing. tile ILXO and gllu, which had also . been rwoured) it front of the ptiaimer to sea what effect their presence ,would L have on hint. Accordingly, they were . stood lip 0gainzit tho Side of the -Wagon ill full View of the Prisoner, and that tho sthemil itzight be fully ,worked olbtp . a circuitous route WAS taken to tile jail. Before they 1101 Coup- far One of tho Jo. tectives eontrilrod to vattlo the Mado of this axe Against the gurt-barvel. The mail- � notlVft had All immediate result. 14VIiarl ilia WoAp011s eartle into volftet With �ft clear told rattle thd prisoher was observ. til to shudder And turn hin head away. 111111:15ONER 13ROXLI DOWN, * Marc convinced thaft ever that they had 'ill,) tight indii, tile detectives stt - "An 'toalx con. About JiMling 1:116 gftino lot all lb I, if, crime at Worth , Milos arul miles tboy drove, ind I bV61'y few nlinllt0 thd Axe blAdt- 41,6 the poliot, guft 16ATrel Lliksho SigAiritt (.Ach oth2r, 4 ,-,f �r&m. - 35Ath time tht smind atme the tigitation it; was. colt. ,of tho, ptitiorier inctoil".d. 1 -Te zihuffli!,l kill feet, Ifilove'd his position many fillies ! M, ln*lf6e�l to tile TAitildd, Anil IoAad everywhere it it do,en but At the Axe alut Mtn. Veto "d ,ftoto Impri-so0*4 reiltlass )Is grot, AI14—fts With RXthJ", - L 11 I I . � . . I I __ , -_ --- wbo rilurdered the Sew in "Tho DOW'— - when, the vietals were now achially .rat- tillag, his. Imagination conjured ill) ib 'a �sound. At last� whdla the detectives were wondering how "Mizell" longer they would have to drive round aboilt their I I destination, lie broke down totally nod Iconfessed to the murder. CONFESSTO.N NOT-AD.1fMCED. I I Of course, a confession or information extracted by means of threats, torture or I promises of benefit IF, not permissible by law, but in tile case ju,,It mentioned I . � no such thing was attempted. Ishe niat- ter was simply one of Making A, sugges- tion which, preying on a guilty con - I science, bore fruit. It was therefore quite within the lettgr of tile statute, which, regretfully, ,cannot be said of the. methods of the United States pollee. Only one case is recollected, south of ills line, fit which the court declined to allow a, confession gained throul�h the "'third degrea," Although the law there rega, yding throats, etc., is the Same as In Canada. That'was the murder of a woman In Detroit, of which a young I Canadian was Accused, about eighteen months ago. Notwithstanding thi con- fessioll, lie Nvaa acquitted. 3 There is, not A little similarity between some phases of the American third ile- gree process in its later reflnoments ana the French system of detective work . known as the "reconstruction" system.. In the latter an effort Is made to take the suspect through the ,whole, perform - ante of the crime, repeating 01 the events and circumstances connected with it, and Making the suspect himself go through tile ACEOR$ Ascribed to the door of file crime, as far as possible exactly as if the thing were being done over again. The object of All *this is partly the psychologioal effect lipon the mis. pect, biit partly also to give the police an accurate noti�n ol the atbeTidant cir. ournstances from which they . often dA -- rive -valuable pointem. , . The French arild American syatems have undoubbcdly reacted on one another to a considerable degree. A ease in 'Wichigan not long ago was 'virtually "reconstruct- od" in full detail,^7 with good results. The case was one 'arising from A, violation of the tenth commandment: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife," I A man was in love'with another's wife and., wishing to have her for Ilia. own, lie proccededto removethe .sturnblingblock, that is, the busband, The "love pirate" boarded with. the Couple, SO that tile work was infinitely more easy than under or- dinary circumstances, and one night -when he was . alone Ili the bouse with hi . Is rival, overcome by his all-consurning passion. for the Nvoman, lie killed Jdm. � I Tile murderer had all express wagon, und having sto,wed -the body in a trunk lie drove it right across the city and cast it into a swamp, under the imprelarpion that it would be immediately Swallowed up. and the man's disappearance conse. quently enshrouded In mystery for everr- iiilore. I -It thougilt, wrong. . Within a few hours the body was ills - covered and Identified, and, 'the Mur- derer"s love for the newly -made '%vidow being well known, suspicion at once fast. ened upon him, People -who had seen hint driving Across tile city when lie had ilia body oil tile trunk as a passenger was found and with these posted at the various points they had occupied at the, time he passed, the suspect, under the directionof detectives, was made to re- cover the route over whichhe imadfiven tile body, so that he might be identified Arid the net drawn closer around him, His nervousness increased as the jour- ney progressed, but had he known what awaited him at the other end of the Ade lie would probably have refused to. go on, for When they ultimately arrived at tile Swamp, there the police had the corpse Stretched out for his benefit, A confession resulted, and, backed its this was by the identification of the horse, the vehicle, And the man, by the people 'who had been posted along the way, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. In thisincident there -was nothing especially abhorrent, except that ilia body, of the murdered man -might have been given its place In the mottuary decently and sub- btituted by a dunim,y, I The Above Instances serve to Illuitrato the w if of the "third degree" or "ll, against whieg th"o 18 always A storm of oonderanatlork when the story leaks out. The practice May be reprehensible In some respects, but In others it has its good points, and while it savora of the barbarous, that some Such measure i's essential with criminals who site known to be guilty, but against whom proof canthob be found, seems looked at ftota all unpitejutlicea AnnJiloint, tight an. ough. Why should it person whose guilt is beyond questions be Mlowed to go f , tea oil account of lack of 0,videnco—and tiler& a,to many that ,way—when Ito cAn' bo persuaded to confess I That is how the police- In the 'United Stitez consider the matter. 'Ole fact 01at thily know they ImVa the right MCLIT does hot -exonerate theTh It bb was to be Teleastd, They Ara oaltoil in- efficient Arid many other hard names It they do- not Make arrests for erlites, but arrott KTo no good it A, einivictioil call. not bit Aotalrod. 11W8 Ara 11neffl6lorkt, It we do hot get it Coultiotlan" they airguel, "Why, thtrdm-e, let this ntan­�who wt re uilty—go frop, bees,11,36 there. is lint en6 coilviot Jilm2 It thc 'third degree' will oxtract m eonfesSion u -by, not filitisito Will?" And thtro la'soine scilse Ili that line 61 yeasoulug, I , A T*16 6f Tonnys6ti. . V'Aqsoll %-ill olict, tillatin I,g011'oota`1'irie'a"k'1 ' trot. - I "It it tlle� 11108t 40NAIttfill, ,strio'ke W the Tlay", "fit lie, I . "Y"', Ytof" refilled IJ,R Triend, "The firkt,sweet. plpek of tho RwAkenod baxd!" Tfifrobvl making 4 ree omftuej ion froth I � Tonnyso�'s ouil *61 -kit, itoilding tho I 01VIrtgo of but ione JOWet'_IJjLrp0f'% ' VV04k1r, . I W All the services ill whiLh. tba pollo taken J)art at Efister fire held in the Si,i- tine Chapel, alld as, tile chapel ii sluall, tickets of admission tire fliffletilt to oh - tail]. Although th,ere atu man), thing which now belong to tile past there $a still enough of grand and Impressive vare­ monial to Interest the visitor oven to the point of litter wearines% . It is said that dliriug L'%Bter week there were 200.000 tourIst,.i And visitors ill Rome last ie4r. Prices were quad. rupled, hotel parlors und cafes were used as sleeping rooms, and It was whispered ., that people were even sleeping in calls. The eruption,% of Vestlylitti fit Naples . caused the tourists there to rush to Rome, and swelled tile crowds grea,tiy, Our party, baving, been in Roine for Rome . time, was comfortably ensconced d pension, . The Easter season is ilia most delight- ful Ili which to visit Rome, as the vio- lets, lilies, wall -flowers, anemones, tile hyacinths and tulips anti other flowers are radiant in all Lneir splendid glory, But the I�Tlgllsh. vaitt American churches fire well worth a visit dilrintv i Holy Week, -when Altar and elaoir are .*� mass -of blossoills, every choice flowering plo,�t being after � nated with R pabli. , 1he city �i here 1'aut is known to have Spent the closing years of Ills life, and in which Peter Is, reputed to have walked and taught the truth.% of tile gospel And died for thein, cannot fall to Awaken feelinfgs of veneration and awe, And to many the soil stained by martyred blood Is sacred ground, � Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, just 9, -,yeek before Easter day� Palm 8unday, of course,. commemorates i..Ae. triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusa- Ion And in Imitation ot the memorable procession palms are distributed Ili All tile churches. The chief sacristan brings in an Armful of pRIms, about three feet long and resembling walking sticks dress- ed Ili ,strips of yellow straw, with bleach - ad palm leaves tied oil them, Ili it tasto- fill but artificial way. ral.m. growing for this cereniony is carried oil extensively betweeii .Nice And Genoa. The Bresci family has provided the Po, a. ANIth. spe- cial Palms since tile time O� "Sixtus V, Who gave the exclusive privilege. In. the Church of , St. john. Lateran, . where the services are even. more linpos- I Ing than in St. Peter's, fifty priests, by actual,count, in gorgeously colored ein- broidored robes, inarehett lip and down tile Aisles holding their palins aloft and singing Land chanting as they went. Strange to say, during all the Solemn services of the Week all the shops Are open, ,concerts and Some other forms of , amusements are pernfll;ted, but theat- ricals tire strictly forbidden. The chief external difference is in the churches, where altars, crucifixes find pictures are generally put into' mournin". . passing the palace of Queen Alargk!er- Ito on our .way home from. -the service, she drove through tile gate in tier Auto- mobile. Noticing two ladies -walking slowly, she bowed and Smiled sweetly. A beautiful woman is Queen MaTguorite. Slit is a lady of queenly hearing and &I- �1'2�weitrs many strings Of tic]' Rearls, 'Isollly outriders were four men on bicycles, two oil each side, keeping pate with her aUtornobile. - . But to return. There is nothing spd- -iially zlistlzzctiy�- Ilk tile services oil Nlon- day and Tuesday, which are held Ili all the churches, beginning early in the morning and continuing until late at night. The most Impressive flibetious begin on NATednesday) when the Tenebrae is Sung in all the churches. The service re- calls the darkness which covered the earth at the crucifixion. On Wednesday, Thursday, And Friday the Church Allows ' no, hyrims of rejoicin to be surigi Pass. ages of Scripture ang extracts from the fathers a i re recited or chanted expressing sorrow and laniefitation: for the death 0-f Christ. On the. left of the altall is placed a triangular candlestick in which fifteen tapers Are fixed. These equal in number the fifteen psalm% that are Sung, one callidle being extinguished after each psalm' until the last one alone remains lighted. The one still burning is card - fully rinnovea and. reproduced After the service as A symbol of tli� Resurrection. The fourteen oandiiir, Are supposed to re. I present the twelve apostles and the two holy water. A procession waa formed to the altar of the Holy 8acramerib, where the Cardinal prayed betore taking, his place oil a. - high throne called the -­ I - I- . . .-­.­_*� I ­ I - I � 1. . . Wives d Mot ers Suffer With Backache I � . Constantly oft ilidir ,fact, attentliq -to L the ,Wants of It largo and exact, 10,111. . IN fly, women often break down will ner- vong txhaustion. B -L the stores, fac.toriez and on it farin Arc weak, Ailing womon, dragged down with 01-turill backaello a'Ad bokc. I 1V . ill down pains, . tsuch Suffering Isn't natural, but it'i dttligtrous, -bppaiise dize. to diStAted kid, neYm. This dimintsn. insoniala, derairiged hiefts0z and other symptoms of kidney do I "I'll can't cure ihonlstivea, ther 1`4 asqistmlea lot Dr, ItailliltorliS PA-11IMFIdi,htio,11; gOL direct to the teat of the ttiniblo, OR, RAMILTON'S ISILLSL CURIt ALL WOMAN% ILL$ To give vitality and power to tho kidneys, to lend ai(i to the bladder and L Ilver, to frea tho, blood of PoNon4i probably thmv I,; %, venially so slie. OMNI AS Dr. ITA41111:011'.4 'Pills. l?or ill "V6111anir irregillaritieg their hitnit is wtil known. Ilecommaidod for girli Attl Wonlen of fill ftgt,iii, ".I "ej)JA . , Per 1)(J'C, 11 1. all &418rg- Ilefil"40 aull, A1lT14t1t1l+,A for Dr. Ifairliltw* Villit 4 Valldritli" n114 I IlixtUrinit, _,__­­'__­-__­' ­ Vi-- ­ -,7 ", - ,_ OR NS CORE() Iri *A U^11120 PUTNAM'5 PAINI.XSS . .CORN E:XTRACTOR (:allledra, WhVre Lit P1.0illte l)I0'QJJL0JI Jilin kvith, A, long goldc-11 r . od 11hoA F-INI ("'ll t�lt Ill Jength, 'JLhe, lieoph� pa,,,�ipd betore will. on(, aL a fline, Jknelt tor a minnout a,s t4py pastled, tknil tile gert.-at Citrdinal � toliehed tnwh one liplift the livad Wiml tile roil, A)i rich anti poor glilte ilaek(-tt L to receive the bithilgellev.s it) Ile o1q.tilleo 1)), 01N act (if hillaility the writer linder- litood a.� igever before tiu, ognificallve tit tile Old Song, "Pas* Utuler tilt! Vud," 'Itio Cardinal flien heard voafemtioa, aguin I)VOStr4ted hintself ill prayer befoli.% l.le Altar 0:44 Ulu corellioliv was over. The relivs of tile Pwssloll were then, RikoWn from it baleouy kiboii4 oike hundred feet above, Ole healls of. the people, Among thesd Art% a large fra"'prient Ut tile true uross, the Iftnee or pait of the slipitr that, plerved the $!tie of Jesus, A, illwo of the Isponge, tile vell of St. Veroulva, ,I handkervi4ef 'given to Jesus to w1pe )Ili . brow while Ili kil agony of persidrat,iml, and *.till bearing the Imprint of Iiii; rtw�. .%IAr)-A, And tile extinsuished. lights Are Raid l.0 symbolize tile defsertiort of the apuifle,i. The tap(,r Jefl, burning 1i a Symbol of the light of Christ, whiell ftjono remaIlled to ligilt 0.1 and vivify tile %Vurlkt. At hait pust four. tile .'Mierer4, or 150th Psah - n, wAs sling Ili �0- John Lateran, fill([ was also chanted inuit hnpresiive.ly in St. Vater's by one of tit(- finitst ehoir`� , lit tilt, woild. Another of the inipti6ing filuiLtions ol Wednesday was tile arrival. aboill, 5 O'clouk Of one of tile great ecelpslastical dignitaries in t1te person of tile Cardinal Chief Penitentiary, who was revolved by About fifty of the fathers and four can - Ong, one of whoill presented him with a fragment of one of the slilrts -)f the Virgin, And ,it lock of tier hair., Th.? JN. tance from which. the objects were Aeon was qo Irreat that it Nvas) of course, ini- possible 'to Verify by observation the 9tatertients Made. � _ _ . _ - - I . � I � Dining With the Hangman. Ill "T'lie Coynic ,Side of ('time" In tile Votruary Strand Magazhie, Harry Furjdtli 1-41 I s a soynewha t startling s of the, Ron. Lewl;s Wingfield, it it�,elZknowrt f1gure in Bolicinlau -society 11L Landoll soille thirty years ago. Wingfield was A. mazi of a particularly morbitt turn of mind and made quite a friend of Alarwood, who ,was at that tAme ilia official hangmAll. I le once , I Invited this Intel't'sting character to take dinner with h:ni at Powerscourt, his beautiful Dublin estate; And tie 'Wingfield was anxious that Ilia donlics- ties should not (Ii.1;cover who his guest was, tile conversation aid not turn, during ditiner, on crimbiMs or hang, 41g. His butler was all old and valued servant, .and wht.., lie was in the roolli Wingfield was earefu) to refer .only to general iopie.c, nuil avoid tile o4 Which lie anti Ilia guest had rueb to tile - cuss. But to the hoitl.s horror, the bRug- mar, k�pt looking at Ills watch, and once or twice, when tire butler Was Ili the room, lie would say: I , 9'Ab, they're giving it to thelin how. .0-9, yes; it's About time now it was over." �'Aiqgfteld was oil , pIlls And needles le t Ills guest sliould, Ili Ills excitement, disclom the n4liles Of tile poor victims. As soon as they were Alone, he said, 6IN'llo are tb�y? I didn't know there was any execution on to-ilpy., "Well. T should think itot-or I wouldn1b Ili- here.' "But they're eriminals nf solne kind - flogging, ell?" . . , t1rilogging! Criminalst Bless, you, no, air. T was looking at illy watol 'ere to tillan the Vresentation oi prizes at illy girls' School. To -day one taken a rust prize and the other a. second!" . __ . � 4 Need No - Longer , Fear the Knife� I 'Gravel Easily and Natural. 1 ly Cured by Dodd's Kidney P11ILS. Joseph PoIrine Who Suffered the Tor.' tures of this Ttrrible Complaint for Nine Months Telts.Hov; the Old Re. liable Kidney Remedy Cured -Him. ' Port Felix East, Guysboro county, X, S., -March 22.-(Specia1,)-Thftt you need no longer fear the knife if troubled with gravel or Other urinary 'iroubles Is tilt - glad news that Joseph Pelrine, a well. known young fishormati here, is toiling his frie�ds. � I "I suffered intense pain from gra.vel, and other urinary troubles for nine Mouths," .11r, Pelrine says, "But seven boxes of Dtidd's Kidney Pills cured, ran completely, I heartily recommend Dodd's Kid'ney Pills to Anyone who is Suffering from gravel or urinaty troubles." Dodd'S Kidney Pills ture grav-0 by during the kidrity.q. The urinary organs. are entively dependent on tho'kidmiys. If the kidneys ttre hot in good working order they cannot filter otit tile uric acid And it combines with other products of the body and causes gravel. Ifealthy Iddheys AiAsolve the stones and they pass off Ili the urine, Tivittla why Dodd's Xidney Pills alwayS cure gravel. I I I 0 0 0 — I THE FAIRY HOUNDS, . Superstition of the Night Ohasos of the "Dandy Dogs.' lit sbute -.feart Stoats ,appe,tr to ll,� Inol-o mimarous than in others, And they Ara seen 1106 lit ones A.wl twoit Unt In. dozens, bunting. together in sma,11 pleks, , . The late E. T. 13doilt. ot Bright-on,*wlitri. shop tolng in Nast Lothian in tha Autumn Of 1883, mot ft, POCk of V.Jt0ftt1 AvIliell at. tacked it forrier lie had Nvith hill, gild would not he drivert off until 'ho llad tilt dog bettitten them had killett More than a, dozen. Stoats will hant togethor from *cut alrd Ili full Cry like it pack of hounds, one always keeping the lillo and followed clo.icly by the othen. This tight bas been reeorded by differelit ol)"rvers, who llkvd alsoi Aeon womsels hunting Ill the 80,11no wikv. Therc. is it'llopulAr notion Ili th-i -%vest of England That hares are hizlit,sd at ig Ili lit , fairy houdd , locali by Ilaeks of littlis � y dill eA udaiwy doga.,, 16a tholke are. ssid to bl� wow*14, VA10, the w0itt country folICS Call "fairie"I'" prolloill1loing' Ills word "viliry" Anil "Vair'" 'Monle of theill fleclare that tboy have Aeon and watplittl thi, chase, with Awo.-Vroffi the, T'"T1114111 Daily Graphile. LLLLL L.I... 0 - - 11 r - 0drittine war. Tv.a miatinil,w latlividn2is vmre. hainniortzig I at ONO, otuor Ili the rl%q, 1114wrjbie!" flllt.untta a (clitite.:hadrun, I 1�,f"tIN01, , , "ifelViiiia, rwo"l-la.., snid di'a r6xul*r p.m. I WR "it Atli Witit to 1140 It P091 It.041) 9 usm, to tbtm When Vicy dIvIJ# tbv p4pst. ­!! MiA401PUt Lulaw% -0 i '� I— - ­ -- - —77,j�� 1 11 -,--*- — - ­ , - -­ ", :- ,___ ..�- ­ .­- � MONKEY' THIEF , ,---- (4'acolod !a r4ststfea Pocket Ile Mmvigod TgAvy Thefis, - � ­ J."Illawflig, a shablolly drof;�Acfl amn I � 1111ohe sisits I,.) vwrioa6 eatiblitAmmiti' merp aiwa:i,- associatpit with th(-ft, tho I'a 04 police hill e stilillbled Oil Ih(. 14%1! a 011111U4,N' JAL't Of 11 1110114 -Vv b0ing Vmplt).�'- vtl for shoplifting purposes, On Taesday aiieraoou tile vvw enter. Aid a Jarigo finlu-.11unt, and wal sooll in- (tilbling tile lirive (d diffevvni, trin1i;ets, A-3 the 8alf?61"all kvil-I tln,4%reelng his; qm­i. tiolls a ([�,le(r-looklllgr hoad sva� seell. it) peell otit rif it lim-ket of Ill'i ovoreoat, - ond muoll a J*vl. fa,lilwe(4 with tho ree'alt titat %over,ti rilig.i left that lmrtletliav stallit, entprisig Nto, the BeIN'llue I)Ocket ,vitil tile plikV, anti then tile Ilea(]. Pro,wuLly tile vkitor, after Cia,06ug the salos,111431 for lik information, nioved (ill to m counter where lace was laid out "I 11*111,11, jig array. The employee was 1.111, 11, ested it) show solue.of the Illost val- kill - " 'w"pIcs, toid once more tile head till(! paw eniergod froxia, the pocket. and ('ue of tile fillest pteee% Ilromptly'diiail. P(ared into that revess, 'The tleteetivei walked up to the ,visi. tor, Anil at onee ayr.:Sted JJJJn,- They also. captured the njoTikey, ter suelk it was' which lit) had trAlot.41 to grab Rt 000d4l w1lite lie was I'Velling like vondoiq ,m- gros�cd b a y his 9ticstious us to prleea aad quality. - - The ation, w'io li qn ilerobat'o 1-.erform- P11 fit ULIrs, poreitiving that the game was I111). submitted mildly, but Ills companion did net take his own nrrest so philosO. Ilill'ieally, and resisted fitreely, I'll(, 'nian was tal�en to the depot of 1Ilia preleature of Police, R1111 tilt- larcell- 1 otia inonkey to the pound. . N '% RECTED , SCALD I CAUSED MONTHS OF AGOR — I Spent Dollars in Vain but Zam-Buk � Cured Her. , �rolloNvIng we give the teatiolony of R lady who 4 Elie bat! kno,Wa pf Zain-lluk earlier )voultl hit.ve been saved nine week,%, agony: Mrs. Fredorfcic Bryant, of 169 Itallway 4kvo- nue, Shattqrd, Ont., say*: -111 ngliled illy foot while preparing supper. Nex4 day the skin eauio off and my feet lytis in a serloun condition, I could lwt wesa, my a-hoa find had to lay up for little weeks. During this tlluo I W!�eil dozein ot s�alves but none did tiny good, tit Met the wound. developed Into a rurnInK flare. I got lie rest (I.'my or night froal the pain. At this point a. supply of Zayh-nuk twits; obtained au,d, a tew P.plil,lcations IlRd JMM&d'IfVte 11fleCt In Jii9Ql;IlJng thii. p6la 04A IT-r1tatl0a. 4 vrnall supfily proved sut- fleleat to heal tile scald, although I baA spent d'alAws Ill other remedisa. Now ekln has now forin4ed nicely ever the o,pon sore, Zani-tlalc Is the m"l; wonderful and ,&t- feotiv,D remody I 10.Ve uzod, anxt I adviso okber,; to use IW, . Zaln-11111k -16 ectUallY offectIve Ili ouring. burns. Mr. Geo, 04atore, caretaker of the E. Memouts, Block, Whini,pog, testifies as 10110wo'--"I Suots,liled a owlo of bad burns While Attending to the Ifwge furnace which -heat$ the buildings. One burn on my wrist WVa Vartletiltirly bW snd gave me great pain. I 4ppliod wrile Um-Blik, And In forty-elfflit -hours all that romaltod of 11to burn was a slight * sear. Zikla-Buk s"in4ad to take the Pain a -way like inagic. It to a splondid balm to keep hantly, its healltig powers betag simply Marvellous," i.hero is, ii,othing to equal Za.ut-Bu 'k u a I fain -ill, balm. Its uses ax* so WtA. It has i been proved ,it sure cure for eczema, ring- Nvom, ulearg.' abse"oes, piles, .ba4 leg, sup - I ruratleg vmunds, cuts, brulies, ohapped bands, cold araeli:F, � and all eltin Injurlies "d illseae6s. Rulj;bed ivell Into We purt affeztLrd L It otsr,aa rheninatism, sciatica, neuralgia,, ete. All drugglats and stores sell at 50-- per box, or pmt free tram Zaui-Buk Co., Toronto, on receipt ,of price. 0 � 0 A TRAITOR'S PUNISHMENT. Lieut. Mimes Easy Life as a Prisoner on Devil's Island, The firsb mail, a Paris contemporary observes, lost the earthly paradise by.a fault, And mail to -day has found it by a crime. Rx -Lieut, �Ullmo, who was con. at and who is now on � Devil'$ Island, is the person referred to, and if our contemporary Is not mis. informed the assertion is not very wide of the inark; Tile ex-Lieuteriant has a ilice little cottage; Ilia costume is white flanikel, and he wents white hoots, He vises late 1 . arld 013euds A long time dressing. 11jil toilet table, We leaxn, is laden With sedrit bottles in is ., and in the roo i a trait Which, bears a strong resembla"no1r; to La Bello Lison. His study Is well Sup. Plied with books, theatrical and other reviews, such as 0110 Would find in a country gentleman's house, Books oil philosophy also find a place, the a.,. Lieutenant's favorite writers being Rant, Fithte and Sclielling. After breakfast, lillmo ,%valk-s about his little doluaiiij feeds his fowls and gives instructions to his Cook, Nearly every day a launch brings fresh moot from I'lle ROy`al0,, And to guard against Stormy weather and the fien-arrival of the launeli,tho Lieutenant has, ,we are Assured, it wellstocked larder with . eggs, butt0r, PTOSOrves and oharcutorle in Abundance. After breakfast he tg),as .a rest and then has a walk under the Oocofiliub trees, Then he $its under the shadOW Of the trees and Watches the beautiful sunset - And possibly thinks Of Dreyfus in this little solitude. At luuel� he (!an have plenty Of fresh milk And cheese, for he has A herd Of Scats, Af. to" dinner tile OX-LieuteliAnt and his guards play, cards, and before ratiring. 'tile chef—whO3 like � GOldlunithl'S cheat Of drawers, "Contrives a double debb to Vity"—trallAformed into a valet do thambre, asks tile prisoner for instruil. U0118 for the next day, The correspon. doub who furnishes this acgount WAR 61ar sod at What lit And go, we thilpit'i Will be his Teatearw&J— Pron, the London Globe. I I I *I+* -- He explaihs, "Why is it, Profos3or," Asked the yollng mail with tile b,J(1 # a, "thilt when 0bristopher Columbus discovered tills (vantry he, didn't settle down and stay hiner, "Dotibtlea,.s yoll arp. )%.Wlll*,., my Y�till,ng . , friend," Answered tile profemor , ,it tile I�Pahlall form, 'of Ills naillo *0#4 cris. toval Colon." "YO4, ,sit." � "W'ell 0, colon does not iliertil a 11111 stop. *0 will return tinw, youlig, gcn. tIcal0n, to tile 01151410141011 (if tho les. 4;orl." - — , 4 ,� *.. Suspicious 011reunittances. Tho grocer Wad IvItyranteil tile limpla �yrnp to be the Teal stuff, "it 40,An't tnete like any ll)aple sirup I ever botiglit," ssti(l' tile- cus. toiller, W110 had just sillilpled it', c 'gild f strovy �tlulrvet­­." "Sir", udid the fildignalit ,groder. i't strongly slispeet, ill crhto of vl-Air.1 ptlarailty, tll�'It it, nuble.- _- �-11_12­sj, Nv�igwaq--Sfy you lim,pil't Old Naha tol 1-ropenst' 6) her, 610 IttTilupIM—Plenty of myla, but to to;As, . ­­­ -1 ­ �­ I - � - � 1- -1 ­ ­�. _. "Look 00 For I That Little Cold" Tiv, Avini, ph-,%Nivian says I leilrt3 it bf-fory it grows hage ,and (Tall. gerovli4, To-flily is tho livae to ValrIT11011(lo treatinont, " Tile rom (,(iy, the belit One. Mileh doe. tors Say 8111,1lamles all others, is lllfer�hjne,ll Ito it on the . eliest aDd throat, toic it as a g[trii, I Ole filld then take 20 dropq In bot 11"'Iter—Cold Ivill dis'll)- pear. "14A SPI'1119 I 0110t A Weril cold." * 11,111104 (leorge V. smart, or QW40n. P. 0. "ZVEIrY cough ramped 1%,throgilt,ghlah peoilwo Perleetly raw. N en ost to dc-46MU411 I WAS advised to t;,y Not-YU140, I rubbed it Oil aud Itood It as a ifurale, ­ l4linedtilto relief tullowei, Vor breaking UT) coldil It's the gre4t rela . . edy of to -day. Use I'NerOfine" I it 'I I , Cures Colds Nervl)lne will galtrit-Ise 3,011. It's the i bekt bouseholif relnedy for couths-, colds f sure PheAt, croup. 9,04 Internal paing or' ei-vPY -kind. Lal-ge, botflRs have been sold , by all deitleis tar nearly fifty years tit "U', JJ'041 forget Vervillne lyben you go to tba druggists, =_=,__-__=­.= .__ ­ -;;;;; �__ ------- — RAT DRIVK; IN INDIA, I Result of a Sy4tematic Campiklan in A Bombay Town, � I 13OMbaY 40418 with Ila rats wt4ole. ile4i'tedly aud scientifically, The eLty '(,'n—l<ixlllatili-iii,a--tN,aa . divided Into . threo'cireles, which w.re agivin divided . into several bluclis, Tbe first circle wits in ehArge of U . le hf f HeSIth, R.M,Iated by four inspeotors iArld two. deputy health officers, in this circle the're were 203 J) 011ses, COMPriiiing 1,423 rooms, and tbeso ivere served widt 20846 baits anti 4215 traps, 11RIts were also placed Ili 77 gaillies. 'Vita second circle was the largeot, and . wa�; Placed in charge of Dr, SirAlt. cuiv. A�,Lj 1. It comprised tWenty-six blocks, Avitil sixty-nine holl,ses And 4,375 rooni.g. all('- 8,750 balts and 1,181 traps were brought, into requisition, besides baits to" WyletY-011911t Kullies. Tile third olrole, in charge of Dr. Shroff, was divided into nbleteen, blooks. It included 264 bonso, with 4.023 , MOMS, whioll, were served � Nvith, 81040 baits and 1,070 traps. Altogo. tbpr 19,642 poison balts and 2,670 train .wore laid. In. oiw dA.v 833 ra-W wave delivered up, , Anil as U10 poison does not always aet finmeffiately it is likely that a great Many More have since been, discovered. � After Idie recovery of rat% all the gullies , � Are flushed And cleaniod and file houses I I gild room$ washed -with pesterine and otherwige Oisbifeoted�Tinkes of ind1%, - *--* - ��__ - !7"Wr77,71"�Fv' o I . . 1 I . �171WF"W4 . I , =!;:!!�!'T.O�t!tt�!t�!t:�,�""–Nt!�,,�i'l�.0 � lip moqim W 11" 440� ­." , , ;�J 0; , , I 11 �� I , . �: : , . 11 � , 4 - — i � With Tbilir Twill, V% - k ig,. t I Landlattv Ilow are y*011 Sell. il�tllea ge g ItIong at the Ialtbor entl of the 1.121111i�r Gao of '1111m (gaawing alk ancient ti, l"411110 , Woi king liki, bearpir,,i, ,�l , ilia , 410L 9 - ---- ­­ � A Nasty Ono. l"thet--jilok Simply ravi-4. nver Ill'y figure And iny complexion. -1Taud---AiiX is lie still in, the asylitill? - - Boston Transcript. I __ Often the 04sa. "MY wife helleves that Wlmt 14 fit ba will Ite," I I "W1,111" . , . 111 40 "'llillid 010 4clit'vel; It, Al n1l illy fAtilt."�—LoUlsville CoqrIer-Jouruid. , — Her Voice. Mis4 GoodiQ10-1ty inusto teacher tP11i me I ought by all inealli to cultivati.. my voiee"' Mixi Turtuil -shet'i . , right, you otight to ellltivatr� it or quil, ttyirig to Sing w4til, . 0 )1, , . ....­­ !i Ono of tile Suppressions ef History, , Ilia l3riti-sh had captured the city t3i Waiihill!,rton and burned it, , "Tryltig to raiij tile tj.,lllpetgtl1yo a litt1c," titoy explalaed� "It"s 41wilys Sri bet1stly cold berp ,on in.,in,71l)-ation tlay.,, don't you know!" n .� . But tile perverhe Yanlava ri�fnjeij f,o take. tile hint And didn't elixoge tile ditto, __ Heard: in. the 13arber Shoii. "Our charges tire the lowest ill town . '11, ,., . obseiwed tile barber, "Cift; rates, ell?" said tile ellstornor, as lie looked at hii bleornted eMn in the gluss�-Judgc, � Recognizing the Symptom$. . � Vervy­u ill --_Pr­­Q r__Jlab.._J want --er --ilin. A— ", . � JeNveler—Gertaialy, Mr. S. . ginuet), bring I me that trill of cJl,,,Vn,ffPlnPzit rjJJg;t11_ ) , . I London. Opinion. I Thrift. . � � Cili,tolliel—Pleftse, mister, .1 can't re - I member what ma Kent me for, but, you OR', give 'Ile two eclnis' worth of pepper- I I mint candy, leaupo �11Q said I could keep . tile ellango."--Century. . _ I Breakfast Hours. � .. I I ' Mrs, Uillet—So the.re I -i it tablet Ili your transept to her nlemo*r, Did she (to alisrthinn to bring people into the chureK,,01 ' ' Urs. Perry—AV,c1l, I quess! She -%vote . it nevi, hat emery Sundd� for three yeall.R. I —IfarpWs Bazar. . I I curious. "104 C-11rious", said V-1lQIe Ellen, "44 . t rL lot o' folks will bardly notice the 9006hes of do country's brainibst moil, all' dat dey'll read- every word of what at' ex-01IRMP1011 of prize-fightin' has to s a . Y!"-Washinr,ton Star, His Spiritual Status, The Rev. Dr. Fourthly -Brother Hep- Perl.5 I have not seen you .it church for a lonore time. I . Parishioner-'.-Y-op dmtor; I'm it reli- giolls reactionary this - yo at. All Pervading. Visitor (in the country, sniffing)- I'sn't thern, a specimen ol tile-er-tap- Phitis Amoricana, samewhere ilk thl.q neighborhood ? His 110st-Isn't there? Whyj maf), tile W0044 fire full of himl I.. � . . - I Geor&7-Holy sinolke! just look at tIlAtaXFOU Time to Protest. . Before Ole -upsetters kissing tile, poodlel spelling old2f�My 88, I we. Who wouldn#1 Hizve put than to utter rout, . lead a dog's life Why doWt the silent letters ­ of.tho alphabet Speak out? USING TURGATIVES - . Setting the Frightful Example, INJUR5 1HE HEALTH Polleeman— n4vIlat's all this r-Tael�et . about? . * Man at Door—Thl-4 is a rileeting of In (6 Spring a Tonic is- Needed— the Allti-.KoLw, Society. They're having . a, little Wrangle over the eleotion of'Df- But Not Harsh, Drastic ficem, that's all, * . I medicines. . Helped Some. , , A spring m%litine is ar, Actual neces. A traveller stopped at a hotel it! SitY to most people. Nature demands it Greenland, wheril the nights are six . ws an aid in carrying off 'the impurig ex months long, and, as ho ren gisterod, ask- - that have accunintlated in the blood dar, ed a question of tile clerk. Ing the indoor life of winter months. "AVIlat time do yoll 11. aVo broakfast?" But unt,eitunately thousands of people "From half -past, Xtarch to A quarter who recognize the neceasity for a spring tii �Mnv-"­Ilarper's Weekly, Medicine do not know what is best to —_ take, and dose themselves wt'c,h harsh, The Test. griping plirgatives. This is a, Serious mistake. Ask any doctor and he will "She 11.18 w; Inany satellites wq a L�11 )'Oil that the Ilse of purgative medi. . chle weakens tile System but does out 1111111flotiq phirlpt.11 "All, blit )low minny ringi orm she cure disease. In tile spring the systeld, SbOul?"—Hansas City Xburnal. needs building up—purgative-A cannot do 'c4lis, � `oit still more. The Woes Of aL Diner. . blood should be made rich red and pure "!'in tired of nothing but boc-f or for -no purgative call do t1lis. JNrliat i.5 chickon. dirmer," needed Ill the spring is it tonic, and the "Well, I don't krOw what you're ffoing �01,lv best tonii., medical science has yet dis, to do about it. The okap, th.1 eovtreil is Dr. Williams' Pink Pillj,* really now .AnimAl, ia too t,eartx, to Im of Every dose of this ruedichic- actuitity tiny practleal food vtflue."—Ptlek. makes now, rich blood. This now ___— blood strengthens every oirgAn, tvory Knew How Hd F61t Himself. nerve, and every parI 0 Lbe bod;. This is why they cure headaches arid Mift—Oh, hear that parrot siv�xr! backaebes, rbouma�iisui and neuraigiij, And it host of other 'troubles that Ilnb-­Xb wonier, with m big !)III Mm, that Stuck ill front of hN rfte(k.-- .11%.'Mon collh! from poor, watery blood, That is -why ' 1'raltuseript. � men and women wito take Dr. Wiliaut;� pjJJJC- Pills eat -,Veil, Sleep' well, find fc6l . ­ — Unkind6sjout bright, Active and strong. If you need , "t 1111114n.3tiawl slli� recont1v unliervvellt a inedicint, this spring try this. great ik.-SVIlere 01leration." reviving t011ie, Anil aw tile new life, riew .-Yti, Iter lambattJ vat off her credit." liellith and new atrengtit it will put ittw, _N,, York Itorald. . �rou. .14old by All medicine donlerg or by — Mail At 60 6nta a bo -x* or six boxes ai Would Have a Plorisant Vine. - $2.50, from tilt Dr. W111iiiiAl Medicine cil,, Brookville, Ont. 1 I10Z,te4­--Sn glwi to see volt, doar, I 1 040 : Iloilo volk 1%111 nianago to enjON, yoursdf. . I � IrM.,* III11111-11. . I 1, .rhere, tire pleuty of latell horo,y;u know. I Prisellia-011"yes, t alreall see three y (Montreal Glzotte,) ! to ,ilhom I aill eMagIM. Ilov. S. P. Pwqv, of AT-Inhipeg ,15 now I .— , syllonym, added to the list of Atothodist elergvluelt N St,ribbler­1 he artistic tmulleraniont iA who dolly tile volliplete historleal A001. -,�Jlch a eoluniouplm,A% oxpros4olt. Givo ravy of tile Bible. This sort lit thing is Ine 11 '..V1111111.111 for it, becoming rather common to be len4a. ­ � J40V4JJ�JeV­_*JJ0\N. '%Ortl�j "JI'll'il ill)"' Jlo? flonal, bnt IS none,. tilt,. lowm ocoasion, for ­11hillklolillila Ilivor'l. thoughtfill. collsidoration. Thoto artl Ili. I -1 ­ . Voe"My. Ouded in the Bible bookq of hiqtorv. of poitktry, of Philosophy and of teltAing. , I 11 profes-�or, dti, �ou usi, thc Mullilifloil in its JJT�Jellt P114e I$ tile rp.k, it lilt of , .jJJ(LJIjJlg'_" . the rejection by learootl and thoughtful ; "tittly v,hoa I talk." men. of bnoks'that tit one timp. found ' ___ aec#ptanci, artion-v 6,44ti,ins and -Jewti r.1ftilly Vlippanoy. ' salilev#ftaluon itahouletiallit. L�-%,vuoll I Anil thoughtflif well luay flild other ' , g g(w)(I to cat lit yu1lfr_ou_..�kIlythjl, partS i.,a lit- lejeelii,d or vlewi6a a., I th Ot It",taluttlit artiond the tortl(,0" figurative ,,!Zpr%1,;s1onq rather than. it r-. I 01kdll­"1'l­-Nk'8. tlli'Y ItAk J;104 A vord of faP14. It would lit, Nvell, thutig1l, I elti,1411,h til-clat." that NN'llell a ilkilli4tisr teelq hilmolf imly. — oA to coudeum. anientl or jejeot, lie Op Is There Anv? Should bo bure that lie ii leavyied for tka N'Th" wnrld 'I. ill .1 f till of f4w.lq wol� and Ah-olda plovet'd to it oilly fttter I SO Mlll'ftllll!'4 it 11PSAiMiA lilVd. (Itle, thought ,.ilia with roveri'llu" Tit& .,t it, )j,, pal(l thtt f,xj1kIlJee�-t Tittkit mil. b.JJ)L_ J4 A foullitati'l'. filltl onl,y ftr�J%J dead 1) kailds S1101114 touch loulidations, I 1. - Or Ita'.4 he quit *olking S', hard? .1 ; . I 1: 0 . . .. . .1. 4W14140mol ____ . , I L . I 11 ,, - , I � ',-16 I- - . . : -----L . I dii i"'. , L I 7'. 1�� , i 611*mdwmwlllliillllllllllliiiiilllI -,A—', _QA,.;__ � - — - _- lwu"�_.:� 1_�:. ., "I. & ­"...]